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Guest lists in club forum

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

We notice that a lot of event organisers are not posting public guest lists in the club events forum we went to an event recently without a guest list the organisers said it would be very busy but infact it was very quite we feel we were totally missled !! we think if you are going to post an event on fab it should be compulsory to have a public guest list.

Yes we know people will not always turn up but this was 90% less than we had been lead to believe !!

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By *awandOrderCouple  over a year ago

SW London

We usually ask not to be on any published guest list .... who needs to know we are going?

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"We usually ask not to be on any published guest list .... who needs to know we are going?"

That's your right its never going to be 100% accurate but we think you missed the point of our post

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Whilst we don't mind being on public guest lists, there are those who would rather not be, so making them compulsory could actually put people off going as well.

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By *ownhouseTwosomeCouple  over a year ago


There are several problems with this.

First of all, Fab is not the only swinging site out there and we actually get loads of people coming along who are not on Fab, so a guestlist is useless in this instance and open to abuse.

Second, not everyone turns up on a guestlist; we usually go by the rule of 2/3rds of a list will come along but it's not an accurate measurement.

Third, there are so many people on here who hound those who are on a guestlist before the event. This happens more with GG events where single ladies and couples have confirmed they are on the list and single guys have then bombarded women with PM's.

We do actually use guestlists for certain events like MILF Monday as the majority of our list (3/4) are on Fab, but for our Saturday events, I'd say only half are on Fab.

I generally try and be honest with numbers on events as people will lose faith in you. If I think it's going to be busy, I will tell you to be early to get in. It's not a ploy as many people have found out who have been turned away! If it's going to be hit and miss, maybe because there are other big events going on elsewhere, I will say so.


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Whilst we don't mind being on public guest lists, there are those who would rather not be, so making them compulsory could actually put people off going as well."

Compulsory to have one but its upto the individual if they wish to be added it's just meant as an indicator

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By *awandOrderCouple  over a year ago

SW London

"We usually ask not to be on any published guest list .... who needs to know we are going?

That's your right its never going to be 100% accurate but we think you missed the point of our post "

Okay, how about this .... have seen guest lists posted and hardly anyone of them turn up on more than a handful of occasions ... what if everyone asks for their name not to be on it? I dont think they are reliable, so there is no point in them ...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We use public guest lists and yes people don't turn up as is there right, we normally get 80% of people on the list turn up but we also get 30% more who are not on the list so over all it's quite a good indicator for us !!

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By *riskynriskyCouple  over a year ago


"There are several problems with this.

First of all, Fab is not the only swinging site out there and we actually get loads of people coming along who are not on Fab, so a guestlist is useless in this instance and open to abuse.

Second, not everyone turns up on a guestlist; we usually go by the rule of 2/3rds of a list will come along but it's not an accurate measurement.

Third, there are so many people on here who hound those who are on a guestlist before the event. This happens more with GG events where single ladies and couples have confirmed they are on the list and single guys have then bombarded women with PM's.

We do actually use guestlists for certain events like MILF Monday as the majority of our list (3/4) are on Fab, but for our Saturday events, I'd say only half are on Fab.

I generally try and be honest with numbers on events as people will lose faith in you. If I think it's going to be busy, I will tell you to be early to get in. It's not a ploy as many people have found out who have been turned away! If it's going to be hit and miss, maybe because there are other big events going on elsewhere, I will say so.


You forgot one...

A while back someone on here messaged everyone telling them that the party had been cancelled. They then pointed out that they were having a party and everyone could go there instead...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


You forgot one...

A while back someone on here messaged everyone telling them that the party had been cancelled. They then pointed out that they were having a party and everyone could go there instead..."

And people fell for that?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Wasn't there some stuff about rival clubs messaging people on guest lists to try and get them to go to their club instead and bad mouthing the organiser?

