
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Ireland > Is looking for fwbs a thing on fab

Is looking for fwbs a thing on fab

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By *ittlekinks38 OP   Woman  over a year ago

outside belfast x

A regular friends with benefits is ideally what am looking for but is it a thing on here that most ppl are looking or up for? Seemingly am talking away to ppl 6+ months to build that connection then all of a sudden they don't have time mmmm? Are they even genuine?

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By *asilbrush999Man  over a year ago


There serious lack of genuine people on here, I always presume things will not work out and if they do it a bonus!

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By *verage Joe BlackMan  over a year ago

Border Area

I’ve seen it posted both in forum threads and on people’s profiles, but it’s rare. If you think of the essence of fab though, it doesn’t naturally lend itself to that kind of arrangement - or at least the mindset of those members may not naturally be that way inclined, so you’re fishing from a small pool, most likely.

To your other point on messaging for 6 months; it’s hard to keep a conversation going for that long when you’re attracted to someone without actually meeting. Of course that’s the problem now with lockdown, but chat will start off flirty and fun, maybe get fairly hot, but without the desired physical contact, it often drops off, the excitement fades and chats drop to more mundane everyday things. Is there is spark, a little bit of variety needed or an agreement to pause messaging for a while until the meeting situation improves.

Hope ya get what you’re looking for though

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A regular friends with benefits is ideally what am looking for but is it a thing on here that most ppl are looking or up for? Seemingly am talking away to ppl 6+ months to build that connection then all of a sudden they don't have time mmmm? Are they even genuine? "

I seriously get what you’re saying and unfortunately I’m outside you’re age range. I would love to have a very small bubble of swinging friends that we could chat and play if so desired during these challenging times.

Hope you find what you’re looking for x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A regular friends with benefits is ideally what am looking for but is it a thing on here that most ppl are looking or up for? Seemingly am talking away to ppl 6+ months to build that connection then all of a sudden they don't have time mmmm? Are they even genuine? "

Well if those you are talking to in the hope of meeting are on this site and if reading your post they now know what youre thinking and how youre feeling..but in a general thought on it anything can happen in a persons life in 6 months that can change the course of it , their personal situations and circumstances could change , who knows the reason why but asking if they're genuine is an understanable question cause 6 months chatting then zilch ?? Timewasters or string a longers might spring to mind but as l said maybe their reasons for not now having time to meet might be genuine.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Arranging a social meet early on tends to out the fantasists.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Arranging a social meet early on tends to out the fantasists."

So true. a week of chatting ( in a normal situation ) is enough to know if people want to meet ,anything after that may just be heading down the timewaster road.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"There serious lack of genuine people on here, I always presume things will not work out and if they do it a bonus!"

That is the most honest thing iv seen on here lol well apart from a very small number

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"There serious lack of genuine people on here, I always presume things will not work out and if they do it a bonus!"

I call shenanigans on this one friend.

There's OODLES of genuine peps on here. Not as many as the absolute time wasters, granted, but that doesn't mean one can't find lots of fun, engaging, genuine people if one just puts a bit of effort into the search!

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By *ustBoWoman  over a year ago

Somewhere in Co. Down

"Arranging a social meet early on tends to out the fantasists.

So true. a week of chatting ( in a normal situation ) is enough to know if people want to meet ,anything after that may just be heading down the timewaster road."

If someone is pushing for a meet within a week it actually puts me off meeting someone.

I learnt my lesson not to rush into meeting people off here as the 2 times I did meet people quickly it was horrible and in one case quite scary.

It's easier for a couple to meet quickly as there is 2 of you so there is less likelyhood of anyone trying to push beyond what ye want. If you chat for a while at least you get a good idea of the person you meeting

6 months is too long tho under normal circumstances if someone keeps making excuses and wanting pics and just dirty talk they are looking wank fodder or just not interested in meeting.

There are plenty of genuine people on here I think tho.

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By *ildmovementMan  over a year ago


"Arranging a social meet early on tends to out the fantasists.

So true. a week of chatting ( in a normal situation ) is enough to know if people want to meet ,anything after that may just be heading down the timewaster road.

If someone is pushing for a meet within a week it actually puts me off meeting someone.

I learnt my lesson not to rush into meeting people off here as the 2 times I did meet people quickly it was horrible and in one case quite scary.

It's easier for a couple to meet quickly as there is 2 of you so there is less likelyhood of anyone trying to push beyond what ye want. If you chat for a while at least you get a good idea of the person you meeting

6 months is too long tho under normal circumstances if someone keeps making excuses and wanting pics and just dirty talk they are looking wank fodder or just not interested in meeting.

