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Trigger warning on goodfellas

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By *eard and Tatts OP   Couple 3 weeks ago


AMC slaps ‘Goodfellas’ with trigger warning for ‘offensive’ content that includes ‘cultural stereotypes’

The warning reads.....

“This film includes language and/or cultural stereotypes that are inconsistent with today’s standards of inclusion and tolerance and may offend some viewers,” a message reads at the top of the film when screened on the network.

I'm not here to mock it laugh. I genuinely feel bad for people who go through life being offended by the most mundane things. It must be an absolute miserable existence having to pre screen material to make sure it doesn't offend them

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By *lowupdollTV/TS 3 weeks ago

S. Herts

It gets much worse. These people will one day have control of nuclear weapons.

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By *eard and Tatts OP   Couple 3 weeks ago


I'll be dead by then

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By *lowupdollTV/TS 3 weeks ago

S. Herts

"I'll be dead by then "

So will everyone else.

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By *eard and Tatts OP   Couple 3 weeks ago


I'd genuinely like to hear a counter argument as to why I'm wrong tho?

Maybe by someone who does get offended by media like this and why?

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By *eard and Tatts OP   Couple 3 weeks ago


"I'll be dead by then

So will everyone else. "


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By (user no longer on site) 3 weeks ago

Or, trigger warnings are there for people who have had experiences with themes in the content that might make them upset to recount or relive?

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By *ostindreamsMan 3 weeks ago


Yeah I have my sympathies to people who lack the ability to see old movies or read old books within the context and time they were made.

Having said that, this approach of having a trigger warning is much better than editing the content entirely, which many are guilty of doing.

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By *eard and Tatts OP   Couple 3 weeks ago


"Or, trigger warnings are there for people who have had experiences with themes in the content that might make them upset to recount or relive?


Fair point but why now? People been experiencing this for years, why is it only offensive now?

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By (user no longer on site) 3 weeks ago

"I'd genuinely like to hear a counter argument as to why I'm wrong tho?

Maybe by someone who does get offended by media like this and why? "

I haven’t watched goodfellas because it doesn’t interest me but I went to watch For Black boys in the theatre last year and it came with a trigger warning because the themes of racism (not just unaliving) were triggering. And it was upsettingly familiar at times. For some, it would’ve been more so if they weren’t prepared by a content warning. I don’t know. I don’t think it’s that deep. If it doesn’t bother you I don’t think it matters really? And I don’t think their lives or existence are sad. They probably live very good and happy lives.

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By *ools and the brainCouple 3 weeks ago

couple, us we him her.

Mrs and I recently watched a series can't remember what it was except it had lots of violence and sex and drugs.

But the warning was.



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By (user no longer on site) 3 weeks ago

"Or, trigger warnings are there for people who have had experiences with themes in the content that might make them upset to recount or relive?

Fair point but why now? People been experiencing this for years, why is it only offensive now? "

Because as a society, we are more aware than we were in the past.

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By *onameyet2Man 3 weeks ago


They should have a “fat faced fuckwit” warning on Wayne Rooney interviews

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By *eard and Tatts OP   Couple 3 weeks ago


"Yeah I have my sympathies to people who lack the ability to see old movies or read old books within the context and time they were made.

Having said that, this approach of having a trigger warning is much better than editing the content entirely, which many are guilty of doing."

Valid point but head over to gold and see what they've done to only fools and horses, edited

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By *eard and Tatts OP   Couple 3 weeks ago


"Or, trigger warnings are there for people who have had experiences with themes in the content that might make them upset to recount or relive?

Fair point but why now? People been experiencing this for years, why is it only offensive now?

Because as a society, we are more aware than we were in the past. "

You mean more Twitter users become offended

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By (user no longer on site) 3 weeks ago

"Or, trigger warnings are there for people who have had experiences with themes in the content that might make them upset to recount or relive?

Fair point but why now? People been experiencing this for years, why is it only offensive now?

Because as a society, we are more aware than we were in the past.

You mean more Twitter users become offended "

Yes that’s exactly what I meant

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By *eard and Tatts OP   Couple 3 weeks ago


"Mrs and I recently watched a series can't remember what it was except it had lots of violence and sex and drugs.

But the warning was.


ffs "

Porn next, may contain nudity and bad language

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By *eard and Tatts OP   Couple 3 weeks ago


"Or, trigger warnings are there for people who have had experiences with themes in the content that might make them upset to recount or relive?

Fair point but why now? People been experiencing this for years, why is it only offensive now?

Because as a society, we are more aware than we were in the past.

You mean more Twitter users become offended

Yes that’s exactly what I meant"


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By *ornucopiaMan 3 weeks ago


The way it (Goodfellas) is spelt is already enough to put me off any involvement.

I would not buy pizzas from them on principle.

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By *onameyet2Man 3 weeks ago


Didn’t know you could get a pizza on a principle, is that a public school thing?

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By *aitonelMan 3 weeks ago


Why does it matter? So what if there are a few words before a movie or show?

People forget that warnings similar to "scenes of a sexual nature" have been around a lot longer than they care to admit, the only difference is it has been extended to include other scenarios and topics. Or even at the end of a show "if you have experienced any of the issues in tonight's episode please call 555 5555" it's not as new of a concept as people like to think.

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By *riveinsaturdayXXXMan 3 weeks ago


They’re useful for many of us. They don’t prevent us watching something necessarily, but they just - fairly unobtrusively - give us a chance to go in with a bit of foreknowledge.

And yeah, there are times when you’re simply not quite ready to watch something being depicted that, either brings back a bad memory, or depicts something that you have a real aversion to or fear of.

Sadly, not everyone is privileged enough to be able to experience movies or theatre in a totally objective mind-set, untouched by everything they portray.

It’s one of the few positive developments. A bit of sensitivity to the life-experiences of individuals, over tedious hard-headed ‘just suck it up’ mentality, often pedalled by people with no such direct experiences.

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By *eard and Tatts OP   Couple 3 weeks ago


"Why does it matter? So what if there are a few words before a movie or show?

People forget that warnings similar to "scenes of a sexual nature" have been around a lot longer than they care to admit, the only difference is it has been extended to include other scenarios and topics. Or even at the end of a show "if you have experienced any of the issues in tonight's episode please call 555 5555" it's not as new of a concept as people like to think. "

Just curious who gets offended by it

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By *ustAnotherMan 3 weeks ago


I think the idea that "offence" is the driving reason for the warnings is the point, really for most trigger warnings they relate to depictions that would upset people for genuine reasons, recollection or association.

As for the cultural depictions, perhaps some do have a right to look at how their people or culture is depicted in mainstream media and say "that ain't me". Perhaps, now, when we are more aware and things have moved on, it's not that we expect anyone to be offended persay; shock horror - maybe production companies and streaming services might hold a higher bar and expect better of themselves, before they're criticised. So putting up a catch all warning not only says "this film was made 40 years ago and doesnt reflect the times" but also "were streaming this, but it doesn't match our values" rather than "just in case you're offended"

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By *ivemealadybonerWoman 3 weeks ago


My knee jerk reaction to this post was "wtf", all these warnings before an older film is shown but actually, if I was to start watching a film and it had a warning that says "contains scenes of suicide" I probably wouldn't watch it, Purley because I lost my best friend this way and I can't watch 13 reasons why (I think that's the one) because I'm not ready too. So actually, the warnings are there for a reason, especially with a film titled "goodfellas" (which by the way, is ab excellent film but not seen it for many years), anyone born after it was made and is unaware of the contents for the film and may think "sounds like a great film, full of pizza delivery drivers" (let's face it, in sure it's been thought by some). In conclusion, as much as it pains me to say this, trigger warnings are probably very useful.

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By *ellhungvweMan 3 weeks ago


Its art. Art is meant to elicit emotions and it fails in its job if it doesn’t do that. Your job as an audience is to process that emotion. I fully accept that some people can’t do that, and I do sympathise with them, but that is no reason for the art to be changed.

If the warning means that people who are unable to handle the emotion stay away then I can live with that. If the warning means that the art is changed to remove the intended emotion then that is wrong.

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By *ustAnotherMan 3 weeks ago


"Its art. Art is meant to elicit emotions and it fails in its job if it doesn’t do that. Your job as an audience is to process that emotion. I fully accept that some people can’t do that, and I do sympathise with them, but that is no reason for the art to be changed.

If the warning means that people who are unable to handle the emotion stay away then I can live with that. If the warning means that the art is changed to remove the intended emotion then that is wrong."

How does a pre-warning change the content?

I agree where things are edited

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By *ellhungvweMan 3 weeks ago


"Its art. Art is meant to elicit emotions and it fails in its job if it doesn’t do that. Your job as an audience is to process that emotion. I fully accept that some people can’t do that, and I do sympathise with them, but that is no reason for the art to be changed.

If the warning means that people who are unable to handle the emotion stay away then I can live with that. If the warning means that the art is changed to remove the intended emotion then that is wrong.

How does a pre-warning change the content?

I agree where things are edited


It is the latter point I was thinking about - the original is often changed when a warning is put on it. If the original is kept intact then I think that is a good thing.

