
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Ireland > Fab Helsing - Game Thread II

Fab Helsing - Game Thread II

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol











Wendy Liqour




Captain Caveman41

Beard and Boobs


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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

Villagers are reminded they have under five hours left to vote once more for who they believe to be a member of the crypt...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


I’m unsure about some of the others. Do vampires hide away or appear in plain sight.

I’ll nominate neverfound as a vampire wouldn’t want to be


You may suspect most of us, but that was very clever reasoning Mr SeanBelfast!

Who doesn't admire a villager with strong conviction to vote nearly 5 hours in advance

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By *ollypop9Woman  over a year ago

wouldn't you like to know

Lollypop listened carefully when her friend Bogman made excuses for his status, but isn't it the ones you least expect ?

I mean a man who brings Donuts everywhere he goes but doesn't eat them himself, what is he feasting on ?

Is he feeding everyone the Donuts so his prey will taste sweeter ?

No, she won't be changing her mind, as much as it pains her.

Bogman gets her vote today.

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By *og-ManMan  over a year ago


Here's some more latin for you _ollypop9

Et tu, Brute

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By *og-ManMan  over a year ago


I'm also going with neverfound so he has more votes than me is the only reason I can think of

I'd be crap in the big brother house I admit it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Confused by the sudden glares from other Fab Villagers Neverfound shrugs and points at Bogman for his vote.

"We really should start interviewing people, rather than death by pegging..."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This is ripping the village apart... i'm not sure who to believe anymore...

"Do you believe in life after love?

I can feel something inside me say

I really don't think you're strong enough, no"

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By *rblue5kyMan  over a year ago


Today I'm torn between 3 but bogman is still getting my vote.

The other two...... I'm watching you

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Anyone know a good dentist in Fabonia? I chipped my tooth earlier chomping on some chewy meat

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


I’m voting now so I don’t forget as have other plans for the rest of the evening. I’m going to go for neverfound today there’s just something off can’t quite put my finger on it but it’s there.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I’m voting now so I don’t forget as have other plans for the rest of the evening. I’m going to go for neverfound today there’s just something off can’t quite put my finger on it but it’s there."

'Other plans for the rest of the evening'....

Errmm..... sounds like something a late night blood sucker would say

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


Well let’s just say sausage not blood is on the menu your more than welcome to join in.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Anyone know a good dentist in Fabonia? I chipped my tooth earlier chomping on some chewy meat "

It's definitely you Vertebrae.... some fancy footwork there trying to cast suspicion my way but I sussed you before and I suss you still

I vote Vertebrea

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

Fabonians are reminded by the echoes of the village bell that they have just two hours left to vote...

With rumours circulating that a tie is afoot... One which Village Chieftainess Wendi may have to break...

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


"Anyone know a good dentist in Fabonia? I chipped my tooth earlier chomping on some chewy meat

It's definitely you Vertebrae.... some fancy footwork there trying to cast suspicion my way but I sussed you before and I suss you still

I vote Vertebrea "

There’s still something a bit suspect about you lovely fandango. Somethings just don’t quite add up.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"This is ripping the village apart... i'm not sure who to believe anymore...

"Do you believe in life after love?

I can feel something inside me say

I really don't think you're strong enough, no""

Because of the links between Cher and vampires, I think Vertebrae is the vampire. Too many references to go unnoticed

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Fabonians are reminded by the echoes of the village bell that they have just two hours left to vote...

With rumours circulating that a tie is afoot... One which Village Chieftainess Wendi may have to break... "

Ohh a tie

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


Everyone knows Cher is a vampire but I think Vertebrae is only trying to channel her to seek out the actual vamps we have here on our Fabonia. Fair play to him as I wouldn’t be able to do any justice to the outfits and I’d break a leg in the heels.

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


"Fabonians are reminded by the echoes of the village bell that they have just two hours left to vote...

With rumours circulating that a tie is afoot... One which Village Chieftainess Wendi may have to break...

Ohh a tie "

I hope we don’t get it wrong again or the village is May be completely screwed and possibly not in the good way.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


I vote Vertebrea "

Thats a weird autocorerct typo from your phone, 'vote' instead of 'love'

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago



I’m unsure about some of the others. Do vampires hide away or appear in plain sight.

I’ll nominate neverfound as a vampire wouldn’t want to be

You may suspect most of us, but that was very clever reasoning Mr SeanBelfast!

Who doesn't admire a villager with strong conviction to vote nearly 5 hours in advance "

I am out for cocktails this evening so didn’t think I’d be on before the voting deadline and I may slightly inebriated later and am afraid of being taken advantage of after the sausage and sauce earlier I think fandango and _eard and boobs have left marks

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


I vote Vertebrea

Thats a weird autocorerct typo from your phone, 'vote' instead of 'love' "

You cast my love aside when you went for my neck

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


I vote Vertebrea

Thats a weird autocorerct typo from your phone, 'vote' instead of 'love'

You cast my love aside when you went for my neck "

That was just a mere gentle kiss on the neck and down onto the shoulder

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago



I’m unsure about some of the others. Do vampires hide away or appear in plain sight.

I’ll nominate neverfound as a vampire wouldn’t want to be

You may suspect most of us, but that was very clever reasoning Mr SeanBelfast!

Who doesn't admire a villager with strong conviction to vote nearly 5 hours in advance

I am out for cocktails this evening so didn’t think I’d be on before the voting deadline and I may slightly inebriated later and am afraid of being taken advantage of after the sausage and sauce earlier I think fandango and _eard and boobs have left marks"

If we left marks come see us later and I’m sure we can find something to rub on them to make you feel better.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Neverfound also gets my vote...

Clearly has been awol at night time the last few days when dodgy shit has gone down

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Neverfound also gets my vote...

Clearly has been awol at night time the last few days when dodgy shit has gone down "

Outrageous! I have been doing what any good fabber does! Trying to get one of the ladies into bed.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Neverfound also gets my vote...

Clearly has been awol at night time the last few days when dodgy shit has gone down

Outrageous! I have been doing what any good fabber does! Trying to get one of the ladies into bed."

That's where I've been going wrong, focusing too much energy on this game while you've focused on the ladies, damn you....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"That's where I've been going wrong, focusing too much energy on this game while you've focused on the ladies, damn you.... "

It seems neither approach has been working for me, have no fear on that.

I do not consent to be pegged though, I will take exile if people have voted my innocent soul away.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


It seems neither approach has been working for me, have no fear on that.

I do not consent to be pegged though, I will take exile if people have voted my innocent soul away."

Just between me and you, I think our gamemaster Fluffy Kittens is living out their pegging fantasy through the guise of an in game character monologue (Don't let them know we picked up on it though )

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

As the villagers gather in the square to hear the results of tonight's voting with rumours spreading of a count tighter than Bog-Man when his round is due at the Tavern, Vertebrae begins to sweat like a nun in a cucumber patch at the thought of him causing another untimely death to an innocent villager...

