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Au pair fantasy

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Marjory was no kind of name for a girl of 20, Greg and Lisa had joked as they discussed the applications. Perhaps she would have a Mary Poppins handbag.

She would have been named long before the recent trend for old fashioned names for kids, so perhaps her parents were blazing that trail. They were blazing something, Greg remarked in one of his quiet jokes, and Lisa chuckled.

She made the shortlist though. She had travelled a bit and she wrote intelligently, and although she didn't have direct au pair experience, she had helped her single mum bring up her two much younger siblings. Marjory had emphasized that she liked playing outside and since Alex (Alexandra, but Alex ever since she could talk) liked that better than anything, that seemed a good fit. They agreed to meet her. "She'd better not be hot though" Lisa said with a mock pout.

Unfortunately she was. She had wavy auburn hair and startling green eyes. As an enthusiastic climber, she had a fairly tanned and sculpted physique that looked accidental. She had a dimpled smile that made her look impish and mischievous, and her eyes sparkled when she spoke about something that she found engaging, which was most things.

However, although she was too gorgeous for Lisa to be happy with, she was also fantastic with Alex, and had her on her shoulders in no time (they were being a giraffe together). She was a delight to be around too, and gave no impression of any awkwardness - clearly she was at ease interacting with people of any age. They chatted about outdoor pursuits they all enjoyed: trail running, mountain biking, kayaking and surfing. Greg and Lisa both (half) forgot the sensible but dull list of questions they prepared, and time flew by as they chatted, drank tea, drew dinosaurs with Alex, made a salad and ate it together. It was Marjory who eventually said that she needed to make a move, and hoped to hear from them. While Alex was giving her a hug (and trying to lead her upstairs to see her crocodile costume) Lisa and Greg gave each other a questioning glance and a nod of agreement.

"We don't want to put you on the spot, but it's yours if you want it." Lisa said, smiling. "Alex is clearly a fan."

"Oh fantastic! Thanks! Ok, I can't wait to start. I can pack up my stuff and be here this weekend then, if that works for you? I'll call to find a time that's best." At the door she added "I'm really pleased - you guys are so nice and this one here (she lifts Alex high into the air) is a superstar!"

It was a busy week that passed for Greg and Lisa in the usual flurry of activity, admin and deadlines. Marjory had a busy week as well, trying to tie up loose ends at her office temp role - handily that had effectively zero notice period, and they knew she was looking for something more permanent. However, since she was bright and capable, she had inevitably ended up with more responsibility than the role would usually involve, and she was keen to leave things in order when she left. So none of the three had much time to dwell on the change it would bring to their lives for Greg and Lisa to share their home with someone.

As such, after a bright and friendly greeting as though between old friends, Marjory was upstairs unpacking by the time Lisa got to thinking about how it would be to have another young woman in her house. Marjory wondered if it would be strange to live with a couple (especially with her room so close to theirs). She had a small and ultra silent bullet vibrator that lived in her washcase and she took it out briefly and turned it on to reassure herself that it was indeed very quiet and unlikely to carry through the wall. She thought it unlikely that Greg and Lisa would have really loud sex, especially with Alex's room also so nearby - but the brief thought of Greg pounding a moaning Lisa from behind did take a second for Marjory to shake.

Greg had close cropped silver hair that he was too young to have, and was well built in a functional and athletic way. Lisa was blonde and had intense blue eyes and skin that seemed to glow softly somehow. She also had fairly large breasts, that in Marjory's briefly imagined scene had been bouncing at each stroke.

"Will you have tea?" Greg called up, startling her.

"Oh... Er, yes please! I'm just coming" she called back, and quickly added "I'll be down in a minute" realising what she'd said and blushing as she knew that he'd be smiling in the kitchen. 'Oh dear', she reproached herself, 'best not to imagine your employers fucking, Marj'.

Greg was indeed smiling in the kitchen, and couldn't help his own imagination wandering at her reply. Lisa muttered "easy, tiger" with a grin as she sipped her tea, although she was now also dwelling on how it would change things on the rare occasion that they did get the chance for sex, to know that this hot girl was in the next room (and maybe also coming).

So, when Marjory joined them and took her cup of tea, all three were flushed slightly and made small talk to regain their composure. All were relieved when Alex ran in, barking like a dog and grabbed both Marjory's hands ecstatically. She led her away, both barking together now, and Greg sidled up to Lisa, seizing the opportunity to stand behind her and kiss the side of her neck. He felt Lisa press back against him and they both registered in an instant how horny they were. What electricity this girl had brought! As they kissed, Greg took her breasts in his hands, keeping an eye out in case they were spotted. The barking had changed to whale noises but was returning towards the kitchen so the spell was broken and they day pressed on, bringing other things to do and think about.

They all four enjoyed an autumnal walk together, playing with Alex and planning some activities that Marjory could do with Alex in the local area. Lisa also suggested she and Marjory go running together the next morning and Marjory was glad to have found someone to run with as she did prefer it to running alone.

Later that evening, Marjory helped to get Alex ready for bed, learning the routine and the areas that required negotiation and debate - was a bath necessary and maybe two stories were required.

"Chuck your laundry in here if you like as we end up doing a load every day or two these days" Lisa said, nodding to the basket as Alex showed off for Marjory how good her tooth brushing was. "Ok, great, thanks".

After Alex was in bed, Lisa opened a bottle of wine and Marjory said, if it was ok she'd just jump in the shower. Greg did his level best as Marjory disappeared upstairs not to picture her naked in a cascade of steamy water. Lisa sat on his lap once Marjory was out of sight. That sexual tension had returned and she was enjoying teasing her husband with her arse. He was rock hard - probably thinking about the flame haired girl towelling her tits dry upstairs, she mused. Lisa was squirming in his lap now, and kissing him - rasped by a day's stubble. She was imagining her husband fucking Marjory in the shower, and it was all getting too much, so they hurriedly disentangled themselves when they heard Marjory descending the stairs. She reappeared looking scrubbed, and wearing a soft jersey cotton tracksuit.

Marjory was acutely aware, suddenly, that they had been up to something before she came back in, and also of how visible her tits felt under the jersey fabric - she'd wondered about putting a bra back on but decided that for the time being this was to be her home and they wouldn't mind her being comfortable.

Greg and Lisa both noticed and certainly didn't mind. But it didn't help cool the atmosphere back down, especially when some angled light from a lamp highlighted Marjory's nipples, which had perked up against her wishes like they wanted to perform for her audience. She wished this couple turned her on less - when she'd gone to shower she'd found herself a sticky mess from her earlier daydreams, and she'd rarely felt as naked as she did standing in their bathroom trying to avoid touching her clit. It was no good - she'd washed and dried herself but still she was wet to the touch. Some wine might help, she thought.

It didn't. The three became aware that they were not so much chatting as flirting. Lisa teased Marjory that the younger girl would leave her in the dust when they ran tomorrow, and Marjory protested that Lisa was certainly fitter than her and would school her thoroughly. Greg excused himself, careful to try and hide the bulge the girls had left him with (he failed at that, and both clocked it). Lisa saw Marjory notice, and thought that the girl blushed.

Upstairs in the bathroom, Greg was stopped in his tracks. He'd gone to pee, idly wondering if his semi would wear off enough to allow it, when he noticed that the clothes Marjory had worn that day were in the basket and that peeking from between them were her knickers - a dark colour he couldn't identify from here, with a bit of lace.

His heart was racing. He knew that to step any closer was already invading her privacy, and that certainly, pulling the little slip of fabric free from the basket (as he was) would be totally wrong. 'Fuck, this is hot' is what his cock was telling him, however, as the garment looked tiny in his hands - definitely there was not enough fabric for these to go over her arse cheeks which meant they must slip between them. He was transfixed.

They were a sort of aubergine colour and of a lightweight fabric that didn't feel expensive. The lace fringe was just a nod towards lingerie styling but these were everyday knickers really, from some high street outlet. However, that was all massively irrelevant to Greg, who was staring at the sticky gusset that hung a little heavier than the rest of the fabric.

Before he could dwell on it too much, and deafened by what seemed to be a roaring in his ears, Greg's hands had brought the sodden knickers towards his face. He held them like a butterfly, and gazed at the gleaming paste of excitement Marjory's horny little pussy had left behind less than an hour before.

Her scent was already noticeable, but he brought them closer to his face, his head reeling as he inhaled the powerful aroma of her cunt directly from the wet patch, and he pictured her sitting a floor below him, chatting with his wife on the sofa. His cock was already in his hand by this time, and almost painfully hard.

He let the fabric move through his hands and inhaled again, knowing that he didn't have long. 'Fuuuck - she smells incredible' - Greg was now breathing in the intoxicating scent of the fabric that had spent the day trapped between the cheeks of Marjory's arse. He realised he had been breathing in for so long he was at risk of passing out if he didn't remember to breathe out again. Travelling the fabric he toured her various fragrances - the sweet spice of her excited leakings tinged with notes of her pee and further back, the punchy musk of her arsehole that made his knees weak.

He had only been holding them for seconds, but he felt as though he'd been gone for hours. He was also aware that any second he would fire a torrent of cum across the room if he wasn't careful (he pictured catching it in the knickers and then putting them back).

It was just a scrap of fabric really, but with it pressed to his nose - her cum was on his face by now but he was glad of it - he felt as though he'd licked her clean after a long day, in an obscene 69 with her anus spread millimetres above him. That was the imagery that accompanied the scent, and he was struggling to tear himself away.

When he finally did, and forced himself to put them back just as he had found them, he felt a strong sense of shame and remorse, but also a feeling of secret intimacy.

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By *astlancsMan  over a year ago


Sister was an Au Pair lol

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

When he managed to compose himself enough to rejoin the others, he couldn't for a few minutes meet Marjory's eye. And it absolutely wasn't helping that she was bra-less, or that Lisa was now sitting in a more carefree manner with her legs folded up on the sofa with her, so that the dress she wore was no longer covering a great deal. Not so much as to be actually indecent, but enough that it would be considered provocative in a public setting.

Greg watched Lisa watching his eyes on her. She made no move to cover herself. He sat at an angle that gave him a good view between his wife's legs, and his mind kept flitting back to the smell of Marjory's pussy - it was distracting him from what she was saying, her face beautiful and animated and slightly flushed from a second glass of wine.

Marjory was distracted herself by Lisa's thighs and the way her toes were curling now and again - she was cat-like, Marjory thought, and very sexy. For a moment she pictured Greg's strong hands holding Lisa's thighs apart right there on the sofa, for her to gaze between them.

