
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Virus > Is “no vax” the new “bareback”?

Is “no vax” the new “bareback”?

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By *hestyDraw OP   Woman  over a year ago

Here and There

A new entrant to Disease Russian Roulette! Would you meet an unvaccinated person? Or is the irresponsibility of the unvaxxed basically like that of someone who’d risk HIV/syphilis/ghonorrea by going bareback?

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By *aughtiness69Couple  over a year ago

Kinmel bay

Think that's taking it a bit far lol, yes I'm not disputing the danger of the virus but there has to be a line to normality or we will never move on. There are dangers but there is danger in crossing the road, where do you draw the line?

I think comparing it to bareback is a bit dramatic. You could easily take a 15 min test kit with you before hand if you are that worried

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A new entrant to Disease Russian Roulette! Would you meet an unvaccinated person? Or is the irresponsibility of the unvaxxed basically like that of someone who’d risk HIV/syphilis/ghonorrea by going bareback? "

It's not even remotely related or similar in any way.

A poor analogy, imo

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

1) people have the right to go bareback

2) people have the right to refuse the vaccine.

I am not going to be asking any potential meets if they have had the vaccine or not.

I have had mine, so I have protection. If they have not had theirs they are the ones at greater risk surely.

Your thread sounds very judgemental on both situations you describe.

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By *layPrincessDaddyBearCouple  over a year ago


What about people who are not up to date with there other vacations ie MMR booster shots whooping cough... they are catching and can pass very easily and quickly? Xxx

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By *layPrincessDaddyBearCouple  over a year ago


I write that message with both respect and care. I’m not being horrible I’m just wondering how far will people take it. Surely asking what other vaccines they have had would be important? Xxxx

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By *phroditeWoman  over a year ago

(She/ her) in Sensualityland

I would not want to meet unvaccinated people because I would not inadvertently pass it on to them in case I had symptomless Covid.

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By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


Some people will probably be suspect or concerned about the motivations behind some decisions that people make. I'd be cautious about someone who is a massive covid conspiracy theorist and I'd be dubious about compatibility with someone who had some beliefs and opinions about the vaccines too.

Many people have red lines that they don't want to cross and an emotive subject, that's connected to death and injury to ourselves and others, is perhaps more likely than many to evoke suspicion, potentially disgust against another.

We have to accept that people have preferences, so it's generally easier to just filter out those who don't match with us and to focus on what does work.

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By *estivalMan  over a year ago


"I would not want to meet unvaccinated people because I would not inadvertently pass it on to them in case I had symptomless Covid."
but surley if there unvaccinated there willing to take there chances catching it?

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By *LiamMan  over a year ago


Stop the earth I'm getting off

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By *ady LickWoman  over a year ago

Northampton Somewhere

"I would not want to meet unvaccinated people because I would not inadvertently pass it on to them in case I had symptomless Covid.but surley if there unvaccinated there willing to take there chances catching it?"

Or willing to take a test prior to meeting?

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By *litterbabeWoman  over a year ago

hiding from cock pics.

It would make no difference to me if someone was vaccinated or unvaccinated as they can still spread covid.

I feel doing a lateral flow test would make sure everybody concerned is is as safe as possible in the circumstances.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 17/07/21 09:17:05]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I find there is a correlation between people who refuse the vaccine and insanity.

The amount conspiracy theories I've seen on here regarding covid and the vaccine is ridiculous.

So no, I wouldnt meet anyone who has refused the vaccine.

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By *hagTonightMan  over a year ago

From the land of haribos.

"It would make no difference to me if someone was vaccinated or unvaccinated as they can still spread covid."
This .

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"What about people who are not up to date with there other vacations ie MMR booster shots whooping cough... they are catching and can pass very easily and quickly? Xxx"

Everyone gets the MMR vaccine and booster when they are very young.

Thing is... there is no MMR pandemic because (almost) everyone is vaccinated against it! Wonders of science eh?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It would make no difference to me if someone was vaccinated or unvaccinated as they can still spread covid.

I feel doing a lateral flow test would make sure everybody concerned is is as safe as possible in the circumstances."

While the rapid antigen test is quite accurate when it shows a positive result, the same cannot be said when it shows a negative result.

In various tests around 24% of negative results were found to be inaccurate.

That false-negative result reduces when multiple tests are done per week.

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By *andyfloss2000Woman  over a year ago


I would never bareback! And I certainly dont intend to ask potential meets unless it comes up in normal conversation if they have had the jabs! The 2 are not imo comparable x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"1) people have the right to go bareback

2) people have the right to refuse the vaccine.

I am not going to be asking any potential meets if they have had the vaccine or not.

I have had mine, so I have protection. If they have not had theirs they are the ones at greater risk surely.

Your thread sounds very judgemental on both situations you describe.


at last someone who has a brain and common sence what iv tried say all along if you have jab it don't matter if everyone you meet is un vaxed because you are protected if you feel the vax don't do that then you stupid to have it well done my friend

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By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 17/07/21 11:07:30]

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By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


Lock them in the dungeon for a couple of weeks and you will probably be fine, whether jabbed or not. Have them there for a few months and get HIV tests and you could even go for bareback

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By *nicecoupleXCouple  over a year ago


"A new entrant to Disease Russian Roulette! Would you meet an unvaccinated person? Or is the irresponsibility of the unvaxxed basically like that of someone who’d risk HIV/syphilis/ghonorrea by going bareback? "

I would prefer to meet someone who has caught covid and has natural immunity, like me, but yes I would meet un-vaxxed people

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By *phroditeWoman  over a year ago

(She/ her) in Sensualityland

"I would not want to meet unvaccinated people because I would not inadvertently pass it on to them in case I had symptomless Covid.but surley if there unvaccinated there willing to take there chances catching it?"

Some genuinely cannot have the vaccine, so that would be more on me?

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By *phroditeWoman  over a year ago

(She/ her) in Sensualityland

"I would not want to meet unvaccinated people because I would not inadvertently pass it on to them in case I had symptomless Covid.but surley if there unvaccinated there willing to take there chances catching it?

Or willing to take a test prior to meeting?"

Sure, apart from wanting to protect others, a part of me also wants to be a cautious about meeting anybody who has not had the vaccine(I know people have different ideas and the have every right to have those) ... but to me not having the vaccine is a rather risky approach to things and I do not think I d be that comfortable meeting people who display that risk appetite. Hope that makes sense.

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By *oolyCoolyCplCouple  over a year ago

Newcastle under Lyme

If you are that terrified if Covid-19 then you should never shop without PPR and disinfectant and never go to any social setting ever...

Seriously, get a grip.

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By *orty-coupleCouple  over a year ago



Stop the earth I'm getting off"

Wait for me.

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By *ingdong11Man  over a year ago


"I would never bareback! And I certainly dont intend to ask potential meets unless it comes up in normal conversation if they have had the jabs! The 2 are not imo comparable x"

How many people died of covid this year compared to STI’s?

Your right , they are not comparable, COVID has killed many times more people then STI’s.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A new entrant to Disease Russian Roulette! Would you meet an unvaccinated person? Or is the irresponsibility of the unvaxxed basically like that of someone who’d risk HIV/syphilis/ghonorrea by going bareback? "

I'd you that worried stay in your house mate us anti are doing fine over here we living life

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By *entGent75Man  over a year ago


From the media (i know , i know), unvaccinated people are more likely to have severe symptoms of Covid and are more at risk of being hospitalised. So whilst i am double jabbed, i can still spread the virus, so no, whether it is your risk to take, or not, i'm not going to screw with your life like that whatever your reasons are for remaining unvaccinated.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Having the vaccine does not stop you catching the virus.

Having the vaccine does not stop you spreading the virus.

Having the vaccine only reduces the severity of the illness,thus keeping hospital admissions down.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I’m vaccinated and still got covid. Vaccination does not give you immunity it gives your body a better chance to fight it off. People have died who are vaccinated.

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By *iss LovelyWoman  over a year ago

Here and There

I see where the OP is coming from in linking the non vax folk and barebackers together: it’s about appetite for risk.

A barebacker and a person who won’t have the vaccine have a far higher appetite for risk than a person who is careful about protected sex and has had the vaccine.

I wouldn’t meet either, because my appetite for risk is tiny. I haven’t been back to a club yet because the ones in my area aren’t taking any Covid precautions. If I do go it would be to one that only accepts double jabbers, but realistically I’ll likely not bother.

I was really poorly when I had Covid, no desire to go through that again or pick it up and give it to someone I love.

I was double jabbed when I caught it from a person who refused to have the vaccine. I thought me being double jabbed was enough to protect me but it wasn’t. If she’d have been double jabbed I would have been less likely to get it. So I’m avoiding people who who don’t apply to same level of caution as me.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I see where the OP is coming from in linking the non vax folk and barebackers together: it’s about appetite for risk.

A barebacker and a person who won’t have the vaccine have a far higher appetite for risk than a person who is careful about protected sex and has had the vaccine.

I wouldn’t meet either, because my appetite for risk is tiny. I haven’t been back to a club yet because the ones in my area aren’t taking any Covid precautions. If I do go it would be to one that only accepts double jabbers, but realistically I’ll likely not bother.

I was really poorly when I had Covid, no desire to go through that again or pick it up and give it to someone I love.

I was double jabbed when I caught it from a person who refused to have the vaccine. I thought me being double jabbed was enough to protect me but it wasn’t. If she’d have been double jabbed I would have been less likely to get it. So I’m avoiding people who who don’t apply to same level of caution as me. "

Why "only meet double jabbers"?

