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Italy threatens to pull EU funding

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By *entaur_UK OP   Man  over a year ago


Italy has now threatened to pull EU funding and says it may stop payment of its annual 20 billion Euro EU membership fee unless the EU steps in and takes migrants to distribute them across other EU member states. More migrants arrived in Italy this week from Libya and Eritrea and docked aboard a ship in a Sicillian port but were refused permission to disembark by the interior minister Matteo Salvini of the League party. Italian deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio of the 5 star movement, said in a video posted on Facebook on Thursday that if other EU countries didn't agree to take in more migrants from Italy after a European Commission meeting on Friday then Italy would stop making payments to the EU.

After the EU meeting today EU officials said the EU would not respond to Italy's threats over migrants. So now the EU and Italy are on a collision course, and if the 5 star and League coalition ruling Italy stay true to their word the EU is looking at losing the Italian Membership fee of around 20 billion Euros each year.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Italy has now threatened to pull EU funding and says it may stop payment of its annual 20 billion Euro EU membership fee unless the EU steps in and takes migrants to distribute them across other EU member states. More migrants arrived in Italy this week from Libya and Eritrea and docked aboard a ship in a Sicillian port but were refused permission to disembark by the interior minister Matteo Salvini of the League party. Italian deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio of the 5 star movement, said in a video posted on Facebook on Thursday that if other EU countries didn't agree to take in more migrants from Italy after a European Commission meeting on Friday then Italy would stop making payments to the EU.

After the EU meeting today EU officials said the EU would not respond to Italy's threats over migrants. So now the EU and Italy are on a collision course, and if the 5 star and League coalition ruling Italy stay true to their word the EU is looking at losing the Italian Membership fee of around 20 billion Euros each year.



Maybe they should go the whole way and have there own brexit ???

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Problem with that is, if they do as they said they'll be taken to international and European courts, and investment will take a freeze as people tend not to invest in countries which avoid honouring financial and political commitments

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By *oncupiscentTonyMan  over a year ago


Far right politicians making bullshit pronouncements via Facebook, fucking shambles.


"An investigation was launched by prosecutors in Sicily against unnamed individuals into the refusal to allow the Ubaldo Diciotti to dock – an order Salvini, the country’s interior minister, will be responsible for."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Yeah Italy is in a desperate state right now, some awful behaviour going on.

There’s no way they will stop their payment or try to leave. One look in our direction will put them off no matter how racist the government is.

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By *entaur_UK OP   Man  over a year ago


"Italy has now threatened to pull EU funding and says it may stop payment of its annual 20 billion Euro EU membership fee unless the EU steps in and takes migrants to distribute them across other EU member states. More migrants arrived in Italy this week from Libya and Eritrea and docked aboard a ship in a Sicillian port but were refused permission to disembark by the interior minister Matteo Salvini of the League party. Italian deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio of the 5 star movement, said in a video posted on Facebook on Thursday that if other EU countries didn't agree to take in more migrants from Italy after a European Commission meeting on Friday then Italy would stop making payments to the EU.

After the EU meeting today EU officials said the EU would not respond to Italy's threats over migrants. So now the EU and Italy are on a collision course, and if the 5 star and League coalition ruling Italy stay true to their word the EU is looking at losing the Italian Membership fee of around 20 billion Euros each year.


Maybe they should go the whole way and have there own brexit ???"

Maybe they will, that is if the EU doesn't totally collapse first.

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By *entaur_UK OP   Man  over a year ago


"Problem with that is, if they do as they said they'll be taken to international and European courts, and investment will take a freeze as people tend not to invest in countries which avoid honouring financial and political commitments"

'EU Italian Investment will take a freeze', haha, like it hasn't already! Italy has already suffered under EU austerity, so much so that critical maintenance on Italian roads were neglected to the point where a motorway bridge collapsed onto houses and businesses the other week killing 43 (known) but the death toll could still rise further as the rubble is cleared away.

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By *entaur_UK OP   Man  over a year ago


"Far right politicians making bullshit pronouncements via Facebook, fucking shambles.


"An investigation was launched by prosecutors in Sicily against unnamed individuals into the refusal to allow the Ubaldo Diciotti to dock – an order Salvini, the country’s interior minister, will be responsible for."


Italian Interior minister Salvini has already responded to this, do try to keep up. Salvini said, I am not an unknown or unnamed person, my name is Matteo Salvini and I am the interior minister, it's my job to protect Italy's borders and I see the mass influx of migrants to Italy as a security risk.

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By *entaur_UK OP   Man  over a year ago


"Yeah Italy is in a desperate state right now, some awful behaviour going on.

There’s no way they will stop their payment or try to leave. One look in our direction will put them off no matter how racist the government is.


Wouldn't be so sure about that if I were you. Your attitude is the epitome of the arrogance displayed by the ruling Elite who run Brussels. The 5 star and the League were elected in Italy on the basis they would keep their promises to the electorate and hold true to their word, as they ran on a campaign they were different to the other parties who had broken their promises in the past. The 2 parties in coalition in Italy are extremely Eurosceptic and anti EU to begin with anyway, this latest move by the EU will only fan the flames.

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By *oncupiscentTonyMan  over a year ago


"Far right politicians making bullshit pronouncements via Facebook, fucking shambles.


"An investigation was launched by prosecutors in Sicily against unnamed individuals into the refusal to allow the Ubaldo Diciotti to dock – an order Salvini, the country’s interior minister, will be responsible for."

Italian Interior minister Salvini has already responded to this, do try to keep up. Salvini said, I am not an unknown or unnamed person, my name is Matteo Salvini and I am the interior minister, it's my job to protect Italy's borders and I see the mass influx of migrants to Italy as a security risk. "

Have you ever visited Sicily?

