
FabSwingers.com > Forums > The Lounge > Does a woman's profile matter?

Does a woman's profile matter?

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

On the "positive and negative of the profile above you" thread, a couple of people said my profile made me seem hard work.

This is true, I am ridiculously hard work.

But I reread it and it was a bit arsey to be honest so I've changed it. I have since learned about filters so I'm less worried about dictating a load of stuff.

But... does it matter what women put in the text?

How many men actually read it?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I can't read it. I won't speculate as to why, I think I can guess

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By *dwalu2Couple  over a year ago


The men that you would actually consider meeting almost certainly read it!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It matters to me. I always read them. I can get a really good idea about what they want, are looking for, or what type of person they are.

I've seen some amazing photos on profiles but the profile text has often put me off

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It matters to some I guess but its obvious many don't read it. My first sentence will tell any potential meet what I'm not looking for but I still get many messages from unsuitable people. I just find myself repeating what my profile says on many occasions so not really sure why I bother lol!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Was a post here last week ... A couple have a single fems profile to ....... just had 3 ... dots on no text and getting mail saying how lovely and wishing to meet . So it shows me just a profile saying its a woman get offers here.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Can still seem a little abrupt but if your are easy - where's the fun?

For me - yes it does matter but it's as much if not more how its written as to whats in there.

The usual "do, don't, will. won't, must, must not" will get a rather nice "fuck that" from me personally.

As with photos - "less is more" - I wan't an idea of you and what you want

BUT and it's a BIG BUT (not butt )

I wan't to WANT to know more

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Your profile gives the info men need. If there is stuff missing, and they are interested they can always message you

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By *eanut Butter CupWoman  over a year ago

B & M Bargains

The people who don't read it are people I don't want to meet!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Profiles are important . I read each profile if I'm interested in contacting a person. It shows you've taken the time to "know" a bit more about that person.

Some profiles are quite harsh and abrupt but I can understand why women take a "no nonsense " approach. Safety, compatibility etc.

We men can be quite cruel and immature sometimes and a well crafted profile acts as a deterrent as well as invite to those who meet the criteria.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Can still seem a little abrupt but if your are easy - where's the fun?

For me - yes it does matter but it's as much if not more how its written as to whats in there.

The usual "do, don't, will. won't, must, must not" will get a rather nice "fuck that" from me personally.

As with photos - "less is more" - I wan't an idea of you and what you want

BUT and it's a BIG BUT (not butt )

I wan't to WANT to know more "

You think I have a big butt?

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By *izzy RascallMan  over a year ago


I rarely read a profile, I do try but often get bored after the first line, I find people take themselves too serious in them.

However, I dont give a fuck if I meet here or not either, so I dont go round inboxing girls.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"The men that you would actually consider meeting almost certainly read it! "


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Can still seem a little abrupt but if your are easy - where's the fun?

For me - yes it does matter but it's as much if not more how its written as to whats in there.

The usual "do, don't, will. won't, must, must not" will get a rather nice "fuck that" from me personally.

As with photos - "less is more" - I wan't an idea of you and what you want

BUT and it's a BIG BUT (not butt )

I wan't to WANT to know more

You think I have a big butt? "

Read it again

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Personally I feel that a womans profile is every bit as important as a mans.

Why shouldn't it be?

Oh yes, for some reason, it is assumed that all blokes will shag anything.

Whilst I would agree that there are perhaps some that do, there are those of us who are selective and look for such things as personality etc.

And let's be fair here, there are also some women who are, shall we say, less fussy than others.

When I visit a ladys profile, or even that of a couple, if there is virtually no profile text and no pictures, I move on.

'Will fill in later' doesn't entice i'm afraid and demonstrates a 'can't be bothered' attitude.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Most women's profiles on here read like either a strict list of dos and don'ts or a bland, generic lump of nothingness.

I want a profile to be FUN. I want it to grab my attention and make me laugh. So very little do and that's why I seldom go looking anymore.

Tits and a vagina shouldn't be a free pass to overlooking a profile.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Personally I feel that a womans profile is every bit as important as a mans.

Why shouldn't it be?

Oh yes, for some reason, it is assumed that all blokes will shag anything.

Whilst I would agree that there are perhaps some that do, there are those of us who are selective and look for such things as personality etc.

And let's be fair here, there are also some women who are, shall we say, less fussy than others.

When I visit a ladys profile, or even that of a couple, if there is virtually no profile text and no pictures, I move on.

'Will fill in later' doesn't entice i'm afraid and demonstrates a 'can't be bothered' attitude."

Well said

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Believe it or not I love reading I read profiles for the crack..... But if I keep coming across ''you should'' frequently on one profile i'll give it a miss most of the time, this profiles im talking about, they have paragraphs over paragraphs of wat they want but they or she doesnt say what you'll give in return. It makes me think she has nothing to offer... I'll put emojis to make it less of a rant.... .....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Yes it matters as it tells people what you are looking for and gives an idea off likes and dislikes etc. Unfortunately lots of people don't read them or care what they they say

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I read every word, I would like to think other guys do too...

After perving on the pictures of course

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman  over a year ago

little house on the praire

I would say more men than not who message me have read my profile. I know this as they comment on things written in it.

I get quite a lot of compliments about it, the worst thing that's ever been said is that its long.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I once met a lady who had a bkank profile. No text, no pictures, no preferences - nothing. She said it worked as an amazing filter.

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By *icecouple561Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

"On the "positive and negative of the profile above you" thread, a couple of people said my profile made me seem hard work.

This is true, I am ridiculously hard work.

But I reread it and it was a bit arsey to be honest so I've changed it. I have since learned about filters so I'm less worried about dictating a load of stuff.

But... does it matter what women put in the text?

How many men actually read it? "

If our messages are anything to go by the proportion of men who contact us and have actually read our profile is low, I can't comment on those who look and don't contact of course.

In my opinion it does matter what women or anyone puts in their profile text

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By *ola.Woman  over a year ago

Just where I need to be.

My profile is important to me. Whether people read it is up to them.Usually can tell when I get sent the cock pictures. It is an introduction to who I am and what I am looking for.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"My profile is important to me. Whether people read it is up to them.Usually can tell when I get sent the cock pictures. It is an introduction to who I am and what I am looking for. "

Haha, you too eh, I thought it was just me and I politely ask guys not to send cock pics as I think they're a turn off! Its a great way of knowing if someone read my profile or not

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I would say that almost all that message me have read mine

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By *onnyeasygoingMan  over a year ago

Somewhere on the M62 between 24 and 14

Having a well balanced profile is great. A little fun here, a short list of do and don'ts there. An enticing and intriguing read Im sure will also bring along more of what you want. Your still going to get idiots and wasters messaging you but I think that a little effort would put off some wasters?

I personally love a good read and after a good perve of photo's would bring an idea whether to contact or not.