They are every bit as likely to spread the disease,as those who have not been vaccinated.

Having the vaccination doesn't stop you from contacting or spreading the virus

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By *ob198XaMan  over a year ago


"I see where the OP is coming from in linking the non vax folk and barebackers together: it’s about appetite for risk.

A barebacker and a person who won’t have the vaccine have a far higher appetite for risk than a person who is careful about protected sex and has had the vaccine.

I wouldn’t meet either, because my appetite for risk is tiny. I haven’t been back to a club yet because the ones in my area aren’t taking any Covid precautions. If I do go it would be to one that only accepts double jabbers, but realistically I’ll likely not bother.

I was really poorly when I had Covid, no desire to go through that again or pick it up and give it to someone I love.

I was double jabbed when I caught it from a person who refused to have the vaccine. I thought me being double jabbed was enough to protect me but it wasn’t. If she’d have been double jabbed I would have been less likely to get it. So I’m avoiding people who who don’t apply to same level of caution as me.

Why "only meet double jabbers"?

They are every bit as likely to spread the disease,as those who have not been vaccinated.

Having the vaccination doesn't stop you from contacting or spreading the virus"

It is not every bit as likely. On average someone with vaccine induced immunity will almost certainly produce and disperse far less virus particles than someone who’s body does not mount as robust an immune response.

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By *iss LovelyWoman  over a year ago

Here and There

"I see where the OP is coming from in linking the non vax folk and barebackers together: it’s about appetite for risk.

A barebacker and a person who won’t have the vaccine have a far higher appetite for risk than a person who is careful about protected sex and has had the vaccine.

I wouldn’t meet either, because my appetite for risk is tiny. I haven’t been back to a club yet because the ones in my area aren’t taking any Covid precautions. If I do go it would be to one that only accepts double jabbers, but realistically I’ll likely not bother.

I was really poorly when I had Covid, no desire to go through that again or pick it up and give it to someone I love.

I was double jabbed when I caught it from a person who refused to have the vaccine. I thought me being double jabbed was enough to protect me but it wasn’t. If she’d have been double jabbed I would have been less likely to get it. So I’m avoiding people who who don’t apply to same level of caution as me.

Why "only meet double jabbers"?

They are every bit as likely to spread the disease,as those who have not been vaccinated.

Having the vaccination doesn't stop you from contacting or spreading the virus"

A person double jabbed is less likely to pick it up in the first place and then less likely to transmit it on if they do have it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Am not vaccinated I will wait 2 the trials are over before I even consider getting it. They don't seem 2 be doing a great job at the minute. Part of the reason numbers are down they have stopped reporting that deaths from getting hit by a bus but had covid at the time! Just an example! How many people actually got the jab for health reasons? And not so I can go on holiday

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By *iss LovelyWoman  over a year ago

Here and There

"Am not vaccinated I will wait 2 the trials are over before I even consider getting it. They don't seem 2 be doing a great job at the minute. Part of the reason numbers are down they have stopped reporting that deaths from getting hit by a bus but had covid at the time! Just an example! How many people actually got the jab for health reasons? And not so I can go on holiday "

Most people I know have had the vaccine to protect themselves and others and in the hope that the world can return to normal at some point.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I see where the OP is coming from in linking the non vax folk and barebackers together: it’s about appetite for risk.

A barebacker and a person who won’t have the vaccine have a far higher appetite for risk than a person who is careful about protected sex and has had the vaccine.

I wouldn’t meet either, because my appetite for risk is tiny. I haven’t been back to a club yet because the ones in my area aren’t taking any Covid precautions. If I do go it would be to one that only accepts double jabbers, but realistically I’ll likely not bother.

I was really poorly when I had Covid, no desire to go through that again or pick it up and give it to someone I love.

I was double jabbed when I caught it from a person who refused to have the vaccine. I thought me being double jabbed was enough to protect me but it wasn’t. If she’d have been double jabbed I would have been less likely to get it. So I’m avoiding people who who don’t apply to same level of caution as me.

Why "only meet double jabbers"?

They are every bit as likely to spread the disease,as those who have not been vaccinated.

Having the vaccination doesn't stop you from contacting or spreading the virus

A person double jabbed is less likely to pick it up in the first place and then less likely to transmit it on if they do have it. "

I get that,but can still spread it

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By *iss LovelyWoman  over a year ago

Here and There

"I see where the OP is coming from in linking the non vax folk and barebackers together: it’s about appetite for risk.

A barebacker and a person who won’t have the vaccine have a far higher appetite for risk than a person who is careful about protected sex and has had the vaccine.

I wouldn’t meet either, because my appetite for risk is tiny. I haven’t been back to a club yet because the ones in my area aren’t taking any Covid precautions. If I do go it would be to one that only accepts double jabbers, but realistically I’ll likely not bother.

I was really poorly when I had Covid, no desire to go through that again or pick it up and give it to someone I love.

I was double jabbed when I caught it from a person who refused to have the vaccine. I thought me being double jabbed was enough to protect me but it wasn’t. If she’d have been double jabbed I would have been less likely to get it. So I’m avoiding people who who don’t apply to same level of caution as me.

Why "only meet double jabbers"?

They are every bit as likely to spread the disease,as those who have not been vaccinated.

Having the vaccination doesn't stop you from contacting or spreading the virus

A person double jabbed is less likely to pick it up in the first place and then less likely to transmit it on if they do have it.

I get that,but can still spread it"

Of course, but much less likely to, which is my point.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Am not vaccinated I will wait 2 the trials are over before I even consider getting it. They don't seem 2 be doing a great job at the minute. Part of the reason numbers are down they have stopped reporting that deaths from getting hit by a bus but had covid at the time! Just an example! How many people actually got the jab for health reasons? And not so I can go on holiday "

I get the feeling you're not experienced at interpreting clinic trial data, endpoints, outcomes, efficacy etc.

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By *eadingCouple1963Couple  over a year ago


"Am not vaccinated I will wait 2 the trials are over before I even consider getting it. They don't seem 2 be doing a great job at the minute. Part of the reason numbers are down they have stopped reporting that deaths from getting hit by a bus but had covid at the time! Just an example! How many people actually got the jab for health reasons? And not so I can go on holiday

I get the feeling you're not experienced at interpreting clinic trial data, endpoints, outcomes, efficacy etc. "


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By *ackformore100Man  over a year ago

Tin town

Vax no vax personal choice. Just the same as hpv vax or flu vax or cough or cold .. Good if it makes people think a bit more about germs being spread when mixing with others. Not sure there's much parallel to be drawn with bb though.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Having the vaccine does not stop you catching the virus.

Having the vaccine does not stop you spreading the virus.

Having the vaccine only reduces the severity of the illness,thus keeping hospital admissions down."

Exactly correct.. the focus should be on whether or not someone has covid rather than their vaccine status.

Its odd how many people are happier being around a vaccinated person with covid rather than an unvaccinated person who is is clear.

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By *ackformore100Man  over a year ago

Tin town

"Having the vaccine does not stop you catching the virus.

Having the vaccine does not stop you spreading the virus.

Having the vaccine only reduces the severity of the illness,thus keeping hospital admissions down.

Exactly correct.. the focus should be on whether or not someone has covid rather than their vaccine status.

Its odd how many people are happier being around a vaccinated person with covid rather than an unvaccinated person who is is clear."

I do agree. I can't help thinking that's the story that is being spread far and wide by the media and we are all sucking at its teat.

I like the idea though that people are asking the questions about the health of those they are about to swap body fluids with. That is surely a good thing.

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By *iss LovelyWoman  over a year ago

Here and There

"Having the vaccine does not stop you catching the virus.

Having the vaccine does not stop you spreading the virus.

Having the vaccine only reduces the severity of the illness,thus keeping hospital admissions down.

Exactly correct.. the focus should be on whether or not someone has covid rather than their vaccine status.

Its odd how many people are happier being around a vaccinated person with covid rather than an unvaccinated person who is is clear."

Without people doing a PCR test everyday there isn’t any way to tell if people have Covid though. The lateral flow tests aren’t reliable.

I don’t think anyone has said they’d rather be around a Covid positive person who has been vaccinated anywhere.

The point is that you can’t be sure if someone has it or not, but with a vaccinated person even if they do have it you’re less likely to get it and they’re less likely to get it in the first place.

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By *ackformore100Man  over a year ago

Tin town

"Having the vaccine does not stop you catching the virus.

Having the vaccine does not stop you spreading the virus.

Having the vaccine only reduces the severity of the illness,thus keeping hospital admissions down.

Exactly correct.. the focus should be on whether or not someone has covid rather than their vaccine status.

Its odd how many people are happier being around a vaccinated person with covid rather than an unvaccinated person who is is clear.

Without people doing a PCR test everyday there isn’t any way to tell if people have Covid though. The lateral flow tests aren’t reliable.

I don’t think anyone has said they’d rather be around a Covid positive person who has been vaccinated anywhere.

The point is that you can’t be sure if someone has it or not, but with a vaccinated person even if they do have it you’re less likely to get it and they’re less likely to get it in the first place. "

Bit of a big assumption there. That the vax status of people you are playing with up close and personal after a 2 hour play session will make any difference to if you catch it or not. Not sure that's been properly studied.

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By *iss LovelyWoman  over a year ago

Here and There

"Having the vaccine does not stop you catching the virus.

Having the vaccine does not stop you spreading the virus.

Having the vaccine only reduces the severity of the illness,thus keeping hospital admissions down.