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By *bandjam91Couple  over a year ago


"Problem with that is, if they do as they said they'll be taken to international and European courts, and investment will take a freeze as people tend not to invest in countries which avoid honouring financial and political commitments

'EU Italian Investment will take a freeze', haha, like it hasn't already! Italy has already suffered under EU austerity, so much so that critical maintenance on Italian roads were neglected to the point where a motorway bridge collapsed onto houses and businesses the other week killing 43 (known) but the death toll could still rise further as the rubble is cleared away. "

The EU? The same EU that signed off over 2.5 billion for infrastructure investment in Italy while the governing Five Star Coalition actively campaigned against improvements to the Genoa bridge and said that the idea of it collapsing was a "fairy story".

Just for once maybe stop reading bullshit media and think critically?

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By *entaur_UK OP   Man  over a year ago


"Problem with that is, if they do as they said they'll be taken to international and European courts, and investment will take a freeze as people tend not to invest in countries which avoid honouring financial and political commitments

'EU Italian Investment will take a freeze', haha, like it hasn't already! Italy has already suffered under EU austerity, so much so that critical maintenance on Italian roads were neglected to the point where a motorway bridge collapsed onto houses and businesses the other week killing 43 (known) but the death toll could still rise further as the rubble is cleared away.

The EU? The same EU that signed off over 2.5 billion for infrastructure investment in Italy while the governing Five Star Coalition actively campaigned against improvements to the Genoa bridge and said that the idea of it collapsing was a "fairy story".

Just for once maybe stop reading bullshit media and think critically? "

You are living in cloud cookoo land. Italian banks are in massive amounts of debt and have faced austerity from the EU as a result, Greece has also had to endure EU imposed austerity. The last EU budget announcement from Jean Claude Juncker in May showed a total EU budget increase in member states payments of €1.3 trillion euros, to plug the expected £12 billion annual black hole created by Brexit. At the same time Juncker announced that member states would also face funding cuts. EU sources told Italian news agency ANSA that Italy faces losing €2.7 billion Euros as the EU makes cuts. Brussels is expecting Italy to pay more while receiving less in return at the same time.

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By *asyukMan  over a year ago

West London

Article 75 of the Italian constitution forbids referendums dealing with international treaties.

That means that the country's constitution would need to be changed before a referendum could be held on EU and euro membership.

A two-thirds majority in the lower house of Italy's parliament is needed to change the constitution.

Neither side of the coalition want to leave the EU.

It is allows the League to sound strong, the same thing that the UK has done for years. Blame someone else.

The policy of 5 Star is to remain in the EU.

However, what is true is that the redistribution of migrants is not happening mainly because, ironically, the Eastern European states with the most emigres doesn't want to take any.

I don't know what EU budget there is for processing immigrants.

I have no problem with Italy withholding payments if they are not receiving adequate support. Discussing the existing policy and process would be better though.

Italy has been in receipt of a lot of EU money but much of it has been creamed off in corruption and organised crime which is Italy's own fault.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Italy has now threatened to pull EU funding and says it may stop payment of its annual 20 billion Euro EU membership fee unless the EU steps in and takes migrants to distribute them across other EU member states. More migrants arrived in Italy this week from Libya and Eritrea and docked aboard a ship in a Sicillian port but were refused permission to disembark by the interior minister Matteo Salvini of the League party. Italian deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio of the 5 star movement, said in a video posted on Facebook on Thursday that if other EU countries didn't agree to take in more migrants from Italy after a European Commission meeting on Friday then Italy would stop making payments to the EU.

After the EU meeting today EU officials said the EU would not respond to Italy's threats over migrants. So now the EU and Italy are on a collision course, and if the 5 star and League coalition ruling Italy stay true to their word the EU is looking at losing the Italian Membership fee of around 20 billion Euros each year.


Maybe they should go the whole way and have there own brexit ???

Maybe they will, that is if the EU doesn't totally collapse first. "

It makes so much sense , leave the EU put up borders , oops only one problem the emigrants keep coming and Italy is on its own to deal with it ,

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By *entaur_UK OP   Man  over a year ago


"Article 75 of the Italian constitution forbids referendums dealing with international treaties.

That means that the country's constitution would need to be changed before a referendum could be held on EU and euro membership.

A two-thirds majority in the lower house of Italy's parliament is needed to change the constitution.

Neither side of the coalition want to leave the EU.

It is allows the League to sound strong, the same thing that the UK has done for years. Blame someone else.

The policy of 5 Star is to remain in the EU.

However, what is true is that the redistribution of migrants is not happening mainly because, ironically, the Eastern European states with the most emigres doesn't want to take any.

I don't know what EU budget there is for processing immigrants.

I have no problem with Italy withholding payments if they are not receiving adequate support. Discussing the existing policy and process would be better though.

Italy has been in receipt of a lot of EU money but much of it has been creamed off in corruption and organised crime which is Italy's own fault."

Italy had a referendum on changing the constitution

in 2016 which would have changed the powers and composition of the Italian Parliament. The ex Europhile Prime minister Matteo Renzi lost the referendum and then subsequently resigned the day after. The 5 star movement and the League campaigned on the opposite side against Matteo Renzi, so it's entirely possible another referendum on the constitution could be held called by 5 star and the League to this time change the constitution so they can hold a referendum on Membership of the EU or the Euro. Given 5 star and the League won the last election and are now in coalition it's entirely possible they would win a referendum on this.

