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Lymph node - life changes so quickly

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By *nglishCharm OP   Man  over a year ago


Hi forum, let me share my current experience.

December a swelling/ bump under my left armpit, went to my local GP as 5years back had skin cancer same arm. Told shouldn't worry looks like I'd picked something up and bruised my arm.

Go back end of January as concerned still there and increased in size, GP tells me it's not looking good and starts urgent ct scan, stool sample, bloods... now I'm awaiting mri scan, column camera etc as within 30 days,from lump, it is cancer, one of 4 types all of which are serious. I'll beat it, so within 30 day's my life is on an thread... never knew one simple lump could be a life changer... Connor

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By *iss SinWoman  over a year ago


I send you lots of love and hope for a great outcome

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By *lephantisMan  over a year ago


This must be terrifying. Thank you for having the courage to talk about it - the more cancer is demystified, the better.

I wish you so much luck, OP. You have an admirable attitude. Go well.

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By *nglishCharm OP   Man  over a year ago


Miss Sin thank you x .. long road ahead yet many have walked worse, owned nightclubs played hard and travelled the world, rich in memories skint in health atm xx

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By *R01Couple  over a year ago

St Albans

Wishing you best outcome and best recovery. Talking is great so do come on here and chat away.

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By *nglishCharm OP   Man  over a year ago


Your comments, support and kind words are seriously a help, the word cancer and the mental and physical attack is mind blowing xx cheers Connor

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By *onkeyandBonesCouple  over a year ago


Wishing you the best. I (Mr) currently on chemo for skin cancer where it had spread to my lymph nodes.

So many ups and downs on this journey!

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By *nglishCharm OP   Man  over a year ago


Monkey and bones, skin cancer is a difficult one the senior consultant told me last Wednesday my melanoma although cut and gone could now be metastatic melanoma wtf that means I'm not sure.. I hope you're OK, mentally the wait is hard, try and be strong, that's me saying that as I watched Dawn break birds etc walking my cockapoo earlier. My thoughts are with you my friend to whom never met . Connor

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By *esYesOMGYes!Man  over a year ago


Sorry to hear about your situation.

A friend had lymphatic cancer some years ago. There is hope. It is considered one of the least invasive cancers to cure and has the highest remission rates.

Good luck, this is a battle you can win and it will help if you believe it.

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By *nglishCharm OP   Man  over a year ago


Cheers for your positive post, I will beat whatever journey this takes, strange that I know many people yet I'm on here seeking help, funny old world. Large wedding I attended yesterday all thought I was the life and soul, laughter, smiles yet as I returned home, long night awaiting dawn break... I'm up for the fight, three children in their 20's and a company to run, men, women with rent, mortgages, bills to pay so I need to think of those that have been loyal for year's... Connor

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By *inky_couple2020Couple  over a year ago

North West

"Monkey and bones, skin cancer is a difficult one the senior consultant told me last Wednesday my melanoma although cut and gone could now be metastatic melanoma wtf that means I'm not sure.. I hope you're OK, mentally the wait is hard, try and be strong, that's me saying that as I watched Dawn break birds etc walking my cockapoo earlier. My thoughts are with you my friend to whom never met . Connor


Metastatic melanoma means melanoma that has spread somewhere else, other than the skin. We hope you are coping and receive the very best treatment. Best wishes

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Hello OP. I can relate. I was diagnosed with non Hodgkin’s lymphoma back in October.

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By *heshire-cat74Woman  over a year ago

Stoke on Trent

Huge hugs, my daughter when she was 12 had lymphoma I found a lump on her neck she had 2 years of chemo and is doing very well she is 30 this year

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


Hope everything goes well for you in any treatment op lymphoma depending on which type can be aggressive but usually treatable

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By *nglishCharm OP   Man  over a year ago


To all, thank you for your support, all positive, needed as the four types of cancer is frightening, had ct, bloods, stool, GP finger up the bum, was a virgin until then, due to my bleed to which has stopped last week.... cheers for your help

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By *litterbabeWoman  over a year ago

hiding from cock pics.

Very sorry to read this and I wish you a very speedy recovery.

It's fabulous that technology has improved the way it has, and you will get the treatment available to get you well as soon as possible.


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By *ittlemissmistressKCouple  over a year ago


"Hi forum, let me share my current experience.

December a swelling/ bump under my left armpit, went to my local GP as 5years back had skin cancer same arm. Told shouldn't worry looks like I'd picked something up and bruised my arm.

Go back end of January as concerned still there and increased in size, GP tells me it's not looking good and starts urgent ct scan, stool sample, bloods... now I'm awaiting mri scan, column camera etc as within 30 days,from lump, it is cancer, one of 4 types all of which are serious. I'll beat it, so within 30 day's my life is on an thread... never knew one simple lump could be a life changer... Connor "

I can't even imagine how you must be feeling right now, but I am sending you my best wishes and keeping everything crossed for you... even my eyes although that's making typing a bit tricky ! Good luck xx

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By *opping_candyWoman  over a year ago

West Yorkshire

Wishing you all the best, cancer is an absolute bastard as it sounds like you're more than aware but positive it's early days

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By *lleyCat1969Man  over a year ago


Sending love OP and wishing you a full recovery again.

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By *omRachCouple  over a year ago


Best of luck Connor, kick it's arse pal

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By *eadingCouple1963Couple  over a year ago


#shoulder2shoulder OP, 7 years in from two types of invasive cancer, you’ve done well to be seen so quickly in the current climate. Hope treatment goes well for you.

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By *nglishCharm OP   Man  over a year ago


Seriously a huge thank you to all your kind remarks and advice. This a challenging time to which what ever road I need to walk will be done positively with putting my body first before my mind. The medical support are moving very quickly, 21 day's this Thursday, I visited my GP, phoned a lady asked if it was an emergency, explained I'd had cancer some years back, same arm area, bleeding from my rear... asked to get to the doctor with 1hr... since then seen two doctors, one nurse for bloods, ct scan and senior consultant, mri/ ultra sound/ column camera next 10 days, so I'm blessed with NHS, visited bupa Friday last week and they said they couldn't move as quick should I pay private... great respect for fantastic health care... Connor x

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By *ed VoluptaWoman  over a year ago


Sending you a lot of love & positive thoughts, OP.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We are all thinking of you x

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By *izzy.miss.lizzyCouple  over a year ago


we are sorry to hear whats happening OP and hold you in our thoughts, sending be well soon wishes xxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Keep smiling I've had Hodgkin's size of a tennis ball In my groan came through rang the bell so keep up fella

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By *axtanMan  over a year ago

los Cristianos now

Hello. Has it moved to your lymph node/s? Where may I ask if you have been advised?

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By *nribanMan  over a year ago


Solidarity brother, you have a positive and resilient outlook. That will stand to you I'm sure, speedy recovery.

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By *rishmocha2Couple  over a year ago


I was diagnosed with stage 2 non-hodgkins lymphoma in my 20's. Lump in the side of my neck, which even though it was fast growing it was still treatable, although chemo was far from fun. Hope all turns out good for you, stay strong.

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By *nglishCharm OP   Man  over a year ago


All of you have helped my nerves and head, word's can not express my appreciation other than THAN YOU ALL, I'm strong in both health and mind, this will not beat me.... thanks again Connor

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By *ittlemissmistressKCouple  over a year ago



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By *ools and the brainCouple  over a year ago

couple, us we him her.

Sending peace and love, healing vibes and hug's your way OP.

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By *oShrinkingVioletWoman  over a year ago

the land of unicorns and fairytales

Nearly two years on from my cancer diagnosis and living for the day x good luck hope you get well soon x

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By *eard and BoobsCouple  over a year ago


A relative of mine was one of the first in the country to receive stem cell treatment for non hodkins lymphoma and they are still alive and well to this day almost 15 years cancer free mind you they were in the city hospital for almost 2 years having treatments

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By *asygoingcouple2022Couple  over a year ago

The moon

Sending you hugs and positive thoughts, my son is currently awaiting diagnosis/confirmation and yes the waiting is the worst part.