Exactly correct.. the focus should be on whether or not someone has covid rather than their vaccine status.

Its odd how many people are happier being around a vaccinated person with covid rather than an unvaccinated person who is is clear.

Without people doing a PCR test everyday there isn’t any way to tell if people have Covid though. The lateral flow tests aren’t reliable.

I don’t think anyone has said they’d rather be around a Covid positive person who has been vaccinated anywhere.

The point is that you can’t be sure if someone has it or not, but with a vaccinated person even if they do have it you’re less likely to get it and they’re less likely to get it in the first place.

Bit of a big assumption there. That the vax status of people you are playing with up close and personal after a 2 hour play session will make any difference to if you catch it or not. Not sure that's been properly studied. "

I didn’t say anything about planting. I’m not playing with anyone for this very reason.

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By *atnip make me purrWoman  over a year ago


The difference is i can refuse to have sex with you unless you have a condom on. I can't refuse to syand near me in public.

The reason we have been able to return to normal is because of the high uptake of vaccination.

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By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


"The difference is i can refuse to have sex with you unless you have a condom on. I can't refuse to syand near me in public.

The reason we have been able to return to normal is because of the high uptake of vaccination. "

The shed virus particles will also remain after infected people have moved, so those people are a risk being out in public, leaving their invisible trails, where we would rightfully assume that we are able to be given a healthy option to be able to go out as needed.

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By *ackformore100Man  over a year ago

Tin town

"The difference is i can refuse to have sex with you unless you have a condom on. I can't refuse to syand near me in public.

The reason we have been able to return to normal is because of the high uptake of vaccination.

The shed virus particles will also remain after infected people have moved, so those people are a risk being out in public, leaving their invisible trails, where we would rightfully assume that we are able to be given a healthy option to be able to go out as needed. "

Is that unique to unvaccinated people or do vaccinated people also shed the virus particles you described.?

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By *andare63Man  over a year ago


"A new entrant to Disease Russian Roulette! Would you meet an unvaccinated person? Or is the irresponsibility of the unvaxxed basically like that of someone who’d risk HIV/syphilis/ghonorrea by going bareback? "

How can you compare the two? Even the vaccinated can still catch and transmit

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We only meet unvaxxed people to troll the libs

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By *igNick1381Man  over a year ago


"A new entrant to Disease Russian Roulette! Would you meet an unvaccinated person? Or is the irresponsibility of the unvaxxed basically like that of someone who’d risk HIV/syphilis/ghonorrea by going bareback? "

You can still catch Covid from a vaxxed person

And the Covid you'd catch from unvaxxed is the same virus you'd get from a vaxxed person

So there's a negligible risk aspect to me

However, that being said, if you come to my door coughing and spluttering, whether you're vaxxed or not, I'll probably not let you in

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By *hoenix CoupleCouple  over a year ago


Having been double jabbed and subsequently catching covid we would try very not to get covid again, it's wasn't pleasant and has left us both physically and mentally scarred. However, life goes on and we are trying hard to live life. Perhaps out of respect take a lateral flow test before meeting, we found them accurate when we got covid. Just a thought.

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By *esmond and Molly JonesCouple  over a year ago


"A new entrant to Disease Russian Roulette! Would you meet an unvaccinated person? Or is the irresponsibility of the unvaxxed basically like that of someone who’d risk HIV/syphilis/ghonorrea by going bareback? "

A person can transmit the virus to you regardless of THEIR vaccination status. Having the vaccine YOURSELF, protects YOU. The "Russian roulette" risk is therefore more on the unvaccinated person who might catch it from you.

The safest meet surely is where ALL of the participants are double-jabbed!

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By *ammisuxTV/TS  over a year ago


"We only meet unvaxxed people to troll the libs "

This made me laugh.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A new entrant to Disease Russian Roulette! Would you meet an unvaccinated person? Or is the irresponsibility of the unvaxxed basically like that of someone who’d risk HIV/syphilis/ghonorrea by going bareback?

A person can transmit the virus to you regardless of THEIR vaccination status. Having the vaccine YOURSELF, protects YOU. The "Russian roulette" risk is therefore more on the unvaccinated person who might catch it from you.

The safest meet surely is where ALL of the participants are double-jabbed! "

The safest meet, fab or otherwise, is were all of the participants are virus free, irrespective of their vaccine status.

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By *iss LovelyWoman  over a year ago

Here and There

"A new entrant to Disease Russian Roulette! Would you meet an unvaccinated person? Or is the irresponsibility of the unvaxxed basically like that of someone who’d risk HIV/syphilis/ghonorrea by going bareback?

A person can transmit the virus to you regardless of THEIR vaccination status. Having the vaccine YOURSELF, protects YOU. The "Russian roulette" risk is therefore more on the unvaccinated person who might catch it from you.

The safest meet surely is where ALL of the participants are double-jabbed!

The safest meet, fab or otherwise, is were all of the participants are virus free, irrespective of their vaccine status."

Correct, but being able to establish that is impossible without each person isolating for 10 days before a meet and then having a negative PCR test. Not reasonable. You’re more likely achieve it if both parties are double jabbed.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Your not more likely to achieve it if all parties are double jabbed at all.

In fact given the much more relaxed attitude of the double vaccinated I'd feel more confident finding virus free people amongst the unvaccinated.

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By * and R cple4Couple  over a year ago


"Your not more likely to achieve it if all parties are double jabbed at all.

In fact given the much more relaxed attitude of the double vaccinated I'd feel more confident finding virus free people amongst the unvaccinated."

I spend a stupid amount of time in work explaining to people they still need a mask and get told we are double vaccinated is beyond a joke ..

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ackformore100Man  over a year ago

Tin town

"Your not more likely to achieve it if all parties are double jabbed at all.

In fact given the much more relaxed attitude of the double vaccinated I'd feel more confident finding virus free people amongst the unvaccinated. I spend a stupid amount of time in work explaining to people they still need a mask and get told we are double vaccinated is beyond a joke .."

Trouble is I think there's a massive amount of inaccurate misinformation, some deliberately left out there, that double jabbed is perfectly safe, so normal service resumes (whatever that means). Comes back to the crow bars that are being used to get everyone double jabbed. If they were to publish that precautions are still required some folks might question the benefits.

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By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


"A new entrant to Disease Russian Roulette! Would you meet an unvaccinated person? Or is the irresponsibility of the unvaxxed basically like that of someone who’d risk HIV/syphilis/ghonorrea by going bareback?

A person can transmit the virus to you regardless of THEIR vaccination status. Having the vaccine YOURSELF, protects YOU. The "Russian roulette" risk is therefore more on the unvaccinated person who might catch it from you.

The safest meet surely is where ALL of the participants are double-jabbed!

The safest meet, fab or otherwise, is were all of the participants are virus free, irrespective of their vaccine status."

A new porn category, reality show - isolation island, where they all spend months in isolation, get tested for Covid and STIs, then fuck endlessly. Casting is underway

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ackformore100Man  over a year ago

Tin town

"A new entrant to Disease Russian Roulette! Would you meet an unvaccinated person? Or is the irresponsibility of the unvaxxed basically like that of someone who’d risk HIV/syphilis/ghonorrea by going bareback?

A person can transmit the virus to you regardless of THEIR vaccination status. Having the vaccine YOURSELF, protects YOU. The "Russian roulette" risk is therefore more on the unvaccinated person who might catch it from you.

The safest meet surely is where ALL of the participants are double-jabbed!

The safest meet, fab or otherwise, is were all of the participants are virus free, irrespective of their vaccine status.

A new porn category, reality show - isolation island, where they all spend months in isolation, get tested for Covid and STIs, then fuck endlessly. Casting is underway "

Reminds me of that viz comic character.. Roger Mellie the man on the telly. Many a true word spoken in jest.

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By *ucka39Man  over a year ago


They both carry a risk which is dangerous to health life changing. Yet they say more accidents happen within the home

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By *oncupiscent_dreamMan  over a year ago


It's totally different because someone who has hiv can not pass hiv on if they are "vaccinated" with prep.

However a double vaccinated person can give an unvaccinated coivd, and vice versa. Basically the vaccine does not stop the spread at all.

If it was 100 percent at stopping the spread, even 99 percent you might have a point.

Lastly if you take the vaccine it's to reduce the chances of you getting covid badly, not to stop you catching. If you want to not catch, simple, don't meet, keep isolating, keep social distancing, and keep masking.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Just wondering...... was there a point to this post?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ackformore100Man  over a year ago

Tin town

"Just wondering...... was there a point to this post?"

Possibly not . The op didn't come back did they?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Comparing BB to unvaccinated is utterly ridiculous; oceans apart.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


"Just wondering...... was there a point to this post?"

There's an obligatory minimum of 6 posts a week that must include 'bareback' and 'Russian roulette', to fulfill forum bingo card rules.

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By *iss LovelyWoman  over a year ago

Here and There

"Your not more likely to achieve it if all parties are double jabbed at all.

In fact given the much more relaxed attitude of the double vaccinated I'd feel more confident finding virus free people amongst the unvaccinated."

You are, because you’re less likely to have it if you’re double vaccinated.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ackformore100Man  over a year ago

Tin town

"Your not more likely to achieve it if all parties are double jabbed at all.

In fact given the much more relaxed attitude of the double vaccinated I'd feel more confident finding virus free people amongst the unvaccinated.

You are, because you’re less likely to have it if you’re double vaccinated. "

Do you have any data to back that up? Given more of the population is vaccinated.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *iss LovelyWoman  over a year ago

Here and There

"Your not more likely to achieve it if all parties are double jabbed at all.