There are plenty of genuine people on here I think tho. "

Lol Bi! Wash your mouth out “Wank Fodder” Oh my word what a description don’t feed the beast

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By *ealitybitesMan  over a year ago


A week is no where near long enough to decide if someone is worth meeting.

I know there are lots of people who are happy to meet at the drop of a hat but I'd be interested to know what percentage of those are the same ones whinging about people not turning up or not getting repeat meets.

If you have no interest in the other person and see them only as a talking cock or a pouting pussy then don't expect them to look at you any differently.

Six months is a long time but with the current restrictions it's probably the norm right now.

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By *humper22Woman  over a year ago


"A regular friends with benefits is ideally what am looking for but is it a thing on here that most ppl are looking or up for? Seemingly am talking away to ppl 6+ months to build that connection then all of a sudden they don't have time mmmm? Are they even genuine? "

I'm also finding it difficult to find the same thing

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By *hilaboutMan  over a year ago


It u chatting for a mth an getting good feed back I think a social meet is due ...regarding bad experiences in meet always do it in a public place with people about ..u can just walk away then but 6 mths sounds very extreme

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Arranging a social meet early on tends to out the fantasists."

I actually agree with this as im not one for texting back an fourth if a person is a genuine an interested then a wee social meet shouldn't be a problem after all it is what we here to meet people

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By *willfindyouWoman  over a year ago

Not looking to meet new peeps.

"Arranging a social meet early on tends to out the fantasists."

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By *oghunter33Woman  over a year ago

on the hill NordWest of

You won't find a fwb by just chatting to men. The sex is a crucial part of such arrangement and only by meeting and having sex you will find out if you get on in the bedroom.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"You won't find a fwb by just chatting to men. The sex is a crucial part of such arrangement and only by meeting and having sex you will find out if you get on in the bedroom. "

Exactly, so why chat for months without at least a social meet to see if it's worth upping the ante.

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By *ustBoWoman  over a year ago

Somewhere in Co. Down

"You won't find a fwb by just chatting to men. The sex is a crucial part of such arrangement and only by meeting and having sex you will find out if you get on in the bedroom.

Exactly, so why chat for months without at least a social meet to see if it's worth upping the ante. "

At the moment probably because of covid people are chatting for months.

While I don't meet within a week of chatting to anyone I also won't spend months chatting either.

I think everyone has their own timeframe in how long it takes for people to feel comfortable to meet. It doesn't mean someone is a timewaster because it isn't the same as someone else's tho.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"You won't find a fwb by just chatting to men. The sex is a crucial part of such arrangement and only by meeting and having sex you will find out if you get on in the bedroom.

Exactly, so why chat for months without at least a social meet to see if it's worth upping the ante.

At the moment probably because of covid people are chatting for months.

While I don't meet within a week of chatting to anyone I also won't spend months chatting either.

I think everyone has their own timeframe in how long it takes for people to feel comfortable to meet. It doesn't mean someone is a timewaster because it isn't the same as someone else's tho. "

I'm ignoring the current situation and speaking generally. I wouldn't expect anyone to hang on for months chatting without a realistic proposal for at least a coffee in a public place.

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By *ustBoWoman  over a year ago

Somewhere in Co. Down

"You won't find a fwb by just chatting to men. The sex is a crucial part of such arrangement and only by meeting and having sex you will find out if you get on in the bedroom.

Exactly, so why chat for months without at least a social meet to see if it's worth upping the ante.

At the moment probably because of covid people are chatting for months.

While I don't meet within a week of chatting to anyone I also won't spend months chatting either.

I think everyone has their own timeframe in how long it takes for people to feel comfortable to meet. It doesn't mean someone is a timewaster because it isn't the same as someone else's tho.

I'm ignoring the current situation and speaking generally. I wouldn't expect anyone to hang on for months chatting without a realistic proposal for at least a coffee in a public place."

Ye I agree neither would I. Usually if they chat for that long they have zero intention of meeting at all.

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By *elfastDMan  over a year ago


I used to think I wanted a fwb, mostly because I’m a friendly guy so I’m generally friendly to all my meets even for a long time after if it turns out to be a one off. However a lot of people think a fwb is mostly a friend ie doing things together, having dinner, going out, cinema, nights out in pubs, etc who then also has the benefits of sexual interaction when required. To me that’s more of a boyfriend/girlfriend situation.

So I’m now looking for a friendly fb

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By *oghunter33Woman  over a year ago

on the hill NordWest of

"You won't find a fwb by just chatting to men. The sex is a crucial part of such arrangement and only by meeting and having sex you will find out if you get on in the bedroom.

