
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Fabswingers.com site feedback > New chat changes 27th May FAQ

New chat changes 27th May FAQ


By *j_mark OP   Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod


This is a quick FAQ so chat users can see the relevant points quickly:

Comments are welcome on the feedback thread:


Q1. What are the changes?

Two changes. First, in response to feedback that the rooms when full are too quick and hard to keep track of, we have reduced the room size slightly to 175 (from 200). We have also introduced a second general chat room because this was sometimes full. The aim is that there will always be rooms available for all users to enter (i.e. if a time comes when all the directing rooms fill up each evening, we'll just add another).

Second, in response to feedback that site supporters would like to be able to enter full rooms, we now allow that. Site supporters can enter full rooms in view-only view. Those users in view-only mode won't show in the roomlist (they also can't PM or poke you).

Q. I HATE the idea of someone I can't see viewing my cam!

Don't worry, you now have the ability to block view-only users from seeing your cam via a new privacy option on the normal privacy page on the website. You can access the privacy page via "MY ACCOUNT" or direct with this link (you may need to scroll down):


Q. How do I check my cam is hidden from view-only users?

If you are already in chat, you need to come out, wait 5 minutes then re-enter. If you were not already in chat the change takes affect as soon as you next enter chat (and all subsequent times). Check under the room list at the right hand side of chat (you may need to scroll down the room list) and you will see text which says: "Cam hidden from view-only users" (in pale grey)

Q. What do view-only users see if I've hidden my cam?

They see your username but no cam icon is available. It's just like you're in chat but without your cam on. Everyone else in the room can see it as normal.

Q. Do site supporters now have priority in entering full rooms? This is NOT fair.

No, everyone has the same priority to enter full rooms. If a site supporter is in a full room in view-only mode and the room becomes less busy they need to quit the room and re-enter to try and enter normally, same as everyone else.

Q. We still see the same people in multiple rooms at the same time. It's not fair!

We agree it's unfair and we'll be doing a change within the next fortnight to stop this happening.

Admin x

PS. don't forget, comments to the feedback thread:


We'll be updating this FAQ with any new questions that pop up.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)