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By *orthernNaughty99Man 3 weeks ago


I don't get trigger warnings. Like are people really that thick to choose to watch a gangster film to not expect such things? Or if it's an entirely new film or production part of the purpose of art is to challenge. I've felt uncomfortable with art before and better for it. The stuff I struggle with is the utterly inoffensive like lift music - that stuff drains the life out of you.

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By *uriousscouserWoman 3 weeks ago


I'm fortunate enough to not need the trigger warnings in 99.9% of cases.

They don't do me any harm and they may help someone else, so bring them on! I have no issue with as many trigger warnings as a network cares to show.

Better a trigger warning than retrospective editing.

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By *icecouple561Couple 3 weeks ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

Some people are triggered by certain things. Society has inched forward at a snails pace to a point where it cares enough to warn them if news items or the content of films or television dramas is likely to upset those people while still enabling those who are unaffected by it to enjoy the content.

The warnings that are put up just before shows like Benny Hill are so that people who don't understand that some things need to be viewed through the lens of standards at the time the show was made either don't watch or if they do hold off writing letters of complaint to the broadcaster.

I can't see how it impacts on anyone apart from positively.

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By *reyToTheFairiesWoman 3 weeks ago

Carlisle usually

I'm pretty sure my whole life there's been trigger warnings. At the cinema seeing kids films there's a note on the certificate rating shown on screen that warns of moderate violence or mild sexual content.

It gives people the opportunity to opt out of viewing something that they simply don't want to see.

That harmful cultural stereotypes is now included as something people may want to opt out of viewing isn't a bad thing.

I loved that Daniel Sloss's X show came with a trigger warning for the content, and there were something like 20 times as many complaints about snowflakery for having the warning than the actual content.

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By *ittlebirdWoman 3 weeks ago

The Big Smoke

"Or, trigger warnings are there for people who have had experiences with themes in the content that might make them upset to recount or relive?

Fair point but why now? People been experiencing this for years, why is it only offensive now? "

It’s not. They’re just covering their ass. Simples

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By *icecouple561Couple 3 weeks ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

Have we reached a point where people are triggered by trigger warnings?

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By *icecouple561Couple 3 weeks ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

Also I thought this was about pizza for a minute.

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By *assy69Man 3 weeks ago

West Sussex and Powys

High Society was on TV a while back and carried the same trigger warning in the listing ….. I’d never thought I’d need to be warned that I might be offended by a film with Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra et al made in the 50’s… but this is the world in which we now live so I guess I shall have to get used to it and enjoy these movies and programmes while they are still being broadcast

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By *annyDanielleMan 3 weeks ago

Street, Somerset

"Have we reached a point where people are triggered by trigger warnings?"

It would appear so.

Content depicting serious topics such as r@pe or sexual violence i can understand, especially where a viewer might have experienced this themselves but on the whole they annoy the crap out of me. I've even seen trigger warnings that content contains scenes of smoking, the horror of it all.

Some might consider this an indication of a progressive, more inclusive society but i see this as yet another symptom of the nanny state where every single company feels the need to jump on the woke bandwagon. We now need to be told how we should react to and feel about certain situations as though we can no longer think for ourselves.

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By *icecouple561Couple 3 weeks ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

^^ are we being told how to feel or is it being acknowledged that some people might feel a certain way so they're being warned in order to avoid it? It seems to me that warnings are an acknowledgement of diverse feelings rather than an attempt to make everyone feel the same way

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By *ickshawedCouple 3 weeks ago


I don't mind the standard ones of bad language and scenes of a sexual nature etc. I just don't like the ones that give the plot away. I watched a film that warned of suicide and I had no idea before I read it that it was a major plot point. It did kind of ruin the film for me.

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By *odgerMooreMan 3 weeks ago


"Why does it matter? So what if there are a few words before a movie or show?

People forget that warnings similar to "scenes of a sexual nature" have been around a lot longer than they care to admit, the only difference is it has been extended to include other scenarios and topics. Or even at the end of a show "if you have experienced any of the issues in tonight's episode please call 555 5555" it's not as new of a concept as people like to think. "

Dominos New York is going to

Get a few fabbers calling after that

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By *inaTitzTV/TS 3 weeks ago

Titz Towers, North Notts

I think there are more people triggered by trigger warnings than there are folk triggered by what it is warning of.

It's on the screen for a few seconds and if it saves someone from having a bad day, then it's not the end of the world.

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By *bi HaiveMan 3 weeks ago
Forum Mod

Cheeseville, Somerset

"I think there are more people triggered by trigger warnings than there are folk triggered by what it is warning of.

It's on the screen for a few seconds and if it saves someone from having a bad day, then it's not the end of the world. "

This 100%

I wish sometimes that other things had trigger warnings.

Signs on pub doors saying 'warning, most of our clientele drink too much and will ruin your quiet night out'.

Signs at TK Maxx saying 'don't bother looking because there'll be nothing in your size because we've put everything on the wrong hangers and you'll just end up buying random kitchen shit that you don't need if you come in'.

Or maybe even one for people?

'Caution. If you motorboat these boobs you'll end up with black eyes'...........

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By *ellhungvweMan 3 weeks ago


"I think there are more people triggered by trigger warnings than there are folk triggered by what it is warning of.

It's on the screen for a few seconds and if it saves someone from having a bad day, then it's not the end of the world.

This 100%

I wish sometimes that other things had trigger warnings.

Signs on pub doors saying 'warning, most of our clientele drink too much and will ruin your quiet night out'.

Signs at TK Maxx saying 'don't bother looking because there'll be nothing in your size because we've put everything on the wrong hangers and you'll just end up buying random kitchen shit that you don't need if you come in'.

Or maybe even one for people?

'Caution. If you motorboat these boobs you'll end up with black eyes'........... "

Warning: this coffee is hot.

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By *bi HaiveMan 3 weeks ago
Forum Mod

Cheeseville, Somerset

"I think there are more people triggered by trigger warnings than there are folk triggered by what it is warning of.

It's on the screen for a few seconds and if it saves someone from having a bad day, then it's not the end of the world.

This 100%

I wish sometimes that other things had trigger warnings.

Signs on pub doors saying 'warning, most of our clientele drink too much and will ruin your quiet night out'.

Signs at TK Maxx saying 'don't bother looking because there'll be nothing in your size because we've put everything on the wrong hangers and you'll just end up buying random kitchen shit that you don't need if you come in'.

Or maybe even one for people?

'Caution. If you motorboat these boobs you'll end up with black eyes'...........

Warning: this coffee is hot."

*unless it's iced......

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By *ornucopiaMan 3 weeks ago


"Didn’t know you could get a pizza on a principle, is that a public school thing? "

Only if the principal approves.

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By *ssex_tomMan 3 weeks ago


Trigger warnings are far better than editing however they exist to pander to snowflakes and melts and the woke and god forbid a person who tries to take legal action because an episode of Benny Hill caues a panic attack. Let's get real here, if a movie does not invoke a raction in it's audience then it must be pretty useless watching. That s exactly why it's there for. To make us laugh, happy, sad, remember, to make us forget, to instil thought.

If an an old episode of Coronation Street triggers you because you once got overcharged in a corner shop then no amount of wanings will help you. Either get counseling or grow the fuck up, pull yourself together, and look at the real suffering on this planet and get a sense of perspective... Triggering, Tom's arse....

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By *astNoShadowMan 3 weeks ago


"AMC slaps ‘Goodfellas’ with trigger warning for ‘offensive’ content that includes ‘cultural stereotypes’

The warning reads.....

“This film includes language and/or cultural stereotypes that are inconsistent with today’s standards of inclusion and tolerance and may offend some viewers,” a message reads at the top of the film when screened on the network.

I'm not here to mock it laugh. I genuinely feel bad for people who go through life being offended by the most mundane things. It must be an absolute miserable existence having to pre screen material to make sure it doesn't offend them


Goonies carries the same warning…

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By *ittleMissCali_MrDJCouple 3 weeks ago


"High Society was on TV a while back and carried the same trigger warning in the listing ….. I’d never thought I’d need to be warned that I might be offended by a film with Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra et al made in the 50’s… but this is the world in which we now live so I guess I shall have to get used to it and enjoy these movies and programmes while they are still being broadcast "
aristocats has a similar warning on it .. as does a few older Disney movies

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By *inaTitzTV/TS 3 weeks ago

Titz Towers, North Notts


'Caution. If you motorboat these boobs you'll end up with black eyes'........... "

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By *rHotNottsMan 3 weeks ago

Dubai & Nottingham

Warning: may contain statements you disagree with

No one gets offended by it but everybody has the right to be a victim of something or how can they possibly accept the reality , they have a meaningless existence. It must be someone’s fault other than their own

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By *loomsburyMan 3 weeks ago


"I'd genuinely like to hear a counter argument as to why I'm wrong tho?

Maybe by someone who does get offended by media like this and why? "

I don’t feel in the least bit bad for the easily offended.

My view is that they need to grow up and stop expecting that everything in the world should be arranged simply to please them. They have to share the world with millions of other people who are equally as important as they are.

Perhaps blame the parents for how their soppy kidults turn out.

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By *reyToTheFairiesWoman 3 weeks ago

Carlisle usually

Looks like they should put trigger warnings on trigger warnings.

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By *onkoMan 3 weeks ago

here and there

"AMC slaps ‘Goodfellas’ with trigger warning for ‘offensive’ content that includes ‘cultural stereotypes’

The warning reads.....