In fact given the much more relaxed attitude of the double vaccinated I'd feel more confident finding virus free people amongst the unvaccinated.

You are, because you’re less likely to have it if you’re double vaccinated.

Do you have any data to back that up? Given more of the population is vaccinated. "

There is loads of data available that explains what the vaccine does. It makes you less likely to catch it, less likely to pass it on if you have it, less likely to be seriously ill if you get it. That’s the point of it.

So I think it’s fair to say, without knowing anything else about a person and assuming they behave reasonably, that a vaccinated person is less likely to have Covid than a vaccinated person.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ackformore100Man  over a year ago

Tin town

"Your not more likely to achieve it if all parties are double jabbed at all.

In fact given the much more relaxed attitude of the double vaccinated I'd feel more confident finding virus free people amongst the unvaccinated.

You are, because you’re less likely to have it if you’re double vaccinated.

Do you have any data to back that up? Given more of the population is vaccinated.

There is loads of data available that explains what the vaccine does. It makes you less likely to catch it, less likely to pass it on if you have it, less likely to be seriously ill if you get it. That’s the point of it.

So I think it’s fair to say, without knowing anything else about a person and assuming they behave reasonably, that a vaccinated person is less likely to have Covid than a vaccinated person. "

And when all adults are double jabbed? What's the chances someone you meet will have infection?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *iss LovelyWoman  over a year ago

Here and There

"Your not more likely to achieve it if all parties are double jabbed at all.

In fact given the much more relaxed attitude of the double vaccinated I'd feel more confident finding virus free people amongst the unvaccinated.

You are, because you’re less likely to have it if you’re double vaccinated.

Do you have any data to back that up? Given more of the population is vaccinated.

There is loads of data available that explains what the vaccine does. It makes you less likely to catch it, less likely to pass it on if you have it, less likely to be seriously ill if you get it. That’s the point of it.

So I think it’s fair to say, without knowing anything else about a person and assuming they behave reasonably, that a vaccinated person is less likely to have Covid than a vaccinated person.

And when all adults are double jabbed? What's the chances someone you meet will have infection? "

No idea. I don’t think we’ll ever get to that point though.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


"Your not more likely to achieve it if all parties are double jabbed at all.

In fact given the much more relaxed attitude of the double vaccinated I'd feel more confident finding virus free people amongst the unvaccinated.

You are, because you’re less likely to have it if you’re double vaccinated.

Do you have any data to back that up? Given more of the population is vaccinated.

There is loads of data available that explains what the vaccine does. It makes you less likely to catch it, less likely to pass it on if you have it, less likely to be seriously ill if you get it. That’s the point of it.

So I think it’s fair to say, without knowing anything else about a person and assuming they behave reasonably, that a vaccinated person is less likely to have Covid than a vaccinated person.

And when all adults are double jabbed? What's the chances someone you meet will have infection? "

It's then going to depend on the mix of variants in place, their infectivity profiles and the behaviour profiles of individuals. Regional distribution demographic data would allow you to run some stats. When someone meets, their potential for getting infected is going to depend on the environment, the context including ventilation and mitigation measures in place, plus how they engage.

As time progresses, we'll have much more detailed understanding of the strength of immunity profiles of each of the vaccines, following vaccination dates.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ackformore100Man  over a year ago

Tin town

"Your not more likely to achieve it if all parties are double jabbed at all.

In fact given the much more relaxed attitude of the double vaccinated I'd feel more confident finding virus free people amongst the unvaccinated.

You are, because you’re less likely to have it if you’re double vaccinated.

Do you have any data to back that up? Given more of the population is vaccinated.

There is loads of data available that explains what the vaccine does. It makes you less likely to catch it, less likely to pass it on if you have it, less likely to be seriously ill if you get it. That’s the point of it.

So I think it’s fair to say, without knowing anything else about a person and assuming they behave reasonably, that a vaccinated person is less likely to have Covid than a vaccinated person.

And when all adults are double jabbed? What's the chances someone you meet will have infection?

It's then going to depend on the mix of variants in place, their infectivity profiles and the behaviour profiles of individuals. Regional distribution demographic data would allow you to run some stats. When someone meets, their potential for getting infected is going to depend on the environment, the context including ventilation and mitigation measures in place, plus how they engage.

As time progresses, we'll have much more detailed understanding of the strength of immunity profiles of each of the vaccines, following vaccination dates. "

Or do an lft?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *iss LovelyWoman  over a year ago

Here and There

"Your not more likely to achieve it if all parties are double jabbed at all.

In fact given the much more relaxed attitude of the double vaccinated I'd feel more confident finding virus free people amongst the unvaccinated.

You are, because you’re less likely to have it if you’re double vaccinated.

Do you have any data to back that up? Given more of the population is vaccinated.

There is loads of data available that explains what the vaccine does. It makes you less likely to catch it, less likely to pass it on if you have it, less likely to be seriously ill if you get it. That’s the point of it.

So I think it’s fair to say, without knowing anything else about a person and assuming they behave reasonably, that a vaccinated person is less likely to have Covid than a vaccinated person.

And when all adults are double jabbed? What's the chances someone you meet will have infection?

It's then going to depend on the mix of variants in place, their infectivity profiles and the behaviour profiles of individuals. Regional distribution demographic data would allow you to run some stats. When someone meets, their potential for getting infected is going to depend on the environment, the context including ventilation and mitigation measures in place, plus how they engage.

As time progresses, we'll have much more detailed understanding of the strength of immunity profiles of each of the vaccines, following vaccination dates.

Or do an lft? "

My experience of LFT is that they’re not reliable.I tested daily from the point I knew I’d been exposed. My PCR was positive on the Tuesday, I didn’t get a positive LFT until Thursday. I wouldn’t rely on them to tell me if someone had it.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *iss LovelyWoman  over a year ago

Here and There

"Your not more likely to achieve it if all parties are double jabbed at all.

In fact given the much more relaxed attitude of the double vaccinated I'd feel more confident finding virus free people amongst the unvaccinated.

You are, because you’re less likely to have it if you’re double vaccinated.

Do you have any data to back that up? Given more of the population is vaccinated.

There is loads of data available that explains what the vaccine does. It makes you less likely to catch it, less likely to pass it on if you have it, less likely to be seriously ill if you get it. That’s the point of it.

So I think it’s fair to say, without knowing anything else about a person and assuming they behave reasonably, that a vaccinated person is less likely to have Covid than a vaccinated person.

And when all adults are double jabbed? What's the chances someone you meet will have infection?

It's then going to depend on the mix of variants in place, their infectivity profiles and the behaviour profiles of individuals. Regional distribution demographic data would allow you to run some stats. When someone meets, their potential for getting infected is going to depend on the environment, the context including ventilation and mitigation measures in place, plus how they engage.

As time progresses, we'll have much more detailed understanding of the strength of immunity profiles of each of the vaccines, following vaccination dates. "

This is really useful, thank you.

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By *LIRTWITHUSCouple  over a year ago



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By *ackformore100Man  over a year ago

Tin town

"Your not more likely to achieve it if all parties are double jabbed at all.

In fact given the much more relaxed attitude of the double vaccinated I'd feel more confident finding virus free people amongst the unvaccinated.

You are, because you’re less likely to have it if you’re double vaccinated.

Do you have any data to back that up? Given more of the population is vaccinated.

There is loads of data available that explains what the vaccine does. It makes you less likely to catch it, less likely to pass it on if you have it, less likely to be seriously ill if you get it. That’s the point of it.

So I think it’s fair to say, without knowing anything else about a person and assuming they behave reasonably, that a vaccinated person is less likely to have Covid than a vaccinated person.

And when all adults are double jabbed? What's the chances someone you meet will have infection?

It's then going to depend on the mix of variants in place, their infectivity profiles and the behaviour profiles of individuals. Regional distribution demographic data would allow you to run some stats. When someone meets, their potential for getting infected is going to depend on the environment, the context including ventilation and mitigation measures in place, plus how they engage.

As time progresses, we'll have much more detailed understanding of the strength of immunity profiles of each of the vaccines, following vaccination dates.

Or do an lft?

My experience of LFT is that they’re not reliable.I tested daily from the point I knew I’d been exposed. My PCR was positive on the Tuesday, I didn’t get a positive LFT until Thursday. I wouldn’t rely on them to tell me if someone had it. "

But all schools pupils, teachers, care home staff, employees nurses and Dr's and so on do rely on them? I mean they wouldn't build an entire strategy around a test that doesn't work would they?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *iss LovelyWoman  over a year ago

Here and There

"Your not more likely to achieve it if all parties are double jabbed at all.

In fact given the much more relaxed attitude of the double vaccinated I'd feel more confident finding virus free people amongst the unvaccinated.

You are, because you’re less likely to have it if you’re double vaccinated.

Do you have any data to back that up? Given more of the population is vaccinated.

There is loads of data available that explains what the vaccine does. It makes you less likely to catch it, less likely to pass it on if you have it, less likely to be seriously ill if you get it. That’s the point of it.

So I think it’s fair to say, without knowing anything else about a person and assuming they behave reasonably, that a vaccinated person is less likely to have Covid than a vaccinated person.

And when all adults are double jabbed? What's the chances someone you meet will have infection?

It's then going to depend on the mix of variants in place, their infectivity profiles and the behaviour profiles of individuals. Regional distribution demographic data would allow you to run some stats. When someone meets, their potential for getting infected is going to depend on the environment, the context including ventilation and mitigation measures in place, plus how they engage.

