
FabSwingers.com > Forums > The Lounge > Verification


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By *kin Bohner OP   Man  over a year ago


Far too many on here who wont meet unless one has been 'verified'... So how does one stand a chance of being 'verified' if no one will meet them! Its absolutely bonkers...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Far too many on here who wont meet unless one has been 'verified'... So how does one stand a chance of being 'verified' if no one will meet them! Its absolutely bonkers... "

go to a social meet ... plenty in your area

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I've met lots of people who haven't been verified. I use my own judgement not others. xx

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By *kin Bohner OP   Man  over a year ago


Try getting an invite to a social meet without verification... I guess its all a matter of not being what someone is looking for and rather than say it they hide behind the verification thing. But there are plenty of profiles stating no verification no reply, so I don't even bother with them.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I've met people who haven't been verified. x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

You can get verified by speaking to someone on the phone...might just get you started??

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I meet people without verifications and so do many others, there are also some people that don't want one

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Try getting an invite to a social meet without verification... I guess its all a matter of not being what someone is looking for and rather than say it they hide behind the verification thing. But there are plenty of profiles stating no verification no reply, so I don't even bother with them. "

you don't normally need verification to go to a social.. just put your name down...

there are other ways.... go into the chatrooms and get yourself know...

you are in the middle of loads of different clubs... get to one!!!

verifications are not the be all and end all but in the grand scheme of swinging you do get out what you put in...

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By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

Ask someone you may bump into at Chams to verify you.

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By *he_original_poloWoman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

"Try getting an invite to a social meet without verification... I guess its all a matter of not being what someone is looking for and rather than say it they hide behind the verification thing. ... "

That's a more likely reason.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I agree with what the guys above me have said, however, if i was looking at your profile, and saw that u have been on the site for over a year, and not yet had a meet, im afraid i would wonder if you werent really serious about actually swinging??

sorry, just being honest!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

If honest, I wouldn't entertain the thought of meeting you as your profile is over a year old, you are not verified and have no friends!

It may be an idea to delete your profile, start a new one, be more sociable and add some friends and get yourself along to social events.

Good luck

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By *kin Bohner OP   Man  over a year ago


I am not on here all the time, I do have a life away from this site so the fact I have been here a year and not met anyone means nothing! I regularly go to Chameleons and am on another site more regularly... I think some people just expect too much.

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"I am not on here all the time, I do have a life away from this site so the fact I have been here a year and not met anyone means nothing! I regularly go to Chameleons and am on another site more regularly... I think some people just expect too much. "

well if you go to chams, there are enough people who go there who are on here that would verify you....

and if you are on other sites... see if any of them are on here to verify you....

job solved... there are ways around it....

mind you... if you are concentrating on the negatives... rather than the positives that people are trying to help you with... you may have an answer...

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By *he_original_poloWoman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

"I am not on here all the time, I do have a life away from this site so the fact I have been here a year and not met anyone means nothing! I regularly go to Chameleons and am on another site more regularly... I think some people just expect too much. "

So... you have people from Chams who could verify you and you have people from another site (who no doubt some will have an account here too) who can verify you.... but haven't.

So talking of expecting too much.... what exactly are you expecting to change as a result of this?

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By *kin Bohner OP   Man  over a year ago


Actually I think its more to do with being over 50, I'm seen as over the hill and have no chance when competing against the young bucks to get noticed... Think I'll stick with Chameleons its far more 'honest' than these sites...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Far too many on here who wont meet unless one has been 'verified'... So how does one stand a chance of being 'verified' if no one will meet them! Its absolutely bonkers... "

never assume and never judge people on others with what they do and dont do.

personally i will meet anyone verified or not depends on the message and how they converse messages and then the phone call

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By *he_original_poloWoman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

"Actually I think its more to do with being over 50, I'm seen as over the hill and have no chance when competing against the young bucks to get noticed... Think I'll stick with Chameleons its far more 'honest' than these sites... "