Exactly, so why chat for months without at least a social meet to see if it's worth upping the ante.

At the moment probably because of covid people are chatting for months.

While I don't meet within a week of chatting to anyone I also won't spend months chatting either.

I think everyone has their own timeframe in how long it takes for people to feel comfortable to meet. It doesn't mean someone is a timewaster because it isn't the same as someone else's tho.

I'm ignoring the current situation and speaking generally. I wouldn't expect anyone to hang on for months chatting without a realistic proposal for at least a coffee in a public place."

If you stick to the restrictions it's mission impossible to find a fwb at present.

Anyhow my point is even when you meet for a social and you get on fantastic, it doesn't mean you will match in the bedroom. Proof is in the pudding.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A week is no where near long enough to decide if someone is worth meeting.

I know there are lots of people who are happy to meet at the drop of a hat but I'd be interested to know what percentage of those are the same ones whinging about people not turning up or not getting repeat meets.

If you have no interest in the other person and see them only as a talking cock or a pouting pussy then don't expect them to look at you any differently.

Six months is a long time but with the current restrictions it's probably the norm right now.


Well l think if you're chatting regularly to a person everyday for a week and both discover that ye have a lot in common and the same outlook and interests in that time and ye " click " its loads of time to decide to have a social meet ..and not in a pushy way..i think both parties would be feeling comfortable enough to do so...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"You won't find a fwb by just chatting to men. The sex is a crucial part of such arrangement and only by meeting and having sex you will find out if you get on in the bedroom.

Exactly, so why chat for months without at least a social meet to see if it's worth upping the ante.

At the moment probably because of covid people are chatting for months.

While I don't meet within a week of chatting to anyone I also won't spend months chatting either.

I think everyone has their own timeframe in how long it takes for people to feel comfortable to meet. It doesn't mean someone is a timewaster because it isn't the same as someone else's tho.

I'm ignoring the current situation and speaking generally. I wouldn't expect anyone to hang on for months chatting without a realistic proposal for at least a coffee in a public place.

If you stick to the restrictions it's mission impossible to find a fwb at present.

Anyhow my point is even when you meet for a social and you get on fantastic, it doesn't mean you will match in the bedroom. Proof is in the pudding. "

Oh indeed, but lockdowns aside, under normal circumstances to not even agree to a social shows a lack of intention.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A week is no where near long enough to decide if someone is worth meeting.

I know there are lots of people who are happy to meet at the drop of a hat but I'd be interested to know what percentage of those are the same ones whinging about people not turning up or not getting repeat meets.

If you have no interest in the other person and see them only as a talking cock or a pouting pussy then don't expect them to look at you any differently.

Six months is a long time but with the current restrictions it's probably the norm right now.

Well l think if you're chatting regularly to a person everyday for a week and both discover that ye have a lot in common and the same outlook and interests in that time and ye " click " its loads of time to decide to have a social meet ..and not in a pushy way..i think both parties would be feeling comfortable enough to do so..."

Lee and I met on day 6

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By *oserMan  over a year ago

where the wild roses grow

"You won't find a fwb by just chatting to men. The sex is a crucial part of such arrangement and only by meeting and having sex you will find out if you get on in the bedroom.

Exactly, so why chat for months without at least a social meet to see if it's worth upping the ante.

At the moment probably because of covid people are chatting for months.

While I don't meet within a week of chatting to anyone I also won't spend months chatting either.

I think everyone has their own timeframe in how long it takes for people to feel comfortable to meet. It doesn't mean someone is a timewaster because it isn't the same as someone else's tho.

I'm ignoring the current situation and speaking generally. I wouldn't expect anyone to hang on for months chatting without a realistic proposal for at least a coffee in a public place.

If you stick to the restrictions it's mission impossible to find a fwb at present.

Anyhow my point is even when you meet for a social and you get on fantastic, it doesn't mean you will match in the bedroom. Proof is in the pudding. "

Pudding being a synonym for pussy

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By *og-ManMan  over a year ago


"A week is no where near long enough to decide if someone is worth meeting.

I know there are lots of people who are happy to meet at the drop of a hat but I'd be interested to know what percentage of those are the same ones whinging about people not turning up or not getting repeat meets.

If you have no interest in the other person and see them only as a talking cock or a pouting pussy then don't expect them to look at you any differently.

Six months is a long time but with the current restrictions it's probably the norm right now.

Well l think if you're chatting regularly to a person everyday for a week and both discover that ye have a lot in common and the same outlook and interests in that time and ye " click " its loads of time to decide to have a social meet ..and not in a pushy way..i think both parties would be feeling comfortable enough to do so...

