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Brits denied EU Citizenship

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By *deepdive OP   Man 51 weeks ago

France / Birmingham

Finally, those who believed that you could have your cake and eat it have found that no to be the case.

The article below was taken from "The Local" which is an online only information source.

I am quite surprised that people actually thought that they could have EU citizenship without actually applying to be a citizen of an EU country.

"This week the EU's Court of Justice delivered the final word on the long-running question of whether Brits could hold on to EU citizenship after Brexit.

And as expected it wasn't positive news.

In pronouncing the “definitive dismissal” of the three remaining legal cases, the Court of Justice confirmed previous rulings that Britons lost their rights as EU citizens when the country left the bloc, Claudia Delpero writes in our latest update on the matter.

The legal cases had been brought by UK nationals challenging the loss of EU citizenship rights as a result of Brexit.

The loss of status as EU citizens and all related rights, including free movement and electoral rights in EU member states, is “an automatic consequence of the sole sovereign decision taken by the United Kingdom to withdraw from the European Union, and not of the withdrawal agreement or the Council’s decision approving that agreement,” EU judges said.

The Court had previously ruled on the matter and the claimants had appealed the decisions.

One of the cases concerned a British woman who had lost her electoral rights in France, her country of residence. She argued this was disproportionate and contrary to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Another challenge was brought by the late British veteran Harry Shindler, who was living in Italy, against the EU-UK withdrawal agreement. The argument was that the deal automatically removed EU citizenship rights from British nationals without “test of proportionality”

The Court's decision comes after years of legal battles and represents the final ruling on the matter."

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By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Finally, those who believed that you could have your cake and eat it have found that no to be the case.

The article below was taken from "The Local" which is an online only information source.

I am quite surprised that people actually thought that they could have EU citizenship without actually applying to be a citizen of an EU country.

"This week the EU's Court of Justice delivered the final word on the long-running question of whether Brits could hold on to EU citizenship after Brexit.

And as expected it wasn't positive news.

In pronouncing the “definitive dismissal” of the three remaining legal cases, the Court of Justice confirmed previous rulings that Britons lost their rights as EU citizens when the country left the bloc, Claudia Delpero writes in our latest update on the matter.

The legal cases had been brought by UK nationals challenging the loss of EU citizenship rights as a result of Brexit.

The loss of status as EU citizens and all related rights, including free movement and electoral rights in EU member states, is “an automatic consequence of the sole sovereign decision taken by the United Kingdom to withdraw from the European Union, and not of the withdrawal agreement or the Council’s decision approving that agreement,” EU judges said.

The Court had previously ruled on the matter and the claimants had appealed the decisions.

One of the cases concerned a British woman who had lost her electoral rights in France, her country of residence. She argued this was disproportionate and contrary to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Another challenge was brought by the late British veteran Harry Shindler, who was living in Italy, against the EU-UK withdrawal agreement. The argument was that the deal automatically removed EU citizenship rights from British nationals without “test of proportionality”

The Court's decision comes after years of legal battles and represents the final ruling on the matter.""

It's always a risk when you move to a foreign country that the situation on the ground may change.

The writing was on the wall for the UK's EU membership for decades for anyone with a pea for a brain who understood this country, its past and its culture.

It's really no different from British people living in British colonies in the fifties and sixties. Global changes happen, and the "good life" comes to an end.

I'm sure there are many countries around the world that would welcome their assets and pensions.

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By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan 51 weeks ago

golden fields

"Finally, those who believed that you could have your cake and eat it have found that no to be the case.

The article below was taken from "The Local" which is an online only information source.

I am quite surprised that people actually thought that they could have EU citizenship without actually applying to be a citizen of an EU country.

"This week the EU's Court of Justice delivered the final word on the long-running question of whether Brits could hold on to EU citizenship after Brexit.

And as expected it wasn't positive news.

In pronouncing the “definitive dismissal” of the three remaining legal cases, the Court of Justice confirmed previous rulings that Britons lost their rights as EU citizens when the country left the bloc, Claudia Delpero writes in our latest update on the matter.

The legal cases had been brought by UK nationals challenging the loss of EU citizenship rights as a result of Brexit.

The loss of status as EU citizens and all related rights, including free movement and electoral rights in EU member states, is “an automatic consequence of the sole sovereign decision taken by the United Kingdom to withdraw from the European Union, and not of the withdrawal agreement or the Council’s decision approving that agreement,” EU judges said.

The Court had previously ruled on the matter and the claimants had appealed the decisions.

One of the cases concerned a British woman who had lost her electoral rights in France, her country of residence. She argued this was disproportionate and contrary to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Another challenge was brought by the late British veteran Harry Shindler, who was living in Italy, against the EU-UK withdrawal agreement. The argument was that the deal automatically removed EU citizenship rights from British nationals without “test of proportionality”

The Court's decision comes after years of legal battles and represents the final ruling on the matter."

It's always a risk when you move to a foreign country that the situation on the ground may change.


It wasn't a risk to live in the EU prior to brexit.


The writing was on the wall for the UK's EU membership for decades for anyone with a pea for a brain who understood this country, its past and its culture.

It's really no different from British people living in British colonies in the fifties and sixties. Global changes happen, and the "good life" comes to an end.


Yes, it's sad that people voted for the good times to end.


I'm sure there are many countries around the world that would welcome their assets and pensions. "

None of which are easy to move to.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Finally, those who believed that you could have your cake and eat it have found that no to be the case.

The article below was taken from "The Local" which is an online only information source.

I am quite surprised that people actually thought that they could have EU citizenship without actually applying to be a citizen of an EU country.

"This week the EU's Court of Justice delivered the final word on the long-running question of whether Brits could hold on to EU citizenship after Brexit.

And as expected it wasn't positive news.

In pronouncing the “definitive dismissal” of the three remaining legal cases, the Court of Justice confirmed previous rulings that Britons lost their rights as EU citizens when the country left the bloc, Claudia Delpero writes in our latest update on the matter.

The legal cases had been brought by UK nationals challenging the loss of EU citizenship rights as a result of Brexit.

The loss of status as EU citizens and all related rights, including free movement and electoral rights in EU member states, is “an automatic consequence of the sole sovereign decision taken by the United Kingdom to withdraw from the European Union, and not of the withdrawal agreement or the Council’s decision approving that agreement,” EU judges said.

The Court had previously ruled on the matter and the claimants had appealed the decisions.

One of the cases concerned a British woman who had lost her electoral rights in France, her country of residence. She argued this was disproportionate and contrary to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Another challenge was brought by the late British veteran Harry Shindler, who was living in Italy, against the EU-UK withdrawal agreement. The argument was that the deal automatically removed EU citizenship rights from British nationals without “test of proportionality”

The Court's decision comes after years of legal battles and represents the final ruling on the matter."

It's always a risk when you move to a foreign country that the situation on the ground may change.

It wasn't a risk to live in the EU prior to brexit.

The writing was on the wall for the UK's EU membership for decades for anyone with a pea for a brain who understood this country, its past and its culture.

It's really no different from British people living in British colonies in the fifties and sixties. Global changes happen, and the "good life" comes to an end.

Yes, it's sad that people voted for the good times to end.

I'm sure there are many countries around the world that would welcome their assets and pensions.

None of which are easy to move to."

Aren't they? I've just come back from Barbados and it's incredibly easy to move to. Free your mind from this self imposed EU prison.

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By *rDiscretionXXXMan 51 weeks ago


Isn't the title of this thread a bit click-baity?

None of them have been denied citizenship of an EU country. There's no mention of any of them even applying for said citizenship.

All that's happened to these people is that they made a mistake about their rights, and the court has now ruled that they were incorrect.

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By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan 51 weeks ago

golden fields

"Finally, those who believed that you could have your cake and eat it have found that no to be the case.

The article below was taken from "The Local" which is an online only information source.

I am quite surprised that people actually thought that they could have EU citizenship without actually applying to be a citizen of an EU country.

"This week the EU's Court of Justice delivered the final word on the long-running question of whether Brits could hold on to EU citizenship after Brexit.

And as expected it wasn't positive news.

In pronouncing the “definitive dismissal” of the three remaining legal cases, the Court of Justice confirmed previous rulings that Britons lost their rights as EU citizens when the country left the bloc, Claudia Delpero writes in our latest update on the matter.

The legal cases had been brought by UK nationals challenging the loss of EU citizenship rights as a result of Brexit.

The loss of status as EU citizens and all related rights, including free movement and electoral rights in EU member states, is “an automatic consequence of the sole sovereign decision taken by the United Kingdom to withdraw from the European Union, and not of the withdrawal agreement or the Council’s decision approving that agreement,” EU judges said.

The Court had previously ruled on the matter and the claimants had appealed the decisions.

One of the cases concerned a British woman who had lost her electoral rights in France, her country of residence. She argued this was disproportionate and contrary to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Another challenge was brought by the late British veteran Harry Shindler, who was living in Italy, against the EU-UK withdrawal agreement. The argument was that the deal automatically removed EU citizenship rights from British nationals without “test of proportionality”

The Court's decision comes after years of legal battles and represents the final ruling on the matter."

It's always a risk when you move to a foreign country that the situation on the ground may change.

It wasn't a risk to live in the EU prior to brexit.

The writing was on the wall for the UK's EU membership for decades for anyone with a pea for a brain who understood this country, its past and its culture.

It's really no different from British people living in British colonies in the fifties and sixties. Global changes happen, and the "good life" comes to an end.

Yes, it's sad that people voted for the good times to end.

I'm sure there are many countries around the world that would welcome their assets and pensions.

None of which are easy to move to.

Aren't they?




I've just come back from Barbados and it's incredibly easy to move to. Free your mind from this self imposed EU prison."

No idea how to respond to this bizarre accusation.

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By *astandFeistyCouple 51 weeks ago


"Isn't the title of this thread a bit click-baity?

None of them have been denied citizenship of an EU country. There's no mention of any of them even applying for said citizenship.

All that's happened to these people is that they made a mistake about their rights, and the court has now ruled that they were incorrect."

Of course the title is misleading. The OP has form so you should take it with a pinch

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By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Finally, those who believed that you could have your cake and eat it have found that no to be the case.

The article below was taken from "The Local" which is an online only information source.

I am quite surprised that people actually thought that they could have EU citizenship without actually applying to be a citizen of an EU country.

"This week the EU's Court of Justice delivered the final word on the long-running question of whether Brits could hold on to EU citizenship after Brexit.

And as expected it wasn't positive news.

In pronouncing the “definitive dismissal” of the three remaining legal cases, the Court of Justice confirmed previous rulings that Britons lost their rights as EU citizens when the country left the bloc, Claudia Delpero writes in our latest update on the matter.

The legal cases had been brought by UK nationals challenging the loss of EU citizenship rights as a result of Brexit.

The loss of status as EU citizens and all related rights, including free movement and electoral rights in EU member states, is “an automatic consequence of the sole sovereign decision taken by the United Kingdom to withdraw from the European Union, and not of the withdrawal agreement or the Council’s decision approving that agreement,” EU judges said.

The Court had previously ruled on the matter and the claimants had appealed the decisions.

One of the cases concerned a British woman who had lost her electoral rights in France, her country of residence. She argued this was disproportionate and contrary to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Another challenge was brought by the late British veteran Harry Shindler, who was living in Italy, against the EU-UK withdrawal agreement. The argument was that the deal automatically removed EU citizenship rights from British nationals without “test of proportionality”

The Court's decision comes after years of legal battles and represents the final ruling on the matter."

It's always a risk when you move to a foreign country that the situation on the ground may change.

It wasn't a risk to live in the EU prior to brexit.

The writing was on the wall for the UK's EU membership for decades for anyone with a pea for a brain who understood this country, its past and its culture.

It's really no different from British people living in British colonies in the fifties and sixties. Global changes happen, and the "good life" comes to an end.

Yes, it's sad that people voted for the good times to end.

I'm sure there are many countries around the world that would welcome their assets and pensions.

None of which are easy to move to.

Aren't they?


I've just come back from Barbados and it's incredibly easy to move to. Free your mind from this self imposed EU prison.

No idea how to respond to this bizarre accusation.


These people clearly disliked the UK enough that they decided to leave it.

Now things haven't worked out as they hoped so they have come back sobbing to the courts.

I have no sympathy.

They made their beds etc.....

I am sure there will always be a Council flat awaiting them in Haringey if things get too bad in the EU.

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By *deepdive OP   Man 51 weeks ago

France / Birmingham

"Isn't the title of this thread a bit click-baity?