As time progresses, we'll have much more detailed understanding of the strength of immunity profiles of each of the vaccines, following vaccination dates.

Or do an lft?

My experience of LFT is that they’re not reliable.I tested daily from the point I knew I’d been exposed. My PCR was positive on the Tuesday, I didn’t get a positive LFT until Thursday. I wouldn’t rely on them to tell me if someone had it.

But all schools pupils, teachers, care home staff, employees nurses and Dr's and so on do rely on them? I mean they wouldn't build an entire strategy around a test that doesn't work would they? "

I can only go on my experience and that of people I actually know. We haven’t found that they picked up our positive results early enough. I think the fact that a PCR test is required in addition to the lateral flows shows that they’re known not to be all that reliable.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *olly_chromaticTV/TS  over a year ago


"Your not more likely to achieve it if all parties are double jabbed at all.

In fact given the much more relaxed attitude of the double vaccinated I'd feel more confident finding virus free people amongst the unvaccinated.

You are, because you’re less likely to have it if you’re double vaccinated.

Do you have any data to back that up? Given more of the population is vaccinated.

There is loads of data available that explains what the vaccine does. It makes you less likely to catch it, less likely to pass it on if you have it, less likely to be seriously ill if you get it. That’s the point of it.

So I think it’s fair to say, without knowing anything else about a person and assuming they behave reasonably, that a vaccinated person is less likely to have Covid than a vaccinated person.

And when all adults are double jabbed? What's the chances someone you meet will have infection?

It's then going to depend on the mix of variants in place, their infectivity profiles and the behaviour profiles of individuals. Regional distribution demographic data would allow you to run some stats. When someone meets, their potential for getting infected is going to depend on the environment, the context including ventilation and mitigation measures in place, plus how they engage.

As time progresses, we'll have much more detailed understanding of the strength of immunity profiles of each of the vaccines, following vaccination dates.

Or do an lft?

My experience of LFT is that they’re not reliable.I tested daily from the point I knew I’d been exposed. My PCR was positive on the Tuesday, I didn’t get a positive LFT until Thursday. I wouldn’t rely on them to tell me if someone had it.

But all schools pupils, teachers, care home staff, employees nurses and Dr's and so on do rely on them? I mean they wouldn't build an entire strategy around a test that doesn't work would they?

I can only go on my experience and that of people I actually know. We haven’t found that they picked up our positive results early enough. I think the fact that a PCR test is required in addition to the lateral flows shows that they’re known not to be all that reliable. "

The basis is that lft's are better than nothing, if they catch even half of the cases then that is potentially cutting the spread by two. The lft itself is designed to err on the side of giving a false positive, as when covid numbers are low it helps reduce spread more if initially people isolate just in case, for a couple of days until given the all clear by the more accurate pcr. The biggest problem with the lft is that in many cases people don't get a decent enough sample on the swab, as basically it's pretty horrible stuffing that thing up your nose.

The strategy is nowhere near perfect, but it's all we've got. The tragedy is that until Johnson went and welcomed the delta variant into the country, we were actually starting to win. Lft's plus pcr's for testing were finding a lot of the cases, masks plus social distancing were cutting down the transmission, vaccines were starting to give people a better chance at recovery. It was becoming possible to cautiously downgrade some of the restrictions and slowly bring back some normality. Instead delta plus freedom day = all the previous sacrifices pissed away. Deaths now approaching a thousand a week and rising, schoolkids (if we follow the pattern currently being seen in the usa) will shortly be landing in hospital in increasing numbers.

Anybody know yet what odds are available at paddypower on this Christmas being cancelled by covid?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *urplechesterCouple  over a year ago


We would have no problem meeting a vaxed or un-vaxed person! Both sides can pass it on! We also have no intention of asking anyone if they’ve been jabbed, it’s a personal choice and we respect that. Miss pc

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By *our HeroMan  over a year ago

south Oxfordshire

"1) people have the right to go bareback

2) people have the right to refuse the vaccine.

I am not going to be asking any potential meets if they have had the vaccine or not.

I have had mine, so I have protection. If they have not had theirs they are the ones at greater risk surely.

Your thread sounds very judgemental on both situations you describe.


Totally agree!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *iss LovelyWoman  over a year ago

Here and There

"Your not more likely to achieve it if all parties are double jabbed at all.

In fact given the much more relaxed attitude of the double vaccinated I'd feel more confident finding virus free people amongst the unvaccinated.

You are, because you’re less likely to have it if you’re double vaccinated.

Do you have any data to back that up? Given more of the population is vaccinated.

There is loads of data available that explains what the vaccine does. It makes you less likely to catch it, less likely to pass it on if you have it, less likely to be seriously ill if you get it. That’s the point of it.

So I think it’s fair to say, without knowing anything else about a person and assuming they behave reasonably, that a vaccinated person is less likely to have Covid than a vaccinated person.

And when all adults are double jabbed? What's the chances someone you meet will have infection?

It's then going to depend on the mix of variants in place, their infectivity profiles and the behaviour profiles of individuals. Regional distribution demographic data would allow you to run some stats. When someone meets, their potential for getting infected is going to depend on the environment, the context including ventilation and mitigation measures in place, plus how they engage.

As time progresses, we'll have much more detailed understanding of the strength of immunity profiles of each of the vaccines, following vaccination dates.

Or do an lft?

My experience of LFT is that they’re not reliable.I tested daily from the point I knew I’d been exposed. My PCR was positive on the Tuesday, I didn’t get a positive LFT until Thursday. I wouldn’t rely on them to tell me if someone had it.

But all schools pupils, teachers, care home staff, employees nurses and Dr's and so on do rely on them? I mean they wouldn't build an entire strategy around a test that doesn't work would they?

I can only go on my experience and that of people I actually know. We haven’t found that they picked up our positive results early enough. I think the fact that a PCR test is required in addition to the lateral flows shows that they’re known not to be all that reliable.

The basis is that lft's are better than nothing, if they catch even half of the cases then that is potentially cutting the spread by two. The lft itself is designed to err on the side of giving a false positive, as when covid numbers are low it helps reduce spread more if initially people isolate just in case, for a couple of days until given the all clear by the more accurate pcr. The biggest problem with the lft is that in many cases people don't get a decent enough sample on the swab, as basically it's pretty horrible stuffing that thing up your nose.

The strategy is nowhere near perfect, but it's all we've got. The tragedy is that until Johnson went and welcomed the delta variant into the country, we were actually starting to win. Lft's plus pcr's for testing were finding a lot of the cases, masks plus social distancing were cutting down the transmission, vaccines were starting to give people a better chance at recovery. It was becoming possible to cautiously downgrade some of the restrictions and slowly bring back some normality. Instead delta plus freedom day = all the previous sacrifices pissed away. Deaths now approaching a thousand a week and rising, schoolkids (if we follow the pattern currently being seen in the usa) will shortly be landing in hospital in increasing numbers.

Anybody know yet what odds are available at paddypower on this Christmas being cancelled by covid?"

I agree they’re better than nothing, and will pick up the Covid eventually if you do a decent job of the swabs. In terms of using them as a way of making sure a person you’re about to play with doesn’t have Covid they wouldn’t be ok for me, because I’ve seen first hand that they often show a false negative. So I wouldn’t take that risk (I don’t really ever want to play though so it’s easy for me) but I understand why some people would.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *iss LovelyWoman  over a year ago

Here and There

"1) people have the right to go bareback

2) people have the right to refuse the vaccine.

I am not going to be asking any potential meets if they have had the vaccine or not.

I have had mine, so I have protection. If they have not had theirs they are the ones at greater risk surely.

Your thread sounds very judgemental on both situations you describe.

Totally agree!"

People also have the right to avoid people who play bareback and those who haven’t been vaccinated based on their own appetite for risk. They also have the right to discuss it in the forum.

There will always be a clash of opinions when it comes to things like this because people feel strongly. There’s judgement on both sides.

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By *oncupiscent_dreamMan  over a year ago


If i made it this far without catching Delta or covid then how does getting a vaccine so i can go out and meet strangers make me more trustworthy?

How are people who already caught covid gonna judge me?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *iss LovelyWoman  over a year ago

Here and There

"If i made it this far without catching Delta or covid then how does getting a vaccine so i can go out and meet strangers make me more trustworthy?

How are people who already caught covid gonna judge me?


I’m not sure it makes you more trustworthy, it would just make you less likely to catch Covid, less likely to pass it on if you did catch it therefore less of a risk to anyone you come into contact with. It’s also likely to make you less of a burden NHS if you did get it.

I’m double jabbed and caught Covid from a non vaccinated person. Maybe if she’d been vaccinated I wouldn’t have, who knows.

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By *averockrockMan  over a year ago


don't get no vax

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By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


"don't get no vax"

Bit of a double negative going on there.

The vaccines are allowing more people to avoid severe illness and deaths. As well as opening our country up.

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By *e CapCouple  over a year ago


We have full natural immunity so we don’t really care about peoples vaccination status. Things may change for us in 10 or 20 years but for now we are more preoccupied about keeping a healthy cholesterol level rather then Covid.

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By *inky_slut_kellyTV/TS  over a year ago


personally i prefer to meet un vaxxed ..i dont want whatever they've had injected into them (graphene hydroxide and whatever else) going into me by proxy via their cum .. and ive be having bb sex for 15 years ..ive never actually caught anything ..so ive been lucky i guess..

funnily enough no one on this site admits to being unvaxed .. they proudly declare their vaccination status as if its some sort of medal..