Hey, I have an idea... once last chance type thing... why not start a thread moaning how the world is unfair, point out why some people won't be interested in you in a manner which implies you are kicking a dead donkey and then end it with a snide dig at the site as a whole. If that don't win a few over and get you some meets, then I don't know what else to suggest.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Far too many on here who wont meet unless one has been 'verified'... So how does one stand a chance of being 'verified' if no one will meet them! Its absolutely bonkers... "

You could avail yourself of the site facility to be verified by photo?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I've met lots of people who haven't been verified. I use my own judgement not others. xx"


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Actually I think its more to do with being over 50, I'm seen as over the hill and have no chance when competing against the young bucks to get noticed... Think I'll stick with Chameleons its far more 'honest' than these sites... "

Sounds like excuses to me.. as it sounds like you know people from clubs etc, that can varify you.

You have to find people looking for people like you.

A verification is just that, to say u are real as someone has met you.. nothing more nothing less.

Girls in the 20's might see you as over the hill.. ladies around you own age wouldn't.. however ladies around you own age looking for young men wouldn't be looking for you.

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Actually I think its more to do with being over 50, I'm seen as over the hill and have no chance when competing against the young bucks to get noticed... Think I'll stick with Chameleons its far more 'honest' than these sites... "

well..... let me now try and put this in terms that you'll understand

let me let you into a little secret....

negativity breeds negativity....

if that is the attitude that you go into a club with then you are not showing your best side......

and it then becomes a self fulfilling profacy...

people are trying to help you.... it seems to be going in one ear and straight out the other...

moaning like you are now.... how does that help you attract anybody???

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think some people just expect too much. "

if you expect too much then maybe you aren't exceeding your own expectations maybe

I came on this site with no expectations and its been fanbloodytastic !!!!!

so instead of expecting it all to drop in your lap, get your arse to a few socials have fun get to know people if this isnt for you. There is are perfectly good chat-rooms here and i have to admit i use the general one alot

and one last thing i hate and many other aren't keen on NEGATIVITY and if you are happy on the other site as you mentioned feel free to use it no-one here makes you use here its called freedom of choice and the last thing i knew WE HAVE IT

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Actually I think its more to do with being over 50, I'm seen as over the hill and have no chance when competing against the young bucks to get noticed... Think I'll stick with Chameleons its far more 'honest' than these sites...

Sounds like excuses to me.. as it sounds like you know people from clubs etc, that can varify you.

You have to find people looking for people like you.

A verification is just that, to say u are real as someone has met you.. nothing more nothing less.

Girls in the 20's might see you as over the hill.. ladies around you own age wouldn't.. however ladies around you own age looking for young men wouldn't be looking for you.


yep i agree x

excuses and excuses

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By *iceguydaveMan  over a year ago


"Actually I think its more to do with being over 50, I'm seen as over the hill and have no chance when competing against the young bucks to get noticed... Think I'll stick with Chameleons its far more 'honest' than these sites...

Hey, I have an idea... once last chance type thing... why not start a thread moaning how the world is unfair, point out why some people won't be interested in you in a manner which implies you are kicking a dead donkey and then end it with a snide dig at the site as a whole. If that don't win a few over and get you some meets, then I don't know what else to suggest."

+1, as I believe the young people are saying these days..

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By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

age doesn't really matter for a guy.... as long as your cock gets hard, your tongue flaps and you don't mind slipping a finger...

yu'r sorted...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

what a load of bollox

I am 37 years of age and anyone who i am interested in i would meet i don't give a flying fuck about age race or religion

sorry the age augment really winds me up

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"age doesn't really matter for a guy.... as long as your cock gets hard, your tongue flaps and you don't mind slipping a finger...

yu'r sorted..."