If you think so then I apologise but surely the article explains in detail what was requested, denied, taken to a higher court then denied again.

None of them have been denied citizenship of an EU country. There's no mention of any of them even applying for said citizenship.

Where did it mention that they were denied citizenship to an EU country.

If they want to vote in the EU parliament etc. they need to be a citizen of an EU country.

That is surely a given - again if I apologise if that was not made clear

All that's happened to these people is that they made a mistake about their rights, and the court has now ruled that they were incorrect.

A mistake is when you make an error. They went to court and were told that their former rights no longer existed .

They then took this to a higher court and were again told the same thing.

I would not explain this away as being a mistake but rather making a case where they felt strongly that their rights had been taken away illegally.

They obviously still felt that they had a case that they took this case to a higher court to be again told the same thing so ...more than simply a mistake.


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By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan 51 weeks ago

golden fields

"Finally, those who believed that you could have your cake and eat it have found that no to be the case.

The article below was taken from "The Local" which is an online only information source.

I am quite surprised that people actually thought that they could have EU citizenship without actually applying to be a citizen of an EU country.

"This week the EU's Court of Justice delivered the final word on the long-running question of whether Brits could hold on to EU citizenship after Brexit.

And as expected it wasn't positive news.

In pronouncing the “definitive dismissal” of the three remaining legal cases, the Court of Justice confirmed previous rulings that Britons lost their rights as EU citizens when the country left the bloc, Claudia Delpero writes in our latest update on the matter.

The legal cases had been brought by UK nationals challenging the loss of EU citizenship rights as a result of Brexit.

The loss of status as EU citizens and all related rights, including free movement and electoral rights in EU member states, is “an automatic consequence of the sole sovereign decision taken by the United Kingdom to withdraw from the European Union, and not of the withdrawal agreement or the Council’s decision approving that agreement,” EU judges said.

The Court had previously ruled on the matter and the claimants had appealed the decisions.

One of the cases concerned a British woman who had lost her electoral rights in France, her country of residence. She argued this was disproportionate and contrary to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Another challenge was brought by the late British veteran Harry Shindler, who was living in Italy, against the EU-UK withdrawal agreement. The argument was that the deal automatically removed EU citizenship rights from British nationals without “test of proportionality”

The Court's decision comes after years of legal battles and represents the final ruling on the matter."

It's always a risk when you move to a foreign country that the situation on the ground may change.

It wasn't a risk to live in the EU prior to brexit.

The writing was on the wall for the UK's EU membership for decades for anyone with a pea for a brain who understood this country, its past and its culture.

It's really no different from British people living in British colonies in the fifties and sixties. Global changes happen, and the "good life" comes to an end.

Yes, it's sad that people voted for the good times to end.

I'm sure there are many countries around the world that would welcome their assets and pensions.

None of which are easy to move to.

Aren't they?


I've just come back from Barbados and it's incredibly easy to move to. Free your mind from this self imposed EU prison.

No idea how to respond to this bizarre accusation.

These people clearly disliked the UK enough that they decided to leave it.

Now things haven't worked out as they hoped so they have come back sobbing to the courts.

I have no sympathy.

They made their beds etc.....

I am sure there will always be a Council flat awaiting them in Haringey if things get too bad in the EU."

They made their beds if they voted for brexit yes. I agree.

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By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


Is this that weird case where idiotic uk residents wanted the e.u the annul the withdrawal agreement?

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By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago


The writing was on the wall for the UK's EU membership for decades for anyone with a pea for a brain who understood this country, its past and its culture.


Euroscepticism was a minority view for almost the entire length of our membership of the EEC and later EU. In fact the whole topic basically didn’t cause any ripples amongst the general public until Cameron decided that he needed the referendum to see off UKIP.

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By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Is this that weird case where idiotic uk residents wanted the e.u the annul the withdrawal agreement?"

Yes, they were probably leave voters

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By *otMe66Man 51 weeks ago

Terra Firma

In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

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By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.


So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *estivalMan 51 weeks ago



The writing was on the wall for the UK's EU membership for decades for anyone with a pea for a brain who understood this country, its past and its culture.

Euroscepticism was a minority view for almost the entire length of our membership of the EEC and later EU. In fact the whole topic basically didn’t cause any ripples amongst the general public until Cameron decided that he needed the referendum to see off UKIP.


i think the ripples started when blair didnt put a brake on new members citizens having free movement, perhaps if he had done what other european countrys done and put a break on for several years ukip may not have even been a thing, remember him saying it will only be 10s of thousands coming turned out to be hundreds of thousands in the first cpl of years

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By *otMe66Man 51 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?"

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago


The writing was on the wall for the UK's EU membership for decades for anyone with a pea for a brain who understood this country, its past and its culture.

Euroscepticism was a minority view for almost the entire length of our membership of the EEC and later EU. In fact the whole topic basically didn’t cause any ripples amongst the general public until Cameron decided that he needed the referendum to see off UKIP.

i think the ripples started when blair didnt put a brake on new members citizens having free movement, perhaps if he had done what other european countrys done and put a break on for several years ukip may not have even been a thing, remember him saying it will only be 10s of thousands coming turned out to be hundreds of thousands in the first cpl of years"

Blair hasn’t been PM since 2008

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing "

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *estivalMan 51 weeks ago



The writing was on the wall for the UK's EU membership for decades for anyone with a pea for a brain who understood this country, its past and its culture.

Euroscepticism was a minority view for almost the entire length of our membership of the EEC and later EU. In fact the whole topic basically didn’t cause any ripples amongst the general public until Cameron decided that he needed the referendum to see off UKIP.

i think the ripples started when blair didnt put a brake on new members citizens having free movement, perhaps if he had done what other european countrys done and put a break on for several years ukip may not have even been a thing, remember him saying it will only be 10s of thousands coming turned out to be hundreds of thousands in the first cpl of years

Blair hasn’t been PM since 2008 "

yawn ive asked you not to interact with me fab,yet here you are replying to something i posted, your really not my cup of tea fella

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago


The writing was on the wall for the UK's EU membership for decades for anyone with a pea for a brain who understood this country, its past and its culture.

Euroscepticism was a minority view for almost the entire length of our membership of the EEC and later EU. In fact the whole topic basically didn’t cause any ripples amongst the general public until Cameron decided that he needed the referendum to see off UKIP.

i think the ripples started when blair didnt put a brake on new members citizens having free movement, perhaps if he had done what other european countrys done and put a break on for several years ukip may not have even been a thing, remember him saying it will only be 10s of thousands coming turned out to be hundreds of thousands in the first cpl of years

Blair hasn’t been PM since 2008 yawn ive asked you not to interact with me fab,yet here you are replying to something i posted, your really not my cup of tea fella"

Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *otMe66Man 51 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived. "

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

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By *addad99Man 51 weeks ago

Rotherham /newquay


The writing was on the wall for the UK's EU membership for decades for anyone with a pea for a brain who understood this country, its past and its culture.

Euroscepticism was a minority view for almost the entire length of our membership of the EEC and later EU. In fact the whole topic basically didn’t cause any ripples amongst the general public until Cameron decided that he needed the referendum to see off UKIP.


I might be older than you but ever since we joined the eec I can remember people moaning about it then when it because the eu we never had a vote so again I remember politician's and public arguing about we never voted for this so when Cameron give us a vote I actually won at the bookies I was just surprised that more didn't vote to leave.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan 51 weeks ago

golden fields


The writing was on the wall for the UK's EU membership for decades for anyone with a pea for a brain who understood this country, its past and its culture.

Euroscepticism was a minority view for almost the entire length of our membership of the EEC and later EU. In fact the whole topic basically didn’t cause any ripples amongst the general public until Cameron decided that he needed the referendum to see off UKIP.

I might be older than you but ever since we joined the eec I can remember people moaning about it then when it because the eu we never had a vote so again I remember politician's and public arguing about we never voted for this so when Cameron give us a vote I actually won at the bookies I was just surprised that more didn't vote to leave."

Yes, sun readers were complaining about bendy bananas instead of understanding what food safety standards were. That was a long time ago, 20 years or so?

You expected more people to have been conned into voting leave?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *rDiscretionXXXMan 51 weeks ago


"Euroscepticism was a minority view for almost the entire length of our membership of the EEC and later EU. In fact the whole topic basically didn’t cause any ripples amongst the general public until Cameron decided that he needed the referendum to see off UKIP."

If you type "emulsified high-fat offal tube" into a search engine, you'll get a link to a 1984 episode of Yes Minister, where the story revolves around Brussels trying to ban British sausages. If you watch all of the episodes, you'll find plenty more jokes based around the EU making life difficult for the government.

It would seem odd that such a main-stream comedy programme would use this as a regular joke if Euroscepticism was just 'a minority view'.

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By *otMe66Man 51 weeks ago

Terra Firma


The writing was on the wall for the UK's EU membership for decades for anyone with a pea for a brain who understood this country, its past and its culture.

Euroscepticism was a minority view for almost the entire length of our membership of the EEC and later EU. In fact the whole topic basically didn’t cause any ripples amongst the general public until Cameron decided that he needed the referendum to see off UKIP.

I might be older than you but ever since we joined the eec I can remember people moaning about it then when it because the eu we never had a vote so again I remember politician's and public arguing about we never voted for this so when Cameron give us a vote I actually won at the bookies I was just surprised that more didn't vote to leave.

Yes, sun readers were complaining about bendy bananas instead of understanding what food safety standards were. That was a long time ago, 20 years or so?

You expected more people to have been conned into voting leave?"

In the future will someone be saying, those were the mirror readers complaining that their right to free movement was taken away from them, not understanding that they could still do their 2 weeks in the sun and they could go to the EU 3 months in every 6 months, giving them 6 months a year in the EU. Not that we’re ever their that length of time anyway….

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By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Euroscepticism was a minority view for almost the entire length of our membership of the EEC and later EU. In fact the whole topic basically didn’t cause any ripples amongst the general public until Cameron decided that he needed the referendum to see off UKIP.

If you type "emulsified high-fat offal tube" into a search engine, you'll get a link to a 1984 episode of Yes Minister, where the story revolves around Brussels trying to ban British sausages. If you watch all of the episodes, you'll find plenty more jokes based around the EU making life difficult for the government.

It would seem odd that such a main-stream comedy programme would use this as a regular joke if Euroscepticism was just 'a minority view'."

The young ones used to take the piss out of the tories and Thatcher

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By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan 51 weeks ago

golden fields


The writing was on the wall for the UK's EU membership for decades for anyone with a pea for a brain who understood this country, its past and its culture.

Euroscepticism was a minority view for almost the entire length of our membership of the EEC and later EU. In fact the whole topic basically didn’t cause any ripples amongst the general public until Cameron decided that he needed the referendum to see off UKIP.

I might be older than you but ever since we joined the eec I can remember people moaning about it then when it because the eu we never had a vote so again I remember politician's and public arguing about we never voted for this so when Cameron give us a vote I actually won at the bookies I was just surprised that more didn't vote to leave.

Yes, sun readers were complaining about bendy bananas instead of understanding what food safety standards were. That was a long time ago, 20 years or so?

You expected more people to have been conned into voting leave?

In the future will someone be saying, those were the mirror readers complaining that their right to free movement was taken away from them, not understanding that they could still do their 2 weeks in the sun and they could go to the EU 3 months in every 6 months, giving them 6 months a year in the EU. Not that we’re ever their that length of time anyway….


In this hypothetical scenario, these fictional Mirror readers will be correct. Unless something happens to bring back the freedom of movement.

Meanwhile the bendy banana outrage ended up giving us brexit.


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *addad99Man 51 weeks ago

Rotherham /newquay


The writing was on the wall for the UK's EU membership for decades for anyone with a pea for a brain who understood this country, its past and its culture.

Euroscepticism was a minority view for almost the entire length of our membership of the EEC and later EU. In fact the whole topic basically didn’t cause any ripples amongst the general public until Cameron decided that he needed the referendum to see off UKIP.

I might be older than you but ever since we joined the eec I can remember people moaning about it then when it because the eu we never had a vote so again I remember politician's and public arguing about we never voted for this so when Cameron give us a vote I actually won at the bookies I was just surprised that more didn't vote to leave.

Yes, sun readers were complaining about bendy bananas instead of understanding what food safety standards were. That was a long time ago, 20 years or so?

You expected more people to have been conned into voting leave?"

no I expected more to use there vote not be a sheep

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *otMe66Man 51 weeks ago

Terra Firma


The writing was on the wall for the UK's EU membership for decades for anyone with a pea for a brain who understood this country, its past and its culture.

