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Fab and life

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Following a comment on a previous thread and the fact my current status is about my holiday, should people refrain from that stuff here and stick to purely sex and swinging talk?

Personally I don't see fab as social media or as real life, however I see people share things because it's a bit of an anonymous space. I don't see anything wrong with it.

However people do often mention they feel that it should be left for elsewhere.

I have read many mental health support threads and the care, support and humility shown is actually really lovely.

I'm not a fan of social media. The need to show perfection and feel bad if you can't match up to a selected view is awful and for that reason I've recently deleted faceache.

However people live lives and sex isn't the be all and end all. Why not discuss holiday's, achievements etc.

While I wouldn't advocate giving too much away about yourself I don't see the harm.

What are your thoughts? Do you just skip by those things without offence or do you see it as spoiling the site?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It would get tedious pretty quickly if all that was mentioned was sex and swinging.

If it makes you happy, do it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Always do thing that make you happy , theory being aslong as it’s not hurting anyone

Loads excellent subject on here , advice , fun threads, organised nights out , people with same intrests in and out the bedroom

Forums are a very good addition in here x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The mundane, funny, not so funny, serious and sad posts people make give a wee insight into someone's life and their personality. I quite like them as they help me form am opinion on people. As Wellinever says, if it was all about shagging it would get tedious.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Age old saying

If your not interested in a post.

Don't post on it.


Me personally don't put my personal life on fab for all to see some do some don't it's whatever your comfortable with.

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By *luebell888Woman  over a year ago


I dont mind the threads seeking advice on real life stuff but have no interest in what folk have for dinner or what tv programmes they watch. Think the forums can be very childish at times but each to their own. I only comment on what interests me.

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By *alcon43Woman  over a year ago


Personally I’ve found it to be very supportive and uplifting at times. I’ve given support to strangers who have appreciated a comment I’ve made in a forum.

Mental health needs to be looked after in the same way we look after ourselves physically. Sometimes you need to share what’s going on and to know that your not alone.

Fab allows people to do that in a safe place where their family and friends outside of Fab can’t see so in some cases I think people can be more open which is good. You’ll usually find someone who has had a similar experience and can offer advice and support.

At least you don’t get the annoying adverts and Daily Fail stories on here.

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By *ab femWoman  over a year ago


I don't think there's anything wrong with talking about what's going on in your life. I personally don't like to but I'm a very private person and don't like to talk too much about my home life online. But then I also don't like talking on a forum about what I do sexually either but that's just me. It's nice to see someone doing well or where people are going on holiday... It sure beats all the arguing.

Like welli said it would be very boring on here if all we talked about was sex.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Following a comment on a previous thread and the fact my current status is about my holiday, should people refrain from that stuff here and stick to purely sex and swinging talk?

Personally I don't see fab as social media or as real life, however I see people share things because it's a bit of an anonymous space. I don't see anything wrong with it.

However people do often mention they feel that it should be left for elsewhere.

I have read many mental health support threads and the care, support and humility shown is actually really lovely.

I'm not a fan of social media. The need to show perfection and feel bad if you can't match up to a selected view is awful and for that reason I've recently deleted faceache.

However people live lives and sex isn't the be all and end all. Why not discuss holiday's, achievements etc.

While I wouldn't advocate giving too much away about yourself I don't see the harm.

What are your thoughts? Do you just skip by those things without offence or do you see it as spoiling the site? "

I don't think it's anonymous space though! If you do, you're deluding yourself. Had this conversation privately with another user only a few days ago.

The amount of gossiping and rumours that circulate here are ridiculous. It's generated by a minority of really really sad individuals. It's pathetic really and said individuals when they read this will be in denial that my post is in reference to them and how pathetic they are.

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By *ab femWoman  over a year ago



I don't think it's anonymous space though! If you do, you're deluding yourself. Had this conversation privately with another user only a few days ago.

The amount of gossiping and rumours that circulate here are ridiculous. It's generated by a minority of really really sad individuals. It's pathetic really and said individuals when they read this will be in denial that my post is in reference to them and how pathetic they are.