LOL this made me smile x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Actually I think its more to do with being over 50, I'm seen as over the hill and have no chance when competing against the young bucks to get noticed... Think I'll stick with Chameleons its far more 'honest' than these sites... "

Okay bye and good luck to you

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Actually I think its more to do with being over 50, I'm seen as over the hill and have no chance when competing against the young bucks to get noticed... Think I'll stick with Chameleons its far more 'honest' than these sites... "

I think you're just looking for excuses. When I was meeting I only met over 45 year olds. A lot of ladies meet men around their own age. I met my partner who is 57 on another site, he didn't have a verification, friends and a one line profile.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

and the other way round this discussion

how about if you have met people at chams who uses this and who dont want to verify you after all it can happen x

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By *woBiTwoCouple  over a year ago

north manchester

"Far too many on here who wont meet unless one has been 'verified'... So how does one stand a chance of being 'verified' if no one will meet them! Its absolutely bonkers...

You could avail yourself of the site facility to be verified by photo?"

..he already is.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Actually I think its more to do with being over 50, I'm seen as over the hill and have no chance when competing against the young bucks to get noticed... Think I'll stick with Chameleons its far more 'honest' than these sites...

Hey, I have an idea... once last chance type thing... why not start a thread moaning how the world is unfair, point out why some people won't be interested in you in a manner which implies you are kicking a dead donkey and then end it with a snide dig at the site as a whole. If that don't win a few over and get you some meets, then I don't know what else to suggest."

pmsl good response

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"what a load of bollox

I am 37 years of age and anyone who i am interested in i would meet i don't give a flying fuck about age race or religion

sorry the age augment really winds me up "

So why have age limits on your profile? Looks a bit hypocritical tbh.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"what a load of bollox

I am 37 years of age and anyone who i am interested in i would meet i don't give a flying fuck about age race or religion

sorry the age augment really winds me up

So why have age limits on your profile? Looks a bit hypocritical tbh. "

as i dont want more messages than i handle now to be honest as thats the age 99.9% i go for x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"age doesn't really matter for a guy.... as long as your cock gets hard, your tongue flaps and you don't mind slipping a finger...

yu'r sorted..."

Spot on nobody uses the age filters on the site at all and admin has made a total waste of effort adding it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"what a load of bollox

I am 37 years of age and anyone who i am interested in i would meet i don't give a flying fuck about age race or religion

sorry the age augment really winds me up

So why have age limits on your profile? Looks a bit hypocritical tbh.

as i dont want more messages than i handle now to be honest as thats the age 99.9% i go for x"

So you filter by age! Which ever way you look at it you are hypocritical.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"age doesn't really matter for a guy.... as long as your cock gets hard, your tongue flaps and you don't mind slipping a finger...

yu'r sorted...

Spot on nobody uses the age filters on the site at all and admin has made a total waste of effort adding it. "

nobody? We do.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"age doesn't really matter for a guy.... as long as your cock gets hard, your tongue flaps and you don't mind slipping a finger...

yu'r sorted...

Spot on nobody uses the age filters on the site at all and admin has made a total waste of effort adding it.

nobody? We do."

What you use the age filter? You can't as it doesn't matter as long as the cock gets hard.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"what a load of bollox

I am 37 years of age and anyone who i am interested in i would meet i don't give a flying fuck about age race or religion

sorry the age augment really winds me up

So why have age limits on your profile? Looks a bit hypocritical tbh.

as i dont want more messages than i handle now to be honest as thats the age 99.9% i go for x

So you filter by age! Which ever way you look at it you are hypocritical. "

no im not meeting currently so why have more messages than i wish to. when i meet again i will change my filters again, That's the difference

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By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

"age doesn't really matter for a guy.... as long as your cock gets hard, your tongue flaps and you don't mind slipping a finger...

yu'r sorted...

Spot on nobody uses the age filters on the site at all and admin has made a total waste of effort adding it. "

it doesn't matter as there will be someone on here for everyone... not everyone is for everyone..

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"what a load of bollox

I am 37 years of age and anyone who i am interested in i would meet i don't give a flying fuck about age race or religion

sorry the age augment really winds me up

So why have age limits on your profile? Looks a bit hypocritical tbh.

as i dont want more messages than i handle now to be honest as thats the age 99.9% i go for x

So you filter by age! Which ever way you look at it you are hypocritical.

no im not meeting currently so why have more messages than i wish to. when i meet again i will change my filters again, That's the difference "

You said age doesn't matter yet you have limits on your profile. Its hypocritical simples.