Fill in later and CBA profiles with pictured of their washing hanging out does nothing for me.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I always read the text because the person is the most important thing to me. No point being interested in someone you won't get on with.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I always read a profile, whether a single female or a couple. Some make me smile, others laugh and some say nothing.

A profile gives an idea to what they are looking for, after all, there's no point in messaging someone who you are not compatible with. A waste of my time and theirs.

It maybe a pic or a status that attracts me in the first place, but I always read the profile.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

If they don't bother reading mine then actually they are not the sort of people I am likely to want to play with

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I read them , and if I'm not what they are looking for, I know not to message. To be honest it's more of a case I think I would be punching above my weight when I don't message, but sometimes I'm brave

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By *eliciousladyWoman  over a year ago

Sometimes U.K

"It matters to me. I always read them.

I've seen some amazing photos on profiles but the profile text has often put me off "

I'm the complete opposite. Read a great profile and then look at their photos and put off by them.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Hell yes!!

Hopefully mine's friendly with a modicum of humour, but clear about what i'm looking for without being 'up my own arse' as many fem profiles seem to be? If not - let me know and i'll tweak it! As most of you know it was done in a hurry a few weeks ago - so the standard may not be great!!

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By *he tactile technicianMan  over a year ago

the good lands, the bad lands, the any where you may want me lands

"On the "positive and negative of the profile above you" thread, a couple of people said my profile made me seem hard work.

This is true, I am ridiculously hard work.

But I reread it and it was a bit arsey to be honest so I've changed it. I have since learned about filters so I'm less worried about dictating a load of stuff.

But... does it matter what women put in the text?

How many men actually read it? "

Absolutely! Its essential for anyone to get to understand what's behind the profile and what a person is like. Photos are open to interpretation, can be deceiving and they tell you nothing! I rely on a well written profile for me to begin formulating an impression of a woman, what is written, how it is written and what subliminal message; whether there is one or not all goes towards me uncovering the true beauty of that woman and my whether I find her attractive. As you mention in your profile, the difference between a fuck and a fuck, you can discover that from a good profile....you can decide to stay or go, read the profile over and over and send that first introduction PM

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By *asokittyWoman  over a year ago

Nr Worksop

"Most women's profiles on here read like either a strict list of dos and don'ts or a bland, generic lump of nothingness.

I want a profile to be FUN. I want it to grab my attention and make me laugh. So very little do and that's why I seldom go looking anymore.

Tits and a vagina shouldn't be a free pass to overlooking a profile. "

I know mine is probably a bit crap so how do you write a fun profile. Tips are very much welcome.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think the more genuine males will read the profile and that's makes me read there's and actually perv on there pictures.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Most women's profiles on here read like either a strict list of dos and don'ts or a bland, generic lump of nothingness.

I want a profile to be FUN. I want it to grab my attention and make me laugh. So very little do and that's why I seldom go looking anymore.

Tits and a vagina shouldn't be a free pass to overlooking a profile. "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"On the "positive and negative of the profile above you" thread, a couple of people said my profile made me seem hard work.

This is true, I am ridiculously hard work.

But I reread it and it was a bit arsey to be honest so I've changed it. I have since learned about filters so I'm less worried about dictating a load of stuff.

But... does it matter what women put in the text?

How many men actually read it? "

Nice cowboy hat..... sorry what were you saying? xxx

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

Actually as a man I think I am probably weird in that i will read the profile and not look at any pictures at that stage.... My brain needs to be mentally stimulated first before doing anything else

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By *ere-for-my-convenienceWoman  over a year ago

West Midlands

I think it often depends on how erect they are in my experience

A man who is erect wants an ejaculation asap so tries to skip the profile details

A man whose looking to invest in an actual meet in the future will read what you want and carefully contact you hoping that you'll accept the offer when you can

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I get men who don't read my profile then get arsey when I say no because they aren't my preference when they could of just left me alone in the first place. Then I get people who say "wow, love all your pictures!" when I only have a profile pic up lol.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I really hate the aggressive profiles that women are so good at. It's important to get across what you want otherwise you spend the day sending 'no thanks that's not what we're looking for' replies but you can outline your preferences in a nice way.

I'm a sucker for messages referring to parts of our profile. They always get a polite reply.

I've started deleting messages from guys who are clearly not for us. If they're rude enough to send inappropriate messages then I'm rude enough to delete them.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


I've started deleting messages from guys who are clearly not for us. If they're rude enough to send inappropriate messages then I'm rude enough to delete them. "


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"On the "positive and negative of the profile above you" thread, a couple of people said my profile made me seem hard work.

This is true, I am ridiculously hard work.

But I reread it and it was a bit arsey to be honest so I've changed it. I have since learned about filters so I'm less worried about dictating a load of stuff.

But... does it matter what women put in the text?

How many men actually read it? "

I always read profiles. In full. I tend to notice loads of women don't read in return,

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I get men who don't read my profile then get arsey when I say no because they aren't my preference when they could of just left me alone in the first place. Then I get people who say "wow, love all your pictures!" when I only have a profile pic up lol."

This really pisses me off lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"On the "positive and negative of the profile above you" thread, a couple of people said my profile made me seem hard work.

This is true, I am ridiculously hard work.

But I reread it and it was a bit arsey to be honest so I've changed it. I have since learned about filters so I'm less worried about dictating a load of stuff.

But... does it matter what women put in the text?

How many men actually read it? "

I hope they do read it and I hope I don't come across too "up my own arse"(it's been pointed out that my profile comes across that way).

It's completely me though, a bit of a smartarse.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Profiles are a way to deter unwanted attention. It's like a fence or guard dog so to speak. Each fence will be different and higher or lower depending on the builder.

If you're meant to get past the profile fence you will and if not you'll die with blue enlarged testicles.

I find that a polite well crafted respectful email gets a response even if it's deleted. Rules still apply for sites such as these.. One being Respect

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Can still seem a little abrupt but if your are easy - where's the fun?

For me - yes it does matter but it's as much if not more how its written as to whats in there.

The usual "do, don't, will. won't, must, must not" will get a rather nice "fuck that" from me personally.

As with photos - "less is more" - I wan't an idea of you and what you want

BUT and it's a BIG BUT (not butt )

I wan't to WANT to know more

You think I have a big butt?

Read it again "

How ironic!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"The people who don't read it are people I don't want to meet!"

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I find I have to repeat what's on my profile if they haven't read it like thanks but not interested because of xyz, sorry, it does say on my profile. Sometimes guys can get a bit funny about it but its not my problem they can't be bothered to read a profile. I take the view of if that's the case, why should I bother with them?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I genuinely think that arsey or bossy or shouty profiles can put men off. They don't deter the men who you probably don't want to meet anyway (desperate and/or messaging everyone indiscriminately), but if I was a bloke with a bit of self respect, who probably has other options anyway, I wouldn't message a profile that sounds like it was telling me off before I even got in touch. Not saying that's what yours was like at all, OP, but so many on here are!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I genuinely think that arsey or bossy or shouty profiles can put men off. They don't deter the men who you probably don't want to meet anyway (desperate and/or messaging everyone indiscriminately), but if I was a bloke with a bit of self respect, who probably has other options anyway, I wouldn't message a profile that sounds like it was telling me off before I even got in touch. Not saying that's what yours was like at all, OP, but so many on here are! "

Totally agree, I think at times these types of profiles can attract the negative and abusive types. Some profiles on here are like ransom demands, I often wonder if these people ever meet! There is a way of putting what you want in an upbeat and positive way, no need for the rants.