Lee and I met on day 6 "

No wonder God took a rest on day 7

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A week is no where near long enough to decide if someone is worth meeting.

I know there are lots of people who are happy to meet at the drop of a hat but I'd be interested to know what percentage of those are the same ones whinging about people not turning up or not getting repeat meets.

If you have no interest in the other person and see them only as a talking cock or a pouting pussy then don't expect them to look at you any differently.

Six months is a long time but with the current restrictions it's probably the norm right now.

Well l think if you're chatting regularly to a person everyday for a week and both discover that ye have a lot in common and the same outlook and interests in that time and ye " click " its loads of time to decide to have a social meet ..and not in a pushy way..i think both parties would be feeling comfortable enough to do so...

Lee and I met on day 6 "

My point proved ..awesome for ye...great stuff

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By *oghunter33Woman  over a year ago

on the hill NordWest of

"You won't find a fwb by just chatting to men. The sex is a crucial part of such arrangement and only by meeting and having sex you will find out if you get on in the bedroom.

Exactly, so why chat for months without at least a social meet to see if it's worth upping the ante.

At the moment probably because of covid people are chatting for months.

While I don't meet within a week of chatting to anyone I also won't spend months chatting either.

I think everyone has their own timeframe in how long it takes for people to feel comfortable to meet. It doesn't mean someone is a timewaster because it isn't the same as someone else's tho.

I'm ignoring the current situation and speaking generally. I wouldn't expect anyone to hang on for months chatting without a realistic proposal for at least a coffee in a public place.

If you stick to the restrictions it's mission impossible to find a fwb at present.

Anyhow my point is even when you meet for a social and you get on fantastic, it doesn't mean you will match in the bedroom. Proof is in the pudding.

Pudding being a synonym for pussy "

Are you thinking with your little head, _oser? Dreaming of pussy? Don't you worry it's normal to show some withdrawal symptoms

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By *oserMan  over a year ago

where the wild roses grow

"You won't find a fwb by just chatting to men. The sex is a crucial part of such arrangement and only by meeting and having sex you will find out if you get on in the bedroom.

Exactly, so why chat for months without at least a social meet to see if it's worth upping the ante.

At the moment probably because of covid people are chatting for months.

While I don't meet within a week of chatting to anyone I also won't spend months chatting either.

I think everyone has their own timeframe in how long it takes for people to feel comfortable to meet. It doesn't mean someone is a timewaster because it isn't the same as someone else's tho.

I'm ignoring the current situation and speaking generally. I wouldn't expect anyone to hang on for months chatting without a realistic proposal for at least a coffee in a public place.

If you stick to the restrictions it's mission impossible to find a fwb at present.

Anyhow my point is even when you meet for a social and you get on fantastic, it doesn't mean you will match in the bedroom. Proof is in the pudding.

Pudding being a synonym for pussy

Are you thinking with your little head, _oser? Dreaming of pussy? Don't you worry it's normal to show some withdrawal symptoms "

Is there any other way to dream DH?

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By *ulu00Woman  over a year ago


"A regular friends with benefits is ideally what am looking for but is it a thing on here that most ppl are looking or up for? Seemingly am talking away to ppl 6+ months to build that connection then all of a sudden they don't have time mmmm? Are they even genuine? "

Sadly, a lot but not all think the grass is always greener on the other side. If you wanna be a fwb, a good few will keep you on the back burner and still actively meet others then throw the old nugget off we met on a sex site what do you expect at you when you pull them up on shit. Persevere, there are some genuine men on here, they are just harder to find than unicorns!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A regular friends with benefits is ideally what am looking for but is it a thing on here that most ppl are looking or up for? Seemingly am talking away to ppl 6+ months to build that connection then all of a sudden they don't have time mmmm? Are they even genuine? "

Do you mean you talk to them 6months before meeting? Obvs this isn't a great time to be meeting new people with the 'rona. Ideally I would be chatting for a week or two before talking about meeting socially to see if we got on, then after the first play meet I'd judge if I wanted to see them again and vice versa..

Imo fwb isn't a thing you can plan it has to happen naturally if there is mutual interest.. But its not outside the realms of possiblity

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By *oxic1998Woman  over a year ago


"A regular friends with benefits is ideally what am looking for but is it a thing on here that most ppl are looking or up for? Seemingly am talking away to ppl 6+ months to build that connection then all of a sudden they don't have time mmmm? Are they even genuine?