Also not meeting?


Make your mind up.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


it doesn't matter as there will be someone on here for everyone... not everyone is for everyone.."

This is so spot on

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"what a load of bollox

I am 37 years of age and anyone who i am interested in i would meet i don't give a flying fuck about age race or religion

sorry the age augment really winds me up

So why have age limits on your profile? Looks a bit hypocritical tbh.

as i dont want more messages than i handle now to be honest as thats the age 99.9% i go for x

So you filter by age! Which ever way you look at it you are hypocritical.

no im not meeting currently so why have more messages than i wish to. when i meet again i will change my filters again, That's the difference

You said age doesn't matter yet you have limits on your profile. Its hypocritical simples.

Also not meeting?


Make your mind up."

and assumptions as well LMAO

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"age doesn't really matter for a guy.... as long as your cock gets hard, your tongue flaps and you don't mind slipping a finger...

yu'r sorted...

Spot on nobody uses the age filters on the site at all and admin has made a total waste of effort adding it.

it doesn't matter as there will be someone on here for everyone... not everyone is for everyone.."

There is a big difference between that and what you said. People filter on here as they should and good on them I do.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"what a load of bollox

I am 37 years of age and anyone who i am interested in i would meet i don't give a flying fuck about age race or religion

sorry the age augment really winds me up

So why have age limits on your profile? Looks a bit hypocritical tbh.

as i dont want more messages than i handle now to be honest as thats the age 99.9% i go for x

So you filter by age! Which ever way you look at it you are hypocritical.

no im not meeting currently so why have more messages than i wish to. when i meet again i will change my filters again, That's the difference

You said age doesn't matter yet you have limits on your profile. Its hypocritical simples.

Also not meeting?


Make your mind up."

did it mention a meet erm NO!

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By *he_original_poloWoman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

Someone's had their tea cup pissed in.

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By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

[Removed by poster at 31/10/11 15:04:18]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Someone's had their tea cup pissed in."

thats a good quote

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"what a load of bollox

I am 37 years of age and anyone who i am interested in i would meet i don't give a flying fuck about age race or religion

sorry the age augment really winds me up

So why have age limits on your profile? Looks a bit hypocritical tbh.

as i dont want more messages than i handle now to be honest as thats the age 99.9% i go for x

So you filter by age! Which ever way you look at it you are hypocritical.

no im not meeting currently so why have more messages than i wish to. when i meet again i will change my filters again, That's the difference

You said age doesn't matter yet you have limits on your profile. Its hypocritical simples.

Also not meeting?


Make your mind up.

and assumptions as well LMAO "

Not really, have you goggled hypocrite yet i was going to paste but its a bit derogatory.

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By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

where did I say filters are not important...

but for a guy on a sex site... the most important is can he perform sexually.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

yeah i know what the word means

you assumed instead of reading black and white. that's the problem on here is assumptions

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"where did I say filters are not important...

but for a guy on a sex site... the most important is can he perform sexually."

ive looked for that and cant find it mate unless its typed in white

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"where did I say filters are not important...

but for a guy on a sex site... the most important is can he perform sexually."

You didn't you said age..not important..hard on etc see above.

Me i think it is b/s as age and looks etc is.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

looks matter of course they blooming do

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"yeah i know what the word means

you assumed instead of reading black and white. that's the problem on here is assumptions "

Then don't get "angry" if someone else says age hammers them if you use it yourself as it looks

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By *he_original_poloWoman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester


Me i think it is b/s as age and looks etc is. "

Not everyone is you.

To lots of people it is important or important(ish)... but not for everyone.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Im not angry lmao

how can i get angry over text!!!!!!

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By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

"where did I say filters are not important...

but for a guy on a sex site... the most important is can he perform sexually.

You didn't you said age..not important..hard on etc see above.