"Just stay calm... Don't over think it... Just don't go near their arse... Simple!!... But what if it's Lollypop9... Or FandagoFlutters777!... No!"

Chieftainess Wendi declares to the villagers... "Tonight... It is Neverfound that must prove his allegiance to Fabonia!"

"Do I at least get a courtesy lick first?" he queries as everyone's eyes shift to Vertebrae

"Don't fear, Pauls21 has been paid to fashion a test to which he categorically states will prove whether or not a person has been bitten and requires zero arse play"

"A little's not the end of the world but OK" mutters Neverfound

As the villagers look to Pauls21 and whatever he has up his sleeve... He is nowhere to be found

Afraid to leave Neverfound alone, Wendi decides to split the villagers up...

"I think what's best is we split our resources... Myself, Bog-Man, FandagoFlutters777, ENMGuy2, StardogChampion, Beard and Boobs, Magic97, thehappiestman, Seanbelfast and Lollypop9 will search for Pauls21...

Vertebrae, you stay with Neverfound"

"Wait, I don't think that's a good way to spl..."

"No there's time!!"

Setting off in search of Pauls21 and leaving Vertebrae and Neverfound together, the villagers soon arrive at his hut to the eerie silence they dreaded

As the gang knock to no answer, call out to no reply, they decide it best to go inside and hope for the best...

Meanwhile Neverfound and Vertebrae are stood in the village square unaware of how to proceed.

"You realise you could just run away, right? I mean, whether you're one of them or not, your best bet is to run"

"What, is my arse not good enough for you, is that it?!" Neverfound harks

"Oh but Captain Caveman41 had an irresistible arse I bet! Made from jelly because jam don't shake like his did!" he scoffs

Rolling his eyes but sweating nonetheless at the thought he's been cursed, Vertebrae does his best to just ignore the situation

Back at Pauls21's the villagers enter into his hut to find nothing out of place, no ominous signs but strangely no Pauls21 either...

"Do you know what the test was, Chieftainess? I mean, he could have blagging the whole time and just skipped out with the money"

With that the villagers open the bedroom door to be met with a shocking discovery!...

... Neverfound's arse can be seen waving in the village square, taunting Vertebrae...

"C'mon, who wants a bite of this green apple, huh?" as he smacks it

"Put it away! It's not happening!! It's never happened... I mean, I never meant for it... Just, put it away!! I wish the others would hurry up"

As the open Pauls21's door they're met with the figure of the man himself... Laid stricken on his bed with jumper cables on his nipples and a burnt out car battery

"Well I guess we know what the test was! This car battery sent an electric shock to his nipples that... I assume... Meant there was fang... Bites from the... Wait, how was it to work in finding out?"

"What's a car?" whispers ENMGuy2

"Electricity hasn't even been invented yet, just nod along" whispers FandagoFlutters777

With the discovery of their fallen Fabonian the rest head back to the village square to decide the fate of Neverfound...

"Look, I can hear them coming back now. Once they've this test you can prove yourself to be one of us and nobody has to do anything with anyone's arse. So pull your pants up please!"

"Oh but Rezo had an ass that just wouldn't quit, huh? Bought his pants from Mars because his arse was out of this world!" goads Neverfound, rather insulted

Getting all too frustrated, the both of them, a shoving match ensues right next to the village memorial of the SF Sabrewing rocket that perished in space those many moons ago...

"Nothing is going near your arse!" shouts Vertebrae as he pushes Neverfound away, flailing backwards with his trousers around his ankles... Unable to stop his fall...

Just then the rest of the village return to see Vertebrae standing over a stricken Neverfound, impaled upon the Sabrewing with a soft smile upon his face... His unchanged, noble Fabonian face...

"..... Still counts, Mystic Peg" goads Beard and Boobs from the back

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol











Wendy Liqour




Captain Caveman41

Beard and Boobs


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

RIP Mystic Neverfound Pegged

Wow, I was 100% sure he was the vampire... if he's not, then WTF and who is

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"RIP Mystic Neverfound Pegged

Wow, I was 100% sure he was the vampire... if he's not, then WTF and who is



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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


RIP Pauls21 you showed us messing with cables and a car battery is not a good idea no matter how tempting it seems. Not that we really know what a car or a battery is.

RIP Neverfound I was so sure it was you, I’m sorry I doubted you.

Vertebrae you didn’t want him to get hurt, if you need any comfort join us at the StuffIt Inn for a couple of pints and you can sleep at ours tonight in the bed and partner(s) of your choice.

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By *ollypop9Woman  over a year ago

wouldn't you like to know

Lollypop9, starting to get used to the strange pegging incidents, is putting her thinking cap on.

There were three votes for poor Neverfound, three Vampires among us at the time.

Was there a connection?

And is Vertabrae really such an unfortunate soul, to constantly have those pegging accidents?

As she could recall, he took great pleasure dressing up as Cher with a great big strap on, last night, when they were together, and was quite fond of Lollypop9's peach.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Thank you B&B for the kind hospitality, I promise, I won't clumsily and accidently end up entering places I shouldn't this time round

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


As she could recall, he took great pleasure dressing up as Cher with a great big strap on, last night, when they were together, and was quite fond of Lollypop9's peach."

That peachy peach, was just the piste de resistance, magnifique, somewhere I felt right at home... touched to be in the prescence of such wonderful peachness

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


It might have been accidental last time this time you just have to ask if you don’t mind us doing the same

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Neverfound looks around him and notices he can see through his own hands. No one can see him at all... Well at least as a ghost he can get some good voyeuristic views in.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Did anyone else see a little silhouetto of a woman in heels and fishnet tights late last night?

Scaramouch, Scaramouch,

The Vampires doing the Fandango!

Thunderbolts and lightning, very, very frightening

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By *og-ManMan  over a year ago


Good morning vampire hunters....why is my arse a bit tender....think I slept on a hard bed

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By *rblue5kyMan  over a year ago


Ahhh the morning has arrived with rain.... not the only thing in fabonia that is wet.

Ti's a day for studying the villagers to out the blood suckers. I have my good eye on 3

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

BelfastSean normally declares his vote 10 hours in advance so I'll wait to see what his thoughts are before I make my voting decision today

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 29/10/22 13:04:17]

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


"Ahhh the morning has arrived with rain.... not the only thing in fabonia that is wet.

Ti's a day for studying the villagers to out the blood suckers. I have my good eye on 3 "

Why did it have to rain I’ve a whole load of the little bits of cloth I call underwear to dry. What am I gonna do now? Is there a fire on in the Inn I could drape it over the chairs and it would be dry in no time.