It was Marjory's turn to need the loo and she excused herself and climbed the stairs. She peed as quietly as she could, suddenly self conscious about the sound in the otherwise silent house.

As she stood washing her hands, she glanced at the laundry basket, sheepishly recalling her sopping knickers tucked away in there. Looking now though, they didn't seem as tucked away as she was certain she had left them.

She stepped closer. They nearly were, but without a doubt they had moved. Nothing new was in the basket... Greg had been in here earlier, and reappeared looking rattled. She pondered that for a minute, pulling the knickers from the basket.

Her cunt juice was smeared across them and if he had held them there's no way he wouldn't have seen that. She noticed she was shaking slightly. She ought to be furious, but the thought of Greg seeing her wet secretions was turning her on. Did it get him hard to think of her wet pussy? Did he have a big cock, she wondered, and was he pumping it in his fist as he held her little wet cum-stained knickers? Did he smell them while he came?

She was playing with her clit now, and her legs were trembling. Before she lost the nerve, she stepped out of what she was wearing, her weeping pussy loving the sudden exposure, and pulled those knickers back on.

She pressed them against herself, quickly soaking through them again, and trying to push her fingers into her cunt through the fabric, stifling a moan. She told herself, if he wanted to enjoy her knickers, she would make sure they were drenched with her cum for him, and leave them here for him to find.

What would Lisa think, she wondered as she continued to finger her sopping hole, the fabric pushed aside now and her cunt sloshing gently. She steadied herself against the sink with her other hand and imagined kneeling in the bathroom in front of Greg and giving him her knickers, then kissing his stomach while he wanked furiously.

She'd let Lisa watch as she licked his balls and he would erupt in thick ropes on her lips and chin as he sucked her cum from her knickers. She'd kiss Lisa with it, letting her lick her husband's cum off her face. This line of thinking had her on the edge, and her hand slipped in quick busy circles on her clit.

She slid a hand below her pyjama top to tease and pinch her nipples and came hard and urgently, her pussy seeping around her fingers into the knickers. She peeled them off, still excited at the thought of him finding them now.

With her slippery hands trembling a little, she laid them back in the laundry basket, neither fully on display nor hidden enough that her slick of cum couldn't be seen by a glance in the right direction. She pulled her pyjamas back on, and checked herself in the mirror. She had a wild look in her eyes.

Downstairs, Lisa had been teasing Greg by flashing him casually. She'd let the dress ride up further still, and opened her legs for him so he could see the little wet patch between them, and he couldn't take his eyes off it.

Then Lisa had an idea, so she hovered waiting for the bathroom to carry out her plan, and when Marjory emerged the poor girl nearly had a heart attack to find Lisa there in the dark hall. She blushed a deep red and they brushed closely past each other as Marjory made her way back downstairs.

She was cursing herself - in the fog of lust she had only been imagining Greg finding the sticky mess she had left, rather than Lisa who would now no doubt see her soaking knickers and think her a total slut.

Lisa was distracted by her own plan though, which was to lose her own underwear swiftly and then reappear and continue to tease her husband by flashing him.

She'd watch him trying to maintain some decorum talking to their hot house-guest and trying to hide a hard-on, while his wife played with her cunt in front of him.

She peeled her knickers down her legs and kicked them off, and went to put them in the basket, when she stopped suddenly.

Marjory's lace-trimmed knickers shone with her juices and were quite visibly still very wet. They could only just have come off, to still be dark and glistening with it. 'What a horny little slut' Lisa purred to herself, gazing at them in wonder. Had they gotten that nicely-mannered girl so excited?

Lisa's plan for Greg gradually became more elaborate. She had intended to tease him with only her own wet pussy, but now she could get their au-pair's involved too. Silencing the objections of her rational self, she quickly stepped into the younger girl's knickers and pulled them up - still slightly warm, the slick fabric kissed against her lips, and Lisa pondered the new and remarkable feeling of another woman's cunt-juice mingling with her own.

Lisa would sometimes wear a thong for sport or tight fitting outfits, so the fact that these slipped between her cheeks as she pulled them on didn't feel completely unusual - except for the thought that they had been between Marjory's until very recently.

She felt they smelled quite strongly of arousal, and she could feel her heartbeat in her clit as she put her own damp knickers into the basket in the same place these had come from, wondering if Marjory would notice that. 'You're not the only girl with a horny little pussy' Lisa thought with a mischievous smile.

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By *oth0712Man  over a year ago


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By *uit steveMan  over a year ago

Wolves / Travelling

This is brilliant so far

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Absolutely great start. Wonderful writing

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By *andaloriansCouple  over a year ago


Fucking wow!!!


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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


Cracking ,


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By *iscoman7771000Man  over a year ago


Excellent story

Hope things develop more

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *enninemarkMan  over a year ago


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By *elly61TV/TS  over a year ago

Burnham on Sea

Loving this. Story is building nicely

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By *abel-AshCouple  over a year ago


Wild... come on ..... more

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By *nneedoffun2020Man  over a year ago


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By *ickylouCouple  over a year ago


This is horny. I probably would not have found them in the basket. As he would have already been wearing them

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By *1sexypairCouple  over a year ago


Book marked

Looking forward to the next installment.

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By *ocktoplaywithMan  over a year ago


Extremely hot

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By *aitingstillMan  over a year ago

East of Cork

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By *ed-devilsCouple  over a year ago


This is so good

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By *ichard7Man  over a year ago

Southeast Kent, Marden.

Very good start

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By *r and Mrs S99Couple  over a year ago


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By *portbilly1976Man  over a year ago


Oh wow…stunning so far!

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By *ob2Man  over a year ago


Fantastic story

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Cant wait for more

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By *athy and JohnCouple  over a year ago


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By *exyredheadtattooCouple  over a year ago


please continue

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By *ike231251Man  over a year ago


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By *ensualAsiansCouple  over a year ago


Fantastic start

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By *oHorny2Couple  over a year ago



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By *igger9969Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

So hot!

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By *kpiercedCouple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

She descended the stairs smoothing her dress down- the perfect crime! Greg would certainly know these weren't hers, and would reach the right conclusion, she was sure. She couldn't wait to see his face - he might come on the spot.

Greg and Marjory were chatting about climbing when Lisa came in and took up her seat opposite Greg again. Marjory was looking at Greg's hands and arms as they did, picturing them holding her down, or wrapped around Lisa.

Lisa suggested they take Alex bouldering at a climbing wall as an introduction to it, and at the same time she brought her feet up onto the wide armchair as she had been sitting before, and caught Greg's eye. He wondered if his wife was going to continue to flash him as she had been, but with Marjory adjacent to her like that. Probably Marjory wouldn't be able to see between his wife's legs from that angle. Probably.

Lisa leaned over to reach her wine glass and shifted her weight, making sure to expose the wet mess between her thighs to her husband as she did so, leaving just enough of a gap afterwards that there was still a glimpse available. It honestly did feel a little as though she'd pissed herself, Lisa thought as she watched Marjory taking a sip of wine, oblivious that her boss (which she was, Lisa remembered) was wearing her cum-soaked knickers.

Greg had been part way through a sentence but had a apparently become lost in it, and stammered an ending that didn't make a lot of sense- as though profoundly and suddenly distracted. (Marjory of course was aware of the game, or at least some parts of it, and her eyes smiled encouragingly at him).

Greg had seen what Lisa had intended him to see, and instantly recognised the knickers as Marjory's - though they now looked even wetter as they clung to his wife's open lips. 'What the fuck?' was what interrupted whatever it was he was saying as he struggled to compute several things at once while his cock was sending him crude imperatives about fucking both girls on the floor immediately.

This was the hottest thing Lisa had ever done - she was wearing the other girl's dirty underwear for him, and showing him in front of her, and apparently getting off on it, adding her own juices to Marjory's. He remembered how every millimetre of that fabric smelled and now he ached to get closer again.

He couldn't keep his eyes from going back there now, and catching Lisa's eye he exchanged a very intense look with his wife - a pure animal lust combined with loving pride and surprise at her creative filthiness. Marjory caught the edges of the look, and decided she would find a way to catch a glimpse of the show too. It was too exciting to watch this couple play in front of her, and it wasn't enough that she just came in their bathroom. Greg must fancy her to have been playing with her knickers - maybe he would fantasize about her while he fucked his wife.

It was a strange kind of conversation since none of them were really paying attention to it - it rambled on in a string of non-sequiturs, vaguely planning the following day but all of the real communication was happening non verbally (and was pure filth).

Lisa was just thinking about taking Greg up to bed soon - she couldn't wait much longer to get his cock inside her and she could see he was ready to go. Marjory stood swiftly and moved to pass Greg towards the stairs, mumbling something about needing the loo again and blaming the wine, but taking a good look back in Lisa's direction before Lisa could respond and rearrange her position.

So Marjory got a good view, briefly, of what Greg had been able to see. Lisa's knickers were soaking and pressed close so that Marjory could make out the contours of Lisa's pussy. She couldn't make out the colour exactly, but something dark and with a slight lace trim...

It took Marjory several stairs before the possibility caught up with her that those very familiar looking knickers might in fact be the very ones that she'd been creaming into an hour ago - no, it had to be a coincidence.

She stepped into the bathroom and there in the basket, by way of proof, was Lisa's own cunt-sodden pair arranged in the same way. Holy fuck, she's got my knickers on, and that's what she was showing Greg.

She'd been right about Lisa finding them, but would never have anticipated that behaviour from her somehow. Lisa seemed almost intimidatingly intelligent (she was extremely successful, Marjory knew] and despite being kind and down to earth with it, it was still a total surprise that she could be quite so depraved with her new au-pair's dirty knickers.

She had to find out what happened with them afterwards - there was no question that Greg would be driven wild by this, since Marjory already knew he'd familiarised himself with them, back when it was only her own cum adorning them.

Marjory was running through this in her head as she peed noisily, no longer ashamed they might hear - let them hear her pissing, they were the ones playing games with her worn underwear!

Back downstairs, Greg and Lisa could hardly contain themselves. Lisa had moved to Greg's lap and whispered to him as her fingertips traced the bulge in his trousers.

"Like what you see?"

Greg was breathing hard. "Those aren't yours!"

"That's right, they're not. And they were soaking when I found them. I think you got her all hot with your big obvious hard on."

"I know. I found them too..." Greg confessed.

"Did you know? You dirty bastard. I bet you smelled her pussy, didn't you?"

Before Greg could answer, they heard Marjory leaving the bathroom. Lisa was wondering whether Marjory had caught up with all the moves in the game so far - whether she'd seen the basket switch and figured it out. The girl was clearly bright, she thought, and sensual. And fucking hot, Lisa confirmed to herself as she watched Marjory descend the last few stairs, her breasts still free under the jersey and her green eyes fixed intently on Lisa. Yes, she knew...