You have a big support group of people you may never meet but they are all here rooting for you x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Hi forum, let me share my current experience.

December a swelling/ bump under my left armpit, went to my local GP as 5years back had skin cancer same arm. Told shouldn't worry looks like I'd picked something up and bruised my arm.

Go back end of January as concerned still there and increased in size, GP tells me it's not looking good and starts urgent ct scan, stool sample, bloods... now I'm awaiting mri scan, column camera etc as within 30 days,from lump, it is cancer, one of 4 types all of which are serious. I'll beat it, so within 30 day's my life is on an thread... never knew one simple lump could be a life changer... Connor "

My cousin’s husband beat this devil after it ended the lives of 4 of his relatives

He is still here today so please stay strong and beat this….if you need anything…soursop fruit, pure oil..anything you want, I Will do it to help you xx

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By *nglishCharm OP   Man  over a year ago


Thanks for all your support, had ct scan , bloods etc sent, 2 main consultants pushing quickly to which I'm very lucky, mri scan yesterday, biopsy next week and colonoscopy next Monday.. all three medical trust's have been amazing since its only been weeks into this journey. Had skin cancer some years back, same area of concern yet not skin now, the bleeding from my rear has made all made priority.. thanks NHS and to you all.. x

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By *om and JennieCouple  over a year ago

Chams or Socials

Glad to hear you are being looked after the nhs can move very quickly when it needs to. I was diagnosed with t-cell non hodgkins lymphoma nearly 7 years ago now, i had 6 sessions of chemo plus pet and ct scans followed by a autologus stem cell transplant.

Good luck op


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Sending hugs and warmth

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By *mazonianblondeWoman  over a year ago


Be positive! I had malignant melanoma in 2007/8. Spread to lymph glands in my groin. Had glands removed. Been monitored ever since. Had 3 moles removed a few months ago. Its a pain but keep looking forward.

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By *ir-spunk-alotMan  over a year ago

south coast

"Hi forum, let me share my current experience.

December a swelling/ bump under my left armpit, went to my local GP as 5years back had skin cancer same arm. Told shouldn't worry looks like I'd picked something up and bruised my arm.

Go back end of January as concerned still there and increased in size, GP tells me it's not looking good and starts urgent ct scan, stool sample, bloods... now I'm awaiting mri scan, column camera etc as within 30 days,from lump, it is cancer, one of 4 types all of which are serious. I'll beat it, so within 30 day's my life is on an thread... never knew one simple lump could be a life changer... Connor "

You have this. You will beat it. I wish you strength in your fight.

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By *amian300Man  over a year ago

dub city closer than you think not in uk

I’m almost two years down the line of cancer treatment

It’s not easy and makes you realise how fragile life is and it’s a game changer in attitude

Wishing you the best my advice is follow your oncologists advice always

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Wow how brave OP to talk about your dilemma

All the very best and speedy recovery ???? our prayers go out to you and your loved ones and to everybody who has posted there diagnosis and recovery amazing how people come together in times of need take care everybody god bless xxx

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By *iger4uWoman  over a year ago

In my happy place

Wishing you all the best. Remember Macmillan for support if you have a tough day.

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By *ent1000Man  over a year ago


Connor this is the worst part the waiting and the unknown I know your head is spinning take some deep breathes easier said than done I know.... get the histology from the biopsy results and then you will know what your dealing with ...

treatment and treatment options has changed dramatically over the past 5 years with the advent of target and immunotherapy

What ever the histology and prognosis there are lots of us out there to help you emotionally psychologically and physically

Good luck

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Sending lots of positive thoughts your way . With your attitude, it’s the best attitude to have. Your positivity will help you through this and out the other end x

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By *hinyRavensWingMan  over a year ago


Sending you positive thoughts buddy.

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By *arpePinguisWoman  over a year ago


Just finished radiotherapy for breast cancer on Friday so totally get the rollercoaster you're on right now. Holding thumbs and crossing fingers for you x

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By *ayswa78928Man  over a year ago


Hope your ok

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

All the best!

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By *ir-spunk-alotMan  over a year ago

south coast

"Hi forum, let me share my current experience.

December a swelling/ bump under my left armpit, went to my local GP as 5years back had skin cancer same arm. Told shouldn't worry looks like I'd picked something up and bruised my arm.

Go back end of January as concerned still there and increased in size, GP tells me it's not looking good and starts urgent ct scan, stool sample, bloods... now I'm awaiting mri scan, column camera etc as within 30 days,from lump, it is cancer, one of 4 types all of which are serious. I'll beat it, so within 30 day's my life is on an thread... never knew one simple lump could be a life changer... Connor "

Hi Connor, just checking to see how your getting on mate?

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By *ay19720Man  over a year ago

Ashford kent

"Wishing you all the best. Remember Macmillan for support if you have a tough day."

I have blood cancer and macmillan dont help at all..only there 4 terminal ppl..get money in will..they would even help me fill in a form..nothing

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By *ay19720Man  over a year ago

Ashford kent

[Removed by poster at 10/04/23 14:33:41]

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By *hazndave1Man  over a year ago


I lost my partner to a cancerous brain tumour. I left my job to care for her. But unfortunately she passed away in September 2018. A month later I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. The worst thing for me was having to go back to the same places I took her for my treatment. I had surgery April 2019. They took 19 lymph nodes and 3 were diseased. But in a few days I will be 4 years disease free. It’s been a tough few years but hey I’m still alive and kicking. Keep fighting mate

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By *hazndave1Man  over a year ago


I forgot to say that I received a grant from McMillan. I wasn’t terminal or anything. A previous poster said that they dont help but as I said they helped me.

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By *rHotNottsMan  over a year ago


Good luck op, I was told 10mm abdomen lymph nodes max by NHS and offered blasts of radio to shorten them but refused went private and told do nothing it’s probably normal for your height ! I have scans regularly showing 12-13mm and slightly high LDF but so far they insist nothing wrong with me.

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By *eadingCouple1963Couple  over a year ago


"Wishing you all the best. Remember Macmillan for support if you have a tough day.

I have blood cancer and macmillan dont help at all..only there 4 terminal ppl..get money in will..they would even help me fill in a form..nothing"

I had a huge amount of help when I was going through the wringer with cancer from MacMillan, they still keep in touch now when I’m in remission.

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By *okingham40Man  over a year ago


Sending big wishes. Going through same think myself after having tongue cancer. It beats me at times but I will bounce back stronger. Same as you. You will best it and bounce back stronger

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By *eadingCouple1963Couple  over a year ago


"Sending big wishes. Going through same think myself after having tongue cancer. It beats me at times but I will bounce back stronger. Same as you. You will best it and bounce back stronger "

Being treated at Royal Berks or Churchill?

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By *okingham40Man  over a year ago


Had surgery at Churchill. Transferred to berks now waiting to find out biopsy results for further treatment

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By *om and JennieCouple  over a year ago

Chams or Socials

"Wishing you all the best. Remember Macmillan for support if you have a tough day.

I have blood cancer and macmillan dont help at all..only there 4 terminal ppl..get money in will..they would even help me fill in a form..nothing"

Get your cancer nurses to get on to them for you. T was given a grant which we were able to use towards a short break in the country prior to his stem cell transplant.

Wishing you the very best of luck with your treatment xx


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By *eadingCouple1963Couple  over a year ago


"Had surgery at Churchill. Transferred to berks now waiting to find out biopsy results for further treatment "

Hope it goes ok, the Head and Neck team at RBH are outstanding.

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By *okingham40Man  over a year ago


I found Churchill was brilliant. Couldn’t fault them. Reading been hit and miss. Macmillan nurse fantastic. Just oral department not so much.