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


"BelfastSean normally declares his vote 10 hours in advance so I'll wait to see what his thoughts are before I make my voting decision today "

Was thinking the same tbh plus beard and you have left me a little worse for wear this morning between the drinking and the kind of games we were playing. I’m NOT complaining as thoroughly enjoyed myself.

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


Has anyone heard from Fandango today? A bit concerned just in case Vertebrae really did see her last night and it wasn’t a dream. Was she maybe under a trance by a vampire? Scary to think it might be the case.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Thunder rolls in the sky high above Fabonia as the rain pounds down on the town harder than her guy worked Flutters ass last night.

Strolling her wrecked self through the square trailing snagged and torn fishnets from the heel of her stiletto Fandango replayed the last hours in her head. It's surprising the mileage you can get from a few well prepared sausages and some special sauce.

Seeing lights glowing from the ShoveitInn Flutters heads over to see if any Butters are inside to tend to her aches and pains....and feed her more basic appetites

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

Villagers are set to vote once more this evening to finally oust Nosferatu and his army of the undead from Fabonia... As a full moon is predicted to shine above the village tonight...

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By *ollypop9Woman  over a year ago

wouldn't you like to know

Lollypop9 thought to herself, you must not be scared. Think logical.

Three votes , three vampires...

Now we have 4 if not 5 on our hands...

I'll shall not be swayed, Bogman is who I'm voting for still. No doubt he is the leader of the pack.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

ENMGuy2 is already sheltering in Shoveitinn for the day contemplate what has happened in Fabonia. The pegging of various fabonians has him wondering who is the vampire in the group

He sees Fandango entering the inn and goves over to over his massaging services to help with the aches and pains.

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


"ENMGuy2 is already sheltering in Shoveitinn for the day contemplate what has happened in Fabonia. The pegging of various fabonians has him wondering who is the vampire in the group

He sees Fandango entering the inn and goves over to over his massaging services to help with the aches and pains. "

ENMGuy2 just be careful of letting her near your neck she bites. Fair play up until the Vampires decided to arrive I wouldn’t have hesitated to have her suck on my neck as she’s pretty phenomenal but now I’ve a fear of fangs and she’s had plenty of practice.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"ENMGuy2 is already sheltering in Shoveitinn for the day contemplate what has happened in Fabonia. The pegging of various fabonians has him wondering who is the vampire in the group

He sees Fandango entering the inn and goves over to over his massaging services to help with the aches and pains.

ENMGuy2 just be careful of letting her near your neck she bites. Fair play up until the Vampires decided to arrive I wouldn’t have hesitated to have her suck on my neck as she’s pretty phenomenal but now I’ve a fear of fangs and she’s had plenty of practice."

Right then, that's another suss post from a fresh suspect.

I reckon thon vamps are colluding to get me cast out and vulnerable... they must want some stellar blood tonight... I'm feeling cross-hairs tickling the back of my neck already

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


"ENMGuy2 is already sheltering in Shoveitinn for the day contemplate what has happened in Fabonia. The pegging of various fabonians has him wondering who is the vampire in the group

He sees Fandango entering the inn and goves over to over his massaging services to help with the aches and pains.

ENMGuy2 just be careful of letting her near your neck she bites. Fair play up until the Vampires decided to arrive I wouldn’t have hesitated to have her suck on my neck as she’s pretty phenomenal but now I’ve a fear of fangs and she’s had plenty of practice.

Right then, that's another suss post from a fresh suspect.

I reckon thon vamps are colluding to get me cast out and vulnerable... they must want some stellar blood tonight... I'm feeling cross-hairs tickling the back of my neck already "

Just saying I’m in fear of fangs right now and as good as you are at sucking necks with one or more vampires I’m taking no chances with anyone but Beard. Vertebrae was no where near my neck last night and we weren’t near his and we’re still out in the daytime although I will agree that with the rain it doesn’t seem much like day time and I definitely don’t like the kind of wet it makes me.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"ENMGuy2 is already sheltering in Shoveitinn for the day contemplate what has happened in Fabonia. The pegging of various fabonians has him wondering who is the vampire in the group

He sees Fandango entering the inn and goves over to over his massaging services to help with the aches and pains.

ENMGuy2 just be careful of letting her near your neck she bites. Fair play up until the Vampires decided to arrive I wouldn’t have hesitated to have her suck on my neck as she’s pretty phenomenal but now I’ve a fear of fangs and she’s had plenty of practice.

Right then, that's another suss post from a fresh suspect.

I reckon thon vamps are colluding to get me cast out and vulnerable... they must want some stellar blood tonight... I'm feeling cross-hairs tickling the back of my neck already "

I noticed every time someone suggests you are a vampire, you start talking anout collusion to get the heat off you

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

With three hours left to vote, villagers begin to suspect anyone and everyone as nothing but Fabonians have fallen victim to their attempts to hunt the undead!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"With three hours left to vote, villagers begin to suspect anyone and everyone as nothing but Fabonians have fallen victim to their attempts to hunt the undead! "

Maybe there were no vampires all along

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


BelfastSean is still off the radar has he over dosed on blood and is recording or has he been drained dry?? Don’t know which would make me more sad.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"ENMGuy2 is already sheltering in Shoveitinn for the day contemplate what has happened in Fabonia. The pegging of various fabonians has him wondering who is the vampire in the group

He sees Fandango entering the inn and goves over to over his massaging services to help with the aches and pains.

ENMGuy2 just be careful of letting her near your neck she bites. Fair play up until the Vampires decided to arrive I wouldn’t have hesitated to have her suck on my neck as she’s pretty phenomenal but now I’ve a fear of fangs and she’s had plenty of practice.

Right then, that's another suss post from a fresh suspect.

I reckon thon vamps are colluding to get me cast out and vulnerable... they must want some stellar blood tonight... I'm feeling cross-hairs tickling the back of my neck already

I noticed every time someone suggests you are a vampire, you start talking anout collusion to get the heat off you "

Lol so says the suss sucker....

Time will tell, I'm not worried x

Except about a pain in the neck

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"With three hours left to vote, villagers begin to suspect anyone and everyone as nothing but Fabonians have fallen victim to their attempts to hunt the undead!

Maybe there were no vampires all along "

Ohhh a conspiracy theory, me thinks. It could possibly be a diversion tactic

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


"With three hours left to vote, villagers begin to suspect anyone and everyone as nothing but Fabonians have fallen victim to their attempts to hunt the undead!

Maybe there were no vampires all along

It’s a possibility but it’s hard to tell who’s bluffing and who’s genuine. Gets a bit confusing when I’m near in a food coma.

