
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Stories and Fantasies > Chapter 2

Chapter 2


By *rumCouple OP   Couple  over a year ago


A little dazed, I walked back to my digs. As luck would have it there was a letter from my council, saying they hadn’t received the details of the course I was on, so couldn’t award a grant – this despite me putting the letter in the hand of the dozy woman at the council. It would be at least 3 weeks now before I would get any grant – and my overdraft was almost at the limit. I realised that something had already made up my mind for me.

The next day, I stopped at a phone box on the way to Poly. We had a payphone in the house, but I didn’t want to risk anyone coming home while I was making the call. I called the number on the card, wondering what on earth I would say. The phone rang a few times, and was answered – to my discomfort – by a woman.

“Hello, TJ photographic.”

“Er, I’m looking to speak to Tony … or, er .. Jane.”. Nervous ? I was shitting bricks !

“I’m Jane” came a pleasant, businesslike voice.

“Um, it’s about PAP Ltd.” I managed to get out. The voice changed slightly, but definitely.

“May I ask what it’s about ?”

“Well, a friend suggested –“ I was cut off mid stammer.

“Who’s your friend ?” demanded Jane.

“Er, um, Emma –“. Again I was cut off, but not rudely. The woman seemed to loosen up, and became warmer.

“Ah, I see … you know what it’s about ?”

“I think so” I replied.

“Are you a student ?”


“OK I take it you know where we are then ?”


“Can you pop in this evening … just after 5 when we close ?”


“OK, what’s your name ?”


“OK, James, call by this evening … when you ring the bell wait, and we’ll open up.”

And with that, I put the phone down.


It was almost dark, come 5, which relaxed me slightly – less chance of being seen. As instructed, I arrived at 5:05, and pressed the bell. I didn’t hear anything, but waited, and sure enough a few seconds later, a woman appeared. Late 30s, slim figure with larger tits. She was dressed in a business suit. Being only 19, I hadn’t really discovered older women, so wasn’t immediately struck. She had a pleasant smile though.

“You must be James” she said, unlocking the door, and gesturing for me to go in.

“Yes” I replied, convinced I was hiding my nerves expertly.

“I’m Jane” she said, “oh, for God’s sake relax !!!! We’re not monsters”. She said the last locking the door again. She turned around, and said

“If you want to come upstairs. Tony won’t be long. Fancy a cuppa ?”

Slightly phased by the mundanity of it all, I managed to croak a “Yes”.

She laughed as she led the way. She had an easy manner, and I found myself relaxing.

“Don’t worry !” she said “You’re here, which means you’re ahead of a lot of guys who bottle it – anyway, we’ll just have a chat.”

We went through a small room with no decoration, just two umbrella lights, and a series of rolled up backdrops. Then up the stairs to a larger room. This was decorated, and had chairs, a double bed, a chaise longue, a dining table, and assorted coloured screens. There were three umbrella lights, and other bits of equipment on stands. In the corner was a small desk, with chairs. Jane pointed at one, and said to sit down.

She disappeared off into a small room on the side, and I heard a kettle. While it was boiling I heard a noise on the stairs and a man – presumably Tony – emerged. He was late 40s, greying short hair, about my height, but much slimmer build. He was carrying a sheaf of pictures. As he climbed the last stair he saw me, and said:

“Hi ! James ?”. I said “Yes”, and he walked over and extended his hand. He had a firm handshake, and was incredibly normal. I don’t know what or who I expected, but it certainly wasn’t someone who could have passed as a geography teacher.

“Won’t be a mo, just put these away” he said, holding up a set of wedding pictures.

As he did this, I felt a deep sense of relief. Everything was going to be OK … these people were clearly OK sorts.

He finshed just as Jane carried the cups through. He sat down behind the desk, looking intently at me.

“So you’re here because Emma suggested it?” He said. There was nothing bad in his voice.


“Good … what did you think, when she told you?”

“Well, to be honest it’s not something I ever thought about, I mean … well, it’s …” I felt a little lost for words. Luckily Tony was good at putting people at ease.

“I’ll be honest … trust me, I’ve done this a while. The second that money is in your pocket, you’ll forget your worries. After all, it’s the most natural thing in the world … you wouldn’t have any problems eating, or sleeping for a camera … if that’s something you’re OK with.”

In my newly relaxed state, I had a sudden vision that I could do it. Or maybe it was just the mention of money.

