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How many people

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

How many people have never had covid..

For a start, me I haven't despite working in a hospital with it from the beginning.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Until last week. Me!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Nope never had it

Work in construction so worked pretty much all through it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Never had it

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By *idlandsduo400Couple  over a year ago


Never had it.

Until last week…….no idea where I got it from. I know very few who haven’t now had it at least once.

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By *heshbifellaMan  over a year ago


"How many people have never had covid..

For a start, me I haven't despite working in a hospital with it from the beginning."

You may have had it and just been asymptomatic. Or have you tested every single day since March 2020?

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By *estivalMan  over a year ago


Have managed to steer clear of it all this time, was admited to hospital sat for something unrelated and tested positive before i got put on a ward, had no symptoms at all and still dont, only good thing is i got my own room because im positive and im here till at least friday and gota say every single member of staff here is a fucking diamond

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Yes I tested at at "peak times " twice a day.

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By *i1971Man  over a year ago


Not had it, yet. It's really doing the rounds here at the minute.

Confident I've not had it as I'd testing regularly

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By *drian HardthrobMan  over a year ago


We're two years in now... If you still haven't caught it, it's because you've got no friends

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By *heshbifellaMan  over a year ago


"Not had it, yet. It's really doing the rounds here at the minute.

Confident I've not had it as I'd testing regularly"

False negatives?

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By *izzy.Woman  over a year ago

Stoke area

I haven't had it yet. I've volunteered at a vaccination centre and obviously had my jabs. I've been to gigs and met people. I've done my best to socially distance, worn masks,amd tested regularly but, but how the levels are currently, I'm sure its just a matter of time before I catch it.

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By *eryBigGirlWoman  over a year ago

East Yorkshire

I think many people who say they haven’t had it usually have but have simply had zero symptoms

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I’m glad to say I’ve not tested positive and worked right through this nightmare

I feel very lucky

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By *heshbifellaMan  over a year ago


"I think many people who say they haven’t had it usually have but have simply had zero symptoms "


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By * New YorkieMan  over a year ago


Fully Vax'd. Not had it yet. I also volunteer at a vacination centre for over a year now..

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By *luebell888Woman  over a year ago


I am a healthcare worker and had remained covid free until 2weeks after my booster.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

None of us know if we never had Covid. All we can say is that we didn't have noticable symptoms.

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By *allySlinkyWoman  over a year ago


My son lives with me and tested positive. A couple of days later I felt very tired in the afternoon. I went to bed early and slept 12 hours. Next day I felt totally fine. Was that Covid ?

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By *ayboii2018_12Man  over a year ago

West Midlands

I had it after my 1st jab, had it again after booster.

First time round was rough, second time wouldn't of known if I didn't have test for work...

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By *irtyold manMan  over a year ago


Never had covid but lot around me have.also never been jabd.

Take echinatia one day and jinseng next day. It boosts the imune system to full and keep covid at bay

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Never had covid but lot around me have.also never been jabd.

Take echinatia one day and jinseng next day. It boosts the imune system to full and keep covid at bay"

I'm glad you're ok. But a vaccine offers a hell of a lot better protection than echinatia and ginseng.

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By *rimrose and TonyCouple  over a year ago


"I think many people who say they haven’t had it usually have but have simply had zero symptoms

Correct "

Isn't that like saying that obviously everyone has had it but lots don't show symptoms?

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By *enuineguy76Man  over a year ago


Never been tested so therefore Iv never had it

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By *illynillyCouple  over a year ago


Nilly has still avoided it despite being in the thick of it....

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By *itty Kat ABWoman  over a year ago

North Somerset

No I've not had it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think many people who say they haven’t had it usually have but have simply had zero symptoms


Isn't that like saying that obviously everyone has had it but lots don't show symptoms?"

Asymptomatic Covid - bit like Santa, so many believe in what doesn't exist

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By *uliette500Woman  over a year ago


I've not had it.... yet.

I test twice weekly for work regardless of symptoms for I would have thought it would have been picked up if I had.

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By *igertigerCouple (MM)  over a year ago

cc hotel

Try a covid antibibody test, one that doesn't pick up the vaccine, you could be surprised at the result.

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By *ittleMissCaliWoman  over a year ago

trouble most likely, or creating it :)

"I think many people who say they haven’t had it usually have but have simply had zero symptoms


Isn't that like saying that obviously everyone has had it but lots don't show symptoms?

Asymptomatic Covid - bit like Santa, so many believe in what doesn't exist "

sadly it really does. We test our residents and 3 have no symptoms at all x

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By *oved Up 2Couple  over a year ago


I've not had it (Mrs) but I'm about the only one amongst family and friends that's escaped it. When Mr had it he was asymptomatic- we only did tests because my son visited and tested positive the following day

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By *ylonSlutTV/TS  over a year ago


"I think many people who say they haven’t had it usually have but have simply had zero symptoms


Isn't that like saying that obviously everyone has had it but lots don't show symptoms?

Asymptomatic Covid - bit like Santa, so many believe in what doesn't exist "

Of course it exists that is what caused covid to spread so quickly at the beginning and one of the reasons so many have covid now.

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By *nglo-Indian-DelightCouple  over a year ago


Have had covid twice, first time in March 2020, it wasn't a good experience, now 2nd round in April 22.

Probably only 10% of severity. Triple vaccinated, nhs worker.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *rimrose and TonyCouple  over a year ago


"I think many people who say they haven’t had it usually have but have simply had zero symptoms


Isn't that like saying that obviously everyone has had it but lots don't show symptoms?

Asymptomatic Covid - bit like Santa, so many believe in what doesn't exist "

I'm not saying it doesn't exist at all.

If you read he thread, some are saying the haven't actually had covid and the response has been probably no symptoms so therefore if that's the reasoning the surely it can be said that everyone has had covid but some show the symptoms but the majority don't.

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By *rimrose and TonyCouple  over a year ago


If there are false negatives then isn't it feasible that there are false positives?

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By *uenevereWoman  over a year ago


I managed to avoid it until 3/4 weeks ago.

I had bad flu like symptoms for 3 days and haven't been right since

The kids have managed to avoid catching it so far.

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By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


"Have managed to steer clear of it all this time, was admited to hospital sat for something unrelated and tested positive before i got put on a ward, had no symptoms at all and still dont, only good thing is i got my own room because im positive and im here till at least friday and gota say every single member of staff here is a fucking diamond "

Hope you're getting to feel well and benefitting from the rest

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By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


I've not knowingly had it and am grateful for that and the 3 vaccine doses which should ideally have kept symptoms at a more palatable level. Known few people who have had it, including family members who died early on.