Ohhh a conspiracy theory, me thinks. It could possibly be a diversion tactic "

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By *rblue5kyMan  over a year ago


In still voting for bogman. Definitely a

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"With three hours left to vote, villagers begin to suspect anyone and everyone as nothing but Fabonians have fallen victim to their attempts to hunt the undead!

Maybe there were no vampires all along

Ohhh a conspiracy theory, me thinks. It could possibly be a diversion tactic "

I've got plenty of votes this week so I have not hid away like some others have There are vampires hiding in the long grass amomgst us, hoping that by not posting much they get bypassed when votes come around

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By *og-ManMan  over a year ago


Right...I'm in work so have to vote now.....Im going with FandangoFlutters777...someone that sexy cant be real....she's getting regular blood transfusions I reckon

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Time will tell, I'm not worried x

Except about a pain in the neck "

You do have a very tasty neck..... maybe i'll get to see it up closer later this evening

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago


Sweat jaysus and the little donkey. Seanbelfast was attacked last night. I was talking to beards and boobs who were refusing the garlic and herb sausages I made. Then fandango distracted as she does but when I saw vertebrae approach from behind I panicked after the pegging incidents and went to the bar and that’s where I was attacked by the beer monkey who took all my money and beat m head. I woke this morning with no money and pounding headache though luckily my arse was in tact so vertebrae must have been someone else it saddened me to hear of the loss of another villiager so I went off to the fabonia park run in the rain to try and cure the head then played 18 holes and even though I’d wood it still didn’t help.

I’m at a loss for a suspect though will stand up for fandango with the accusations targeting her, such a sweet innocent smile but full of devilment. Lolly is another lady but behind closed doors does she change. Beards and boobs are perfect together but which one led the other astray for the first time.

Vertebrae is a bit too keen to use his stake for pegging on villiager and vampire but is picking him too obvious. Will have to consider more options

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


...I’m at a loss for a suspect though will stand up for fandango with the accusations targeting her, such a sweet innocent smile but full of devilment...."

That's how (un)-conscious bias works and why the evil genius gamemaster picked fandango as the vampire because most of us would unconsciously rule her out...

Time to think with your head Sean my auld pal

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago



...I’m at a loss for a suspect though will stand up for fandango with the accusations targeting her, such a sweet innocent smile but full of devilment....

That's how (un)-conscious bias works and why the evil genius gamemaster picked fandango as the vampire because most of us would unconsciously rule her out...

Time to think with your head Sean my auld pal "

As long as it’s the right head he uses.

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago



...I’m at a loss for a suspect though will stand up for fandango with the accusations targeting her, such a sweet innocent smile but full of devilment....

That's how (un)-conscious bias works and why the evil genius gamemaster picked fandango as the vampire because most of us would unconsciously rule her out...

Time to think with your head Sean my auld pal

As long as it’s the right head he uses."

Always use the right head for the situation though I’ve a feeling you could distract me from that

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Sean, head in the game here and stop getting distracted by naughty woman... we need you to be on top of your game when making the decision later

Vampires always tend to seduce you first, then suck you to death

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 29/10/22 18:26:33]

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago



...I’m at a loss for a suspect though will stand up for fandango with the accusations targeting her, such a sweet innocent smile but full of devilment....

That's how (un)-conscious bias works and why the evil genius gamemaster picked fandango as the vampire because most of us would unconsciously rule her out...

Time to think with your head Sean my auld pal

As long as it’s the right head he uses.

Always use the right head for the situation though I’ve a feeling you could distract me from that "

As long as you don’t get distracted and forget which head your supposed to use.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I only suck cocks not necks...those I lick

I vote Vertebrae.... I believe he's in cahoots with others but definitely suss....

Will 3rd time be the charm?

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

With the witching hour fast approaching, many villagers are fearful of voting in case they lose another beloved Fabonian... While Vertebrae toys with the idea of handcuffing himself to the pillory as to avoid another incident...

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago



...I’m at a loss for a suspect though will stand up for fandango with the accusations targeting her, such a sweet innocent smile but full of devilment....

That's how (un)-conscious bias works and why the evil genius gamemaster picked fandango as the vampire because most of us would unconsciously rule her out...

Time to think with your head Sean my auld pal

As long as it’s the right head he uses.

Always use the right head for the situation though I’ve a feeling you could distract me from that

As long as you don’t get distracted and forget which head your supposed to use."

Both. The imagination and then the reality. Tease the mind and the body will follow.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

With so many of the Fabonians already part of the army of dead, must stay focused at tryingvto save as many as we can

I vote for Vertebrae as he is trying to distract all the men folk from all of the naughty ladies

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"With so many of the Fabonians already part of the army of dead, must stay focused at tryingvto save as many as we can

I vote for Vertebrae as he is trying to distract all the men folk from all of the naughty ladies "

I was just trying to save you from yourself

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago


I’m going to have to go back to the pub who wants a drink as it could be the last night for some, one way or another.

As for my vote, it’s been a tough choice. I’ve started to warm to him but I just can’t turn my back on him with obsessive pegging. As the manager of Frankie Hoes to Hollywood once said, “I’d rather be behind them than in front of them” I can’t keep looking over my shoulder for a vampire and guy pegging as they could be one on the same. Vertebrae I’m going to have to vote for you my friend.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

FandangoFlutters777 gets my vote... clearly been a vampire from day 1 and has wrapped all the men around her little finger

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


Still can’t quite put my finger on what it is that disturbs me but it’s becoming uncomfortable so FandangoFlutters777 I’m going to have to trust my gut and vote for you. I’m sorry if I’m wrong but I just can’t shake it off.

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago


"FandangoFlutters777 gets my vote... clearly been a vampire from day 1 and has wrapped all the men around her little finger "

The moth loves the attraction of the flame and thrill of chase can be oh so rewarding

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"FandangoFlutters777 gets my vote... clearly been a vampire from day 1 and has wrapped all the men around her little finger

The moth loves the attraction of the flame and thrill of chase can be oh so rewarding "

I hope you don't end up being caught in the flame, chasing the light which may end up being the darkness

14 minutes to save yourself

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

With minutes to go before the voting ends, murmurs start to grow louder that Chieftainess Wendi may have to break a tie...

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago


"FandangoFlutters777 gets my vote... clearly been a vampire from day 1 and has wrapped all the men around her little finger

The moth loves the attraction of the flame and thrill of chase can be oh so rewarding

I hope you don't end up being caught in the flame, chasing the light which may end up being the darkness

14 minutes to save yourself "

I’m more about saving others

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"With minutes to go before the voting ends, murmurs start to grow louder that Chieftainess Wendi may have to break a tie... "

Save our village Chieftainess Wendi

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I love Cher but I love FandangoFlutters777 too

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I love Cher but I love FandangoFlutters777 too "

You can trust me Wendi, I'd never shaft you

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By *rblue5kyMan  over a year ago


Make them fight it out naked and in the pool

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By *ollypop9Woman  over a year ago

wouldn't you like to know

As much as Cher is a lady, Vertabrae is not.