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By *he tactile technicianMan  over a year ago

the good lands, the bad lands, the any where you may want me lands

"Actually as a man I think I am probably weird in that i will read the profile and not look at any pictures at that stage.... My brain needs to be mentally stimulated first before doing anything else "
You calling me weird Fabio? well thanks, lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Profile text and pics go hand in hand however profile text can be misread or misunderstood so it wouldn't neccessarily put me off. If you can engage in some exchange of messages then I think that gives you a more genuine impression of what they may be like rather than a 'sell yourself' profile text.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I genuinely think that arsey or bossy or shouty profiles can put men off. They don't deter the men who you probably don't want to meet anyway (desperate and/or messaging everyone indiscriminately), but if I was a bloke with a bit of self respect, who probably has other options anyway, I wouldn't message a profile that sounds like it was telling me off before I even got in touch. Not saying that's what yours was like at all, OP, but so many on here are!

Totally agree, I think at times these types of profiles can attract the negative and abusive types. Some profiles on here are like ransom demands, I often wonder if these people ever meet! There is a way of putting what you want in an upbeat and positive way, no need for the rants. "

Absolutely! It's the difference between "I prefer men taller than me" and "don't even think about fucking messaging me if you're less than 6ft, shortarse"

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I always read the profile first, it could be the hottest girl in the world and be a mile down the road but if I'm not what she's asking for in her profile then I wouldn't message her. I don't see the point wasting her time or mine. I don't get why people would send messages without first reading what that person is after, if they did it would save on a lot of pointless messages I'm sure

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By *ancs MinxWoman  over a year ago


"Profile text and pics go hand in hand however profile text can be misread or misunderstood so it wouldn't neccessarily put me off. If you can engage in some exchange of messages then I think that gives you a more genuine impression of what they may be like rather than a 'sell yourself' profile text."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I always read the profile first, it could be the hottest girl in the world and be a mile down the road but if I'm not what she's asking for in her profile then I wouldn't message her. I don't see the point wasting her time or mine. I don't get why people would send messages without first reading what that person is after, if they did it would save on a lot of pointless messages I'm sure "

Don't be daft, that's way too sensible lol

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By *edallionMan  over a year ago


I read the profile if they aren't too far away, have pics that are inviting but not necessarily if they are looking for my age. If I think their profile is spot on then I move to their verifications to see the type of people they meet, where and how the meeting was before messaging them but if am not within their age range and am restricted from messaging them then I move to the next one without even viewing their pics or reading their profile and verifications.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think it often depends on how erect they are in my experience

A man who is erect wants an ejaculation asap so tries to skip the profile details

A man whose looking to invest in an actual meet in the future will read what you want and carefully contact you hoping that you'll accept the offer when you can"

So sooo true!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I genuinely think that arsey or bossy or shouty profiles can put men off. They don't deter the men who you probably don't want to meet anyway (desperate and/or messaging everyone indiscriminately), but if I was a bloke with a bit of self respect, who probably has other options anyway, I wouldn't message a profile that sounds like it was telling me off before I even got in touch. Not saying that's what yours was like at all, OP, but so many on here are!

Totally agree, I think at times these types of profiles can attract the negative and abusive types. Some profiles on here are like ransom demands, I often wonder if these people ever meet! There is a way of putting what you want in an upbeat and positive way, no need for the rants.

Absolutely! It's the difference between "I prefer men taller than me" and "don't even think about fucking messaging me if you're less than 6ft, shortarse" "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Your profile Hun don't be put off by anybody

Your body your choice and your life...guys don't like it if they don't fit in with what you want but that's their issue not yours

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I always read the profile first, it could be the hottest girl in the world and be a mile down the road but if I'm not what she's asking for in her profile then I wouldn't message her. I don't see the point wasting her time or mine. I don't get why people would send messages without first reading what that person is after, if they did it would save on a lot of pointless messages I'm sure

Don't be daft, that's way too sensible lol"

Women - sensible doesn't come into it.....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Yes women have it cos the huge male ratio to filter out most lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I always read the profile first, it could be the hottest girl in the world and be a mile down the road but if I'm not what she's asking for in her profile then I wouldn't message her. I don't see the point wasting her time or mine. I don't get why people would send messages without first reading what that person is after, if they did it would save on a lot of pointless messages I'm sure "

I get loads of guys who have obviously read my profile and messages me with the opening line

I know I'm not what your looking for but...........

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By *imiUKMan  over a year ago


I like to read profiles even if I am miles away and have no intention of meeting them because I'm nosey.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

until you meet you cant really tell.. you come across ok on here xxSxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It matters in as much as it puts you off a profile rather than putting you on in my experience.

After reading profiles, I'd be like, not messaging them, not messaging them...

If there's nothing glaring to put me off then it comes down to the messages.

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By *ath_Neil_bifunCouple  over a year ago


"On the "positive and negative of the profile above you" thread, a couple of people said my profile made me seem hard work.

This is true, I am ridiculously hard work.

But I reread it and it was a bit arsey to be honest so I've changed it. I have since learned about filters so I'm less worried about dictating a load of stuff.

But... does it matter what women put in the text?

How many men actually read it? "

I'd say a small percentage...change your profile pic to a turd and put you're a lesbian in your text who murders men...i bet if you took the filters off you'd be inundated with thirsty dudes wanting to fuk you!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"As with photos - "less is more" - I wan't an idea of you and what you want

BUT and it's a BIG BUT (not butt )

I wan't to WANT to know more

You think I have a big butt?

Read it again

How ironic!!! "

It's ok, don't panic, I was winding up KnightSlayr. He knows I can read. It's just a bit depressing when people take me seriously. And on a forum too!

Makes me want to cry.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"As with photos - "less is more" - I wan't an idea of you and what you want

BUT and it's a BIG BUT (not butt )

I wan't to WANT to know more

You think I have a big butt?

Read it again

How ironic!!!

It's ok, don't panic, I was winding up KnightSlayr. He knows I can read. It's just a bit depressing when people take me seriously. And on a forum too!

Makes me want to cry. "

We know that - its the sensible ones that need help

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"As with photos - "less is more" - I wan't an idea of you and what you want

BUT and it's a BIG BUT (not butt )

I wan't to WANT to know more

You think I have a big butt?

Read it again

How ironic!!!

