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Diet struggle? Need advice

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Hey guys and girls.

Four/five years I managed to injure my back and it stopped me playing sports for a while and resulted in a significant weight increase. Mixing my injury with drink I've pretty much became massive so determined to get back to the size I was.

I'm currently 17 stone when I was 13 but want to balance myself out with muscle. I keep stopping and starting due to working long hours and lack of results. I've no meets on fab and I know my weight is a significant factor.

Anyone any advice or motivation ideas to help me succeed. I understand it will take time and commitment ????

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Hello bud. Look at me ? I still haven't got a meet so please don't put yourself down over your weight, many women like a chunky man. As for your diet, you can lose weight without excersising, it's all down to what you're eating. High carbs are a no no. What is usually your daily intake of food?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I wont tell you my highest, but its more than 17st.. i decided to do something about it once and for all at the end of april... I have been lo carbing since then... 5 stone gone...

Easy to keep to once you get in to it.. and no need to exercise initally if you cannot for whatever reason... go for it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Op I am in the same boat with back problems so exercise was not something I could use so when I made the decision to sort myself out I joined a local slimming group. It gave me the motivation to sort my food out and swap it for a healthier option. I have not cut out any food group and I still have "treats". Combine that with some little walks and I am down 3 stone 10 pd I'm not saying it's easy but it can be done. Lots of slimming groups around and they are full of men and woman ready to make a change. Good luck xxx

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By *LICK IF U DAREWoman  over a year ago

good girl gone bad!!!!!!

Change your plate size feed yourself well no junk u should be fine

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By *un4tooCouple  over a year ago

north cork

Weightloss is 70% food.

If you're unable to exercise then i wouldnt worry but i also wouldn't use it as an excuse.

Get your food right.

Doesnt have to be a diet as if you are entering a competition but just eat cleaner, drink plenty of water. A guy your size could easily drink 5 litres of water a day.

Im 16 stone but luckily hold it well. That prob won't last too much longer.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Hello bud. Look at me ? I still haven't got a meet so please don't put yourself down over your weight, many women like a chunky man. As for your diet, you can lose weight without excersising, it's all down to what you're eating. High carbs are a no no. What is usually your daily intake of food?"
Please dont take this to offense quoted you because of your comment and your right your six pack is not for me I wanna cuddle not have bones sticking in me xx .. but in same i don't want an overly big guy .. and OP your pics look fine unless your showing the good side as they say.. but this guy is right there is a lot of wemon out there who like a cuddly guy x only change for you its only way to success you can't do it for others xx

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By *addy0Man  over a year ago

carlow town

If your really willing too stick to a diet like religion I suggest slimming world I know people who have lost ridiculous amounts of weight just by sticking too the diet and didn't exercise..

It drive them cracked for a week or so but once results started too show they flew it...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If your really willing too stick to a diet like religion I suggest slimming world I know people who have lost ridiculous amounts of weight just by sticking too the diet and didn't exercise..

It drive them cracked for a week or so but once results started too show they flew it..."

I lost 3 stone in 3 months just switching my diet a little and doing a little gym work.

Low carbs lo sugar. Less dairy. Less concern over fatty protein and just done a little in the gym a couple of times a week. And by little I mean little. 30 to 45mins two or 3 times a week. Just gave it all I had in that time. Very little rest time or dilly dallying. And mixing up what excercises I was doing. Each time using 5 or 6 different machines to mix it up. I noticed it wry quickly having an effect. Work got in the way but it's definitely the route I'll go again when the mood strikes. I enjoy food so I'll never be shredded and wouldn't want to be. I'd rather go for pints with the lads or out for a spin on the bikes and mill a chipper on the way home than live in the gym on protein shakes.

Each to their own.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

6 litres of water a day.

Tuna/turkey breast and brocoli/sweetcorn mix 3 times a day.

And walking or swimming.

Swimming is fantastic.

Works the entire body but without putting load on the body.

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By *ichael McCarthyMan  over a year ago


...and the joy of sweetcorn is that you can use it over and over again!

