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By *nnocent99 OP   Man 51 weeks ago

lee on the solent

Advanced Chicken pox…

Never had sickness or disease in my life…yes, chicken pox around age 5. Age 55… caught me.. 1 in 3 get it. Lasts, on average 2-4 weeks. Week 6 am taking codeine like iced lollies and new e meds… random, if I may. Had Amyltriptolene for a bit…left me punching in my sleep… 1-3 hours…..switched to Gabapentine… don’t know if it helps or naught… pain is 24-7…. Fire.

Nit attaching pics…guess why…but NHS, paramedics. Pharmacy and Surgery say worst case ever seen….was due for a sentencing in a court today and they would not even let me in the closed DOC as they would have to deep clean…infectious or naught.

By the book…not…but as I have nit been out of home over a month… I did warn them…

Technically, I am clear…but rash, inflammation, pain…it’s like a blow torch too. Y skin.

Message me if you ever had this, have this, or just worry…morbid curiosity… okay. I have had one of the worst cases reported….and I kept images as consultations are inline now.

Not sure how far to go… my left body started with pain of a weekend…just quit drinking… and then reapsearched liver is on the other side…my pain was on left.

Of a Sunday…about 15-blisters appeared upon my chest, said I would call surger on Monday if still there.

Monday, had about 300 blisters one side of chest…long story from here…but ended in “thousands” leaving a 12-inch swath of damage on the ,eft of my body, chest to middle back… precisely as indicated.. one half of body.

I have the nerve damage version, so if you want pics of what it looks like, information…etc,, write me.

One thing thank affected me… local pharmacy had no anti-viral…took me a week to get it…too late. They did fill it a week larger…then filled it again.

If you get anti-viral in first three days…can help a lot… I kept the last course in case I meet a friend in need. No cost…I’d FYI… one of those replaced

It when you can.

Any questions answered, no preferences,


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By *melie LALWoman 51 weeks ago


Amitriptyline/duloxetine (antidepressants) or gabapentin/pregabalin (anticonvulsants) are meds for nerve pain. Unfortunately, it's not (yet) known which are best for what type of person. Kind of trial and error.

Genome testing eventually may help in this area.

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By *ustamanMan 51 weeks ago


I sympathize, rarely get the rash but I do get hypersensitive skin in random locations the worse was on the soles of my feet. It eventually goes but the time seems variable

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By *ormalfornorfolkMan 51 weeks ago


I’m guessing that you would recommend paying for a vaccination then?

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By *melie LALWoman 51 weeks ago


"I’m guessing that you would recommend paying for a vaccination then?"

Do you mean chicken pox vaccine?

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By *melie LALWoman 51 weeks ago


"I’m guessing that you would recommend paying for a vaccination then?

Do you mean chicken pox vaccine? "

I've just found out the NHS recommend the shingles vaccine to people 70-79.

Every day is a school day.

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By (user no longer on site) 51 weeks ago

I have had shingles 3 times since 2015,awful and still can't have the injection

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By *olly_chromaticTV/TS 51 weeks ago


I had chicken pox as a kid. About three times in my adult life I have had "mild" flare ups of shingles. Absolutely bloody awful. For me it manifests as hyper sensitivity of the skin. Not hurting in itself, but the slightest touch on the skin of the affected areas like having a blowtorch applied.

The last occurrence a couple of years ago was definitely triggered by stress and anxiety from my work and family circumstances, but may or may not have also been connected with a bad viral infection six months earlier which left my health at rock bottom. This last outbreak was in a line across the top of my head, back to front, then down the left side of my face. My doctor said I was very lucky it missed my eye, as it could have caused scarring of the cornea and blindness. Fortunately antivirals were available and treatment was successful. Merely a couple of months of agony, and six months of psoriasis on my scalp, skin falling off in big lumps.

If you have kids, get them vaccinated for chicken pox. You may just save them from the threat of agonising pain during their adult lives.

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By *ormalfornorfolkMan 51 weeks ago


"I’m guessing that you would recommend paying for a vaccination then?