It's ok, don't panic, I was winding up KnightSlayr. He knows I can read. It's just a bit depressing when people take me seriously. And on a forum too!

Makes me want to cry.

We know that - its the sensible ones that need help "

Good thing we aren't sensible then.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"As with photos - "less is more" - I wan't an idea of you and what you want

BUT and it's a BIG BUT (not butt )

I wan't to WANT to know more

You think I have a big butt?

Read it again

How ironic!!!

It's ok, don't panic, I was winding up KnightSlayr. He knows I can read. It's just a bit depressing when people take me seriously. And on a forum too!

Makes me want to cry.

We know that - its the sensible ones that need help

Good thing we aren't sensible then. "


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"As with photos - "less is more" - I wan't an idea of you and what you want

BUT and it's a BIG BUT (not butt )

I wan't to WANT to know more

You think I have a big butt?

Read it again

How ironic!!!

It's ok, don't panic, I was winding up KnightSlayr. He knows I can read. It's just a bit depressing when people take me seriously. And on a forum too!

Makes me want to cry.

We know that - its the sensible ones that need help

Good thing we aren't sensible then.

Wibble "

You want whipped cream with that?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"As with photos - "less is more" - I wan't an idea of you and what you want

BUT and it's a BIG BUT (not butt )

I wan't to WANT to know more

You think I have a big butt?

Read it again

How ironic!!!

It's ok, don't panic, I was winding up KnightSlayr. He knows I can read. It's just a bit depressing when people take me seriously. And on a forum too!

Makes me want to cry.

We know that - its the sensible ones that need help

Good thing we aren't sensible then.


You want whipped cream with that?"

Can I blow the gas out my nose like Dragon smoke?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

If they don't read it, do you want to meet them? You are gorgeous, and are confident in stating what you want, Its a big big tick from me, I get messages from women telling me I'm too picky... Hell yes...if you don't fit the bill, I don't want to meet you, there's plenty of the 'any hole a goal' brigade, I know what I want, and this needs to be a mutual thing for me.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Love O - I genuinely wasn't fishing for compliments with this thread, just wondering if I should re-write. Which I did. But thank you.

And KnightSlayr - no. Just no.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Love O - I genuinely wasn't fishing for compliments with this thread, just wondering if I should re-write. Which I did. But thank you.

And KnightSlayr - no. Just no."

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Love O - I genuinely wasn't fishing for compliments with this thread, just wondering if I should re-write. Which I did. But thank you.

And KnightSlayr - no. Just no.


I'm sure I can come up with something else for you to do.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"As with photos - "less is more" - I wan't an idea of you and what you want

BUT and it's a BIG BUT (not butt )

I wan't to WANT to know more

You think I have a big butt?

Read it again

How ironic!!!

It's ok, don't panic, I was winding up KnightSlayr. He knows I can read. It's just a bit depressing when people take me seriously. And on a forum too!

Makes me want to cry.

We know that - its the sensible ones that need help

Good thing we aren't sensible then.


You want whipped cream with that?

Can I blow the gas out my nose like Dragon smoke?"

Ooooooh! Can I come to the wedding??

Love is in the air

O oo ooo oo

Love is in the air!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"On the "positive and negative of the profile above you" thread, a couple of people said my profile made me seem hard work.

This is true, I am ridiculously hard work.

But I reread it and it was a bit arsey to be honest so I've changed it. I have since learned about filters so I'm less worried about dictating a load of stuff.

But... does it matter what women put in the text?

How many men actually read it? "

I havent bothered to read any of the replies in this thread, but in answer to your question, no it doesnt matter a shit what a woman puts in her profile.

I will read her profile but it could be written in hebrew for all i care. I want to fuck her, not her words

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"On the "positive and negative of the profile above you" thread, a couple of people said my profile made me seem hard work.

This is true, I am ridiculously hard work.

But I reread it and it was a bit arsey to be honest so I've changed it. I have since learned about filters so I'm less worried about dictating a load of stuff.

But... does it matter what women put in the text?

How many men actually read it?

I havent bothered to read any of the replies in this thread, but in answer to your question, no it doesnt matter a shit what a woman puts in her profile.

I will read her profile but it could be written in hebrew for all i care. I want to fuck her, not her words"

And here in lies the reason so many messages get deleted, threads started and posts typed......

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"On the "positive and negative of the profile above you" thread, a couple of people said my profile made me seem hard work.

This is true, I am ridiculously hard work.

But I reread it and it was a bit arsey to be honest so I've changed it. I have since learned about filters so I'm less worried about dictating a load of stuff.

But... does it matter what women put in the text?

How many men actually read it?

I havent bothered to read any of the replies in this thread, but in answer to your question, no it doesnt matter a shit what a woman puts in her profile.

I will read her profile but it could be written in hebrew for all i care. I want to fuck her, not her words

And here in lies the reason so many messages get deleted, threads started and posts typed......"

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"On the "positive and negative of the profile above you" thread, a couple of people said my profile made me seem hard work.

This is true, I am ridiculously hard work.

But I reread it and it was a bit arsey to be honest so I've changed it. I have since learned about filters so I'm less worried about dictating a load of stuff.

But... does it matter what women put in the text?

How many men actually read it?

I havent bothered to read any of the replies in this thread, but in answer to your question, no it doesnt matter a shit what a woman puts in her profile.

I will read her profile but it could be written in hebrew for all i care. I want to fuck her, not her words

And here in lies the reason so many messages get deleted, threads started and posts typed......"

What is that reason exactly?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

it makes no difference what you put in your profile because only about 2% actually take a few mins out of their day to find out about the person they are messaging... i have re written mine countless times...at the moment its all in capital letters lol sort of screaming at people ...i am still getting messages from guys asking to meet as the only live down the road ( i live in france and it says on profile) and i dont meet guys ....eyes go to pictures then to location and thats it lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"it makes no difference what you put in your profile because only about 2% actually take a few mins out of their day to find out about the person they are messaging... i have re written mine countless times...at the moment its all in capital letters lol sort of screaming at people ...i am still getting messages from guys asking to meet as the only live down the road ( i live in france and it says on profile) and i dont meet guys ....eyes go to pictures then to location and thats it lol"

If u dont meet guys, why dont u just block them from contacting u so?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

because like my profile says i am here to chat, dont want to block anyone just want people (not just guys) to read my profile and understand that fact, surely its not to much to ask....is it?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We think it matters as it gives others as idea of what you want etc.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!"

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone"

Ok i think youre all getting a little off track here...the title of the post the op has made is 'does a womans profile matter'. My answer is a categorical NO. What you women are complaining about is those men who dont read your profile and dont bother their arses to blah blah blah blah. Thats not the issue; the issue is, in my humble opinion, it doesnt matter what a woman puts on her profile. If i want to fuck her, it wont matter to me whether she writes an award winning novel in her profile or whether its blank. Are we on the same page now?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone

Ok i think youre all getting a little off track here...the title of the post the op has made is 'does a womans profile matter'. My answer is a categorical NO. What you women are complaining about is those men who dont read your profile and dont bother their arses to blah blah blah blah. Thats not the issue; the issue is, in my humble opinion, it doesnt matter what a woman puts on her profile. If i want to fuck her, it wont matter to me whether she writes an award winning novel in her profile or whether its blank. Are we on the same page now?"