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *alandNitaCouple  over a year ago


"personally i prefer to meet un vaxxed ..i dont want whatever they've had injected into them (graphene hydroxide and whatever else) going into me by proxy via their cum .. and ive be having bb sex for 15 years ..ive never actually caught anything ..so ive been lucky i guess..

funnily enough no one on this site admits to being unvaxed .. they proudly declare their vaccination status as if its some sort of medal.."

None of the Covid Vaccines contain any Graphene. There is nothing in any of the vaccines that can be passed on to anyone else through any method.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"don't get no vax

Bit of a double negative going on there.

The vaccines are allowing more people to avoid severe illness and deaths. As well as opening our country up. "

I’d much prefer a double negative to a triple jabbed, keeping in fashion with the sentiment, getting the moronic strain shots and whichever other the will be rolled out.

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By *olymalelincsMan  over a year ago

nr spalding

"We have full natural immunity so we don’t really care about peoples vaccination status. Things may change for us in 10 or 20 years but for now we are more preoccupied about keeping a healthy cholesterol level rather then Covid."

And are you confident that your "full natural" immunity isn't weining just the same as the immunity produced by the used of the vaccine? I may be wrong but as far as I am aware evidence shows that it diminishes much the same in both cases.

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By *otMe66Man  over a year ago

Terra Firma

"personally i prefer to meet un vaxxed ..i dont want whatever they've had injected into them (graphene hydroxide and whatever else) going into me by proxy via their cum .. and ive be having bb sex for 15 years ..ive never actually caught anything ..so ive been lucky i guess..

funnily enough no one on this site admits to being unvaxed .. they proudly declare their vaccination status as if its some sort of medal.."

Your stance is rather hard for me to understand. You admit to being very open to the risk of a STI and have run that gauntlet for 15 years, yet are unwilling to trust something that has been developed by experts from around the world and tested by experts in many countries independently of each other.

Each to their own as they say.....

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *htcMan  over a year ago


I would meet a unvaccinated and have met them. I really don't care if someone is vaccinated or not.

It does not matter one bit. I would never ask or need to know this.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'd not be fussed despite how I may appear here !

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *otMe66Man  over a year ago

Terra Firma

"We have full natural immunity so we don’t really care about peoples vaccination status. Things may change for us in 10 or 20 years but for now we are more preoccupied about keeping a healthy cholesterol level rather then Covid.

And are you confident that your "full natural" immunity isn't weining just the same as the immunity produced by the used of the vaccine? I may be wrong but as far as I am aware evidence shows that it diminishes much the same in both cases."

You are right, on another thread a person said they had declined the vaccines and he had both alpha and delta variants, he was waiting for omicron. I asked time lines, he had covid twice in 15 months.

The covid pass for testing positive is 6 months, that again is a good indicator I would have thought.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *tiago23Man  over a year ago


Both the vaccinated and unvaccinated CAN CATCH AND PASS ON Covid.

The only difference between the two, is that the vaccine is supposed to reduce the gravity of your covid.

That is all.

So again both can still catch it, be asymptomatic and pass it on.

Why are people like the original poster generating fear and segregation??

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *hetalkingstoveMan  over a year ago


"Both the vaccinated and unvaccinated CAN CATCH AND PASS ON Covid.

The only difference between the two, is that the vaccine is supposed to reduce the gravity of your covid.

That is all.


It is not the only difference.

Research suggests that being vaccinated reduces the chances of transmission/infection.

Not eliminates, reduces. But that's pretty important. You can Google this stuff. It's not difficult to find.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm unvaccinated and certainly wouldn't go bareback. Why would u think we would?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inky_slut_kellyTV/TS  over a year ago


"Both the vaccinated and unvaccinated CAN CATCH AND PASS ON Covid.

The only difference between the two, is that the vaccine is supposed to reduce the gravity of your covid.

That is all.

It is not the only difference.

Research suggests that being vaccinated reduces the chances of transmission/infection.

Not eliminates, reduces. But that's pretty important. You can Google this stuff. It's not difficult to find. "

research is being manipulated...as are google searches ..

need proof

google image search the word idiot , you'll get lotsa of pictures of Trump..

now do the same with say duckduckgo.. see the difference ..

dont trust google to give the truth..theyll tell you what they want you to know and how you should think ..

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *lutForYou69Woman  over a year ago


"personally i prefer to meet un vaxxed ..i dont want whatever they've had injected into them (graphene hydroxide and whatever else) going into me by proxy via their cum .. and ive be having bb sex for 15 years ..ive never actually caught anything ..so ive been lucky i guess..

funnily enough no one on this site admits to being unvaxed .. they proudly declare their vaccination status as if its some sort of medal.."

I’m not vaxxed and I’d happily admit it!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The state of some of these comments is laughable.

I'm vaccine free. My mate is tripple jabbed, he got Covid and passed it to me. He had hospital treatment I lost my smell and taste and was hardly affected.

I laugh when he tells me he'd take the 4th 5th and 6th booster, penny might drop by the 7th lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I have 100% chance to survive any vaccine related death or adverse reaction.

I also had 99.85% chance to survive Covid if I caught it. Similar probability to bad flu season.

I caught it and am fine.

Now I'm totally safe from both

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *eadingCouple1963Couple  over a year ago


"I have 100% chance to survive any vaccine related death or adverse reaction.

I also had 99.85% chance to survive Covid if I caught it. Similar probability to bad flu season.

I caught it and am fine.

Now I'm totally safe from both "

Wow, what a statement…..

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *anderer111Man  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 12/12/21 07:39:29]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I won't meet a vaxed person

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I won't meet a vaxed person "

Is this a little humour?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I won't meet a vaxed person

Is this a little humour? "

Why would it be

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oolyCoolyCplCouple  over a year ago

Newcastle under Lyme

If you are older, not a healthy weight, or have underlying health conditions then its probably not a good idea to meet up with strangers that might carry a virus that could kill you. This is regardless of whether they or you took the vaccine or not.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ustfun009Man  over a year ago


"If you are older, not a healthy weight, or have underlying health conditions then its probably not a good idea to meet up with strangers that might carry a virus that could kill you. This is regardless of whether they or you took the vaccine or not."

Exactley this...the vaccinated are dropping like flies because they think they are safe...noone is safe everyone will catch it at somepoint

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Actually it's the other way round.

The vaccine free can't risk the shedding and can't risk catching the spike protein.

The vaxxed can fuck each other without worry, the damage is done

Until 2025 at least.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 12/12/21 09:18:07]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I won't meet a vaxed person "

Why are you so far away and so young

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If you are older, not a healthy weight, or have underlying health conditions then its probably not a good idea to meet up with strangers that might carry a virus that could kill you. This is regardless of whether they or you took the vaccine or not.

Exactley this...the vaccinated are dropping like flies because they think they are safe...noone is safe everyone will catch it at somepoint"

The vaxxed are dropping like flies due to the poison injected.

The varients are invented to mirror the adverse reactions.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ungblackbullMan  over a year ago


"Actually it's the other way round.

The vaccine free can't risk the shedding and can't risk catching the spike protein.

The vaxxed can fuck each other without worry, the damage is done

Until 2025 at least. "

Facebook science....

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ungblackbullMan  over a year ago


"If you are older, not a healthy weight, or have underlying health conditions then its probably not a good idea to meet up with strangers that might carry a virus that could kill you. This is regardless of whether they or you took the vaccine or not.

Exactley this...the vaccinated are dropping like flies because they think they are safe...noone is safe everyone will catch it at somepoint

The vaxxed are dropping like flies due to the poison injected.

The varients are invented to mirror the adverse reactions.


Facebook facts..

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think the suggestion of being unvaccinated to bareback is laughable.

It’s not the same and the vaccinated people are still a risk. I’ve been double jabbed and still caught covid so before I knew I had it I probably unintentionally spread it to others.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If you are older, not a healthy weight, or have underlying health conditions then its probably not a good idea to meet up with strangers that might carry a virus that could kill you. This is regardless of whether they or you took the vaccine or not.

Exactley this...the vaccinated are dropping like flies because they think they are safe...noone is safe everyone will catch it at somepoint

The vaxxed are dropping like flies due to the poison injected.

The varients are invented to mirror the adverse reactions.

Facebook facts.."

Not Facebook facts


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If you are older, not a healthy weight, or have underlying health conditions then its probably not a good idea to meet up with strangers that might carry a virus that could kill you. This is regardless of whether they or you took the vaccine or not.

Exactley this...the vaccinated are dropping like flies because they think they are safe...noone is safe everyone will catch it at somepoint

The vaxxed are dropping like flies due to the poison injected.

The varients are invented to mirror the adverse reactions.

Facebook facts..

Not Facebook facts


This Dr has had to go to the high court to be heard due to censorship

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ungblackbullMan  over a year ago


"If you are older, not a healthy weight, or have underlying health conditions then its probably not a good idea to meet up with strangers that might carry a virus that could kill you. This is regardless of whether they or you took the vaccine or not.

Exactley this...the vaccinated are dropping like flies because they think they are safe...noone is safe everyone will catch it at somepoint

The vaxxed are dropping like flies due to the poison injected.

The varients are invented to mirror the adverse reactions.

Facebook facts..

Not Facebook facts



Dr Sam Bailey....Karen's favourite source of "reliable" facts...

Dr Sam Bailey..a GP!!

Would you listen to your GP over a cardiologist if you had a heart complaint?