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By *ad NannaWoman  over a year ago

East London

Some people are very lucky and have natural immunities.

Some people don't, and die.

My nurse friend toom her son to A&E a few days ago and they didn't have a bed for him in a ward. She was told there are no beds across London because of the Covid patients.

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By *ad NannaWoman  over a year ago

East London

"If there are false negatives then isn't it feasible that there are false positives? "

Yes. It's less likely to infect more people than a false negative.

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By *naswingdressWoman  over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

I had a suspected case early on (before testing rolled out to the public), but a year after that a negative antibody test. So I'm not sure. (I was sick as a dog with something)

I know I've not had it between October 2020 and now - and I do laugh when people say that it's inevitable I'll catch it. Sure. Maybe if I forget everything I know and act as if the virus doesn't exist? (But if I do that, maybe the personality change has been so abrupt that I should be evaluated for having had a stroke)

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By *amish SMan  over a year ago


"None of us know if we never had Covid. All we can say is that we didn't have noticable symptoms."

Likewise, some are now finding they can't excercise like they did etc, only to find they are carrying the antibodies from an infection they never realised they had.

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By *amish SMan  over a year ago


"If there are false negatives then isn't it feasible that there are false positives? "

Yes with lft. Lft is positive but pcr is negative. Youngest experienced this everyday for 3 weeks. Covid was perpetually doing the rounds where they worked. Lft was and still is compulsory prior to each shift.

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By *naswingdressWoman  over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"If there are false negatives then isn't it feasible that there are false positives?

Yes with lft. Lft is positive but pcr is negative. Youngest experienced this everyday for 3 weeks. Covid was perpetually doing the rounds where they worked. Lft was and still is compulsory prior to each shift. "

There's data out there on rates of sensitivity and specificity of the tests (rates of false positives and negatives), as well as guides on how to use this information at different levels of community prevalence.

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By *heshbifellaMan  over a year ago


Not knowingly had covid? You may have had it and just been asymptomatic. Unless you've tested every single day since March 2020? Even then, there's the false negative element. Such an insidious virus on so many levels.

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By *naswingdressWoman  over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Not knowingly had covid? You may have had it and just been asymptomatic. Unless you've tested every single day since March 2020? Even then, there's the false negative element. Such an insidious virus on so many levels. "

Yup, possible.

But the odds are reduced dramatically if you take precautions. It's not in any way inevitable that everyone will get it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Nope and I've been working all the time....

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By *rimrose and TonyCouple  over a year ago


"Not knowingly had covid? You may have had it and just been asymptomatic. Unless you've tested every single day since March 2020? Even then, there's the false negative element. Such an insidious virus on so many levels. "

So actually you are saying everyone has had covid but most or some won't know whether or not they've had it because no symptoms. How many times will I have had it since March 2020 please so I know if I get asked if I've had covid or not

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Lateral flow test every week for nearly two years and no positive result.

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By *ngel696969Woman  over a year ago


"Lateral flow test every week for nearly two years and no positive result. "

But according to some of the 'experts' above, you will have had it and a false negative and no symptoms apparently

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By *yes146Man  over a year ago

London / Bournemouth

Not had it so far. Been working throughout.

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By *tirling DarkCouple  over a year ago


So far both have avoided it

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By *orinmani89Man  over a year ago


I never get covid and now I have to get vaccin to go on my holidays without stress with negative test and all this bullshit in airport

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By *eachybum2020Man  over a year ago


I tested positive this morning for the very first time, had a sore throat since Thursday evening and put it down to the dust that had worked in for the past few days. Last night started to feel more flu like, tested myself this morning as I was going to my parents for lunch.

On another note, a local club had one of its regular nights last night and see lots went. I cant help wondering how many will be positive in the coming days.

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By *eadingCouple1963Couple  over a year ago


"I never get covid and now I have to get vaccin to go on my holidays without stress with negative test and all this bullshit in airport"

Could be worse eh?

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By *r WhispererMan  over a year ago


I had all the symptoms and fealty like death warmed up back in February but tested negative each day and got told to go to work.. within a week 3 of my colleagues were off sick having tested positive

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By *orinmani89Man  over a year ago


I have no problem to get the vaccin I get one 2 weeks ago but because I get it just to don't have stress when I travel I fell like someone push me to get it and I don't like that

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Never had it

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By *heshbifellaMan  over a year ago


"I had all the symptoms and fealty like death warmed up back in February but tested negative each day and got told to go to work.. within a week 3 of my colleagues were off sick having tested positive "

That may have been a false negative. Some fatuous 'experts' on here would say there's no such thing and you were negative all along and your 3 colleagues had false positive test results!

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By *heshbifellaMan  over a year ago


Another massively fatuous post!

A third of people who have had covid were asymptomatic.

No test is 100% reliable, even those who meet regulatory standards for performance and safety.

It is not stupid to point these fats out.

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By *heshbifellaMan  over a year ago



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By *plofsinnersCouple  over a year ago


Steve hasn't had covid

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By *orny PTMan  over a year ago



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By *ilmissplumpyWoman  over a year ago


"Until last week. Me!"

Snap - until last week not a sniff. And like the OP I too work in a hospital.

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By *lorakMan  over a year ago


I'm black sheep in family, not vaccinated. Wife fully, COVID twice, daughter fully vac COVID twice, daughter bf fully vac once, at work vacs+boosters COVID twice, 4ppl ... Can't understand not getting it finishing dishes at home from wife and daughter with their forks because lack of appetite. I'm lucky or RoboCop?

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By *eadingCouple1963Couple  over a year ago


"I'm black sheep in family, not vaccinated. Wife fully, COVID twice, daughter fully vac COVID twice, daughter bf fully vac once, at work vacs+boosters COVID twice, 4ppl ... Can't understand not getting it finishing dishes at home from wife and daughter with their forks because lack of appetite. I'm lucky or RoboCop? "

Or perhaps they all caught it from you?

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By *eliciousladyWoman  over a year ago

Sometimes U.K

"Try a covid antibibody test, one that doesn't pick up the vaccine, you could be surprised at the result.


Why take a test though if you’re feeling fine? It’s a genuine question..

As I’ve not knowingly had COVID nor felt unwell since March 2020 when the pandemic (as we know it) began why take a test?

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By *stbury DavenportMan  over a year ago


"Try a covid antibibody test, one that doesn't pick up the vaccine, you could be surprised at the result.

Why take a test though if you’re feeling fine? It’s a genuine question..