Sadly, a lot but not all think the grass is always greener on the other side. If you wanna be a fwb, a good few will keep you on the back burner and still actively meet others then throw the old nugget off we met on a sex site what do you expect at you when you pull them up on shit. Persevere, there are some genuine men on here, they are just harder to find than unicorns!"

Surely a fwb can meet others? Or am I wrong

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Arranging a social meet early on tends to out the fantasists.

So true. a week of chatting ( in a normal situation ) is enough to know if people want to meet ,anything after that may just be heading down the timewaster road.

If someone is pushing for a meet within a week it actually puts me off meeting someone.

I learnt my lesson not to rush into meeting people off here as the 2 times I did meet people quickly it was horrible and in one case quite scary.

It's easier for a couple to meet quickly as there is 2 of you so there is less likelyhood of anyone trying to push beyond what ye want. If you chat for a while at least you get a good idea of the person you meeting

6 months is too long tho under normal circumstances if someone keeps making excuses and wanting pics and just dirty talk they are looking wank fodder or just not interested in meeting.

There are plenty of genuine people on here I think tho. "

There are plenty of genuine people here . I personally can’t stand lots of texting / prolonged sexting. I get bored!! I like to at least coffee as soon as possible and take it from there. I’m pretty much ACTION stations type of woman!!!Obviously The bastarding virus has impacted even coffee!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A regular friends with benefits is ideally what am looking for but is it a thing on here that most ppl are looking or up for? Seemingly am talking away to ppl 6+ months to build that connection then all of a sudden they don't have time mmmm? Are they even genuine? "

It’s actually VERY difficult maybe impossible to get a fwb here. Men like the chase! And I’ll admit us women do too! Also a lot of men want you to make a couples profile .. that’s been my experience here anyway.

Saying that .. I have met some great men in the last 4 years. Some of them I consider actual friends .. and sure if the need Has arisen ... ..

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By *ulu00Woman  over a year ago


"A regular friends with benefits is ideally what am looking for but is it a thing on here that most ppl are looking or up for? Seemingly am talking away to ppl 6+ months to build that connection then all of a sudden they don't have time mmmm? Are they even genuine?

Sadly, a lot but not all think the grass is always greener on the other side. If you wanna be a fwb, a good few will keep you on the back burner and still actively meet others then throw the old nugget off we met on a sex site what do you expect at you when you pull them up on shit. Persevere, there are some genuine men on here, they are just harder to find than unicorns!

Surely a fwb can meet others? Or am I wrong "

For me, it depends on how many others they are meeting. If I have a fwb, I dont actively look for meets unless its someone I have a good connection with and I expect the same from my buddy. Ive zero interest in someone whose meeting 5 different people then coming back to me. Thats my take on it and how Ive dealt with it but what works for me doesnt always work for others

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By *verage Joe BlackMan  over a year ago

Border Area

"Arranging a social meet early on tends to out the fantasists.

So true. a week of chatting ( in a normal situation ) is enough to know if people want to meet ,anything after that may just be heading down the timewaster road.

If someone is pushing for a meet within a week it actually puts me off meeting someone.

I learnt my lesson not to rush into meeting people off here as the 2 times I did meet people quickly it was horrible and in one case quite scary.

It's easier for a couple to meet quickly as there is 2 of you so there is less likelyhood of anyone trying to push beyond what ye want. If you chat for a while at least you get a good idea of the person you meeting

6 months is too long tho under normal circumstances if someone keeps making excuses and wanting pics and just dirty talk they are looking wank fodder or just not interested in meeting.

There are plenty of genuine people on here I think tho.

There are plenty of genuine people here . I personally can’t stand lots of texting / prolonged sexting. I get bored!! I like to at least coffee as soon as possible and take it from there. I’m pretty much ACTION stations type of woman!!!Obviously The bastarding virus has impacted even coffee!!! "

“bastarding virus”

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

There are people out there looking for more it just takes time. Regarding the 6 months texting; If you have tried to meet socially and he keeps making excuses not to then I would move on. That would indicate to me that he wasn't really interested. We met in a chat group here so there is hope. Best of luck OP.

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By *ittlekinks38 OP   Woman  over a year ago

outside belfast x

"Arranging a social meet early on tends to out the fantasists."

Yeah thats so true even first lockdown sussed them out too...