If someone is gossiping about others it shows they don't have much interesting going on in their lives that they need to make up stories. If someone comes to me with gossip I know they can't be trusted. Basically it s out the people to avoid

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By *itznBobz2018Couple  over a year ago


Some folk just take delight in picking at others and seem to think that trying to be controversial makes them better than others. When In all honesty it just makes them look rather pathetic themselves.

Just use fab however it suits you, am damn sure I will


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By *ola cubesMan  over a year ago


Its all about viewpoints. i dont share my life willynilly with everyone but i share aspects with folk im close to.

I dont view this as a sex site though or social media akin to facesmush.

So my use and experiance will be very diffrent to someone who wants pics fabbed or those who think its a sex site

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By *luebell888Woman  over a year ago


"Some folk just take delight in picking at others and seem to think that trying to be controversial makes them better than others. When In all honesty it just makes them look rather pathetic themselves.

Totally agree.

Just use fab however it suits you, am damn sure I will



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By *e DevilMan  over a year ago


"Some folk just take delight in picking at others and seem to think that trying to be controversial makes them better than others. When In all honesty it just makes them look rather pathetic themselves.

Just use fab however it suits you, am damn sure I will



I love this comment, so spot on as to the attitide of a very small minority. There excuse will be , its a public forum , hence they can post what they want. Pathetic is an accirate assumption in my opinion.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Some folk just take delight in picking at others and seem to think that trying to be controversial makes them better than others. When In all honesty it just makes them look rather pathetic themselves.

Just use fab however it suits you, am damn sure I will



It's all about interpretation isn't it!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Some folk just take delight in picking at others and seem to think that trying to be controversial makes them better than others. When In all honesty it just makes them look rather pathetic themselves.

Just use fab however it suits you, am damn sure I will


I love this comment, so spot on as to the attitide of a very small minority. There excuse will be , its a public forum , hence they can post what they want. Pathetic is an accirate assumption in my opinion. "

I can't work out what one of these two posts is more contradictory? .

Picking at other posts (open to interpretation) and trying to be controversial (assumption) to make themselves look better (assumption again). Followed by "just use fab however it suits you" hence completely contradicting all said before.

Then supported by a post agreeing with this and then contradicting itself by saying that it's a public forum and being able to post whatever you want is an excuse?

The fab high council have spoken!! Lol

The beauty about the fab forum is individuals can post what they want and don't have to justify or back up anything they post because if it was a debating forum some people shoot themselves in the foot before they even get started.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Me personally...love a bit of fab gossip

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By *itznBobz2018Couple  over a year ago


"Some folk just take delight in picking at others and seem to think that trying to be controversial makes them better than others. When In all honesty it just makes them look rather pathetic themselves.

Just use fab however it suits you, am damn sure I will


I love this comment, so spot on as to the attitide of a very small minority. There excuse will be , its a public forum , hence they can post what they want. Pathetic is an accirate assumption in my opinion.

I can't work out what one of these two posts is more contradictory? .

Picking at other posts (open to interpretation) and trying to be controversial (assumption) to make themselves look better (assumption again). Followed by "just use fab however it suits you" hence completely contradicting all said before.

Then supported by a post agreeing with this and then contradicting itself by saying that it's a public forum and being able to post whatever you want is an excuse?

The fab high council have spoken!! Lol

The beauty about the fab forum is individuals can post what they want and don't have to justify or back up anything they post because if it was a debating forum some people shoot themselves in the foot before they even get started. "

Oh the irony


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By *itznBobz2018Couple  over a year ago


"Me personally...love a bit of fab gossip "

I’m pretty sure everyone does it

Bitz x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Me personally...love a bit of fab gossip

I’m pretty sure everyone does it

Bitz x"

I'd lay odds on that

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Some folk just take delight in picking at others and seem to think that trying to be controversial makes them better than others. When In all honesty it just makes them look rather pathetic themselves.

