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terr'rists, allegedly...

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By *eal_Dick_Turpin OP   Man  over a year ago


how come the new breed are so totally bloody incompetent?

Couple of guys from a decent neighbourhood in london for some unknown reason decide to commit suicide by cop by going out and mowing some guy down with their car then butchering him in the street.

Now, atrocity aside, and the deceased aside... this is NOT about what happened, buy how it was reported, which is a very long way from what happened.

1/ once he was mown down by the car he was already toast, and since world & dog has a car there is no planning or sourcing equipment here.

2/ once he is down they use items grabbed from a kitchen drawer, presumably 2 minutes before the car keys were grabbed, to butcher him, nobody used any tools that an actual butcher or hunter would use, or indeed an actual soldier / warrior, nor did they have any skill as they apparently failed to remove the dead chap's head (I speak from experience here, I could behead a cow in less than 60 seconds with one knife, and do it cleanly and clinically, which was how it had to be done for BSE suspected animals)

3/ one of them has a gun, some reports say it was a revolver, others and automatic, in any event when fired it blew the holders hand apart, could even have been a blank firer with live ammo, again, totally amateurish and spur of the moment stuff, it's not like you can't buy a browning hi power and magazine full of rounds on the black market, and no, not that much money, these guys has a more expensive car and came from a decent area.

Like everyone else on here, I do not know what was going on, but I do have a brain, and it is hard to conceive of anyone with a functioning brain getting it all so "wrong", from the terrorist perspective.

In fact, one might expect that two guys who were totally whacked out of their minds on PCP and other substances and who acted on the spur of the moment, and there are enough stories like this, "I killed them because god pointed at them with the clouds" or "the angel gabriel told me to do it" or whatever... so in this case they were saying "allah is great".. big deal

So, instead of sensible questions being asked about what the fuck was going on, what really happened and what motivated whom, we get endless spiel about terrorists, islam, nigeria, soldiers, oh, and let's not forget the prime time money shots of a couple of guys with red all over them and the obligatory heroic woman who knelt down and allegedly prayed next to the dead guy.

And perhaps the biggest question of all, why were crowds of people quite happy to stand by and watch, and not intervene, where and how did all those people learn the lesson that it does not pay to get involved?

If the IRA had ever been this mind blowingly "incompetent", they would never have been able to mount "spectaculars" in the mainland... but they weren't, they were actual terrorists, or freedom fighters, if you were on their side.

Who is on the side of these two guys? Whose side are they on? Who did they represent? Or, as seems to be the case, were they no more than a couple of loosely wrapped guys freaking out of some substances fizzing in their bloodstream and shouting out any old bizarre crap that occurred to them, in their unplanned and spur of the moment suicide by cop...

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By *obletonMan  over a year ago


I suggest you watch "The Power of Nightmares" by Adan Curtis to help you understand this.

you can usually find it on youtube.

you can skip part one as it's mostly scene setting, but it gets interesting from part 2 onwards.

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By *win PeaksCouple  over a year ago


I feel that they definitely were not part of a wider organization. Two idiots who got themselves into a frenzy.

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By *ust_for_laughsCouple  over a year ago


Watching '4 Lions' as training material isn't recommended in 'The Terrorists Handbook' !

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Watching '4 Lions' as training material isn't recommended in 'The Terrorists Handbook' ! "

ha ha pmsl..

if you have to resort to a comedy sketch declare your knowledge and substantiate ones action...

then we would all be living in del boys world full of fools and horses

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