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By *ittlekinks38 OP   Woman  over a year ago

outside belfast x

"There are people out there looking for more it just takes time. Regarding the 6 months texting; If you have tried to meet socially and he keeps making excuses not to then I would move on. That would indicate to me that he wasn't really interested. We met in a chat group here so there is hope. Best of luck OP. "

We've been talking from well before 1st lockdown probably one of the first fellas I've kinda liked and we just hit it off and met a few times for socials and got on Great thinking we're onto something then now he ain't got time! Am quite an understandable person....aww well it is what it is!! Next

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By *ittlekinks38 OP   Woman  over a year ago

outside belfast x

[Removed by poster at 14/11/20 12:38:50]

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By *ittlekinks38 OP   Woman  over a year ago

outside belfast x

"A regular friends with benefits is ideally what am looking for but is it a thing on here that most ppl are looking or up for? Seemingly am talking away to ppl 6+ months to build that connection then all of a sudden they don't have time mmmm? Are they even genuine?

Sadly, a lot but not all think the grass is always greener on the other side. If you wanna be a fwb, a good few will keep you on the back burner and still actively meet others then throw the old nugget off we met on a sex site what do you expect at you when you pull them up on shit. Persevere, there are some genuine men on here, they are just harder to find than unicorns!

Surely a fwb can meet others? Or am I wrong

For me, it depends on how many others they are meeting. If I have a fwb, I dont actively look for meets unless its someone I have a good connection with and I expect the same from my buddy. Ive zero interest in someone whose meeting 5 different people then coming back to me. Thats my take on it and how Ive dealt with it but what works for me doesnt always work for others "

Ohh I hear ya hun was with a fwbs many many years and thats the life am accustomed too I suppose I thought it would be easy to find that again...I totally get the meeting other ppl while with a fwbs I have been previously doing that but I'd like to meet someone who up for a little bit extra but hey ho it'll either happen or it won't!

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By *ealitybitesMan  over a year ago


It's different for everyone and there's no one size fits all.

I've chatted to people for a week and arranged a social coffee only to be ghosted on the day of the meet. That has never happened with anyone I've been chatting to for a slightly longer period.

I like to know that the person is willing to chat even if it's only for 2 or 3 weeks rather than the conversation being all one sided.

I've had 2 social meets with a woman who's true character didn't appear until we met in an hotel room and she was completely unhinged.

I've been in a fab situation before when a woman wanted me to be her 3rd fwb. She had 2 other regulars. We got on reasonably well right up to the point where she flipped over me meeting someone else for a coffee.

Apparently I was supposed to accept that it was ok for her to meet others but I had to be exclusive so communication is extremely important as far as I'm concerned.

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By *ittlekinks38 OP   Woman  over a year ago

outside belfast x

"There serious lack of genuine people on here, I always presume things will not work out and if they do it a bonus!

That is the most honest thing iv seen on here lol well apart from a very small number "

Same here maybe wishful thinking on my part

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I’d love to meet someone on here that might develop into something serious.

I find talking and meeting ppl on regular dating sites can be quite tedious and when the subject of sex comes up that’s usually the end of it!

Maybe finding someone in here we might be on the same wavelength when it comes to the bedroom

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I’d love to meet someone on here that might develop into something serious.

I find talking and meeting ppl on regular dating sites can be quite tedious and when the subject of sex comes up that’s usually the end of it!

Maybe finding someone in here we might be on the same wavelength when it comes to the bedroom "

That's the thing you both WOULD be on the same page regarding the bedroom. Sex is a subject that can be difficult to approach on regular dating sites.

Yes it would be amazing to meet someone on a site such as this that would develop into some thing real and in the real world . I'm sure it must have happened ..rare though.

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By *heeky_BudgieMan  over a year ago


For me coming out of a long term relationship, and being new in Belfast, a FWB was my goal. Someone to show me about and throw me about!

I’ve been very fortunate that I did meet that. Both of us didn’t want a full and proper relationship. Just the good stuff that you get from one. And then go back to our lives.

But it has felt at times like a boyfriend/girlfriend scenario. I’m just not wanting that just now.

It’s not “the grass is always greener” for me. I just don’t want a girlfriend. Plus, I’m not really having much luck in looking for another! (Aww!) and I’m all for my friend to do the same. Totally. No jealousy here. Plus, that’s what it’s about. I think.

But obviously Rona’s knocked everything on the head just now. So I’m happy to chat.

In a normal world, what is normal these days, I’d probably chat on here, KiK or the phone for a couple of weeks and see if we click. Then I’d ask for a wee social meet to see what happens.

Which brings me to a question. How many is too many? I’m thinking 2 is about right for both parties as long as everyone is safe.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's different for everyone and there's no one size fits all.

I've chatted to people for a week and arranged a social coffee only to be ghosted on the day of the meet. That has never happened with anyone I've been chatting to for a slightly longer period.