Me i think it is b/s as age and looks etc is. "

and the fact that the filters you speak of go upto 99... age is not going to be a factor in general terms....... however when broken down to personal preference it may.....

my answer was in general terms

that's why I answered on another thread today about guys writing to them ..... block them as a suggestion to their personal preferences.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"where did I say filters are not important...

but for a guy on a sex site... the most important is can he perform sexually.

You didn't you said age..not important..hard on etc see above.

Me i think it is b/s as age and looks etc is.

and the fact that the filters you speak of go upto 99... age is not going to be a factor in general terms....... however when broken down to personal preference it may.....

my answer was in general terms

that's why I answered on another thread today about guys writing to them ..... block them as a suggestion to their personal preferences."

I think the blocks are great. I just think the OP has a point about age at 50 as its the most common cut off age on women's profiles.

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By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

"where did I say filters are not important...

but for a guy on a sex site... the most important is can he perform sexually.

You didn't you said age..not important..hard on etc see above.

Me i think it is b/s as age and looks etc is.

and the fact that the filters you speak of go upto 99... age is not going to be a factor in general terms....... however when broken down to personal preference it may.....

my answer was in general terms

that's why I answered on another thread today about guys writing to them ..... block them as a suggestion to their personal preferences.

I think the blocks are great. I just think the OP has a point about age at 50 as its the most common cut off age on women's profiles. "

and I don't disagree

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Im not angry lmao

how can i get angry over text!!!!!!"

"sorry the age augment really winds me up" Happy smiley happy smiles.

Were you that blue fish in finding Nemo?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


I think the blocks are great. I just think the OP has a point about age at 50 as its the most common cut off age on women's profiles. "

i don't have time or the inclination to mooch through profiles. but seems you have the time to

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Im not angry lmao

how can i get angry over text!!!!!!

"sorry the age augment really winds me up" Happy smiley happy smiles.

Were you that blue fish in finding Nemo?"

its a discussion not a argument

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"where did I say filters are not important...

but for a guy on a sex site... the most important is can he perform sexually.

You didn't you said age..not important..hard on etc see above.

Me i think it is b/s as age and looks etc is.

and the fact that the filters you speak of go upto 99... age is not going to be a factor in general terms....... however when broken down to personal preference it may.....

my answer was in general terms

that's why I answered on another thread today about guys writing to them ..... block them as a suggestion to their personal preferences.

I think the blocks are great. I just think the OP has a point about age at 50 as its the most common cut off age on women's profiles.

and I don't disagree"

Well maybe you look at more women's profiles than i do and then maybe not. So what is the most common age cut of on women's profiles then if you disagree?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Im not angry lmao

how can i get angry over text!!!!!!

"sorry the age augment really winds me up" Happy smiley happy smiles.

Were you that blue fish in finding Nemo?

its a discussion not a argument "

More a wind up on the fish thing but you do seem to forget what you type.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

i met folk before I had been verified, and have met unverified folk


it is just a matter of people using their own judgement

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

OP I'd meet with you but for a couple of things.

I am not interested in being sub in any way or outdoor risk taking sex.

Your age is not a factor in any way, however 'likes' must be taken into consideration.

Stay positive there is someone out there for everyone, especially as you seem to have no bother in clubs. xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Im not angry lmao

how can i get angry over text!!!!!!

"sorry the age augment really winds me up" Happy smiley happy smiles.

Were you that blue fish in finding Nemo?

its a discussion not a argument

More a wind up on the fish thing but you do seem to forget what you type. "

No im not a dumbass

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By *he_original_poloWoman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

I just did a search of females and MF couples ages 45-60 in the east midlands seeking M.... and there's feckin' loads of them. As there were too many to look at all the cut off ages I selected a random 10 from various pages... 3 of the 10 selected 50 as the top end of their age preference.

I 'assume' most people will budge a year or two if they like the look of someone.

7 of the 10 had selected 55+.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"where did I say filters are not important...

but for a guy on a sex site... the most important is can he perform sexually.