As I’ve not knowingly had COVID nor felt unwell since March 2020 when the pandemic (as we know it) began why take a test? "

To make sure you're not an asymptomatic carrier, so you don't spread it to someone less lucky than you.

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By *naswingdressWoman  over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Try a covid antibibody test, one that doesn't pick up the vaccine, you could be surprised at the result.

Why take a test though if you’re feeling fine? It’s a genuine question..

As I’ve not knowingly had COVID nor felt unwell since March 2020 when the pandemic (as we know it) began why take a test?

To make sure you're not an asymptomatic carrier, so you don't spread it to someone less lucky than you. "

Social responsibility, consideration for others.

I might be fine - I might inadvertently spread it to someone who isn't as fortunate.

I test to protect them as much as myself.

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By *elpful and caringMan  over a year ago


Bollocks. I have no friends and I’ve had it twice

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

We have not had it yet

There is an article about why they think some people are not getting it even while living with people who have it


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By *ryandseeMan  over a year ago


I am not an expert on any of this but anyone with some common sense can see it has and will continue to affect everyone differeny. Thats why it's nice to see people are talking about social responsibility. For me it has always been about the protection of the vulnerable. If I can behave in a way that minimises the risk to them, just like I did rhroughout, whether keeping some distance or whatever else I can do to keep that risk to a minimum, it is the morally right thing to do. Others may disagree but the thought that I could possibly put someone at risk does not sit right with me so I will continue to do whatever I believe is right. Others may choose yo behave differently and its up to them as long as they respect my choice and a little bit of my personal space.

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By *ice guy for funMan  over a year ago


Me thankfully

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Had it in January for the first time,quite tired and weak,but definitely had worse flu's,I'm unvaccinated.

I work with a lot of people,and vaccinated vs unvaccinated differs in severity,a lot of people who caught covid who were vaccinated were more ill than some that were unvaccinated.

I genuinely think it's down to an individuals immune system how bad they get,the above that I mentioned seems to show that....and there's hundreds where I work.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Some people are very lucky and have natural immunities.

Some people don't, and die.

My nurse friend toom her son to A&E a few days ago and they didn't have a bed for him in a ward. She was told there are no beds across London because of the Covid patients. "

Covid patients,that will have 3 or 4 other health issues,this is what's not getting stated in the media.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I've never had it and touch wood, I never will but I'll always remain very careful x

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By *ad NannaWoman  over a year ago

East London

I live with someone who had it, came in coughing over me while I did his covid test for him (all while he was coughing into the room).

The test was positive and he was very ill in bed for days, but I didn't get any symptoms or test positive.

A few months later I spent Christmas with 4 people who had it and started feeling unwell on my way home, three days later. I tested positive that evening and isolated so I didn't infect anyone else.

I was nowhere near as ill as the people who had had one or no vaccinations. I'd have thought I had the usual cold if it wasn't for the legs like lead, and muscle pain when I tried to walk.

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By *ryandseeMan  over a year ago


"I've never had it and touch wood, I never will but I'll always remain very careful x"

That's all any of us can do and not really a big sacrifice to show a bit of care especially for those who for whatever reason may be more vulnerable.

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By *ad NannaWoman  over a year ago

East London

"Some people are very lucky and have natural immunities.

Some people don't, and die.

My nurse friend toom her son to A&E a few days ago and they didn't have a bed for him in a ward. She was told there are no beds across London because of the Covid patients.

Covid patients,that will have 3 or 4 other health issues,this is what's not getting stated in the media."

People with health issues who caught Covid and had to be hospitalised, because the SARS virus made them dangerously ill.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I've never had it and touch wood, I never will but I'll always remain very careful x

That's all any of us can do and not really a big sacrifice to show a bit of care especially for those who for whatever reason may be more vulnerable. "

I don't go out that much, only if I really need to so going to visit my parents concerns me a little x

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By *oubleswing2019Man  over a year ago


Nope, we've never had it.

That's because we are ultra-careful.

We have what some might consider extreme measures to protect ourselves, but we feel comfortable with them and they are working.

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By *iCurious4WomenMan  over a year ago


"How many people have never had covid..

For a start, me I haven't despite working in a hospital with it from the beginning."

I've not had COVID as far as I am aware.

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By *aramedic999Man  over a year ago


Or you were asymptomatic .....

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By *iCurious4WomenMan  over a year ago


"Or you were asymptomatic ....."
That is a possibility. Though equally I just may not have had COVID.

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By *heshbifellaMan  over a year ago


Not knowingly had covid? You may have had it and just been asymptomatic, like a third of infected people are. Unless you've tested every single day since March 2020? Even then, there's the false negative element. Such an insidious virus on so many levels.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Luckily not had it

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By *ancy38Woman  over a year ago


Never had It in 2 years since the start until last week I had cold/flu symptoms then tested positive for it. And this is with my mixing with the general public alot during them two years vaccine free and no mask. I do believe that now the majority have had the vaccine, they have became super spreaders and now everyone is getting it.

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By *dnmartinMan  over a year ago


"Until last week. Me!"

Me too. Was been so smug about never having it. Then it floored me, just for 3 days, but still.

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By *ylonSlutTV/TS  over a year ago


"Never had It in 2 years since the start until last week I had cold/flu symptoms then tested positive for it. And this is with my mixing with the general public alot during them two years vaccine free and no mask. I do believe that now the majority have had the vaccine, they have became super spreaders and now everyone is getting it. "

Or it could be spreading because everyone is mixing,not wearing masks and not testing.

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By *naswingdressWoman  over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Never had It in 2 years since the start until last week I had cold/flu symptoms then tested positive for it. And this is with my mixing with the general public alot during them two years vaccine free and no mask. I do believe that now the majority have had the vaccine, they have became super spreaders and now everyone is getting it.

Or it could be spreading because everyone is mixing,not wearing masks and not testing."

Well that's far too logical

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By *iCurious4WomenMan  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 21/04/22 00:07:41]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *iCurious4WomenMan  over a year ago


"Not knowingly had covid? You may have had it and just been asymptomatic, like a third of infected people are. Unless you've tested every single day since March 2020? Even then, there's the false negative element. Such an insidious virus on so many levels. "
Asymptomatic spread is a theory. Not a fact. There is a difference. You should really have said a third of people are thought to be. Instead of saying that they are. You should also be aware that the tests can be very unreliable and produce lot's of false positives when used at a high cycle threshold. 40-45 cycles will do that.