Do you mean chicken pox vaccine?

I've just found out the NHS recommend the shingles vaccine to people 70-79.

Every day is a school day."

As far as I know you can get a vaccination privately if you are over 50. Superdrug have it for £170. One of the two available is somewhat more effective but I can’t remember which one. I have considered it, and am reconsidering it now!

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By *andyfloss2000Woman 51 weeks ago


Had it couple months ago! Mild compared to u I think all up right arm! Following the nerve! Worst was the pain deep in arm! Especially at night! Lasted a month of so the pain! Just scarring from the rash left now x

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By *ools and the brainCouple 50 weeks ago

couple, us we him her.

Been suffering off and on for approximately 30years.

Worst case was first time tho I'd just lost my father and was extremely run down contracted glandular fever and was wiped out, within two weeks of recovery I came down with a horrendous case of shingles nearly lost the eyesight in one eye.

Left my skin feeling like tissue.

But it's the nerve pain that's the worst it's like red hot Ants crawling under your skin.

Since then every year or two I get a bout or if I am getting over another illness.

Warning signs for me.

Extreme tiredness and achy neck.

Up protein intake.

Eat healthy.

Drink plenty of water.

Vit D,Vit C and B.

Rest and stay out of direct sunlight it's a nightmare.

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By *itonthesideWoman 50 weeks ago


"I’m guessing that you would recommend paying for a vaccination then?

Do you mean chicken pox vaccine?

I've just found out the NHS recommend the shingles vaccine to people 70-79.

Every day is a school day.

As far as I know you can get a vaccination privately if you are over 50. Superdrug have it for £170. One of the two available is somewhat more effective but I can’t remember which one. I have considered it, and am reconsidering it now!"

Anyone know how it works? I was always led to believe that shingles was the chicken pox virus being reignited in your body by stress or low immune system. How can you be vaccinated against something already inside you?

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By *uyForeLadiesMan 50 weeks ago


"How can you be vaccinated against something already inside you? "

I'm no doctor/scientist but I guess it works by keeping the virus count below a certain level. It's only when the count exceeds a certain level, that you experience all of the active symptoms. While ever it's in the 'dormant' state you'll be ok.

Of course I could be talking complete bollocks.

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By *melie LALWoman 50 weeks ago


"I’m guessing that you would recommend paying for a vaccination then?

Do you mean chicken pox vaccine?

I've just found out the NHS recommend the shingles vaccine to people 70-79.

Every day is a school day.

As far as I know you can get a vaccination privately if you are over 50. Superdrug have it for £170. One of the two available is somewhat more effective but I can’t remember which one. I have considered it, and am reconsidering it now!

Anyone know how it works? I was always led to believe that shingles was the chicken pox virus being reignited in your body by stress or low immune system. How can you be vaccinated against something already inside you? "

That's basically what the NHS website states. However, we don't have shingles in our body but the virus that causes it. So if the virus is reactivated, the vaccine reduces severity.

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By *itonthesideWoman 50 weeks ago


"I’m guessing that you would recommend paying for a vaccination then?

Do you mean chicken pox vaccine?

I've just found out the NHS recommend the shingles vaccine to people 70-79.

Every day is a school day.

As far as I know you can get a vaccination privately if you are over 50. Superdrug have it for £170. One of the two available is somewhat more effective but I can’t remember which one. I have considered it, and am reconsidering it now!

Anyone know how it works? I was always led to believe that shingles was the chicken pox virus being reignited in your body by stress or low immune system. How can you be vaccinated against something already inside you?

That's basically what the NHS website states. However, we don't have shingles in our body but the virus that causes it. So if the virus is reactivated, the vaccine reduces severity.


I guess it just goes against the logic of other virus vaccines. For example hpv vaccine came out after i had passed the age for it. When i asked about it in my 20s when having cells removed they said there is no point getting it at all because the virus is already in my body, despite the fact it protects against many many variants

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By *ave05Man 50 weeks ago

Chelmsford Essex

I was fortunate to have it very mild post a mild Covid outbreak but being run down unleashed the dormant virus and I got the anti vitals within the 72 hours time frame.