After spending the other night at his, I'm quite sure of that.

Keep that in mind Wendi.

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

As the villagers gather in the square to hear their Chieftainess' deciding vote..

FandagoFlutters777 stands tall and proud declaring she is a noble Fabonian whose only crime is selling tickets to peek through her fence when she's hanging her washing...

While Vertebrae stands weak at the knees at the thought of a convenient excuse to approach FandagoFlutters777 arse...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I love Cher but I love FandangoFlutters777 too

You can trust me Wendi, I'd never shaft you "

Thats exactly what a vampire would say

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm sorry Vertebrae but you did kill an innocent (Neverfound) and I've to vote for you for this reason. This is your punishment

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *ollypop9Woman  over a year ago

wouldn't you like to know

Lollypop quietly wonders, does he have to peg himself now ?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It's ok I will as I say I'm the supreme. Your chieftainess has spoken.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Lollypop quietly wonders, does he have to peg himself now ?"

Fandango watches quietly from beside the paddling pool, ready to dive under the surface should a marauding vamp appear....

Noone realises but she swapped the water for holywater overnight

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By *rblue5kyMan  over a year ago


"Lollypop quietly wonders, does he have to peg himself now ?

Fandango watches quietly from beside the paddling pool, ready to dive under the surface should a marauding vamp appear....

Noone realises but she swapped the water for holywater overnight"

There just might be a little of the happiestmans pee in there as well ,sorry I got caught short this afternoon

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago


"Lollypop quietly wonders, does he have to peg himself now ?"

If he could do that he would t have left the house

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

With Chieftainess Wendi Liqour decreeing that it should be Vertebrae that stands trial this evening, accused of being the undead, the villagers pull up their comfiest seats while Seanbelfast has provided everyone with the finest baked goods and plentiful popcorn...

"I wonder how he's going to peg himself?" Lollypop9 cheekily whispers

"I heard it could reach in all fairness... Remember that wonky donkey that used to stagger about?"

"THAT big?" Lollypop9 asked excitedly

"No... But that's why it was wonky!"

Standing in front of his fellow villagers knowing that so many hold him responsible for the passing of their beloved friends... Vertebrae is understandably nervous as to what Fabonia has in store for him!

"Vertebrae! Tonight it is you who must prove your allegiance to Fabonia! You have been responsible for many a death of your fellow Fabonians... But have you been feasting on them too?!"

"Listen, If I could turn back time... If I could find a way... I'd take back all of those peggings that have hurt you all..."

"Silence!" demands Chieftainess Wendi "... Strip!"

"Now you're talking!!" whoops Lollypop9

Unaware of what's coming next, Vertebrae sheepishly begins to undress... Covering his modesty much to the despair of the ladies of the village

"Can you see it?! Down in front!!" shouts FandagoFlutters777

Vertebrae is then ushered to the village pool... Which is bubbling even more than when thehappiestman and his dodgy tummy visit...

"Inside the pool... FandagoFlutters777's has mixed Holy Water... Something no Vampire could survive at the merest touch! Your task is simple... Take a dip in the pool... And prove your status..."

"Proven your legend too!" shouts Beard and Boobs with their camera at the ready

Steadying himself, Vertebrae asks "Can't any of you at least stick a finger up there or something instead?" leering towards his own arse "...I don't swim in the pool at the best of times! Not since that incident with thehappiestman and what I thought was my missing Mars bar"

"Stop stalling and get in!"

Uncovering his modesty to a thump heard five villages over, Vertebrae drags himself quite literally to the pool of Holy water...

"Maybe we made a mistake!... Maybe... I have a test for him!... but I need 30 minutes of stretching first and a comfy bed" muses FandagoFlutters777

"There's no time!!"

Dangling his toes above the water... Lightening strikes Fabonia as the full moon escapes from behind the clouds...

"I just want you all to know... I never meant to peg all those people... They were accidents!" Vertebrae says with a quiver of his lips

"... I know these tests of allegiance haven't gone so well so far... So I want you all to know I love Fabonia and everyone in it no matter what!"

The villagers can't help but tear at the thought of sending one of their dearly loved to their death... But realise they must do what they can to save their village...

As the rain and thunder begin to beat down on the villagers, Vertebrae takes one last deep breath as he prepares to dive into the pool.... He jumps!...

The villagers wince, closing their eyes unable to bear witness to what may be his final moments...

There's silence... Not even a splash...

They look and see the sight of the pool with nobody in it... Not even Vertebrae standing on his three legs in the flesh...

"Well slap my arse and call me Judy, where'd he go?!" asks StardogChampion

Just then... Above the villagers... A cackle is heard through the lightening the shatters the windows of every hut in the land!! Before them, in the sky... Is Vertebrae!!... Or what he has now become!!

"You poor naive fools!!" he hisses from the clouds, his eyes glazed, his wings spread... His penis still gloriously grazing the ground... A VAMPIRE!!

"You'll never rid this village of the undead! For that's what we are... We never die!!" he crackles "... Once our head Vampire is through with you... Nobody will even remember the name Fabonia!"

... "... And I totally meant to peg all those guys!!"

As hysteria sets in, FandagoFlutters777 with her firm grip grabs the creature by it's manhood and heaves... Heaves... Heaves it towards the pool!

"Noooooooo!!... I mean God, yes, keep going... I mean nooooooooooo!!!" the creature squeals as it's helpless in her iron grip!

Swinging it down with a mighty thud, the fearless Fandago launches Vertebrae to his death.... Hissing.... Bubbling... Melting away... Gone but not forgotten...