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By *iCurious4WomenMan  over a year ago


"Not knowingly had covid? You may have had it and just been asymptomatic, like a third of infected people are. Unless you've tested every single day since March 2020? Even then, there's the false negative element. Such an insidious virus on so many levels. Asymptomatic spread is a theory. Not a fact. There is a difference. You should really have said a third of people are thought to be. Instead of saying that they are. You should also be aware that the tests can be very unreliable and produce lot's of false positives when used at a high cycle threshold. 40-45 cycles will do that.


I contacted both the UKHSA and Public Health Scotland and asked why the tests are being done at such a high cycle. They couldn't provide an answer.

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By *iCurious4WomenMan  over a year ago


"Never had It in 2 years since the start until last week I had cold/flu symptoms then tested positive for it. And this is with my mixing with the general public alot during them two years vaccine free and no mask. I do believe that now the majority have had the vaccine, they have became super spreaders and now everyone is getting it. "
You are not the only one who thinks that. I have also never worn a mask or had the vaccine. I've been fine.

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By *heshbifellaMan  over a year ago


"Not knowingly had covid? You may have had it and just been asymptomatic, like a third of infected people are. Unless you've tested every single day since March 2020? Even then, there's the false negative element. Such an insidious virus on so many levels. Asymptomatic spread is a theory. Not a fact. There is a difference. You should really have said a third of people are thought to be. Instead of saying that they are. You should also be aware that the tests can be very unreliable and produce lot's of false positives when used at a high cycle threshold. 40-45 cycles will do that.


I agree with everything you've said. Point being, I wasn't talking about 'spread'. I think asymptomatic spread is very unlikely.

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By *heshbifellaMan  over a year ago


In a recent East African study, of the 71 participants who tested positive for COVID and were later confirmed to have the Omicron variant, 27 per cent were asymptomatic. Similar European studies have shown similar asymptomatic rates. Think it's safe to say it's (approximately) a third.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *iCurious4WomenMan  over a year ago


"In a recent East African study, of the 71 participants who tested positive for COVID and were later confirmed to have the Omicron variant, 27 per cent were asymptomatic. Similar European studies have shown similar asymptomatic rates. Think it's safe to say it's (approximately) a third. "
Just one study? Can you give me a link to it? Thanks.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *heshbifellaMan  over a year ago


"In a recent East African study, of the 71 participants who tested positive for COVID and were later confirmed to have the Omicron variant, 27 per cent were asymptomatic. Similar European studies have shown similar asymptomatic rates. Think it's safe to say it's (approximately) a third. Just one study? Can you give me a link to it? Thanks."

I can't unfortunately as it is against the site rules, unless a site like the BBC, BMJ etc. However, a not laborious Google search should take you there. The highest quality evidence on asymptomatic carriers was derived from two large surveys conducted in England and Spain. The English study identified a prevalence of 32.4% compared with 33% in the Spanish study. Based on these results, the authors estimated that prevalence of asymptomatic carriers is likely to be around a third. 426,000 people in the study. Again, a not laborious Google search should take you there.

Finally, Florida University looked at 350 papers and over 350 papers, they estimated that more than one-third of infections are truly asymptomatic. They found evidence of greater asymptomaticity in children compared with the elderly, and lower asymptomaticity among cases with comorbidities compared to cases with no underlying conditions.

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By *rimrose and TonyCouple  over a year ago


"I have no problem to get the vaccin I get one 2 weeks ago but because I get it just to don't have stress when I travel I fell like someone push me to get it and I don't like that"

So why have it?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *rimrose and TonyCouple  over a year ago


"Not knowingly had covid? You may have had it and just been asymptomatic, like a third of infected people are. Unless you've tested every single day since March 2020? Even then, there's the false negative element. Such an insidious virus on so many levels. "

As the font of all knowledge, is it not possible that you're occasionally incorrect and there are people around who haven't actually had it or asymptomatic either?

I have several friends who have tested at least 4 times a week and they're never had the virus at all. Never had time off, time away from work and in fact, apparently never had so much as a sniffle since November 2019. I don't think anyone can say to them that they've actually had it or tested negative even falsely unless you're actually saying that absolutely everyone has had it, without exception, tested or not.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *rimrose and TonyCouple  over a year ago


"In a recent East African study, of the 71 participants who tested positive for COVID and were later confirmed to have the Omicron variant, 27 per cent were asymptomatic. Similar European studies have shown similar asymptomatic rates. Think it's safe to say it's (approximately) a third. "

And that's safe to say that isn't everyone so therefore because someone says they haven't had it, why then quip and say not knowingly or you could have and been asymptomatic? Is it impossible to accept that, BY YOUR OWN FACTS, that two thirds haven't had it?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ikeC81Man  over a year ago


I was doing well to this week

Then been in bed since Tuesday. Tight chest and cough but nowhere near the headache that I had

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ngel696969Woman  over a year ago


"I was doing well to this week

Then been in bed since Tuesday. Tight chest and cough but nowhere near the headache that I had


Have you tested or assuming you've covid?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Not yet, tested plenty but none positive and no symptoms. Fingers crossed

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"In a recent East African study, of the 71 participants who tested positive for COVID and were later confirmed to have the Omicron variant, 27 per cent were asymptomatic. Similar European studies have shown similar asymptomatic rates. Think it's safe to say it's (approximately) a third. Just one study? Can you give me a link to it? Thanks.

I can't unfortunately as it is against the site rules, unless a site like the BBC, BMJ etc. However, a not laborious Google search should take you there. The highest quality evidence on asymptomatic carriers was derived from two large surveys conducted in England and Spain. The English study identified a prevalence of 32.4% compared with 33% in the Spanish study. Based on these results, the authors estimated that prevalence of asymptomatic carriers is likely to be around a third. 426,000 people in the study. Again, a not laborious Google search should take you there.

Finally, Florida University looked at 350 papers and over 350 papers, they estimated that more than one-third of infections are truly asymptomatic. They found evidence of greater asymptomaticity in children compared with the elderly, and lower asymptomaticity among cases with comorbidities compared to cases with no underlying conditions.


False positives - God no, that would destroy the myth of "asymptomatic" Covid

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *host63Man  over a year ago

Bedfont Feltham

"How many people have never had covid..

For a start, me I haven't despite working in a hospital with it from the beginning."

Despite my interests being close to.people some of who had coronavirus Lucky so far

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ikeC81Man  over a year ago


"I was doing well to this week

Then been in bed since Tuesday. Tight chest and cough but nowhere near the headache that I had

Have you tested or assuming you've covid? "

Tested. Had a few boxes of tests at home. Due to dad and mum being high risk

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *imi_RougeWoman  over a year ago


I've never had it, none of my immediate family have had it.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ngel696969Woman  over a year ago


"I was doing well to this week

Then been in bed since Tuesday. Tight chest and cough but nowhere near the headache that I had

Have you tested or assuming you've covid?