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By *eisejayMan  over a year ago


Plenty of great suggestions already posted. I was in a similar predicament as you OP two years ago in terms of injuries. Bad back, very unfit, overweight, always on pain meds and anti inflammatories and convinced myself I couldn't exercise/train. Then my physio put me in contact with a decent personal trainer who devised training programmes that targeted everything bar my back. Slowly but surely I got stronger and more confident which has helped me get stricter with food and nutrition. Best of luck with your efforts. Id focus on food and nutrition but maybe approach your gp or a trainer to see if there are options for light training that won't aggravate your back

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By *eisurepleasureMan  over a year ago


I got extra weight off using the special k diet it worked great for me

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It’s relatively straight forward OP

Take the expected calories for your current weight / size etc and set yourself a realistic deficit (say 500 off a day)

Then set a protein target (sites online will help you work that out based on current weight)

Stick to the calorie target and hit the protein target - you don’t really need to worry about fats and carbs as long as you stay within those parameters

Combine this with 10000 steps and you will see the weight fly off

An app like MyFitnessPal will help you work it out and importantly track what you eat etc !

Good luck

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By *andsomeman100Man  over a year ago

Ah sure now...

Calorie counting. I use fitness pal on my phone to track what I eat. Set the calorie target. You quickly find you avoid high calorie meals and fill up on lower calorie foods. In my case just so I could have a chocolate shake in the evening. Then you start earning calories by walking or whatever. End result is you eat sensibly, you dont beat yourself up over eating more...you just trade it with a long walk...and you become more aware of what you're eating.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Hey guys and girls.

Four/five years I managed to injure my back and it stopped me playing sports for a while and resulted in a significant weight increase. Mixing my injury with drink I've pretty much became massive so determined to get back to the size I was.

I'm currently 17 stone when I was 13 but want to balance myself out with muscle. I keep stopping and starting due to working long hours and lack of results. I've no meets on fab and I know my weight is a significant factor.

Anyone any advice or motivation ideas to help me succeed. I understand it will take time and commitment ????"

good luck with losing weight in trying myself hard cause love me chippers use be quite slim till got bad bout of depression but onwards and upwards as they say good luck with it hope goes well for you

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Hey guys and girls.

Four/five years I managed to injure my back and it stopped me playing sports for a while and resulted in a significant weight increase. Mixing my injury with drink I've pretty much became massive so determined to get back to the size I was.

I'm currently 17 stone when I was 13 but want to balance myself out with muscle. I keep stopping and starting due to working long hours and lack of results. I've no meets on fab and I know my weight is a significant factor.

Anyone any advice or motivation ideas to help me succeed. I understand it will take time and commitment ???? good luck with losing weight in trying myself hard cause love me chippers use be quite slim till got bad bout of depression but onwards and upwards as they say good luck with it hope goes well for you "

Sweet potato chips...with some home made olive and chive oil dip. And drink a large glass of water about 5 minutes before you feel the need to eat.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Hey guys and girls.

Four/five years I managed to injure my back and it stopped me playing sports for a while and resulted in a significant weight increase. Mixing my injury with drink I've pretty much became massive so determined to get back to the size I was.

I'm currently 17 stone when I was 13 but want to balance myself out with muscle. I keep stopping and starting due to working long hours and lack of results. I've no meets on fab and I know my weight is a significant factor.

Anyone any advice or motivation ideas to help me succeed. I understand it will take time and commitment ???? good luck with losing weight in trying myself hard cause love me chippers use be quite slim till got bad bout of depression but onwards and upwards as they say good luck with it hope goes well for you

Sweet potato chips...with some home made olive and chive oil dip. And drink a large glass of water about 5 minutes before you feel the need to eat."

must try that thanks

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Eat less

Move more

It doesn't need to be more complicated than that

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By *kcoupleCouple  over a year ago


One of the most difficult things about dropping weight is food choices. Deciding what you eat is a killer because we all to often take the eady way out. I have always had a list of foods and meals that I know are tasty and health.