"I knew it" she says exhausted "... I always knew it"

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol











Wendy Liqour




Captain Caveman41

Beard and Boobs


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The Fandango NEVER lies

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

(Btw....that was epic writing)

As you were x

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


Beard and Boobs are in shock at Vertebraes demise. After the night they had with him they just couldn’t believe he was gone. Boobs sobs @but he didn’t do anything to us we willingly submit to a full body check if you all wish”. The response is undecided with Bogman saying a definite yes everyone needs to be sure but Fluffy Kittens tries to be kind and says everyone needs to go to the Shoveit Inn have a drink to settle nerves first but it is the only way. Everyone follows them to the Inn and after a round of good stiff drinks the 2 are asked to strip to be checked. As the check is carried out more drinks are had but eventually most are satisfied that they are clear. Fandango and Fluffy aren’t completely convinced but there are no obvious marks so they ask that another search be carried out the next day under the sun. Boobs is still upset as she counted Vertebrae as a friend but they both agree it is the only sensible thing to do. Some of the others agree to walk them home just in case there are still other vampires in the village and they might be at risk of attack.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Beard and Boobs are in shock at Vertebraes demise. After the night they had with him they just couldn’t believe he was gone. Boobs sobs @but he didn’t do anything to us we willingly submit to a full body check if you all wish”. The response is undecided with Bogman saying a definite yes everyone needs to be sure but Fluffy Kittens tries to be kind and says everyone needs to go to the Shoveit Inn have a drink to settle nerves first but it is the only way. Everyone follows them to the Inn and after a round of good stiff drinks the 2 are asked to strip to be checked. As the check is carried out more drinks are had but eventually most are satisfied that they are clear. Fandango and Fluffy aren’t completely convinced but there are no obvious marks so they ask that another search be carried out the next day under the sun. Boobs is still upset as she counted Vertebrae as a friend but they both agree it is the only sensible thing to do. Some of the others agree to walk them home just in case there are still other vampires in the village and they might be at risk of attack. "

Noooooo don't be sucked in to this sob story.... you'll be sucked and then you'll be fucked and then they'll cast you aside...an empty bloodless husk

Run I tell you....RUN!!!

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well that's one vampire found. The head will be soon, remember your chieftainess might be quiet but I'm watching yous all very closely.

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago


"Beard and Boobs are in shock at Vertebraes demise. After the night they had with him they just couldn’t believe he was gone. Boobs sobs @but he didn’t do anything to us we willingly submit to a full body check if you all wish”. The response is undecided with Bogman saying a definite yes everyone needs to be sure but Fluffy Kittens tries to be kind and says everyone needs to go to the Shoveit Inn have a drink to settle nerves first but it is the only way. Everyone follows them to the Inn and after a round of good stiff drinks the 2 are asked to strip to be checked. As the check is carried out more drinks are had but eventually most are satisfied that they are clear. Fandango and Fluffy aren’t completely convinced but there are no obvious marks so they ask that another search be carried out the next day under the sun. Boobs is still upset as she counted Vertebrae as a friend but they both agree it is the only sensible thing to do. Some of the others agree to walk them home just in case there are still other vampires in the village and they might be at risk of attack.

Noooooo don't be sucked in to this sob story.... you'll be sucked and then you'll be fucked and then they'll cast you aside...an empty bloodless husk

Run I tell you....RUN!!!"

Sucked and fucked. Not sure if that’s a threat or a promise. My suspicions about vertebrae were correct but who was he In collusion with.

More importantly do I get an extra hour in the bar and who would like a drink?

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By *rblue5kyMan  over a year ago


I shall have a pint of mead sean, raise your glass to departed friends. Vampire or villager they were all friends. I'm beginning to think the head vampire escaped with a scare tonight.

For now I watch 2.....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

You don't choose the vampire life, it chooses you

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

With one member of the crypt caught but the head Vampire still at large, the villagers ready themselves to vote once more this evening!

Knowing that if they oust the ringleader... They'll save Fabonia for good

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By *ollypop9Woman  over a year ago

wouldn't you like to know

Lollypop9 was still disappointed that on her night in Vertabraes company, she was too d*unk to sample the, as now revealed, enormous goods.

Vampire or not, that was some package.

She was thinking to herself, the guy she fancied turned out to be a creature of the night.

Maybe that's a way to figure out the rest of them.

She was always drawn to the dark side.

Going by that, her suspicions were drawn to another of the male kind, who was indeed fairly quiet at the moment.

Her first crush, Stardog Champion.

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By *agic97Man  over a year ago


Magic calls another pint and a bag of baked fries. He deliberately positioned himself next to the fire to use the poker if there was an attack he trusts no one. However he is offering full body checks iv qnyones looking..

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


Boobs is always up for full body checks however as she hasn’t had much interaction with Magic97 she’s a bit wary even though she and Beard were quite close to Vertebrae neither of them ever suspected anything was amiss.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Boobs is always up for full body checks however as she hasn’t had much interaction with Magic97 she’s a bit wary even though she and Beard were quite close to Vertebrae neither of them ever suspected anything was amiss."

Scratches head... and chin....

Is this to be believed

And Magic97.... he's looking very nervous & shifty on that bar stool. Me thinks his ass is clenching in anticipation of a proper bit of wood under his ass... a good stake perhaps

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Neverfound spends his time running his ghostly fingers in all sorts of places, feeling like an ice cube gently brushing the skin.

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago


Seems it’s a day to assess those that are left. Should you keep some close and others closer still. Is there safety in numbers or should the circle be tight. One things for sure, life is short and full of surprise so let’s make them good ones and enjoy ourselves. I think I’ll start a fabonia bar and spa. Now what treatments should I put on special offer? The holy water hot tub may not be for everyone

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By *rblue5kyMan  over a year ago


In still going for bogman. I believe him to be the original vampire.

Can feel it on my waters. May have to make a quick stop at the pool of holy water again

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Its definitely a day for the Fabonia villagers to take stock of those remaining and to figure who is the head vampire. I have a suspicion of one person who has had imitate dealings with Vertebrae who could be the vampire

SeanBelfast, do you have any sexy masseuses who would help with my tight muscles in your spa?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Neverfound has icy hands...is that his undead heart pumping this cold cold blood through his veins...

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago


"Neverfound has icy hands...is that his undead heart pumping this cold cold blood through his veins..."

What is it they say, cold hands warm heart. Though I’ve warm hands and all the better for massages though vertebrae took care of the men and now I know he meant take care of them in a Bram Stoler way.

Just noting who isn’t going into the room of mirrors. Another tell tale sign of vampires that you don’t see their reflection. I’m away to look at a few profile pictures to see what I can see

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

Villagers have but three hours to vote for who they believe to be tormenting their village...

With suspicions raised as to who may be the Head Vampire orchestrating their demise... Knowing finding them and then alone... Will end their nightmare!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I've quite a few suspicions this day

But I'll stick with my first, B&B get my vote....

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago


Looking around this isn’t the sort of Voyeurism I’d thought about. Beards and boobs are worth a watch but would I be safe or is fandango influencing me and am I letting her. As for the rest well cold hands is a tell tale sign. Tick tock

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I have this strange feeling that the vampires are influencing others using their guile and sexiness. My suspicions are that fandango is that person and she should undergo the villagers vampire test

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago


On one hand I can imagine fandango or boobs close to my neck but would hate to think they would draw blood.

I’m going to go with Neverfound only as he’s ice cold hands like the undead

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

Seanbelfast feels the cold hands of Neverfound, convinced he's a member of the crypt...

"Why are you fondling that dead body?" asks FandagoFlutters777

"You mean UNDEAD body!!"