Tested. Had a few boxes of tests at home. Due to dad and mum being high risk


Course, according to some on here, they could be false negatives

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I haven't as far as I know

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *heshbifellaMan  over a year ago


"Not knowingly had covid? You may have had it and just been asymptomatic, like a third of infected people are. Unless you've tested every single day since March 2020? Even then, there's the false negative element. Such an insidious virus on so many levels.

As the font of all knowledge, is it not possible that you're occasionally incorrect and there are people around who haven't actually had it or asymptomatic either?

I have several friends who have tested at least 4 times a week and they're never had the virus at all. Never had time off, time away from work and in fact, apparently never had so much as a sniffle since November 2019. I don't think anyone can say to them that they've actually had it or tested negative even falsely unless you're actually saying that absolutely everyone has had it, without exception, tested or not."

Well, first of all, I've never said that I'm the 'font of all knowledge' and, secondly, if you'd bothered to property read what I wrote, you'd understand that I merely said that, where people think they may never have had covid, it MAY be the case that they actually did have it and were asymptomatic abd/or had a false negative test result.

That still leaves plenty of scope for some people to have never caught it.

You know very well that I have never said 'absolutely everyone has had it, without exception, tested or not'.

If you believe I have, please put the relevant words of mine in quotation marks and advise how many hours ago I wrote it. You won't be able to, because I neither said it or even implied it.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *heshbifellaMan  over a year ago


"In a recent East African study, of the 71 participants who tested positive for COVID and were later confirmed to have the Omicron variant, 27 per cent were asymptomatic. Similar European studies have shown similar asymptomatic rates. Think it's safe to say it's (approximately) a third.

And that's safe to say that isn't everyone so therefore because someone says they haven't had it, why then quip and say not knowingly or you could have and been asymptomatic? Is it impossible to accept that, BY YOUR OWN FACTS, that two thirds haven't had it? "

There is so little English in this particular post, Nicola Sturgeon would approve. I can't even begin to comment on it, because it's not clear what on earth you are trying to say.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *heshbifellaMan  over a year ago


"I was doing well to this week

Then been in bed since Tuesday. Tight chest and cough but nowhere near the headache that I had

Have you tested or assuming you've covid?

Tested. Had a few boxes of tests at home. Due to dad and mum being high risk

Course, according to some on here, they could be false negatives "

Yes, there's a small risk they could be. Do you have evidence that there's no such thing as false negative test results?

I glean mine from Imperial College, London who say lateral flow tests will miss a proportion of people who are infectious, particularly during the early stages of infection.

This means that using them as a ‘green light’ test, for example to go and visit a vulnerable person, could be providing false reassurance.

This is because, unlike PCR tests, lateral flow tests cannot detect very low levels of coronavirus in a sample. This means the test may not give a positive result if you have only recently been infected; are in the incubation period; or if you have mostly recovered.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *illynillyCouple  over a year ago


"I was doing well to this week

Then been in bed since Tuesday. Tight chest and cough but nowhere near the headache that I had

Have you tested or assuming you've covid?

Tested. Had a few boxes of tests at home. Due to dad and mum being high risk

Course, according to some on here, they could be false negatives

Yes, there's a small risk they could be. Do you have evidence that there's no such thing as false negative test results?

I glean mine from Imperial College, London who say lateral flow tests will miss a proportion of people who are infectious, particularly during the early stages of infection.

This means that using them as a ‘green light’ test, for example to go and visit a vulnerable person, could be providing false reassurance.

This is because, unlike PCR tests, lateral flow tests cannot detect very low levels of coronavirus in a sample. This means the test may not give a positive result if you have only recently been infected; are in the incubation period; or if you have mostly recovered.


We'd heard (from a credible source) that lft s are pretty accurate...when testing negative yet have covid, its not gone up the nose or throat enough or not been in the solution enough...which makes sense

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Not had it, yet. It's really doing the rounds here at the minute.

Confident I've not had it as I'd testing regularly

False negatives? "

Or maybe they just haven't had it?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Not had it, yet. It's really doing the rounds here at the minute.

Confident I've not had it as I'd testing regularly

False negatives?

Or maybe they just haven't had it?"

Oooh, can't be having that. Some people aren't satisfied with the 'haven't had it' answer. Surely everyone in the World has had it.

I haven't had it.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *heshbifellaMan  over a year ago


"Not had it, yet. It's really doing the rounds here at the minute.

Confident I've not had it as I'd testing regularly

False negatives?

Or maybe they just haven't had it?

Oooh, can't be having that. Some people aren't satisfied with the 'haven't had it' answer. Surely everyone in the World has had it.

I haven't had it."

I refer you to your answer to the question what you would say to your 18 year old self

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ussy_PlaytimeWoman  over a year ago


I so wish i never had- easter 2020 is one i wish to forget although with long covid brain fog thats easy to do lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Not had it, yet. It's really doing the rounds here at the minute.

Confident I've not had it as I'd testing regularly

False negatives?

Or maybe they just haven't had it?

Oooh, can't be having that. Some people aren't satisfied with the 'haven't had it' answer. Surely everyone in the World has had it.

I haven't had it."

So weird when people are asbolutly adamant that everyone has had it

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *zamiWoman  over a year ago


"How many people have never had covid..

For a start, me I haven't despite working in a hospital with it from the beginning."

I've not had it

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *teph BitchTV/TS  over a year ago


Not yet but expecting it at some point

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ngel696969Woman  over a year ago


"Not knowingly had covid? You may have had it and just been asymptomatic, like a third of infected people are. Unless you've tested every single day since March 2020? Even then, there's the false negative element. Such an insidious virus on so many levels.

As the font of all knowledge, is it not possible that you're occasionally incorrect and there are people around who haven't actually had it or asymptomatic either?

I have several friends who have tested at least 4 times a week and they're never had the virus at all. Never had time off, time away from work and in fact, apparently never had so much as a sniffle since November 2019. I don't think anyone can say to them that they've actually had it or tested negative even falsely unless you're actually saying that absolutely everyone has had it, without exception, tested or not.

Well, first of all, I've never said that I'm the 'font of all knowledge' and, secondly, if you'd bothered to property read what I wrote, you'd understand that I merely said that, where people think they may never have had covid, it MAY be the case that they actually did have it and were asymptomatic abd/or had a false negative test result.