We don't mind being sent a guest list privately for parties so we can say hi to people beforehand. If we want public knowledge of attending an event, we post n the forum threads for them. Not keen on totally public guest lists

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Numerous club events and socials have a list on here. Townhouse, your social one is. Yes it's understandable that there is more than one site, some people may not be on the site and that some on the list may not show.

I think if the club does a list then it should be on show, but people have the option not to appear on the list and they're on it just for the club to know. Many clubs also hold events without a list and just advertise the event for all.

It's easy to block people if they are harassed by others for being on the list, but if they want to allow them to constantly message then more fool them.

Events, especially socials, I'd rather see a guest list prior to going as they are normally guest list only as its a non swingers venue, so want to know it'll be worth going before committing.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Wasn't there some stuff about rival clubs messaging people on guest lists to try and get them to go to their club instead and bad mouthing the organiser?

We don't mind being sent a guest list privately for parties so we can say hi to people beforehand. If we want public knowledge of attending an event, we post n the forum threads for them. Not keen on totally public guest lists"

I've not seen club profiles on here do it, but I have seen people profiles commenting on people's posts saying go here instead etc

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

And guest lists encourage stalkers

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I was going to a private party where the organisers sent a message saying that out of principal and in the name of discretion, they would not be publishing a guest list. Three or four nights before the party I got half a dozen PMs from people I didn't know saying "hi, I hear you're going to X&X's party, can't wait to meet you". Hmm no guest list sent out then? Just coincidence? Psychic abilities?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I tend to tell people its like a pub, you never know until you get there.

The administration of a guest list could easily become a nightmare, I have enough trouble answering fab queries, enails, texts and phone calls let alone publishing an up to date guest list.

Plus , if people dont go till they know how many or who is going then no one goes ? and the club is dead and ultimately closes possibly? And all because people didn't go because they weren't sure if anyone else was going...why not just take a chance? Have no expectations and everything else is a bonus.

Finally, people often say that the quieter nights are the best as people make more of an effort to talk to the ones who have made the effort....

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By *ushandkittyCouple  over a year ago


We feel a lot of the 'guest list threads' are just used to bump the clubs thread for more publicity. What's the point of posting a list of ppl plus one or two different names 70-80 times out of 175. If you are gonna post a list, keep track of the names and post a complete list 1-2 days before the event.

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By *riskynriskyCouple  over a year ago



You forgot one...

A while back someone on here messaged everyone telling them that the party had been cancelled. They then pointed out that they were having a party and everyone could go there instead...

And people fell for that?"

No one that I know of but still pretty sad...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I was going to a private party where the organisers sent a message saying that out of principal and in the name of discretion, they would not be publishing a guest list. Three or four nights before the party I got half a dozen PMs from people I didn't know saying "hi, I hear you're going to X&X's party, can't wait to meet you". Hmm no guest list sent out then? Just coincidence? Psychic abilities? "

Did you go? Sounds like they were using you as bait...

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By *ikeC81Man  over a year ago


Yeah well for me if someone puts on a club thread that they are going and I know the, I might message to say seen that your going to club and it will be nice catch up

Sometimes I might ask the club privately to put me on the possible list but keep me off the main list due to potential other plans that could fall through. But I always say that I will let them know nearer the time

If I was going to a party, which I haven't been to one in years, I would want people to know that I am coming as the chances are I would not know many people and at least they can look at my profile

If like hh, says it was a private party and complete discression was agreed then I would be pissy to find out name had gone out

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I was going to a private party where the organisers sent a message saying that out of principal and in the name of discretion, they would not be publishing a guest list. Three or four nights before the party I got half a dozen PMs from people I didn't know saying "hi, I hear you're going to X&X's party, can't wait to meet you". Hmm no guest list sent out then? Just coincidence? Psychic abilities?

Did you go? Sounds like they were using you as bait..."

That's precisely how I felt and hence, no, I sent my apologies and didn't go.