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By *eadingCouple1963Couple  over a year ago


"I found Churchill was brilliant. Couldn’t fault them. Reading been hit and miss. Macmillan nurse fantastic. Just oral department not so much. "

Ah right, I had surgery in Churchill, agreed great service. RBH and MacMillan have been good, guess it depends on the Dept.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

McMillan helped my son when he had testicle cancer x

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By *axtanMan  over a year ago

los Cristianos now

My 15 year old son lost a testicle then later moved to lymph nodes. Stripping out affected nodes including a barrier level in 5 hour surgery saved his life. Macmillan and Clic Sargent were fantastic.

It is not the death sentence it once was. He is now 29 and has children of his own.

Best wishes.

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By *nigma321Man  over a year ago


Good luck with everything mate!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I no what ur going through I had 43 lymphnodes removed from my Wright side after having a massive melanoma removed from my chest and back. It's a long road nan but the treatment they have now is amazing

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By *ayswa78928Man  over a year ago


Best of luck with your illness

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By *okingham40Man  over a year ago


Yeah sure very and 3 week stay at Churchill. Couldn’t fault it

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By *eadingCouple1963Couple  over a year ago


"Yeah sure very and 3 week stay at Churchill. Couldn’t fault it"

I was only on Blenheim for 2 weeks, great bunch of staff who could lip read, just as well

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By *okingham40Man  over a year ago


It was nice. Right in centre originally. Then move to side room. Helped nurses were ok to look at ??

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By *eadingCouple1963Couple  over a year ago


"It was nice. Right in centre originally. Then move to side room. Helped nurses were ok to look at ??"

Ha ha, yes indeed. I had similar, went into a side room after 6 days, pretty much my own boss so long as I left a note on the bed as to where I'd disappeared to

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By *okingham40Man  over a year ago


Exactly that

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By *ust JuicyWoman  over a year ago

east london

"Seriously a huge thank you to all your kind remarks and advice. This a challenging time to which what ever road I need to walk will be done positively with putting my body first before my mind. The medical support are moving very quickly, 21 day's this Thursday, I visited my GP, phoned a lady asked if it was an emergency, explained I'd had cancer some years back, same arm area, bleeding from my rear... asked to get to the doctor with 1hr... since then seen two doctors, one nurse for bloods, ct scan and senior consultant, mri/ ultra sound/ column camera next 10 days, so I'm blessed with NHS, visited bupa Friday last week and they said they couldn't move as quick should I pay private... great respect for fantastic health care... Connor x "

NHS cancer centres are amazing and going privately you only see the same consultants on their days off or in the evening in a building with more comfy chairs …. Whilst you are getting prompt service stay nhs you can always seek a second opinion privately if you need to make a decision regarding future treatment options

Good luck and stay positive you are walking a path many will travel with you

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

That's really really tough. Hope you have a good support team around you xxx

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By *hirleyMan  over a year ago


Wishing all the best

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By *oxy jWoman  over a year ago


sending a hug op and wishing you all the best in your fight stay strong xxx

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By *otgirl32Woman  over a year ago

Ashton Under Lyne

"Hi forum, let me share my current experience.

December a swelling/ bump under my left armpit, went to my local GP as 5years back had skin cancer same arm. Told shouldn't worry looks like I'd picked something up and bruised my arm.

Go back end of January as concerned still there and increased in size, GP tells me it's not looking good and starts urgent ct scan, stool sample, bloods... now I'm awaiting mri scan, column camera etc as within 30 days,from lump, it is cancer, one of 4 types all of which are serious. I'll beat it, so within 30 day's my life is on an thread... never knew one simple lump could be a life changer... Connor "

Wish you all the best hunni. Seriously warm and genuine thoughts for you


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By *eliWoman  over a year ago

I'll know it when I find it.

Hey Connor, I wish you all the best for the coming days ahead. Posting so openly and authentically is beautiful.

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By *ay19720Man  over a year ago

Ashford kent

"Wishing you all the best. Remember Macmillan for support if you have a tough day.

I have blood cancer and macmillan dont help at all..only there 4 terminal ppl..get money in will..they would even help me fill in a form..nothing

Get your cancer nurses to get on to them for you. T was given a grant which we were able to use towards a short break in the country prior to his stem cell transplant.

Wishing you the very best of luck with your treatment xx

J "

Thanks..they have never help myself..im glad ppl in thread have had help.. i have blood cancer..so anytime it wants it can cling to any orgain whenever its wants..this hasnt happened as yet. But i dont even see my hemertalagist anymore..i started smoking 420.using a volcanic vape machine and all my tumours shrunk..even avoding chemo.my last message explain this got took down by admin.

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By *eadingCouple1963Couple  over a year ago


"Wishing you all the best. Remember Macmillan for support if you have a tough day.

I have blood cancer and macmillan dont help at all..only there 4 terminal ppl..get money in will..they would even help me fill in a form..nothing

Get your cancer nurses to get on to them for you. T was given a grant which we were able to use towards a short break in the country prior to his stem cell transplant.

Wishing you the very best of luck with your treatment xx


Thanks..they have never help myself..im glad ppl in thread have had help.. i have blood cancer..so anytime it wants it can cling to any orgain whenever its wants..this hasnt happened as yet. But i dont even see my hemertalagist anymore..i started smoking 420.using a volcanic vape machine and all my tumours shrunk..even avoding chemo.my last message explain this got took down by admin."

Highly unlikely that the use of 420 reduced your tumors.

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By *urvyK87Woman  over a year ago


Sending love

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By *uscious_lips30Woman  over a year ago


I’m currently going through a similar story to the poster. Cancer is very much life changing and the one I have is a super rare one that only 1 doctor will ever see it in their working career. Any lumps and bumps that you don’t think are right or normally get them checked and battle with it if you don’t think it’s right. What looks like a cyst may not be one as sarcomas look like them

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By *ookie.starrMan  over a year ago


It's very brave of you, OP, to open up your life to all of us. I see how hard this can be for people but you have a great mindset, that will help a lot in the next few weeks/months with treatment. I know of a few people who've gone through cancer treatment and they say one of the biggest battles is of the mind, once you get over that, the physical ones become a bit easier to handle.

Hope it all goes well and will be sending you positive thoughts through this chapter.

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By *nglishCharm OP   Man  over a year ago


Hi to all you fantastic people, I have now had the major operation, took more than expected from my left arm pit, typical man, let's get the show on the road, never had a general nor nights in hospital... if I'm honest I put a false, strong face yet frightened inside. I'm 6ft plus strong from outside yet wanted to not show weakness as others are going through worse.

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By *okingham40Man  over a year ago


Keep strong.

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By *nglishCharm OP   Man  over a year ago


Well, general not as bad, although I recall wetting myself trying to get my underpants up, great surgeon and plastics...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Wish you all the best man.

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By *hinyRavensWingMan  over a year ago


We are all rooting for you mate.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I had lump removed from my scroutum about four months ago it was benign tumour but still a bit tender and taking pain killers still think working is hard trying to walk is painful stay strong you will get there

Takes time and still having blood tests every month doctor’s orders just check there’s nothing untoward happening

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By *inky_couple2020Couple  over a year ago

North West

"Hi to all you fantastic people, I have now had the major operation, took more than expected from my left arm pit, typical man, let's get the show on the road, never had a general nor nights in hospital... if I'm honest I put a false, strong face yet frightened inside. I'm 6ft plus strong from outside yet wanted to not show weakness as others are going through worse. "

You can share here, if you don't have others around you or don't feel able to talk to them. There are always metaphorical shoulders to cry on here.

Mr KC had a lump and lymph glands removed from his neck in Nov 2020, fortunately all came back fine in the end but that was his first general and first proper time in hospital and he was so nervous and frightened and he's normally like iron. We are all fragile at the the core.

We hope you are able to cope with whatever is still to come with your treatment.

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By *amesoflondonMan  over a year ago


Keep strong, but don't be shy to share moments, there's bound to be moments, a lot of love here for you, you can definately do this. My Mum had a lump, it was not looking good, she said, do what you have to, they did and they know what they're doing, it wasn't easy, but it worked, she's now 'all clear'.

Keep positive mate.