Lisa gave her a smile, and announced that she and Greg would call it a night, since she'd need her rest to keep up with Marjory in the morning.

Marjory raised an eyebrow - ah yes, the running! Everything was so laced with sex now that she briefly mistook Lisa's words for an invitation to a threesome, and the thought hung there.

"Yeah I think I'll join you" Marjory said, adding her own ambiguity.

Marjory went first up the stairs and felt both pairs of eyes on her arse as she did so. She let it move a little more than necessary. There was a palpable sense of urgency as the three of them bade each other good night. "Sweet dreams" Lisa said to Marjory in a tone dripping with innuendo, pushing their bedroom door closed.

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By *Funandfrolics9Man  over a year ago


This is just so damn hot, thanks for the brilliant writing

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By *portbilly1976Man  over a year ago


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By *ike231251Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Glad it’s getting people horny…

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By *ndiiiMan  over a year ago

Paisley Scotland

Getting hotter

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I think they should fuck…

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By *iscoman7771000Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Tell me if this makes you cum..

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Marjory stood in the dark hall, her hand on her the door handle of her own room which was across from Alex's - Marjory's ears confirmed the young girl was still sleeping soundly, oblivious to the games of the adults.

From Greg and Lisa's room, a small chink of light was thrown into the dark corridor from the keyhole of their old Victorian door - the period features in the house had been kept, including original doors and some very creaky floorboards.

Marjory was like a moth to that little flame in the dark, and she tiptoed back to the keyhole, berating herself as she did so. 'What, are you hoping to crouch in the dark and watch them fucking, Marj?' In fairness, Lisa had taken her knickers, after Greg had already done who knows what with them, so no-one was innocent. They'd brought it on themselves with their kinky game...

With that, she pressed her eye to the hole and was just in time to see Lisa's dress drop to the floor, followed swiftly by her bra. Her tits were just as Marjory had imagined them, large but firm and her nipples raging at that instant.

But the real reveal was Marjory's knickers, and Marjory watched Greg nearly growl with desire, and observed how Lisa's arse, which was a bit larger than her own, was parted by them. She turned her attention to Greg, who had peeled his shirt and trousers off quickly, and whose cock was straining to get free.

He was lean enough that the angled light threw his athletic build into relief, although without a shredded gym bunny look. He looked healthy and strong, and like he could give either his wife or the very wet girl crouching in his corridor an extremely thorough fucking. Maybe both, she thought.

He looked hot, she summarised, and at that moment, he tugged his boxers off and Marjory got a good look at his decent sized and massively aroused cock. Lisa eyed it with the same greedy expression. She kneeled in front of it and seemed to take exquisite pleasure in closing her mouth over the throbbing thing, her fingertips teasing Greg's balls.

Marjory was practically salivating in the hall (certainly her hungry little cunt was) and she watched Lisa work the large cock as far into her throat as she could and slip two fingers into her leaking twat, still wearing Marjory's knickers.

It was all getting too much. It was almost painful to tear her eye from that vision but she would be right back - Marjory moved as quietly as she could in the dark. Damn these floorboards!

In her room, she rummaged feverishly and pulled out her bullet vibrator, flicking it on to check it would be quiet enough. Almost silent. It would do.

She retraced her steps, her hands sticky with excitement. Moving back into position, the boards creaked under her. Fuck! She held her breath, looking through the hole - the action in the room continued so she must have got away with it.

Lisa was still quite messily guzzling Greg's cock - she didn't seem to mind drooling on her own big tits, and when she paused to catch her breath it popped free and shone majestically.

Marjory switched the vibrator on, pressed against her clit and had to stifle a moan. Lisa moved a little lower to lick Greg's loaded-looking bullocks, and the muscles in his back and arse twitched and rippled in front of Marjory.

More strikingly than that though, Lisa was looking her dead in the eye. Had she heard? Marjory wondered. Lisa pumped Greg's cock with her hand and continued to lick Greg's balls, all the while smiling with her eyes towards the keyhole. She was going to give that snooping girl a show. She gave a little smile when her mouth was free, and Marjory knew she'd been rumbled.

In the dark hall, Marjory's heart was pounding - Lisa knew she was watching, but was continuing! So now it was a performance. It didn't seem like Greg knew. Her new mistress held the power, then - Marjory's cunt practically spat into her knickers when she framed it in those terms and she pressed harder with the vibe.

She would do anything Lisa commanded, she decided. The woman was a sexual genius.

The gaps between the floorboards were starting to slightly bite into Marjory's knees as she kneeled in the dark, as though begging for release. In fact she knew she could come any second, so hard that she'd writhe on the creaking floor and they'd open it and stand over her watching. But the show wasn't over so she fought to suppress the orgasm and the thought of them both calling her a dirty slut while she came for them.

Greg had pulled Lisa over him on the bed, in a 69 with Marjory's knickers still firmly in place - although wet through now. Lisa had turned her and Greg so that Marjory would get a good view of him exploring.

"Tell me if you can smell her" Lisa whispered, not quietly enough. Greg just moaned. His wife was extraordinary, he thought, as he did indeed try to pick out the scents he'd encountered earlier.

To be honest with himself, he wasn't sure he could tell Marjory's horny pussy from the smell of his wife's cunt now that she'd been leaking into them for some time, but as he pressed his face closer and the fabric wet his lips, he inhaled the knickers where they stretched tight against her arsehole and was certain he could still smell Marjory there - a day's accumulated sweat and above it all, the musk from Lisa's own little dark star, which twinkled as she felt him sniffing her.

What a dog her husband was, Lisa thought as his cock lurched in her mouth - the scents from a strange girl's holes turn him into an animal. If that girl didn't behave she'd unleash him and let him have his way with them. She ground her hips down into his mouth, and she hoped Marjory was getting a good lock.

In the hall, Marjory was indeed seeing everything, and she'd moved her legs apart to allow the vibe to move between her lips. She saw Greg pull her knickers to one side, exposing Lisa's desperate and drooling cunt - a string of clear nectar reaching out to her knickers as if to keep them in place.

She watched Greg take that with his tongue, collecting it and then licking Lisa's lips with evident delight, before clamping on her swollen clit. Lisa shook visibly at this.

Greg pulled the knickers to one side and spread Lisa's arse with his hands, and Marjory marvelled at how her little arsehole was twitching in time with Greg's licking. 'Fuck that's hot. Don't come yet Marj, he's not even fucked her yet!' she told herself.

It escalated though, and she had to try harder still when she saw Greg's fingertip draw some of the copious juice from her knickers and start to circle Lisa's anus, before abruptly slipping into it.

Lisa was coming already - she knew Marjory could see her splayed arsehole being fingered while her husband sucked her cum-spewing snatch, all while she wore the knickers of the girl watching in the dark and struggled to cram a fat cock into her throat.

She couldn't prevent the climax, but Lisa had control even of how she lost control. She thought of her orgasms a bit like surfing - there was an art to knowing when to let a wave roll under you, and rise and fall with it, if you sensed a bigger wave coming. Lisa did, and she would ride that one home.

Greg felt his wife coming in his mouth, her arse pinching his finger rhythmically - he slid more of it up her tight hot passage and heard her grunt on his cock. His eyes were still fixed on Marjory's cum-smeared gusset even as he rolled his wife's clit and pumped his finger in and out of her arse. It was time to fuck her.

Lisa was unusually demanding about which way they faced, and also stopped him when he went to peel the knickers off her.

"No, fuck me through them. From behind." Lisa said in a stage whisper with a glance towards the keyhole. "You can pretend it's her."

Greg blushed a little, wanting to protest that of course he didn't want to imagine fucking the beautiful girl with the divine-smelling pussy (who at this moment was biting her lip on the other side of the door and watching his expression). Lisa certainly knew how to push his buttons.

She was on her hands and knees now, one arm reaching back to hold the gusset of Marjory's knickers to one side of her open and swollen cunt. Greg held her hips and touched the tip of his cock against his wife's dripping slit, intending to tease her by pressing it between her folds slowly. However, Lisa pushed quickly back against him and he was buried in her boiling cunt up to his balls with a slurp as she grunted and spasmed around his cock.

Marjory watched Greg toying with her knickers as he started to fuck his wife, who began whispering to him lewdly (and for Marjory's benefit).

"Ungh.. yeah, do her like she wants you to... Show me her cum on your cock."

Greg and Marjory both watched as Lisa's cream began to gather on the knickers as he gave her long strokes, pulling almost fully out before driving back in all the way, and churning her cum to a froth. Marjory watched Lisa's tits shaking and let the little vibrator slip inside her pussy for a second.

God, how she wanted to burst through the door and be taken and used however the couple wanted.

Greg helped himself to some of the spare lube that Lisa was creating, and without much ceremony slid his entire thumb up to the knuckle up his wife's arse.

She took it well, although it did set off another orgasm that she couldn't fight, and she moaned as his digit stiffly fucked her tight back passage while her sloppy cunt clenched his cock.

Greg loved feeling the inside of his wife's arsehole, when it abandoned the battle of trying to keep him out and switched to embracing him. He loved her velvety walls and how they caressed him while she was coming, and how he could feel the movements of his own cock. He knew Lisa wanted him up her arse.

Sure enough, Lisa climbed off Greg's cock, spilling a little of her cum onto her thighs, and said to him. "Let her see you fuck me up the arse. Show her how you bugger me with that big dick of yours."

Greg assumed his wife was still talking through the fantasy - and found it incredibly hot. Marjory knew how literally Lisa meant every word - and did as well.

Lisa pulled the knickers off and handed them to Greg. "I want to see you smell her while you shove it in me".

Greg complied by holding them to his face - they really were sodden now, and smeared with fuck juice. He navigated them and still found the scent of Marjory's arse that made his head spin. Both Lisa and Marjory watched him enjoy it.

Lisa pulled her cheeks apart, and Marjory struggled to control her breathing as her pussy dribbled around her fingers.

He may only have been doing it vicariously, but Greg was sniffing her arsehole, just as he was pressing the fat head of his cock through his wife's twitching sphincter. His pupils were dilating and Lisa could feel his heartbeat in the large, burning hot item that was starting its journey up her bum. She hoped Marjory could see it going in.

She encouraged Greg: "Imagine it's hers. Breathe it in." was all she said, and she felt him grow and stretch her more. She did love his big dick up her arse sometimes. She had to be really horny to want it, but right now the thought of Marjory seeing it happen while knowing that Greg and Lisa were both imagining it was her was the most erotic situation she'd ever been in, and she wanted Greg to do her arse ferociously and pump it full of cum. It slid further in.