I like to know that the person is willing to chat even if it's only for 2 or 3 weeks rather than the conversation being all one sided.

I've had 2 social meets with a woman who's true character didn't appear until we met in an hotel room and she was completely unhinged.

I've been in a fab situation before when a woman wanted me to be her 3rd fwb. She had 2 other regulars. We got on reasonably well right up to the point where she flipped over me meeting someone else for a coffee.

Apparently I was supposed to accept that it was ok for her to meet others but I had to be exclusive so communication is extremely important as far as I'm concerned. "

Jeez..thats kinda very selfish of her..would that kinda make her an alpha female that you had to sit an twiddle your thumbs waiting for her to contact you to fuck her while she was out fucking other guys in the mean time?...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"For me coming out of a long term relationship, and being new in Belfast, a FWB was my goal. Someone to show me about and throw me about!

I’ve been very fortunate that I did meet that. Both of us didn’t want a full and proper relationship. Just the good stuff that you get from one. And then go back to our lives.

But it has felt at times like a boyfriend/girlfriend scenario. I’m just not wanting that just now.

It’s not “the grass is always greener” for me. I just don’t want a girlfriend. Plus, I’m not really having much luck in looking for another! (Aww!) and I’m all for my friend to do the same. Totally. No jealousy here. Plus, that’s what it’s about. I think.

But obviously Rona’s knocked everything on the head just now. So I’m happy to chat.

In a normal world, what is normal these days, I’d probably chat on here, KiK or the phone for a couple of weeks and see if we click. Then I’d ask for a wee social meet to see what happens.

Which brings me to a question. How many is too many? I’m thinking 2 is about right for both parties as long as everyone is safe.


Two what's? Two Fwb?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

When i joined first I met a guy and we were fwb for nearly a year, I knew he was meeting other women never bothered me. We did the cinema and lunch dates, afternoons of work with takeaway and hit sex, gym a couple of times and a night away too. Never thought it was a boyfriend/girlfriend thing.

Id love to find that again, as fir talking for a while, I work shift hours 6 days x 10hr shifts with hour commute each way so it can b hard to arrange a social or meet within a few days but I don't mind

Id sooner chat for a while.

As for can you meet a fwb on fab why not, if someone had told me that id make lifelong friends joining fab id have laughed at the idea but I have met some amazing people at socials and mngs and I definitely can call them friends. If I never meet a guy off here again it doesn't bother me anymore if I have learned one thing this year life is too short be selfish and do what makes you happy as long as your not hurting anyone.

Happy fabbing you beautiful kinky lot xx

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By *og-ManMan  over a year ago


"When i joined first I met a guy and we were fwb for nearly a year, I knew he was meeting other women never bothered me. We did the cinema and lunch dates, afternoons of work with takeaway and hit sex, gym a couple of times and a night away too. Never thought it was a boyfriend/girlfriend thing.

Id love to find that again, as fir talking for a while, I work shift hours 6 days x 10hr shifts with hour commute each way so it can b hard to arrange a social or meet within a few days but I don't mind

Id sooner chat for a while.

As for can you meet a fwb on fab why not, if someone had told me that id make lifelong friends joining fab id have laughed at the idea but I have met some amazing people at socials and mngs and I definitely can call them friends. If I never meet a guy off here again it doesn't bother me anymore if I have learned one thing this year life is too short be selfish and do what makes you happy as long as your not hurting anyone.

Happy fabbing you beautiful kinky lot xx"

Great post

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"For me coming out of a long term relationship, and being new in Belfast, a FWB was my goal. Someone to show me about and throw me about!

I’ve been very fortunate that I did meet that. Both of us didn’t want a full and proper relationship. Just the good stuff that you get from one. And then go back to our lives.

But it has felt at times like a boyfriend/girlfriend scenario. I’m just not wanting that just now.

It’s not “the grass is always greener” for me. I just don’t want a girlfriend. Plus, I’m not really having much luck in looking for another! (Aww!) and I’m all for my friend to do the same. Totally. No jealousy here. Plus, that’s what it’s about. I think.

But obviously Rona’s knocked everything on the head just now. So I’m happy to chat.

In a normal world, what is normal these days, I’d probably chat on here, KiK or the phone for a couple of weeks and see if we click. Then I’d ask for a wee social meet to see what happens.

Which brings me to a question. How many is too many? I’m thinking 2 is about right for both parties as long as everyone is safe.


I would say it's none of a person's business what their FWB is doing with other people. What are the chances they would be entirely honest?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I’d love to meet someone on here that might develop into something serious.

I find talking and meeting ppl on regular dating sites can be quite tedious and when the subject of sex comes up that’s usually the end of it!