That still leaves plenty of scope for some people to have never caught it.

You know very well that I have never said 'absolutely everyone has had it, without exception, tested or not'.

If you believe I have, please put the relevant words of mine in quotation marks and advise how many hours ago I wrote it. You won't be able to, because I neither said it or even implied it. "

I didn't say that. You're implying that if someone hadn't had it or haven't had symptoms then they could be asymptomatic

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ngel696969Woman  over a year ago


"In a recent East African study, of the 71 participants who tested positive for COVID and were later confirmed to have the Omicron variant, 27 per cent were asymptomatic. Similar European studies have shown similar asymptomatic rates. Think it's safe to say it's (approximately) a third.

And that's safe to say that isn't everyone so therefore because someone says they haven't had it, why then quip and say not knowingly or you could have and been asymptomatic? Is it impossible to accept that, BY YOUR OWN FACTS, that two thirds haven't had it?

There is so little English in this particular post, Nicola Sturgeon would approve. I can't even begin to comment on it, because it's not clear what on earth you are trying to say. "

So now you're being anti Scottish or misogynistic?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ngel696969Woman  over a year ago


"I was doing well to this week

Then been in bed since Tuesday. Tight chest and cough but nowhere near the headache that I had

Have you tested or assuming you've covid?

Tested. Had a few boxes of tests at home. Due to dad and mum being high risk

Course, according to some on here, they could be false negatives

Yes, there's a small risk they could be. Do you have evidence that there's no such thing as false negative test results?

I glean mine from Imperial College, London who say lateral flow tests will miss a proportion of people who are infectious, particularly during the early stages of infection.

This means that using them as a ‘green light’ test, for example to go and visit a vulnerable person, could be providing false reassurance.

This is because, unlike PCR tests, lateral flow tests cannot detect very low levels of coronavirus in a sample. This means the test may not give a positive result if you have only recently been infected; are in the incubation period; or if you have mostly recovered.


And actually PCR aren't guaranteed to be 100% accurate

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *heshbifellaMan  over a year ago


"Not knowingly had covid? You may have had it and just been asymptomatic, like a third of infected people are. Unless you've tested every single day since March 2020? Even then, there's the false negative element. Such an insidious virus on so many levels.

As the font of all knowledge, is it not possible that you're occasionally incorrect and there are people around who haven't actually had it or asymptomatic either?

I have several friends who have tested at least 4 times a week and they're never had the virus at all. Never had time off, time away from work and in fact, apparently never had so much as a sniffle since November 2019. I don't think anyone can say to them that they've actually had it or tested negative even falsely unless you're actually saying that absolutely everyone has had it, without exception, tested or not.

Well, first of all, I've never said that I'm the 'font of all knowledge' and, secondly, if you'd bothered to property read what I wrote, you'd understand that I merely said that, where people think they may never have had covid, it MAY be the case that they actually did have it and were asymptomatic abd/or had a false negative test result.

That still leaves plenty of scope for some people to have never caught it.

You know very well that I have never said 'absolutely everyone has had it, without exception, tested or not'.

If you believe I have, please put the relevant words of mine in quotation marks and advise how many hours ago I wrote it. You won't be able to, because I neither said it or even implied it.

I didn't say that. You're implying that if someone hadn't had it or haven't had symptoms then they could be asymptomatic "

At last, you've understood! 'Could' have been asymptomatic or had a false negative test result. And I don't just imply it, I absolutely 100% am satisfied from everything I've seen and read that it's correct to say it.

Just as it's correct to say that some people have never had it, not even asymptomatically!

Where are you going to go now, given that your attempt to keep your dispute going and misrepresent what I said, has collapsed?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *heshbifellaMan  over a year ago


"In a recent East African study, of the 71 participants who tested positive for COVID and were later confirmed to have the Omicron variant, 27 per cent were asymptomatic. Similar European studies have shown similar asymptomatic rates. Think it's safe to say it's (approximately) a third.

And that's safe to say that isn't everyone so therefore because someone says they haven't had it, why then quip and say not knowingly or you could have and been asymptomatic? Is it impossible to accept that, BY YOUR OWN FACTS, that two thirds haven't had it?

There is so little English in this particular post, Nicola Sturgeon would approve. I can't even begin to comment on it, because it's not clear what on earth you are trying to say.

So now you're being anti Scottish or misogynistic? "

Incorrect again. My girlfriend is Scottish! Like me, she believes in the Union and is therefore anti-SNP.

Misogynistic? For woke balance then, let's say there was so little English in your particular post, Ian Blackford would approve.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *heshbifellaMan  over a year ago


"I was doing well to this week

Then been in bed since Tuesday. Tight chest and cough but nowhere near the headache that I had

Have you tested or assuming you've covid?

Tested. Had a few boxes of tests at home. Due to dad and mum being high risk

Course, according to some on here, they could be false negatives

Yes, there's a small risk they could be. Do you have evidence that there's no such thing as false negative test results?

I glean mine from Imperial College, London who say lateral flow tests will miss a proportion of people who are infectious, particularly during the early stages of infection.

This means that using them as a ‘green light’ test, for example to go and visit a vulnerable person, could be providing false reassurance.

This is because, unlike PCR tests, lateral flow tests cannot detect very low levels of coronavirus in a sample. This means the test may not give a positive result if you have only recently been infected; are in the incubation period; or if you have mostly recovered.

And actually PCR aren't guaranteed to be 100% accurate "

That's a correct statement. I previously said no test is 100% reliable, even those who meet regulatory standards for performance and safety. PCR tests are more reliable than lateral flow tests,but not 100% accurate.

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By *atnip make me purrWoman  over a year ago


Me as far as I know.

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By *ackformore100Man  over a year ago

Tin town

Well... According to ons 1 in 15 have it this week. Its relatively easy to think at that rate... After 15 weeks... That most will have had it at least once. As we've been doing this dance for more than 100 weeks... It seems a reasonable assumption to think most will have had it... Not sure why its inflaming people though. If people are "catching" something and it's not making them ill... That's good isn't it?

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By *sagent81Man  over a year ago


Just had it for the first time.

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By *ed LipstickWoman  over a year ago


My son at uni has had it three times, the rest of us all caught it for the first time last month. Was weird unlike any cough or cold I've had, completely lost my sense of smell x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

You may of course carried it over not having symptoms of course

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Did two lateral flow test a week for nearly two years and never had a positive.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Nope and I've been working all the time.... "

You have now. Lol.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *elly38cdTV/TS  over a year ago


I’ve had it 3 times, first time nearly died, 2nd time not to bad, 3rd time nothing more then a cold.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ngel696969Woman  over a year ago


"In a recent East African study, of the 71 participants who tested positive for COVID and were later confirmed to have the Omicron variant, 27 per cent were asymptomatic. Similar European studies have shown similar asymptomatic rates. Think it's safe to say it's (approximately) a third.