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By *tasiaCouple  over a year ago

West Bromwich

"We feel a lot of the 'guest list threads' are just used to bump the clubs thread for more publicity. What's the point of posting a list of ppl plus one or two different names 70-80 times out of 175. If you are gonna post a list, keep track of the names and post a complete list 1-2 days before the event."
We actually do what you've just outlined here, however we feel its for different reasons. We get loads of mails from people asking to be added, and not all replies come through Fab, many on club emails, so when someone wants to be added, we add, and then post the revised list, more than anything to show the attendee that we've actually acted and added them. We also feel it helps everyone, you can easily see who's going, get an idea of how busy or quiet it may be, and see if friends are on the list.

Accuracy wise, we too work on the 80/20 rule on average, 80% of the list will turn up, and around another 20% will turn up who aren't on the list, either at their request, or never knew about it.

We personally always like to see chat going on around the thread, its not just names being added, its people sorting out lifts, what to wear, birthday shouts, etc. All kinds of natter goes on during a thread and if 80 out of 175 are new name lists, at least the other 95 messages are attendees chatting. When you see loads of natter going on, you know its going to be a damn fun event...look at Swingfields threads for example. No chat, dead event. Writing on the wall comes to mind.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 02/06/16 10:46:08]

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By *atEvolutionCouple  over a year ago

atlantisEVOLUTION Swingers Club. Stoke.

"We notice that a lot of event organisers are not posting public guest lists in the club events forum we went to an event recently without a guest list the organisers said it would be very busy but infact it was very quite we feel we were totally missled !! we think if you are going to post an event on fab it should be compulsory to have a public guest list.

Yes we know people will not always turn up but this was 90% less than we had been lead to believe !!"

Not sure it should be compulsory but I think it helps potential party-goers get a feel for the potential of the evening.

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By *tasiaCouple  over a year ago

West Bromwich

Just been pointed out to me that this could read wrong!!

When you see loads of natter going on, you know its going to be a damn fun event...look at Swingfields threads for example. No chat, dead event. Writing on the wall comes to mind.

Its meant to be two separate paragraphs: When you see loads of natter going on, you know its going to be a damn fun event...look at Swingfields threads for example. As an example of an event we're all buzzing about....and then:

No chat, dead event. Writing on the wall comes to mind.

Didn't mean to confuse, lol.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" Just been pointed out to me that this could read wrong!!

When you see loads of natter going on, you know its going to be a damn fun event...look at Swingfields threads for example. No chat, dead event. Writing on the wall comes to mind.

Its meant to be two separate paragraphs: When you see loads of natter going on, you know its going to be a damn fun event...look at Swingfields threads for example. As an example of an event we're all buzzing about....and then:

No chat, dead event. Writing on the wall comes to mind.

Didn't mean to confuse, lol.


The forum punctuation police will be out to get you lol Mrs DPraved xx

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By *tasiaCouple  over a year ago

West Bromwich

" The forum punctuation police will be out to get you lol Mrs DPraved xx"
lol didn't write it, I did.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" The forum punctuation police will be out to get you lol Mrs DPraved xxlol didn't write it, I did. "


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By *ownhouseTwosomeCouple  over a year ago


Pmsl...surprised you didn't get jumped on there!! I did raise an eyebrow myself and thought, Paul wouldn't say that and realised what you'd done. Oops!!! lol xx

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By *tasiaCouple  over a year ago

West Bromwich

"Pmsl...surprised you didn't get jumped on there!! I did raise an eyebrow myself and thought, Paul wouldn't say that and realised what you'd done. Oops!!! lol xx "
Trust me, I got jumped on, lol.