Euroscepticism was a minority view for almost the entire length of our membership of the EEC and later EU. In fact the whole topic basically didn’t cause any ripples amongst the general public until Cameron decided that he needed the referendum to see off UKIP.

I might be older than you but ever since we joined the eec I can remember people moaning about it then when it because the eu we never had a vote so again I remember politician's and public arguing about we never voted for this so when Cameron give us a vote I actually won at the bookies I was just surprised that more didn't vote to leave.

Yes, sun readers were complaining about bendy bananas instead of understanding what food safety standards were. That was a long time ago, 20 years or so?

You expected more people to have been conned into voting leave?

In the future will someone be saying, those were the mirror readers complaining that their right to free movement was taken away from them, not understanding that they could still do their 2 weeks in the sun and they could go to the EU 3 months in every 6 months, giving them 6 months a year in the EU. Not that we’re ever their that length of time anyway….

In this hypothetical scenario, these fictional Mirror readers will be correct. Unless something happens to bring back the freedom of movement.

Meanwhile the bendy banana outrage ended up giving us brexit.

Amazing. "

Something like a digital nomad scheme….

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan 51 weeks ago

golden fields


The writing was on the wall for the UK's EU membership for decades for anyone with a pea for a brain who understood this country, its past and its culture.

Euroscepticism was a minority view for almost the entire length of our membership of the EEC and later EU. In fact the whole topic basically didn’t cause any ripples amongst the general public until Cameron decided that he needed the referendum to see off UKIP.

I might be older than you but ever since we joined the eec I can remember people moaning about it then when it because the eu we never had a vote so again I remember politician's and public arguing about we never voted for this so when Cameron give us a vote I actually won at the bookies I was just surprised that more didn't vote to leave.

Yes, sun readers were complaining about bendy bananas instead of understanding what food safety standards were. That was a long time ago, 20 years or so?

You expected more people to have been conned into voting leave?no I expected more to use there vote not be a sheep "

I did too, but people did as they were instructed to and voted to leave the EU for the benefit of a few billionaires.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?


I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Euroscepticism was a minority view for almost the entire length of our membership of the EEC and later EU. In fact the whole topic basically didn’t cause any ripples amongst the general public until Cameron decided that he needed the referendum to see off UKIP.

If you type "emulsified high-fat offal tube" into a search engine, you'll get a link to a 1984 episode of Yes Minister, where the story revolves around Brussels trying to ban British sausages. If you watch all of the episodes, you'll find plenty more jokes based around the EU making life difficult for the government.

It would seem odd that such a main-stream comedy programme would use this as a regular joke if Euroscepticism was just 'a minority view'."

Blimey, that’s unarguable and certainly trumps actual data (which is easily researched)

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *otMe66Man 51 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.


What were the leave promises that could be measured today?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?"


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *otMe66Man 51 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


I think you need to revisit this… plenty has changed since 2020

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


I think you need to revisit this… plenty has changed since 2020 "

Go ahead, debunk them.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *otMe66Man 51 weeks ago

Terra Firma


The writing was on the wall for the UK's EU membership for decades for anyone with a pea for a brain who understood this country, its past and its culture.

Euroscepticism was a minority view for almost the entire length of our membership of the EEC and later EU. In fact the whole topic basically didn’t cause any ripples amongst the general public until Cameron decided that he needed the referendum to see off UKIP.

I might be older than you but ever since we joined the eec I can remember people moaning about it then when it because the eu we never had a vote so again I remember politician's and public arguing about we never voted for this so when Cameron give us a vote I actually won at the bookies I was just surprised that more didn't vote to leave.

Yes, sun readers were complaining about bendy bananas instead of understanding what food safety standards were. That was a long time ago, 20 years or so?

You expected more people to have been conned into voting leave?no I expected more to use there vote not be a sheep

I did too, but people did as they were instructed to and voted to leave the EU for the benefit of a few billionaires."

Which billionaires are you talking about?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *otMe66Man 51 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


I think you need to revisit this… plenty has changed since 2020

Go ahead, debunk them."

If you think I’m going to go through a news article from `Dec 2020 and correct everything that has changed since then, you are more wishful of thinking than I had you down for

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *idnight RamblerMan 51 weeks ago


Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


I think you need to revisit this… plenty has changed since 2020

Go ahead, debunk them.

If you think I’m going to go through a news article from `Dec 2020 and correct everything that has changed since then, you are more wishful of thinking than I had you down for "

Cool. So we’ll call that avoidance.

Here’s a piece from 2023:


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan 51 weeks ago

golden fields

"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats."

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *otMe66Man 51 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


I think you need to revisit this… plenty has changed since 2020

Go ahead, debunk them.

If you think I’m going to go through a news article from `Dec 2020 and correct everything that has changed since then, you are more wishful of thinking than I had you down for

Cool. So we’ll call that avoidance.

Here’s a piece from 2023:



No we won’t call it that, we call it using some common sense……

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


I think you need to revisit this… plenty has changed since 2020

Go ahead, debunk them.

If you think I’m going to go through a news article from `Dec 2020 and correct everything that has changed since then, you are more wishful of thinking than I had you down for

Cool. So we’ll call that avoidance.

Here’s a piece from 2023:


No we won’t call it that, we call it using some common sense……"

I await your response on the broken Brexit promises.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *otMe66Man 51 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


I think you need to revisit this… plenty has changed since 2020

Go ahead, debunk them.

If you think I’m going to go through a news article from `Dec 2020 and correct everything that has changed since then, you are more wishful of thinking than I had you down for

Cool. So we’ll call that avoidance.

Here’s a piece from 2023:


No we won’t call it that, we call it using some common sense……

I await your response on the broken Brexit promises."

It’s not going to happen, you don’t listen so why would I bother?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


I think you need to revisit this… plenty has changed since 2020

Go ahead, debunk them.

If you think I’m going to go through a news article from `Dec 2020 and correct everything that has changed since then, you are more wishful of thinking than I had you down for

Cool. So we’ll call that avoidance.

Here’s a piece from 2023:


No we won’t call it that, we call it using some common sense……

I await your response on the broken Brexit promises.

It’s not going to happen, you don’t listen so why would I bother? "

So you’re avoiding the 2023 article as well?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"Is this that weird case where idiotic uk residents wanted the e.u the annul the withdrawal agreement?

Yes, they were probably leave voters "

You realise you can search the case on ecj site, then the 3 individual cases and see their names and then see they were all remainers? The twitter handle for one is @eyejosh

Nice way to make a complete fool of yourself though.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *astandFeistyCouple 51 weeks ago


"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


I think you need to revisit this… plenty has changed since 2020

Go ahead, debunk them.

If you think I’m going to go through a news article from `Dec 2020 and correct everything that has changed since then, you are more wishful of thinking than I had you down for

Cool. So we’ll call that avoidance.

Here’s a piece from 2023:


No we won’t call it that, we call it using some common sense……

I await your response on the broken Brexit promises.

It’s not going to happen, you don’t listen so why would I bother?

So you’re avoiding the 2023 article as well? "

I just clicked that link. Number one is £350m for the NHS, i gave up after that. Why? Because the article starts on a fabrication.

I think as per usual you're trying to twist things, because let's face it, it was more 'we could use that for our NHS' and everyone knows that apart from the remainers who try to use it to prove 'you were lied to'.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago



The writing was on the wall for the UK's EU membership for decades for anyone with a pea for a brain who understood this country, its past and its culture.

Euroscepticism was a minority view for almost the entire length of our membership of the EEC and later EU. In fact the whole topic basically didn’t cause any ripples amongst the general public until Cameron decided that he needed the referendum to see off UKIP.

i think the ripples started when blair didnt put a brake on new members citizens having free movement, perhaps if he had done what other european countrys done and put a break on for several years ukip may not have even been a thing, remember him saying it will only be 10s of thousands coming turned out to be hundreds of thousands in the first cpl of years

Blair hasn’t been PM since 2008 "

What he neglected to put I to the treaty was his doing. There was an opt out on immediate open border. He decided against it. The remifications went on for 10 years? I think that was the length of time you could limit the immigrants from New members?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Is this that weird case where idiotic uk residents wanted the e.u the annul the withdrawal agreement?

Yes, they were probably leave voters

You realise you can search the case on ecj site, then the 3 individual cases and see their names and then see they were all remainers? The twitter handle for one is @eyejosh

Nice way to make a complete fool of yourself though."

Thanks for doing the research for me as quite frankly I couldn’t be arsed

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


1.Trade with the EU will be tariff-free

The U.K. has clinched a tariff-free, quota-free trade deal with the EU.

I mean

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"Is this that weird case where idiotic uk residents wanted the e.u the annul the withdrawal agreement?

Yes, they were probably leave voters

You realise you can search the case on ecj site, then the 3 individual cases and see their names and then see they were all remainers? The twitter handle for one is @eyejosh

Nice way to make a complete fool of yourself though.

Thanks for doing the research for me as quite frankly I couldn’t be arsed "

Thanks for being you. I love how you make assumptions and the constantly get proven wrong.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *deepdive OP   Man 51 weeks ago

France / Birmingham

[Removed by poster at 16/06/23 15:24:53]

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


I think you need to revisit this… plenty has changed since 2020

Go ahead, debunk them."

End supremacy of EU law and the EU’s Court of Justice

Johnson insisted at a press conference Thursday afternoon that the deal includes no role for the Court of Justice of the EU. It will be worth waiting for the legal text of the deal to be sure. But Northern Ireland will remain subject to EU customs union and single market rules, which will be overseen by the Court of Justice.

I mean they wrote this article before they'd even read the fucking deal

But the uk has absolute primacy. We can act unilaterally on ireland when we want.

The ecj can make a ruling. But the uk can unilaterally act to pull ireland out of anything it feels the ecj impedes on.

This is why we could extend not checking good going to ni because the wa allows us yo do this, and why there was the furore over the ( cancer drugs if I remember right) if the e.u decided not to act in a manner we feel is fair. We have the means of removing the wa and taking full primacy.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Is this that weird case where idiotic uk residents wanted the e.u the annul the withdrawal agreement?

Yes, they were probably leave voters

You realise you can search the case on ecj site, then the 3 individual cases and see their names and then see they were all remainers? The twitter handle for one is @eyejosh

Nice way to make a complete fool of yourself though.

Thanks for doing the research for me as quite frankly I couldn’t be arsed

Thanks for being you. I love how you make assumptions and the constantly get proven wrong."

I will get over it, at least my thoughts are my own and not copied from a fictional character on Twitter

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


1.Trade with the EU will be tariff-free

The U.K. has clinched a tariff-free, quota-free trade deal with the EU.

I mean "

Great stuff. That’s one.

Carry on, lad.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


New trade deals, and access to a European trading zone ‘from Iceland to Russia’

The U.K. has so far failed to sign a single brand new trade deal that it did not have as part of EU membership. It has been negotiating with the U.S., Australia and New Zealand and the government insists progress is going well.

It signed a deal with Japan, which was largely based on the deal Japan has with the EU, although the U.K. did negotiate some different terms. It has also signed a number of rollover agreements the EU has with other nations.

The U.K. can continue to negotiate with other nations and in time will no doubt agree more trade deals, so the promises could be borne out.

We have since signed 3 deals, we are joining cptpp, we are having ongoing discussions with several other nations.

Do you want me to continue to debunk these?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


1.Trade with the EU will be tariff-free

The U.K. has clinched a tariff-free, quota-free trade deal with the EU.

I mean

Great stuff. That’s one.

Carry on, lad."

The irony being that these weren't even my words

These were the words int he article.

Did you read it?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


1.Trade with the EU will be tariff-free

The U.K. has clinched a tariff-free, quota-free trade deal with the EU.

I mean

Great stuff. That’s one.

Carry on, lad."

He copies all his guff from a pro Tory, pro ERG , fictional character and tufton street stooge on Twitter

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


1.Trade with the EU will be tariff-free

The U.K. has clinched a tariff-free, quota-free trade deal with the EU.

I mean

Great stuff. That’s one.

Carry on, lad.

The irony being that these weren't even my words

These were the words int he article.

Did you read it?


Yes, I read it. I’m waiting for someone to debunk all the promises.

Chop chop.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


1.Trade with the EU will be tariff-free

The U.K. has clinched a tariff-free, quota-free trade deal with the EU.

I mean

Great stuff. That’s one.

Carry on, lad.