“This film includes language and/or cultural stereotypes that are inconsistent with today’s standards of inclusion and tolerance and may offend some viewers,” a message reads at the top of the film when screened on the network.

I'm not here to mock it laugh. I genuinely feel bad for people who go through life being offended by the most mundane things. It must be an absolute miserable existence having to pre screen material to make sure it doesn't offend them


Don't mention blazing saddles then

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By *ea monkeyMan 3 weeks ago

Manchester (he/him)

"Looks like they should put trigger warnings on trigger warnings."

Poor people, taking offence that people are offended. It must be hard going through life having no empathy for others

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By *icecouple561Couple 3 weeks ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

"I'd genuinely like to hear a counter argument as to why I'm wrong tho?

Maybe by someone who does get offended by media like this and why?

I don’t feel in the least bit bad for the easily offended.

My view is that they need to grow up and stop expecting that everything in the world should be arranged simply to please them. They have to share the world with millions of other people who are equally as important as they are.

Perhaps blame the parents for how their soppy kidults turn out.


So I'm this respect the world should be arranged to suit you?

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By *rill PhilMan 3 weeks ago


The problem with trigger warnings is they create more anxiety in people who have had traumatic experiences not less.

Even I, with my very limited understanding of psychology, understand the the best way to get past a trauma is to be gradually exposed to things that trigger you in order to build up a kind of mental tolerance.

It has been shown in study after study that trigger warnings actually make things worse for people.

And I think people know this. I think it's intentional. It's another way of infantilising people so they're incapable of taking care of themselves properly. Keep people scared and you will keep them obedient and you will keep them consuming.

Trigger warnings, safe spaces... all that crap is going way more harm than it could ever do good.

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By *osey WalesMan 3 weeks ago


Apparently there is a similar "Warning" message at the begining of Lady and the Tramp on Disney+

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By *ittle Miss TinkerbellWoman 3 weeks ago

your head

"Trigger warnings are far better than editing however they exist to pander to snowflakes and melts and the woke and god forbid a person who tries to take legal action because an episode of Benny Hill caues a panic attack. Let's get real here, if a movie does not invoke a raction in it's audience then it must be pretty useless watching. That s exactly why it's there for. To make us laugh, happy, sad, remember, to make us forget, to instil thought.

If an an old episode of Coronation Street triggers you because you once got overcharged in a corner shop then no amount of wanings will help you. Either get counseling or grow the fuck up, pull yourself together, and look at the real suffering on this planet and get a sense of perspective... Triggering, Tom's arse....


Wow! Don't sit on the fence Tom. Good to know how you feel about other people

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By *ellhungvweMan 3 weeks ago


"Looks like they should put trigger warnings on trigger warnings.

Poor people, taking offence that people are offended. It must be hard going through life having no empathy for others "

Why do you feel it is acceptable for one person to be triggered but not another? Don’t you have any empathy for them? You should be more accepting of others

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By *ittle Miss TinkerbellWoman 3 weeks ago

your head

I think they are a good idea. Society has changed and move forward, there is another generation watching things that they may not understand or be horrified by because back then it was just "normal"

I don't like the editing side of things, that's annoying. Let us choose.

I've been grateful for trigger warnings in the past so I could choose to watch something or maybe save it for when I could maybe handle it better. I also had a film bring on a panic attack that had no trigger warning. I wouldn't have watched it if it did. So, yes some of us "snowflakes" find them useful

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By *ssex_tomMan 3 weeks ago


"Trigger warnings are far better than editing however they exist to pander to snowflakes and melts and the woke and god forbid a person who tries to take legal action because an episode of Benny Hill caues a panic attack. Let's get real here, if a movie does not invoke a raction in it's audience then it must be pretty useless watching. That s exactly why it's there for. To make us laugh, happy, sad, remember, to make us forget, to instil thought.

If an an old episode of Coronation Street triggers you because you once got overcharged in a corner shop then no amount of wanings will help you. Either get counseling or grow the fuck up, pull yourself together, and look at the real suffering on this planet and get a sense of perspective... Triggering, Tom's arse....

Wow! Don't sit on the fence Tom. Good to know how you feel about other people "

If anyone is the type to get triggered by sitting on the fence then please read the exclusion of liability notice.

For all other sensible people then just look for a sign that says, Wet Paint...

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By *reyToTheFairiesWoman 3 weeks ago

Carlisle usually

"The problem with trigger warnings is they create more anxiety in people who have had traumatic experiences not less.

Even I, with my very limited understanding of psychology, understand the the best way to get past a trauma is to be gradually exposed to things that trigger you in order to build up a kind of mental tolerance.

It has been shown in study after study that trigger warnings actually make things worse for people.

And I think people know this. I think it's intentional. It's another way of infantilising people so they're incapable of taking care of themselves properly. Keep people scared and you will keep them obedient and you will keep them consuming.

Trigger warnings, safe spaces... all that crap is going way more harm than it could ever do good.


Giving people the choice to opt put of seeing something they know will upset them when they may already be in a bad headspace is a pretty decent thing to do.

Had I tried to watch Sloss's X show for the first time while going through an actual personal case about the subject matter, and being thrown into that when expecting to just see a comedy show to take my mind off things, would not have been conducive, productive or helpful. The trigger warning gave me the option to wait until I was more capable of dealing with the subject matter.

I appreciated it. And the content of the work. But had that been thrown at me when I couldn't process it at that time, I'd have reacted very differently.

Giving people the ability to make an informed choice is not a bad thing.

I really don't understand why people are such assholes about a few lines of text before a piece of media that has no bearing on them or their ability to consume said media.

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By *lym4realCouple 3 weeks ago


Sad that this has to be done but i can understand it in a weird roundabout way though as some not all seem to think it's their inane right to get "Offended" and in doing so think it's makes them "Right" and the mere suggestion that humans can hold different views at the same time in their brain is 100% shocking and so yes some of the stuff in films like the goodfella's is shocking and upsetting BUT it's based on real ife and how real people were and even acted at that time and so instead of thinking "Wowwwwwww how far we've come and how much better things are now " and yes there is a still along way to go in society but we've come along way already and without films/tv shows etc to show us all just how far we've come ??

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By *eductivepiercingsWoman 3 weeks ago


Then watch Blazing Saddles melt down in 5,4,3,2,1 boom

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By *ittle Miss TinkerbellWoman 3 weeks ago

your head

"The problem with trigger warnings is they create more anxiety in people who have had traumatic experiences not less.

Even I, with my very limited understanding of psychology, understand the the best way to get past a trauma is to be gradually exposed to things that trigger you in order to build up a kind of mental tolerance.

It has been shown in study after study that trigger warnings actually make things worse for people.

And I think people know this. I think it's intentional. It's another way of infantilising people so they're incapable of taking care of themselves properly. Keep people scared and you will keep them obedient and you will keep them consuming.

Trigger warnings, safe spaces... all that crap is going way more harm than it could ever do good.


Can't say I agree with that at all. I've definitely found them helpful in the past and to this day. Safe spaces as well. It's not about not dealing or processing, it's about time, empathy and not forcing someone to handle something they aren't ready to.

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By *rill PhilMan 3 weeks ago


"The problem with trigger warnings is they create more anxiety in people who have had traumatic experiences not less.

Even I, with my very limited understanding of psychology, understand the the best way to get past a trauma is to be gradually exposed to things that trigger you in order to build up a kind of mental tolerance.

It has been shown in study after study that trigger warnings actually make things worse for people.

And I think people know this. I think it's intentional. It's another way of infantilising people so they're incapable of taking care of themselves properly. Keep people scared and you will keep them obedient and you will keep them consuming.

Trigger warnings, safe spaces... all that crap is going way more harm than it could ever do good.

Can't say I agree with that at all. I've definitely found them helpful in the past and to this day. Safe spaces as well. It's not about not dealing or processing, it's about time, empathy and not forcing someone to handle something they aren't ready to. "

Yes, that's how it may seem to people but, all the psychological research on trigger warnings and safe spaces demonstrate that they have entirely the opposite affect to the one they're supposed to.

It's fine to have a different opinion but, I'm going to side with the people who know what they're talking about over the views of people who don't.

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By *cottish guy 555Man 3 weeks ago


Weird science had a trigger warning when it was on the other week.

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By *reyToTheFairiesWoman 3 weeks ago

Carlisle usually

"The problem with trigger warnings is they create more anxiety in people who have had traumatic experiences not less.

Even I, with my very limited understanding of psychology, understand the the best way to get past a trauma is to be gradually exposed to things that trigger you in order to build up a kind of mental tolerance.

It has been shown in study after study that trigger warnings actually make things worse for people.

And I think people know this. I think it's intentional. It's another way of infantilising people so they're incapable of taking care of themselves properly. Keep people scared and you will keep them obedient and you will keep them consuming.

Trigger warnings, safe spaces... all that crap is going way more harm than it could ever do good.

Can't say I agree with that at all. I've definitely found them helpful in the past and to this day. Safe spaces as well. It's not about not dealing or processing, it's about time, empathy and not forcing someone to handle something they aren't ready to.

Yes, that's how it may seem to people but, all the psychological research on trigger warnings and safe spaces demonstrate that they have entirely the opposite affect to the one they're supposed to.