Marjory looked on in wonder at how Lisa was taking that big cock in her arse - she'd never tried it herself, but as she knelt in the hall on the hard floor (her knees were raw now) she slipped another had into her pyjamas and let a fingertip play with her puckered little anus while the vibe buzzed wetly between her lips.

She imagined Greg penetrating it, and Lisa egging him on.

Greg was on the edge of heaven as he forced the last of his cock into his wife's fluttering rectum and heard her gasp, and his senses were filled with their au pair's intimate aromas.

He felt the urge to share them: as he picked up the pace and began to shaft her tunnel forcefully, he held the knickers by Lisa's face.

She fixed her eyes on the door as she inhaled them while her husband bottomed out repeatedly, his balls slapping her cunt each time. To keep from crying out she bit down on the wet knickers, taking both her own and Marjory's cum-soaked fabric into her mouth as a wet gag.

Now she was coming, and this wave she would ride all the way. She could hear the shameless noises her arse made as Greg pounded it freely, and she knew Marjory could too. She could taste both of their horny pussies, and she knew that if Marjory wasn't already coming in her hands she would be soon. She could tell Greg would fill her arse with cum any second.

She screamed silently into the messy gag as she felt Greg's hot load start to flood her. He kept on firing into her as she bucked and squirmed, her arse milking his cock. Greg was roaring without sound as he emptied his balls into his wife's tight interior, watching her suck the fuck juices out of Marjory's knickers.

Marjory was coming too, shaking uncontrollably and biting her lip as she slid the finger that had been only modestly teasing her arsehole up inside herself, desperate to know what Lisa was feeling. She added another finger, feeling her own ring pinch and squeeze as she climaxed.

She watched Greg pull his cock out of Lisa's depths - her well-fucked hole gaped forlornly and Lisa spat the knickers back onto the bed so she could talk some more filth as she kissed her husband.

"Fuck, that felt like quite a load. You've flooded my arse".

"Mmm-hmm" Greg assented, sliding his fingerstips in and out of both her loose holes gently as they kissed, playing in the slippery mess. "Careful or it will all gush out" he said.

"It's ok, I've got a plan" Lisa answered, grabbing Marjory's knickers and pulling them on, just as a tear of cum slid out of the startled little O her arsehole made. It was trapped by the knickers, and Lisa relaxed and let Greg's cum pour out into them.

"I think she can probably have these back now".

Marjory held her breath in the hall, her orgasm still just fading - was Lisa serious?

"In fact, I think I'll make her run in them in the morning." She looked Marjory directly in the eye through the keyhole as she said this.

Marjory knelt in the dark and knew that Lisa wasn't joking, and knew also that she would do anything that Lisa asked of her, and love every second. She would run with her mistress in the morning and wear those filthy knickers for her, and if they chafed because they were drenched with arse-leaked cum, then Marjory would still rub her raw pussy afterwards and come over and over at the thought of how Greg and Lisa would use her. Marjory realised that she was idly sucking her juices from the vibrator and from the fingertips just pulled from her clutches. "You little fuck slut, Marj." she told herself, "That woman owns you now."

Greg just chuckled at what he took to be Lisa's horny imagination. Lisa would make sure tomorrow, though, that he knew Marjory had complied. She felt the last of his load seep out of her, and she gave a kind smile towards the keyhole at the girl who had joined their lives, and unleashed Lisa's dormant dominance. This was the beginning of a journey for all three of them.

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By *enninemarkMan  over a year ago


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By *M1712Man  over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This is just brilliant

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By *anny122bMan  over a year ago

St Neots

Amazing story

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By *ickylouCouple  over a year ago


Very horny.

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By *titch69Man  over a year ago



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By *un_Cheshire_GentMan  over a year ago


Great story.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Wow amazing story and well written. Got me very hard!!

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By *rdiscreet327Man  over a year ago


This is incredible.

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By *oHorny2Couple  over a year ago


Absolutely brilliant… so hot!!

Mrs x

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By *hippy 1Man  over a year ago

high Wycombe

WOW so good

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By *eddy004Man  over a year ago

Toy Town

Yes yes yes this is fantastic

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By *aitingstillMan  over a year ago

East of Cork

Extremely hot

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By *ed-devilsCouple  over a year ago


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By *oss25Man  over a year ago

Flitwick and Fakenham

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By *umalotagainMan  over a year ago

a town called malice

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By *oth0712Man  over a year ago



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By *ob2Man  over a year ago


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By *r and Mrs S99Couple  over a year ago


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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *alpsterMan  over a year ago


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By *igger9969Man  over a year ago


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By *agnar1980Man  over a year ago


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By *kpiercedCouple  over a year ago


Excellent writing !

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By *igger9969Man  over a year ago


Really we written

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By *ooking4othersMan  over a year ago

Here ...

Awesome writing

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By *innymac34Man  over a year ago


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By *erri AnneTV/TS  over a year ago

Shannon and Costa Blanca

Brilliantly told story

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By *andaloriansCouple  over a year ago


I am so fucking hard reading that!!!!


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By *elly61TV/TS  over a year ago

Burnham on Sea

Fantastic, looking forward to the morning run now xx

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By *ohn_1983Man  over a year ago


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By *ndiiiMan  over a year ago

Paisley Scotland

Whens the journey begining? Xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Bravo, more of this please.

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By *igerman23Man  over a year ago


Love the smell of used pantys.great story.

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By *d funMan  over a year ago


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By *dward_TeagueMan  over a year ago


Wonderful story

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By *ardnreddyMan  over a year ago


wow so good

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By *igerman23Man  over a year ago


Love it

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By *orthEssexGuyMan  over a year ago

Clacton out of town

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By *exymarvelMan  over a year ago



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By *evonFbsCouple  over a year ago


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By *ebelRoadMan  over a year ago

Cork / Wexford

Hottest story I've read in an age.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

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By *ree diverMan  over a year ago


"Hottest story I've read in an age.

Looking forward to the next chapter. "

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By *omkingbillyCouple  over a year ago


Reminder need to look fo a o-pair

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By *ike231251Man  over a year ago


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By *akbearMan  over a year ago


Wow wow wow!!

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By *unCooksCouple  over a year ago


Came hard while reading that. Thank you

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By *u55yfcukerMan  over a year ago


Seriously well written. Cum like made. More please. Can’t wait for the running.

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By *portbilly1976Man  over a year ago


Fantastic story…next part please

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By *igger9969Man  over a year ago


Hope this continues x

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By *hil911Man  over a year ago



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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *aul469xMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Both Marjory and Lisa were quite competitive, and despite the age difference their pace was similar. Each pushed herself harder than she would have if running alone, so within a quarter of an hour they were both breathing heavily and shining with sweat.

Marjory had also been overdoing it deliberately because shortly before sprinting off, Lisa had whispered the phrase 'get them sweaty' to her. Marjory was eager to please.

Marjory had woken in the early hours of the morning to find that her knickers had indeed been returned to her after their adventure, and were lying at the foot of her bed like a Christmas stocking.

They were clotted with cum - hers, Lisa's, Greg's - and Marjory felt it was an exceedingly filthy act to replace what she was wearing with them. She switched them with glee and dozed off with them clinging to her, images from the night before playing gently on repeat.

She woke a little later to hear Lisa getting her running stuff together. Marjory jumped up and pulled some Lyra shorts on over the hot messy situation that she was now adding to. What would the day hold, she wondered, now that her mistress had dictated that she start it so subserviently.

Lisa's eyes had sparkled darkly as she greeted Marjory.

"Good morning! Did you sleep ok?"

"Wonderfully, thank you," Marjory replied, blushing deeply.

"I've a fairly hardcore route planned for us this morning," Lisa warned, lingering over the word hardcore and catching Marjory's eye.

Marjory was drinking a tall glass of water and remembering Lisa on all fours with her arse full of Greg's big dick, the image thrown up at Lisa's turn of phrase.

"Well I'm quite up for a really intense session today," Marjory replied playfully.

Lisa nearly purred with pleasure. She liked this girl.

So they had set off, waving a hello and goodbye to Greg and Alex who were just descending the stairs together, talking animatedly about spiders and whether they really needed all those legs.

Marjory watched Lisa's tits bouncing as she ran, despite the tight sports wear doing its best to contain them, and let her eyes dwell on the patch of sweat forming at the base of her spine. Her curly blonde hair was tied back and bouncing in time with the other bits that bounced.

The woman was hot, no question, and Marjory was right now sweating into the knickers she'd seen her getting fucked in. She heard her own panting, and she pulled the waistband of her little shorts down slightly to expose the top of the knickers before giving it a burst of energy and overtaking Lisa. She wanted Lisa's eyes on her arse, and watching how well she was doing as she was told. She also wanted to remind Lisa that she was younger and full of energy - just in case Lisa felt like making her ride her husband to exhaustion, for instance.

They were turning a few heads as they crossed the park - a flurry of pony tails, bouncing tits, sweaty tight Lycra and long legs. Lisa did indeed enjoy the view that Marjory gave her, and was devising her plan for the day, her eyes enjoying Marjory's tight little arse and the glimpse of the reminder of last night's action. This time, Marjory would do more than just watch.

Alex had a kid's party to attend so they would spend the morning making her costume (a spider, no doubt, as that seemed her theme for the last few days. She'd stand out among the princesses that was for sure).

But Lisa was planning what would happen when they'd dropped Alex off. She would give Greg a surprise. And Marjory would get a surprise too, she decided, and a lesson.

She picked up her pace suddenly too and ran alongside Marjory for a while - they would be back at the house soon. Greg would enjoy seeing the pair of them - he was always turned on when she was hot and sweaty, and Marjory was looking amazing, Lisa couldn't deny.

They slowed to a walk for the last fifty metres as a warm down, and as they stepped across the threshold Lisa said to Marjory very simply, "Don't wash."

If Lisa wanted her dirty, so be it, thought Marjory as she brushed her teeth (no prohibitions there). She didn't want it to reflect badly on her with Greg though, and for a split second she panicked that it was a deliberate and jealous ploy of Lisa's, to make sure Greg wasn't attracted to the younger woman. She was quite wrong.

She threw a stretchy cotton dress on, and soon forgot all about her sticky salty skin, as she was hunting high and low for materials that would best replicate an exoskeleton and something sturdy enough to form legs, with Alex helping enthusiastically.