He got up, and went to what looked like a filing cabinet. I was fascinated to realise it was actually a safe. He spun the dial, and took out a small folder – a photo album. He sat down again, and passed it to me. It was labelled “GUYS”. I didn’t pay any significance to the fact there were other albums clearly stacked up in the safe. Gingerly, I opened it up. The photos were 5x4. The first one was of a skinny guy, no top, pulling his trousers down, as he lay on the chaise longue. He appeared unaware of the camera. The photo was perfectly lit framed, and focussed. I could see how there was a beige backdrop which highlighted the tanned skin. I carefully flipped the page, and there was the same guy, now with trousers off – naked. His hands were flat against his thighs, and his eyes closed. His cock wasn’t hard, wasn’t soft, clearly in between. Involuntarily, I found it arousing, even though I most definitely wasn’t gay. Trying not to appear mesmorized, I flipped again. This time he was kneeling up. Hands outstretched, with absolutely no mistaking his full arousal. His cock looked massive, and I had a sudden pang of concern about my size. I was drawn to the fact that his foreskin was still pulled up, and there appeared to be a glisten on the tip of his cock. Turning the page again, he was still kneeling, but now had his right hand around his cock, which was even bigger than the last photo. Now the foreskin was pulled down, and a slight drip of clear fluid was visible. I flipped through a few more, different positions, different angles. Finally, I reached the last two pictures. The last but one had the guy standing, side on. His hand was gripping his cock, and there was a clear white rope emerging from the tip of his cock. Almost a foot I guessed. It was clear from the expression on his face that he’d had a powerful orgasm. Trance like, I followed the jet of spunk across the page to the last picture. Same pose and angle, but the guy was just standing with his hands by his side. His cock was swollen but not erect, and a dribble of spunk was clear on his leg.

Not sure how I should react, I passed the book back.

“Well that’s it.” Tony said, matter of factly. “If you’re up for that, then there’s a few quid in it.”

“Who gets to see them ?” I asked, desperately wanting to break the slience.

“If you want the honest truth I have no idea. I would imagine it’s guys who like seeing guys, if you get my drift. But I really couldn’t say. If it bothers you, it could as easily be loads of horny housewives. The moneys the same.”

I sat, taking this in.

“Look son”, Tony said in a slightly world-weary tone. “If you can do it – great. If not – great. No skin off my nose. But please don’t mess us around. If you’re not sure now, you never will be.”

Like a flash, I suddenly realised exactly what he meant. And despite my having told myself all along that I would pull out at the last minute it was clear. By my very being here, making the call – hell taking the card. It was almost preordained that I would do this.

“No problems with me.” I said, with an assertiveness that I didn’t feel. Tony chuckled slightly as he said

“OK, good … let me see.”

He carried on looking intently at me.

“Do you have a suit ?” he asked, suddenly. “a work suit” he added.

Thinking of my interview suit, I replied “Yes”.

“Great !” there was a sudden decisiveness to his voice. “Exactly what I was looking for … the office boy look.”. He reached into a drawer, and pulled out a diary. “Jane !” he shouted, back to the little kitchen. “did you put that ad in last week ?”. Jane shouted back “yes”.

Tony ran his finger down the days. Then he looked up.

“Can you be here same time tomorrow, in your suit ? I should start getting orders from the last ad on Friday, so it’d be good to have a new set in.”

“Not a problem” I said, my heart pounding.

“OK. Right. Just to be clear, it’s £15. Cash in hand. That’s a one-off, and I do whatever I want with the photos. You got that ?”

It was exactly as Emma had explained it. I nodded.

“Great. Be on time. For Christs sake make sure you’ve showered, and shaved. Expect to be here for about an hour – I don’t want you worrying about getting somewhere else on time. Can you manage that.”. Again, I nodded. I felt a curious nervy tingle about me … I recognised the feeling as identical to the one I got doing drama, and going on stage. Dazed, I got up, following Tonys lead. He led me downstairs, with Jane following. He paused to shake my hand again, and said in a businesslike manner “Right, tomorrow. Be smart !” and disappeared into a small room off the first studio. Jane led on, and smiled as she unlocked the door.

“Relax … you’re a good looking lad, you’ll enjoy it !”

I felt myself smile, and managed to say “You bet – see you tomorrow” as I turned to go.

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