I’ve now had the shingles vaccine privately it’s very available and whilst pricey around £180 it’s lifetime protection for most strains and certainly would reduce severity.

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By (user no longer on site) 50 weeks ago

"I have had shingles 3 times since 2015,awful and still can't have the injection "

I get shingles like every couple of years now(got chickenpox as an adult here in UK,as we don't have chickenpox in Cuba because of the yearly injection)...When I'm very stressed out I get a flare up ...It is very painful ...Eating very very healthy helps a lot:loads of green juices,fruits,salads,white meat ,no alcohol,minimum salt and sugar and oil... For the blisters I use a medicated powder that doesn't have talcum to help them dry up and to help with any itching (trial and error really )...Also antihistamines help me a lot ...

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By *aughtybutnicepeteMan 50 weeks ago


I had shingles bad last year, a band from my belly button, under the ribs then up around my back to the spine and almost to my shoulder. Painful. Still get pain now. Fully sympathise with you. Luckily I've just had my jab on NHS as I've reached 70. Yes it is £170 if you go private.

Good luck

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By *melie LALWoman 50 weeks ago


"I have had shingles 3 times since 2015,awful and still can't have the injection

I get shingles like every couple of years now(got chickenpox as an adult here in UK,as we don't have chickenpox in Cuba because of the yearly injection)...When I'm very stressed out I get a flare up ...It is very painful ...Eating very very healthy helps a lot:loads of green juices,fruits,salads,white meat ,no alcohol,minimum salt and sugar and oil... For the blisters I use a medicated powder that doesn't have talcum to help them dry up and to help with any itching (trial and error really )...Also antihistamines help me a lot ..."

If you meet the criteria you will be eligible for the vaccine (I think that includes impaired immune system). Talk to GP.

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By *ust P3achyWoman 50 weeks ago

Lost in the Valleys

Omg what a revelation to be signposted to this thread. My shingles started a week ago & it totally floored me for 3 days, I'm by no means better but now I can get out of bed get dressed etc. I've got it from my mid spine around my waist, going under my belly & down into my groin. No hope of wearing knickers & whilst the pain is bad enough, it's the absolute exhaustion that knocks you flat.

I'll be paying for the vaccine for sure.

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By *izzy.miss.lizzyCouple 50 weeks ago


My late Mum In Law passed it to me while I was her carer, and unfortunately I passed it to my youngest son (or she did, I can't be sure).

I get mild outbreaks now and again, when stressed or ill with something else, if I get it again too bad I will seek the jab.

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By *ecky and justCouple 49 weeks ago


The virus can be dormant in your system for years, mainly in spinal fluid.

I don’t ever have the rash but have suffered several times with nerve inflammation (neuralgia) across right hand side of body.

In 2018, was particularly low and suffered Ramsey Hicks facial paralysis, same virus, attacked the nerves.

I’m avoiding Amytryptaline due to the side effects.

Hope you recover soon.


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By *melie LALWoman 49 weeks ago


"The virus can be dormant in your system for years, mainly in spinal fluid.

I don’t ever have the rash but have suffered several times with nerve inflammation (neuralgia) across right hand side of body.

In 2018, was particularly low and suffered Ramsey Hicks facial paralysis, same virus, attacked the nerves.

I’m avoiding Amytryptaline due to the side effects.

Hope you recover soon.


There are other meds for nerve pain. Discuss with GP (anti-convulsants gabapentin/pregabalin, and antidepressant duloxetine).

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By *ecky and justCouple 49 weeks ago


"The virus can be dormant in your system for years, mainly in spinal fluid.

I don’t ever have the rash but have suffered several times with nerve inflammation (neuralgia) across right hand side of body.

In 2018, was particularly low and suffered Ramsey Hicks facial paralysis, same virus, attacked the nerves.