Greg had struggled not to ogle his wife and their new au pair when they had fallen through the door together panting. Instantly he pictured them tangled together, and Marjory's flushed face and sheen of sweat made her look as though she had just received a mighty fucking, and he wished that were true and that he had administered it. The black dress she reappeared in only made it worse as it hugged her figure and she still looked ruffled.

Greg watched the beautiful girl as she played with his daughter and he couldn't keep his mind from the scent of her pussy in the wet knickers that he and his wife had so thoroughly enjoyed the night before.

Marjory looked up from her tangle of electrical tape (shiny and spidery but a bit narrow for the job at hand) and caught Greg looking at her hungrily. She recalled his muscles glistening as he pushed his large cock up his wife's backside, and felt herself moisten.

An hour later the costume was finished and Alex insisted she wore it while they had a quick lunch together before the party. Probably just as well Marjory thought, since she wasn't sure it would stand up to too much taking on and off. Alex was grinning from ear to ear, and looked frankly terrifying in her homemade arachnid suit. The theme was nursery rhymes and so she was Incey Wincey, but really Greg and Lisa were used to making what Alex wanted to dress up as fit the theme, rather than vice versa.

Lisa beamed at them both (she had been sticking black sequins to a black helmet along with a large number of googley eyes that finished the look off perfectly, and trying to keep her mind from wandering to what she had planned for Marjory).

"Great work! You'll be the best dressed spider there!"

"I'll be the only spider there, probably," Alex said through a mouthful of salad, sounding both proud and incredulous that it wasn't a more popular choice of costume among her peers.

Lisa gave Greg a quick kiss as he bustled the chatty little spider out of the door and into the car, and whispered to him, "Hurry back."

She knew full well that there would be parents there who would corner you for an age with interest rates, catchment areas, their children's achievements and other tedium unless you made it extremely clear you had other plans already. And Lisa did.

Marjory and Lisa tidied the plates into the dishwasher, and in a small voice, Marjory asked a question she couldn't quite believe she was asking :

"Can I wash yet?"

Lisa gave a wicked smile at the girl asking her permission to clean herself.

"No, sorry. Do you feel dirty?"

Marjory's eyes flashed at this question, and she bit her lip coyly and nodded.

The fact was, she did a bit. She hadn't been explicitly told to keep them on, but the same pair of knickers were still on her and when she had gone to pee earlier, Marjory could definitely smell her own pussy strongly - she'd spent much of the night fingering herself and then gone for a run in what could only be described as some well worn underwear.

"We'll see to that, don't worry. When you hear the car on the drive, I want you to run upstairs, take that dress off, and kneel on our bed. We'll give Greg a surprise."

Marjory did a double take. Was she the surprise? Obviously, but was Lisa really proposing to share her husband with her? What would she let him do? Suddenly Marjory was imagining a number of things Greg might do to her, and since her questioning look was met with a sincere, reassuring and mock-stern one from Lisa she nodded.

She didn't have to wait long as tyres soon crunched on gravel unmistakably and her heart began to race as she ran upstairs and stepped through the door she had knelt outside the night before. She pulled the dress up over her head and unclasped her bra so her tits bounced free. Her nipples were rigid with anticipation - it felt extremely forbidden to be climbing into the bed of her employers, almost naked and waiting to be discovered. The bedclothes were soft and expensive, but smelled of sex. This was, after all, the scene of the filthy activities she'd witnessed from the hall.

Marjory rubbed her pussy through the knickers while she waited, kneeling and looking at her perky tits, hoping Greg would like them. They weren't as big as Lisa's, but they sat high and were big enough to move when she was fucked - she really hoped he was going to make them move.

Downstairs, Lisa kissed Greg as he came through the door, her hand on his crotch already.

"I've a surprise for you," she whispered.

Greg ran his hand down Lisa's belly and slid it down the front of her jeans, assuming she meant that she had nothing underneath, or had waxed or something. While she was delightfully soaking to his touch, that clearly wasn't what she meant.

"Nope," Lisa said, pulling his hand back out of her knickers and sucking herself from his fingertips, her eyes locked on his. "In the bedroom..."

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By *andaloriansCouple  over a year ago


Oooooooooh its gettin spicy!

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By *aul469xMan  over a year ago


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By *u55yfcukerMan  over a year ago


This is good. I need an Au pair.

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By *igger9969Man  over a year ago


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By *ohn_1983Man  over a year ago


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By *ike231251Man  over a year ago


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By *ouldlove2tryMan  over a year ago

West Yorkshire

[Removed by poster at 08/02/23 02:10:26]

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By *ouldlove2tryMan  over a year ago

West Yorkshire

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By *oth0712Man  over a year ago


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By *kpiercedCouple  over a year ago


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By *agnar1980Man  over a year ago


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By *ed-devilsCouple  over a year ago


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By *enninemarkMan  over a year ago


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By *igerman23Man  over a year ago


Love it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This is fantastic!!!

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By *ilbert4450Man  over a year ago


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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *ardnreddyMan  over a year ago


wow such a gooid story

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By *ediraMan  over a year ago


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By *exymarvelMan  over a year ago


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By *r and Mrs S99Couple  over a year ago


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By *he Ring WraithMan  over a year ago


so sexy -

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By *orthEssexGuyMan  over a year ago

Clacton out of town

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By *umalotagainMan  over a year ago

a town called malice

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By *hef2475Couple  over a year ago


Oh my word.... one of the best written stories on here. Waiting in anticipation for the next chapter. Many thanks for putting this on here

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By *oadsoffunMan  over a year ago


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By *orny guysMan  over a year ago



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By *elly61TV/TS  over a year ago

Burnham on Sea

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By *avidking73Man  over a year ago


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By *titch69Man  over a year ago


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By *dam5805Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Greg swung the door open and his jaw dropped when he saw Marjory kneeling on their bed, her tits looking incredible and one hand caressing her pussy through the very same knickers he'd gotten to know so well the night before. She stared back at him, and Lisa pushed him forward into the room.

"Catch up Greg, we've only a few hours," she chastised him, at the same time pulling his shirt from him and squeezing the the growing bulge of his cock.

Marjory's expression was simultaneously both self-conscious and affectedly slutty - she was now finally exposed for both of them and it was quite different to any sexual experience she'd had previously. She had turned twenty that summer and was still not completely comfortable in her own skin, especially when confronted with Lisa's sexual dominance and Greg's gaze of pure lust exploring her. Lisa addressed Greg again.

"Marjory's very dirty, and since sniffing her knickers makes you into a horny goat, perhaps you'd help out by licking her clean."

Lisa delighted in embarrassing and arousing both parties in equal measure.

"On all fours over him, I think, Marjory, so you can see quite how much he's enjoying his job."

She was unbuckling and removing Greg's trousers and he was lost with excitement at the sight of the girl removing those messy knickers and letting him see her sticky pussy with its swollen lips.

Marjory was trying to keep her cool but Greg's cock was out now, already raging hard and any second his tongue would be on her. Her cheeks burned as she really could smell her own arousal and was certain the others could too - without a doubt Greg would when she knelt over his face. She checked Lisa's expression again -was she serious that she wanted her husband to lick her messy cunt in front of her? Deadly serious, it seemed.

Greg lay back on the bed, giving Marjory a smile that said 'are you on board with this?' Sweet of him, Marjory thought, and she looked him directly in the eye, gave her own little smile and touched her clit. Fuck, she couldn't wait to sit on his face.

Lisa could smell Marjory's body in the warm room, and reached out and touched her smooth skin for the first time, seeing the girl respond as she did so. She was encouraging her onto her hands and knees over Greg. He couldn't help but pump his cock in his hand as he looked at Marjory, now so fully on display for him - her thighs apart, he could see her lips open and shining and as Lisa had her arch her back, Marjory's beautiful curved arse moved back towards him so her cheeks parted a little more and he glimpsed the girl's arsehole.

But the thing that was threatening to make him come on the ceiling was the scent coming off her. Deafening was the only word that suited since there was no equivalent for that sense, but the overpowering aroma of her horny and sweaty cunt and arsehole subsumed everything for Greg as she backed towards his face. Marjory felt that to be the case and was on the edge of apologising, her cheeks scarlet, but Lisa's intensity and how enormous Greg's cock looked hovering so close to her own face now both kept her quiet.

"Let go of your cock darling, or you'll come everywhere when you taste her...

Good, now lick her sticky pussy clean!"

Greg really didn't need telling, and although he knew they didn't have that long, he also wanted to delight in Marjory's body and tease her a bit. He slid forward a bit and licked the skin below her belly button, enjoying how she trembled in response. Her skin was salty and he ran his tongue down into her neatly trimmed but matted pubes.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Greg was indeed sniffing her there, and although his cock was untouched he felt as though he could come in the girl's face any second, and he watched her tight, wrinkled hole twitch as he inhaled her.

Lisa watched her husband sniffing their au pair's arsehole, his cock straining in front of her face, and she slipped her own jeans off and then toyed with the little bud of her clit.

Greg gave in to himself, and started to lick Marjory's inner thighs up towards her leaking pussy. He licked each of her lips in turn and she spilled onto his tongue. He pushed the pointed tip of it forwards through the lake between her folds to flick her clit briefly (she caught her breath) and then backwards to trace the join of her lips at the bottom of her cunt and the sensitive route further back.

He kept going, his tongue flicking her in little circles and she moaned as she felt a man teasingly lick her arsehole for the first time - in front of his wife.

Greg was enjoying his explorations, feeling every wrinkle and every twitching response through the tip of his tongue. He glanced at Lisa, still not quite believing what was happening. She was practically salivating, and he saw her busy fingers inside her knickers. He resumed licking Marjory, who tasted like a girl who'd been masturbating most of the night and then gone for a run in some cum-stained knickers. She was dirty and beautiful, Greg thought.

He gave a little pointed jab with his tongue to slip it through her baffled little sphincter for a second (she squealed). Then he journeyed back to clamp his mouth over her drooling twat and bully her clit with his tongue for a bit - he had to swallow, she had been leaking so prolifically.

'Christ, he's good at that,' thought Marjory as she struggled not to come. It had been such an intensely erotic new sensation when he'd been licking her arsehole, but this was pure skill born of significant experience. She felt like she was an orchestra and the tip of his tongue was the conductor's stick. She couldn't help but grind her pubis onto his chin, and try to fuck his tongue. Nor could she take her eyes off his big dick in front of her. She was desperate to suck it but felt like she needed permission. She looked at Lisa with her mouth open.

Lisa shook her head. Permission denied.

As if to lay claim to it, Lisa drew closer and bent at the waist, enclosing Greg's cock in her own mouth without touching him in any other way, her eyes on Marjory the whole time. She was face to face with Marjory and she moaned and sucked Greg's cock with overly dramatised delight. Greg moaned too, into Marjory's pussy, and raised his hips to try and fuck his wife's throat.