You didn't you said age..not important..hard on etc see above.

Me i think it is b/s as age and looks etc is.

and the fact that the filters you speak of go upto 99... age is not going to be a factor in general terms....... however when broken down to personal preference it may.....

my answer was in general terms

that's why I answered on another thread today about guys writing to them ..... block them as a suggestion to their personal preferences.

I think the blocks are great. I just think the OP has a point about age at 50 as its the most common cut off age on women's profiles.

and I don't disagree

Well maybe you look at more women's profiles than i do and then maybe not. So what is the most common age cut of on women's profiles then if you disagree?"

Psst...he's agreeing with you!

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

40-55 age group for me, but it's not set in stone. I do make exceptions for those who ARE exceptional.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

"where did I say filters are not important...

but for a guy on a sex site... the most important is can he perform sexually.

You didn't you said age..not important..hard on etc see above.

Me i think it is b/s as age and looks etc is.

and the fact that the filters you speak of go upto 99... age is not going to be a factor in general terms....... however when broken down to personal preference it may.....

my answer was in general terms

that's why I answered on another thread today about guys writing to them ..... block them as a suggestion to their personal preferences.

I think the blocks are great. I just think the OP has a point about age at 50 as its the most common cut off age on women's profiles.

and I don't disagree

Well maybe you look at more women's profiles than i do and then maybe not. So what is the most common age cut of on women's profiles then if you disagree?"

I don't look at profiles as I am not looking to meet. When I did, I didn't message anyone asking to meet, my preference has always been clubs and socials and there it was about attraction, rapport, good company and a decision to either play or keep in contact.

But I read in the forums ladies not looking for younger guys as it reminds them of younger family members, younger ladies finding older guys more reliable and/or more attentive. But can't size that, just an observation.

So I don't have data... I just believe there is someone on here for everyone. It may very well be harder for over 50, I just don't know, I will bow to your experience, if you have noticed it.

As to the OP, I think he is looking for an excuse for not having fun on here.... and in my opinion, the majority of people moaning about being unhappy, it is usually blamed on others for exclusion...

The question was about verification and there is a difference to getting a shag and getting verified. Some may not shag an over 50... but would speak to one of the phone....

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

View you are over fifty, and if you were meeting, I know a list of ladies who would love to meet with you.


You have a positive mental attitude, a well developed sense of humour.

You also make it all about the lady and not about you.

THOSE are the qualities that come through just in your presence on the forum pages.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"View you are over fifty, and if you were meeting, I know a list of ladies who would love to meet with you.


You have a positive mental attitude, a well developed sense of humour.

You also make it all about the lady and not about you.

THOSE are the qualities that come through just in your presence on the forum pages.


living in Findhorn bodes well too

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

"View you are over fifty, and if you were meeting, I know a list of ladies who would love to meet with you.


You have a positive mental attitude, a well developed sense of humour.

You also make it all about the lady and not about you.

THOSE are the qualities that come through just in your presence on the forum pages.



Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

positivity makes a hell off a difference on here

negative messages or status just makes me think, why be on here then if you arent happy.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"View you are over fifty, and if you were meeting, I know a list of ladies who would love to meet with you.


You have a positive mental attitude, a well developed sense of humour.

You also make it all about the lady and not about you.

THOSE are the qualities that come through just in your presence on the forum pages.

living in Findhorn bodes well too "

id travel

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"View you are over fifty, and if you were meeting, I know a list of ladies who would love to meet with you.


You have a positive mental attitude, a well developed sense of humour.

You also make it all about the lady and not about you.

THOSE are the qualities that come through just in your presence on the forum pages.

living in Findhorn bodes well too "

I'm holding out for France.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I just did a search of females and MF couples ages 45-60 in the east midlands seeking M.... and there's feckin' loads of them. As there were too many to look at all the cut off ages I selected a random 10 from various pages... 3 of the 10 selected 50 as the top end of their age preference.

I 'assume' most people will budge a year or two if they like the look of someone.