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By *oi_LucyCouple  over a year ago


"Problem with that is, if they do as they said they'll be taken to international and European courts, and investment will take a freeze as people tend not to invest in countries which avoid honouring financial and political commitments

'EU Italian Investment will take a freeze', haha, like it hasn't already! Italy has already suffered under EU austerity, so much so that critical maintenance on Italian roads were neglected to the point where a motorway bridge collapsed onto houses and businesses the other week killing 43 (known) but the death toll could still rise further as the rubble is cleared away. "

Jesus fucking christ Centy. Is there *anything* you won’t try to blame the EU for?


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By *ara JTV/TS  over a year ago

Bristol East

There are some Scottish nationalists for whom independence is not enough. They want to see the British state destroyed in the process. It is bitter, bitter stuff.

This post reminds there are British nationalists for whom UK independence is not enough - they want to see the EU destroyed in the process.

Those who would gladly return to a time when the countries of Europe competed instead of co-operated with each other, when the rights of citizens were whims to be extinguished by populists hell-bent on racial and ethnic purity.

Unable to figure out how to work in harmony with Johnny Foreigner, their only way to gain control is to seek to smash up the bonds between them.

Classic British "divide and rule" mindset. Little England at its most vulgar. Perfidious Albion.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It's just following the extreme right philosophy! Name 1 far right country the has succeeded politically, economically in the modern day?

Italy may bang the drum, but as stated it's too ingrained in the EU to break out - it would collapse within a very short time.

As for the lunatics on here who want the EU to fail well it just shows how THICK they are! Contagion is a word that would spring into action. If you thought the banking crisis in 2007/8 was bad then it would probably make the depression of the 1930's look like a picnic. Global trust will plummet and the UK as strong and capable as it is - we are a country deep in debt. Had we been like Germany or Norway with current account surpluses we would have been in a better position but we are not! In simple terms we are dependent as a nation on foreign investment - the very people we don't want in our country - in a global crash guess what stops?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Problem with that is, if they do as they said they'll be taken to international and European courts, and investment will take a freeze as people tend not to invest in countries which avoid honouring financial and political commitments

'EU Italian Investment will take a freeze', haha, like it hasn't already! Italy has already suffered under EU austerity, so much so that critical maintenance on Italian roads were neglected to the point where a motorway bridge collapsed onto houses and businesses the other week killing 43 (known) but the death toll could still rise further as the rubble is cleared away.

Jesus fucking christ Centy. Is there *anything* you won’t try to blame the EU for?


In one of the other threads he said he voted UKIP. That says it all. No further discussion required on pretty much any topic.

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


So Italy is so anti-EU, it is begging the EU to solve their problems?

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By *ara JTV/TS  over a year ago

Bristol East

Is the UK, through its membership of the EU, offering to assist a fellow member state disproportionately affected by a migration crisis?

Or will the UK do what it did before and send gunboats instead?

The UK, and Cameron's military folly, is responsible for the porosity of the Libya border.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Problem with that is, if they do as they said they'll be taken to international and European courts, and investment will take a freeze as people tend not to invest in countries which avoid honouring financial and political commitments

'EU Italian Investment will take a freeze', haha, like it hasn't already! Italy has already suffered under EU austerity, so much so that critical maintenance on Italian roads were neglected to the point where a motorway bridge collapsed onto houses and businesses the other week killing 43 (known) but the death toll could still rise further as the rubble is cleared away. "

Jesus, learn to quote correctly. There's a difference between a nations policies deterring investors, and austerity policies (which most people disagree with) negatively impacting a countries infrastructure.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Problem with that is, if they do as they said they'll be taken to international and European courts, and investment will take a freeze as people tend not to invest in countries which avoid honouring financial and political commitments

'EU Italian Investment will take a freeze', haha, like it hasn't already! Italy has already suffered under EU austerity, so much so that critical maintenance on Italian roads were neglected to the point where a motorway bridge collapsed onto houses and businesses the other week killing 43 (known) but the death toll could still rise further as the rubble is cleared away.

The EU? The same EU that signed off over 2.5 billion for infrastructure investment in Italy while the governing Five Star Coalition actively campaigned against improvements to the Genoa bridge and said that the idea of it collapsing was a "fairy story".

Just for once maybe stop reading bullshit media and think critically?

You are living in cloud cookoo land. Italian banks are in massive amounts of debt and have faced austerity from the EU as a result, Greece has also had to endure EU imposed austerity. The last EU budget announcement from Jean Claude Juncker in May showed a total EU budget increase in member states payments of €1.3 trillion euros, to plug the expected £12 billion annual black hole created by Brexit. At the same time Juncker announced that member states would also face funding cuts. EU sources told Italian news agency ANSA that Italy faces losing €2.7 billion Euros as the EU makes cuts. Brussels is expecting Italy to pay more while receiving less in return at the same time. "

You didn't actually address or debunk the prior point did you

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Yeah Italy is in a desperate state right now, some awful behaviour going on.

There’s no way they will stop their payment or try to leave. One look in our direction will put them off no matter how racist the government is.

Wouldn't be so sure about that if I were you. Your attitude is the epitome of the arrogance displayed by the ruling Elite who run Brussels. The 5 star and the League were elected in Italy on the basis they would keep their promises to the electorate and hold true to their word, as they ran on a campaign they were different to the other parties who had broken their promises in the past. The 2 parties in coalition in Italy are extremely Eurosceptic and anti EU to begin with anyway, this latest move by the EU will only fan the flames. "

I'm sure it will.

That said these two parties may very well find themselves in a situation where they make promises they cannot keep, and thus become the same as their predecessors.

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By *asyukMan  over a year ago

West London

"Article 75 of the Italian constitution forbids referendums dealing with international treaties.

That means that the country's constitution would need to be changed before a referendum could be held on EU and euro membership.

