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To other club owners and workers

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By *picyminx OP   Woman  over a year ago


How much would it annoy you if every person that reviewed your clubs section got an friends invite from another localish club and even messages saying 'Now come to a decent club'

We try our hardest to stay out of club wars but when you have this stuff continuously going on it gets rather frustrating. There's no need for it and obviously people tell us straight away which makes it even more frustrating.

Plenty of clubs in our area for everyone all with something different .

I always encourage people to try them all.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I wouldn't worry most people would see it for what it is

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By *ownhouseTwosomeCouple  over a year ago


What the F*ck?!!!!

That is just awful!!! I can't believe 1/ that would happen and 2/ that they thought you wouldn't find out!

I am in shock!

We tend to support each other up here. I was only speaking to one club on the phone earlier. So to hear that there are clubs out there who are so desperate as to use such underhand means to gain custom...well it's just bad on every level. They must be losing custom is all I can say and they see you as a threat.


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By *picyminx OP   Woman  over a year ago


"I wouldn't worry most people would see it for what it is "

Ive been finding it so hard to keep my mouth shut ..Its really getting to me at the moment . I hope people do realise.

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By *picyminx OP   Woman  over a year ago


"What the F*ck?!!!!

That is just awful!!! I can't believe 1/ that would happen and 2/ that they thought you wouldn't find out!

I am in shock!

We tend to support each other up here. I was only speaking to one club on the phone earlier. So to hear that there are clubs out there who are so desperate as to use such underhand means to gain custom...well it's just bad on every level. They must be losing custom is all I can say and they see you as a threat.


We've lost alot of trade through it over the last year and now we're doing really well and turning it round it's still happening. We do have some customers coming back refusing to go back there because of things being said but they're quite busy, just seems they want more and more.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Bet they weren't as busy as us with 2 packed nights and 15 reviews over the weekend, this rival club are now contacting all those reviewers x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

A few of our regular members have been targeted after leaving verifications or a review. Not by the club but its members. Its always best not to allow yourself to get drawn into it. Rise above it. We have learnt a lot over this last year and now we concentrate on what we do rather than worry about others.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

No need to guess what club. Shoddy behaviour.

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By *hole Lotta RosieWoman  over a year ago

Deviant City

I work part time in a club, but visit a lot of others and recommend other clubs.

Each club has something different to offer, to suit different needs. Just wish I could visit the ones in the North East and the south!

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By *picyminx OP   Woman  over a year ago


"A few of our regular members have been targeted after leaving verifications or a review. Not by the club but its members. Its always best not to allow yourself to get drawn into it. Rise above it. We have learnt a lot over this last year and now we concentrate on what we do rather than worry about others."

Yes yes .. I need to try and rise above it. That's a hard one!

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By *picyminx OP   Woman  over a year ago


"I work part time in a club, but visit a lot of others and recommend other clubs.

Each club has something different to offer, to suit different needs. Just wish I could visit the ones in the North East and the south! "

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By *picyminx OP   Woman  over a year ago


"Bet they weren't as busy as us with 2 packed nights and 15 reviews over the weekend, this rival club are now contacting all those reviewers x"

I'm going to suggest people report them . I've already had one person moaning.

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By *ownhouseTwosomeCouple  over a year ago


It's hard to rise above when you work so hard..it's your baby and some gobshite wants to mess with it! I'd be bloody fuming!

Big hugs to you and just keep on being successful, it's obviously pissing people off!! haha xxxxxxxxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I guess we are lucky in that no other clubs do what we do lol, however we have seen it happen, to be honest though most people will see through it, pretty poor show from the club and its members though.

As others said rise above it, the majority will see through and those that dont arent worth fighting for their custom

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By *picyminx OP   Woman  over a year ago


"It's hard to rise above when you work so hard..it's your baby and some gobshite wants to mess with it! I'd be bloody fuming!

Big hugs to you and just keep on being successful, it's obviously pissing people off!! haha xxxxxxxxx"

Yep .Sometimes feels like your banging your head against a brick wall.

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By *picyminx OP   Woman  over a year ago


"I guess we are lucky in that no other clubs do what we do lol, however we have seen it happen, to be honest though most people will see through it, pretty poor show from the club and its members though.

As others said rise above it, the majority will see through and those that dont arent worth fighting for their custom "


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think we are lucky in the North West to have some cracking clubs that between them cater for everyone's needs. Swinging is supposed to be fun. Club wars are a bit sad and would really put me off going. Happy swingers makes for a happy scene which is good business sense.

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By *andS4funCouple  over a year ago


Shame that sorry to hear that. I guess we're lucky in Lancashire/Northwest England (Merseyside/GM etc) We're well blessed with clubs and good clubs too. A good mix and something for everyone. We can vouch that club owners and staff up here do actively recommend other clubs and most seem to get in great and know each other/talk/visit etc. We know because we friends with some.