Do a little research and write down 20 meals, 20 snacks and a combo of breakfasts while trying to avoid the killer cards. By doing this it makes shopping easier and gives you no excuse to cheat. The next step is portion size. If you can't implement those few steps it's a good base to start from. Good luck OP

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Butchers shops sell them in trays or go to Aldi/Lidl and buy some sweet potatoe and make yer own chips of sweet potatoe chunky style crisps.

Not to everyones taste but sweet potatoe is good for you.

The water trick works wonders as it surpresses food cravings and hunger.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Anyone here ever do the millitary diet or the veggie smoothie diet?

Only problem with the veggie smoothie diet is farting and the smells.

Sorry to be crude about it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Think of lifestyle rather than as diet. In the meantime find something you enjoy to get you moving more. Something more regular than horizontal jogging.

Cut down on carbs. If you ever want to ring me.. pm me...

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By *ilderMan  over a year ago


Eat less and more sensibly and exercise more

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 23/10/17 22:50:51]

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Hello bud. Look at me ? I still haven't got a meet so please don't put yourself down over your weight, many women like a chunky man. As for your diet, you can lose weight without excersising, it's all down to what you're eating. High carbs are a no no. What is usually your daily intake of food?"

I'm don't always eat due to high demands in work, I normally just drink coffee instead regularly

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I am a chef, due to long shifts, around food all day you never want to eat, we really have the worst diets as by the time you come home and relaxed you suddenly realise how hungry you are. What worked for me was, porridge for breakfast ( slow release, adding different fruit/nuts and honey to sweeten), soup for lunch ( again many varieties and slow release) and somthing like skinless chicken breast poached or salmon later. No eating after 6pm and plenty of water. It's hard at first but can quickly become habit if disciplined enough. Best of luck ok, hope that helps in some way.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It might be a good idea to do a food diary for a few weeks. It's hard to remember everything you eat but once you see it on paper you will see where you are going wrong. Try cutting down your carbohydrates by eating fewer potatoes/less rice and pasta. Avoid crisps. Cut down on coffee as it can wreck your sleeping pattern. Read labels when you do your grocery shopping. If you are going to use the gym go easy and maybe focus more on cardio at first. I lost a few stone by doing this. No harm in going to GP to get your bloods/BP and a general health NCT before exercising. Good luck.

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By *hocko87Man  over a year ago


Lots of walking or swimming and just watch what you eat. Just one step at a time . Stop putting yourself down .

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Hi. I had the same problem with injuries and hit over 23st. I used flexible dieting to start weight loss. My fitness pal helped with counting the macros. I also did 2 10 mins walks a day. Keto is also a good way to start weight loss but you will need to do some reading up on it first.

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By *otnwild69Couple  over a year ago

cork city

Eating little and often has worked for me. Not a diet as such but I eat small portions every three hours. I cut out white bread and white pasta and went for foods that were low carb. I lost three stone over the summer. Eating so often helps your metabolism keep working so the weight comes off. Also, a cup of black coffee with no sugar first thing in the morning helps to kickstart your metabolism, just be sure to have it before you eat. I hope this helps you

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Eating little and often has worked for me. Not a diet as such but I eat small portions every three hours. I cut out white bread and white pasta and went for foods that were low carb. I lost three stone over the summer. Eating so often helps your metabolism keep working so the weight comes off. Also, a cup of black coffee with no sugar first thing in the morning helps to kickstart your metabolism, just be sure to have it before you eat. I hope this helps you "

Combining that with eating in a time specific window is supposed to help extremely well too.

Not eating after 10 hours from the first thing you eat.

So coffee at 8 last thing you eat at 6pm etc.

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By *heseekerofjoyMan  over a year ago


"Eat less

Move more

It doesn't need to be more complicated than that "

AS simple as that.

You gain weight when you consume more energy than you spend and you lose weight when you spend more energy than you consume.

It is your choice will you reduce the intake of calories and increase the quality of food you eat, or will you increase the exercise...or both.

The key words are dedication, discipline and persistence.

Sounds so simple in theory

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

there is a app you can download called my fitness pal. I Its a awesome works out how many cals you need to eat in order to lose 1-2lbs a week hope this helps

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