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Single men in clubs

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Do you think those that aren't interested in single men notice them more than those who are?

I only ask as I've never felt there have been too many single men in clubs, I've felt there weren't enough at times, but never too many. However, in the club reviews from the same night people complain that the club was 'swarming' with single men. All I think is where was I when all these single men appeared because some how I manage to miss them all.

So that's where I got the idea from anyway, notice more of what you're not interested in.

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By *ougarsandcubsWoman  over a year ago


"Do you think those that aren't interested in single men notice them more than those who are?

I only ask as I've never felt there have been too many single men in clubs, I've felt there weren't enough at times, but never too many. However, in the club reviews from the same night people complain that the club was 'swarming' with single men. All I think is where was I when all these single men appeared because some how I manage to miss them all.

So that's where I got the idea from anyway, notice more of what you're not interested in. "

or is it we didn't notice them because they were no bother and we didn't fancy any of them

had a simular situation on Friday night at a club .

where were they.?? .. yet I know there was plenty. just nine to our liking x

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By *anillaguyMan  over a year ago


Only nine? Lucky them

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By *emplarWarriorMan  over a year ago


As a single guy I totally agree.

I've been to clubs on my own and read the reviews the following day and to my amazement read that the place was swarming with SG's and think really?

I would think that I would certainly notice if it was....

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By *lik and PaulCouple  over a year ago


I don't think there's ever been too many but it's the swarming effect that can make it appear so....go off for a quite play, maybe happy if one or two join in, twelve turn up. Our choice when we we play in open areas but maybe a bit of common sense should prevail.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I don't think there's ever been too many but it's the swarming effect that can make it appear so....go off for a quite play, maybe happy if one or two join in, twelve turn up. Our choice when we we play in open areas but maybe a bit of common sense should prevail."

I understand that completely. Say at chams for example, a couple playing in the round room and the majority of men go in there too, so I guess at times it can feel like there are a lot of men. But, there's usually more couples and women that aren't in the round room, so in comparison there aren't that many men, the majority just happen to be in the same place at once.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Do you think those that aren't interested in single men notice them more than those who are?

I only ask as I've never felt there have been too many single men in clubs, I've felt there weren't enough at times, but never too many. However, in the club reviews from the same night people complain that the club was 'swarming' with single men. All I think is where was I when all these single men appeared because some how I manage to miss them all.

So that's where I got the idea from anyway, notice more of what you're not interested in. "

I've never been to a club with too many single men. More single men = more choice, and more choice is rarely a bad thing.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I don't think there's ever been too many but it's the swarming effect that can make it appear so....go off for a quite play, maybe happy if one or two join in, twelve turn up. Our choice when we we play in open areas but maybe a bit of common sense should prevail."

I'd agree with this, a lot of places I've been have had a semi decent ratio but because most of the guys will swarm around the only couple playing it appears that the place is swarming with them.

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By *reygorCouple  over a year ago


think its more to do with day and time you visit.chams on a friday night has many single men in [they tend to hunt like a pack]and follow couples in a pied piper type line.chams sunday afternoon a lot less guys .look at your club reviews and pick the day that is better for your needs

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"think its more to do with day and time you visit.chams on a friday night has many single men in [they tend to hunt like a pack]and follow couples in a pied piper type line.chams sunday afternoon a lot less guys .look at your club reviews and pick the day that is better for your needs"

If I go to chams it's normally a Friday, but I've never noticed that kind of behaviour, if anything chams is the club where I've felt like there have never been enough men.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Do you think those that aren't interested in single men notice them more than those who are?

I only ask as I've never felt there have been too many single men in clubs, I've felt there weren't enough at times, but never too many. However, in the club reviews from the same night people complain that the club was 'swarming' with single men. All I think is where was I when all these single men appeared because some how I manage to miss them all.

So that's where I got the idea from anyway, notice more of what you're not interested in.

I've never been to a club with too many single men. More single men = more choice, and more choice is rarely a bad thing."