Best wishes, J

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By *rAndMrsRightCouple  over a year ago


Can relate OP, just over 1.5 years ago I was on top of the world, now only have one tit and rocking a pixie cut while my ass doubled in size due to medication I'm supposed to be taking, but recently stopped as side effects were worse than cancer itself.


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By *hors fantasyCouple  over a year ago


At least the nhs have taken you all seriously, I found a lump in my right ball sack was told it’s a cyst (since been ruled out) an infection (also ruled out) or cancer, 8 months later the lump has grown I’ve had a few ultrasounds Consultant has no idea what the lump is but he isn’t worried, i was told it could be scar tissue from a vasectomy, which is pretty awesome as I’ve not had a vasectomy

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By *ysticalirishMan  over a year ago


Coming to this thread late OP. Routing for you mate and wishing you the best

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Dude, I’m undergoing tests for lymphoma currently. I know how you are feeling. Everything is pointing that way. Had to push for the Ct that picked up the abnormalities. They need to take a biopsy but have basically given up on trying to get there. I need a remote controlled device to go right through my stomach. I’m pushing like hell right now, they also found an abnormal lymph node on a lung . Yet they won’t just open me up to check. It’s taken since October to still have no diagnosis.

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By *hippy57Man  over a year ago


So glad I seen a forum about this,for about 6 months I have had a lump under my right armpit,gets bit sore and not being crude but I have squeezed it and sometimes get horrible pus from it ,you think I should get it checked out?

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By *nglishCharm OP   Man  over a year ago


So many of you have experienced similar cancer, all the kind remarks/ advise have helped, I'm enjoying each day, my outlook on values so different. Life treating others so important both strangers and friends, giving love support and help..

Strange how this has opened my eye's and mind, huge life change...... thanks NHS and all of you.... PET scan next then drugs

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By *osexyCouple  over a year ago


Good luck my man

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By *illynillyCouple  over a year ago


"So glad I seen a forum about this,for about 6 months I have had a lump under my right armpit,gets bit sore and not being crude but I have squeezed it and sometimes get horrible pus from it ,you think I should get it checked out?"

Absolutely get it checked

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By *ay19720Man  over a year ago

Ashford kent

"Wishing you all the best. Remember Macmillan for support if you have a tough day.

I have blood cancer and macmillan dont help at all..only there 4 terminal ppl..get money in will..they would even help me fill in a form..nothing

Get your cancer nurses to get on to them for you. T was given a grant which we were able to use towards a short break in the country prior to his stem cell transplant.

Wishing you the very best of luck with your treatment xx


Thanks..they have never help myself..im glad ppl in thread have had help.. i have blood cancer..so anytime it wants it can cling to any orgain whenever its wants..this hasnt happened as yet. But i dont even see my hemertalagist anymore..i started smoking 420.using a volcanic vape machine and all my tumours shrunk..even avoding chemo.my last message explain this got took down by admin.

Highly unlikely that the use of 420 reduced your tumors.


Doctor couldnt explain it was 6 weeks from chemo as tumours were 8mm in size..the only thing i did diffrent was start vaping 420.doctor said it was ptob that..so whats yr med q..to know it werent...?

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By *ust RachelTV/TS  over a year ago


I was told that a positive attitude helps, not sure how but it worked for me when I was going through radiotherapy.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Hi forum, let me share my current experience.

December a swelling/ bump under my left armpit, went to my local GP as 5years back had skin cancer same arm. Told shouldn't worry looks like I'd picked something up and bruised my arm.

Go back end of January as concerned still there and increased in size, GP tells me it's not looking good and starts urgent ct scan, stool sample, bloods... now I'm awaiting mri scan, column camera etc as within 30 days,from lump, it is cancer, one of 4 types all of which are serious. I'll beat it, so within 30 day's my life is on an thread... never knew one simple lump could be a life changer... Connor "

My mum's the same her lump is in her breast , it's near her lymph nodes. She having treatment.

A few months ago everything was good.

Thinking of you x

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By *llo_alloMan  over a year ago


Happened to me 10 years ago, small pea size lump in my neck turned out to be throat cancer - caused by HPV virus transmitted from oral sex. 6 months of treatment, and 5 years of checkups to see if its returned (these were very stressful for me). But 10 years later, despite some long term side effects, I’m alive and kicking, and fucking like there's no tomorrow!! So best of luck, determination is the best medicine but it sounds like you have that.

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By *nglishCharm OP   Man  over a year ago


Cheers for all your support, big operation to remove lymph area, now awaiting results

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Cheers for all your support, big operation to remove lymph area, now awaiting results "
Hi OP glad you made it through, loss my mom within 2 weeks of her cancer diagnosis ..was too far gone for much to be done. Best wishes to you , hoping for the the very best results.

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By *ory_xWoman  over a year ago

42 Wallaby Way Syndey

Hope you all the best Op

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By *reemindCoolMan  over a year ago

between Barnsley and Wakefield

Wish you well and above all keep fighting

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By *coptoCouple  over a year ago

Côte d'Azur & Great Yarmouth

Just came across this thread, and I’m actually quite familiar with the subject. But as I’m undergoing treatment in France, some of it might be in Franglais: to cut a long story short, probably too much sun resulted in my developing a pterygium (Surfer’s Eye) and a melanoma on my right leg that I didn't bother to get checked out until it metastised and, of course, by then it was too late. BRAF negative, NRAS positive, the cancer’s “walkabout” will travel via the lymphatic system upwards through my lungs, heart etc. to the brain, summat or other on the way will be fatal. Can’t be stopped, only slowed down. Diagnosed end of July last year, CTAP brain and thorax scans 25th July, PET-scan 10th August, specialist suggested immunotherapy, 1st session of PEMBROZILUMAB on 11th August. Not sure whether or not the NHS would have reacted so fast, post-code lottery I guess. Subsequent CTAP and PET scans, immunotherapy sessions every six weeks, the next one (7th) being on Tuesday 2nd May.

Constant monitoring of blood to check side effects of the treatment: hypothyroidism sorted out with L-Thyroxine, ACTH has just shot through the roof, will have to see next Tuesday what needs to be done about that.

Current situation is that the cancer’s reached the right femoral lymph node and is travelling North. If I thought crying and moaning would slow anything down that’s what I’d do. But it won’t, I’m not gonna lose sleep over something I can’t do anything about, suggest you take the same approach.


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By *awty_TwoCouple  over a year ago

east kent

"Cheers for all your support, big operation to remove lymph area, now awaiting results "

Good luck my friend

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By *gd66Man  over a year ago


Very best wishes to you buddy

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Good luck x

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By *os_GoddessofdawnWoman  over a year ago

In the clouds

So scary, hope you're ok

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By *amesoflondonMan  over a year ago


"Cheers for all your support, big operation to remove lymph area, now awaiting results "

Checking in hombre, been thinking of ya, hope you're keeping positive.

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By *hazndave1Man  over a year ago


I’m a 4 year survivor from having esophageal cancer. I had 19 lymph node’s removed and 3 of them were cancerous so I feared the worst because it was in my lymphatic system. But with god’s help I’m still alive and kicking!! Everyone’s journey is different. Good luck to you my friend. And keep fighting the beast.

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By *inky_couple2020Couple  over a year ago

North West

"Just came across this thread, and I’m actually quite familiar with the subject. But as I’m undergoing treatment in France, some of it might be in Franglais: to cut a long story short, probably too much sun resulted in my developing a pterygium (Surfer’s Eye) and a melanoma on my right leg that I didn't bother to get checked out until it metastised and, of course, by then it was too late. BRAF negative, NRAS positive, the cancer’s “walkabout” will travel via the lymphatic system upwards through my lungs, heart etc. to the brain, summat or other on the way will be fatal. Can’t be stopped, only slowed down. Diagnosed end of July last year, CTAP brain and thorax scans 25th July, PET-scan 10th August, specialist suggested immunotherapy, 1st session of PEMBROZILUMAB on 11th August. Not sure whether or not the NHS would have reacted so fast, post-code lottery I guess. Subsequent CTAP and PET scans, immunotherapy sessions every six weeks, the next one (7th) being on Tuesday 2nd May.