Errr no I've just turned the page over...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone

Ok i think youre all getting a little off track here...the title of the post the op has made is 'does a womans profile matter'. My answer is a categorical NO. What you women are complaining about is those men who dont read your profile and dont bother their arses to blah blah blah blah. Thats not the issue; the issue is, in my humble opinion, it doesnt matter what a woman puts on her profile. If i want to fuck her, it wont matter to me whether she writes an award winning novel in her profile or whether its blank. Are we on the same page now?"

Ah, but will she want to fuck you? You might be the total opposite of what she's looking for but you wouldn't know because you haven't read the profile

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By *icolehertsCouple  over a year ago

Milton Keynes

Everyone's profile matters, even a single fems !

If someone comes across as rude or ignorant why would you want to meet them let alone have sex with them ?

We're not looking for lifelong friends off fabs (Although we have been lucky enough to meet some lovely people off here but we do need to like the people we meet and their profile often gives a decent guide to the type of person they are.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone

Ok i think youre all getting a little off track here...the title of the post the op has made is 'does a womans profile matter'. My answer is a categorical NO. What you women are complaining about is those men who dont read your profile and dont bother their arses to blah blah blah blah. Thats not the issue; the issue is, in my humble opinion, it doesnt matter what a woman puts on her profile. If i want to fuck her, it wont matter to me whether she writes an award winning novel in her profile or whether its blank. Are we on the same page now?"

no xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone

Ok i think youre all getting a little off track here...the title of the post the op has made is 'does a womans profile matter'. My answer is a categorical NO. What you women are complaining about is those men who dont read your profile and dont bother their arses to blah blah blah blah. Thats not the issue; the issue is, in my humble opinion, it doesnt matter what a woman puts on her profile. If i want to fuck her, it wont matter to me whether she writes an award winning novel in her profile or whether its blank. Are we on the same page now?

no xx"

Ok well i cant explain it any clearer than i have above

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone

Ok i think youre all getting a little off track here...the title of the post the op has made is 'does a womans profile matter'. My answer is a categorical NO. What you women are complaining about is those men who dont read your profile and dont bother their arses to blah blah blah blah. Thats not the issue; the issue is, in my humble opinion, it doesnt matter what a woman puts on her profile. If i want to fuck her, it wont matter to me whether she writes an award winning novel in her profile or whether its blank. Are we on the same page now?

Ah, but will she want to fuck you? You might be the total opposite of what she's looking for but you wouldn't know because you haven't read the profile "

Well thats another question entirely then isnt it!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone

Ok i think youre all getting a little off track here...the title of the post the op has made is 'does a womans profile matter'. My answer is a categorical NO. What you women are complaining about is those men who dont read your profile and dont bother their arses to blah blah blah blah. Thats not the issue; the issue is, in my humble opinion, it doesnt matter what a woman puts on her profile. If i want to fuck her, it wont matter to me whether she writes an award winning novel in her profile or whether its blank. Are we on the same page now?

no xx

Ok well i cant explain it any clearer than i have above"

Your comment is the EXACT reason for this thread and plenty of others.

If all you want is a fuck - 2 )'clock specials are available Fri and Sat evenings at your local nightclub.

You want to spend time with someone here (or another site) then don't be so fucking ignorant as to treat them as a piece of meat.

Read what they want.

Read what they like.

Chat in here.

Get a feeling for who they are.

Let them see who and what you are.

You'll find your messages won't get ignored.

Won't get deleted without being read.

Or feel free to carry on as you were.

Where we'll either see another "Why can't I" thread or UNLOS

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone

Ok i think youre all getting a little off track here...the title of the post the op has made is 'does a womans profile matter'. My answer is a categorical NO. What you women are complaining about is those men who dont read your profile and dont bother their arses to blah blah blah blah. Thats not the issue; the issue is, in my humble opinion, it doesnt matter what a woman puts on her profile. If i want to fuck her, it wont matter to me whether she writes an award winning novel in her profile or whether its blank. Are we on the same page now?

Ah, but will she want to fuck you? You might be the total opposite of what she's looking for but you wouldn't know because you haven't read the profile

Well thats another question entirely then isnt it!"

Is it? There's a few guys on here I'd love to fuck but know from reading their profile I wouldn't be for them which is fine, I'm not going to waste my time or theirs bothering them.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone

Ok i think youre all getting a little off track here...the title of the post the op has made is 'does a womans profile matter'. My answer is a categorical NO. What you women are complaining about is those men who dont read your profile and dont bother their arses to blah blah blah blah. Thats not the issue; the issue is, in my humble opinion, it doesnt matter what a woman puts on her profile. If i want to fuck her, it wont matter to me whether she writes an award winning novel in her profile or whether its blank. Are we on the same page now?"

How do you know you want to fuck her, purely from the photos?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone

Ok i think youre all getting a little off track here...the title of the post the op has made is 'does a womans profile matter'. My answer is a categorical NO. What you women are complaining about is those men who dont read your profile and dont bother their arses to blah blah blah blah. Thats not the issue; the issue is, in my humble opinion, it doesnt matter what a woman puts on her profile. If i want to fuck her, it wont matter to me whether she writes an award winning novel in her profile or whether its blank. Are we on the same page now?

no xx

Ok well i cant explain it any clearer than i have above

Your comment is the EXACT reason for this thread and plenty of others.

If all you want is a fuck - 2 )'clock specials are available Fri and Sat evenings at your local nightclub.

You want to spend time with someone here (or another site) then don't be so fucking ignorant as to treat them as a piece of meat.

Read what they want.

Read what they like.

Chat in here.

Get a feeling for who they are.

Let them see who and what you are.

You'll find your messages won't get ignored.

Won't get deleted without being read.

Or feel free to carry on as you were.

Where we'll either see another "Why can't I" thread or UNLOS"

Once again, and this time for the white knight riding on in; the question was does a womans profile matter. My answer to this is a NO. All the crap you have spouted above would be relevant if the question was 'why wont men read my profile before messaging me???' or something to that effect. As it was not, your response is totally irrelevant

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone

Ok i think youre all getting a little off track here...the title of the post the op has made is 'does a womans profile matter'. My answer is a categorical NO. What you women are complaining about is those men who dont read your profile and dont bother their arses to blah blah blah blah. Thats not the issue; the issue is, in my humble opinion, it doesnt matter what a woman puts on her profile. If i want to fuck her, it wont matter to me whether she writes an award winning novel in her profile or whether its blank. Are we on the same page now?