And that's safe to say that isn't everyone so therefore because someone says they haven't had it, why then quip and say not knowingly or you could have and been asymptomatic? Is it impossible to accept that, BY YOUR OWN FACTS, that two thirds haven't had it?

There is so little English in this particular post, Nicola Sturgeon would approve. I can't even begin to comment on it, because it's not clear what on earth you are trying to say.

So now you're being anti Scottish or misogynistic?

Incorrect again. My girlfriend is Scottish! Like me, she believes in the Union and is therefore anti-SNP.

Misogynistic? For woke balance then, let's say there was so little English in your particular post, Ian Blackford would approve. "

Obviously a great loving girlfriend as you're on here looking as a single guy? Hmmmmm?

I'm pretty sure you and Ian Blackford are separated at birth. You're probably not aware that you are so similar in your opinions. Like him, you only open your mouth to change your feet.

Yep, misogynistic as I said and stand by because you don't think you are but your comments are.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ngel696969Woman  over a year ago


"I was doing well to this week

Then been in bed since Tuesday. Tight chest and cough but nowhere near the headache that I had

Have you tested or assuming you've covid?

Tested. Had a few boxes of tests at home. Due to dad and mum being high risk

Course, according to some on here, they could be false negatives

Yes, there's a small risk they could be. Do you have evidence that there's no such thing as false negative test results?

I glean mine from Imperial College, London who say lateral flow tests will miss a proportion of people who are infectious, particularly during the early stages of infection.

This means that using them as a ‘green light’ test, for example to go and visit a vulnerable person, could be providing false reassurance.

This is because, unlike PCR tests, lateral flow tests cannot detect very low levels of coronavirus in a sample. This means the test may not give a positive result if you have only recently been infected; are in the incubation period; or if you have mostly recovered.

And actually PCR aren't guaranteed to be 100% accurate

That's a correct statement. I previously said no test is 100% reliable, even those who meet regulatory standards for performance and safety. PCR tests are more reliable than lateral flow tests,but not 100% accurate. "

Wow, you actually agreed with me on something. Phew

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *arry247Couple  over a year ago


Virtually impossible to tell as some people have covid but no symptoms

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *aneAndTarzanCouple  over a year ago


Tarzan hasn't that we know of but Jane has

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ngel696969Woman  over a year ago


"Virtually impossible to tell as some people have covid but no symptoms"

Think that's well established but some have haven't had it

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *teph BitchTV/TS  over a year ago


Not had it yet

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ustamanMan  over a year ago


Until last month, still a little wheezy

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *candiumWoman  over a year ago


Not had it. Don't know anyone who has either.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Not had it. Don't know anyone who has either."

Finally got it last month.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *tewiethompsonMan  over a year ago


Twice here, along with 5 jabs

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Never had it but one third of people don't even show symptoms because it's so mild spend Christmas with a relative didn't even catch it then either

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By *zamiWoman  over a year ago


Never had it got my blood tested I don't have the antibodies

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By *den-Valley-coupleCouple  over a year ago


3 time

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By *hinstrapMan  over a year ago


I've never had it

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By *issmorganWoman  over a year ago

Calderdale innit

I've had it twice ,

My other half has never had it.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *izandpaulCouple  over a year ago


My nan has never had it but she's been dead 15 years so I suppose that doesn't count.

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By *ittleMissCaliWoman  over a year ago

trouble most likely, or creating it :)

"Not had it. Don't know anyone who has either."
wow that's incredibly rare... I'm in the camp of barely knowing anyone that hasn't x

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *aneAndTarzanCouple  over a year ago


"My nan has never had it but she's been dead 15 years so I suppose that doesn't count.


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *00STERMan  over a year ago


Never had it, in fact I don’t think i can remember any time in the last 3 years where I’ve been Ill with any kind of illness

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By *orthing1Man  over a year ago


Lasted ages then finally caught it at a kids party. No great symptoms but 2 months later have had real problems with my ears. (Not joking, it seems to have settled subsequently on my ear drums)

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

You can add me to the never had it list, I worked throughout with the NHS and tested regularly.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ighlander80884Man  over a year ago


Nope, worked on front line services, aways tested, always wore mask, never caught it.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *rimrose and TonyCouple  over a year ago


"Not knowingly had covid? You may have had it and just been asymptomatic, like a third of infected people are. Unless you've tested every single day since March 2020? Even then, there's the false negative element. Such an insidious virus on so many levels.

As the font of all knowledge, is it not possible that you're occasionally incorrect and there are people around who haven't actually had it or asymptomatic either?

I have several friends who have tested at least 4 times a week and they're never had the virus at all. Never had time off, time away from work and in fact, apparently never had so much as a sniffle since November 2019. I don't think anyone can say to them that they've actually had it or tested negative even falsely unless you're actually saying that absolutely everyone has had it, without exception, tested or not.

Well, first of all, I've never said that I'm the 'font of all knowledge' and, secondly, if you'd bothered to property read what I wrote, you'd understand that I merely said that, where people think they may never have had covid, it MAY be the case that they actually did have it and were asymptomatic abd/or had a false negative test result.

That still leaves plenty of scope for some people to have never caught it.

You know very well that I have never said 'absolutely everyone has had it, without exception, tested or not'.

If you believe I have, please put the relevant words of mine in quotation marks and advise how many hours ago I wrote it. You won't be able to, because I neither said it or even implied it. "

You're actually taking words out of context. I'll leave you to think you're right

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *rimrose and TonyCouple  over a year ago


"I was doing well to this week

Then been in bed since Tuesday. Tight chest and cough but nowhere near the headache that I had

Have you tested or assuming you've covid?

Tested. Had a few boxes of tests at home. Due to dad and mum being high risk

Course, according to some on here, they could be false negatives

Yes, there's a small risk they could be. Do you have evidence that there's no such thing as false negative test results?

I glean mine from Imperial College, London who say lateral flow tests will miss a proportion of people who are infectious, particularly during the early stages of infection.

This means that using them as a ‘green light’ test, for example to go and visit a vulnerable person, could be providing false reassurance.

This is because, unlike PCR tests, lateral flow tests cannot detect very low levels of coronavirus in a sample. This means the test may not give a positive result if you have only recently been infected; are in the incubation period; or if you have mostly recovered.