A two-thirds majority in the lower house of Italy's parliament is needed to change the constitution.

Neither side of the coalition want to leave the EU.

It is allows the League to sound strong, the same thing that the UK has done for years. Blame someone else.

The policy of 5 Star is to remain in the EU.

However, what is true is that the redistribution of migrants is not happening mainly because, ironically, the Eastern European states with the most emigres doesn't want to take any.

I don't know what EU budget there is for processing immigrants.

I have no problem with Italy withholding payments if they are not receiving adequate support. Discussing the existing policy and process would be better though.

Italy has been in receipt of a lot of EU money but much of it has been creamed off in corruption and organised crime which is Italy's own fault.

Italy had a referendum on changing the constitution

in 2016 which would have changed the powers and composition of the Italian Parliament. The ex Europhile Prime minister Matteo Renzi lost the referendum and then subsequently resigned the day after. The 5 star movement and the League campaigned on the opposite side against Matteo Renzi, so it's entirely possible another referendum on the constitution could be held called by 5 star and the League to this time change the constitution so they can hold a referendum on Membership of the EU or the Euro. Given 5 star and the League won the last election and are now in coalition it's entirely possible they would win a referendum on this. "

Which of these is not true?

The Italian government position on immigration is to ask, actually demand, more EU aid and cooperation.

The 5 Star party policy is to remain in the EU and the Euro.

The League has no stated policy on either (they will do whatever keeps them in power)

The previous Constitutional Referendum being lost had nothing to do with the EU so there is no link to be drawn between the two.

Here's a question. If there is such a strong desire to leave the EU why hasn't a referendum been called already? It requires "only" 500,000 signatures.

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By *mmabluTV/TS  over a year ago

upton wirral

Have said many times,the EU will collapse,it cannot work in the long term.If people cannot see this they cannot see beyond there nose

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By *asyukMan  over a year ago

West London

"Have said many times,the EU will collapse,it cannot work in the long term.If people cannot see this they cannot see beyond there nose"

40 years of luck then?

The goal of civilization is to compete and get the most for yourself then? Not cooperate and get the most for everyone?

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By *eefyBangerMan  over a year ago


"no matter how racist the government is "

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By *ara JTV/TS  over a year ago

Bristol East

"Have said many times,the EU will collapse,it cannot work in the long term.If people cannot see this they cannot see beyond there nose"

I'd suggest it is more likely to succeed without the UK acting as a constant parrot on the shoulder

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By *entaur_UK OP   Man  over a year ago


"Have said many times,the EU will collapse,it cannot work in the long term.If people cannot see this they cannot see beyond there nose"

The writing is already on the wall, the Eurozone debt crisis has not gone away and neither has the migrant crisis. One of the largest EU contributors, (the UK) is leaving. The Eurozone is a doomed currency and it is unsustainable, financial experts like former governor of the bank of England Mervyn King have said it is doomed to failure.

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By *entaur_UK OP   Man  over a year ago


"Have said many times,the EU will collapse,it cannot work in the long term.If people cannot see this they cannot see beyond there nose

I'd suggest it is more likely to succeed without the UK acting as a constant parrot on the shoulder"

Italy is fast becoming the new thorn in the EU's side. Plus the Eastern block countries like Poland and Hungary are forming an alliance against Brussels.

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By *ara JTV/TS  over a year ago

Bristol East

"Have said many times,the EU will collapse,it cannot work in the long term.If people cannot see this they cannot see beyond there nose

I'd suggest it is more likely to succeed without the UK acting as a constant parrot on the shoulder

Italy is fast becoming the new thorn in the EU's side. Plus the Eastern block countries like Poland and Hungary are forming an alliance against Brussels. "

The lurch to the right in these countries, and their rejection of democratic norms, ought to be a cause for concern, not celebration.

Poland is being threatened with suspension unless it restores the independence of the judiciary, for example.

Ring any bells?

In a country that just made it a criminal offence to accuse the government of complicity in the holocaust.

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Have said many times,the EU will collapse,it cannot work in the long term.If people cannot see this they cannot see beyond there nose

I'd suggest it is more likely to succeed without the UK acting as a constant parrot on the shoulder

Italy is fast becoming the new thorn in the EU's side. Plus the Eastern block countries like Poland and Hungary are forming an alliance against Brussels. "

How is it a thorn in the EU's side when it is begging them to help?

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Have said many times,the EU will collapse,it cannot work in the long term.If people cannot see this they cannot see beyond there nose

The writing is already on the wall, the Eurozone debt crisis has not gone away and neither has the migrant crisis. One of the largest EU contributors, (the UK) is leaving. The Eurozone is a doomed currency and it is unsustainable, financial experts like former governor of the bank of England Mervyn King have said it is doomed to failure. "

1) the UK is not part of the Eurozone, so does not contribute to any spending that is eurozone currency specific (thats why they have a big thing called the ECB that looks after those types of things)

2) if you want to leave and not pay or honour any of your commitments which you legally signed documents for..... why would any financial institution bother dealing with you?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Have said many times,the EU will collapse,it cannot work in the long term.If people cannot see this they cannot see beyond there nose

The writing is already on the wall, the Eurozone debt crisis has not gone away and neither has the migrant crisis. One of the largest EU contributors, (the UK) is leaving. The Eurozone is a doomed currency and it is unsustainable, financial experts like former governor of the bank of England Mervyn King have said it is doomed to failure.