"No... I mean dead... Vertebrae shoved a rocket statue up his hoop a few nights ago sure" she says

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago


"Seanbelfast feels the cold hands of Neverfound, convinced he's a member of the crypt...

"Why are you fondling that dead body?" asks FandagoFlutters777

"You mean UNDEAD body!!"

"No... I mean dead... Vertebrae shoved a rocket statue up his hoop a few nights ago sure" she says"

Sitting by the fire nursing a hangover Seanbelfast just realised neverfound was talking in the room from beyond the grave. I’ve been trying to forget the pegging deaths.

He’s been quiet so rather than risk losing the few ladies we have I’m going to go with happiestman

I am actually warming myself infront of an open fire so will keep it going and try to be sharper in the morning as we need to make the village safe and find this vampire

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

With under an hour left to vote, Chieftainess Wendi addresses the villagers...

"We must be careful... We must be sure! There aren't many of us dear Fabonians left... Should we let these creatures pick us apart and take over even half of Fabonia... We're doomed"

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


Beard here anyone able to get a list of how many votes have been cast and who there for please. Been at the pumpkin patch all day and just now getting back

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


Managed to work out who all has been voted for and with a reasonably clear head it’s FandangoFlutters that is our choice today.

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By *ollypop9Woman  over a year ago

wouldn't you like to know

Lollypop9 didn't know what to believe anymore.

Confused as in who to trust.

Vertabrea done all the accidentally on purpose pegging.

Maybe someone else claiming to oust vampires is really the leader of the pack. The one you least expect. She may sacrificed one of her own to safe herself?

Lollypop9 decides to vote for Fandango.

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By *og-ManMan  over a year ago


Going to stick with who I picked yesterday FandangoFlutters777...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

All the vamps have me cornered...

My fate is sealed

The villagers have left me unguarded

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago


"All the vamps have me cornered...

My fate is sealed

The villagers have left me unguarded "

In fairness I would have let you stay by the fire and warm your marshmallows

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Quietly Neverfounds ghost watches over Fandango as the night closes in. He starts to to prepare a 'Welcome to the Afterlife' care package.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Fandango opens her mega chest of tools and toys and lines them up from finger to fist

May as well start prepping....

She has seen what monstrous things await those being taken by the vamps

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By *agic97Man  over a year ago


Although I'm convinced it is fandango, I'm voting bogman as the the story line is being pushed on by the more active protagonists. Magic then realises he is not active enough... he as Been approved planning to build a new "toy shop" where the priest bless the dildos and the lube is Holly water based.

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


Holly water is only available from the forgotten Buddhist monks atop the forgotten mountain in the darkest shadow of mordor from Nov 15th to Dec 10th

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

With the village still in shock over their beloved stable boy being a member of the undead, Fabonians still plan to fight on in order to save themselves and future generations... After all, he threatened that the Head Vampire was still conspiring...

With another vote being cast the villagers gather to hear who must prove themselves tonight...

"FandagoFlutters777... It is you who has been chosen by your fellow villagers..."

"Fellow villagers my Aunt Fanny!... It's a fix!!" she interrupts

"Silence!" demands Chieftainess Wendi "... The other villagers took their pegging with dignified silence!.. Thankfully, he who shall not be named can no longer inflict such a thing ever again"

.... "I was waiting for this moment... Just one more day and that arse would have been mine!" Vertebrae laments from beyond the grave

"If you'd have all listened to me sooner we would have saved so much heartache and ring-sting... I knew he was one of them! I knew it all along!!"

The villagers hang their heads knowing that she is right, FandagoFlutters777 did have her strong opinions of Vertebrae and stood by her convictions even when the rest of Fabonia looked elsewhere

"Nobody knew... Nobody wished this or any harm upon Fabonians... How could you have been so sure?... Unless you're one of them too!" they shout

"I just... I knew... I mean..." she begins to sob

"... He deserved what happened to him!! Vampire or not... I wanted him dead!!"

The villagers gasp at such a confession, that surely no Fabonian would wish ill upon there own... The sense they've gotten another of Nosferatu's army grows stronger...


"Because... He... He killed my one true love" she sighs, wiping a tear from her eye

"Neverfound... He and I were soul mates... Secret lovers... And he took him from me!"

The villagers are left dumbfounded at the revelation... Nobody knowing that true love lay on their own door steps... Unaware of the heartache suffered by FandagoFlutters777

"Why didn't you tell us?" asks ENMGuy2

"We liked the secrecy... The sneaking around... Sometimes he would just watch me from the afar dressed in his Superman costume... It's the only thing that helped him finish"

With Fabonians saddened by the thought their own tunnel vision and paranoia broke up two sweethearts... They begin to question whether or not they should go through with the test at all

"We're sorry for all you've gone through... For all that we've contributed to it... But... We must know for our sake and our children's sake. Think of the heartbreak sympathy could cause"

It's at that moment FandagoFlutters777, shouts out to the unforgiving crowd... "Don't worry!! You don't have to do it... I'll do it for you!! Then I can be one again with my beloved!"

As panic sets in amongst the villagers fearing that FandagoFlutters777 will strike them down a kerfuffle ensues between her and Chieftainess Wendi... Resulting in Fandago getting away!

"Stop her... An innocent woman wouldn't run!!"

As the villagers chase her down, they corner her at the edge of Mount Mounty McMountainface... Where she stands precariously close to the edge overseeing the sharp drop below...

"Don't do it, Fandago! There's another way!" shouts Magic97

".. And I promise we'll cuddle afterwards!"

"There's no point... I'm not being chased from my home... Separated from my love... By an army of vampires who think they've outsmarted us all! If I'm going out... I'm going out my way.."

With that FandagoFlutters777 blows a kiss to her fellow Fabonians, let's rip a real humdinger of a fart and jumps...

Rushing to the edge to stop her... Trying to grab her... The villagers stand over the edge in fear of seeing their fellow Fabonian falling to their death... Or worse... Flying to their safety...

Suddenly... They see a floating Fandago... Is she?!... Wait, she's not floating... She's being carried...

Neverfound, from beyond the grave, pining for his love is seen lifting his beloved in his arms and holding her safely...

"I couldn't bear to be from you either" he says... "If you come with me now, we can start anew in the afterlife... Away from anyone else... And just be us"

... "So long as you've packed my Superman outfit"

In awe, the villagers watch as FandagoFlutters777 and Neverfound transcend above them to start their life fresh, together... Simply two hearts that pined for each other... To now be one. Two Fabonians, together again.

"... Are we just going to ignore that fart?"