Just use fab however it suits you, am damn sure I will


I love this comment, so spot on as to the attitide of a very small minority. There excuse will be , its a public forum , hence they can post what they want. Pathetic is an accirate assumption in my opinion.

I can't work out what one of these two posts is more contradictory? .

Picking at other posts (open to interpretation) and trying to be controversial (assumption) to make themselves look better (assumption again). Followed by "just use fab however it suits you" hence completely contradicting all said before.

Then supported by a post agreeing with this and then contradicting itself by saying that it's a public forum and being able to post whatever you want is an excuse?

The fab high council have spoken!! Lol

The beauty about the fab forum is individuals can post what they want and don't have to justify or back up anything they post because if it was a debating forum some people shoot themselves in the foot before they even get started.

Oh the irony

Bitz "

The standard "I'm all out and gonna sidle off quietly here" response by trying to insinuate something went before that would back up a statement like this.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Me personally...love a bit of fab gossip

I’m pretty sure everyone does it

Bitz x

I'd lay odds on that "

I'd say you're well placed to be the bookmaker on such matters!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Me personally...love a bit of fab gossip

I’m pretty sure everyone does it

Bitz x

I'd lay odds on that

I'd say you're well placed to be the bookmaker on such matters! "

I'm a certainty

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By *itznBobz2018Couple  over a year ago



The standard "I'm all out and gonna sidle off quietly here" response by trying to insinuate something went before that would back up a statement like this. "

Care to explain what it is your attempting to say here?


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


The standard "I'm all out and gonna sidle off quietly here" response by trying to insinuate something went before that would back up a statement like this.

Care to explain what it is your attempting to say here?

Bitz "

I will, unlike your post, I can justify it.

You said oh the irony. As if that meant something or would be an explanation for something? It seems it's a standard reply on here when the poster actually can't back up what they have said and wish to sidle off quietly after they've inferred something about another poster without any real evidence.

Your original post was contradicted by the last line of it and what you said about fab.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Any forum posts and updates about non sex issues are great.

Wouldn't bother reading forums if subjects were confined to sex only

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By *itznBobz2018Couple  over a year ago



The standard "I'm all out and gonna sidle off quietly here" response by trying to insinuate something went before that would back up a statement like this.

Care to explain what it is your attempting to say here?


I will, unlike your post, I can justify it.

You said oh the irony. As if that meant something or would be an explanation for something? It seems it's a standard reply on here when the poster actually can't back up what they have said and wish to sidle off quietly after they've inferred something about another poster without any real evidence.

Your original post was contradicted by the last line of it and what you said about fab. "

Ah you mean it wasn’t ironic that you were picking apart posts while saying that the beauty of the forums was that folk can post what they like?

Or it wasn’t ironic that you were having a private chat with someone discussing others gossiping ?

You seem to have taken my op very personally


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


The standard "I'm all out and gonna sidle off quietly here" response by trying to insinuate something went before that would back up a statement like this.

Care to explain what it is your attempting to say here?


I will, unlike your post, I can justify it.

You said oh the irony. As if that meant something or would be an explanation for something? It seems it's a standard reply on here when the poster actually can't back up what they have said and wish to sidle off quietly after they've inferred something about another poster without any real evidence.

Your original post was contradicted by the last line of it and what you said about fab.

Ah you mean it wasn’t ironic that you were picking apart posts while saying that the beauty of the forums was that folk can post what they like?

Or it wasn’t ironic that you were having a private chat with someone discussing others gossiping ?

You seem to have taken my op very personally

Bitz "

Picking apart posts? Or merely pointing out why it was contradictory? That's open to interpretation.

I never said people can't post what they like, in just in the same way I have a right to comment on it in a public forum. If people don't like potential comments then simply don't post. It was HeDevil that posted that it was a pathetic excuse that people could post what they wanted on a public forum. Not sure his abstract thinking there but hey ho.

Your assumptions know no bounds! I had a private conversation regarding gossiping on here in general "others" were not discussed.

For your benefit....

gossip - casual or unconstrained conversation or reports ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE, typically involving details which are not confirmed as true.