It's fine to have a different opinion but, I'm going to side with the people who know what they're talking about over the views of people who don't. "

British Psychological Society in November said:

Perhaps surprisingly, analysis of the identified studies suggested that trigger warnings had a negligible impact on emotional reactions and on avoidance. Participants largely decided to view the provided content, and also didn't feel emotionally triggered when they did so. In one study in which participants were asked to pick between articles with and without trigger warnings, participants were more likely to pick those with trigger warnings — an active decrease in avoidance. 

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By *aitonelMan 3 weeks ago


"The problem with trigger warnings is they create more anxiety in people who have had traumatic experiences not less.

Even I, with my very limited understanding of psychology, understand the the best way to get past a trauma is to be gradually exposed to things that trigger you in order to build up a kind of mental tolerance.

It has been shown in study after study that trigger warnings actually make things worse for people.

And I think people know this. I think it's intentional. It's another way of infantilising people so they're incapable of taking care of themselves properly. Keep people scared and you will keep them obedient and you will keep them consuming.

Trigger warnings, safe spaces... all that crap is going way more harm than it could ever do good.

Can't say I agree with that at all. I've definitely found them helpful in the past and to this day. Safe spaces as well. It's not about not dealing or processing, it's about time, empathy and not forcing someone to handle something they aren't ready to.

Yes, that's how it may seem to people but, all the psychological research on trigger warnings and safe spaces demonstrate that they have entirely the opposite affect to the one they're supposed to.

It's fine to have a different opinion but, I'm going to side with the people who know what they're talking about over the views of people who don't.

British Psychological Society in November said:

Perhaps surprisingly, analysis of the identified studies suggested that trigger warnings had a negligible impact on emotional reactions and on avoidance. Participants largely decided to view the provided content, and also didn't feel emotionally triggered when they did so. In one study in which participants were asked to pick between articles with and without trigger warnings, participants were more likely to pick those with trigger warnings — an active decrease in avoidance. "

Yeah Science!

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By *ambertMan 3 weeks ago


I suppose there is some irony in complaining about a trigger warning.

I think in the grand scheme of things it's not a problem at all. It allows those who may have had a negative experience or trauma relating to the subject matter to avoid or otherwise prepare themselves for the experience.

It's not a case that something is offensive now. It's always been offensive, but we now have a deeper and more empathetic society. Or I would like to think that's what we are trying to have anyway

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By *naswingdressWoman 3 weeks ago

Manchester (she/her)

I find it interesting that the Venn diagram of people complaining about trigger warnings and those who tend to "support our troops" are basically a circle.

PTSD is very common in those who've served in militaries. One of the symptoms of PTSD is "triggers". Which is not being a snowflake and being upset for no reason. It is a feeling of being thrown into a past event which may have been life threatening, your emotions returning to that state. Your sense of being attached to your body may be temporarily lost. It's a feeling of extreme distress. One of the ways to avoid being triggered in this way is to be forewarned that that is a potential outcome.

But who cares about the armed forces and their ability to reintegrate into society, amirite? Buncha pussies. What really matters is the few seconds where I might see some words, and those other people I really hate that might benefit from those words.

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By *ambertMan 3 weeks ago


"I find it interesting that the Venn diagram of people complaining about trigger warnings and those who tend to "support our troops" are basically a circle.

PTSD is very common in those who've served in militaries. One of the symptoms of PTSD is "triggers". Which is not being a snowflake and being upset for no reason. It is a feeling of being thrown into a past event which may have been life threatening, your emotions returning to that state. Your sense of being attached to your body may be temporarily lost. It's a feeling of extreme distress. One of the ways to avoid being triggered in this way is to be forewarned that that is a potential outcome.

But who cares about the armed forces and their ability to reintegrate into society, amirite? Buncha pussies. What really matters is the few seconds where I might see some words, and those other people I really hate that might benefit from those words. "

This is another good point well made.

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By *eard and Tatts OP   Couple 3 weeks ago


"Looks like they should put trigger warnings on trigger warnings."

And then trigger warnings on opinions too should be implemented

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By *eard and Tatts OP   Couple 3 weeks ago


"I find it interesting that the Venn diagram of people complaining about trigger warnings and those who tend to "support our troops" are basically a circle.

PTSD is very common in those who've served in militaries. One of the symptoms of PTSD is "triggers". Which is not being a snowflake and being upset for no reason. It is a feeling of being thrown into a past event which may have been life threatening, your emotions returning to that state. Your sense of being attached to your body may be temporarily lost. It's a feeling of extreme distress. One of the ways to avoid being triggered in this way is to be forewarned that that is a potential outcome.

But who cares about the armed forces and their ability to reintegrate into society, amirite? Buncha pussies. What really matters is the few seconds where I might see some words, and those other people I really hate that might benefit from those words. "

Yeah but we know who these warnings are for and it's not soldiers

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By *reyToTheFairiesWoman 3 weeks ago

Carlisle usually

"I find it interesting that the Venn diagram of people complaining about trigger warnings and those who tend to "support our troops" are basically a circle.

PTSD is very common in those who've served in militaries. One of the symptoms of PTSD is "triggers". Which is not being a snowflake and being upset for no reason. It is a feeling of being thrown into a past event which may have been life threatening, your emotions returning to that state. Your sense of being attached to your body may be temporarily lost. It's a feeling of extreme distress. One of the ways to avoid being triggered in this way is to be forewarned that that is a potential outcome.

But who cares about the armed forces and their ability to reintegrate into society, amirite? Buncha pussies. What really matters is the few seconds where I might see some words, and those other people I really hate that might benefit from those words.

Yeah but we know who these warnings are for and it's not soldiers "

Because only certain people's PTSD is worth acknowledging. Fuck anyone else that's been through shit

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By *eard and Tatts OP   Couple 3 weeks ago


God forbid we upset the millennials

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By *ittle Miss TinkerbellWoman 3 weeks ago

your head

"I find it interesting that the Venn diagram of people complaining about trigger warnings and those who tend to "support our troops" are basically a circle.

PTSD is very common in those who've served in militaries. One of the symptoms of PTSD is "triggers". Which is not being a snowflake and being upset for no reason. It is a feeling of being thrown into a past event which may have been life threatening, your emotions returning to that state. Your sense of being attached to your body may be temporarily lost. It's a feeling of extreme distress. One of the ways to avoid being triggered in this way is to be forewarned that that is a potential outcome.

But who cares about the armed forces and their ability to reintegrate into society, amirite? Buncha pussies. What really matters is the few seconds where I might see some words, and those other people I really hate that might benefit from those words.

Yeah but we know who these warnings are for and it's not soldiers

Because only certain people's PTSD is worth acknowledging. Fuck anyone else that's been through shit "

Exactly! Anyone else is a snowflake apparently

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By *naswingdressWoman 3 weeks ago

Manchester (she/her)

"I find it interesting that the Venn diagram of people complaining about trigger warnings and those who tend to "support our troops" are basically a circle.

PTSD is very common in those who've served in militaries. One of the symptoms of PTSD is "triggers". Which is not being a snowflake and being upset for no reason. It is a feeling of being thrown into a past event which may have been life threatening, your emotions returning to that state. Your sense of being attached to your body may be temporarily lost. It's a feeling of extreme distress. One of the ways to avoid being triggered in this way is to be forewarned that that is a potential outcome.

But who cares about the armed forces and their ability to reintegrate into society, amirite? Buncha pussies. What really matters is the few seconds where I might see some words, and those other people I really hate that might benefit from those words.

Yeah but we know who these warnings are for and it's not soldiers "

How do you know that, pray tell?

Or do we have a valid triggering hierarchy - soldiers who want to enjoy cultural output are allowed to have mental health problems, but no one else is?

Or do you think that "triggering" is just a fun online term to mean "pretending that my opponent has lost their shit for no real reason" rather than a proper psychological term?

I'm looking forward to you standing up in November and telling all the veterans to stop being such fucking pussies and ruining films for you

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By *reyToTheFairiesWoman 3 weeks ago

Carlisle usually

"God forbid we upset the millennials "

Does that include millennial (and gen Z) veterans too? Or do they have to be over a certain age to deserve simple compassion?

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By *naswingdressWoman 3 weeks ago

Manchester (she/her)

"God forbid we upset the millennials "

Yeah! Any person who's served in war who was born after 1980 is not allowed to have psychological symptoms.

Why won't these people who've watched people be maimed and die, listened to things no one should have to listen to, faced death themselves - why won't they LET ME WATCH MY FILMS IN PEACE?!

I want my soldiers 'ard. Like back in the day, when they just drank themselves to death quietly and I didn't have to give a shit about them except when I wore a poppy to pretend I give a shit in November.

Society has gone to the fucking dogs.

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By *eard and Tatts OP   Couple 3 weeks ago


Disregard, I meant Gen Z. Wasn't thinking straight

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By *osey WalesMan 3 weeks ago


Isnt it just purely about choice. The triggers do not bother me. From an informative perspective it is providing the potential viewer with information. The viewer can then decide to watch it or not.

Knowledge is power, so someone knowledgable once said. Probably.