Maybe finding someone in here we might be on the same wavelength when it comes to the bedroom

That's the thing you both WOULD be on the same page regarding the bedroom. Sex is a subject that can be difficult to approach on regular dating sites.

Yes it would be amazing to meet someone on a site such as this that would develop into some thing real and in the real world . I'm sure it must have happened ..rare though."

My thoughts exactly!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I’d love to meet someone on here that might develop into something serious.

I find talking and meeting ppl on regular dating sites can be quite tedious and when the subject of sex comes up that’s usually the end of it!

Maybe finding someone in here we might be on the same wavelength when it comes to the bedroom "

I think that this joint is as good as any for people to find someone that'd theyd really " click " with as all the initial nervousness from both is gone as they know straight away what each other is into and all that remains is to see if the " click " is the real deal when they do actually meet.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I dislike the friends with benefits tag. I think it's a bit insulting to assume the other person would be OK with it just because it's your preference. A fuck buddy is different. There's no illusions it will ever be anything else. But this friends with benefits thing is almost like a full on relationship. If you like a person that much be decent and give them a real place in your life.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I dislike the friends with benefits tag. I think it's a bit insulting to assume the other person would be OK with it just because it's your preference. A fuck buddy is different. There's no illusions it will ever be anything else. But this friends with benefits thing is almost like a full on relationship. If you like a person that much be decent and give them a real place in your life. "

Absolutely spot on...have the balls to do the decent thing ..on a personal level l wish l had ...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I dislike the friends with benefits tag. I think it's a bit insulting to assume the other person would be OK with it just because it's your preference. A fuck buddy is different. There's no illusions it will ever be anything else. But this friends with benefits thing is almost like a full on relationship. If you like a person that much be decent and give them a real place in your life. "

What if both don't want a full on relationship? I know I don't as I trust guys and the shit I see in my job, no thanks. I've always lived on my own could never see me living with a guy either

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By *ittlekinks38 OP   Woman  over a year ago

outside belfast x

"I dislike the friends with benefits tag. I think it's a bit insulting to assume the other person would be OK with it just because it's your preference. A fuck buddy is different. There's no illusions it will ever be anything else. But this friends with benefits thing is almost like a full on relationship. If you like a person that much be decent and give them a real place in your life. "

Its exactly what it is friends with benefits .... I've had fwbs on and off for years and we've always been friends who hangout and go drinking...maybe for food and the benefits come way later its not a full on relationship it depends I suppose that all suits both parties....I want that fwbs that keep in touch and meet up regularly nothing full on! Relationship for me is too much...maybes its the life am accustomed too but yeah fwbs or fb either way is all good for me x

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By *aterford kk coupleCouple  over a year ago


I've had this for the past couple of years but it gets difficult if one person gets feelings for the other but it's not returned which let to us going our seperate ways. But we're still friends but no benifits

I'd love to find a replacement but it takes a special person.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A regular friends with benefits is ideally what am looking for but is it a thing on here that most ppl are looking or up for? Seemingly am talking away to ppl 6+ months to build that connection then all of a sudden they don't have time mmmm? Are they even genuine?

Sadly, a lot but not all think the grass is always greener on the other side. If you wanna be a fwb, a good few will keep you on the back burner and still actively meet others then throw the old nugget off we met on a sex site what do you expect at you when you pull them up on shit. Persevere, there are some genuine men on here, they are just harder to find than unicorns!"

Brilliant and very very true. Well said

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By *elfastblondMan  over a year ago


"I dislike the friends with benefits tag. I think it's a bit insulting to assume the other person would be OK with it just because it's your preference. A fuck buddy is different. There's no illusions it will ever be anything else. But this friends with benefits thing is almost like a full on relationship. If you like a person that much be decent and give them a real place in your life.

Its exactly what it is friends with benefits .... I've had fwbs on and off for years and we've always been friends who hangout and go drinking...maybe for food and the benefits come way later its not a full on relationship it depends I suppose that all suits both parties....I want that fwbs that keep in touch and meet up regularly nothing full on! Relationship for me is too much...maybes its the life am accustomed too but yeah fwbs or fb either way is all good for me x "

That shouldn't be too hard to find on here!

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By *onegalstudMan  over a year ago


"I dislike the friends with benefits tag. I think it's a bit insulting to assume the other person would be OK with it just because it's your preference. A fuck buddy is different. There's no illusions it will ever be anything else. But this friends with benefits thing is almost like a full on relationship. If you like a person that much be decent and give them a real place in your life. "

Spot on fb the way to go

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