If a club behaved like the op's experience we wouldn't be their customers.

OP really hope you can work through this be positive and don't let the buggers get you down

keep smiling

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

If I wrote a club review then was approached by other clubs, their owners or members saying 'now come try a decent club' that would put me off ever visiting that venue or meeting those people. I would take it as a personal insult that they presume I'm too stupid to have a mind of my own and that they are just childish

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By *andS4funCouple  over a year ago


Ps we really do need to get to Townhouse x

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By *ownhouseTwosomeCouple  over a year ago


"Ps we really do need to get to Townhouse x"

haha...you would be most welcome xx

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By *lttattoocoupleCouple  over a year ago


Whilst I disagree about the comments of now come to a real club. That is just plain rude, if I worked a club I may message people who obviously go to clubs to promote what that club offered but never in a slanderous way. Aggressive marketing at its worst

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By *ortheastcoupleukCouple  over a year ago

easington were the sun dont shine

clubs are like shops always there for your choice which to go to, we had the same up here nowt to do with owners but always when sumit gans off they wait a week or to to start a post off to start things off ,and always about the reviewers or sumit , rise above deep down shows how sad they are

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By *irty filthy milfWoman  over a year ago

somewhere only i know!

I can second that but can I also add that if a club suggested to me that I try a better club they'd be told exactly where to go in no uncertain terms!! As a single female on here if they need to tout for me to go then if just assume it's a shit hole and not worth a visit

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Much of this refers to the newbie night we run our reviewers in the past have been targeted by the other club and said now try a decent club or words to that effect, we run the newbie night with additional hosts and staff and make maximum effort to encourage people to experience a club, strangely they call every Friday newbie night lol now

I'm not sure why they are doing it as at the moment they have been refused planning permission perhaps they want to go out with a big bang!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I wonder if the club in question has the minerals to comment?

Be nice to hear their opinion as to why they stooped so low.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I wonder if the club in question has the minerals to comment?

Be nice to hear their opinion as to why they stooped so low. "

I doubt that they will as underhand tactics are the order of the day with that club, I guarantee they have seen this post as we have had a heated text conversation with a host at that club

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

You do get loads of negative rivalry bs and then some just downright weird bs like Xtasia is getting on its facebook page apparently the club goes there like to play with poo and blood

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Don't give them ideas!

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By *picyminx OP   Woman  over a year ago


"Much of this refers to the newbie night we run our reviewers in the past have been targeted by the other club and said now try a decent club or words to that effect, we run the newbie night with additional hosts and staff and make maximum effort to encourage people to experience a club, strangely they call every Friday newbie night lol now

I'm not sure why they are doing it as at the moment they have been refused planning permission perhaps they want to go out with a big bang! "

No I'm not referring to just Newbie night. I'm talking about any reviewers that review .3 couples came in within 2 weeks and said about it and today more are contacting us to say it. That's why I got so annoyed.

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By *picyminx OP   Woman  over a year ago


"Shame that sorry to hear that. I guess we're lucky in Lancashire/Northwest England (Merseyside/GM etc) We're well blessed with clubs and good clubs too. A good mix and something for everyone. We can vouch that club owners and staff up here do actively recommend other clubs and most seem to get in great and know each other/talk/visit etc. We know because we friends with some.

If a club behaved like the op's experience we wouldn't be their customers.

OP really hope you can work through this be positive and don't let the buggers get you down

keep smiling "

Yes will do. I used to like it there but now I don't want to even step through the door anymore. Keep smiling keep positive.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If I wrote a club review then was approached by other clubs, their owners or members saying 'now come try a decent club' that would put me off ever visiting that venue or meeting those people. I would take it as a personal insult that they presume I'm too stupid to have a mind of my own and that they are just childish "


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By *ownhouseTwosomeCouple  over a year ago


I have just been messaged by the other club and accused of slagging them off. Now I didn't even know who the other club was to be honest and to slag someone off, you must name them....and as far as I can see, I didn't.

Would any of the members who were approached to 'try the better club', care to step forward and put their heads above the parapit to back this argument? xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I have just been messaged by the other club and accused of slagging them off. Now I didn't even know who the other club was to be honest and to slag someone off, you must name them....and as far as I can see, I didn't.

Would any of the members who were approached to 'try the better club', care to step forward and put their heads above the parapit to back this argument? xx"

What are they playing at?

PR disaster or what.

Stay classy.

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By *ownhouseTwosomeCouple  over a year ago


"I have just been messaged by the other club and accused of slagging them off. Now I didn't even know who the other club was to be honest and to slag someone off, you must name them....and as far as I can see, I didn't.

Would any of the members who were approached to 'try the better club', care to step forward and put their heads above the parapit to back this argument? xx

What are they playing at?

PR disaster or what.

Stay classy. "

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

Ok this is airing dirty washing now. If you have mails that you think break rules report them for Admin to check out

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