No I don't have evidence of false negative or false positive in either lft or pcr but there's a plethora of experts on here that will tell you that even if you haven't had it or asymptomatic and tested, then you've probably had it anyway. Why dispute the members on here?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

No I have never had it, live in high risk areas and prone to colds and flu and will not accept the experimental unnecessary vaccines. I know a load of people that have never had it. Those that have had it got over it and described it as either mild or flu like. So it does make me question all the panic…..

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

…..then I have two sisters who had the vaccines but have felt weird and ill even months later after those vaccines.

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By *rontRunMan  over a year ago


Had it no symptoms

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By *ittleMissCaliWoman  over a year ago

trouble most likely, or creating it :)

"No I have never had it, live in high risk areas and prone to colds and flu and will not accept the experimental unnecessary vaccines. I know a load of people that have never had it. Those that have had it got over it and described it as either mild or flu like. So it does make me question all the panic….."
ill be sure to tell my dead relatives and friends that covid is just mild... oh wait... I can't, it killed them... ill do the same to the residents we lost before the game changing tried and tested vaccines came along and made such a huge difference.. oh and I've just had it a 2nd time and thankfully no where near as bad thanks to my vaccines

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"No I have never had it, live in high risk areas and prone to colds and flu and will not accept the experimental unnecessary vaccines. I know a load of people that have never had it. Those that have had it got over it and described it as either mild or flu like. So it does make me question all the panic…..ill be sure to tell my dead relatives and friends that covid is just mild... oh wait... I can't, it killed them... ill do the same to the residents we lost before the game changing tried and tested vaccines came along and made such a huge difference.. oh and I've just had it a 2nd time and thankfully no where near as bad thanks to my vaccines"

I am sorry you lost people, but elderly and vulnerable people died of flu every year despite vaccines. Yet the whole country was not crippled with lockdowns to protect the same demographics

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By *ackformore100Man  over a year ago

Tin town

"No I have never had it, live in high risk areas and prone to colds and flu and will not accept the experimental unnecessary vaccines. I know a load of people that have never had it. Those that have had it got over it and described it as either mild or flu like. So it does make me question all the panic…..ill be sure to tell my dead relatives and friends that covid is just mild... oh wait... I can't, it killed them... ill do the same to the residents we lost before the game changing tried and tested vaccines came along and made such a huge difference.. oh and I've just had it a 2nd time and thankfully no where near as bad thanks to my vaccines

I am sorry you lost people, but elderly and vulnerable people died of flu every year despite vaccines. Yet the whole country was not crippled with lockdowns to protect the same demographics"

You make a good point. And with the benefit of hindsight as more things are seen to be a consequence of "lockdown" or equally a consequence of covid infection or vaccine or tests track and trace, it may be possible to judge if that is what people want to do. It's also possible, though we never will know, that some or all of the above helped. Nobody has a time machine so all we can do is push on and be the best we can be.

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By *G CoupleCouple  over a year ago


Not had it, no one in our immediate family has had it either.

We have worked all through the lockdowns too.

Have always tested regularly since tests was available and still test regularly

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By *naswingdressWoman  over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)

I'm still exercising precautions, still Covid free.

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By *llNatural36FWoman  over a year ago


I’ve managed to avoid it so far although that be said I don’t do daily testing. A couple of my colleagues have had it so I suspect some of us have but not realised.

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By *izandpaulCouple  over a year ago


We are both pretty much back to normal, I've worked full time right through, Paul only recently back abroad as was WFH.

Been on holiday, all good.

I'm still testing 4 times a week but so far, so good.

Triple jabbed and only had mild symptoms when 10 days positive.

Trying not to make a drama out of a crisis.

Hope everyone stays fit and well, jabbed or not.

You are all over 18 and have enough information to make a decision.

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo


I am sorry you lost people, but elderly and vulnerable people died of flu every year despite vaccines. Yet the whole country was not crippled with lockdowns to protect the same demographics"

After all this time and people are still saying this. The scale of how many people had Covid and died from it , is totally different to Flu. Imagine how many more would have died if there was no lockdown

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


I am sorry you lost people, but elderly and vulnerable people died of flu every year despite vaccines. Yet the whole country was not crippled with lockdowns to protect the same demographics

After all this time and people are still saying this. The scale of how many people had Covid and died from it , is totally different to Flu. Imagine how many more would have died if there was no lockdown "

Did they die OF Covid or WITH Covid? It seemed the NHS was putting Covid down on everything for some reason, how many thousands in the Covid death figures should not have been?

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo


I am sorry you lost people, but elderly and vulnerable people died of flu every year despite vaccines. Yet the whole country was not crippled with lockdowns to protect the same demographics

After all this time and people are still saying this. The scale of how many people had Covid and died from it , is totally different to Flu. Imagine how many more would have died if there was no lockdown

Did they die OF Covid or WITH Covid? It seemed the NHS was putting Covid down on everything for some reason, how many thousands in the Covid death figures should not have been? "

Again, after all this time people are still saying this too. Most odd

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By *eadingCouple1963Couple  over a year ago



I am sorry you lost people, but elderly and vulnerable people died of flu every year despite vaccines. Yet the whole country was not crippled with lockdowns to protect the same demographics

After all this time and people are still saying this. The scale of how many people had Covid and died from it , is totally different to Flu. Imagine how many more would have died if there was no lockdown

Did they die OF Covid or WITH Covid? It seemed the NHS was putting Covid down on everything for some reason, how many thousands in the Covid death figures should not have been?

Again, after all this time people are still saying this too. Most odd"

Unfortunately some people will never be persuaded otherwise, despite the science

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By *naswingdressWoman  over a year ago

Manchester (she/her)


I am sorry you lost people, but elderly and vulnerable people died of flu every year despite vaccines. Yet the whole country was not crippled with lockdowns to protect the same demographics

After all this time and people are still saying this. The scale of how many people had Covid and died from it , is totally different to Flu. Imagine how many more would have died if there was no lockdown

Did they die OF Covid or WITH Covid? It seemed the NHS was putting Covid down on everything for some reason, how many thousands in the Covid death figures should not have been?

Again, after all this time people are still saying this too. Most odd

Unfortunately some people will never be persuaded otherwise, despite the science "

I'm looking forward to all the savings when we close oncology centres. We've solved the cancer crisis. With cancer not of cancer!

Terrorism no longer exists. With terrorism, not of terrorism! (Maybe we should pay enormous restitution to all those countries we invaded, because probably a lot of those terrorist victims died because they were fat, old, and didn't take their supplements)

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