I'll remember this for when the next thread complaining about single men comes along. I guess those that aren't interested in single men don't see it as more choice, but they do when it's couples or females.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We're not into single guys so we choose nights for couples only. Only time we have issues with single guys are when we visit kestrels for a spa day and even then we just keep ourselves to ourselves but are not rude to the single guys should they approach

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By *sianmale89Man  over a year ago


I've only been to a club once, had a good time I think it was maybe 60% single men in attendance that night and the rest were either couples or the odd single lady here and there on a Thursday night, It was a fun experience though I'd like to explore the club scene again some day when I get a chance

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Dont some places restrict single male numbers?

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By *sianmale89Man  over a year ago


"Dont some places restrict single male numbers?"
they do depending on the club and it's management, some nights single men are not allowed and others they are either as a member or guest..

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By *anther and gothic angelCouple  over a year ago

fairy land

"think its more to do with day and time you visit.chams on a friday night has many single men in [they tend to hunt like a pack]and follow couples in a pied piper type line.chams sunday afternoon a lot less guys .look at your club reviews and pick the day that is better for your needs

If I go to chams it's normally a Friday, but I've never noticed that kind of behaviour, if anything chams is the club where I've felt like there have never been enough men. "

I agree there's never enough single men

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Hopefully i will be well recieved on friday then! C&C

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By *taffs Naturist guyMan  over a year ago


As a regular single guy who go's to Chams I think both cases might be right. I have to say I have noticed the type of single guys in clubs has changed.

As pointed out before when a couple play somewhere in the club the rest of the club can go quiet.

It has started to amuse me the number of guys now at clubs who just wander around looking for a chance to watch and presumably join in.

Rather than chatting and getting to know someone. I quiet often sit in the Jacuzzi at chams and If im the only one in you can have 25-30 guys walk up ... look who's in then walk off obviously as their are no women in. To me you ether want a Jacuzzi or dont !

So in answer to your question I think It depends on the type of single guys in clubs. If a couple who is not looking for guys start to play in most cases they will notice the automatic string of opportunist guys who will be chancing their arm. On the other hand there seems to be a lack (at times) of traditional guys who chat and get to know people.

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By *yrdwomanWoman  over a year ago

Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum

I have never been to a club where there's been too many guys. I've never been followed by or witnessed anyone else being followed by lines of men. IMO the people complaining about too many single men being at clubs are the ones who should really go on couples only nights.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We tend to find it can vary from month to month, I would imagine it has something to do with the fact most guys assume turning up to a club guarantees sex and when that doesn't happen they don't see the point in returning next week/month thus one less guy next time.

We've seen both ends of the spectrum with endless zombie wank chains one week and only a handful of (very in demand) guys the next.


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By *he Queen of TartsWoman  over a year ago
Forum Mod

My Own Little World

"I have never been to a club where there's been too many guys. I've never been followed by or witnessed anyone else being followed by lines of men. IMO the people complaining about too many single men being at clubs are the ones who should really go on couples only nights."

Agree with this.

I have never seen a conga line of blokes following women about at any club, but at Chams they do seem to dart from room to room looking for 'the action'. If they stood still long enough to actually open their gob and talk to people they would possibly get invited to play. But popping their head round a door and then out again like bloody Meercats, doesn't really work.

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By *oinMan  over a year ago


As a single male I can't get in to chams which is a bit of a pi**er really as it's only 10 minutes drive from mine

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Never enough single men!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I have never been to a club where there's been too many guys. I've never been followed by or witnessed anyone else being followed by lines of men. IMO the people complaining about too many single men being at clubs are the ones who should really go on couples only nights.

Agree with this.

I have never seen a conga line of blokes following women about at any club, but at Chams they do seem to dart from room to room looking for 'the action'. If they stood still long enough to actually open their gob and talk to people they would possibly get invited to play. But popping their head round a door and then out again like bloody Meercats, doesn't really work."

Exactly this!

I've been going to clubs as a single male for years and have found that the best way to even get a chance of play is to engage in conversation with single females and couples.

Too many single men prowl the clubs looking for action without having the courage to attempt to talk first.