Maybe you need to look up irony as well.

I'm going to bow out now as I usually get a time out because certain individuals are fragile on here and very easily offended.

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By *itznBobz2018Couple  over a year ago



The standard "I'm all out and gonna sidle off quietly here" response by trying to insinuate something went before that would back up a statement like this.

Care to explain what it is your attempting to say here?


I will, unlike your post, I can justify it.

You said oh the irony. As if that meant something or would be an explanation for something? It seems it's a standard reply on here when the poster actually can't back up what they have said and wish to sidle off quietly after they've inferred something about another poster without any real evidence.

Your original post was contradicted by the last line of it and what you said about fab.

Ah you mean it wasn’t ironic that you were picking apart posts while saying that the beauty of the forums was that folk can post what they like?

Or it wasn’t ironic that you were having a private chat with someone discussing others gossiping ?

You seem to have taken my op very personally


Picking apart posts? Or merely pointing out why it was contradictory? That's open to interpretation.

I never said people can't post what they like, in just in the same way I have a right to comment on it in a public forum. If people don't like potential comments then simply don't post. It was HeDevil that posted that it was a pathetic excuse that people could post what they wanted on a public forum. Not sure his abstract thinking there but hey ho.

Your assumptions know no bounds! I had a private conversation regarding gossiping on here in general "others" were not discussed.

For your benefit....

gossip - casual or unconstrained conversation or reports ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE, typically involving details which are not confirmed as true.

Maybe you need to look up irony as well.

I'm going to bow out now as I usually get a time out because certain individuals are fragile on here and very easily offended.


You should have been a politician, but carry on and slide out of here

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 30/03/19 11:16:34]

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By *e DevilMan  over a year ago



The standard "I'm all out and gonna sidle off quietly here" response by trying to insinuate something went before that would back up a statement like this.

Care to explain what it is your attempting to say here?


I will, unlike your post, I can justify it.

You said oh the irony. As if that meant something or would be an explanation for something? It seems it's a standard reply on here when the poster actually can't back up what they have said and wish to sidle off quietly after they've inferred something about another poster without any real evidence.

Your original post was contradicted by the last line of it and what you said about fab.

Ah you mean it wasn’t ironic that you were picking apart posts while saying that the beauty of the forums was that folk can post what they like?

Or it wasn’t ironic that you were having a private chat with someone discussing others gossiping ?

You seem to have taken my op very personally


Picking apart posts? Or merely pointing out why it was contradictory? That's open to interpretation.

I never said people can't post what they like, in just in the same way I have a right to comment on it in a public forum. If people don't like potential comments then simply don't post. It was HeDevil that posted that it was a pathetic excuse that people could post what they wanted on a public forum. Not sure his abstract thinking there but hey ho.

Your assumptions know no bounds! I had a private conversation regarding gossiping on here in general "others" were not discussed.

For your benefit....

gossip - casual or unconstrained conversation or reports ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE, typically involving details which are not confirmed as true.

Maybe you need to look up irony as well.

I'm going to bow out now as I usually get a time out because certain individuals are fragile on here and very easily offended.


I suppose it really depends on what you class as gossip, if you are passing on true information with the sole intention of warning others about someone or something then can that be construed as gossip or can it be acceptable due to the nature of the site where people could be in a one on one situation. Only the person that is the subject of the warning would see it as gossip. Another example of this would be a very prominent female member of our forum community tried to honey trap me with a fake female profile because she was already blocked on her own profile. Me telling and showing her message when she was caught and admitted doing it, is this gossip or warning others of her true colours. ? She probably call it gossip.

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By *he Regina PhalangeWoman  over a year ago


Too much hypocrisy, time for another fab forum holiday for me!!!!

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By *ola cubesMan  over a year ago


"Too much hypocrisy, time for another fab forum holiday for me!!!!


the hypocrisys one of my favorite bits you learn loads from it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


The standard "I'm all out and gonna sidle off quietly here" response by trying to insinuate something went before that would back up a statement like this.