He copies all his guff from a pro Tory, pro ERG , fictional character and tufton street stooge on Twitter "

Careful, he’ll call you a liar.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


1.Trade with the EU will be tariff-free

The U.K. has clinched a tariff-free, quota-free trade deal with the EU.

I mean

Great stuff. That’s one.

Carry on, lad.

He copies all his guff from a pro Tory, pro ERG , fictional character and tufton street stooge on Twitter "

Yes I copy them apparently...I'm not sure which ones are reading this forum and replying on twitter that I am copy pasting.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


1.Trade with the EU will be tariff-free

The U.K. has clinched a tariff-free, quota-free trade deal with the EU.

I mean

Great stuff. That’s one.

Carry on, lad.

He copies all his guff from a pro Tory, pro ERG , fictional character and tufton street stooge on Twitter

Careful, he’ll call you a liar."

I can cope

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


1.Trade with the EU will be tariff-free

The U.K. has clinched a tariff-free, quota-free trade deal with the EU.

I mean

Great stuff. That’s one.

Carry on, lad.

He copies all his guff from a pro Tory, pro ERG , fictional character and tufton street stooge on Twitter

Yes I copy them apparently...I'm not sure which ones are reading this forum and replying on twitter that I am copy pasting.


At least you have admitted it

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *idnight RamblerMan 51 weeks ago


"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices."

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


Patently all erg and Tufton Street stooges read fab swi gers and reply on there. Just for me to copy paste that the people who brought the case against rhe commission were in fact remainers. Unlike what you assumed.

Take a break pal. Maybe do more reading and less assuming.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan 51 weeks ago

golden fields

"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?"

Democracy was undermined by illegally funded leave campaigns, and undermined by a torrent of lies presented to people who weren't really paying attention.

British people chose poorly.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Patently all erg and Tufton Street stooges read fab swi gers and reply on there. Just for me to copy paste that the people who brought the case against rhe commission were in fact remainers. Unlike what you assumed.

Take a break pal. Maybe do more reading and less assuming."


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?"

What did they vote for?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?"

I do t think i ever actually saw the evidence Somerset capital shorted the pound. I knkw it did the rounds o twitter but I never saw their actual portfolio.

Can any one here provide the evidence?

And by that I mean not heding. Only shorting.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?

Democracy was undermined by illegally funded leave campaigns, and undermined by a torrent of lies presented to people who weren't really paying attention.

British people chose poorly."

I believe many people were just sick of the status quo and chose a terrible way to voice their anger at the perceived establishment. What they did was aid the establishment and harm themselves.

It’s a lesson in why referendums without a confirmatory vote are a terrible idea. As is voting on an outcome which has yet to be negotiated.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?

What did they vote for? "

Clearly they voted to leave the EU lock-stock, including the customs union and single market. Even though prominent campaigners said on separate occasions that we’d remain in one/other/both.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?

Democracy was undermined by illegally funded leave campaigns, and undermined by a torrent of lies presented to people who weren't really paying attention.

British people chose poorly.

I believe many people were just sick of the status quo and chose a terrible way to voice their anger at the perceived establishment. What they did was aid the establishment and harm themselves.

It’s a lesson in why referendums without a confirmatory vote are a terrible idea. As is voting on an outcome which has yet to be negotiated."

I assume this is why we're were taken into the eec without consent, e.u and every other treaty. Because they didn't know what the deal would look lile and didn't k ow how the public would vote

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?

Democracy was undermined by illegally funded leave campaigns, and undermined by a torrent of lies presented to people who weren't really paying attention.

British people chose poorly.

I believe many people were just sick of the status quo and chose a terrible way to voice their anger at the perceived establishment. What they did was aid the establishment and harm themselves.

It’s a lesson in why referendums without a confirmatory vote are a terrible idea. As is voting on an outcome which has yet to be negotiated.

I assume this is why we're were taken into the eec without consent, e.u and every other treaty. Because they didn't know what the deal would look lile and didn't k ow how the public would vote "

The public had plenty of opportunities to protest against membership.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?

Democracy was undermined by illegally funded leave campaigns, and undermined by a torrent of lies presented to people who weren't really paying attention.

British people chose poorly.

I believe many people were just sick of the status quo and chose a terrible way to voice their anger at the perceived establishment. What they did was aid the establishment and harm themselves.

It’s a lesson in why referendums without a confirmatory vote are a terrible idea. As is voting on an outcome which has yet to be negotiated.

I assume this is why we're were taken into the eec without consent, e.u and every other treaty. Because they didn't know what the deal would look lile and didn't k ow how the public would vote

The public had plenty of opportunities to protest against membership. "

They did protest. They had no opportunity to vote on entering at any point.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?

Democracy was undermined by illegally funded leave campaigns, and undermined by a torrent of lies presented to people who weren't really paying attention.

British people chose poorly.

I believe many people were just sick of the status quo and chose a terrible way to voice their anger at the perceived establishment. What they did was aid the establishment and harm themselves.

It’s a lesson in why referendums without a confirmatory vote are a terrible idea. As is voting on an outcome which has yet to be negotiated.

I assume this is why we're were taken into the eec without consent, e.u and every other treaty. Because they didn't know what the deal would look lile and didn't k ow how the public would vote

The public had plenty of opportunities to protest against membership.

They did protest. They had no opportunity to vote on entering at any point."

They had an early opportunity to vote to leave though, and 40 years to protest membership.

And for the *vast* majority of those 40 years, they decided that membership was preferable.

Polling also suggests that for the majority of time *since* late 2016, membership is preferable.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?

Democracy was undermined by illegally funded leave campaigns, and undermined by a torrent of lies presented to people who weren't really paying attention.

British people chose poorly.

I believe many people were just sick of the status quo and chose a terrible way to voice their anger at the perceived establishment. What they did was aid the establishment and harm themselves.

It’s a lesson in why referendums without a confirmatory vote are a terrible idea. As is voting on an outcome which has yet to be negotiated.

I assume this is why we're were taken into the eec without consent, e.u and every other treaty. Because they didn't know what the deal would look lile and didn't k ow how the public would vote

The public had plenty of opportunities to protest against membership.

They did protest. They had no opportunity to vote on entering at any point.

They had an early opportunity to vote to leave though, and 40 years to protest membership.

And for the *vast* majority of those 40 years, they decided that membership was preferable.

Polling also suggests that for the majority of time *since* late 2016, membership is preferable.


There was envee a vote to join eec

This is correct

There was never a vote on maastricht this is correct.

There was a vote to leave. Eec we stayed

There was a vote to leave e.u.

We left.

As I said. Never a vote to join any of these things.

And thus taken in without consent.

They decided membership of eec was preferable.

They never believed membership of e.u preferable. On the vote of preference it was decided NOT to be preferable.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *idnight RamblerMan 51 weeks ago


"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?

What did they vote for? "


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?

Democracy was undermined by illegally funded leave campaigns, and undermined by a torrent of lies presented to people who weren't really paying attention.

British people chose poorly.

I believe many people were just sick of the status quo and chose a terrible way to voice their anger at the perceived establishment. What they did was aid the establishment and harm themselves.

It’s a lesson in why referendums without a confirmatory vote are a terrible idea. As is voting on an outcome which has yet to be negotiated.

I assume this is why we're were taken into the eec without consent, e.u and every other treaty. Because they didn't know what the deal would look lile and didn't k ow how the public would vote

The public had plenty of opportunities to protest against membership.

They did protest. They had no opportunity to vote on entering at any point.

They had an early opportunity to vote to leave though, and 40 years to protest membership.

And for the *vast* majority of those 40 years, they decided that membership was preferable.

Polling also suggests that for the majority of time *since* late 2016, membership is preferable.

There was envee a vote to join eec

This is correct

There was never a vote on maastricht this is correct.

There was a vote to leave. Eec we stayed

There was a vote to leave e.u.

We left.

As I said. Never a vote to join any of these things.

And thus taken in without consent.

They decided membership of eec was preferable.

They never believed membership of e.u preferable. On the vote of preference it was decided NOT to be preferable.


What happened to John Major’s tories in the election after Maastricht?

And what has polling since the mid 70’s revealed about EEC/EU membership?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


Honestly did you read this.

I'm just finding it hilarious that you posted this asking for it to be debunked.

The article itself said it hadn't read the text of the trade deal.

But you asked for all 15 points to tk be debunked.

But seriously

14. Scrap VAT on sanitary products

The EU has long insisted it will scrap VAT on sanitary products but is still yet to do so. Sunak announced in his March budget that it would be scrapped in the U.K.


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?

What did they vote for?


Single market? Customs union?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?

Democracy was undermined by illegally funded leave campaigns, and undermined by a torrent of lies presented to people who weren't really paying attention.

British people chose poorly.

I believe many people were just sick of the status quo and chose a terrible way to voice their anger at the perceived establishment. What they did was aid the establishment and harm themselves.

It’s a lesson in why referendums without a confirmatory vote are a terrible idea. As is voting on an outcome which has yet to be negotiated.

I assume this is why we're were taken into the eec without consent, e.u and every other treaty. Because they didn't know what the deal would look lile and didn't k ow how the public would vote

The public had plenty of opportunities to protest against membership.

They did protest. They had no opportunity to vote on entering at any point.

They had an early opportunity to vote to leave though, and 40 years to protest membership.

And for the *vast* majority of those 40 years, they decided that membership was preferable.

Polling also suggests that for the majority of time *since* late 2016, membership is preferable.

There was envee a vote to join eec

This is correct

There was never a vote on maastricht this is correct.

There was a vote to leave. Eec we stayed

There was a vote to leave e.u.

We left.

As I said. Never a vote to join any of these things.

And thus taken in without consent.

They decided membership of eec was preferable.

They never believed membership of e.u preferable. On the vote of preference it was decided NOT to be preferable.

What happened to John Major’s tories in the election after Maastricht?

And what has polling since the mid 70’s revealed about EEC/EU membership? "

That's not a a referendum on membership

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


Honestly did you read this.

I'm just finding it hilarious that you posted this asking for it to be debunked.

The article itself said it hadn't read the text of the trade deal.

But you asked for all 15 points to tk be debunked.

But seriously

14. Scrap VAT on sanitary products

The EU has long insisted it will scrap VAT on sanitary products but is still yet to do so. Sunak announced in his March budget that it would be scrapped in the U.K.


Come on champ, keep going. Let’s get them all ticked off.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?

Democracy was undermined by illegally funded leave campaigns, and undermined by a torrent of lies presented to people who weren't really paying attention.

British people chose poorly.

I believe many people were just sick of the status quo and chose a terrible way to voice their anger at the perceived establishment. What they did was aid the establishment and harm themselves.

It’s a lesson in why referendums without a confirmatory vote are a terrible idea. As is voting on an outcome which has yet to be negotiated.

I assume this is why we're were taken into the eec without consent, e.u and every other treaty. Because they didn't know what the deal would look lile and didn't k ow how the public would vote

The public had plenty of opportunities to protest against membership.

They did protest. They had no opportunity to vote on entering at any point.

They had an early opportunity to vote to leave though, and 40 years to protest membership.

And for the *vast* majority of those 40 years, they decided that membership was preferable.

Polling also suggests that for the majority of time *since* late 2016, membership is preferable.

There was envee a vote to join eec

This is correct

There was never a vote on maastricht this is correct.

There was a vote to leave. Eec we stayed

There was a vote to leave e.u.

We left.

As I said. Never a vote to join any of these things.

And thus taken in without consent.

They decided membership of eec was preferable.

They never believed membership of e.u preferable. On the vote of preference it was decided NOT to be preferable.

What happened to John Major’s tories in the election after Maastricht?

And what has polling since the mid 70’s revealed about EEC/EU membership?

That's not a a referendum on membership "

Don’t answer half a question, mucker.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


Honestly did you read this.

I'm just finding it hilarious that you posted this asking for it to be debunked.

The article itself said it hadn't read the text of the trade deal.

But you asked for all 15 points to tk be debunked.

But seriously

14. Scrap VAT on sanitary products

The EU has long insisted it will scrap VAT on sanitary products but is still yet to do so. Sunak announced in his March budget that it would be scrapped in the U.K.


Come on champ, keep going. Let’s get them all ticked off. "

I mean. I've done 3/4.

The article debunks some itself.

I'm embarrassed for you for thinking posting that was a good idea.

You clearly didn't read the article. And the fact you didn't realise some of these things have since taken place is astounding.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?

Democracy was undermined by illegally funded leave campaigns, and undermined by a torrent of lies presented to people who weren't really paying attention.

