
When Tantric meets Kama Sutra

Man in Mid Ulster, Northern Ireland, UK   On mobile site

Joined: 6 months ago
Last on: 9 hours ago

Hello Ladies,

Embark on an exquisite journey of self-discovery and profound pleasure, where the ancient arts of tantric massage and the Kama Sutra blend seamlessly to awaken your senses, invigorate your body, and elevate your spirit. Imagine a sanctuary where every touch is a note in a symphony of sensations, guiding you through a landscape of unexplored desires and unlocking the doors to a world of exquisite ecstasy. Allow yourself to be guided by a master of these timeless techniques, in a space where every moment is dedicated to your joy, your empowerment, and your ultimate satisfaction. Here, in the dance of energy and intimacy, you'll find not just pleasure, but a deeper connection to the essence of your being. Dare to explore, to feel, and to discover the limitless possibilities of pleasure that await.

So, if you're looking for a man who can offer you a unique experience, who values the art of giving, and who can guide you through the beautiful world of tantric massage and mind blowing orgasms let's talk.

Gentleman X

42 years old, Straight

5'8"  173cm
Non smoker
Don't drink
No tattoos
No piercings

Looking For

Couples (MF) Couples (FF) Women
Aged from 18 to 65
Will meet smokers


Can accommodate
Can travel


Voyeurism, Toys, Threesomes, Taking Photos, Separate Room Swapping, Safe Sex, Role Play, Rimming, Phone Sex, Oral, Making Videos, Group Sex, DP, Cuckolding, Blindfolds, Anal

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