She is full of garbage.



Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ungblackbullMan  over a year ago


"If you are older, not a healthy weight, or have underlying health conditions then its probably not a good idea to meet up with strangers that might carry a virus that could kill you. This is regardless of whether they or you took the vaccine or not.

Exactley this...the vaccinated are dropping like flies because they think they are safe...noone is safe everyone will catch it at somepoint

The vaxxed are dropping like flies due to the poison injected.

The varients are invented to mirror the adverse reactions.

Facebook facts..

Not Facebook facts


This Dr has had to go to the high court to be heard due to censorship"

Not surprised. She is dangerous.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *andy 1Couple  over a year ago


this is boring every 1 is right all the time I am going into the politics forum at least no body is ever rong

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *izandpaulCouple  over a year ago


"Think that's taking it a bit far lol, yes I'm not disputing the danger of the virus but there has to be a line to normality or we will never move on. There are dangers but there is danger in crossing the road, where do you draw the line?

I think comparing it to bareback is a bit dramatic. You could easily take a 15 min test kit with you before hand if you are that worried "

I tend to agree.

I can just see the scenario.

Just put this swab up your nose before you take off your pants.

I think very soon it will be a personal decision if you are 3 jabbed to start getting back to normality.

Obviously, depending on the outcome of this new variant once it spreads into the more vulnerable group, let's hope it's the same as the results from the younger members of society.

Will we go into a ram packed pub over Christmas, probably not, maybe a quieter one.

Take care.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


"If you are older, not a healthy weight, or have underlying health conditions then its probably not a good idea to meet up with strangers that might carry a virus that could kill you. This is regardless of whether they or you took the vaccine or not.

Exactley this...the vaccinated are dropping like flies because they think they are safe...noone is safe everyone will catch it at somepoint

The vaxxed are dropping like flies due to the poison injected.

The varients are invented to mirror the adverse reactions.

Facebook facts..

Not Facebook facts


This Dr has had to go to the high court to be heard due to censorship

Not surprised. She is dangerous."

And almost certainly hasn't published anything in a credible peer-reviewed journal that's relevant to this.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ungblackbullMan  over a year ago


"If you are older, not a healthy weight, or have underlying health conditions then its probably not a good idea to meet up with strangers that might carry a virus that could kill you. This is regardless of whether they or you took the vaccine or not.

Exactley this...the vaccinated are dropping like flies because they think they are safe...noone is safe everyone will catch it at somepoint

The vaxxed are dropping like flies due to the poison injected.

The varients are invented to mirror the adverse reactions.

Facebook facts..

Not Facebook facts


This Dr has had to go to the high court to be heard due to censorship

Not surprised. She is dangerous.

And almost certainly hasn't published anything in a credible peer-reviewed journal that's relevant to this. "

Probably not. She isn't even a practicing GP.


"Mount also noted then that Bailey doesn't have a current practising certificate"

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *irtyold manMan  over a year ago


Shall we just say fear and segregation is starting

Tell adolf to get out the stars and warm up the ovens

When will mankind ever learn

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ackformore100Man  over a year ago

Tin town

"Think that's taking it a bit far lol, yes I'm not disputing the danger of the virus but there has to be a line to normality or we will never move on. There are dangers but there is danger in crossing the road, where do you draw the line?

I think comparing it to bareback is a bit dramatic. You could easily take a 15 min test kit with you before hand if you are that worried

I tend to agree.

I can just see the scenario.

Just put this swab up your nose before you take off your pants.

I think very soon it will be a personal decision if you are 3 jabbed to start getting back to normality.

Obviously, depending on the outcome of this new variant once it spreads into the more vulnerable group, let's hope it's the same as the results from the younger members of society.

Will we go into a ram packed pub over Christmas, probably not, maybe a quieter one.

Take care. "

Dr Susan Harper interview on Andrew Marr just now was very informative...

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ungblackbullMan  over a year ago


"Shall we just say fear and segregation is starting

Tell adolf to get out the stars and warm up the ovens

When will mankind ever learn"

Don't be so ridiculous.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ackformore100Man  over a year ago

Tin town

"Shall we just say fear and segregation is starting

Tell adolf to get out the stars and warm up the ovens

When will mankind ever learn"

If only we had a network that was all connected together so everyone in the world could pass and share information quickly from person to person so we could avoid ignorance and spread knowledge and experiences quickly and easily and help out neighbours live happier and safer lives.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *izandpaulCouple  over a year ago


"Shall we just say fear and segregation is starting

Tell adolf to get out the stars and warm up the ovens

When will mankind ever learn

If only we had a network that was all connected together so everyone in the world could pass and share information quickly from person to person so we could avoid ignorance and spread knowledge and experiences quickly and easily and help out neighbours live happier and safer lives. "

Sadly, that network would include people.

From what I have heard they can be quite different.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ackformore100Man  over a year ago

Tin town

"Shall we just say fear and segregation is starting

Tell adolf to get out the stars and warm up the ovens

When will mankind ever learn

If only we had a network that was all connected together so everyone in the world could pass and share information quickly from person to person so we could avoid ignorance and spread knowledge and experiences quickly and easily and help out neighbours live happier and safer lives.

Sadly, that network would include people.

From what I have heard they can be quite different. "

That's not very inclusive!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Shall we just say fear and segregation is starting

Tell adolf to get out the stars and warm up the ovens

When will mankind ever learn"

Thank you I have now completed my "fab covid bingo card".

Didnt take long for someone to make the ridiculous comparison to the holocaust.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If you are older, not a healthy weight, or have underlying health conditions then its probably not a good idea to meet up with strangers that might carry a virus that could kill you. This is regardless of whether they or you took the vaccine or not.

Exactley this...the vaccinated are dropping like flies because they think they are safe...noone is safe everyone will catch it at somepoint

The vaxxed are dropping like flies due to the poison injected.

The varients are invented to mirror the adverse reactions.

Facebook facts..

Not Facebook facts


This Dr has had to go to the high court to be heard due to censorship"

Ah so every single country in the world has made the collaborate effort to censor their own doctors?

Quite an acheivement I must say. We're one step to global peace!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


"Shall we just say fear and segregation is starting

Tell adolf to get out the stars and warm up the ovens

When will mankind ever learn

Thank you I have now completed my "fab covid bingo card".

Didnt take long for someone to make the ridiculous comparison to the holocaust."

Damn you! I was just about to call Bingo . There was a post about why women don't seem to want small cocks earlier and I just needed this 1, for full house.

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By *nnie2009Couple  over a year ago


"I would never bareback! And I certainly dont intend to ask potential meets unless it comes up in normal conversation if they have had the jabs! The 2 are not imo comparable x"

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 12/12/21 16:08:51]

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By *ondoner27Man  over a year ago


Well Condoms do prevent transmission so not comparing apples with apples

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Shall we just say fear and segregation is starting

Tell adolf to get out the stars and warm up the ovens

When will mankind ever learn

Thank you I have now completed my "fab covid bingo card".

Didnt take long for someone to make the ridiculous comparison to the holocaust."

Aren't we glad to see that our governments are happy to strongly encourage the use of experimental treatments on the entire population (man, woman or child) regardless of race or creed

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Will be using condoms and treating everyone as vaccinated.

Serious concerns about spike protein shedding from vaccinated sperm. As anyone's vaccine status is none of my business I will just treat everyone as vaccinated

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By *andy 1Couple  over a year ago


"Shall we just say fear and segregation is starting

Tell adolf to get out the stars and warm up the ovens

When will mankind ever learn

Don't be so ridiculous."

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ob198XaMan  over a year ago


"Will be using condoms and treating everyone as vaccinated.

Serious concerns about spike protein shedding from vaccinated sperm. As anyone's vaccine status is none of my business I will just treat everyone as vaccinated "

Sperm may cause you harm in form of pregnancy and HIV but from vaccine spike proteins, do save your anxiety for something else!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ervynCurvyCouple  over a year ago


If there’s any unvaccinated guys around Birmingham and surrounding areas please let us know . Just our preference that’s all ..

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *iddle ManMan  over a year ago


Be careful how we word this term unvaxed as we are all one cobra meeting away from being one day vaxed, the next unvaxed, depending on how many jabs we need.

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By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


There'll be posts looking for those who don't test for STIs, before you know it. Just for the record, I test frequently

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By *naswingdressWoman  over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

I'm inclined to think, as with anything here, anyone is entitled to ask for anything they like, and anyone is entitled to say no.

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By *aughtyPuppyMan  over a year ago


My take on it is this. My jab status is no ones business but my own and likewise i will never ask anyone for theirs. Private medical data is just that...private.

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By *inky_slut_kellyTV/TS  over a year ago


"I won't meet a vaxed person "

I'll meet them but i wont let them cum inside me

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inky_slut_kellyTV/TS  over a year ago


"If there’s any unvaccinated guys around Birmingham and surrounding areas please let us know . Just our preference that’s all .. "

they would probably lie if they thought they would get to play with you ... youve no way of knowing if they are jabbed .

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I won't meet a vaxed person

Is this a little humour?

Why would it be "

I must be thick or something, I don't understand why you wouldn't meet a vaxed person....

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *andare63Man  over a year ago


"I won't meet a vaxed person

Is this a little humour?

Why would it be

I must be thick or something, I don't understand why you wouldn't meet a vaxed person.... "

Surely you must realise that bodily contact and transmission of fluids with a vaxxed person, will lead to possible microchip transfer,,, thus becoming traceable at all times

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ooangel8181Woman  over a year ago


Would you shop in a shop? drink in a pub, go for a meal, go to the gym, hospital, dentist, should I go on, with those who are not vaccinated? They’re all around you. Next to you on the bus, standing in the que, sitting

Having a meal on the table next to you.