British people chose poorly.

I believe many people were just sick of the status quo and chose a terrible way to voice their anger at the perceived establishment. What they did was aid the establishment and harm themselves.

It’s a lesson in why referendums without a confirmatory vote are a terrible idea. As is voting on an outcome which has yet to be negotiated.

I assume this is why we're were taken into the eec without consent, e.u and every other treaty. Because they didn't know what the deal would look lile and didn't k ow how the public would vote

The public had plenty of opportunities to protest against membership.

They did protest. They had no opportunity to vote on entering at any point.

They had an early opportunity to vote to leave though, and 40 years to protest membership.

And for the *vast* majority of those 40 years, they decided that membership was preferable.

Polling also suggests that for the majority of time *since* late 2016, membership is preferable.

There was envee a vote to join eec

This is correct

There was never a vote on maastricht this is correct.

There was a vote to leave. Eec we stayed

There was a vote to leave e.u.

We left.

As I said. Never a vote to join any of these things.

And thus taken in without consent.

They decided membership of eec was preferable.

They never believed membership of e.u preferable. On the vote of preference it was decided NOT to be preferable.

What happened to John Major’s tories in the election after Maastricht?

And what has polling since the mid 70’s revealed about EEC/EU membership?

That's not a a referendum on membership

Don’t answer half a question, mucker. "

It doesn't have to.

Because the subsequent question has nothing to do with the original point.

The uk was never given a referendum option on entry.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


Honestly did you read this.

I'm just finding it hilarious that you posted this asking for it to be debunked.

The article itself said it hadn't read the text of the trade deal.

But you asked for all 15 points to tk be debunked.

But seriously

14. Scrap VAT on sanitary products

The EU has long insisted it will scrap VAT on sanitary products but is still yet to do so. Sunak announced in his March budget that it would be scrapped in the U.K.


Come on champ, keep going. Let’s get them all ticked off.

I mean. I've done 3/4.

The article debunks some itself.

I'm embarrassed for you for thinking posting that was a good idea.

You clearly didn't read the article. And the fact you didn't realise some of these things have since taken place is astounding.



I’m waiting on 15.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?

Democracy was undermined by illegally funded leave campaigns, and undermined by a torrent of lies presented to people who weren't really paying attention.

British people chose poorly.

I believe many people were just sick of the status quo and chose a terrible way to voice their anger at the perceived establishment. What they did was aid the establishment and harm themselves.

It’s a lesson in why referendums without a confirmatory vote are a terrible idea. As is voting on an outcome which has yet to be negotiated.

I assume this is why we're were taken into the eec without consent, e.u and every other treaty. Because they didn't know what the deal would look lile and didn't k ow how the public would vote

The public had plenty of opportunities to protest against membership.

They did protest. They had no opportunity to vote on entering at any point.

They had an early opportunity to vote to leave though, and 40 years to protest membership.

And for the *vast* majority of those 40 years, they decided that membership was preferable.

Polling also suggests that for the majority of time *since* late 2016, membership is preferable.

There was envee a vote to join eec

This is correct

There was never a vote on maastricht this is correct.

There was a vote to leave. Eec we stayed

There was a vote to leave e.u.

We left.

As I said. Never a vote to join any of these things.

And thus taken in without consent.

They decided membership of eec was preferable.

They never believed membership of e.u preferable. On the vote of preference it was decided NOT to be preferable.

What happened to John Major’s tories in the election after Maastricht?

And what has polling since the mid 70’s revealed about EEC/EU membership?

That's not a a referendum on membership

Don’t answer half a question, mucker.

It doesn't have to.

Because the subsequent question has nothing to do with the original point.

The uk was never given a referendum option on entry."

I asked you a direct question about polling. I’m interested to hear your answer.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


Honestly did you read this.

I'm just finding it hilarious that you posted this asking for it to be debunked.

The article itself said it hadn't read the text of the trade deal.

But you asked for all 15 points to tk be debunked.

But seriously

14. Scrap VAT on sanitary products

The EU has long insisted it will scrap VAT on sanitary products but is still yet to do so. Sunak announced in his March budget that it would be scrapped in the U.K.


Come on champ, keep going. Let’s get them all ticked off.

I mean. I've done 3/4.

The article debunks some itself.

I'm embarrassed for you for thinking posting that was a good idea.

You clearly didn't read the article. And the fact you didn't realise some of these things have since taken place is astounding.


I’m waiting on 15."


We have established you either.

Haven't read the article.


Are so ignorant you didn't realise vat on tampons had been made zero.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

Remember ‘40 trade deals’ at a minute past midnight on Brexit day?

What happened there? More Brexit lies. It’s as if they couldn’t help themselves.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"In short the EU courts have confirmed to some 2 British people that the UK has now left the EU and as with all memberships that end, all privileges have been removed.

So there were possible downsides then? And it wasn’t only considerable upside?

Who’d have thunk it?

Naive to think there would be no change after leaving the EU. The upsides of leaving need to built upon, that takes time.

Until then please do remind us all that we left the EU and you are not happy with the majority decision.. The juxtaposition of that unhappiness and your left leaning political views is amazing

I will continue to remind people that they were sold a crock, yes.

I blame the deceivers, not the deceived.

Do you think you are deceiving those that voted to leave by continually telling them they were wrong?

I think the demonstrable fact that none of the leavers promises have materialised, and the economy has shrunk significantly compared to where we’d be in the EU speaks for itself. I don’t need to tell brexiters they were conned.

Incidentally, those polled who think Brexit was a mistake has remained steadily over 50% for a long time now. Those who think it was correct have steadily shrunk.

What were the leave promises that could be measured today?


Honestly did you read this.

I'm just finding it hilarious that you posted this asking for it to be debunked.

The article itself said it hadn't read the text of the trade deal.

But you asked for all 15 points to tk be debunked.

But seriously

14. Scrap VAT on sanitary products

The EU has long insisted it will scrap VAT on sanitary products but is still yet to do so. Sunak announced in his March budget that it would be scrapped in the U.K.


Come on champ, keep going. Let’s get them all ticked off.

I mean. I've done 3/4.

The article debunks some itself.

I'm embarrassed for you for thinking posting that was a good idea.

You clearly didn't read the article. And the fact you didn't realise some of these things have since taken place is astounding.


I’m waiting on 15.


We have established you either.

Haven't read the article.


Are so ignorant you didn't realise vat on tampons had been made zero.


Come on mucker, we’re disproving Brexit lies here. As you don’t think they lied, it should be easy to nail all 15.

Don’t let me down here.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

Has Turkey joined the EU yet?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?

What did they vote for?


And what did they get ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Has Turkey joined the EU yet? "

Have the EU created an army?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"Remember ‘40 trade deals’ at a minute past midnight on Brexit day?

What happened there? More Brexit lies. It’s as if they couldn’t help themselves."

We had 32 deals agreed I believe before brexit.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Remember ‘40 trade deals’ at a minute past midnight on Brexit day?

What happened there? More Brexit lies. It’s as if they couldn’t help themselves.

We had 32 deals agreed I believe before brexit."

Agreed or rolled over?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"Remember ‘40 trade deals’ at a minute past midnight on Brexit day?

What happened there? More Brexit lies. It’s as if they couldn’t help themselves.

We had 32 deals agreed I believe before brexit.

Agreed or rolled over? "

Rolled over.

New trade deals isnt what you said.

And isnt what any one said because it would have been against e.u membershipfor then uk to agree new ones.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


^ this is honestly just getting embarrassing now.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Remember ‘40 trade deals’ at a minute past midnight on Brexit day?

What happened there? More Brexit lies. It’s as if they couldn’t help themselves.

We had 32 deals agreed I believe before brexit.

Agreed or rolled over?

Rolled over.

New trade deals isnt what you said.

And isnt what any one said because it would have been against e.u membershipfor then uk to agree new ones."

No, I deliberately didn’t say new trade deals. Because unlike Liam Fox, anyone with half a brain knew that we couldn’t negotiate whilst under EU regs.

Incidentally as of May 2023, we have 38 active free trade deals. So still not 40, 3 of which are new.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"^ this is honestly just getting embarrassing now. "

What, you reading things that aren’t there? I agree.

Now, did you fancy answering my question on polling? Or Turkey joining the EU?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"Remember ‘40 trade deals’ at a minute past midnight on Brexit day?

What happened there? More Brexit lies. It’s as if they couldn’t help themselves.

We had 32 deals agreed I believe before brexit.

Agreed or rolled over?

Rolled over.

New trade deals isnt what you said.

And isnt what any one said because it would have been against e.u membershipfor then uk to agree new ones.

No, I deliberately didn’t say new trade deals. Because unlike Liam Fox, anyone with half a brain knew that we couldn’t negotiate whilst under EU regs.

Incidentally as of May 2023, we have 38 active free trade deals. So still not 40, 3 of which are new.


Can you provide a link where Liam fox said we'd agree new deals?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"^ this is honestly just getting embarrassing now.

What, you reading things that aren’t there? I agree.

Now, did you fancy answering my question on polling? Or Turkey joining the EU? "

Is this what you do.

When you realise things aren't going your way and you're making a fool of yourself parroting incorrect headlines , you shift the questions?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Remember ‘40 trade deals’ at a minute past midnight on Brexit day?

What happened there? More Brexit lies. It’s as if they couldn’t help themselves.

We had 32 deals agreed I believe before brexit.

Agreed or rolled over?

Rolled over.

New trade deals isnt what you said.

And isnt what any one said because it would have been against e.u membershipfor then uk to agree new ones.

No, I deliberately didn’t say new trade deals. Because unlike Liam Fox, anyone with half a brain knew that we couldn’t negotiate whilst under EU regs.

Incidentally as of May 2023, we have 38 active free trade deals. So still not 40, 3 of which are new.

Can you provide a link where Liam fox said we'd agree new deals?


I can provide a link where Liam Fox thought we could negotiate new deals before we left.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"^ this is honestly just getting embarrassing now.

What, you reading things that aren’t there? I agree.

Now, did you fancy answering my question on polling? Or Turkey joining the EU?

Is this what you do.

When you realise things aren't going your way and you're making a fool of yourself parroting incorrect headlines , you shift the questions?"

I’ve not shifted any questions, Morley. I’m asking you to answer the ones I’ve already posed.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"Remember ‘40 trade deals’ at a minute past midnight on Brexit day?

What happened there? More Brexit lies. It’s as if they couldn’t help themselves.

We had 32 deals agreed I believe before brexit.

Agreed or rolled over?

Rolled over.

New trade deals isnt what you said.

And isnt what any one said because it would have been against e.u membershipfor then uk to agree new ones.

No, I deliberately didn’t say new trade deals. Because unlike Liam Fox, anyone with half a brain knew that we couldn’t negotiate whilst under EU regs.

Incidentally as of May 2023, we have 38 active free trade deals. So still not 40, 3 of which are new.

Can you provide a link where Liam fox said we'd agree new deals?

I can provide a link where Liam Fox thought we could negotiate new deals before we left. "

Please do

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *astandFeistyCouple 51 weeks ago


"^ this is honestly just getting embarrassing now.

What, you reading things that aren’t there? I agree.

Now, did you fancy answering my question on polling? Or Turkey joining the EU?

Is this what you do.

When you realise things aren't going your way and you're making a fool of yourself parroting incorrect headlines , you shift the questions?

I’ve not shifted any questions, Morley. I’m asking you to answer the ones I’ve already posed.


Hang on a sec.

You're first claim was 'none of the Brexit promises have materialised'

That has been proven to be incorrect and now you wanna push further and claim you want every single one to be material. No one has argued that we got everything they said, anyone would be a fool to think that was ever gonna be the case.

So yeah, it appears what you do is indeed shift the questions when they don't go your way.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"^ this is honestly just getting embarrassing now.

What, you reading things that aren’t there? I agree.

Now, did you fancy answering my question on polling? Or Turkey joining the EU?

Is this what you do.

When you realise things aren't going your way and you're making a fool of yourself parroting incorrect headlines , you shift the questions?

I’ve not shifted any questions, Morley. I’m asking you to answer the ones I’ve already posed.

Hang on a sec.

You're first claim was 'none of the Brexit promises have materialised'

That has been proven to be incorrect and now you wanna push further and claim you want every single one to be material. No one has argued that we got everything they said, anyone would be a fool to think that was ever gonna be the case.

So yeah, it appears what you do is indeed shift the questions when they don't go your way."

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?