As Lisa bobbed and gagged she also reached forward and pinched Marjory's nipples, enjoying the firmness of her tits and the noise that Marjory made involuntarily.

Lisa sensed correctly that both Greg and Marjory were on the verge of coming ferociously. It was time to slow things down and change things around, she decided. She released Greg's cock - coated in drool - and coaxed Marjory off Greg's mouth despite some resistance from Marjory who had been moments from climax.

Lisa disappeared into the other room for a second and Marjory and Greg looked at each other - both were wild eyed with lust, and Greg's lips and chin shone with the sweet clear slime from where she'd ridden him. Lisa reappeared holding Marjory's little bullet vibe triumphantly (she'd found it earlier in the day, since firstly it wasn't very well hidden and secondly, she had a sixth sense for such things).

"Marjory, stay on your hands and knees please, there's a good girl." Lisa's tone worked on both of them.

She pulled Greg over by his cock to stand in front of Marjory and flicked the vibrator on, before holding it in place on Marjory's clit. Marjory blushed that Lisa had found her vibrator - although the woman was sharing her husband with her so it didn't seem a big deal just now.

Marjory moaned at the familiar feeling of it buzzing on her clit before starting slightly as she next felt Lisa's gentle fingertips parting the lips of her highly sensitive cunt.

The girl was boiling and her pussy parted for her like a flower, but Lisa had plans - she was only dipping in to steal the girl's lube. She spilled and coaxed it with her fingertips down the cleft of Marjory's cunt and used its slickness to slip a fingertip into Marjory's startled arsehole.

'Fuck, Lisa's got her finger in my arse,' Marjory told herself, enjoying how the gentle probing was working with the vibrations, and how Greg's cock bounced near her mouth.

"Spit on his cock," Lisa said. "And before you look at me like a hungry little bird, no you may not suck it, you horny little slut. Just spit on it so it's nice and slippery."

As she said this she slid her finger in up to the second knuckle - Wow Marjory's arsehole was tight, she thought. Greg would have to take it slowly.

Greg wished he had a better view of the back end of Marjory and what his wife was doing that was making Marjory's eyes roll as dance like that, but he didn't want to move his cock away from her face, particularly as she now carefully spat a string of saliva onto it and then smiled up at him.

Lisa spread it gently over the bulging head and along the shaft of Greg's solid dick.

"Good girl, now spit in my hand."

Marjory felt the digit slip out of her, and Lisa's hand appeared by her mouth. She spat obediently, perceiving the scent of her own arse as she did so.

Greg was astounded by the command his wife had over this young beauty, and he recalled her promise that she would make Marjory wear the knickers. She had delivered on that - having leaked his load into them she chased the girl through the park wearing them. His wife was a superb sexual puppeteer, and in that moment he was overcome with love for her, as she added a second probing finger into their au pair's surrendering butthole, massaging her own spit into her depths.

"You watched me take that big dick up my arse, now it's your turn," Lisa told a quaking Marjory, who was once again drooling onto Greg's cock.

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By *ucksguy2000Man  over a year ago


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By *enninemarkMan  over a year ago


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By *ouldlove2tryMan  over a year ago

West Yorkshire

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By *reat me rightWoman  over a year ago


Amazing soooo can't wait for more

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By *andaloriansCouple  over a year ago


Fuck yes!


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By *hef2475Couple  over a year ago



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By *p22333Man  over a year ago


So hot

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By *kpiercedCouple  over a year ago


Amazing story

So very well written

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By *ecretagent076Man  over a year ago


I hope there is more to this

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By *oth0712Man  over a year ago


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By *agnar1980Man  over a year ago


Omg so hard reading this

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By *igerman23Man  over a year ago


Best thing licking smelling sweaty pussy and arse hole.love it

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By *igerman23Man  over a year ago


Oh yes bet it will hurt her.

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By *erri AnneTV/TS  over a year ago

Shannon and Costa Blanca

Wow a beautifully written story

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By *J GeminiTV/TS  over a year ago


Cracking ,


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By *agic fingers 2022Man  over a year ago


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By *exymarvelMan  over a year ago


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By *r and Mrs S99Couple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *azpiz1Man  over a year ago


Fantastic story.. more please!

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By *atelotmanMan  over a year ago


Cant wait for the next part.

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By *ames2602Man  over a year ago


Nice start

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By *hil911Man  over a year ago


Very good

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By *portbilly1976Man  over a year ago


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By *ediraMan  over a year ago


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By *aul469xMan  over a year ago


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By *REEPALESTINEMan  over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

It was less that she was trying to drool on it, and more that she couldn't close her mouth because of the feeling of Lisa stretching and massaging her interior whilst still buzzing her clit, and both hands were supporting her. Lisa's words were repeating themselves in her head over and over.

To Greg, Lisa said, "She's ever so tight you know, I dare say she's never been fucked up the arse before. Would you like to break her in?"

Lisa's assessment was correct and Marjory was certainly concerned about how that huge thing was ever going to fit - not to mention how jealous her pussy was about the scenario. But if it felt as good as Lisa's fingers - 'Fuck, was that three now? She was sure she could hear them being forced into her forbidden tunnel' - then she was keen to give it a try. Besides, there was no disobeying Lisa now, in her role as ringmaster (literally).

Greg was ecstatic - he couldn't wait to buttfuck this hot girl while his wife watched and helped. It was an incredibly erotic idea.

Lisa pulled her fingers free of Marjory's clutches and watched her little hole stay open above her angry cunt lips. She kissed Marjory's lower back and the globes of her arse, and then let a mouthful of saliva cascade between her cheeks.

She brought Greg round to stand behind Marjory, and leaned the girl back on her haunches so her arse spread for him. Then she kissed Greg deeply, tasting Marjory on him as she did so, and guiding his slippery spit-slicked penis between her cheeks.

Marjory was shaking slightly with nervous anticipation. Lisa wanted her relaxed, so she switched ends, and cradling the girl's face (and putting her in charge of her own vibrator for a minute) she kissed her lovingly and lingeringly. Marjory opened her eyes suddenly and after a second let her guard down and kissed Lisa back. She'd never kissed a girl before - although they did feature in her fantasies - and it definitely felt different. Mind you, so did the seemingly giant dick that was now gently but firmly pressing itself against her arsehole, with the very certain intention of pushing through it and invading her back passage.

She was lost in sensation and gave a little whimper into Lisa's mouth, pushing her vibrator hard against her clit.

Greg watched the two women kissing, and continued his insistent negotiations with Marjory's gatekeeper - this was her first time after all and he wanted to ease it into her and let her get used to the intensity of it, to feel her heartbeat through her opening ring.

So he was knocking most politely at her back door, despite his cock screaming at him to break it down and dive up into her. That is, he was trying hard to control himself enough to gently make love to her in this new way, and suppress the desire to ram her up the shitter (as his baser instincts would describe it).

Lisa was whispering to Marjory now, dropping the bossy tone in favour of an encouraging and sisterly one.

"Breathe deeply, and push out slightly - focus on opening up, but mainly relax."

Marjory felt Lisa's face soft against her own -they were cheek to cheek. At some stage Lisa had deployed her large tits and Marjory looked at them whilst listening to the anal advice of the woman she knew to be an expert. She tried to relax and accommodate the invader - fuck, he was big - and all of a sudden she felt him succeed in pushing the head through her sphincter. Marjory made a little noise of surprise at the intrusion.

Greg moaned with pleasure as he looked down at Marjory's arsehole stretched around the neck of his cock. She felt tight and hot and her ring was snug around his bell end like a collar - a turtle neck, he thought suddenly, as he pushed slightly and saw it slip along his shaft.

Marjory was struggling with the intensity of Greg's dick going into her, up her, where he shouldn't have it, and the joy on Lisa's face was such a turn on. 'Her husband's pushing his prick up my arse and she looks over the moon about it,' she thought.

"Breathe," Lisa urged her, giving the girl's nipples a tweak. "It's big and it's going all the way in."

Greg and Lisa had never brought anyone into their bed before and only spoken about it as a fantasy while they were fucking. They both had good imaginations though and could construct elaborate fantasies as they came. Marjory was beyond any of their fantasies and the reality of having her in their bed did make them both nervous. This time it was real - this was a real woman, struggling to fit Greg's dick in her backside and making little noises in Lisa's ear. Greg looked into Lisa's eyes and considered that although it was Marjory he was sticking out of so obscenely, he was also fucking Lisa - he could see her pleasure as he drove his hips forward. Soon she would start talking the way only Lisa could, he knew. He just hoped he could last a while before her words and this girl's tight arse became too much for him.

He was right. As soon as Lisa could see from Marjory's face that discomfort had become pleasure, she abandoned her gentle encouragement in favour of her foul mouthed dominating persona. Greg slid a few more millimetres into Marjory, his hands on her hips guiding her back onto him. He was now about halfway and her tunnel gripped him like two slippery fists.

Marjory thought she was going to cum every time it moved further into her. So unusual to feel something slide in that direction, she thought crudely. The vibrator on her clit was so slick by now it was becoming hard to hold. She looked up at Lisa- with her big tits and blonde hair and her hand on her hip she looked like such a cliche. This woman was going to watch her come soon, she knew. In that moment she wanted to pleasure Lisa too and make her scream.

Lisa slipped a finger into herself and began to address the pair in front of her.

"Look at you, squirming with my husband's cock in your dirty arse. Appalling behaviour!"

To Greg she said, "Ok, she can take it, fuck it like you own it. Make the slut come."

That caused Greg to push the rest of his cock into Marjory, until his hips pressed against her arse cheeks and his balls became wet from touching her cunt. He was through her doors and her rectum danced and spasmed around him.

Marjory heard herself grunt like an animal when Greg pushed the whole thing in. Fuck, she'd never felt so full in her life. And now it was moving, so deep inside her! How fucking dirty and hot that felt.

"Your little arse is so packed full of fat dick. Do you like that?"

Marjory nodded and Lisa slipped her finger out of her own pussy and very quickly reached under Marjory and slid it into hers, right the way in, and crooked her finger tip into her g spot. Marjory squealed in delight and surprise. Now she's mine, Lisa thought as she felt her husband's cock move in Marjory's body as well.

She massaged Marjory inside and kissed her husband's muscled abdomen as he stoked the girl's gradually relaxing arse and he tried not to hear Lisa's monologue of filth.

"Fuck that little hole until it's soft and wet and sloppy like her cunt." (Lisa wiggled her finger quickly so Greg could hear how wet Marjory was.)

