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Fair comment reviews

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

we have seen club reviews in the last few months that have been defamatory and making what appear to be unfounded accusations of false profiles and reviews.

We wondered what motivates individuals to spend their time writing what appear to be vindictive reviews? We believe that clubs welcome constructive criticism because its in their interest to do so.

There then seems to be a pack mentality where people who have never attended the venue feel the need denigrate it.Then sadly people feel the need to make personal derogatory comments. Play ground tactics we feel lol.

Before we visit a club we read about it and look at its description. i.e. is it a small club, will there be single guys there on the night we are attending etc. We have seen people write reviews saying avoid because there are only four playrooms? We dont get this as they knew that before they attended? It may not be their cup of tea but some people like a small intimate club? If there are single guys in attendance on that night and you arent happy about being in their company then go to a club on a couples only night? Just because a club isnt for you doesnt necessarily mean its a bad venue.

We have been to one club where we would never go again, but we can still see that others may like it, we dont feel the need to slate it.

Thank goodness we dont all like the same things otherwise we would all be rammed into the same club lol

Lets all enjoy and support our clubs

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Interesting how no one has commented lol !

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

To be honest I got to line 3 and my eyes went blurry

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By *lubPartyPeepsCouple  over a year ago


Its a very cut throat business, and at the moment with the financial down turn being the way it is, everyone is vying for their piece of a shrinking pie.

There are also far more clubs and parties to choose from than before.

To give you an idea of this, there were around 50 clubs on the scene when we first got involved. Now there are over 100 in the UK alone. Of those 100 only about 25 or so are in that original 50.

That's because the days when you can stick a few mattresses on the floor and have a BYOB bar are long gone (Thank god) and alot of clubs came and went.

Clubs produce loyalty from their members, no reason why they shouldn't. As long as someone isn't rude and keeps their review factual, then they should be able to critize in whatever way and what issues they see as fit without getting this debate going on in the forums.

Loyal members do their club no favours when they start an unwarranted attack on someone who has simply done a factual review.

On the other hand, short reviews that come in with words along the lines of 'Unclean and shit club, don't bother' give it an avoid rating, and then the profile is 'NO LONGER ON SITE'

Should be treated as highly suspicious, and also should be deleted.

Clubs are subjective, we know what we like from our clubbing night, is the same for a great many people, but its also NOT the same for many others. Some people really don't care about the social side and just want to jump in the playroom. Some want to dance, others want the water features, some people want everything under one roof.

The best club will be the one that can tick the most boxes for the most people.

We would argue that there are some things that all people will want from their night out. Those are:

1) A club with other people in it

2) A club that is clean

3) Friendly and helpful staff, ideally good hosts, ideally Gregg and Lisa from Ourplace4fun (We are still working on how to clone them at the moment)

4) An erotic enviroment. (Subjective)

5) A space where you can play

6) A night that suits you (ie Couples only or mixed ot whatever you want)

7) Facilties to be working and advertised ahead when they are not.

Now regardless of how many play rooms you have or don't have, or if you have a water slide you can shag and do summersaults in while trying to land on the lilo in the pool, if you get all the above 7 right, then your club is going to be good for some people, and will rarely get a bad report.

We are due to go to Rios again soon. So you might want to look out for that one.

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By *umpkinMan  over a year ago

near the sounds of the wimborne quarter jack!

I reckon that 90% of the so-called reviews on here should be deleted because they simply are not reviews! Anything that starts "Another great night ....." tell you absolutely nothing! I could have left a shite review on a now closed club because I didn`t have a "great night" there but then I didn`t go upstairs to the playrooms so any review I would have given on what I saw would have been totally unfair to that club.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago
Forum Mod

I really don't like reviews that I assume are regulars all sticking their oar in because someone has dared to write a bad club review

Im a strong confident lady but it actually puts me off wanting to go as it makes clubs look cliquey when im sure thats really not the case,as a club virgin or newbie to the scene it must look awful

Having said that admin have created this forum so that people can have their say about clubs without clogging up the club review section with pointless reviews that are'nt really reviews at all

I would hope that any decent club manager would take on board any comments made about their club to try and make them as appealing as possible to potential new customers

Club wars are not pretty and its obvious various tac tics will be used to either discredit other clubs or make their own look the best,thats just how business works unfortunately

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