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By *naswingdressWoman 3 weeks ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Disregard, I meant Gen Z. Wasn't thinking straight "

Yeah! You tell 'em. Anyone who's watched their friends die in battle who was born after 1997 is a PUSSY who is ruining society for everyone.

Why won't they go away and die quietly so I can watch films in peace without having to think about anything other than my fun

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By *eard and Tatts OP   Couple 3 weeks ago


"God forbid we upset the millennials

Yeah! Any person who's served in war who was born after 1980 is not allowed to have psychological symptoms.

Why won't these people who've watched people be maimed and die, listened to things no one should have to listen to, faced death themselves - why won't they LET ME WATCH MY FILMS IN PEACE?!

I want my soldiers 'ard. Like back in the day, when they just drank themselves to death quietly and I didn't have to give a shit about them except when I wore a poppy to pretend I give a shit in November.

Society has gone to the fucking dogs."

Passionate aren't you?

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By *naswingdressWoman 3 weeks ago

Manchester (she/her)

"God forbid we upset the millennials

Yeah! Any person who's served in war who was born after 1980 is not allowed to have psychological symptoms.

Why won't these people who've watched people be maimed and die, listened to things no one should have to listen to, faced death themselves - why won't they LET ME WATCH MY FILMS IN PEACE?!

I want my soldiers 'ard. Like back in the day, when they just drank themselves to death quietly and I didn't have to give a shit about them except when I wore a poppy to pretend I give a shit in November.

Society has gone to the fucking dogs.

Passionate aren't you? "

You're the one who is irrationally upset about a few words at the beginning of a film

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By *reyToTheFairiesWoman 3 weeks ago

Carlisle usually

"Disregard, I meant Gen Z. Wasn't thinking straight "

Question still stands.

There are physically disabled veterans who've seen horrendous things during tours and still aren't old enough to buy alcohol in America, meaning gen Zs. Do they not deserve the compassion that older vets do?

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By *eard and Tatts OP   Couple 3 weeks ago


"Disregard, I meant Gen Z. Wasn't thinking straight

Yeah! You tell 'em. Anyone who's watched their friends die in battle who was born after 1997 is a PUSSY who is ruining society for everyone.

Why won't they go away and die quietly so I can watch films in peace without having to think about anything other than my fun "

You're taking this conversation way too far and too personally

Enjoy your day

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By *urvyAndHubbyCouple 3 weeks ago

Nr Swansea

"I genuinely feel bad for people who go through life being offended by the most mundane things.


Like words before a movie…

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By *naswingdressWoman 3 weeks ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Disregard, I meant Gen Z. Wasn't thinking straight

Yeah! You tell 'em. Anyone who's watched their friends die in battle who was born after 1997 is a PUSSY who is ruining society for everyone.

Why won't they go away and die quietly so I can watch films in peace without having to think about anything other than my fun

You're taking this conversation way too far and too personally

Enjoy your day "

I've never served in battle and would spit in the face of anyone who made me try . I also don't wear a poppy in November or attend any services

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By *aitonelMan 3 weeks ago


[Removed by poster at 21/05/24 13:31:35]

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By *aitonelMan 3 weeks ago


"God forbid we upset the millennials "

I'm all for trigger warnings because it pisses people off. Great value to entertainment.

I have no horse in this race, it's just great seeing people get worked up over tiny little things. The very fact a few words, pandering to others or not, irritates people is hilarious.

Honestly it's on the exact same level as the people that put complaints in to Ofcom, or outraged attention seeking school mums. All we need now is a good old compo face pic.

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By *partan69Man 3 weeks ago

best city in the world

If people read the synopsis and looked at the age on the movie surely people can decide from that if they feel like the movie is probably gonna upset them

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By *naswingdressWoman 3 weeks ago

Manchester (she/her)

"If people read the synopsis and looked at the age on the movie surely people can decide from that if they feel like the movie is probably gonna upset them"

Who gets to decide the "age" on the movie and why? Why can't we go back to the good old days when children's hosts were describing love cannons exploding into a woman's delicate folds in a show for primary school children? (Yes, growing up with Agro's Cartoon Connection probably explains a lot about me )

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By *olly_chromaticTV/TS 3 weeks ago


Perhaps it is time to put trigger warnings about trigger warnings? Something like "The following includes trigger warnings, gammons please look away now, we don't want to upset your delicate sensibilities".

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By *reyToTheFairiesWoman 3 weeks ago

Carlisle usually

"If people read the synopsis and looked at the age on the movie surely people can decide from that if they feel like the movie is probably gonna upset them

Who gets to decide the "age" on the movie and why? Why can't we go back to the good old days when children's hosts were describing love cannons exploding into a woman's delicate folds in a show for primary school children? (Yes, growing up with Agro's Cartoon Connection probably explains a lot about me )"

The good old days. When women didn't get breast cancer they just got itchy tit and died inexplicably young. When nobody was 'depressed' they just manned the fuck up and took it out on their loved ones while drinking themselves into an early grave.

Ignorance was so much better than taking tiny little steps to help people cope. Especially things as absurdly life changing as the normal people occasionally bearing witness to a little bit of text before consuming a piece of media. It's political correctness gone mad I tell you

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By *naswingdressWoman 3 weeks ago

Manchester (she/her)

"If people read the synopsis and looked at the age on the movie surely people can decide from that if they feel like the movie is probably gonna upset them

Who gets to decide the "age" on the movie and why? Why can't we go back to the good old days when children's hosts were describing love cannons exploding into a woman's delicate folds in a show for primary school children? (Yes, growing up with Agro's Cartoon Connection probably explains a lot about me )

The good old days. When women didn't get breast cancer they just got itchy tit and died inexplicably young. When nobody was 'depressed' they just manned the fuck up and took it out on their loved ones while drinking themselves into an early grave.

Ignorance was so much better than taking tiny little steps to help people cope. Especially things as absurdly life changing as the normal people occasionally bearing witness to a little bit of text before consuming a piece of media. It's political correctness gone mad I tell you "

Yeah. I also like the good old days when we didn't share facilities with people with darker skin, because we big strong empire having white people were terrified that someone taking a dump near us would contaminate the environment with their blackness. Or banning them from swimming pools, because we bravely, strongly, and rationally cowered in fear at the notion of black people swimming around Our WomenFolk.

Things were better before we were scared of our shadows. (And when we let the soldiers, who we pretend to give a shit about, drink themselves to death rather than letting them deal with their trauma)

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By *immyinreadingMan 3 weeks ago

henley on thames

With old films, I’d hope that people are smart enough to realise that it was filmed in a different era, or depicts a different era, warts and all.

If I’m watching gone with the wind, I shouldn’t be surprised that the language and situations do not conform to modern expectations

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By *eard and Tatts OP   Couple 3 weeks ago


[Removed by poster at 21/05/24 14:51:00]

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By *eard and Tatts OP   Couple 3 weeks ago


Id take trigger warnings over just straight up canceling but I'd rather it was cancelled then edited.

If I need to buy only fools and horses from a guy on ebay 5 times it's price rather then sit through an edited version because of ever so slightly but not racial overtones

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By *ea monkeyMan 3 weeks ago

Manchester (he/him)

"Disregard, I meant Gen Z. Wasn't thinking straight

Yeah! You tell 'em. Anyone who's watched their friends die in battle who was born after 1997 is a PUSSY who is ruining society for everyone.

Why won't they go away and die quietly so I can watch films in peace without having to think about anything other than my fun

You're taking this conversation way too far and too personally

Enjoy your day "

I think that they’re just posing questions that undermine your stance…

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By *ssex_tomMan 3 weeks ago


"Disregard, I meant Gen Z. Wasn't thinking straight

Yeah! You tell 'em. Anyone who's watched their friends die in battle who was born after 1997 is a PUSSY who is ruining society for everyone.

Why won't they go away and die quietly so I can watch films in peace without having to think about anything other than my fun

You're taking this conversation way too far and too personally

Enjoy your day

I've never served in battle and would spit in the face of anyone who made me try . I also don't wear a poppy in November or attend any services "

But you do enjoy the freedoms that others gave their lives for.. now there is nothing wrong in being a conscious object but why spit in their faces or have respect for those who died...

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By *ea monkeyMan 3 weeks ago

Manchester (he/him)

I think that the point is that you don’t get to decide what will trigger someone else. Nor should that person have to justify their panic attacks to you.

For the sake of a few words at the start of a film that mean nothing to you but might save others a whole heap of pain, what does it matter.

The irony is that you’re being far more of a ‘snowflake’, as the parlance goes, over this

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By *mber and FireCouple 3 weeks ago


Because choice to what your exposed to matters. If it isn't for you then awesome, it doesn't apply and it's what, 3 seconds worth of your time.

It's much more prevalent because we're supposed to be much more accepting and understanding as humanity advances.

That's yet to be seen.

A trigger warning isn't there to alert the easily offended; it's there to alert those who have been subjected to some very real issues and scenarios presented often casually in media. And from there some may choose to avoid it altogether, but others may choose to watch it after appreciating the heads up.

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By *naswingdressWoman 3 weeks ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Disregard, I meant Gen Z. Wasn't thinking straight

Yeah! You tell 'em. Anyone who's watched their friends die in battle who was born after 1997 is a PUSSY who is ruining society for everyone.