"You're such a horny slut - you're dripping from your pussy because my husband's driving a big fucking truck up your one way street."

Lisa pulled her finger out and pushed it into Marjory's open mouth so she could taste herself. But the sudden evacuation of her pussy combined with Greg's harder thrusts made Marjory's cunt sneeze violently - a hot gush of liquid hit the sheet in two bursts as Marjory yelped and came hard.

It took all three of them by surprise. Greg redoubled his efforts, determined to fuck more juice out of her, and thrilled by the sudden squeeze that her whole body had done as she gushed.

Marjory herself had never known it to be that much although she did know her pussy would sometimes spit a bit if she came hard or suddenly.

Lisa was delighted and seized on it.

"You dirty girl, your cunt has soaked my sheets!"

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By *aughtyman45Man  over a year ago


Incredible story so well written

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By *enninemarkMan  over a year ago


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By *andaloriansCouple  over a year ago


Ah moist!


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By *uizoMan  over a year ago



Join the link for a gang f*ck group...women come tell us what you want

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By *ohn_1983Man  over a year ago


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By *haron1701DTV/TS  over a year ago


"Marjory stood in the dark hall, her hand on her the door handle of her own room which was across from Alex's - Marjory's ears confirmed the young girl was still sleeping soundly, oblivious to the games of the adults.

From Greg and Lisa's room, a small chink of light was thrown into the dark corridor from the keyhole of their old Victorian door - the period features in the house had been kept, including original doors and some very creaky floorboards.

Marjory was like a moth to that little flame in the dark, and she tiptoed back to the keyhole, berating herself as she did so. 'What, are you hoping to crouch in the dark and watch them fucking, Marj?' In fairness, Lisa had taken her knickers, after Greg had already done who knows what with them, so no-one was innocent. They'd brought it on themselves with their kinky game...

With that, she pressed her eye to the hole and was just in time to see Lisa's dress drop to the floor, followed swiftly by her bra. Her tits were just as Marjory had imagined them, large but firm and her nipples raging at that instant.

But the real reveal was Marjory's knickers, and Marjory watched Greg nearly growl with desire, and observed how Lisa's arse, which was a bit larger than her own, was parted by them. She turned her attention to Greg, who had peeled his shirt and trousers off quickly, and whose cock was straining to get free.

He was lean enough that the angled light threw his athletic build into relief, although without a shredded gym bunny look. He looked healthy and strong, and like he could give either his wife or the very wet girl crouching in his corridor an extremely thorough fucking. Maybe both, she thought.

He looked hot, she summarised, and at that moment, he tugged his boxers off and Marjory got a good look at his decent sized and massively aroused cock. Lisa eyed it with the same greedy expression. She kneeled in front of it and seemed to take exquisite pleasure in closing her mouth over the throbbing thing, her fingertips teasing Greg's balls.

Marjory was practically salivating in the hall (certainly her hungry little cunt was) and she watched Lisa work the large cock as far into her throat as she could and slip two fingers into her leaking twat, still wearing Marjory's knickers.

It was all getting too much. It was almost painful to tear her eye from that vision but she would be right back - Marjory moved as quietly as she could in the dark. Damn these floorboards!

In her room, she rummaged feverishly and pulled out her bullet vibrator, flicking it on to check it would be quiet enough. Almost silent. It would do.

She retraced her steps, her hands sticky with excitement. Moving back into position, the boards creaked under her. Fuck! She held her breath, looking through the hole - the action in the room continued so she must have got away with it.

Lisa was still quite messily guzzling Greg's cock - she didn't seem to mind drooling on her own big tits, and when she paused to catch her breath it popped free and shone majestically.

Marjory switched the vibrator on, pressed against her clit and had to stifle a moan. Lisa moved a little lower to lick Greg's loaded-looking bullocks, and the muscles in his back and arse twitched and rippled in front of Marjory.

More strikingly than that though, Lisa was looking her dead in the eye. Had she heard? Marjory wondered. Lisa pumped Greg's cock with her hand and continued to lick Greg's balls, all the while smiling with her eyes towards the keyhole. She was going to give that snooping girl a show. She gave a little smile when her mouth was free, and Marjory knew she'd been rumbled.

In the dark hall, Marjory's heart was pounding - Lisa knew she was watching, but was continuing! So now it was a performance. It didn't seem like Greg knew. Her new mistress held the power, then - Marjory's cunt practically spat into her knickers when she framed it in those terms and she pressed harder with the vibe.

She would do anything Lisa commanded, she decided. The woman was a sexual genius.

The gaps between the floorboards were starting to slightly bite into Marjory's knees as she kneeled in the dark, as though begging for release. In fact she knew she could come any second, so hard that she'd writhe on the creaking floor and they'd open it and stand over her watching. But the show wasn't over so she fought to suppress the orgasm and the thought of them both calling her a dirty slut while she came for them.

Greg had pulled Lisa over him on the bed, in a 69 with Marjory's knickers still firmly in place - although wet through now. Lisa had turned her and Greg so that Marjory would get a good view of him exploring.

"Tell me if you can smell her" Lisa whispered, not quietly enough. Greg just moaned. His wife was extraordinary, he thought, as he did indeed try to pick out the scents he'd encountered earlier.

To be honest with himself, he wasn't sure he could tell Marjory's horny pussy from the smell of his wife's cunt now that she'd been leaking into them for some time, but as he pressed his face closer and the fabric wet his lips, he inhaled the knickers where they stretched tight against her arsehole and was certain he could still smell Marjory there - a day's accumulated sweat and above it all, the musk from Lisa's own little dark star, which twinkled as she felt him sniffing her.

What a dog her husband was, Lisa thought as his cock lurched in her mouth - the scents from a strange girl's holes turn him into an animal. If that girl didn't behave she'd unleash him and let him have his way with them. She ground her hips down into his mouth, and she hoped Marjory was getting a good lock.

In the hall, Marjory was indeed seeing everything, and she'd moved her legs apart to allow the vibe to move between her lips. She saw Greg pull her knickers to one side, exposing Lisa's desperate and drooling cunt - a string of clear nectar reaching out to her knickers as if to keep them in place.

She watched Greg take that with his tongue, collecting it and then licking Lisa's lips with evident delight, before clamping on her swollen clit. Lisa shook visibly at this.

Greg pulled the knickers to one side and spread Lisa's arse with his hands, and Marjory marvelled at how her little arsehole was twitching in time with Greg's licking. 'Fuck that's hot. Don't come yet Marj, he's not even fucked her yet!' she told herself.

It escalated though, and she had to try harder still when she saw Greg's fingertip draw some of the copious juice from her knickers and start to circle Lisa's anus, before abruptly slipping into it.

Lisa was coming already - she knew Marjory could see her splayed arsehole being fingered while her husband sucked her cum-spewing snatch, all while she wore the knickers of the girl watching in the dark and struggled to cram a fat cock into her throat.

She couldn't prevent the climax, but Lisa had control even of how she lost control. She thought of her orgasms a bit like surfing - there was an art to knowing when to let a wave roll under you, and rise and fall with it, if you sensed a bigger wave coming. Lisa did, and she would ride that one home.

Greg felt his wife coming in his mouth, her arse pinching his finger rhythmically - he slid more of it up her tight hot passage and heard her grunt on his cock. His eyes were still fixed on Marjory's cum-smeared gusset even as he rolled his wife's clit and pumped his finger in and out of her arse. It was time to fuck her.

Lisa was unusually demanding about which way they faced, and also stopped him when he went to peel the knickers off her.

"No, fuck me through them. From behind." Lisa said in a stage whisper with a glance towards the keyhole. "You can pretend it's her."

Greg blushed a little, wanting to protest that of course he didn't want to imagine fucking the beautiful girl with the divine-smelling pussy (who at this moment was biting her lip on the other side of the door and watching his expression). Lisa certainly knew how to push his buttons.

She was on her hands and knees now, one arm reaching back to hold the gusset of Marjory's knickers to one side of her open and swollen cunt. Greg held her hips and touched the tip of his cock against his wife's dripping slit, intending to tease her by pressing it between her folds slowly. However, Lisa pushed quickly back against him and he was buried in her boiling cunt up to his balls with a slurp as she grunted and spasmed around his cock.

Marjory watched Greg toying with her knickers as he started to fuck his wife, who began whispering to him lewdly (and for Marjory's benefit).

"Ungh.. yeah, do her like she wants you to... Show me her cum on your cock."

Greg and Marjory both watched as Lisa's cream began to gather on the knickers as he gave her long strokes, pulling almost fully out before driving back in all the way, and churning her cum to a froth. Marjory watched Lisa's tits shaking and let the little vibrator slip inside her pussy for a second.

God, how she wanted to burst through the door and be taken and used however the couple wanted.

Greg helped himself to some of the spare lube that Lisa was creating, and without much ceremony slid his entire thumb up to the knuckle up his wife's arse.

She took it well, although it did set off another orgasm that she couldn't fight, and she moaned as his digit stiffly fucked her tight back passage while her sloppy cunt clenched his cock.

Greg loved feeling the inside of his wife's arsehole, when it abandoned the battle of trying to keep him out and switched to embracing him. He loved her velvety walls and how they caressed him while she was coming, and how he could feel the movements of his own cock. He knew Lisa wanted him up her arse.

Sure enough, Lisa climbed off Greg's cock, spilling a little of her cum onto her thighs, and said to him. "Let her see you fuck me up the arse. Show her how you bugger me with that big dick of yours."

Greg assumed his wife was still talking through the fantasy - and found it incredibly hot. Marjory knew how literally Lisa meant every word - and did as well.

Lisa pulled the knickers off and handed them to Greg. "I want to see you smell her while you shove it in me".

Greg complied by holding them to his face - they really were sodden now, and smeared with fuck juice. He navigated them and still found the scent of Marjory's arse that made his head spin. Both Lisa and Marjory watched him enjoy it.

Lisa pulled her cheeks apart, and Marjory struggled to control her breathing as her pussy dribbled around her fingers.

He may only have been doing it vicariously, but Greg was sniffing her arsehole, just as he was pressing the fat head of his cock through his wife's twitching sphincter. His pupils were dilating and Lisa could feel his heartbeat in the large, burning hot item that was starting its journey up her bum. She hoped Marjory could see it going in.

She encouraged Greg: "Imagine it's hers. Breathe it in." was all she said, and she felt him grow and stretch her more. She did love his big dick up her arse sometimes. She had to be really horny to want it, but right now the thought of Marjory seeing it happen while knowing that Greg and Lisa were both imagining it was her was the most erotic situation she'd ever been in, and she wanted Greg to do her arse ferociously and pump it full of cum. It slid further in.