How do you know you want to fuck her, purely from the photos?"


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone

Ok i think youre all getting a little off track here...the title of the post the op has made is 'does a womans profile matter'. My answer is a categorical NO. What you women are complaining about is those men who dont read your profile and dont bother their arses to blah blah blah blah. Thats not the issue; the issue is, in my humble opinion, it doesnt matter what a woman puts on her profile. If i want to fuck her, it wont matter to me whether she writes an award winning novel in her profile or whether its blank. Are we on the same page now?

How do you know you want to fuck her, purely from the photos?


Do you think a man's profile matters, or a couples? Should everyone just have nothing on it apart from pics?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone

Ok i think youre all getting a little off track here...the title of the post the op has made is 'does a womans profile matter'. My answer is a categorical NO. What you women are complaining about is those men who dont read your profile and dont bother their arses to blah blah blah blah. Thats not the issue; the issue is, in my humble opinion, it doesnt matter what a woman puts on her profile. If i want to fuck her, it wont matter to me whether she writes an award winning novel in her profile or whether its blank. Are we on the same page now?

How do you know you want to fuck her, purely from the photos?


Great. When are you coming to fuck me then? I'm 99, have no head and live in Azerbaijan with a harem of 20 large men who all join in on my meets. It's all set out there on my profile. Oh wait....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"But... does it matter what women put in the text?"

To a lot of men absolutely. Personally, If I am searching, it gives me the opportunity to determine if there is common ground. Am I likely to be what you are looking for, are you what I am looking for Etc.

It is less important if you message first as I assume you have read my profile and if it isn't FPF or I haven't offended you in a forum, it is probably because I interest you somehow.

If your profile says nothing, I have nothing to work with. I know we are expected to be mindreaders sometimes but I'm not that good. (I know a few card tricks and can play guitar but that is as far as my light entertainment goes)


How many men actually read it? "

Few it would seem.

Hoping that answers your question op

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone

Ok i think youre all getting a little off track here...the title of the post the op has made is 'does a womans profile matter'. My answer is a categorical NO. What you women are complaining about is those men who dont read your profile and dont bother their arses to blah blah blah blah. Thats not the issue; the issue is, in my humble opinion, it doesnt matter what a woman puts on her profile. If i want to fuck her, it wont matter to me whether she writes an award winning novel in her profile or whether its blank. Are we on the same page now?

How do you know you want to fuck her, purely from the photos?


Do you think a man's profile matters, or a couples? Should everyone just have nothing on it apart from pics?"

It only matters if those its aimed it want it to matter...single men have to have a decent profile or else theyre fucked, possibly couples as well to a lesser extent.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone

Ok i think youre all getting a little off track here...the title of the post the op has made is 'does a womans profile matter'. My answer is a categorical NO. What you women are complaining about is those men who dont read your profile and dont bother their arses to blah blah blah blah. Thats not the issue; the issue is, in my humble opinion, it doesnt matter what a woman puts on her profile. If i want to fuck her, it wont matter to me whether she writes an award winning novel in her profile or whether its blank. Are we on the same page now?

How do you know you want to fuck her, purely from the photos?


Great. When are you coming to fuck me then? I'm 99, have no head and live in Azerbaijan with a harem of 20 large men who all join in on my meets. It's all set out there on my profile. Oh wait...."

Well ill see without reading your profile that you are 99, have no head and live nowhere near me. Thanks for making my point

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Plain and simple for me, yes it matters.

It can be really off putting if it's full of demands, equall so if there's no care in the overall message.

She could look like my visual idea of a goddess, but if that text stinks I'll be moving on.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone

Ok i think youre all getting a little off track here...the title of the post the op has made is 'does a womans profile matter'. My answer is a categorical NO. What you women are complaining about is those men who dont read your profile and dont bother their arses to blah blah blah blah. Thats not the issue; the issue is, in my humble opinion, it doesnt matter what a woman puts on her profile. If i want to fuck her, it wont matter to me whether she writes an award winning novel in her profile or whether its blank. Are we on the same page now?

How do you know you want to fuck her, purely from the photos?


Do you think a man's profile matters, or a couples? Should everyone just have nothing on it apart from pics?

It only matters if those its aimed it want it to matter...single men have to have a decent profile or else theyre fucked, possibly couples as well to a lesser extent."

Women generally make an effort because they care and it matters who they meet, people who can't be bothered obviously don't

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Plain and simple for me, yes it matters.

It can be really off putting if it's full of demands, equall so if there's no care in the overall message.

She could look like my visual idea of a goddess, but if that text stinks I'll be moving on."

Fair point. Personally, i dont agree but thats fair enough

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone

Ok i think youre all getting a little off track here...the title of the post the op has made is 'does a womans profile matter'. My answer is a categorical NO. What you women are complaining about is those men who dont read your profile and dont bother their arses to blah blah blah blah. Thats not the issue; the issue is, in my humble opinion, it doesnt matter what a woman puts on her profile. If i want to fuck her, it wont matter to me whether she writes an award winning novel in her profile or whether its blank. Are we on the same page now?

How do you know you want to fuck her, purely from the photos?


Great. When are you coming to fuck me then? I'm 99, have no head and live in Azerbaijan with a harem of 20 large men who all join in on my meets. It's all set out there on my profile. Oh wait....

Well ill see without reading your profile that you are 99, have no head and live nowhere near me. Thanks for making my point"

How? I'd have written that in the text. There isn't a "don't have a head" category, and if we're just going off photos you don't look to have one either. It's a match made in heaven.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone

Ok i think youre all getting a little off track here...the title of the post the op has made is 'does a womans profile matter'. My answer is a categorical NO. What you women are complaining about is those men who dont read your profile and dont bother their arses to blah blah blah blah. Thats not the issue; the issue is, in my humble opinion, it doesnt matter what a woman puts on her profile. If i want to fuck her, it wont matter to me whether she writes an award winning novel in her profile or whether its blank. Are we on the same page now?

How do you know you want to fuck her, purely from the photos?


Do you think a man's profile matters, or a couples? Should everyone just have nothing on it apart from pics?

It only matters if those its aimed it want it to matter...single men have to have a decent profile or else theyre fucked, possibly couples as well to a lesser extent.

Women generally make an effort because they care and it matters who they meet, people who can't be bothered obviously don't "

Im sure they do, and good luck to them. Theyd prob still end up getting to meet whatever guy they wanted anyway though, whether they wrote that good profile or not. Which is my point...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I know my love, but, you are a stunner. Nothing wrong with being particular, you are gorgeous

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone

Ok i think youre all getting a little off track here...the title of the post the op has made is 'does a womans profile matter'. My answer is a categorical NO. What you women are complaining about is those men who dont read your profile and dont bother their arses to blah blah blah blah. Thats not the issue; the issue is, in my humble opinion, it doesnt matter what a woman puts on her profile. If i want to fuck her, it wont matter to me whether she writes an award winning novel in her profile or whether its blank. Are we on the same page now?