Constant monitoring of blood to check side effects of the treatment: hypothyroidism sorted out with L-Thyroxine, ACTH has just shot through the roof, will have to see next Tuesday what needs to be done about that.

Current situation is that the cancer’s reached the right femoral lymph node and is travelling North. If I thought crying and moaning would slow anything down that’s what I’d do. But it won’t, I’m not gonna lose sleep over something I can’t do anything about, suggest you take the same approach.


We hope you can buy as much time as possible with your treatment regime.

I'm that mum with kids wearing UV suits on the beach, Legionnaires hats, sunglasses and factor 50. I can't even see in mild sunlight without sunglasses in any case, so I have to wear them. I burn in the UK in April, including my head, so I have a silly hat and loads of factor 50 here too. I get teased, but hope it'll go some way to protecting.

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By *un guy 2020Man  over a year ago

near you

Good luck mate I hope you kick its ass and god give you and family and friends strength to get through this terrible and difficult time

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By *nglishCharm OP   Man  over a year ago


Fantastic support from all of you, simply amazing... my journey is like other's hard, it's the waiting, no end game, asked as without most arm pit gone what happens next, well of we to go again it will be larger and deeper which mentally is hard....they won't pet scan until results. I have huge respect for those to whom have experienced this and the wait time to which is unique and tough. All of you are amazing xx

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By *okingham40Man  over a year ago


Hope it's going ok. Always here if chat needed. Some days are darker than others. You need a good support network around to talk to.

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By *sSweetAsSugarCouple  over a year ago

milton keynes

Just read this post. Sending you our best wishes Connor. Xx

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By *dinburghWomanWoman  over a year ago


Good luck to all who are going through this journey at the moment. It was breast cancer in 2006 for me and thanks to early detection I’m still here. Oncologist was worried it had travelled to my lymph nodes so removed them all from my left arm, nothing detected thank goodness, lumpectomy and treatment left me with lymphoedema which I happily cope with considering what might have been the alternative.

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By *hoebeWoman  over a year ago


That's tough to read OP

Wishing you lots of strength and love

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By *uiet LightMan  over a year ago


Humbled by the courage displayed by the OP and so many contributors on this thread...best wishes to you all!

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By *adcowWoman  over a year ago


Your mind will be going like a train. Wishing you well with whatever treatment they decide to do.

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By *haron1701DTV/TS  over a year ago


Hugs and wishing you a full and speedy recovery xxx

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By *rp91600Man  over a year ago


Just found this post. Keep strong fella, it's a long and difficult journey but it's one you can make. As they say "when you're going through hell, keep going!" I had a similar diagnosed in my neck in Oct 2021, surgery in January 2022 and still recovering. It's an ongoing physical and emotional trauma but focus on the progress and you'll get through it. Wishing you the best of luck!

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By *orthridingMan  over a year ago


A fantastic thread which has created a huge amount of love and sharing of experiences ..you are all winners and brave people

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By *nglishCharm OP   Man  over a year ago


A huge thanks to all of you, amazing community of caring people to whom have great bodies and minds.x

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By *nglishCharm OP   Man  over a year ago


Update: waited week's for the results, these came back resulting in a meeting with consultant etc. I'm stage three melanoma with 17 lymph node's removed. A huge mass to which is healing well, thank God they are not cutting again. Now PET CT SCAN, then Immunotherapy, this will be drip fed at hospital every 2/3 weeks,6 months approx, as fit, well and young (ish) big doses... let's bring the scrap on, I will win the side effects and enjoy life. What a wake up call, last few month's life changing, maybe more considerate now to others.

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By *litterbabeWoman  over a year ago

hiding from cock pics.

"Update: waited week's for the results, these came back resulting in a meeting with consultant etc. I'm stage three melanoma with 17 lymph node's removed. A huge mass to which is healing well, thank God they are not cutting again. Now PET CT SCAN, then Immunotherapy, this will be drip fed at hospital every 2/3 weeks,6 months approx, as fit, well and young (ish) big doses... let's bring the scrap on, I will win the side effects and enjoy life. What a wake up call, last few month's life changing, maybe more considerate now to others. "

Sending you healing vibes, I know it's going to be a journey but I hope it is smooth for you and you come out the other side witj a smile

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By *inky_couple2020Couple  over a year ago

North West

"Update: waited week's for the results, these came back resulting in a meeting with consultant etc. I'm stage three melanoma with 17 lymph node's removed. A huge mass to which is healing well, thank God they are not cutting again. Now PET CT SCAN, then Immunotherapy, this will be drip fed at hospital every 2/3 weeks,6 months approx, as fit, well and young (ish) big doses... let's bring the scrap on, I will win the side effects and enjoy life. What a wake up call, last few month's life changing, maybe more considerate now to others. "

We wish you all the very best for your forthcoming treatment and for the best possible outcome.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I have a lump under armpit and two lymphs on the neck that are swollen..had them two years.. every time the doc sent for a biopsy the ultrasound people would say its only reactive and not do anything..still there and I do suffer from fatigue...hope you get sorted quickly.

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By *ittlemissmistressKCouple  over a year ago


"Update: waited week's for the results, these came back resulting in a meeting with consultant etc. I'm stage three melanoma with 17 lymph node's removed. A huge mass to which is healing well, thank God they are not cutting again. Now PET CT SCAN, then Immunotherapy, this will be drip fed at hospital every 2/3 weeks,6 months approx, as fit, well and young (ish) big doses... let's bring the scrap on, I will win the side effects and enjoy life. What a wake up call, last few month's life changing, maybe more considerate now to others. "

Fucking hell!

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By *inkerbell67Woman  over a year ago

Clacton on sea essex

Stay strong and fight it ,my friend has been fighting cancer for over 20 years ,she is so positive about it x

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By *nglishCharm OP   Man  over a year ago


Cheers for all your support, I've replied privately to most, this will not beat me as other's have beat it so will I, truly thanks

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By *ittlemissmistressKCouple  over a year ago



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By *AS69Couple  over a year ago


"Update: waited week's for the results, these came back resulting in a meeting with consultant etc. I'm stage three melanoma with 17 lymph node's removed. A huge mass to which is healing well, thank God they are not cutting again. Now PET CT SCAN, then Immunotherapy, this will be drip fed at hospital every 2/3 weeks,6 months approx, as fit, well and young (ish) big doses... let's bring the scrap on, I will win the side effects and enjoy life. What a wake up call, last few month's life changing, maybe more considerate now to others. "

So sorry to hear all that you are going through.

You do sound like a fighter and have a positive mindset which I know will aid your recovery.

I wish you well.

Take care


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By *hazndave1Man  over a year ago


Hi mate. I’m a 4 year survivor of esophageal cancer. The first two years were very hard and I’m still not right but maybe this is the new norm for me? I’ve read through your thread and you are definitely a fighter. I wish you luck on your journey my friend x

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By *nglishCharm OP   Man  over a year ago


To all thank you x positive roads ahead, cheers never rollover and except defeat, no way, if it wants a fight, I'm like many other of you, let's get it on....

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By * New YorkieMan  over a year ago


Good luck mate and keep up the fight...

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By *izandpaulCouple  over a year ago


"Hi forum, let me share my current experience.

December a swelling/ bump under my left armpit, went to my local GP as 5years back had skin cancer same arm. Told shouldn't worry looks like I'd picked something up and bruised my arm.

Go back end of January as concerned still there and increased in size, GP tells me it's not looking good and starts urgent ct scan, stool sample, bloods... now I'm awaiting mri scan, column camera etc as within 30 days,from lump, it is cancer, one of 4 types all of which are serious. I'll beat it, so within 30 day's my life is on an thread... never knew one simple lump could be a life changer... Connor "


I've just been diagnosed with cancer in tonsil and spread to lymph nodes.