Care to explain what it is your attempting to say here?


I will, unlike your post, I can justify it.

You said oh the irony. As if that meant something or would be an explanation for something? It seems it's a standard reply on here when the poster actually can't back up what they have said and wish to sidle off quietly after they've inferred something about another poster without any real evidence.

Your original post was contradicted by the last line of it and what you said about fab.

Ah you mean it wasn’t ironic that you were picking apart posts while saying that the beauty of the forums was that folk can post what they like?

Or it wasn’t ironic that you were having a private chat with someone discussing others gossiping ?

You seem to have taken my op very personally


Picking apart posts? Or merely pointing out why it was contradictory? That's open to interpretation.

I never said people can't post what they like, in just in the same way I have a right to comment on it in a public forum. If people don't like potential comments then simply don't post. It was HeDevil that posted that it was a pathetic excuse that people could post what they wanted on a public forum. Not sure his abstract thinking there but hey ho.

Your assumptions know no bounds! I had a private conversation regarding gossiping on here in general "others" were not discussed.

For your benefit....

gossip - casual or unconstrained conversation or reports ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE, typically involving details which are not confirmed as true.

Maybe you need to look up irony as well.

I'm going to bow out now as I usually get a time out because certain individuals are fragile on here and very easily offended.

I suppose it really depends on what you class as gossip, if you are passing on true information with the sole intention of warning others about someone or something then can that be construed as gossip or can it be acceptable due to the nature of the site where people could be in a one on one situation. Only the person that is the subject of the warning would see it as gossip. Another example of this would be a very prominent female member of our forum community tried to honey trap me with a fake female profile because she was already blocked on her own profile. Me telling and showing her message when she was caught and admitted doing it, is this gossip or warning others of her true colours. ? She probably call it gossip. "

Personally I don't think that's gossip at all. Read the definition - details not confirmed at true.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

What I find more worrying are those poor sods for whom Fab IS their entire life. I'd much rather read that someone was looking forward to a lovely holiday than that their "balls need emptying" or that they've just had a successful bowel movement and where it scored on the Bristol Stool Chart.

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By *esssDanMan  over a year ago


If it's a snippet of positive info or the person's interests, then I like to see that. I occasionally update my status to do the same (like my current one...).

When so many people have a one or two-liner profile and all it basically says is "don't send me a one-liner message or I will ignore it", it helps to have a bit of personality shown and a shared interest can be a great first message.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Some times I think the level of anonymity on the site is a bit like the idea of the Samaritans that sometimes it’s easier to talk about issues and problems with people who don’t have an invested interest in your life

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By *r Costa xxMan  over a year ago


I like the variety of threads, Scottish forum has been quiet recently, and I think would benefit from some new blood posting, so come on lurkers, hit those keyboards......

Different folk use for different things, but whatever makes you happy makes it all right in my book

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

100% agree folk should post about stuff other than sex.

For me the best sex is as much about the mental as it is the physical although the shallow end of me does prefer my mental subject to be stunning

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By *andsCouple  over a year ago


Post what you like, I prefer not to share with strangers on an internet site and not interested what people had for dinner or where they are going on holiday but everyone is different.

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By *ittleMizzNaughty88.Woman  over a year ago


My life is very private so wouldn't post personal details/problems on here.

Same way as social media don't post personal stuff. Like this morning for example I woke up to 6 pending posts wishing me a happy anniversary ffs how can it be happy when I'm widowed.

Some folk spill their whole lives on here.

If I don't have anything to add to a thread I simply don't comment.

But I do enjoy watching the sly digs people make even after all these years,really says more about the poster than the reader.

One should simply build a bridge & get over it.

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By *eiaorganaWoman  over a year ago


The only status updates that annoy me are the single guys constantly moaning that they can’t get a meet, or a reply, or threaten to strop off but never leave. If only they’d read the FAQs.

I don’t mind people popping other stuff up,sometimes it’s a handy filter. But someone who feels they have the right to police other people’s updates are more annoying imo.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Well that escalated quickly

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