I’m avoiding Amytryptaline due to the side effects.

Hope you recover soon.


There are other meds for nerve pain. Discuss with GP (anti-convulsants gabapentin/pregabalin, and antidepressant duloxetine)."

Thanks for the suggestion. There are lots of limitations on what I can take due to my job.

The last episode went quite quickly and I was able to put up with it.

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By *oyahandrussCouple 49 weeks ago

Nr Rugby

Yes T had shingles a few years ago it's is really not nice just need to try to not stress as this makes it worse sadly she found calamine lotion help a little & pure cotton sheet we bought top sheet and cotton fitted as nights seemed to be much worse.

Hope you feel better soon x

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By *ittle-Miss-Cunty-1Woman 49 weeks ago

Your basement, Cuntsville

Currently 4 days in with it, attacks my eye and round my eyebrow, in bloody agony with water constantly streaming from my eye, I also get this a few times a year but its getting worse with each attack, I have pills to take but need to catch it when blisters first appear (thought it was a stye on Friday, how wrong I was) and now suffering because I delayed in taking my pills.

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By *moothpussyMan 48 weeks ago


Lidocaine 5% medicated plaster is good for this. It's POM and very expensive, primary care tend not to prescribe due to cost. It's usually prescribed by pain clinic or if 1st, 2nd or 3rd line therapies haven't worked.

They are good but it's a fight to have them prescribed and is much safer than oral meds.

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By *inky karen 2Woman 47 weeks ago

East sussex

Not sure if I'm lucky or unlucky. I had chicken pox as a kid, I remember my mum had a party with all the kids so we all had it at the same time. I then caught it again in my 20s and that had me out of work for 6 months, a year later it was shingles. Fast forward 20 years and I am currently recovering from meningitis and shingles on my brain( apparently the only person in the world). I had 3 lots of antibiotics by IV, antiviral by IV, anticoagulants,anti inflammatory. Drinking bottles of Morphine and taken max dose of pregablin and 3 weeks in hospital. I suffered a stroke and cardiac arrest whilst in hospital which they are unsure is connected or not.

So I'm recovering in my van on the beach as high as a kite wondering what my new life will be like xx

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By *alaciousCurvesWoman 47 weeks ago


I've had Opthalmic shingles, my eye was so swollen it took two people to prise it open so the doctor could administer drops and check my eye out! No-one could work out was wrong with me for days and I actually ended up in a burns unit because they thought the blisters were an infected ice burn! Couldn't believe it when it turned out to be shingles!

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By *melie LALWoman 47 weeks ago


"Not sure if I'm lucky or unlucky. I had chicken pox as a kid, I remember my mum had a party with all the kids so we all had it at the same time. I then caught it again in my 20s and that had me out of work for 6 months, a year later it was shingles. Fast forward 20 years and I am currently recovering from meningitis and shingles on my brain( apparently the only person in the world). I had 3 lots of antibiotics by IV, antiviral by IV, anticoagulants,anti inflammatory. Drinking bottles of Morphine and taken max dose of pregablin and 3 weeks in hospital. I suffered a stroke and cardiac arrest whilst in hospital which they are unsure is connected or not.

So I'm recovering in my van on the beach as high as a kite wondering what my new life will be like xx"

Fabulous that the hospital did the research to discover the cause of the meningitis. I might have been surprised but when I was first diagnosed with meningitis (meningoencephalitis, encephalitis), the herpes test came back negative. Actually no pathogens were detected.

I am so sorry you have gone through this. Ensure you get the rehab you need

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By *ust RachelTV/TS 45 weeks ago


Never had chicken pox as a kid, despite young to all the pox parties. Not sure if that decreases my chances of getting shingles or not.

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By *orthernman71Man 45 weeks ago


Had shingles 2 years ago …never had pain like it ….horrendously painful

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By (user no longer on site) 45 weeks ago

"I’m guessing that you would recommend paying for a vaccination then?

Do you mean chicken pox vaccine?