Marjory looked on in wonder at how Lisa was taking that big cock in her arse - she'd never tried it herself, but as she knelt in the hall on the hard floor (her knees were raw now) she slipped another had into her pyjamas and let a fingertip play with her puckered little anus while the vibe buzzed wetly between her lips.

She imagined Greg penetrating it, and Lisa egging him on.

Greg was on the edge of heaven as he forced the last of his cock into his wife's fluttering rectum and heard her gasp, and his senses were filled with their au pair's intimate aromas.

He felt the urge to share them: as he picked up the pace and began to shaft her tunnel forcefully, he held the knickers by Lisa's face.

She fixed her eyes on the door as she inhaled them while her husband bottomed out repeatedly, his balls slapping her cunt each time. To keep from crying out she bit down on the wet knickers, taking both her own and Marjory's cum-soaked fabric into her mouth as a wet gag.

Now she was coming, and this wave she would ride all the way. She could hear the shameless noises her arse made as Greg pounded it freely, and she knew Marjory could too. She could taste both of their horny pussies, and she knew that if Marjory wasn't already coming in her hands she would be soon. She could tell Greg would fill her arse with cum any second.

She screamed silently into the messy gag as she felt Greg's hot load start to flood her. He kept on firing into her as she bucked and squirmed, her arse milking his cock. Greg was roaring without sound as he emptied his balls into his wife's tight interior, watching her suck the fuck juices out of Marjory's knickers.

Marjory was coming too, shaking uncontrollably and biting her lip as she slid the finger that had been only modestly teasing her arsehole up inside herself, desperate to know what Lisa was feeling. She added another finger, feeling her own ring pinch and squeeze as she climaxed.

She watched Greg pull his cock out of Lisa's depths - her well-fucked hole gaped forlornly and Lisa spat the knickers back onto the bed so she could talk some more filth as she kissed her husband.

"Fuck, that felt like quite a load. You've flooded my arse".

"Mmm-hmm" Greg assented, sliding his fingerstips in and out of both her loose holes gently as they kissed, playing in the slippery mess. "Careful or it will all gush out" he said.

"It's ok, I've got a plan" Lisa answered, grabbing Marjory's knickers and pulling them on, just as a tear of cum slid out of the startled little O her arsehole made. It was trapped by the knickers, and Lisa relaxed and let Greg's cum pour out into them.

"I think she can probably have these back now".

Marjory held her breath in the hall, her orgasm still just fading - was Lisa serious?

"In fact, I think I'll make her run in them in the morning." She looked Marjory directly in the eye through the keyhole as she said this.

Marjory knelt in the dark and knew that Lisa wasn't joking, and knew also that she would do anything that Lisa asked of her, and love every second. She would run with her mistress in the morning and wear those filthy knickers for her, and if they chafed because they were drenched with arse-leaked cum, then Marjory would still rub her raw pussy afterwards and come over and over at the thought of how Greg and Lisa would use her. Marjory realised that she was idly sucking her juices from the vibrator and from the fingertips just pulled from her clutches. "You little fuck slut, Marj." she told herself, "That woman owns you now."

Greg just chuckled at what he took to be Lisa's horny imagination. Lisa would make sure tomorrow, though, that he knew Marjory had complied. She felt the last of his load seep out of her, and she gave a kind smile towards the keyhole at the girl who had joined their lives, and unleashed Lisa's dormant dominance. This was the beginning of a journey for all three of them.


WOW, fantastic story and exceptionally well written..... want more... lots more

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By *wingnerdsCouple  over a year ago


Excellent writing, thanks for sharing.

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By *rikey25Man  over a year ago


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By *oth0712Man  over a year ago


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By *hil911Man  over a year ago



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By *aitingstillMan  over a year ago

East of Cork

Very hot

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By *r and Mrs S99Couple  over a year ago


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By *oHorny2Couple  over a year ago


Another fantastic chapter… cheers WilliamK

Mrs x

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By *luttyguy132Man  over a year ago


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By *af105Man  over a year ago


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By *kpiercedCouple  over a year ago


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By *elfastSteamWhistleMan  over a year ago



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By *ike231251Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Lisa suddenly slapped Marjory hard on the arse, and the shock of it sent another dribble out from between her lips. A small red hand print was visible on Marjory's cheek.

Marjory hadn't really stopped coming since that first squirt and Greg's dick was sliding quite freely in and out of her slippery chute now as though she took a big cock up her arse on a daily basis. She could hear that she was wailing and that Greg was grunting as he buggered her, while his thighs clapped wetly against her sweaty arse cheeks over and over. Her arsehole had given up it's proud resistance and made lewd noises around the pounding invasion.

Her pussy hissed another stream of cum again as Marjory said, "Unghh fuuuuck. Yes," followed by sounds that were pure lust.

Lisa was saying to Greg, "You're making her cum - now fuck the shit out of her. Deeper!"

Greg growled a warning, way beyond speech.

Lisa replied urgently, "Do it then, fill her up with cum. Send a load as deep as you can."

Greg was watching the deep red that Marjory's back had turned as she continued to quake and climax, and he kept pistoning through her rubbery hole and riding her orgasm. He couldn't prevent his own any longer, and felt like a hose seconds before the flow reached the tip. Or a spray foam nozzle coaxed into a tight cavity - he would spray this girl's arse to overflowing he was certain, and his wife had a ringside seat! He roared as he began to erupt into pretty little Marjory's bowels.

"My husband is coming in your arse, slut, can you feel it pumping?"

Marjory could indeed, and was wondering what would happen to it - she remembered the cum running back out of Lisa the night before so explicitly.

She felt Greg's cock stop leaping in her bum, and soften slightly to slither out of her -and that much more familiar feeling made her blush especially as she sensed herself gaping under Greg's gaze. She was right, he was looking at her open hole and her dribbling pussy and the mess of the sheets below her. So was Lisa, who was now feeling extremely starved of attention.

"Kneel over here please. Yes, you with the buttload of jizz and the supersoaker pussy."

Lisa was indicating for Marjory to kneel on the floor in front of her. Marjory was wondering how to get there without dropping all the cum out of her hole, which had yet to close back up tightly. She knew that Lisa knew this was her predicament and that Greg was also watching - his cock was growing again!

Marjory smiled and blushed as she rolled on her side, feeling and hearing as some bubbled out of her.

"Come here and lick my cunt, Marjory," Lisa barked urgently at her, and Marjory enjoyed hearing her name in such a rude demand, and wondered what licking pussy was going to be like.

She didn't have to wait long. As soon as she knelt on the floor subserviently in front of Lisa she parted her legs, lifting one onto the bed. Lisa was thrilled with excitement - her pretty little slut looked up at her with her dazzling green eyes, all flushed and sweaty from the extreme arse fucking her husband had just given her. Her auburn hair had fallen mostly out of her pony tail and her lips were open and ready. Lisa held her by the pony tail, and pulled her face towards her belly. She gave Greg a look that said 'watch me come in this girl's mouth' and she sighed loudly as Marjory kissed her stomach, trailing downwards.

Marjory could see and smell how turned on Lisa was and she felt the grip on her hair tighten and Lisa's stomach fluttering as she approached the woman's swollen pussy with her kisses. She looked up at Lisa's big tits heaving above her, and the shock of blonde curls framing her face. Lisa's pubes were also near blonde and Marjory traveled through them and put out a tentative tongue.

The taste didn't surprise her, she had tasted her own juices on her fingers before so she knew what horny girl cum tasted like, but just how hot and wet Lisa was did startle her, and the silky suppleness of Lisa's lips against her own did too.

After exploring with the tip of her tongue to orient herself (Lisa moaned) Marjory settled on Lisa's clit and enjoyed the feeling of power it gave her to control that much pleasure.

It turned out she was good at licking women, Marjory thought. And pretty good at taking it up the arse. Not to mention having a cunt that could write off bedding without warning! As she knelt on the hard floor and Lisa's juices coated her lips and chin, she heard the soft patter of spent cum dropping onto the Victorian floorboards below her, falling through her depths now that she was upright. 'I'm licking pussy while my arse leaks cum on the floor,' she told herself. Her new job had taken an interesting turn.

"Ah, fuck, yes. Lick me. Greg, bring that over here," Lisa said, pulling Marjory's mouth against herself and indicating Greg's dick with her eyes.

He stepped alongside, and Lisa had him stand on the bed so that his cock was by her face. There was no mistaking where it had been, Lisa perceived as it swelled in front of her. She teased Greg by opening her mouth and approaching it, but really she was teasing herself too. Was she going to suck that dirty cock?

Marjory was looking up and also wondering. She held onto Lisa's arse with her hands, to stabilise herself and to pull her cunt harder against her flicking tongue.

Greg was watching his wife's eyes carefully, and knew she was on the edge. He put his fingers through her curly blonde hair and held her head in a strong grip. His eyes never left hers as he pushed his now rock hard cock into her open mouth.

Lisa moaned and began to come, tipped over the edge by the thought (and the musky reality) of sucking Greg's arse-flavoured dick while their au pair knelt between her legs.

She sucked Greg's cock enthusiastically as she came, moaning. He didn't need much stimulation now, and his wife's filthy ecstasy at tasting Marjory's arse on him was enough to set him off as well. So Lisa felt him spurt a hot thick load into the back of her throat and her legs shook as the waves of her orgasm were slowing.

She pulled Marjory's mouth from her pussy - she looked beautiful drenched with her cum, Lisa thought, and she leaned over quite swiftly and kissed Marjory deeply, spilling Greg's cum into her mouth as she did so and sharing it in the kiss.

Marjory kissed Lisa back, tasting Greg's cum and swirling it with her tongue and reeling with all of the sexual adventure they had crammed into the last hour. She kissed Greg too, realising that was the first time and enjoying that she was bringing him the taste of his wife's cum and his own. He kissed the young girl back, surprised by her passion, and he held Lisa round the waist as he did so.

All three gently returned to earth, or that was the feeling, and despite the unspeakable filthiness of the past hour, they felt intimate and gentle as a threesome now.

Lisa was sure to reassert her ownership of Marjory though, and tugged the girl's nipples for a second as she said,

"Now you may wash, Marjory."

In fact they has all better get cleaned up and restore some normality and decorum in time to fetch their little spider from the party.

Marjory stood in the hot jet from the shower and the last globs of Greg's cum slid down the back of her thigh. Her poor neglected pussy, she thought. She needed to feel Greg in there. Maybe next time, she thought, wondering when that would be.

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