1) the UK is not part of the Eurozone, so does not contribute to any spending that is eurozone currency specific (thats why they have a big thing called the ECB that looks after those types of things)

2) if you want to leave and not pay or honour any of your commitments which you legally signed documents for..... why would any financial institution bother dealing with you?


i think there is some validity in thinking about contagion effect between the eurozone and the Eu... but fear any fall out will not be contained to the Eu but will be a macroeconomic fallout which effects countries by proximity rather than simply political unions... we are still in bed with Europe even if we’re divorced....

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By *asyukMan  over a year ago

West London


Which of these is not true?

The Italian government position on immigration is to ask, actually demand, more EU aid and cooperation.

The 5 Star party policy is to remain in the EU and the Euro.

The League has no stated policy on either (they will do whatever keeps them in power)

The previous Constitutional Referendum being lost had nothing to do with the EU so there is no link to be drawn between the two.

Here's a question. If there is such a strong desire to leave the EU why hasn't a referendum been called already? It requires "only" 500,000 signatures.

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


It's funny how certain posters disappear when the questions get hard!

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By *entaur_UK OP   Man  over a year ago


"It's funny how certain posters disappear when the questions get hard! "

I've been away for the weekend enjoying myself, maybe you should try it? Unlike you I don't spend my life posting in here.

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"It's funny how certain posters disappear when the questions get hard!

I've been away for the weekend enjoying myself, maybe you should try it? Unlike you I don't spend my life posting in here. "

So I'm sure you'll answer the questions now you're back, right?

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By *nleashedCrakenMan  over a year ago


"Italy has now threatened to pull EU funding and says it may stop payment of its annual 20 billion Euro EU membership fee unless the EU steps in and takes migrants to distribute them across other EU member states. More migrants arrived in Italy this week from Libya and Eritrea and docked aboard a ship in a Sicillian port but were refused permission to disembark by the interior minister Matteo Salvini of the League party. Italian deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio of the 5 star movement, said in a video posted on Facebook on Thursday that if other EU countries didn't agree to take in more migrants from Italy after a European Commission meeting on Friday then Italy would stop making payments to the EU.

After the EU meeting today EU officials said the EU would not respond to Italy's threats over migrants. So now the EU and Italy are on a collision course, and if the 5 star and League coalition ruling Italy stay true to their word the EU is looking at losing the Italian Membership fee of around 20 billion Euros each year.


Maybe they should go the whole way and have there own brexit ???"

I think ExItal would be a better word for it.

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By *entaur_UK OP   Man  over a year ago



Which of these is not true?

The Italian government position on immigration is to ask, actually demand, more EU aid and cooperation.

The 5 Star party policy is to remain in the EU and the Euro.

The League has no stated policy on either (they will do whatever keeps them in power)

The previous Constitutional Referendum being lost had nothing to do with the EU so there is no link to be drawn between the two.

Here's a question. If there is such a strong desire to leave the EU why hasn't a referendum been called already? It requires "only" 500,000 signatures."

Just because they haven't had one yet it doesn't mean they won't in future. Look at it this way, why didn't the UK hold one before 2016?

A majority of ukip MEP's were voted in 2014 in the European elections, ukip won. This put pressure on the main parties to do something about it having had a majority of Eurosceptic MEP's voted in Cameron offered and EU referendum. The UK votes Leave.

Next year's MEP European elections will be very interesting, and a majority of Eurosceptic MEP's is forecast to fill the European Parliament. Then we shall see what follows....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I was going to post it is dangerous to mean no visible action means no bubbling under the surface. I don’t know enough about Italy’s political make up to see if there is a readacross from the UK ... would a swing in MEPs have the same reaction there as here ?

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


UKIP never asked the EU for anything. You say that Italy is asking the EU for help, surely that makes them pro-EU. If they were anti-EU, they wouldn't ask for help from them.

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By *asyukMan  over a year ago

West London


Which of these is not true?

The Italian government position on immigration is to ask, actually demand, more EU aid and cooperation.

The 5 Star party policy is to remain in the EU and the Euro.

The League has no stated policy on either (they will do whatever keeps them in power)

The previous Constitutional Referendum being lost had nothing to do with the EU so there is no link to be drawn between the two.

Here's a question. If there is such a strong desire to leave the EU why hasn't a referendum been called already? It requires "only" 500,000 signatures.

Just because they haven't had one yet it doesn't mean they won't in future. Look at it this way, why didn't the UK hold one before 2016?

A majority of ukip MEP's were voted in 2014 in the European elections, ukip won. This put pressure on the main parties to do something about it having had a majority of Eurosceptic MEP's voted in Cameron offered and EU referendum. The UK votes Leave.

Next year's MEP European elections will be very interesting, and a majority of Eurosceptic MEP's is forecast to fill the European Parliament. Then we shall see what follows...."

You managed to answer one. How about the rest? Here they are again


Which of these is not true?

The Italian government position on immigration is to ask, actually demand, more EU aid and cooperation.

The 5 Star party policy is to remain in the EU and the Euro.

The League has no stated policy on either (they will do whatever keeps them in power)

The previous Constitutional Referendum being lost had nothing to do with the EU so there is no link to be drawn between the two.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Problem with that is, if they do as they said they'll be taken to international and European courts, and investment will take a freeze as people tend not to invest in countries which avoid honouring financial and political commitments

'EU Italian Investment will take a freeze', haha, like it hasn't already! Italy has already suffered under EU austerity, so much so that critical maintenance on Italian roads were neglected to the point where a motorway bridge collapsed onto houses and businesses the other week killing 43 (known) but the death toll could still rise further as the rubble is cleared away.

Jesus fucking christ Centy. Is there *anything* you won’t try to blame the EU for?