I've just found out the NHS recommend the shingles vaccine to people 70-79.

Every day is a school day."

Once you turn 70 you get a letter about going for vaccine

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By *uddy laneMan 45 weeks ago


Was 11 when i got shingles and still have the marks on my back.

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By *ust RachelTV/TS 45 weeks ago


"I’m guessing that you would recommend paying for a vaccination then?

Do you mean chicken pox vaccine?

I've just found out the NHS recommend the shingles vaccine to people 70-79.

Every day is a school day.

Once you turn 70 you get a letter about going for vaccine "

I was told today you can get it privately, a mere snippet at £170.

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By *ornucopiaMan 45 weeks ago


[Removed by poster at 25/07/23 23:54:07]

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By *ornucopiaMan 45 weeks ago


I got talked into having a shingles jab by the surgery, who probably got paid handsomely for it.

I curse the day I ever said yes. Ihave had chickenpox and shingles before without too much aggro but ever since i had the jab have had shingles like sensations in the arm which I was injected into. I didn't need to have it done as much as I actually wanted a pneumonia jab, which I consider more important. I got that and then had to go back a week later for the shingles jab which I didn't really want.

Why do I consider the pneumonia jab more essential? Because when you are old, sooner or later, you have a fall, go into hospital and get pneumonia and come out in a box. Avoid pneumonia!

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By *atnip make me purrWoman 45 weeks ago


I've had it and the wurst thing was they became infected which lead to a systemic infection which made me rather unwell. I hope you feel better soon.

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By *ablo minibar123Woman 45 weeks ago


"Never had chicken pox as a kid, despite young to all the pox parties. Not sure if that decreases my chances of getting shingles or not."

I'm not too sure either, but obviously you can still get chicken pox, and I've been told chicken pox in adults is much worse. It leaves me a bit nervous as I'm pretty sure I haven't had chicken pox yet.

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By *otsMan 44 weeks ago


"Advanced Chicken pox…

Never had sickness or disease in my life…yes, chicken pox around age 5. Age 55… caught me.. 1 in 3 get it. Lasts, on average 2-4 weeks. Week 6 am taking codeine like iced lollies and new e meds… random, if I may. Had Amyltriptolene for a bit…left me punching in my sleep… 1-3 hours…..switched to Gabapentine… don’t know if it helps or naught… pain is 24-7…. Fire.

Nit attaching pics…guess why…but NHS, paramedics. Pharmacy and Surgery say worst case ever seen….was due for a sentencing in a court today and they would not even let me in the closed DOC as they would have to deep clean…infectious or naught.

By the book…not…but as I have nit been out of home over a month… I did warn them…

Technically, I am clear…but rash, inflammation, pain…it’s like a blow torch too. Y skin.

Message me if you ever had this, have this, or just worry…morbid curiosity… okay. I have had one of the worst cases reported….and I kept images as consultations are inline now.

Not sure how far to go… my left body started with pain of a weekend…just quit drinking… and then reapsearched liver is on the other side…my pain was on left.

Of a Sunday…about 15-blisters appeared upon my chest, said I would call surger on Monday if still there.

Monday, had about 300 blisters one side of chest…long story from here…but ended in “thousands” leaving a 12-inch swath of damage on the ,eft of my body, chest to middle back… precisely as indicated.. one half of body.

I have the nerve damage version, so if you want pics of what it looks like, information…etc,, write me.

One thing thank affected me… local pharmacy had no anti-viral…took me a week to get it…too late. They did fill it a week larger…then filled it again.

If you get anti-viral in first three days…can help a lot… I kept the last course in case I meet a friend in need. No cost…I’d FYI… one of those replaced

It when you can.

Any questions answered, no preferences,


Be very careful with the codeine I collapsed last year and fell unconscious.

I took the correct dose as well.

Turo AE confirmed it was highly likely the codeine was the issue.

Mind you the pain I was taking it for was unreal!

I didnt take codeine during shingles I have to say this was I believe now gout!!!