Undergone all the tests and biopsy and recently had tonsil removed and neck dissection to remove tumours.

Hopefully, once tumour / tissue results obtained we can move onto radiotherapy and / or chemo.

Thanks god for morphine, the pain is off the scale.

Hope you are moving forward and wish you good luck for a decent outcome.

How one day can change your plans.

Take care of yourself and take one day at a time.

Liz. xx

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By *inky_couple2020Couple  over a year ago

North West

^^^Sending our best wishes to all fighting cancer

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By *ed VoluptaWoman  over a year ago


"^^^Sending our best wishes to all fighting cancer "

I echo this sentiment. to all x

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By *unnyday321Man  over a year ago


You’ve got this! It will at times for a rollercoaster of emotions but you are clearly made of sturdy stuff. Sometimes off loading to a bunch of strangers is easier than those you know

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By *nglishCharm OP   Man  over a year ago


This post has helped myself and others, seriously thank you and all that are enduring this journey be strong, positive and keep HUMOUR... x

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By *ools and the brainCouple  over a year ago

couple, us we him her.

"^^^Sending our best wishes to all fighting cancer "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I've been diagnosed with cronic leukaemia I check for lymph nodes every week.im on what they call watch and wait won't do anything till my condition worsens

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Have been fighting stage 4 breast with liver mets for a year with 5 year prognosis.

Chemo hasn't worked much and found out Thursday my 5 tiny tumours in total have risen to 13 with 10 on my liver. I will be lucky for 2 years now.

Shitty news but hey.

I start big boy chemo on Thursday 1st.... whoopie

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By *hort Stop 1969Woman  over a year ago

Somewhere in East Lothian

Huge hugs and thoughts to the OP and others undergoing management and/or treatment xx

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By *ornywelsh2sumCouple  over a year ago

Neath valley.

To you all fighting this bastard of a disease on this post use the oil with the thc's still present. Lots on utube regarding people using this and winning. John.

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By *_elie LALWoman  over a year ago


"Huge hugs and thoughts to the OP and others undergoing management and/or treatment xx"


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By *izandpaulCouple 45 weeks ago


"Happened to me 10 years ago, small pea size lump in my neck turned out to be throat cancer - caused by HPV virus transmitted from oral sex. 6 months of treatment, and 5 years of checkups to see if its returned (these were very stressful for me). But 10 years later, despite some long term side effects, I’m alive and kicking, and fucking like there's no tomorrow!! So best of luck, determination is the best medicine but it sounds like you have that. "

Your post made me laugh.

I was diagnosed with cancer in tonsil with leakage into lymph glands in neck.

Had tonsil out, and lymph glands removed, big long op with a big scar from under ear to chest.

Having daily radiotherapy and several rounds of chemotherapy.

Its bloody brutal especially the slime and pain in mouth (thank god for morphine) sickness and fatigue.

Funny enough, consultant never mentioned the HPV virus causing the cancer was due to me sucking far too many cocks but he did burst out laughing when I tried to blame Paul.

Thanks for posting and making me smile during this difficult time.

Sadly holiday to Cap and Gran Canaria this year all cancelled but hopefully make up for them all in 2024.

Liz. x

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By *eadingCouple1963Couple 45 weeks ago


"Happened to me 10 years ago, small pea size lump in my neck turned out to be throat cancer - caused by HPV virus transmitted from oral sex. 6 months of treatment, and 5 years of checkups to see if its returned (these were very stressful for me). But 10 years later, despite some long term side effects, I’m alive and kicking, and fucking like there's no tomorrow!! So best of luck, determination is the best medicine but it sounds like you have that.

Your post made me laugh.

I was diagnosed with cancer in tonsil with leakage into lymph glands in neck.

Had tonsil out, and lymph glands removed, big long op with a big scar from under ear to chest.

Having daily radiotherapy and several rounds of chemotherapy.

Its bloody brutal especially the slime and pain in mouth (thank god for morphine) sickness and fatigue.

Funny enough, consultant never mentioned the HPV virus causing the cancer was due to me sucking far too many cocks but he did burst out laughing when I tried to blame Paul.

Thanks for posting and making me smile during this difficult time.

Sadly holiday to Cap and Gran Canaria this year all cancelled but hopefully make up for them all in 2024.

Liz. x


Sorry to read this. P was diagnosed with T2 throat cancer back in 2015, RT and Chemo, then it came back. Invasive surgery followed, but at least he's still here and determined to live life to the full.

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By *eau and ArrowCouple 45 weeks ago


Just want to wish everyone suffering with cancer all our best wishes. It is inspirational to see you all still living your lives and not shrinking as I know I (beau) would do.

Much love all

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By * boneMan 45 weeks ago

North London

Charm hope your well, you’ve been off a month already

Touching to read this thread and in such a setting so to say. All my years on here iv never posted on forum! However this is the exemption. I had Hodgkins 2B when I just turned 25! All good and fighting on

However, this goes to everyone, as we approach the new ratio of 1:1 and yes sign of the 2:1 is still common but only 10 years ago it was 3:1!!! So really think about it… Truth is there is many preventatives- no salt, no sugar, no processed foods etc.. Obviously important factors! Unfortunately we live in toxic times no matter where you are After meeting many people who have never smoked or even d*unk then to see them go through some of the worse cancers had me thinking??? Look at many homeless people who manage to survive no matter what, then think is a clean life really the path or is maintaining a level of toxicity and adapting to our new age environment… What I’m trying to say is screw it lol we all do here so live life to the fullest! But not in a material way! In love, in repairing the overlooked because of distractions! Be with family as much as you can and if not new friends or even in one’s self with nature To fight such cancers you need to become harmonious with nature as this is the key to repairing RNA and DNA due to resonant frequency’s. Earth yourself out to the soil barefoot and I promise you will fill the difference after 10mins especially for some who find it uncomfortable because it’s been soo long! Lol believe it or not! Stay active obviously. Also look into what big pharma does not want to you to see! Vitamin B17!!! Eat all your apple seeds!!! And no you won’t just get cyanide poisoning! Stay away from fake vitamin D3! Toxic! So chop your mushrooms up and leave them in the sun!

You all get what I’m saying, look at the old ways things were done? For a reason back in the days! Because nature is our only true weapon against cancers and other diseases! As seen with the scamdemic. Enough rant lol

Charm all the best pal and my love goes out to everyone, stay well all

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By *eadingCouple1963Couple 45 weeks ago


"Charm hope your well, you’ve been off a month already

Touching to read this thread and in such a setting so to say. All my years on here iv never posted on forum! However this is the exemption. I had Hodgkins 2B when I just turned 25! All good and fighting on

However, this goes to everyone, as we approach the new ratio of 1:1 and yes sign of the 2:1 is still common but only 10 years ago it was 3:1!!! So really think about it… Truth is there is many preventatives- no salt, no sugar, no processed foods etc.. Obviously important factors! Unfortunately we live in toxic times no matter where you are After meeting many people who have never smoked or even d*unk then to see them go through some of the worse cancers had me thinking??? Look at many homeless people who manage to survive no matter what, then think is a clean life really the path or is maintaining a level of toxicity and adapting to our new age environment… What I’m trying to say is screw it lol we all do here so live life to the fullest! But not in a material way! In love, in repairing the overlooked because of distractions! Be with family as much as you can and if not new friends or even in one’s self with nature To fight such cancers you need to become harmonious with nature as this is the key to repairing RNA and DNA due to resonant frequency’s. Earth yourself out to the soil barefoot and I promise you will fill the difference after 10mins especially for some who find it uncomfortable because it’s been soo long! Lol believe it or not! Stay active obviously. Also look into what big pharma does not want to you to see! Vitamin B17!!! Eat all your apple seeds!!! And no you won’t just get cyanide poisoning! Stay away from fake vitamin D3! Toxic! So chop your mushrooms up and leave them in the sun!