One club that the single guys can be a pest in is Abfabs with it's open play areas such as their cinema room with a couple playingwhich attracts a crowd of onlookers. I've often seen guys pop out of the shadows to try their luck or stripping off in preparation of an invitation. This can be off putting if you have to spend your time policing who can and can't join into a play situation.

You also get guys who muscle into a group which is just as bad and somewhat rude!

Just because you are in a club you mustn't expect to get action without interaction.

Just enjoy the club for what it is, respectfully mingle with the other customers and who knows what may happen!

Think of it as any other night out, you never pulled in the local nightclub by being a wallflower did you?!

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By *sGivesWoodWoman  over a year ago


"I have never been to a club where there's been too many guys. I've never been followed by or witnessed anyone else being followed by lines of men. IMO the people complaining about too many single men being at clubs are the ones who should really go on couples only nights."

You hit the nail in the head, well done

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By *xyzptlk088Man  over a year ago


"Do you think those that aren't interested in single men notice them more than those who are?

I only ask as I've never felt there have been too many single men in clubs, I've felt there weren't enough at times, but never too many. However, in the club reviews from the same night people complain that the club was 'swarming' with single men. All I think is where was I when all these single men appeared because some how I manage to miss them all.

So that's where I got the idea from anyway, notice more of what you're not interested in. "

Those who post about what you are saying are usually just seeking attention and using the spawn of satan that is the dreaded "single male" as fodder to feed their neediness.

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By *ootballFlowerCouple  over a year ago


Chams is funny on a Friday night. We often sit at the bus stop and watch the single guys doing their "laps" of the building. You see them going one way, 2-3 mins later coming back and then repeat the whole process again 10 mins later, the only thing missing is the Benny Hill music! Never once does a single one of them say a word to any of the couples who are sat around but not playing.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"As a single male I can't get in to chams which is a bit of a pi**er really as it's only 10 minutes drive from mine "
you can if you go on a bbw party night not all the women are large xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Chams is funny on a Friday night. We often sit at the bus stop and watch the single guys doing their "laps" of the building. You see them going one way, 2-3 mins later coming back and then repeat the whole process again 10 mins later, the only thing missing is the Benny Hill music! Never once does a single one of them say a word to any of the couples who are sat around but not playing. "
we watch them from the jacuzzi but some will make conversation.. although we will speak to them too x

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By *oiluvfunMan  over a year ago


As someone who only had his first club experience on Friday night, I've taken all the positive comments from this thread onboard, cheers

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By *aughtywifeandhimCouple  over a year ago


It's always good to have a selection of single guys at club . We do go for couples , but wife enjoys cock to much , plus I can take a breather while she is having fun . Safer to meet them in club and if they are genuin and can accom we like house visits too ??

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By *r an Mrs xMan  over a year ago


We get the same at amour. " too many single guys ". But when u look at the sheet at the end of the night the single guys were out numbered by couples and single girls 3 to 1 ....

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By *ohohoWoman  over a year ago

Up North

"Chams is funny on a Friday night. We often sit at the bus stop and watch the single guys doing their "laps" of the building. You see them going one way, 2-3 mins later coming back and then repeat the whole process again 10 mins later, the only thing missing is the Benny Hill music! Never once does a single one of them say a word to any of the couples who are sat around but not playing. "

To be fair I also like to walk around and have a look to see what is happening. Not necessarily because I want to join in, I just like to watch. Maybe they are doing the same.

It also is a two way street. No need to wait for a man to say Hi.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"think its more to do with day and time you visit.chams on a friday night has many single men in [they tend to hunt like a pack]and follow couples in a pied piper type line.chams sunday afternoon a lot less guys .look at your club reviews and pick the day that is better for your needs

If I go to chams it's normally a Friday, but I've never noticed that kind of behaviour, if anything chams is the club where I've felt like there have never been enough men.