Including his penile dysfunction

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Problem with that is, if they do as they said they'll be taken to international and European courts, and investment will take a freeze as people tend not to invest in countries which avoid honouring financial and political commitments

'EU Italian Investment will take a freeze', haha, like it hasn't already! Italy has already suffered under EU austerity, so much so that critical maintenance on Italian roads were neglected to the point where a motorway bridge collapsed onto houses and businesses the other week killing 43 (known) but the death toll could still rise further as the rubble is cleared away.

Jesus fucking christ Centy. Is there *anything* you won’t try to blame the EU for?


Including his penile dysfunction "

He should fact check the EU have email documentary proof that they encouraged infrastructure projects in Italy. The 5* movement soon removed from their website after the incident the comment that the bridge was in danger of collapse as "fairy tales" (not verbatim ) but they wanted to do lots of little bits of infrastructure as opposed to one or two major projects as it then looks "good" - we are doing lots - look see all these projects! Incompetent, naivety, criminal - that's the government although some apply to some on here too!

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By *asyukMan  over a year ago

West London

"Problem with that is, if they do as they said they'll be taken to international and European courts, and investment will take a freeze as people tend not to invest in countries which avoid honouring financial and political commitments

'EU Italian Investment will take a freeze', haha, like it hasn't already! Italy has already suffered under EU austerity, so much so that critical maintenance on Italian roads were neglected to the point where a motorway bridge collapsed onto houses and businesses the other week killing 43 (known) but the death toll could still rise further as the rubble is cleared away.

Jesus fucking christ Centy. Is there *anything* you won’t try to blame the EU for?


Including his penile dysfunction "

I'm not sure that this adds to the discussion. If anything it makes your point seem weaker even though it may not be.

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By *entaur_UK OP   Man  over a year ago


"Problem with that is, if they do as they said they'll be taken to international and European courts, and investment will take a freeze as people tend not to invest in countries which avoid honouring financial and political commitments

'EU Italian Investment will take a freeze', haha, like it hasn't already! Italy has already suffered under EU austerity, so much so that critical maintenance on Italian roads were neglected to the point where a motorway bridge collapsed onto houses and businesses the other week killing 43 (known) but the death toll could still rise further as the rubble is cleared away.

Jesus fucking christ Centy. Is there *anything* you won’t try to blame the EU for?


Including his penile dysfunction "

For someone with 90 plus meet in person verifications on here it would suggest I don't have a problem in that area. How many veris have you got? Oh yeah just the 3.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Problem with that is, if they do as they said they'll be taken to international and European courts, and investment will take a freeze as people tend not to invest in countries which avoid honouring financial and political commitments

'EU Italian Investment will take a freeze', haha, like it hasn't already! Italy has already suffered under EU austerity, so much so that critical maintenance on Italian roads were neglected to the point where a motorway bridge collapsed onto houses and businesses the other week killing 43 (known) but the death toll could still rise further as the rubble is cleared away.

Jesus fucking christ Centy. Is there *anything* you won’t try to blame the EU for?


Including his penile dysfunction

For someone with 90 plus meet in person verifications on here it would suggest I don't have a problem in that area. How many veris have you got? Oh yeah just the 3. "

I was joking !!!

You are like the snp always someone else's fault just swap Westminster for the eu and we have the same arguement but not that much different tactics! !!

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"UKIP never asked the EU for anything. You say that Italy is asking the EU for help, surely that makes them pro-EU. If they were anti-EU, they wouldn't ask for help from them. "

Obviously Centaur is only happy to answer questions about his penile dysfunction.

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By *asyukMan  over a year ago

West London

You managed to answer one. How about the rest? Here they are again...and again.


Which of these is not true?

The Italian government position on immigration is to ask, actually demand, more EU aid and cooperation.

The 5 Star party policy is to remain in the EU and the Euro.

The League has no stated policy on either (they will do whatever keeps them in power)

The previous Constitutional Referendum being lost had nothing to do with the EU so there is no link to be drawn between the two.

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By *entaur_UK OP   Man  over a year ago


"UKIP never asked the EU for anything. You say that Italy is asking the EU for help, surely that makes them pro-EU. If they were anti-EU, they wouldn't ask for help from them.

Obviously Centaur is only happy to answer questions about his penile dysfunction. "

Yet more Ad hominem attacks from bitter remoaners, but if it helps you to cope with your mental illness (Brexit anxiety disorder) then fill your boots.

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By *entaur_UK OP   Man  over a year ago


"You managed to answer one. How about the rest? Here they are again...and again.


Which of these is not true?

The Italian government position on immigration is to ask, actually demand, more EU aid and cooperation.

The 5 Star party policy is to remain in the EU and the Euro.

The League has no stated policy on either (they will do whatever keeps them in power)

The previous Constitutional Referendum being lost had nothing to do with the EU so there is no link to be drawn between the two."

Already responded to your post earlier in the thread. If you're just going to continue to copy and paste the same thing over and over then I can always copy and paste the reply I gave you earlier over and over.

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By *ara JTV/TS  over a year ago

Bristol East

How long does the average government in Italy last?

Five weeks?

There'll be another along in a mo.

Nothing to see here.

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By *entaur_UK OP   Man  over a year ago


Funny that the EU called for 'unity' on Brexit and the EU27 must stick together but then Brussels told the Italians to get lost over immigration from Africa. Italian interior minister Matteo Salvini responded by saying "Europe has demonstrated once again to be unprecedented filth that doesn't deserve our money".

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"UKIP never asked the EU for anything. You say that Italy is asking the EU for help, surely that makes them pro-EU. If they were anti-EU, they wouldn't ask for help from them.

Obviously Centaur is only happy to answer questions about his penile dysfunction.