How do you know you want to fuck her, purely from the photos?


Great. When are you coming to fuck me then? I'm 99, have no head and live in Azerbaijan with a harem of 20 large men who all join in on my meets. It's all set out there on my profile. Oh wait....

Well ill see without reading your profile that you are 99, have no head and live nowhere near me. Thanks for making my point

How? I'd have written that in the text. There isn't a "don't have a head" category, and if we're just going off photos you don't look to have one either. It's a match made in heaven."

Id come back with a witty retort except im actually trying to be serious here...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone

Ok i think youre all getting a little off track here...the title of the post the op has made is 'does a womans profile matter'. My answer is a categorical NO. What you women are complaining about is those men who dont read your profile and dont bother their arses to blah blah blah blah. Thats not the issue; the issue is, in my humble opinion, it doesnt matter what a woman puts on her profile. If i want to fuck her, it wont matter to me whether she writes an award winning novel in her profile or whether its blank. Are we on the same page now?

How do you know you want to fuck her, purely from the photos?


Do you think a man's profile matters, or a couples? Should everyone just have nothing on it apart from pics?

It only matters if those its aimed it want it to matter...single men have to have a decent profile or else theyre fucked, possibly couples as well to a lesser extent.

Women generally make an effort because they care and it matters who they meet, people who can't be bothered obviously don't

Im sure they do, and good luck to them. Theyd prob still end up getting to meet whatever guy they wanted anyway though, whether they wrote that good profile or not. Which is my point..."

And they'd only know if they wanted them by reading the profile. Its a myth to think a woman can have any man she wants on here, men have standards and preferences too, they write them on their profile, that's how I know

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Sorry, just noticed the comment, if I want to fuck her, doesn't matter what her profile says

So her wants, needs etc, which may be in her profile are of no consequence?

And now I know why single men get blocked. ..

Man want fuk.

see woman.

Like woman sexy picture.

wanna fuk

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I feel Bananaman34 kinda sums it up in his posting

I'm passed caring if people read it not so I just press the little button marked 'delete' on the ones that clearly haven't!

agreed xxxxx only takes a few mins and comes across less rude if you actually took the time to find out about someone

Ok i think youre all getting a little off track here...the title of the post the op has made is 'does a womans profile matter'. My answer is a categorical NO. What you women are complaining about is those men who dont read your profile and dont bother their arses to blah blah blah blah. Thats not the issue; the issue is, in my humble opinion, it doesnt matter what a woman puts on her profile. If i want to fuck her, it wont matter to me whether she writes an award winning novel in her profile or whether its blank. Are we on the same page now?

How do you know you want to fuck her, purely from the photos?


Great. When are you coming to fuck me then? I'm 99, have no head and live in Azerbaijan with a harem of 20 large men who all join in on my meets. It's all set out there on my profile. Oh wait....

Well ill see without reading your profile that you are 99, have no head and live nowhere near me. Thanks for making my point

How? I'd have written that in the text. There isn't a "don't have a head" category, and if we're just going off photos you don't look to have one either. It's a match made in heaven.

Id come back with a witty retort except im actually trying to be serious here..."

REALLY? Shit, sorry....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Sorry, just noticed the comment, if I want to fuck her, doesn't matter what her profile says

So her wants, needs etc, which may be in her profile are of no consequence?

And now I know why single men get blocked. ..

Man want fuk.

see woman.

Like woman sexy picture.

wanna fuk "

Perhaps he bashes them on the head with his club and drags them off to his cave?

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By *igeiaWoman  over a year ago


In answer to the OP - it matters to me. And any guy I have ever met on here has at some point read my profile.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Sorry, just noticed the comment, if I want to fuck her, doesn't matter what her profile says

So her wants, needs etc, which may be in her profile are of no consequence?

And now I know why single men get blocked. ..

Man want fuk.

see woman.

Like woman sexy picture.

wanna fuk "

Jesus h christ how stupid are some of you people??? The op asked does it matter what a woman writes in her profile!!!! Her wants and needs etc, as you put it, wont matter to me whether i want to fuck her or not. They will of course matter to her, which is an entirely different topic!!!! How are you not getting this?????

Youre answering a different question!!!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"On the "positive and negative of the profile above you" thread, a couple of people said my profile made me seem hard work.

This is true, I am ridiculously hard work.

But I reread it and it was a bit arsey to be honest so I've changed it. I have since learned about filters so I'm less worried about dictating a load of stuff.

But... does it matter what women put in the text?

How many men actually read it? "

Well I read a woman's profile, and if I like it I send a message or wink...for all the good THAT does...lol.

I hope that women read men's profiles too, but I have my doubts that its that simple...I have tried to portray who I am and what I'm about on my profile, but I'd probably get the same response if I had a three word profile.

Frustrating, but it seems its the way things are...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Sorry, just noticed the comment, if I want to fuck her, doesn't matter what her profile says

So her wants, needs etc, which may be in her profile are of no consequence?

And now I know why single men get blocked. ..

Man want fuk.

see woman.

Like woman sexy picture.

wanna fuk

Jesus h christ how stupid are some of you people??? The op asked does it matter what a woman writes in her profile!!!! Her wants and needs etc, as you put it, wont matter to me whether i want to fuck her or not. They will of course matter to her, which is an entirely different topic!!!! How are you not getting this?????

Youre answering a different question!!!!! "

Calm down dear, its just a forum thread! If her wants and needs are not you then surely you're wasting your time as you won't get to fuck her as you so eloquently put it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Sorry, just noticed the comment, if I want to fuck her, doesn't matter what her profile says

So her wants, needs etc, which may be in her profile are of no consequence?

And now I know why single men get blocked. ..

Man want fuk.

see woman.

Like woman sexy picture.

wanna fuk

Jesus h christ how stupid are some of you people??? The op asked does it matter what a woman writes in her profile!!!! Her wants and needs etc, as you put it, wont matter to me whether i want to fuck her or not. They will of course matter to her, which is an entirely different topic!!!! How are you not getting this?????

Youre answering a different question!!!!!

Calm down dear, its just a forum thread! If her wants and needs are not you then surely you're wasting your time as you won't get to fuck her as you so eloquently put it."

Yes thats very true, but it wont stop ME wanting to fuck her...do you get what im saying?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

shall we summarise what we've discovered so far.....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Sorry, just noticed the comment, if I want to fuck her, doesn't matter what her profile says

So her wants, needs etc, which may be in her profile are of no consequence?

And now I know why single men get blocked. ..

Man want fuk.

see woman.

Like woman sexy picture.

wanna fuk

Jesus h christ how stupid are some of you people??? The op asked does it matter what a woman writes in her profile!!!! Her wants and needs etc, as you put it, wont matter to me whether i want to fuck her or not. They will of course matter to her, which is an entirely different topic!!!! How are you not getting this?????

Youre answering a different question!!!!!