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By *picyminxWoman  over a year ago


There are certain clubs that do make out they are going to have a busy night and exagerate the numbers but you can normally see who they are its a shame as it is false advertising to a certain degree and people end up being disappointed. As Townhouse said people come from different sites so publishing a guest list wouldn't be accurate, I don't tend to publish guests for many reasons but I have no problem saying if an event is looking to be quiet and will happily pass on names of people in pm that have said its ok to do so. Some people don't want everyone to know where they're going. Also on publishing a guest list the fallout towards the time of the event can also be quite big so even publishing it wobt guarantee people turn up x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It's about privacy though.. A lot wouldn't appreciate there names on a public list but most events if you ring ahead would tell you how many people are there.. It would do more damage then good to lie on the numbers.

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By *ngeluk69Woman  over a year ago

Near enough

"There are certain clubs that do make out they are going to have a busy night and exagerate the numbers but you can normally see who they are its a shame as it is false advertising to a certain degree and people end up being disappointed. As Townhouse said people come from different sites so publishing a guest list wouldn't be accurate, I don't tend to publish guests for many reasons but I have no problem saying if an event is looking to be quiet and will happily pass on names of people in pm that have said its ok to do so. Some people don't want everyone to know where they're going. Also on publishing a guest list the fallout towards the time of the event can also be quite big so even publishing it wobt guarantee people turn up x"

Have seen this happen many times (we are on the same page lol)

I've also seen lists go up and people begging for their names to be taken off of a public list because they get hassled and then don't want to go to an event, because they didn't ask for their name to be put in the public forum.

I've always said if people comment on an event thread then they are happy to publicly have their name attached to the event, if they contact privately then they simply don't want it public.

(Gosh that sounds like a garbled mess but I think it makes sense haha)

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By *ity Slickers PartiesCouple (MM)  over a year ago

Milan, Italy

"We feel a lot of the 'guest list threads' are just used to bump the clubs thread for more publicity. What's the point of posting a list of ppl plus one or two different names 70-80 times out of 175. If you are gonna post a list, keep track of the names and post a complete list 1-2 days before the event."

I agree but then again when guests see an update as the guest list increases, the party becomes gradually more popular because most people want to go to a well attended party with interesting people!

Perhaps a good idea would be one of providing the possibility under MEETS, EVENTS for individual profiles to add themselves to the party they are showing interest in going, so that would give the freedom of who wants to be on the or who prefers not to be on the list but may want to contact those profiles who are on the Guest List, privately

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I do not think compulsory guestlists will work.alot of people like to remain anonymous,if they want people to know there go on a thread because they choose to or advertise through there own meets and statuses

most club/party organisers do a private guestlist and give people the choice to enter there names on the threads,I get messages to add names,more than on my threads it doesn't mean my parties have hardly anybody there,far from it x

most try not to give people false information/amount of people as then that would give them and the club a bad reputation

Most organisers bump threads up to be seen,it's part of the advertising,chatting on threads is very good as people are connecting before the event,if they choose to

I feel you were very unlucky Op as it's not always the case

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By *eanandJulieCouple  over a year ago


"There are several problems with this.

First of all, Fab is not the only swinging site out there and we actually get loads of people coming along who are not on Fab, so a guestlist is useless in this instance and open to abuse.

Second, not everyone turns up on a guestlist; we usually go by the rule of 2/3rds of a list will come along but it's not an accurate measurement.

Third, there are so many people on here who hound those who are on a guestlist before the event. This happens more with GG events where single ladies and couples have confirmed they are on the list and single guys have then bombarded women with PM's.

We do actually use guestlists for certain events like MILF Monday as the majority of our list (3/4) are on Fab, but for our Saturday events, I'd say only half are on Fab.

I generally try and be honest with numbers on events as people will lose faith in you. If I think it's going to be busy, I will tell you to be early to get in. It's not a ploy as many people have found out who have been turned away! If it's going to be hit and miss, maybe because there are other big events going on elsewhere, I will say so.


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By *inky-MinxWoman  over a year ago


"We usually ask not to be on any published guest list .... who needs to know we are going?

That's your right its never going to be 100% accurate but we think you missed the point of our post "

The point of your post was compulsory guest lists and not everyone will think that's a good idea.

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