Maybe they need a cross on their head so everyone’s aware to STAY THE FUCK AWAY from them. Ahhhh runs the hills screaming.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inky_slut_kellyTV/TS  over a year ago


Id rather have covid than a toxic experimental jab.. i no longer let men cum inside me as i dont want whats in them going in me..funny how so many advertise their jab status like a badge of honour

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Would you shop in a shop? drink in a pub, go for a meal, go to the gym, hospital, dentist, should I go on, with those who are not vaccinated? They’re all around you. Next to you on the bus, standing in the que, sitting

Having a meal on the table next to you.

Maybe they need a cross on their head so everyone’s aware to STAY THE FUCK AWAY from them. Ahhhh runs the hills screaming. "

This all sounds frighteningly familiar. You remember, when the nazis made people wear yellow stars of david to identify the " unclean jews".

Talk about sinister.

Suppose someone has caught covid and recovered? They have natural immunity ,which is better than the junk you had spiked into you?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Would you shop in a shop? drink in a pub, go for a meal, go to the gym, hospital, dentist, should I go on, with those who are not vaccinated? They’re all around you. Next to you on the bus, standing in the que, sitting

Having a meal on the table next to you.

Maybe they need a cross on their head so everyone’s aware to STAY THE FUCK AWAY from them. Ahhhh runs the hills screaming. "

No doubt you class yourself as left wing, tolerant and inclusive.

People like you are the reason other people disappear or get put into camps or are denied work, access to public amenities, medical treatment.

If your post was meant in jest I'll be the first to apologise but sadly I think you mean it.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"My take on it is this. My jab status is no ones business but my own and likewise i will never ask anyone for theirs. Private medical data is just that...private.

Well said.


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A new entrant to Disease Russian Roulette! Would you meet an unvaccinated person? Or is the irresponsibility of the unvaxxed basically like that of someone who’d risk HIV/syphilis/ghonorrea by going bareback? "

Omg pmsl

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

What a stupid post.

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By *odgerMooreMan  over a year ago


Could combine and then syphilis would give you a dreadful cold AND a sore knob!! Its insanity!!

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By *hagTonightMan  over a year ago

From the land of haribos.

"My take on it is this. My jab status is no ones business but my own and likewise i will never ask anyone for theirs. Private medical data is just that...private.


This .

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *iven to the WildCouple  over a year ago


I wouldn't bring it up in the getting to know you phase, but being a scientist who has worked with people who developed the vaccine, I doubt I would get on with people who chose not to get for anything other than specific known medical reasons. Anyone who willfully chose not to because it's 'not safe' or 'untested' would have fundamental differences that I don't think we would connect.

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By *orkswatcherMan  over a year ago


Yes I would meet unvax, it ain't going to effect me is it.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *izandpaulCouple  over a year ago


"I wouldn't bring it up in the getting to know you phase, but being a scientist who has worked with people who developed the vaccine, I doubt I would get on with people who chose not to get for anything other than specific known medical reasons. Anyone who willfully chose not to because it's 'not safe' or 'untested' would have fundamental differences that I don't think we would connect."

That's interesting.

We are now actively looking through forum posts of those wishing to meet on a 121 basis.

Large social groups, parties or holidays, no problem as we can smile and walk away but don't want to waste our time with those who appear not to be compatible.

Having said that, looking at the verifications of a couple of ranters seems to show them as polite and friendly.

Maybe it's the curse of the keyboard and isolation, social settings and tapping away at a keyboard two different beasts.

Using forums as another filter seems to work for us as with the block.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *cotsman75Man  over a year ago

North fife

"I wouldn't bring it up in the getting to know you phase, but being a scientist who has worked with people who developed the vaccine, I doubt I would get on with people who chose not to get for anything other than specific known medical reasons. Anyone who willfully chose not to because it's 'not safe' or 'untested' would have fundamental differences that I don't think we would connect."

Science is there to be challenged. I'd highlight the excess deaths, the correlation between heart failures in rhe males under 40 and the vaccine take up.

This is only now being discussed in official places like the eu and now on parliamentary committees. See official parliament you tube channels and Andrew bridgen as one source and prefer confirming they never tested their vaccines for transmission. When further pushed to release papers Pfizer released blacked out papers with only one sentence able to read on each page.

There is a serious danger of loss of trust with the medical industry.

Science needs challenged. As do our and rhe world politicians on this matter.

I would not meet people who would not accept another view point. Have a lovely day

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

'Please provide proof of your vaccinations prior to us getting down 'n dirty'. Fuck my life!

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By *mightyMan  over a year ago


Im unjabbed feel as fit as butchers dog never been poorly throughout the scamdemic either but the 3 guys i employ all jabbed up are always off sick wit convid makes ya wonder what & who’s science was best to follow cos mine was’nt on the news or in the papers

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I wouldn't bring it up in the getting to know you phase, but being a scientist who has worked with people who developed the vaccine, I doubt I would get on with people who chose not to get for anything other than specific known medical reasons. Anyone who willfully chose not to because it's 'not safe' or 'untested' would have fundamental differences that I don't think we would connect.

Science is there to be challenged. I'd highlight the excess deaths, the correlation between heart failures in rhe males under 40 and the vaccine take up.

This is only now being discussed in official places like the eu and now on parliamentary committees. See official parliament you tube channels and Andrew bridgen as one source and prefer confirming they never tested their vaccines for transmission. When further pushed to release papers Pfizer released blacked out papers with only one sentence able to read on each page.

There is a serious danger of loss of trust with the medical industry.

Science needs challenged. As do our and rhe world politicians on this matter.

I would not meet people who would not accept another view point. Have a lovely day "

Yip. Agreed

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By *andyfloss2000Woman  over a year ago


"Im unjabbed feel as fit as butchers dog never been poorly throughout the scamdemic either but the 3 guys i employ all jabbed up are always off sick wit convid makes ya wonder what & who’s science was best to follow cos mine was’nt on the news or in the papers "

The 2 jabs I did have feked up my immune system I'm convinced! Wish I'd never had them! Only did under family pressure! X

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By *tagVixCouple  over a year ago


I think people need to remember that being vaccinated does not stop you spreading covid.

You could be totally up to date and still pass it on.

You're better off making sure you, as in the person that is organising a meet, is up to date with the vaccine to lessen your symptoms if you pick it up.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Im unjabbed feel as fit as butchers dog never been poorly throughout the scamdemic either but the 3 guys i employ all jabbed up are always off sick wit convid makes ya wonder what & who’s science was best to follow cos mine was’nt on the news or in the papers

The 2 jabs I did have feked up my immune system I'm convinced! Wish I'd never had them! Only did under family pressure! X"

It's an all too familiar story, people being pressured.

Maybe if you'd had others who thought the same as you it would have helped you resist the bullying?

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By *andyfloss2000Woman  over a year ago


"Im unjabbed feel as fit as butchers dog never been poorly throughout the scamdemic either but the 3 guys i employ all jabbed up are always off sick wit convid makes ya wonder what & who’s science was best to follow cos mine was’nt on the news or in the papers

The 2 jabs I did have feked up my immune system I'm convinced! Wish I'd never had them! Only did under family pressure! X

It's an all too familiar story, people being pressured.

Maybe if you'd had others who thought the same as you it would have helped you resist the bullying?


Live and learn! But said no to booster! Even my diabetic nurse reminded me every time I went that I not had booster so she put it on my notes that I'm done with them so won't keep getting texts x

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By *woodcplCouple  over a year ago


"Im unjabbed feel as fit as butchers dog never been poorly throughout the scamdemic either but the 3 guys i employ all jabbed up are always off sick wit convid makes ya wonder what & who’s science was best to follow cos mine was’nt on the news or in the papers

The 2 jabs I did have feked up my immune system I'm convinced! Wish I'd never had them! Only did under family pressure! X

It's an all too familiar story, people being pressured.

Maybe if you'd had others who thought the same as you it would have helped you resist the bullying?


Greatest scam and crime against health in history

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We could not care less what others peoples vax status is. We are vaxed we have protection to some level. We have both had covid twice as well. Whether the vax stopped us getting less ill or not we will never know.

At the same time if people are not vaxed that is their choice and there should be no stigma attached to that choice.

We all have the right to weight up risks of vaxing / not vaxing ourselves.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Im unjabbed feel as fit as butchers dog never been poorly throughout the scamdemic either but the 3 guys i employ all jabbed up are always off sick wit convid makes ya wonder what & who’s science was best to follow cos mine was’nt on the news or in the papers

The 2 jabs I did have feked up my immune system I'm convinced! Wish I'd never had them! Only did under family pressure! X

It's an all too familiar story, people being pressured.

Maybe if you'd had others who thought the same as you it would have helped you resist the bullying?

Live and learn! But said no to booster! Even my diabetic nurse reminded me every time I went that I not had booster so she put it on my notes that I'm done with them so won't keep getting texts x"

Good. Don't outsource your thinking and decision making to the state. You're an individual, not part of a collective.

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By *host63Man  over a year ago

Bedfont Feltham

No I wouldn't not see a person who isn't vaccinated. It's theor choice not ro take it as its my choice to take the vaccine.

There are those on here who won't see people who are vaccinated. It's just another end of an extreme.

Personally if some had either view I woukd see it as a red flag

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