Yet more Ad hominem attacks from bitter remoaners, but if it helps you to cope with your mental illness (Brexit anxiety disorder) then fill your boots. "

That wasn't an attack, I was just pointing out that you answered questions on that topic, but not those related to the thread, such as how the Italian government can be considered Anti-EU when they are begging for help from the EU?

Other posters have asked you multiple times if the parties in the coalition that you describe as anti-EU have stated policies on leaving the EU, but you have refused to answer.

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By *entaur_UK OP   Man  over a year ago


"UKIP never asked the EU for anything. You say that Italy is asking the EU for help, surely that makes them pro-EU. If they were anti-EU, they wouldn't ask for help from them.

Obviously Centaur is only happy to answer questions about his penile dysfunction.

Yet more Ad hominem attacks from bitter remoaners, but if it helps you to cope with your mental illness (Brexit anxiety disorder) then fill your boots.

That wasn't an attack, I was just pointing out that you answered questions on that topic, but not those related to the thread, such as how the Italian government can be considered Anti-EU when they are begging for help from the EU?

Other posters have asked you multiple times if the parties in the coalition that you describe as anti-EU have stated policies on leaving the EU, but you have refused to answer."

I've already responded to those points, it just appears that you and EasyUk don't like my answer or you're deliberately turning a deaf ear and not listening. Circumstances change and both the Conservative and Labour parties were remain parties before the referendum. The result of the referendum changed the circumstances and those 2 parties are now Brexit parties and had a clear promise to leave the EU in their general election manifestos. I'm saying the European MEP elections next year may prove to be a turning point if some countries have a majority of Eurosceptic MEP's elected.

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By *asyukMan  over a year ago

West London

"UKIP never asked the EU for anything. You say that Italy is asking the EU for help, surely that makes them pro-EU. If they were anti-EU, they wouldn't ask for help from them.

Obviously Centaur is only happy to answer questions about his penile dysfunction.

Yet more Ad hominem attacks from bitter remoaners, but if it helps you to cope with your mental illness (Brexit anxiety disorder) then fill your boots.

That wasn't an attack, I was just pointing out that you answered questions on that topic, but not those related to the thread, such as how the Italian government can be considered Anti-EU when they are begging for help from the EU?

Other posters have asked you multiple times if the parties in the coalition that you describe as anti-EU have stated policies on leaving the EU, but you have refused to answer.

I've already responded to those points, it just appears that you and EasyUk don't like my answer or you're deliberately turning a deaf ear and not listening. Circumstances change and both the Conservative and Labour parties were remain parties before the referendum. The result of the referendum changed the circumstances and those 2 parties are now Brexit parties and had a clear promise to leave the EU in their general election manifestos. I'm saying the European MEP elections next year may prove to be a turning point if some countries have a majority of Eurosceptic MEP's elected.


Trouble with counting and reading?

You managed to answer ****ONE****. How about the rest? Here they are again...and again...again.


Which of these is not true?

The Italian government position on immigration is to ask, actually demand, more EU aid and cooperation.

The 5 Star party policy is to remain in the EU and the Euro.

The League has no stated policy on either (they will do whatever keeps them in power)

The previous Constitutional Referendum being lost had nothing to do with the EU so there is no link to be drawn between the two.

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"UKIP never asked the EU for anything. You say that Italy is asking the EU for help, surely that makes them pro-EU. If they were anti-EU, they wouldn't ask for help from them.

Obviously Centaur is only happy to answer questions about his penile dysfunction.

Yet more Ad hominem attacks from bitter remoaners, but if it helps you to cope with your mental illness (Brexit anxiety disorder) then fill your boots.

That wasn't an attack, I was just pointing out that you answered questions on that topic, but not those related to the thread, such as how the Italian government can be considered Anti-EU when they are begging for help from the EU?

Other posters have asked you multiple times if the parties in the coalition that you describe as anti-EU have stated policies on leaving the EU, but you have refused to answer.

I've already responded to those points, it just appears that you and EasyUk don't like my answer or you're deliberately turning a deaf ear and not listening. Circumstances change and both the Conservative and Labour parties were remain parties before the referendum. The result of the referendum changed the circumstances and those 2 parties are now Brexit parties and had a clear promise to leave the EU in their general election manifestos. I'm saying the European MEP elections next year may prove to be a turning point if some countries have a majority of Eurosceptic MEP's elected.


You haven't answered how BEGGING the EU for help is Anti-EU.

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By *entaur_UK OP   Man  over a year ago


"UKIP never asked the EU for anything. You say that Italy is asking the EU for help, surely that makes them pro-EU. If they were anti-EU, they wouldn't ask for help from them.

Obviously Centaur is only happy to answer questions about his penile dysfunction.

Yet more Ad hominem attacks from bitter remoaners, but if it helps you to cope with your mental illness (Brexit anxiety disorder) then fill your boots.

That wasn't an attack, I was just pointing out that you answered questions on that topic, but not those related to the thread, such as how the Italian government can be considered Anti-EU when they are begging for help from the EU?

Other posters have asked you multiple times if the parties in the coalition that you describe as anti-EU have stated policies on leaving the EU, but you have refused to answer.

I've already responded to those points, it just appears that you and EasyUk don't like my answer or you're deliberately turning a deaf ear and not listening. Circumstances change and both the Conservative and Labour parties were remain parties before the referendum. The result of the referendum changed the circumstances and those 2 parties are now Brexit parties and had a clear promise to leave the EU in their general election manifestos. I'm saying the European MEP elections next year may prove to be a turning point if some countries have a majority of Eurosceptic MEP's elected.


For the benefit of EasyUK, above Is the answer to the points you raised and it's the only answer you're getting fella. Like it or lump it.