Why won't they go away and die quietly so I can watch films in peace without having to think about anything other than my fun

You're taking this conversation way too far and too personally

Enjoy your day

I've never served in battle and would spit in the face of anyone who made me try . I also don't wear a poppy in November or attend any services

But you do enjoy the freedoms that others gave their lives for.. now there is nothing wrong in being a conscious object but why spit in their faces or have respect for those who died..."

I suggest you read what I wrote again and tell me where I said I was spitting in the face of anyone who served or I didn't have respect.

Also, it's kind of funny to me. In any month other than November, putting symbols on you and being seen in public gesturing towards things we're supposed to think are good is called "virtue signalling". Huh. How about that.

What freedoms did we gain from fucking over Afghanistan and Iraq this century, exactly?

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By *naswingdressWoman 3 weeks ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Because choice to what your exposed to matters. If it isn't for you then awesome, it doesn't apply and it's what, 3 seconds worth of your time.

It's much more prevalent because we're supposed to be much more accepting and understanding as humanity advances.

That's yet to be seen.

A trigger warning isn't there to alert the easily offended; it's there to alert those who have been subjected to some very real issues and scenarios presented often casually in media. And from there some may choose to avoid it altogether, but others may choose to watch it after appreciating the heads up."

A trigger warning also has amazing benefits for content creators who like to make people mad. Outrage porn for the sheltered who don't have any genuine problems to get the adrenaline pumping

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By *mber and FireCouple 3 weeks ago


" A trigger warning also has amazing benefits for content creators who like to make people mad. Outrage porn for the sheltered who don't have any genuine problems to get the adrenaline pumping "

How dare you, I'm offended.

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By *naswingdressWoman 3 weeks ago

Manchester (she/her)

" A trigger warning also has amazing benefits for content creators who like to make people mad. Outrage porn for the sheltered who don't have any genuine problems to get the adrenaline pumping

How dare you, I'm offended."

Ah but you see. Only people who you disagree with are offended. They're offended because they're little whiny snowflakes who've never had to deal with real problems, like being righteously outraged that some words on a screen will destroy civilisation. Only by standing up against this outrage, with firm anger and protecting the children from this violation, will I be able to be a hero (of my own story) and save the world!

It may look like I am being offended and getting upset over WORDS, like I am accusing my opponents of doing, but you are obviously incapable of seeing the difference between a righteous stance for justice and the whining of the weak. Because they might look identical from the outside

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By *mber and FireCouple 3 weeks ago


" A trigger warning also has amazing benefits for content creators who like to make people mad. Outrage porn for the sheltered who don't have any genuine problems to get the adrenaline pumping

How dare you, I'm offended.

Ah but you see. Only people who you disagree with are offended. They're offended because they're little whiny snowflakes who've never had to deal with real problems, like being righteously outraged that some words on a screen will destroy civilisation. Only by standing up against this outrage, with firm anger and protecting the children from this violation, will I be able to be a hero (of my own story) and save the world!

It may look like I am being offended and getting upset over WORDS, like I am accusing my opponents of doing, but you are obviously incapable of seeing the difference between a righteous stance for justice and the whining of the weak. Because they might look identical from the outside


But I thought we were the snowflakes? The rules keep changing, I'm so confused!

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By *naswingdressWoman 3 weeks ago

Manchester (she/her)

" A trigger warning also has amazing benefits for content creators who like to make people mad. Outrage porn for the sheltered who don't have any genuine problems to get the adrenaline pumping

How dare you, I'm offended.

Ah but you see. Only people who you disagree with are offended. They're offended because they're little whiny snowflakes who've never had to deal with real problems, like being righteously outraged that some words on a screen will destroy civilisation. Only by standing up against this outrage, with firm anger and protecting the children from this violation, will I be able to be a hero (of my own story) and save the world!

It may look like I am being offended and getting upset over WORDS, like I am accusing my opponents of doing, but you are obviously incapable of seeing the difference between a righteous stance for justice and the whining of the weak. Because they might look identical from the outside

But I thought we were the snowflakes? The rules keep changing, I'm so confused!


The people we like are boldly saving civilisation by standing up and saying "No! (Mummy, I will not eat peas, you cannot make me)"

The people we don't like are snivelling by standing up and objecting to what is good for them, like toddlers thinking they're making a point.

Tomato-tomato potato-potato, let's call the whole thing off.

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By *mber and FireCouple 3 weeks ago


" The people we like are boldly saving civilisation by standing up and saying "No! (Mummy, I will not eat peas, you cannot make me)"

The people we don't like are snivelling by standing up and objecting to what is good for them, like toddlers thinking they're making a point.

Tomato-tomato potato-potato, let's call the whole thing off."


.. dammit, can't be offended now.

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By *eroLondonMan 3 weeks ago


Should toy guns come with a trigger warning?

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple 3 weeks ago


Imagine getting upset over a few words that might help people that briefly appear on a screen before a film.

Those are the people I feel sorry for, what must their lives must be like if they are so easily upset.

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By *iving Bi a TryMan 3 weeks ago

Alicante, Spain. (Sometimes in Wales)

"I'm not here to mock it laugh. I genuinely feel bad for people ......."

Perhaps you wouldn't feel so bad if there was a warning that there's going to be a trigger warning?


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By *olly_chromaticTV/TS 3 weeks ago


"Should toy guns come with a trigger warning? "

Possibly. But real guns should definitely come with a trigger guard.

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple 3 weeks ago


"AMC slaps ‘Goodfellas’ with trigger warning for ‘offensive’ content that includes ‘cultural stereotypes’

The warning reads.....

“This film includes language and/or cultural stereotypes that are inconsistent with today’s standards of inclusion and tolerance and may offend some viewers,” a message reads at the top of the film when screened on the network.

I'm not here to mock it laugh. I genuinely feel bad for people who go through life being offended by the most mundane things. It must be an absolute miserable existence having to pre screen material to make sure it doesn't offend them


Have you ever had something very traumatic happen to you and found were upset when you were reminded of it, however unintentionally?

Imagine if you’d been able to avoid that upset because there had been some sort of warning.

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By *dwalu2Couple 3 weeks ago


"Imagine getting upset over a few words that might help people that briefly appear on a screen before a film.

Those are the people I feel sorry for, what must their lives must be like if they are so easily upset."

Yes, they are always getting offended! Luckily they always seem to just laugh…and then start a thread about it.

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By *naswingdressWoman 3 weeks ago

Manchester (she/her)

"AMC slaps ‘Goodfellas’ with trigger warning for ‘offensive’ content that includes ‘cultural stereotypes’

The warning reads.....

“This film includes language and/or cultural stereotypes that are inconsistent with today’s standards of inclusion and tolerance and may offend some viewers,” a message reads at the top of the film when screened on the network.

I'm not here to mock it laugh. I genuinely feel bad for people who go through life being offended by the most mundane things. It must be an absolute miserable existence having to pre screen material to make sure it doesn't offend them

Have you ever had something very traumatic happen to you and found were upset when you were reminded of it, however unintentionally?

Imagine if you’d been able to avoid that upset because there had been some sort of warning."

Or even steel yourself and carry on through it. Forewarned is forearmed etc

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By *ensuallover1000Man 3 weeks ago

Somewhere In The Ether…

I am of the firm belief that there should be trigger warnings before most reality TV shows….

‘The following programme is utterly shit.’ for instance….

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By *aitonelMan 3 weeks ago


"I am of the firm belief that there should be trigger warnings before most reality TV shows….

‘The following programme is utterly shit.’ for instance…. "

Man's got a point!

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple 3 weeks ago


"AMC slaps ‘Goodfellas’ with trigger warning for ‘offensive’ content that includes ‘cultural stereotypes’

The warning reads.....

“This film includes language and/or cultural stereotypes that are inconsistent with today’s standards of inclusion and tolerance and may offend some viewers,” a message reads at the top of the film when screened on the network.

I'm not here to mock it laugh. I genuinely feel bad for people who go through life being offended by the most mundane things. It must be an absolute miserable existence having to pre screen material to make sure it doesn't offend them

Have you ever had something very traumatic happen to you and found were upset when you were reminded of it, however unintentionally?

Imagine if you’d been able to avoid that upset because there had been some sort of warning.

Or even steel yourself and carry on through it. Forewarned is forearmed etc"

Maybe that’s what masculinity is?

Oh no, wrong thread, sorry.

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By *naswingdressWoman 3 weeks ago

Manchester (she/her)

"AMC slaps ‘Goodfellas’ with trigger warning for ‘offensive’ content that includes ‘cultural stereotypes’

The warning reads.....

“This film includes language and/or cultural stereotypes that are inconsistent with today’s standards of inclusion and tolerance and may offend some viewers,” a message reads at the top of the film when screened on the network.

I'm not here to mock it laugh. I genuinely feel bad for people who go through life being offended by the most mundane things. It must be an absolute miserable existence having to pre screen material to make sure it doesn't offend them

Have you ever had something very traumatic happen to you and found were upset when you were reminded of it, however unintentionally?

Imagine if you’d been able to avoid that upset because there had been some sort of warning.

Or even steel yourself and carry on through it. Forewarned is forearmed etc

Maybe that’s what masculinity is?

Oh no, wrong thread, sorry."

Sounds like being aware of your feelings to me. Ooh, girl germs.