I agree there's never enough single men"

Same here, there are rarely enough

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Chams is funny on a Friday night. We often sit at the bus stop and watch the single guys doing their "laps" of the building. You see them going one way, 2-3 mins later coming back and then repeat the whole process again 10 mins later, the only thing missing is the Benny Hill music! Never once does a single one of them say a word to any of the couples who are sat around but not playing. "

I know it seems incredible to think. And his is amazing - it might blow your mind. Maybe they don't want to fuck you or any of the couples sat around not playing?

I know right? It's such a crazy thought...

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By *eeleyWoman  over a year ago


We definitely need more single men at Chams!

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By *sian_coupleukCouple  over a year ago


Totally with this analysis - we as couple feel the type of single men have changed, many now come in for a quicky or hope to get instant action even though no introduction or formal communication has taken place.

When we 1st attended a club about 6 years back, we spend many an hour talking to guys in sauna and jucuzzi area. We love playing a public area (pointless locking ourselves away in a private room if in a club) and because we had spoken to someone and they seemed nice we didn't mind them watching and upon invite they would join in.

However now many see us playing in public area and swarm in and can actually be intimidating for the female as many guys gather around in close proximity cocks waving in face!

When for the male it's off putting - instead of playing, your having to tell guys off from touching or getting too close which then stops us from playing in public area and we have to take our activities to a private room instead which spoils the full for us and all..!!!

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By *uited staffs guyMan  over a year ago


"We definitely need more single men at Chams! "

I'd say we need more ladies!!

The last 2 Fridays I've been (daytimes this time to be fair) have been rather high on the single guy:couples/ladies ratio

Now I went to enjoy the facilities and jacuzzi etc and chat so wasn't overly upset by that and still had a nice time but still would've been nice to see more ladies and couples there

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Do you think those that aren't interested in single men notice them more than those who are?

I only ask as I've never felt there have been too many single men in clubs, I've felt there weren't enough at times, but never too many. However, in the club reviews from the same night people complain that the club was 'swarming' with single men. All I think is where was I when all these single men appeared because some how I manage to miss them all.

So that's where I got the idea from anyway, notice more of what you're not interested in.

I've never been to a club with too many single men. More single men = more choice, and more choice is rarely a bad thing."

Unless there's more wires than you were expecting when trying to diffuse a bomb

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"We definitely need more single men at Chams!

I'd say we need more ladies!!

The last 2 Fridays I've been (daytimes this time to be fair) have been rather high on the single guy:couples/ladies ratio

Now I went to enjoy the facilities and jacuzzi etc and chat so wasn't overly upset by that and still had a nice time but still would've been nice to see more ladies and couples there "

That's normally the case on any daytime though, soon scoot off back home to their wife once 5pm hits. Does make me chuckle to myself though. I've only been to chams a handful of daytimes and each time I've been the only single female, with a few older couples and few single men. Never has it been busy during the day when I've been, 15 people max id say.

But if I go during the day it's to catch up with friends and to chill. The time I go to play is a Friday evening and there's always a mix of couples, women and men about oh and then the couples that are really singles but don't want the other playing so not sure why they're there, but each to their own. But there's always a good mix on a Friday night, never too many men.

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By *uited staffs guyMan  over a year ago


I go evenings as well and I agree Friday evenings are a bit of an event in their own regard to be fair - usually very busy and you're lucky to park half the time!

Still not convinced that there's a shortage of guys on a Friday night on the times I've been though!

I'm debating between chams and xtasia this Friday so I might see again for myself!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

would love to again on a Friday but feel out of place xx

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I go evenings as well and I agree Friday evenings are a bit of an event in their own regard to be fair - usually very busy and you're lucky to park half the time!

Still not convinced that there's a shortage of guys on a Friday night on the times I've been though!

I'm debating between chams and xtasia this Friday so I might see again for myself! "

I wasn't saying there was a shortage as such, for me there's just not many that take my fancy so I see it in as a shortage in that sense, selfishly. But even still, I don't think it's overrun with men there, compared to other clubs I've been to chams is very limited on the amount of men it will allow in and with the majority being members it's the same ones every week, so feels a bit samey. Personally I think there are more couples than any others and that's in all the clubs I've been to, but then maybe I notice them more as they're not what I'm looking for, could work both ways.

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