You all get what I’m saying, look at the old ways things were done? For a reason back in the days! Because nature is our only true weapon against cancers and other diseases! As seen with the scamdemic. Enough rant lol

Charm all the best pal and my love goes out to everyone, stay well all "

As someone who's had three bouts of cancer I find this post highly insulting.

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By * boneMan 45 weeks ago

North London

[Removed by poster at 28/07/23 16:06:52]

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By * boneMan 45 weeks ago

North London

Your opinion is yours

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By *inky_couple2020Couple 45 weeks ago

North West

"Your opinion is yours "

Yours is wholly fact-free and unsubstantiated.

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By *eadingCouple1963Couple 45 weeks ago


"Your opinion is yours "

Indeed it is, and its not based on YouTube videos

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By *izandpaulCouple 44 weeks ago


"Happened to me 10 years ago, small pea size lump in my neck turned out to be throat cancer - caused by HPV virus transmitted from oral sex. 6 months of treatment, and 5 years of checkups to see if its returned (these were very stressful for me). But 10 years later, despite some long term side effects, I’m alive and kicking, and fucking like there's no tomorrow!! So best of luck, determination is the best medicine but it sounds like you have that.

Your post made me laugh.

I was diagnosed with cancer in tonsil with leakage into lymph glands in neck.

Had tonsil out, and lymph glands removed, big long op with a big scar from under ear to chest.

Having daily radiotherapy and several rounds of chemotherapy.

Its bloody brutal especially the slime and pain in mouth (thank god for morphine) sickness and fatigue.

Funny enough, consultant never mentioned the HPV virus causing the cancer was due to me sucking far too many cocks but he did burst out laughing when I tried to blame Paul.

Thanks for posting and making me smile during this difficult time.

Sadly holiday to Cap and Gran Canaria this year all cancelled but hopefully make up for them all in 2024.

Liz. x

Sorry to read this. P was diagnosed with T2 throat cancer back in 2015, RT and Chemo, then it came back. Invasive surgery followed, but at least he's still here and determined to live life to the full. "

Glad you are living life to the full.

I'm hoping to be back to good health and back to work in the coming months.

Its been brutal and even worse when treatment stops, never thought I'd say major surgery was the easiest bit.

Stay healthy and enjoy yourselves.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *izandpaulCouple 44 weeks ago


"Charm hope your well, you’ve been off a month already

Touching to read this thread and in such a setting so to say. All my years on here iv never posted on forum! However this is the exemption. I had Hodgkins 2B when I just turned 25! All good and fighting on

However, this goes to everyone, as we approach the new ratio of 1:1 and yes sign of the 2:1 is still common but only 10 years ago it was 3:1!!! So really think about it… Truth is there is many preventatives- no salt, no sugar, no processed foods etc.. Obviously important factors! Unfortunately we live in toxic times no matter where you are After meeting many people who have never smoked or even d*unk then to see them go through some of the worse cancers had me thinking??? Look at many homeless people who manage to survive no matter what, then think is a clean life really the path or is maintaining a level of toxicity and adapting to our new age environment… What I’m trying to say is screw it lol we all do here so live life to the fullest! But not in a material way! In love, in repairing the overlooked because of distractions! Be with family as much as you can and if not new friends or even in one’s self with nature To fight such cancers you need to become harmonious with nature as this is the key to repairing RNA and DNA due to resonant frequency’s. Earth yourself out to the soil barefoot and I promise you will fill the difference after 10mins especially for some who find it uncomfortable because it’s been soo long! Lol believe it or not! Stay active obviously. Also look into what big pharma does not want to you to see! Vitamin B17!!! Eat all your apple seeds!!! And no you won’t just get cyanide poisoning! Stay away from fake vitamin D3! Toxic! So chop your mushrooms up and leave them in the sun!

You all get what I’m saying, look at the old ways things were done? For a reason back in the days! Because nature is our only true weapon against cancers and other diseases! As seen with the scamdemic. Enough rant lol

Charm all the best pal and my love goes out to everyone, stay well all "

I'll stick to the surgery, chemo and RT for now but thanks for your input.

I do walk barefoot around our garden, bit damp at present and I've found daily walks on the beach and even a bit of paddling is nice.

As far as the mushrooms go, I like them overcooked in the oven, chopped and sprinkled over mushroom soup, not at present as can't get them through a PEG.

But thanks for your comments about cancer care.

Hope it doesn't come knocking on your door anytime soon.

Good luck to you.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *eadingCouple1963Couple 44 weeks ago


"Happened to me 10 years ago, small pea size lump in my neck turned out to be throat cancer - caused by HPV virus transmitted from oral sex. 6 months of treatment, and 5 years of checkups to see if its returned (these were very stressful for me). But 10 years later, despite some long term side effects, I’m alive and kicking, and fucking like there's no tomorrow!! So best of luck, determination is the best medicine but it sounds like you have that.

Your post made me laugh.

I was diagnosed with cancer in tonsil with leakage into lymph glands in neck.

Had tonsil out, and lymph glands removed, big long op with a big scar from under ear to chest.

Having daily radiotherapy and several rounds of chemotherapy.

Its bloody brutal especially the slime and pain in mouth (thank god for morphine) sickness and fatigue.

Funny enough, consultant never mentioned the HPV virus causing the cancer was due to me sucking far too many cocks but he did burst out laughing when I tried to blame Paul.

Thanks for posting and making me smile during this difficult time.

Sadly holiday to Cap and Gran Canaria this year all cancelled but hopefully make up for them all in 2024.

Liz. x

Sorry to read this. P was diagnosed with T2 throat cancer back in 2015, RT and Chemo, then it came back. Invasive surgery followed, but at least he's still here and determined to live life to the full.

Glad you are living life to the full.

I'm hoping to be back to good health and back to work in the coming months.

Its been brutal and even worse when treatment stops, never thought I'd say major surgery was the easiest bit.

Stay healthy and enjoy yourselves."

Things get better, it takes time and it's better than the other option

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By *eadingCouple1963Couple 44 weeks ago


"Charm hope your well, you’ve been off a month already

Touching to read this thread and in such a setting so to say. All my years on here iv never posted on forum! However this is the exemption. I had Hodgkins 2B when I just turned 25! All good and fighting on

However, this goes to everyone, as we approach the new ratio of 1:1 and yes sign of the 2:1 is still common but only 10 years ago it was 3:1!!! So really think about it… Truth is there is many preventatives- no salt, no sugar, no processed foods etc.. Obviously important factors! Unfortunately we live in toxic times no matter where you are After meeting many people who have never smoked or even d*unk then to see them go through some of the worse cancers had me thinking??? Look at many homeless people who manage to survive no matter what, then think is a clean life really the path or is maintaining a level of toxicity and adapting to our new age environment… What I’m trying to say is screw it lol we all do here so live life to the fullest! But not in a material way! In love, in repairing the overlooked because of distractions! Be with family as much as you can and if not new friends or even in one’s self with nature To fight such cancers you need to become harmonious with nature as this is the key to repairing RNA and DNA due to resonant frequency’s. Earth yourself out to the soil barefoot and I promise you will fill the difference after 10mins especially for some who find it uncomfortable because it’s been soo long! Lol believe it or not! Stay active obviously. Also look into what big pharma does not want to you to see! Vitamin B17!!! Eat all your apple seeds!!! And no you won’t just get cyanide poisoning! Stay away from fake vitamin D3! Toxic! So chop your mushrooms up and leave them in the sun!

You all get what I’m saying, look at the old ways things were done? For a reason back in the days! Because nature is our only true weapon against cancers and other diseases! As seen with the scamdemic. Enough rant lol

Charm all the best pal and my love goes out to everyone, stay well all

I'll stick to the surgery, chemo and RT for now but thanks for your input.

I do walk barefoot around our garden, bit damp at present and I've found daily walks on the beach and even a bit of paddling is nice.

As far as the mushrooms go, I like them overcooked in the oven, chopped and sprinkled over mushroom soup, not at present as can't get them through a PEG.

But thanks for your comments about cancer care.

Hope it doesn't come knocking on your door anytime soon.