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By *rucking-HellMan 3 weeks ago


Seems as if trigger warnings should come with trigger warnings these days.

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By *aitonelMan 3 weeks ago


Actually I'm changing my mind!

Trigger warnings may ruin peoples lives and cause them to miss out on true masterpieces of movies.

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By *ensuallover1000Man 3 weeks ago

Somewhere In The Ether…

"I am of the firm belief that there should be trigger warnings before most reality TV shows….

‘The following programme is utterly shit.’ for instance….

Man's got a point! "

Kai Long time no see good sir

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By *JB1954Man 3 weeks ago


When comes to trigger warnings. I watched again last night the film Patriots Day. Yes trigger warning at start.

But did not say. Film would show actual footage throughout of the actual bombings from CCTV and live film as happened and after bombs went off . Also when second bomber arrested.

Yet only has in UK fifteen rating for film certification ?

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By *ackformore100Man 3 weeks ago

Tin town

"AMC slaps ‘Goodfellas’ with trigger warning for ‘offensive’ content that includes ‘cultural stereotypes’

The warning reads.....

“This film includes language and/or cultural stereotypes that are inconsistent with today’s standards of inclusion and tolerance and may offend some viewers,” a message reads at the top of the film when screened on the network.

I'm not here to mock it laugh. I genuinely feel bad for people who go through life being offended by the most mundane things. It must be an absolute miserable existence having to pre screen material to make sure it doesn't offend them


Well yes indeed. Imagine what goodfellas would be like without any stereotypical mafioso language, behaviour,, acts of violence... Be a short film "I always wanted to be..."

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By *ackformore100Man 3 weeks ago

Tin town

"I am of the firm belief that there should be trigger warnings before most reality TV shows….

‘The following programme is utterly shit.’ for instance…. "

Now that would be a huge improvement

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By *immyinreadingMan 3 weeks ago

henley on thames

"I think that the point is that you don’t get to decide what will trigger someone else. Nor should that person have to justify their panic attacks to you.

For the sake of a few words at the start of a film that mean nothing to you but might save others a whole heap of pain, what does it matter.

The irony is that you’re being far more of a ‘snowflake’, as the parlance goes, over this"

I’d far prefer to fast forward through warnings than for the content itself to be censored.

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By *immyinreadingMan 3 weeks ago

henley on thames

"I am of the firm belief that there should be trigger warnings before most reality TV shows….

‘The following programme is utterly shit.’ for instance….

Now that would be a huge improvement"

A warning like that at the start of napoleon dynamite might behave saved me from 2 hours of complete shit.

Yes, “this programme is shit” would be a helpful warning.

When I was in school in Dublin, our school played a football match against the Leinster champions. Quite a few of us turned up to watch. Before kickoff, the teacher who coached the team gathered us all together and explained that the match would be shit, he was playing a 5-5 formation, with strict instructions to hoof the ball, and he was playing for a 0-0. A helpful and useful warning.

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By *ackformore100Man 3 weeks ago

Tin town

"I am of the firm belief that there should be trigger warnings before most reality TV shows….

‘The following programme is utterly shit.’ for instance….

Now that would be a huge improvement

A warning like that at the start of napoleon dynamite might behave saved me from 2 hours of complete shit.

Yes, “this programme is shit” would be a helpful warning.

When I was in school in Dublin, our school played a football match against the Leinster champions. Quite a few of us turned up to watch. Before kickoff, the teacher who coached the team gathered us all together and explained that the match would be shit, he was playing a 5-5 formation, with strict instructions to hoof the ball, and he was playing for a 0-0. A helpful and useful warning. "

He wasn't Gareth Southgate was he?

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By *ackformore100Man 3 weeks ago

Tin town

"I am of the firm belief that there should be trigger warnings before most reality TV shows….

‘The following programme is utterly shit.’ for instance….

Now that would be a huge improvement

A warning like that at the start of napoleon dynamite might behave saved me from 2 hours of complete shit.

Yes, “this programme is shit” would be a helpful warning.

When I was in school in Dublin, our school played a football match against the Leinster champions. Quite a few of us turned up to watch. Before kickoff, the teacher who coached the team gathered us all together and explained that the match would be shit, he was playing a 5-5 formation, with strict instructions to hoof the ball, and he was playing for a 0-0. A helpful and useful warning.

He wasn't Gareth Southgate was he? "

No... David moyes?

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By *ambertMan 3 weeks ago


Trigger warnings literally take nothing away from you or me as an individual, whatsoever. They do however provide a potential service to someone whom may have experienced some form of trauma.

Empathy and awareness is not a negative

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By *mber and FireCouple 3 weeks ago


"Trigger warnings literally take nothing away from you or me as an individual, whatsoever. They do however provide a potential service to someone whom may have experienced some form of trauma.

Empathy and awareness is not a negative "

Lies. If you don't understand something, it should be shunned and mocked!

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By *ssex_tomMan 3 weeks ago


"AMC slaps ‘Goodfellas’ with trigger warning for ‘offensive’ content that includes ‘cultural stereotypes’

The warning reads.....

“This film includes language and/or cultural stereotypes that are inconsistent with today’s standards of inclusion and tolerance and may offend some viewers,” a message reads at the top of the film when screened on the network.

I'm not here to mock it laugh. I genuinely feel bad for people who go through life being offended by the most mundane things. It must be an absolute miserable existence having to pre screen material to make sure it doesn't offend them

Have you ever had something very traumatic happen to you and found were upset when you were reminded of it, however unintentionally?

Imagine if you’d been able to avoid that upset because there had been some sort of warning."

On that logic wouldn't the warning about the upset cause upset. It would remind them of the upset. Best to have a generic warning that a warning is coming and switch off now if a warning could trigger you

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By *ambertMan 3 weeks ago


"Trigger warnings literally take nothing away from you or me as an individual, whatsoever. They do however provide a potential service to someone whom may have experienced some form of trauma.

Empathy and awareness is not a negative

Lies. If you don't understand something, it should be shunned and mocked!"

That explains why everyone is always laughing at me then. I don't understand life.

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By *ealitybitesMan 3 weeks ago


Should we have them on forum threads too?

Warning! This thread was deliberately designed to trigger.

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By *mber and FireCouple 3 weeks ago


"AMC slaps ‘Goodfellas’ with trigger warning for ‘offensive’ content that includes ‘cultural stereotypes’

The warning reads.....

“This film includes language and/or cultural stereotypes that are inconsistent with today’s standards of inclusion and tolerance and may offend some viewers,” a message reads at the top of the film when screened on the network.

I'm not here to mock it laugh. I genuinely feel bad for people who go through life being offended by the most mundane things. It must be an absolute miserable existence having to pre screen material to make sure it doesn't offend them

Have you ever had something very traumatic happen to you and found were upset when you were reminded of it, however unintentionally?

Imagine if you’d been able to avoid that upset because there had been some sort of warning.

On that logic wouldn't the warning about the upset cause upset. It would remind them of the upset. Best to have a generic warning that a warning is coming and switch off now if a warning could trigger you "

But that isn't following their logic, it's just offering a ridiculous example to try and counter their point. Debate in good faith, or don't at all.

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By *ssex_tomMan 3 weeks ago


To be fair many people seem perpetually ready to be triggered. It's the new word for attention seeking... Just man up and pull yourself together. The Ruskies are possibly coming and people are worried about being offended by a Disney film. Get a life peoples ..

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By *oistvonlipwigMan 3 weeks ago


When did people become so utterly soft? It's gotta be a joke..trigger warnings whatever next...

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By *yzykMan 3 weeks ago


"When did people become so utterly soft? It's gotta be a joke..trigger warnings whatever next..."

Weren't you going apeshit about a motif on the collar of a football shirt a few weeks back?

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By *oistvonlipwigMan 3 weeks ago


"When did people become so utterly soft? It's gotta be a joke..trigger warnings whatever next...

Weren't you going apeshit about a motif on the collar of a football shirt a few weeks back? "

I've never been apeshit about anything on here...if you chose to read stuff that way then that's on you.

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By *icolerobbieCouple 3 weeks ago


I saw a trigger warning on only fools and horses. He was the best one in it, better than that plonker Rodney.

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By *ellhungvweMan 3 weeks ago


"I saw a trigger warning on only fools and horses. He was the best one in it, better than that plonker Rodney."

Hello Dave

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By *ackformore100Man 3 weeks ago

Tin town

"Trigger warnings literally take nothing away from you or me as an individual, whatsoever. They do however provide a potential service to someone whom may have experienced some form of trauma.

Empathy and awareness is not a negative "

Not sure you're able to judge how trigger warnings make every one else feel.

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By *ealitybitesMan 3 weeks ago


Do Winnie the Pooh books have Tigger warnings now?

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By *ansoffateMan 3 weeks ago

Sagittarius A

"AMC slaps ‘Goodfellas’ with trigger warning for ‘offensive’ content that includes ‘cultural stereotypes’

The warning reads.....

“This film includes language and/or cultural stereotypes that are inconsistent with today’s standards of inclusion and tolerance and may offend some viewers,” a message reads at the top of the film when screened on the network.

I'm not here to mock it laugh. I genuinely feel bad for people who go through life being offended by the most mundane things. It must be an absolute miserable existence having to pre screen material to make sure it doesn't offend them

Have you ever had something very traumatic happen to you and found were upset when you were reminded of it, however unintentionally?

