
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Ireland > Pics with kids in them

Pics with kids in them

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

We don't know how else or where else to approach this for advice, but there have been a few different single men on this who have sent us explicit photos along with ones of them holding there kids etc in normal uncompromising positions let's say

Is this normal on a sex site or are we over reacting when we see one of these and think what fucking possessed you to pick that pick of you and your child out of every pic you could have, or better yet, you could take a new one with just you in it?

Is this us being pedantic and over reacting or is it right to tell them to delete it to fuck of the site and for them to fuck off away from about us? General thoughts on the topic

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By *oserMan  over a year ago

where the wild roses grow

Delete it ta fook

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By *oft_sexy_sweetWoman  over a year ago


I would be extremely skeeved by a guy sending a pic with kids in it on this site. I realise there's no real logic to that, it just feels very icky. Tbh I feel the same about people with pics with kids on dating app profiles too.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

report it

im.surprised they got through the photo moderators. under18s is against site rules im sure

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

By normal uncompromising positions I'm taking it as just like normal day to day photos?

It's absolutely not appropriate but I would say pointing this out to them rather than going off on one would be the best step

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

The child's face was blanked out and it is reported and we screen shot every message and there face, it was the reaction we got when we said what the fuck, did you think that through, a dick pic, followed with a pic of them holding a kid, on a sex site, it's a sensitive topic to many rightfully and we are trying to approach it with sensitivity, but we just needed to make sure we weren't just over reacting, hopefully admin look over the chat log, he defended it by saying it's only a pic of him holding his kid looking well, said he deleted it, but we can still see it even now

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

That's what we did, they blocked us and didn't delete the pic?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Complete no no...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"report it

im.surprised they got through the photo moderators. under18s is against site rules im sure"

Pics can be loaded directly as attachments to private messages, they don't appear to be checked in any way

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"report it

im.surprised they got through the photo moderators. under18s is against site rules im sure"

exactly this. No children are allowed to be in pics for this site..

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

To clarify yes they were just holding there kid in a normal way, sorry for the original wording

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By *og-ManMan  over a year ago


If it made you feel uncomfortable then your gut instinct was right

Report him,block him and keep the evidence

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"If it made you feel uncomfortable then your gut instinct was right

Report him,block him and keep the evidence "

Usually the gut serves well on this and thankfully we werent just being insane, think the general consensus is with us, was just his matter of fact reaction made us ask on the forum, we screenshot anything like that just in case

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 28/03/21 23:37:37]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"To clarify yes they were just holding there kid in a normal way, sorry for the original wording "

No it made sense I'm just a bit slow today so wanted to clarify....

I've been in chat groups in here where people I bearly knew posted pics if their kids innocently but it just feels wrong. Hopefully he listens to commonsense

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If it made you feel uncomfortable then your gut instinct was right

Report him,block him and keep the evidence "

Gotta disagree with keeping the evidence.. I wouldn't be storing pics of someone else's kids off here

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By *nquisitive ladyWoman  over a year ago


Its just highly inappropriate to send a pic with their child in it. I know if it was me I'd say it to them. It is as already said a bit icky..

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If it made you feel uncomfortable then your gut instinct was right

Report him,block him and keep the evidence

Gotta disagree with keeping the evidence.. I wouldn't be storing pics of someone else's kids off here "

Got to agree with you there

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"If it made you feel uncomfortable then your gut instinct was right

Report him,block him and keep the evidence

Gotta disagree with keeping the evidence.. I wouldn't be storing pics of someone else's kids off here "

Evidence screenshot was his face pics without the kid, and the convo but your thinking exactly the way we thought

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If it made you feel uncomfortable then your gut instinct was right

Report him,block him and keep the evidence

Gotta disagree with keeping the evidence.. I wouldn't be storing pics of someone else's kids off here

Sorry keep the evidence of breaking the chain and blocking

To me a picture of a child on here is a signal showing paedo tendencies and possibly availability "

I think in some cases it's either rank stupidity or an attempt to show how "normal" they are - the latter having the exact opposite effect on a site like this of course

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Wow that's insane! What would possess anyone to include a pic of any child(his or not) as a good idea to send to someone into a site of this nature. Don't get me wrong not in not suggesting the anything wrong with anyone from this site... not at all but to post a pic of a minor seems ludicrous. Imo anyone that does that must have their moral compass all fkd up . There's just things you don't do and that in my book is a 100% no no . If agree with reporting definitely delete and try to pretend it just didn't happen..... unfortunately

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

He had messaged a few weeks back with 2 other face pics, those are the ones we have, sorry we know everything ends up being drip fed on these forums so sorry for the confusion on that to

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm against all under 18 pictures being posted on any social media website especially a swingers website.

Parents posting pics on Facebook etc, off the children's birthday celebrations etc...why why why post your children online? Drives me insane anything can be copied and pasted in seconds.

Kind of surprised that two grown adults are even asking this question, surely you know what's appropriate????

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I'm against all under 18 pictures being posted on any social media website especially a swingers website.

Parents posting pics on Facebook etc, off the children's birthday celebrations etc...why why why post your children online? Drives me insane anything can be copied and pasted in seconds.

Kind of surprised that two grown adults are even asking this question, surely you know what's appropriate????"

We do but when someone questions it, it's makes us think hold on is this one of them putting the feelers out, so we put that to you, is that what your at? because we can point fingers all you like too mate, we asked a question for clarity because the muppet acted like it was normal AND HE WASN'T THE FIRST!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

No is the answer to you question, I think you know that now lol

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By *og-ManMan  over a year ago


You're right to question it even though you knew the answer first before you asked ...better to be safe than sorry

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"You're right to question it even though you knew the answer first before you asked ...better to be safe than sorry "

Thank you and thank you anyone who has or does comment, we get that we aren't crazy and that's literally all we were making sure off and to see how to handle it as again it's a sensitive topic so if anyone thinks anything otherwise its not the intention of the post at all, we just wanted a consensus and steer to what to do when/if it happens again in future

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It isn't Facebook, but a site for adult swingers. I don't know what made them pick a photo with kids but it's certainly not suitable for a site like this.

Wouldn't reply to them

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It should never happen. You're right to bring it up and no you shouldn't feel wrong in any way.

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By *icecouple561Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

Report the profile and let admin deal with it

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