I do t think i ever actually saw the evidence Somerset capital shorted the pound. I knkw it did the rounds o twitter but I never saw their actual portfolio.

Can any one here provide the evidence?

And by that I mean not heding. Only shorting."

No answer to this surprisingly.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Remember ‘40 trade deals’ at a minute past midnight on Brexit day?

What happened there? More Brexit lies. It’s as if they couldn’t help themselves.

We had 32 deals agreed I believe before brexit.

Agreed or rolled over?

Rolled over.

New trade deals isnt what you said.

And isnt what any one said because it would have been against e.u membershipfor then uk to agree new ones.

No, I deliberately didn’t say new trade deals. Because unlike Liam Fox, anyone with half a brain knew that we couldn’t negotiate whilst under EU regs.

Incidentally as of May 2023, we have 38 active free trade deals. So still not 40, 3 of which are new.

Can you provide a link where Liam fox said we'd agree new deals?

I can provide a link where Liam Fox thought we could negotiate new deals before we left.

Please do"

My mistake - It was David Davis who said we’d negotiate trade deals before we left.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"Remember ‘40 trade deals’ at a minute past midnight on Brexit day?

What happened there? More Brexit lies. It’s as if they couldn’t help themselves.

We had 32 deals agreed I believe before brexit.

Agreed or rolled over?

Rolled over.

New trade deals isnt what you said.

And isnt what any one said because it would have been against e.u membershipfor then uk to agree new ones.

No, I deliberately didn’t say new trade deals. Because unlike Liam Fox, anyone with half a brain knew that we couldn’t negotiate whilst under EU regs.

Incidentally as of May 2023, we have 38 active free trade deals. So still not 40, 3 of which are new.

Can you provide a link where Liam fox said we'd agree new deals?

I can provide a link where Liam Fox thought we could negotiate new deals before we left. "

This link is taking a while.

You were back and forth with me mi ute by minute relies.

What's happened? Google not giving you what you want to read?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan 51 weeks ago

golden fields

"Remember ‘40 trade deals’ at a minute past midnight on Brexit day?

What happened there? More Brexit lies. It’s as if they couldn’t help themselves.

We had 32 deals agreed I believe before brexit.

Agreed or rolled over?

Rolled over.

New trade deals isnt what you said.

And isnt what any one said because it would have been against e.u membershipfor then uk to agree new ones.

No, I deliberately didn’t say new trade deals. Because unlike Liam Fox, anyone with half a brain knew that we couldn’t negotiate whilst under EU regs.

Incidentally as of May 2023, we have 38 active free trade deals. So still not 40, 3 of which are new.

Can you provide a link where Liam fox said we'd agree new deals?

I can provide a link where Liam Fox thought we could negotiate new deals before we left.

Please do

My mistake - It was David Davis who said we’d negotiate trade deals before we left.


Be careful if you post a link.

Some people bait you to post links then report you to get you a ban.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"^ this is honestly just getting embarrassing now.

What, you reading things that aren’t there? I agree.

Now, did you fancy answering my question on polling? Or Turkey joining the EU?

Is this what you do.

When you realise things aren't going your way and you're making a fool of yourself parroting incorrect headlines , you shift the questions?

I’ve not shifted any questions, Morley. I’m asking you to answer the ones I’ve already posed.

Hang on a sec.

You're first claim was 'none of the Brexit promises have materialised'

That has been proven to be incorrect and now you wanna push further and claim you want every single one to be material. No one has argued that we got everything they said, anyone would be a fool to think that was ever gonna be the case.

So yeah, it appears what you do is indeed shift the questions when they don't go your way."

Has Turkey joined the EU? And what happened to to £350m we ‘save’ each week?

And do you fancy answering the question about Brexit polling, since Morley won’t?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *astandFeistyCouple 51 weeks ago


"Remember ‘40 trade deals’ at a minute past midnight on Brexit day?

What happened there? More Brexit lies. It’s as if they couldn’t help themselves.

We had 32 deals agreed I believe before brexit.

Agreed or rolled over?

Rolled over.

New trade deals isnt what you said.

And isnt what any one said because it would have been against e.u membershipfor then uk to agree new ones.

No, I deliberately didn’t say new trade deals. Because unlike Liam Fox, anyone with half a brain knew that we couldn’t negotiate whilst under EU regs.

Incidentally as of May 2023, we have 38 active free trade deals. So still not 40, 3 of which are new.

Can you provide a link where Liam fox said we'd agree new deals?

I can provide a link where Liam Fox thought we could negotiate new deals before we left.

Please do

My mistake - It was David Davis who said we’d negotiate trade deals before we left.

Be careful if you post a link.

Some people bait you to post links then report you to get you a ban. "

Links from reputable sources are allowed

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Remember ‘40 trade deals’ at a minute past midnight on Brexit day?

What happened there? More Brexit lies. It’s as if they couldn’t help themselves.

We had 32 deals agreed I believe before brexit.

Agreed or rolled over?

Rolled over.

New trade deals isnt what you said.

And isnt what any one said because it would have been against e.u membershipfor then uk to agree new ones.

No, I deliberately didn’t say new trade deals. Because unlike Liam Fox, anyone with half a brain knew that we couldn’t negotiate whilst under EU regs.

Incidentally as of May 2023, we have 38 active free trade deals. So still not 40, 3 of which are new.

Can you provide a link where Liam fox said we'd agree new deals?

I can provide a link where Liam Fox thought we could negotiate new deals before we left.

This link is taking a while.

You were back and forth with me mi ute by minute relies.

What's happened? Google not giving you what you want to read?"

No, I made a mistake. It was David Davis, not Liam fox, who said we could negotiate trade deals prior to leaving.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"Remember ‘40 trade deals’ at a minute past midnight on Brexit day?

What happened there? More Brexit lies. It’s as if they couldn’t help themselves.

We had 32 deals agreed I believe before brexit.

Agreed or rolled over?

Rolled over.

New trade deals isnt what you said.

And isnt what any one said because it would have been against e.u membershipfor then uk to agree new ones.

No, I deliberately didn’t say new trade deals. Because unlike Liam Fox, anyone with half a brain knew that we couldn’t negotiate whilst under EU regs.

Incidentally as of May 2023, we have 38 active free trade deals. So still not 40, 3 of which are new.

Can you provide a link where Liam fox said we'd agree new deals?

I can provide a link where Liam Fox thought we could negotiate new deals before we left.

Please do

My mistake - It was David Davis who said we’d negotiate trade deals before we left.


Happy to read that link too.

As in 2018 he said that the uk would remain in sm and cu until 21 and that we would still be looking to ro over the current deals..

Happy to see where he said we'd agree new deals.

"David Davis says Britain will remain within custom union rules during any Brexit transition.

This means that no new trade deals can come into force until at least 2021."

That was from 2018

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan 51 weeks ago

golden fields

"Remember ‘40 trade deals’ at a minute past midnight on Brexit day?

What happened there? More Brexit lies. It’s as if they couldn’t help themselves.

We had 32 deals agreed I believe before brexit.

Agreed or rolled over?

Rolled over.

New trade deals isnt what you said.

And isnt what any one said because it would have been against e.u membershipfor then uk to agree new ones.

No, I deliberately didn’t say new trade deals. Because unlike Liam Fox, anyone with half a brain knew that we couldn’t negotiate whilst under EU regs.

Incidentally as of May 2023, we have 38 active free trade deals. So still not 40, 3 of which are new.

Can you provide a link where Liam fox said we'd agree new deals?

I can provide a link where Liam Fox thought we could negotiate new deals before we left.

Please do

My mistake - It was David Davis who said we’d negotiate trade deals before we left.

Be careful if you post a link.

Some people bait you to post links then report you to get you a ban.

Links from reputable sources are allowed"

Just offering some advice to the person who was being baited to post links.

Crack on as you all were.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *astandFeistyCouple 51 weeks ago


"^ this is honestly just getting embarrassing now.

What, you reading things that aren’t there? I agree.

Now, did you fancy answering my question on polling? Or Turkey joining the EU?

Is this what you do.

When you realise things aren't going your way and you're making a fool of yourself parroting incorrect headlines , you shift the questions?

I’ve not shifted any questions, Morley. I’m asking you to answer the ones I’ve already posed.

Hang on a sec.

You're first claim was 'none of the Brexit promises have materialised'

That has been proven to be incorrect and now you wanna push further and claim you want every single one to be material. No one has argued that we got everything they said, anyone would be a fool to think that was ever gonna be the case.

So yeah, it appears what you do is indeed shift the questions when they don't go your way.

Has Turkey joined the EU? And what happened to to £350m we ‘save’ each week?

And do you fancy answering the question about Brexit polling, since Morley won’t? "

Turkey and 350m is shifting the initial question but yeah I'll go for it.

Turkey have not joined the EU and won't be joining anytime soon I wouldn't think.

Pretty sure TM announced a 600m/week increase to the NHS.

No idea about the polling.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *idnight RamblerMan 51 weeks ago


"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?

What did they vote for?


Single market? Customs union? "

Those weren't the questions on the ballot slip, which simply read 'Do you want to leave the EU' and 'Do you want to remain in the EU'. Everybody had their own reasons, and voted accordingly.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"Remember ‘40 trade deals’ at a minute past midnight on Brexit day?

What happened there? More Brexit lies. It’s as if they couldn’t help themselves.

We had 32 deals agreed I believe before brexit.

Agreed or rolled over?

Rolled over.

New trade deals isnt what you said.

And isnt what any one said because it would have been against e.u membershipfor then uk to agree new ones.

No, I deliberately didn’t say new trade deals. Because unlike Liam Fox, anyone with half a brain knew that we couldn’t negotiate whilst under EU regs.

Incidentally as of May 2023, we have 38 active free trade deals. So still not 40, 3 of which are new.

Can you provide a link where Liam fox said we'd agree new deals?

I can provide a link where Liam Fox thought we could negotiate new deals before we left.

Please do

My mistake - It was David Davis who said we’d negotiate trade deals before we left.

Be careful if you post a link.

Some people bait you to post links then report you to get you a ban.

Links from reputable sources are allowed"

To be fair.

I have posts removed which as from hmrc and other gov sources. Which is why I now post what to Google as I got fed up of 10 day bans posting them

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *rDiscretionXXXMan 51 weeks ago


"Now, did you fancy answering my question on polling? Or Turkey joining the EU? "

I'd love to see your evidence on polling.

I don't recall anyone promising that Turkey would join the EU if we stayed in. Even if they did, it's not exactly a dead issue, people are still worried about it today.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *winga2Man 51 weeks ago


It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"^ this is honestly just getting embarrassing now.

What, you reading things that aren’t there? I agree.

Now, did you fancy answering my question on polling? Or Turkey joining the EU?

Is this what you do.

When you realise things aren't going your way and you're making a fool of yourself parroting incorrect headlines , you shift the questions?

I’ve not shifted any questions, Morley. I’m asking you to answer the ones I’ve already posed.

Hang on a sec.

You're first claim was 'none of the Brexit promises have materialised'

That has been proven to be incorrect and now you wanna push further and claim you want every single one to be material. No one has argued that we got everything they said, anyone would be a fool to think that was ever gonna be the case.

So yeah, it appears what you do is indeed shift the questions when they don't go your way.

Has Turkey joined the EU? And what happened to to £350m we ‘save’ each week?

And do you fancy answering the question about Brexit polling, since Morley won’t?

Turkey and 350m is shifting the initial question but yeah I'll go for it.

Turkey have not joined the EU and won't be joining anytime soon I wouldn't think.

Pretty sure TM announced a 600m/week increase to the NHS.

No idea about the polling."

400m A year signed into parliament.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Now, did you fancy answering my question on polling? Or Turkey joining the EU?

I'd love to see your evidence on polling.

I don't recall anyone promising that Turkey would join the EU if we stayed in. Even if they did, it's not exactly a dead issue, people are still worried about it today."

You don’t remember Vote Leave plastering it on billboards?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"^ this is honestly just getting embarrassing now.

What, you reading things that aren’t there? I agree.

Now, did you fancy answering my question on polling? Or Turkey joining the EU?

Is this what you do.

When you realise things aren't going your way and you're making a fool of yourself parroting incorrect headlines , you shift the questions?

I’ve not shifted any questions, Morley. I’m asking you to answer the ones I’ve already posed.

Hang on a sec.

You're first claim was 'none of the Brexit promises have materialised'

That has been proven to be incorrect and now you wanna push further and claim you want every single one to be material. No one has argued that we got everything they said, anyone would be a fool to think that was ever gonna be the case.