Imagine if you’d been able to avoid that upset because there had been some sort of warning."

Try having cPTSD, they'd need a trigger-warning for all kinds of weird shit. Salt and Vinegar crisps can set me off. In fact just thinking about them then caused me to dissociate and stare at my screen for 10 minutes.

I think Goodfellas is a brilliant film, several scenes spring to mind after hearing of this warning. I can appreciate how many people could find it offensive and the warning has no negative impact on those whom wouldn't be, and wish to watch it.

I don't see the issue really. I find may contain traces of nuts on a bag of nuts more . Or making my Mars bars smaller, jacking up the price and then telling me it's for my own good, because they care. Get to fuck with that bs.

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By *ornucopiaMan 3 weeks ago


"Do Winnie the Pooh books have Tigger warnings now? "

What about Roy Rogers films, then?

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By *bxanfCouple 3 weeks ago

Bilston / Dudley / Anor Londo

How about we throw a trigger warning on the trigger warning for you so it evens out?

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By *elvet RopeMan 3 weeks ago

by the big field

"I'd genuinely like to hear a counter argument as to why I'm wrong tho?

Maybe by someone who does get offended by media like this and why? "

In which case, can we get warnings for mentions of religion, squawking/crying children, pets dying, tories, whooping Americans, extensive gun fire with minimal targets hit, damage/destruction of nice cars, any music by Queen, Coldplay or Simply Red in the soundtrack?

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By (user no longer on site) 3 weeks ago

Goodfellas might just be one of the greatest movies of all time. 100% it needs a trigger warning. Did you not see the scene where Karen hides the gun in her knickers. If ever I needed a warning about a trigger it was then.

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By *ambertMan 3 weeks ago


"Trigger warnings literally take nothing away from you or me as an individual, whatsoever. They do however provide a potential service to someone whom may have experienced some form of trauma.

Empathy and awareness is not a negative

Not sure you're able to judge how trigger warnings make every one else feel. "

I never said they make everyone feel one way or another. I said they have the potential, and take nothing away from the experience.

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By *tylebender03Man 3 weeks ago


‘Get your f*cking shine box’

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By *immyinreadingMan 3 weeks ago

henley on thames

"I am of the firm belief that there should be trigger warnings before most reality TV shows….

‘The following programme is utterly shit.’ for instance….

Now that would be a huge improvement

A warning like that at the start of napoleon dynamite might behave saved me from 2 hours of complete shit.

Yes, “this programme is shit” would be a helpful warning.

When I was in school in Dublin, our school played a football match against the Leinster champions. Quite a few of us turned up to watch. Before kickoff, the teacher who coached the team gathered us all together and explained that the match would be shit, he was playing a 5-5 formation, with strict instructions to hoof the ball, and he was playing for a 0-0. A helpful and useful warning.

He wasn't Gareth Southgate was he?

No... David moyes? "

Sam, I think. I forget the surname

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By *ackformore100Man 3 weeks ago

Tin town

"I am of the firm belief that there should be trigger warnings before most reality TV shows….

‘The following programme is utterly shit.’ for instance….

Now that would be a huge improvement

A warning like that at the start of napoleon dynamite might behave saved me from 2 hours of complete shit.

Yes, “this programme is shit” would be a helpful warning.

When I was in school in Dublin, our school played a football match against the Leinster champions. Quite a few of us turned up to watch. Before kickoff, the teacher who coached the team gathered us all together and explained that the match would be shit, he was playing a 5-5 formation, with strict instructions to hoof the ball, and he was playing for a 0-0. A helpful and useful warning.

He wasn't Gareth Southgate was he?

No... David moyes?

Sam, I think. I forget the surname "


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By *stwo2023Couple 3 weeks ago


"AMC slaps ‘Goodfellas’ with trigger warning for ‘offensive’ content that includes ‘cultural stereotypes’

The warning reads.....

“This film includes language and/or cultural stereotypes that are inconsistent with today’s standards of inclusion and tolerance and may offend some viewers,” a message reads at the top of the film when screened on the network.

I'm not here to mock it laugh. I genuinely feel bad for people who go through life being offended by the most mundane things. It must be an absolute miserable existence having to pre screen material to make sure it doesn't offend them


Does that include people being so offended by a trigger warning that they start threads about them?

If the subject matter discussed doesn't offend you or doesn't impact on you in any way then it's just a bunch of words you have to read/hear. No Biggie. For those who, for whatever reason, are impacted then it's a timely warning for them to consider if they want to carry on or not. But like an 'enter at your own risk' warning.

I think it's a great solution to potentially banning or editing films to no longer be the films they were. An acknowledgement that society has moved on but a way of showing how attitudes have changed etc.


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By *irthandgirthMan 3 weeks ago

Camberley occasionally doncaster

"Or, trigger warnings are there for people who have had experiences with themes in the content that might make them upset to recount or relive?


So the trigger warnings about cultural stereotypes are more needed than ones about people being murdered?

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By *ongAndThick123Man 3 weeks ago

London - Central


I genuinely feel bad for people who go through life being offended by the most mundane things.


I don’t necessarily agree with trigger warnings or pre-warnings on films. But at the same time I wouldn’t call overt racism “mundane”.

I’m of an age now where I’d prefer to watch a film like that in private because It’s not a comfortable experience being in a cinema when racial slurs are being spilled by characters. It’s even more uncomfortable when other audience members laugh in agreeance.

Definitely not “mundane” to those effected by it.

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By *naswingdressWoman 3 weeks ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Or, trigger warnings are there for people who have had experiences with themes in the content that might make them upset to recount or relive?

So the trigger warnings about cultural stereotypes are more needed than ones about people being murdered? "

Possibly, yes.

What causes people psychological distress can be apparently random. I read one book about recovering from PTSD where a patient discovered that his trigger was drinking coffee (because he'd been drinking coffee when he got the news about the Twin Towers falling, which involved him losing people he cared about).

I think a quick general warning about potential topics that might distress people is worthwhile. All the frothing notwithstanding.

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By *eard and Tatts OP   Couple 3 weeks ago


"Or, trigger warnings are there for people who have had experiences with themes in the content that might make them upset to recount or relive?

So the trigger warnings about cultural stereotypes are more needed than ones about people being murdered? "

Offensive stereotype/murder

What's the difference in 2024?

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By *ebauchedDeviantsPt2Couple 3 weeks ago


"Or, trigger warnings are there for people who have had experiences with themes in the content that might make them upset to recount or relive?

So the trigger warnings about cultural stereotypes are more needed than ones about people being murdered?

Offensive stereotype/murder

What's the difference in 2024?


You can add trigger warnings to that, seems the snowflakes get really upset by them.

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By *uriousCouple 200Couple 3 weeks ago


Are we talking about the ones luke before the old jungle book now??? Something about mowgli and racism

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By *essTTWoman 3 weeks ago


"AMC slaps ‘Goodfellas’ with trigger warning for ‘offensive’ content that includes ‘cultural stereotypes’

The warning reads.....

“This film includes language and/or cultural stereotypes that are inconsistent with today’s standards of inclusion and tolerance and may offend some viewers,” a message reads at the top of the film when screened on the network.

I'm not here to mock it laugh. I genuinely feel bad for people who go through life being offended by the most mundane things. It must be an absolute miserable existence having to pre screen material to make sure it doesn't offend them


I won't watch films with triggers warnings about rxpe/SA.

as its something I've experienced and not quite yet been able to move past.

But thank you OP for feeling bad for those who need trigger warning for getting offended over "the most mundane things"

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By *naswingdressWoman 3 weeks ago

Manchester (she/her)

"Or, trigger warnings are there for people who have had experiences with themes in the content that might make them upset to recount or relive?

So the trigger warnings about cultural stereotypes are more needed than ones about people being murdered?

Offensive stereotype/murder

What's the difference in 2024?


If you can't tell the difference, I can't help you

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By *ssex_tomMan 3 weeks ago


"Or, trigger warnings are there for people who have had experiences with themes in the content that might make them upset to recount or relive?

Yep. Let's put a trigger warning on cups of coffee ..

Ye gods... What more nonsense can we create..

So the trigger warnings about cultural stereotypes are more needed than ones about people being murdered?

Possibly, yes.

What causes people psychological distress can be apparently random. I read one book about recovering from PTSD where a patient discovered that his trigger was drinking coffee (because he'd been drinking coffee when he got the news about the Twin Towers falling, which involved him losing people he cared about).

I think a quick general warning about potential topics that might distress people is worthwhile. All the frothing notwithstanding."

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By *ssex_tomMan 3 weeks ago


"Or, trigger warnings are there for people who have had experiences with themes in the content that might make them upset to recount or relive?

So the trigger warnings about cultural stereotypes are more needed than ones about people being murdered?

Possibly, yes.

What causes people psychological distress can be apparently random. I read one book about recovering from PTSD where a patient discovered that his trigger was drinking coffee (because he'd been drinking coffee when he got the news about the Twin Towers falling, which involved him losing people he cared about).

I think a quick general warning about potential topics that might distress people is worthwhile. All the frothing notwithstanding."

So trigger warnings on coffee or just on frothing coffee?

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