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol











Wendy Liqour




Captain Caveman41

Beard and Boobs


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By *og-ManMan  over a year ago


Im crying here....nearly as sad as the ending of Ghost

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By *agic97Man  over a year ago


Well that was unexpected... here iv voting Wendy tomorrow she seems to want people dead.. however. Fandango you will be missed. Time for a pint and a Holly water hottub

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Oh your turning on your chieftainess

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago


Poor Fandango I will miss her. I fear some were tricked into voting for her and a Vampire led them mmmmm

Fandango can at least enjoy herself where she is now.

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

"Im crying here....nearly as sad as the ending of Ghost "

But kinder than the ending of poor old Pauls ...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Oh did someome order a pegging and I wasn't invited?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Toot toot

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By *aptain Caveman41Man  over a year ago


Am I dead I know I was sick for the last 2 weeks but I didn't know I died

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

With All Hallows' Eve falling upon the land of Fabonia, villagers are more fearful than ever that it will bring even more misfortune to their doorsteps...

... With the growing unease that the few remaining villagers may soon be outnumbered if they can't oust the Head Vampire...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Be fearful of quiet villagers as they are the ones plotting in silence..

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago


I’ve been keeping an eye on beards and boobs. Are they really as innocent as I think or is there more to them than meets the eye and I have looked. Bit that would mean two vampires unless one was a voyeur

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


Bears and boobs spent the morning carving the pumpkin haul into the naughtiest and imaginative designs the could manage to decorate the village. It took so long as as they thought up new ideas they ended up wildly distracted. Some villagers passed the garden but they didn’t stay long to talk although it was lovely being watched. Hopefully the villagers like their handiwork when they are all displayed over the course of the afternoon.

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


"I’ve been keeping an eye on beards and boobs. Are they really as innocent as I think or is there more to them than meets the eye and I have looked. Bit that would mean two vampires unless one was a voyeur "

Love watching all sorts of things people get up to it into upon occasion it’s very enlightening as to some of the secrets they keep.

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By *og-ManMan  over a year ago


So Halloween......Id imagine a whole lot of weird creatures comes out tonight

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago


"Bears and boobs spent the morning carving the pumpkin haul into the naughtiest and imaginative designs the could manage to decorate the village. It took so long as as they thought up new ideas they ended up wildly distracted. Some villagers passed the garden but they didn’t stay long to talk although it was lovely being watched. Hopefully the villagers like their handiwork when they are all displayed over the course of the afternoon. "

Some stayed longer than you think and were distracted by a quare pair of pumpkins but is that part of a plan to distract and lure people in

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


"Bears and boobs spent the morning carving the pumpkin haul into the naughtiest and imaginative designs the could manage to decorate the village. It took so long as as they thought up new ideas they ended up wildly distracted. Some villagers passed the garden but they didn’t stay long to talk although it was lovely being watched. Hopefully the villagers like their handiwork when they are all displayed over the course of the afternoon.

Some stayed longer than you think and were distracted by a quare pair of pumpkins but is that part of a plan to distract and lure people in "

SeanBelfast, All you had to do was ask to get a closer look at the pair you were interested in. Not a ploy to lure or distract anyone wouldn’t have the attention span for that.

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

With just five hours left for Fabonians to cast their vote, the village is being prepared for this evenings fête to celebrate All Hallows' Eve...

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago


"Bears and boobs spent the morning carving the pumpkin haul into the naughtiest and imaginative designs the could manage to decorate the village. It took so long as as they thought up new ideas they ended up wildly distracted. Some villagers passed the garden but they didn’t stay long to talk although it was lovely being watched. Hopefully the villagers like their handiwork when they are all displayed over the course of the afternoon.

Some stayed longer than you think and were distracted by a quare pair of pumpkins but is that part of a plan to distract and lure people in

SeanBelfast, All you had to do was ask to get a closer look at the pair you were interested in. Not a ploy to lure or distract anyone wouldn’t have the attention span for that."

I might wait until it gets dark and I’d have to feel my way around. But the darkness may bring other surprises, never quite sure who approaches you from behind but with the phantom pegged away I do feel a bit safer

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


How do you know there isn’t another phantom pegged as beard was saying you’ve got a cute arse.

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By *og-ManMan  over a year ago


Trick or treat

Trick or treat

Anyone knocks on my door tonight in fabonia without saying Help The Halloween Party is getting pegged by a boot in the arse

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago


Are these pegging vampires. The worry is real but who should I vote for not only to protect me and my apparently cute arse bit to protect the villiager a mmmm

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

Its eerily quiet... is everyone cowering in their cupboards afraid of the Bonfire

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago


I’ve heard of people who turn the lights out and pull the curtains to avoid trick or treaters. My lights are on, drink and desserts at the ready and all welcome for a trick or treat, given or taken. All bar one but who will I pick

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


Oh what tricks and treats are on offer SeanBelfast? More importantly what’s on the desert table and is there a big bowl of cream??

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

With an hour to go until the evenings festivities... Many Fabonians are keeping their cards close to their chest.

Will the villagers be in for a trick... Or a treat...

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago


"Oh what tricks and treats are on offer SeanBelfast? More importantly what’s on the desert table and is there a big bowl of cream?? "

What or who on the table or bent over it. Wouldn’t take long to whip up some cream for you

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


I love a bit of whipping to get a great big dollop of cream. Can only guess at who you might have on the table and is there a different person bent over the table?

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago


"I love a bit of whipping to get a great big dollop of cream. Can only guess at who you might have on the table and is there a different person bent over the table? "

Assume the whipping position and if there’s a a hint of vampire it will be a pegging

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By *eanbelfastMan  over a year ago


As the hour draws near I fear most villagers are out risking their lives going door to door looking for tricks or treats. Beards and boobs may have found both.

I’m going to vote stardog as those teeth look quite sharp

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By *og-ManMan  over a year ago


Im going for stardog too....mans too good looking...can't be a mere mortal ....has to be a vampire

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


Had our eye on a couple of villagers but we’ve gone for Stardog as he’s always so quiet and not around that much. Agree with Bogman he’s to flipping good looking for it to be natural.

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By *ollypop9Woman  over a year ago

wouldn't you like to know

Lollypop9 hid away after poor Fandangos demise.

Guilt eating her up and afraid to make the wrong choice yet again.

Her friends words echoing in her ears : Us ladies should stick together.

But she betrayed her.

I'll just go with what most of you think and someone I suspected all along, she thought to herself.

Stardog Champion it is, he gets Lollypop9 vote tonight.

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


So what happens to those villagers who miss the 8pm cut off point for voting beard here and I'm curious to know if they are discounted or just lose that vote for the day

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

With the sun setting upon Fabonia and most villagers enjoying the Halloween fête, children trick or treating through the cobbled streets... A few still peering over their shoulders after every corner... The votes have been few and far between... But they all count the same...

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By *he zephyr OP   Couple  over a year ago

The Sol

Has Fabonia ousted the undead...

... Or have the undead ousted Fabonia...

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