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By *otsMan 44 weeks ago


"Advanced Chicken pox…

Never had sickness or disease in my life…yes, chicken pox around age 5. Age 55… caught me.. 1 in 3 get it. Lasts, on average 2-4 weeks. Week 6 am taking codeine like iced lollies and new e meds… random, if I may. Had Amyltriptolene for a bit…left me punching in my sleep… 1-3 hours…..switched to Gabapentine… don’t know if it helps or naught… pain is 24-7…. Fire.

Nit attaching pics…guess why…but NHS, paramedics. Pharmacy and Surgery say worst case ever seen….was due for a sentencing in a court today and they would not even let me in the closed DOC as they would have to deep clean…infectious or naught.

By the book…not…but as I have nit been out of home over a month… I did warn them…

Technically, I am clear…but rash, inflammation, pain…it’s like a blow torch too. Y skin.

Message me if you ever had this, have this, or just worry…morbid curiosity… okay. I have had one of the worst cases reported….and I kept images as consultations are inline now.

Not sure how far to go… my left body started with pain of a weekend…just quit drinking… and then reapsearched liver is on the other side…my pain was on left.

Of a Sunday…about 15-blisters appeared upon my chest, said I would call surger on Monday if still there.

Monday, had about 300 blisters one side of chest…long story from here…but ended in “thousands” leaving a 12-inch swath of damage on the ,eft of my body, chest to middle back… precisely as indicated.. one half of body.

I have the nerve damage version, so if you want pics of what it looks like, information…etc,, write me.

One thing thank affected me… local pharmacy had no anti-viral…took me a week to get it…too late. They did fill it a week larger…then filled it again.

If you get anti-viral in first three days…can help a lot… I kept the last course in case I meet a friend in need. No cost…I’d FYI… one of those replaced

It when you can.

Any questions answered, no preferences,


I see someone was talking about Premogablin too.

I was taking that at the same time but Turo said that was OK.

I suffer from hot feet (not actually Physically hot) a number of things cause it including nerve damage.

Restless legs goes hand in hand with hot feet syndrome (nightmare).

I have since stopped both.

Neither are particularly good for you.

I just now put u with both the restless legs and hot feet. Cool room or bed helps....

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By *xymcsexingtonWoman 44 weeks ago


"I sympathize, rarely get the rash but I do get hypersensitive skin in random locations the worse was on the soles of my feet. It eventually goes but the time seems variable "

I get hypersensitive skin on my face/side of head had it for years no rashes not sure if its a type of neuralgia

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By *xymcsexingtonWoman 44 weeks ago


Nhs are now recommending shingle jab for over 65

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By (user no longer on site) 44 weeks ago

Had my shingles jag earlier this year

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By *ittlemissmistressKCouple 44 weeks ago


It's very commonly to get post-herpactic neuralgia...usually gabapentin or pregabalin can help

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By *rettygoodMan 44 weeks ago


Had it when I was 11, was excruciating but got me 3 weeks off school so I was ecstatic tbh

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By *vgloryholebs16TV/TS 44 weeks ago


It seems like lots of us have had it 3 times...fingers crossed I don't have any more..

The first time was the familiar around the belly, but the last two have been neck and shoulders...so painful, almost like a severe sunburn.

I don't remember what the Dr prescribed but someone recommended Aloe Vera gel for the blisters and that made a huge difference..

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By *ophieslutTV/TS 44 weeks ago


"Had my shingles jag earlier this year "

I think a few more of us may get it, as we've not appreciated having shingles and the vaccine could be our key to not suffering that again

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By *appytaffWoman 44 weeks ago


"Never had chicken pox as a kid, despite young to all the pox parties. Not sure if that decreases my chances of getting shingles or not.

I'm not too sure either, but obviously you can still get chicken pox, and I've been told chicken pox in adults is much worse. It leaves me a bit nervous as I'm pretty sure I haven't had chicken pox yet."

Yep you can get chicken pox more than once - I’ve had it 3 times and shingles once

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