So yeah, it appears what you do is indeed shift the questions when they don't go your way.

Has Turkey joined the EU? And what happened to to £350m we ‘save’ each week?

And do you fancy answering the question about Brexit polling, since Morley won’t?

Turkey and 350m is shifting the initial question but yeah I'll go for it.

Turkey have not joined the EU and won't be joining anytime soon I wouldn't think.

Pretty sure TM announced a 600m/week increase to the NHS.

No idea about the polling.

400m A year signed into parliament.


From general taxation - not a Brexit benefit. As admitted by May at the time.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%


What have interest rates got to do with Brexit?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?

What did they vote for?


Single market? Customs union?

Those weren't the questions on the ballot slip, which simply read 'Do you want to leave the EU' and 'Do you want to remain in the EU'. Everybody had their own reasons, and voted accordingly. "

And prominent leave campaigners said we’d not leave the single market, did they not?

Might have been an important factor, with hindsight, wouldn’t you agree?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *astandFeistyCouple 51 weeks ago


"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%


This is the funniest thing I've read today? Have you checked Americas interest rate?

I think they're suffering from Brexit too

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *idnight RamblerMan 51 weeks ago


"Pity for those affected, but you can't make major national decisions because they inconvenience a handful of ex-pats.

Exactly, how is RJM supposed to make millions shorting the pound or billionaires avoid paying taxes without ordinary British people making sacrifices.

Exactly, British people made their choice and voted accordingly. Why don't people comprehend hoe democracy works?

What did they vote for?


Single market? Customs union?

Those weren't the questions on the ballot slip, which simply read 'Do you want to leave the EU' and 'Do you want to remain in the EU'. Everybody had their own reasons, and voted accordingly.

And prominent leave campaigners said we’d not leave the single market, did they not?

Might have been an important factor, with hindsight, wouldn’t you agree?"

Yes, no doubt some said that, but there was a spectrum of opinions/promises (on both sides). Was it an important factor? Hard to say if it was, or if people cared.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *rDiscretionXXXMan 51 weeks ago


"Now, did you fancy answering my question on polling? Or Turkey joining the EU?"

"I'd love to see your evidence on polling.

I don't recall anyone promising that Turkey would join the EU if we stayed in. Even if they did, it's not exactly a dead issue, people are still worried about it today."

"You don’t remember Vote Leave plastering it on billboards? "

No. I remember UKIP doing so, but they weren't the official leave campaign.

But you keep referring to this as a Brexit 'lie'. It wasn't. There were, and still are, concerns that Turkey will be accepted into the EU. Its application is still being considered. The billboard claims were wrong, in that it didn't happen before 2020, but that doesn't make it a lie.

Still no evidence for your polling claims.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Now, did you fancy answering my question on polling? Or Turkey joining the EU?

I'd love to see your evidence on polling.

I don't recall anyone promising that Turkey would join the EU if we stayed in. Even if they did, it's not exactly a dead issue, people are still worried about it today.

You don’t remember Vote Leave plastering it on billboards?

No. I remember UKIP doing so, but they weren't the official leave campaign.

But you keep referring to this as a Brexit 'lie'. It wasn't. There were, and still are, concerns that Turkey will be accepted into the EU. Its application is still being considered. The billboard claims were wrong, in that it didn't happen before 2020, but that doesn't make it a lie.

Still no evidence for your polling claims."

It was vote leave.

And Turkey’s application has been ‘considered’ since 1987. And it’s no closer now than it was then.

Incidentally, if Turkey passes the considerations and standards for membership, what is the problem with them joining?

And the polling claims are all easily researchable.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"Now, did you fancy answering my question on polling? Or Turkey joining the EU?

I'd love to see your evidence on polling.

I don't recall anyone promising that Turkey would join the EU if we stayed in. Even if they did, it's not exactly a dead issue, people are still worried about it today.

You don’t remember Vote Leave plastering it on billboards?

No. I remember UKIP doing so, but they weren't the official leave campaign.

But you keep referring to this as a Brexit 'lie'. It wasn't. There were, and still are, concerns that Turkey will be accepted into the EU. Its application is still being considered. The billboard claims were wrong, in that it didn't happen before 2020, but that doesn't make it a lie.

Still no evidence for your polling claims.

It was vote leave.

And Turkey’s application has been ‘considered’ since 1987. And it’s no closer now than it was then.

Incidentally, if Turkey passes the considerations and standards for membership, what is the problem with them joining?

And the polling claims are all easily researchable. "

Jave you got the David Davis link?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%


According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Now, did you fancy answering my question on polling? Or Turkey joining the EU?

I'd love to see your evidence on polling.

I don't recall anyone promising that Turkey would join the EU if we stayed in. Even if they did, it's not exactly a dead issue, people are still worried about it today.

You don’t remember Vote Leave plastering it on billboards?

No. I remember UKIP doing so, but they weren't the official leave campaign.

But you keep referring to this as a Brexit 'lie'. It wasn't. There were, and still are, concerns that Turkey will be accepted into the EU. Its application is still being considered. The billboard claims were wrong, in that it didn't happen before 2020, but that doesn't make it a lie.

Still no evidence for your polling claims.

It was vote leave.

And Turkey’s application has been ‘considered’ since 1987. And it’s no closer now than it was then.

Incidentally, if Turkey passes the considerations and standards for membership, what is the problem with them joining?

And the polling claims are all easily researchable.

Jave you got the David Davis link?"

You can look it up. Am taking advice on not posting links.

There’s a good piece from the Times back in 2017 (I think), where David Davis told MP’s we’d be negotiating trade deals prior to leaving EU regulations.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"Now, did you fancy answering my question on polling? Or Turkey joining the EU?

I'd love to see your evidence on polling.

I don't recall anyone promising that Turkey would join the EU if we stayed in. Even if they did, it's not exactly a dead issue, people are still worried about it today.

You don’t remember Vote Leave plastering it on billboards?

No. I remember UKIP doing so, but they weren't the official leave campaign.

But you keep referring to this as a Brexit 'lie'. It wasn't. There were, and still are, concerns that Turkey will be accepted into the EU. Its application is still being considered. The billboard claims were wrong, in that it didn't happen before 2020, but that doesn't make it a lie.

Still no evidence for your polling claims.

It was vote leave.

And Turkey’s application has been ‘considered’ since 1987. And it’s no closer now than it was then.

Incidentally, if Turkey passes the considerations and standards for membership, what is the problem with them joining?

And the polling claims are all easily researchable.

Jave you got the David Davis link?

You can look it up. Am taking advice on not posting links.

There’s a good piece from the Times back in 2017 (I think), where David Davis told MP’s we’d be negotiating trade deals prior to leaving EU regulations."

Feel free to tell me what to Google to get to the article.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"Now, did you fancy answering my question on polling? Or Turkey joining the EU?

I'd love to see your evidence on polling.

I don't recall anyone promising that Turkey would join the EU if we stayed in. Even if they did, it's not exactly a dead issue, people are still worried about it today.

You don’t remember Vote Leave plastering it on billboards?

No. I remember UKIP doing so, but they weren't the official leave campaign.

But you keep referring to this as a Brexit 'lie'. It wasn't. There were, and still are, concerns that Turkey will be accepted into the EU. Its application is still being considered. The billboard claims were wrong, in that it didn't happen before 2020, but that doesn't make it a lie.

Still no evidence for your polling claims.

It was vote leave.

And Turkey’s application has been ‘considered’ since 1987. And it’s no closer now than it was then.

Incidentally, if Turkey passes the considerations and standards for membership, what is the problem with them joining?

And the polling claims are all easily researchable.

Jave you got the David Davis link?

You can look it up. Am taking advice on not posting links.

There’s a good piece from the Times back in 2017 (I think), where David Davis told MP’s we’d be negotiating trade deals prior to leaving EU regulations.

Feel free to tell me what to Google to get to the article."

If you don’t know how Google works, I’m not sure what to tell you, mucker.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


I'll take it then this article doesn't exist.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *astandFeistyCouple 51 weeks ago


"Now, did you fancy answering my question on polling? Or Turkey joining the EU?

I'd love to see your evidence on polling.

I don't recall anyone promising that Turkey would join the EU if we stayed in. Even if they did, it's not exactly a dead issue, people are still worried about it today.

You don’t remember Vote Leave plastering it on billboards?

No. I remember UKIP doing so, but they weren't the official leave campaign.

But you keep referring to this as a Brexit 'lie'. It wasn't. There were, and still are, concerns that Turkey will be accepted into the EU. Its application is still being considered. The billboard claims were wrong, in that it didn't happen before 2020, but that doesn't make it a lie.

Still no evidence for your polling claims.

It was vote leave.

And Turkey’s application has been ‘considered’ since 1987. And it’s no closer now than it was then.

Incidentally, if Turkey passes the considerations and standards for membership, what is the problem with them joining?

And the polling claims are all easily researchable.

Jave you got the David Davis link?

You can look it up. Am taking advice on not posting links.

There’s a good piece from the Times back in 2017 (I think), where David Davis told MP’s we’d be negotiating trade deals prior to leaving EU regulations."

You have no problem posting links usually and now you wanna suddenly stop? That's convenient

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"I'll take it then this article doesn't exist."

I told you it was in the times, wasn’t the only place either. Smart lad like you should be able to find it.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago




That's from 2018.

And it's about the uk EU trade deal.

Read your links.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"I'll take it then this article doesn't exist.

I told you it was in the times, wasn’t the only place either. Smart lad like you should be able to find it. "

It's a simple request you said David davis said it and it's from 2017 I the times.

I can't find that article. What terms did you search and what was the name of the article.

Come on. It will take 2 seconds.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago


That's from 2018.

And it's about the uk EU trade deal.

Read your links."


What ever happened to David Davis

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago



That's from 2018.

And it's about the uk EU trade deal.

Read your links.


What ever happened to David Davis


It doesn't back up fun fellas claim.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago


That's from 2018.

And it's about the uk EU trade deal.

Read your links.


What ever happened to David Davis

It doesn't back up fun fellas claim.


I couldn’t care less about the claim, you’re the one getting triggered

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *otMe66Man 51 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high"

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean? "

No, that isn’t what it meant

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *otMe66Man 51 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

No, that isn’t what it meant "

Ah, got you! You mean 91% of the public know it is going to take longer to measure success than this short time frame and polling now isn’t worth a pixel..

I like that, bigger picture thinking, nice work

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *rDiscretionXXXMan 51 weeks ago


"And the polling claims are all easily researchable."

Help me out by telling which search engine to use, and which terms to use. You can DM me if you prefer.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *rDiscretionXXXMan 51 weeks ago


"According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high"

"I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?"

"No, that isn’t what it meant"

"Ah, got you! You mean 91% of the public know it is going to take longer to measure success than this short time frame and polling now isn’t worth a pixel..

I like that, bigger picture thinking, nice work"

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean? "

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *otMe66Man 51 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear. "

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?"

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *otMe66Man 51 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake. "

Have you given your own reasons why you think it’s going badly or are you relying on links to biased articles to do your talking?

I’m genuinely interested in why “You” think it’s is going badly.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake.

Have you given your own reasons why you think it’s going badly or are you relying on links to biased articles to do your talking?

I’m genuinely interested in why “You” think it’s is going badly."

Because of the economic impact, the lost citizens rights, the increased red-tape to trade, the decrease in soft power, and the removal of our role in helping shape the future of Europe.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

No, that isn’t what it meant

Ah, got you! You mean 91% of the public know it is going to take longer to measure success than this short time frame and polling now isn’t worth a pixel..

I like that, bigger picture thinking, nice work"

No, that is incorrect aswell

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *otMe66Man 51 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

No, that isn’t what it meant

Ah, got you! You mean 91% of the public know it is going to take longer to measure success than this short time frame and polling now isn’t worth a pixel..

I like that, bigger picture thinking, nice work

No, that is incorrect aswell "

Or is it

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake.

Have you given your own reasons why you think it’s going badly or are you relying on links to biased articles to do your talking?

I’m genuinely interested in why “You” think it’s is going badly.

Because of the economic impact, the lost citizens rights, the increased red-tape to trade, the decrease in soft power, and the removal of our role in helping shape the future of Europe. "

Decrease in soft power?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake.

Have you given your own reasons why you think it’s going badly or are you relying on links to biased articles to do your talking?

I’m genuinely interested in why “You” think it’s is going badly.