Calm down dear, its just a forum thread! If her wants and needs are not you then surely you're wasting your time as you won't get to fuck her as you so eloquently put it.

Yes thats very true, but it wont stop ME wanting to fuck her...do you get what im saying?"

What you want and what you get are entirely different things. Most of us see people everyday in real life that we think phwaaarh, wouldn't mind a bit of that, that's human nature. I can't tell from a pic if I want to play with someone, I'm more interested in a connection than looks.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"shall we summarise what we've discovered so far..... "

Do we have to?? lol. Anyway, I'm off for a meet with a guy who loved my profile, I was everything he was looking for apparently, glad I bothered writing it now

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Sorry, just noticed the comment, if I want to fuck her, doesn't matter what her profile says

So her wants, needs etc, which may be in her profile are of no consequence?

And now I know why single men get blocked. ..

Man want fuk.

see woman.

Like woman sexy picture.

wanna fuk

Jesus h christ how stupid are some of you people??? The op asked does it matter what a woman writes in her profile!!!! Her wants and needs etc, as you put it, wont matter to me whether i want to fuck her or not. They will of course matter to her, which is an entirely different topic!!!! How are you not getting this?????

Youre answering a different question!!!!!

Calm down dear, its just a forum thread! If her wants and needs are not you then surely you're wasting your time as you won't get to fuck her as you so eloquently put it.

Yes thats very true, but it wont stop ME wanting to fuck her...do you get what im saying?

What you want and what you get are entirely different things. Most of us see people everyday in real life that we think phwaaarh, wouldn't mind a bit of that, that's human nature. I can't tell from a pic if I want to play with someone, I'm more interested in a connection than looks. "

Fair enough. I can tell however, if i want to meet someone from their pics. Now its entirely possible that after some chat i may not end up wanting to meet her...but what she writes in her profile will have no bearing on my initial desire to meet her or not

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"shall we summarise what we've discovered so far.....

Do we have to?? lol. Anyway, I'm off for a meet with a guy who loved my profile, I was everything he was looking for apparently, glad I bothered writing it now "

Haha he copied and pasted that line to about 10 others too

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"shall we summarise what we've discovered so far.....

Do we have to?? lol. Anyway, I'm off for a meet with a guy who loved my profile, I was everything he was looking for apparently, glad I bothered writing it now

Haha he copied and pasted that line to about 10 others too "

Oh we can tell Just because this is your approach, stop trying to project it onto all men.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'll summarise...it matters to some and not to others

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By *one IdolMan  over a year ago

your imagination

Not if she has her tits oot ......

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I'll summarise...it matters to some and not to others "

Ta. I was getting a bit lost there!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"shall we summarise what we've discovered so far.....

Do we have to?? lol. Anyway, I'm off for a meet with a guy who loved my profile, I was everything he was looking for apparently, glad I bothered writing it now

Haha he copied and pasted that line to about 10 others too "

He told me that after we met. I can tell a cut and paste message a mile off and just delete!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I read all profiles and reply with a heading and text in profile with something to do with their profile to start with. But 95% of my messages don't get read?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Few men read it and that includes status so no it doesn't matter what we put

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Few men read it and that includes status so no it doesn't matter what we put "

It doesn't seem to matter to a lot of men but it matters to women that blokes don't read it as they generally delete messages from guys who don't read it so I suppose it matters if you actually want to get a meet!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Few men read it and that includes status so no it doesn't matter what we put "

I have sent you a friendship request

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By *he tactile technicianMan  over a year ago

the good lands, the bad lands, the any where you may want me lands

"Few men read it and that includes status so no it doesn't matter what we put "

I guess its due to a lack of concentration; being bombarded with so many images and visual stimulation, whilst Kick messaging and Whats up, having to put what little of a mind the majority have on reading through a profile and responding to a status or mood message is beyond them. The few, and that reminds me of " a few good men" with Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson....that actually can and do read a profile from top to bottom, from left to right, are able to form an opinion, and aren't distracted by the tinsle adorning the Ladies profile, show themselves to be the minority....but from such a small pool come the true giants of the site I feel; and hopefully you will agree that through the friends that you have made, friends that have demonstrated that they can and did read your profile

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By *hattyman80Man  over a year ago


A woman's profile is important in my opinion. The way a profile is written can give you an insight into the person usually. Im generally put off by short profiles but equally really long profiles that detail their super specific requirements. A good profile in my opinion says a little about them and a little about what they are looking for. But that's just my preference. Everyone is different. What doesn't appeal to me most certainly applies to one of the other hundred thousand guys on here lol.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Sorry, just noticed the comment, if I want to fuck her, doesn't matter what her profile says

So her wants, needs etc, which may be in her profile are of no consequence?

And now I know why single men get blocked. ..

Man want fuk.

see woman.

Like woman sexy picture.

wanna fuk

Jesus h christ how stupid are some of you people??? The op asked does it matter what a woman writes in her profile!!!! Her wants and needs etc, as you put it, wont matter to me whether i want to fuck her or not. They will of course matter to her, which is an entirely different topic!!!! How are you not getting this?????

Youre answering a different question!!!!! "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

So if in her profile it said:

If we agree to meet, I will require you to be buggered senseless by my husband before I enter the room. Oh and you will only get a hand job from me. I will assume that you understand this as it is clear on my profile. Oh and my pics are of me before my accident.

That wouldn't be of relevance?

Just as long as long as you looked at her pics and you want to fuck her.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So if in her profile it said:

If we agree to meet, I will require you to be buggered senseless by my husband before I enter the room. Oh and you will only get a hand job from me. I will assume that you understand this as it is clear on my profile. Oh and my pics are of me before my accident.

That wouldn't be of relevance?

Just as long as long as you looked at her pics and you want to fuck her."

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By *issmorganWoman  over a year ago

Calderdale innit

"Few men read it and that includes status so no it doesn't matter what we put

It doesn't seem to matter to a lot of men but it matters to women that blokes don't read it as they generally delete messages from guys who don't read it so I suppose it matters if you actually want to get a meet!"

This yes

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By *allipygousMan  over a year ago


".. does it matter what women put in the text?

How many men actually read it? "

I would have thought the type of man who doesn't read profiles and indiscriminately fires off messages left, right and centre is the type of man that doesn't read/contribute to the forums.

From the replies I've read above, I'm not going to bother read all the "I always do . . . Personality matters . . . Needs to be a connection" etc, it would appear that 100% of single men read profiles but that obviously isn't the case.

And to answer the original question, no, it doesn't matter what women put in their profiles to obtain a meet as pictureless and one line single female ones will still get inundated with mail.

However, if a female is looking for her version of a quality meet then content does matter.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

".. does it matter what women put in the text?

How many men actually read it?

I would have thought the type of man who doesn't read profiles and indiscriminately fires off messages left, right and centre is the type of man that doesn't read/contribute to the forums.


It appears he's started recently......

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