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By *asyukMan  over a year ago

West London

"UKIP never asked the EU for anything. You say that Italy is asking the EU for help, surely that makes them pro-EU. If they were anti-EU, they wouldn't ask for help from them.

Obviously Centaur is only happy to answer questions about his penile dysfunction.

Yet more Ad hominem attacks from bitter remoaners, but if it helps you to cope with your mental illness (Brexit anxiety disorder) then fill your boots.

That wasn't an attack, I was just pointing out that you answered questions on that topic, but not those related to the thread, such as how the Italian government can be considered Anti-EU when they are begging for help from the EU?

Other posters have asked you multiple times if the parties in the coalition that you describe as anti-EU have stated policies on leaving the EU, but you have refused to answer.

I've already responded to those points, it just appears that you and EasyUk don't like my answer or you're deliberately turning a deaf ear and not listening. Circumstances change and both the Conservative and Labour parties were remain parties before the referendum. The result of the referendum changed the circumstances and those 2 parties are now Brexit parties and had a clear promise to leave the EU in their general election manifestos. I'm saying the European MEP elections next year may prove to be a turning point if some countries have a majority of Eurosceptic MEP's elected.

For the benefit of EasyUK, above Is the answer to the points you raised and it's the only answer you're getting fella. Like it or lump it. "

No idea then other than "here's some more unconnected information"?

Why try to discuss something you know nothing about?

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By *entaur_UK OP   Man  over a year ago


"UKIP never asked the EU for anything. You say that Italy is asking the EU for help, surely that makes them pro-EU. If they were anti-EU, they wouldn't ask for help from them.

Obviously Centaur is only happy to answer questions about his penile dysfunction.

Yet more Ad hominem attacks from bitter remoaners, but if it helps you to cope with your mental illness (Brexit anxiety disorder) then fill your boots.

That wasn't an attack, I was just pointing out that you answered questions on that topic, but not those related to the thread, such as how the Italian government can be considered Anti-EU when they are begging for help from the EU?

Other posters have asked you multiple times if the parties in the coalition that you describe as anti-EU have stated policies on leaving the EU, but you have refused to answer.

I've already responded to those points, it just appears that you and EasyUk don't like my answer or you're deliberately turning a deaf ear and not listening. Circumstances change and both the Conservative and Labour parties were remain parties before the referendum. The result of the referendum changed the circumstances and those 2 parties are now Brexit parties and had a clear promise to leave the EU in their general election manifestos. I'm saying the European MEP elections next year may prove to be a turning point if some countries have a majority of Eurosceptic MEP's elected.

For the benefit of EasyUK, above Is the answer to the points you raised and it's the only answer you're getting fella. Like it or lump it.

No idea then other than "here's some more unconnected information"?

Why try to discuss something you know nothing about?"

You must be having difficulty reading. You keep saying the league and 5 star position is to remain in the EU. Just because that may be the position currently it doesn't mean it will be indefinitely. Circumstances change, as it did for both the Conservative party and the Labour party in the UK who were remain parties but are now Brexit parties.

The previous referendum on the constitution in Italy is relevant because it proves 5 star and the league can be on the winning side of a referendum in Italy, they opposed Europhile Matteo Renzi and won. You say a referendum on EU membership would require a change in the Italian constitution, the league and 5 star have already been on the winning side of a referendum on the constitution in Italy in recent times.

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By *asyukMan  over a year ago

West London

"UKIP never asked the EU for anything. You say that Italy is asking the EU for help, surely that makes them pro-EU. If they were anti-EU, they wouldn't ask for help from them.

Obviously Centaur is only happy to answer questions about his penile dysfunction.

Yet more Ad hominem attacks from bitter remoaners, but if it helps you to cope with your mental illness (Brexit anxiety disorder) then fill your boots.

That wasn't an attack, I was just pointing out that you answered questions on that topic, but not those related to the thread, such as how the Italian government can be considered Anti-EU when they are begging for help from the EU?

Other posters have asked you multiple times if the parties in the coalition that you describe as anti-EU have stated policies on leaving the EU, but you have refused to answer.

I've already responded to those points, it just appears that you and EasyUk don't like my answer or you're deliberately turning a deaf ear and not listening. Circumstances change and both the Conservative and Labour parties were remain parties before the referendum. The result of the referendum changed the circumstances and those 2 parties are now Brexit parties and had a clear promise to leave the EU in their general election manifestos. I'm saying the European MEP elections next year may prove to be a turning point if some countries have a majority of Eurosceptic MEP's elected.

For the benefit of EasyUK, above Is the answer to the points you raised and it's the only answer you're getting fella. Like it or lump it.

No idea then other than "here's some more unconnected information"?

Why try to discuss something you know nothing about?

You must be having difficulty reading. You keep saying the league and 5 star position is to remain in the EU. Just because that may be the position currently it doesn't mean it will be indefinitely. Circumstances change, as it did for both the Conservative party and the Labour party in the UK who were remain parties but are now Brexit parties.

The previous referendum on the constitution in Italy is relevant because it proves 5 star and the league can be on the winning side of a referendum in Italy, they opposed Europhile Matteo Renzi and won. You say a referendum on EU membership would require a change in the Italian constitution, the league and 5 star have already been on the winning side of a referendum on the constitution in Italy in recent times. "

Incisive logic. Anything could happen at anytime leading to any outcome.

So they could, by the same token, decide that the EU was the single most important factor for Italy's very survival and become avid Europhiles.

The fact that Renzi supports the EU has nothing whatever to do with a referendum on constitutional reform.

As 5 Star and the League were on the winning side of that referendum does that also indicate their ability to succeed in a referendum to change the colours of the national flag?

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