Because of the economic impact, the lost citizens rights, the increased red-tape to trade, the decrease in soft power, and the removal of our role in helping shape the future of Europe.

Decrease in soft power?"


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake.

Have you given your own reasons why you think it’s going badly or are you relying on links to biased articles to do your talking?

I’m genuinely interested in why “You” think it’s is going badly.

Because of the economic impact, the lost citizens rights, the increased red-tape to trade, the decrease in soft power, and the removal of our role in helping shape the future of Europe.

Decrease in soft power?


In what was did the UK influence the future of the EU when it was a member?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake.

Have you given your own reasons why you think it’s going badly or are you relying on links to biased articles to do your talking?

I’m genuinely interested in why “You” think it’s is going badly.

Because of the economic impact, the lost citizens rights, the increased red-tape to trade, the decrease in soft power, and the removal of our role in helping shape the future of Europe.

Decrease in soft power?


In what was did the UK influence the future of the EU when it was a member?"

Not sure if serious.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake.

Have you given your own reasons why you think it’s going badly or are you relying on links to biased articles to do your talking?

I’m genuinely interested in why “You” think it’s is going badly.

Because of the economic impact, the lost citizens rights, the increased red-tape to trade, the decrease in soft power, and the removal of our role in helping shape the future of Europe.

Decrease in soft power?


In what was did the UK influence the future of the EU when it was a member?

Not sure if serious. "

So basically you can't come up with a single concrete example of where the UK influenced EU policy while we were a member.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake.

Have you given your own reasons why you think it’s going badly or are you relying on links to biased articles to do your talking?

I’m genuinely interested in why “You” think it’s is going badly.

Because of the economic impact, the lost citizens rights, the increased red-tape to trade, the decrease in soft power, and the removal of our role in helping shape the future of Europe.

Decrease in soft power?


In what was did the UK influence the future of the EU when it was a member?

Not sure if serious.

So basically you can't come up with a single concrete example of where the UK influenced EU policy while we were a member."

How many debates did our elected MEP’s take part in? How many votes? How much time and effort did MEP’s put into policy think tanks? (Obviously not the UKIP ones, they were almost never there)

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake.

Have you given your own reasons why you think it’s going badly or are you relying on links to biased articles to do your talking?

I’m genuinely interested in why “You” think it’s is going badly.

Because of the economic impact, the lost citizens rights, the increased red-tape to trade, the decrease in soft power, and the removal of our role in helping shape the future of Europe.

Decrease in soft power?


In what was did the UK influence the future of the EU when it was a member?

Not sure if serious.

So basically you can't come up with a single concrete example of where the UK influenced EU policy while we were a member.

How many debates did our elected MEP’s take part in? How many votes? How much time and effort did MEP’s put into policy think tanks? (Obviously not the UKIP ones, they were almost never there)


Still no concrete example.

You have answered your own question.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake.

Have you given your own reasons why you think it’s going badly or are you relying on links to biased articles to do your talking?

I’m genuinely interested in why “You” think it’s is going badly.

Because of the economic impact, the lost citizens rights, the increased red-tape to trade, the decrease in soft power, and the removal of our role in helping shape the future of Europe.

Decrease in soft power?


In what was did the UK influence the future of the EU when it was a member?

Not sure if serious.

So basically you can't come up with a single concrete example of where the UK influenced EU policy while we were a member.

How many debates did our elected MEP’s take part in? How many votes? How much time and effort did MEP’s put into policy think tanks? (Obviously not the UKIP ones, they were almost never there)

Still no concrete example.

You have answered your own question."

I answered perfectly. Who created EU regs? The EU members. Of which we were one.

We helped to shape the EU. This isn’t complex.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *otMe66Man 51 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake.

Have you given your own reasons why you think it’s going badly or are you relying on links to biased articles to do your talking?

I’m genuinely interested in why “You” think it’s is going badly.

Because of the economic impact, the lost citizens rights, the increased red-tape to trade, the decrease in soft power, and the removal of our role in helping shape the future of Europe.

Decrease in soft power?


In what was did the UK influence the future of the EU when it was a member?

Not sure if serious.

So basically you can't come up with a single concrete example of where the UK influenced EU policy while we were a member.

How many debates did our elected MEP’s take part in? How many votes? How much time and effort did MEP’s put into policy think tanks? (Obviously not the UKIP ones, they were almost never there)

Still no concrete example.

You have answered your own question.

I answered perfectly. Who created EU regs? The EU members. Of which we were one.

We helped to shape the EU. This isn’t complex."

Answered Perfectly is strong, I can’t agree with that, not answered is probably the position I would favour.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake.

Have you given your own reasons why you think it’s going badly or are you relying on links to biased articles to do your talking?

I’m genuinely interested in why “You” think it’s is going badly.

Because of the economic impact, the lost citizens rights, the increased red-tape to trade, the decrease in soft power, and the removal of our role in helping shape the future of Europe.

Decrease in soft power?


In what was did the UK influence the future of the EU when it was a member?

Not sure if serious.

So basically you can't come up with a single concrete example of where the UK influenced EU policy while we were a member.

How many debates did our elected MEP’s take part in? How many votes? How much time and effort did MEP’s put into policy think tanks? (Obviously not the UKIP ones, they were almost never there)

Still no concrete example.

You have answered your own question.

I answered perfectly. Who created EU regs? The EU members. Of which we were one.

We helped to shape the EU. This isn’t complex.

Answered Perfectly is strong, I can’t agree with that, not answered is probably the position I would favour."

So partaking in debates and votes on EU policy etc isn’t helping shape the EU?

You’re sure about that?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake.

Have you given your own reasons why you think it’s going badly or are you relying on links to biased articles to do your talking?

I’m genuinely interested in why “You” think it’s is going badly.

Because of the economic impact, the lost citizens rights, the increased red-tape to trade, the decrease in soft power, and the removal of our role in helping shape the future of Europe.

Decrease in soft power?


I think you may want to re look the 1 up

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake.

Have you given your own reasons why you think it’s going badly or are you relying on links to biased articles to do your talking?

I’m genuinely interested in why “You” think it’s is going badly.

Because of the economic impact, the lost citizens rights, the increased red-tape to trade, the decrease in soft power, and the removal of our role in helping shape the future of Europe.

Decrease in soft power?


I think you may want to re look the 1 up"

No, I understand what soft power is, thanks.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *otMe66Man 51 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake.

Have you given your own reasons why you think it’s going badly or are you relying on links to biased articles to do your talking?

I’m genuinely interested in why “You” think it’s is going badly.

Because of the economic impact, the lost citizens rights, the increased red-tape to trade, the decrease in soft power, and the removal of our role in helping shape the future of Europe.

Decrease in soft power?


In what was did the UK influence the future of the EU when it was a member?

Not sure if serious.

So basically you can't come up with a single concrete example of where the UK influenced EU policy while we were a member.

How many debates did our elected MEP’s take part in? How many votes? How much time and effort did MEP’s put into policy think tanks? (Obviously not the UKIP ones, they were almost never there)

Still no concrete example.

You have answered your own question.

I answered perfectly. Who created EU regs? The EU members. Of which we were one.

We helped to shape the EU. This isn’t complex.

Answered Perfectly is strong, I can’t agree with that, not answered is probably the position I would favour.

So partaking in debates and votes on EU policy etc isn’t helping shape the EU?

You’re sure about that?"

You got to your final answer by accident, it happens.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake.

Have you given your own reasons why you think it’s going badly or are you relying on links to biased articles to do your talking?

I’m genuinely interested in why “You” think it’s is going badly.

Because of the economic impact, the lost citizens rights, the increased red-tape to trade, the decrease in soft power, and the removal of our role in helping shape the future of Europe.

Decrease in soft power?


I think you may want to re look the 1 up

No, I understand what soft power is, thanks. "

Which index are you using for it. We are second int he kne I am seeing.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake.

Have you given your own reasons why you think it’s going badly or are you relying on links to biased articles to do your talking?

I’m genuinely interested in why “You” think it’s is going badly.

Because of the economic impact, the lost citizens rights, the increased red-tape to trade, the decrease in soft power, and the removal of our role in helping shape the future of Europe.

Decrease in soft power?


I think you may want to re look the 1 up

No, I understand what soft power is, thanks.

Which index are you using for it. We are second int he kne I am seeing."

Where were we in 2015?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake.

Have you given your own reasons why you think it’s going badly or are you relying on links to biased articles to do your talking?

I’m genuinely interested in why “You” think it’s is going badly.

Because of the economic impact, the lost citizens rights, the increased red-tape to trade, the decrease in soft power, and the removal of our role in helping shape the future of Europe.

Decrease in soft power?


I think you may want to re look the 1 up

No, I understand what soft power is, thanks.

Which index are you using for it. We are second int he kne I am seeing.

Where were we in 2015?"

Are you using the one that no longer publishes?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake.

Have you given your own reasons why you think it’s going badly or are you relying on links to biased articles to do your talking?

I’m genuinely interested in why “You” think it’s is going badly.

Because of the economic impact, the lost citizens rights, the increased red-tape to trade, the decrease in soft power, and the removal of our role in helping shape the future of Europe.

Decrease in soft power?


I think you may want to re look the 1 up

No, I understand what soft power is, thanks.

Which index are you using for it. We are second int he kne I am seeing.

Where were we in 2015?

Are you using the one that no longer publishes?"

I believe I asked a question first.

The idea of a soft power index is actually rubbish (as I’m sure you’re smart enough to understand). Because soft power is essentially unquantifiable- though it very much exists.

But go on, tell me where we were in 2015. Higher or lower than 2?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake.

Have you given your own reasons why you think it’s going badly or are you relying on links to biased articles to do your talking?

I’m genuinely interested in why “You” think it’s is going badly.

Because of the economic impact, the lost citizens rights, the increased red-tape to trade, the decrease in soft power, and the removal of our role in helping shape the future of Europe.

Decrease in soft power?


I think you may want to re look the 1 up

No, I understand what soft power is, thanks.

Which index are you using for it. We are second int he kne I am seeing.

Where were we in 2015?

Are you using the one that no longer publishes?

I believe I asked a question first.

The idea of a soft power index is actually rubbish (as I’m sure you’re smart enough to understand). Because soft power is essentially unquantifiable- though it very much exists.

But go on, tell me where we were in 2015. Higher or lower than 2?"

So you're using an index that bo longer exists where the last publication was 4 years ago.

Eve though we have a current index from another one publishing right now.

Why are you using a 4 year out of date index? Seems like a reach even for you.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ad NannaWoman 51 weeks ago

East London

What's dangerous about bendy bananas?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *orleymanMan 51 weeks ago


"What's dangerous about bendy bananas?"

Nothing sadly the e.u don't let then in

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *otMe66Man 51 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"What's dangerous about bendy bananas?"

Throw one with flick of the wrist and without a hard helmet and you will find out

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

"It seems the gullible are alive and well and still think brexit was good

Maybe they'll get a dose of reality when interest rates hit 10%

According to recent polls 9% of people think Brexit has been a success, staggering that it is that high

I agree as it shows just over 9% of people don’t understand it takes a longer time scale to measure success.

I’m guessing that is what you mean?

The wording of the poll was quite clear.

I’m confused, are you in the 91% looking at the bigger picture or the 9% who think it’s is going well?

I’m in the 91% who think Brexit is going badly, and also in the 56% who think Brexit was a mistake.

Have you given your own reasons why you think it’s going badly or are you relying on links to biased articles to do your talking?

I’m genuinely interested in why “You” think it’s is going badly.

Because of the economic impact, the lost citizens rights, the increased red-tape to trade, the decrease in soft power, and the removal of our role in helping shape the future of Europe.

Decrease in soft power?


I think you may want to re look the 1 up

No, I understand what soft power is, thanks.

Which index are you using for it. We are second int he kne I am seeing.

Where were we in 2015?

Are you using the one that no longer publishes?

I believe I asked a question first.

The idea of a soft power index is actually rubbish (as I’m sure you’re smart enough to understand). Because soft power is essentially unquantifiable- though it very much exists.

But go on, tell me where we were in 2015. Higher or lower than 2?

So you're using an index that bo longer exists where the last publication was 4 years ago.

Eve though we have a current index from another one publishing right now.

Why are you using a 4 year out of date index? Seems like a reach even for you."

Soft power as a concept existed long before soft power indexes were created - and their subjective nature renders them moot - you know that.

But it’s ok, let’s pretend indexes matter (since you raised them initially) and reveal where the U.K. was in 2015, shall we?

No. 1

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