Good luck to you."

Well said I prefer mushrooms slowly cooked in the oven, don't often walk barefoot on the lawn in case the dog has had a dump

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *izandpaulCouple 44 weeks ago


"Charm hope your well, you’ve been off a month already

Touching to read this thread and in such a setting so to say. All my years on here iv never posted on forum! However this is the exemption. I had Hodgkins 2B when I just turned 25! All good and fighting on

However, this goes to everyone, as we approach the new ratio of 1:1 and yes sign of the 2:1 is still common but only 10 years ago it was 3:1!!! So really think about it… Truth is there is many preventatives- no salt, no sugar, no processed foods etc.. Obviously important factors! Unfortunately we live in toxic times no matter where you are After meeting many people who have never smoked or even d*unk then to see them go through some of the worse cancers had me thinking??? Look at many homeless people who manage to survive no matter what, then think is a clean life really the path or is maintaining a level of toxicity and adapting to our new age environment… What I’m trying to say is screw it lol we all do here so live life to the fullest! But not in a material way! In love, in repairing the overlooked because of distractions! Be with family as much as you can and if not new friends or even in one’s self with nature To fight such cancers you need to become harmonious with nature as this is the key to repairing RNA and DNA due to resonant frequency’s. Earth yourself out to the soil barefoot and I promise you will fill the difference after 10mins especially for some who find it uncomfortable because it’s been soo long! Lol believe it or not! Stay active obviously. Also look into what big pharma does not want to you to see! Vitamin B17!!! Eat all your apple seeds!!! And no you won’t just get cyanide poisoning! Stay away from fake vitamin D3! Toxic! So chop your mushrooms up and leave them in the sun!

You all get what I’m saying, look at the old ways things were done? For a reason back in the days! Because nature is our only true weapon against cancers and other diseases! As seen with the scamdemic. Enough rant lol

Charm all the best pal and my love goes out to everyone, stay well all

I'll stick to the surgery, chemo and RT for now but thanks for your input.

I do walk barefoot around our garden, bit damp at present and I've found daily walks on the beach and even a bit of paddling is nice.

As far as the mushrooms go, I like them overcooked in the oven, chopped and sprinkled over mushroom soup, not at present as can't get them through a PEG.

But thanks for your comments about cancer care.

Hope it doesn't come knocking on your door anytime soon.

Good luck to you.

Well said I prefer mushrooms slowly cooked in the oven, don't often walk barefoot on the lawn in case the dog has had a dump "

Get yourselves to your local beach, roll your pants up and have a paddle.

The beach walks have really been helpful over the past few months.

When you watch a couple of dogs, screaming towards some seagulls, tails waggling furiously with nothing but sheer joy across their faces, you can forget your worries, even if only for a few seconds.

I sound like my grandad, god bless him, he'd take great mouthfulls of sea air and mutter some comments about how that will keep the bugs at bay...

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *eadingCouple1963Couple 44 weeks ago


"Charm hope your well, you’ve been off a month already

Touching to read this thread and in such a setting so to say. All my years on here iv never posted on forum! However this is the exemption. I had Hodgkins 2B when I just turned 25! All good and fighting on

However, this goes to everyone, as we approach the new ratio of 1:1 and yes sign of the 2:1 is still common but only 10 years ago it was 3:1!!! So really think about it… Truth is there is many preventatives- no salt, no sugar, no processed foods etc.. Obviously important factors! Unfortunately we live in toxic times no matter where you are After meeting many people who have never smoked or even d*unk then to see them go through some of the worse cancers had me thinking??? Look at many homeless people who manage to survive no matter what, then think is a clean life really the path or is maintaining a level of toxicity and adapting to our new age environment… What I’m trying to say is screw it lol we all do here so live life to the fullest! But not in a material way! In love, in repairing the overlooked because of distractions! Be with family as much as you can and if not new friends or even in one’s self with nature To fight such cancers you need to become harmonious with nature as this is the key to repairing RNA and DNA due to resonant frequency’s. Earth yourself out to the soil barefoot and I promise you will fill the difference after 10mins especially for some who find it uncomfortable because it’s been soo long! Lol believe it or not! Stay active obviously. Also look into what big pharma does not want to you to see! Vitamin B17!!! Eat all your apple seeds!!! And no you won’t just get cyanide poisoning! Stay away from fake vitamin D3! Toxic! So chop your mushrooms up and leave them in the sun!

You all get what I’m saying, look at the old ways things were done? For a reason back in the days! Because nature is our only true weapon against cancers and other diseases! As seen with the scamdemic. Enough rant lol

Charm all the best pal and my love goes out to everyone, stay well all

I'll stick to the surgery, chemo and RT for now but thanks for your input.

I do walk barefoot around our garden, bit damp at present and I've found daily walks on the beach and even a bit of paddling is nice.

As far as the mushrooms go, I like them overcooked in the oven, chopped and sprinkled over mushroom soup, not at present as can't get them through a PEG.

But thanks for your comments about cancer care.

Hope it doesn't come knocking on your door anytime soon.

Good luck to you.

Well said I prefer mushrooms slowly cooked in the oven, don't often walk barefoot on the lawn in case the dog has had a dump

Get yourselves to your local beach, roll your pants up and have a paddle.

The beach walks have really been helpful over the past few months.

When you watch a couple of dogs, screaming towards some seagulls, tails waggling furiously with nothing but sheer joy across their faces, you can forget your worries, even if only for a few seconds.

I sound like my grandad, god bless him, he'd take great mouthfulls of sea air and mutter some comments about how that will keep the bugs at bay... "

Walking our dog on the beach is one of our real pleasures. Doesn’t matter about the weather, he doesn’t care. As you say, live life to the full

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By *littlteBitMoreWoman 44 weeks ago


Inspirational and humbling reading. Wishing everyone strength. I hope the OP is ok, I notice hes not been online for some time.

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By *izandpaulCouple 40 weeks ago


"Happened to me 10 years ago, small pea size lump in my neck turned out to be throat cancer - caused by HPV virus transmitted from oral sex. 6 months of treatment, and 5 years of checkups to see if its returned (these were very stressful for me). But 10 years later, despite some long term side effects, I’m alive and kicking, and fucking like there's no tomorrow!! So best of luck, determination is the best medicine but it sounds like you have that. "

Thank god the consultant didn't say mine was caused by sucking too many cocks.

Thanks, your post made me laugh, best tonic ever.

Stay well.

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By (user no longer on site) 40 weeks ago

Sending best wishes Op.

My ex partner had a lump in his neck, size of golf ball. I frog marched him to GP so glad I did, as he was diagnosed with oesophagus cancer. Took care of him for awhile. My friend died of same that year he got diagnosed.

Hope all is well as well can be op.

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By *onandCouple 40 weeks ago


Our son had the exact same thing just before the first lockdown….. GP was excellent….within a week he was in Christie’s….. long op as it had spread to every lymph nodes in his body….. all started with a few nasty looking moles….. op was fine and now fully recovered….. he was studying medicine anyway so decided to also undertake alternative medicine treatments….

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By *atnip make me purrWoman 40 weeks ago


Glad you had the persistence to go back.

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By *aGaGagging for itCouple 40 weeks ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

As someone who has had a prostate cancer journey, I can understand what you are going through. Be positive and stay strong - you CAN do this! All the very best.

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By *ir-spunk-alotMan 31 weeks ago

south coast

Just going through my forum posts. Anyone know how OP is doing. He hasn't been onlind for a few months. Hope he is ok.

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By *lueDressWoman 31 weeks ago


"Just going through my forum posts. Anyone know how OP is doing. He hasn't been onlind for a few months. Hope he is ok."

I was just thinking exactly the same.

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By *ir-spunk-alotMan 31 weeks ago

south coast

"Just going through my forum posts. Anyone know how OP is doing. He hasn't been onlind for a few months. Hope he is ok.

I was just thinking exactly the same."

Hopefully he is ok and he has found the love of his life and is happy now.

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