7 of the 10 had selected 55+."

maybe they will budge a year or 2 ... but this new age thing fab have introduced stops all that... its ridiculous and wants a little leeway

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"positivity makes a hell off a difference on here

negative messages or status just makes me think, why be on here then if you arent happy.


bingo.... in the middle of the arguement that started up, and people trying to wide others up, I think THIS point was one that was overlooked by the people trying to point score.....

a positive attitude goes a long long way... and if people are negative, I don't see how having a down prospective is going to be attractive to anyone....

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"View you are over fifty, and if you were meeting, I know a list of ladies who would love to meet with you.


You have a positive mental attitude, a well developed sense of humour.

You also make it all about the lady and not about you.

THOSE are the qualities that come through just in your presence on the forum pages.


Oh I'd meet View and I'd not even trouble his back door.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

I am warming to Goliath xx

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"positivity makes a hell off a difference on here

negative messages or status just makes me think, why be on here then if you arent happy.

bingo.... in the middle of the arguement that started up, and people trying to wide others up, I think THIS point was one that was overlooked by the people trying to point score.....

a positive attitude goes a long long way... and if people are negative, I don't see how having a down prospective is going to be attractive to anyone...."

but some people think the "Pity" or the negative messages will get them far. 1st impressions count and the thing with this site there are many lurkers who _iew the threads and not post.

If you saw a negative person post and at the time you thought maybe id like a meet with that person that message could bring a whole new light as could change a maybe from a No.

and yes i've wanted to meet someone saw the negativity on the forums and messages and declined

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"View you are over fifty, and if you were meeting, I know a list of ladies who would love to meet with you.


You have a positive mental attitude, a well developed sense of humour.

You also make it all about the lady and not about you.

THOSE are the qualities that come through just in your presence on the forum pages.

Oh I'd meet View and I'd not even trouble his back door. "


Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Actually I think its more to do with being over 50, I'm seen as over the hill and have no chance when competing against the young bucks to get noticed... Think I'll stick with Chameleons its far more 'honest' than these sites...

well..... let me now try and put this in terms that you'll understand

let me let you into a little secret....

negativity breeds negativity....

if that is the attitude that you go into a club with then you are not showing your best side......

and it then becomes a self fulfilling profacy...

people are trying to help you.... it seems to be going in one ear and straight out the other...

moaning like you are now.... how does that help you attract anybody???


Thats true many are not looking for guys their children’s age that many have said. They have also said they are not looking for guys their fathers age too . The goldilocks zone for swingers is 30 to 39 for a big chunk of women then comes the 20 to 29 age group followed by 40 to 49 Under 20 or over 50 some still meet but a lot do not.

The OP well over a year here and no verifications I can understand why he is frustrated. I find it strange he is treat the way he has been. Well maybe i am not.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


The OP well over a year here and no verifications I can understand why he is frustrated. I find it strange he is treat the way he has been. Well maybe i am not.


Nothing strange, standard practice. To the OP, just meet unverified people, leastways they can't request you have verifications if they don't.

As others have said, be positive, no matter how challenging that may be. The vast majority of my meets are with unverifieds and when asked if they would like me to verify them, have declined (even though they can hide the "by whom", so it's not being embarrassed about meeting gopping Pauly.

I do think this thread has degenerated, but well, that's just the way of things on here I guess

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

its more than degenerated lol .... even the OP POSTED IT 2 HOURS AGO and LOGGED OUT 2 HOURS AGO LOL

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Actually I think its more to do with being over 50, I'm seen as over the hill and have no chance when competing against the young bucks to get noticed... Think I'll stick with Chameleons its far more 'honest' than these sites...

well..... let me now try and put this in terms that you'll understand

let me let you into a little secret....

negativity breeds negativity....

if that is the attitude that you go into a club with then you are not showing your best side......

and it then becomes a self fulfilling profacy...

people are trying to help you.... it seems to be going in one ear and straight out the other...

moaning like you are now.... how does that help you attract anybody???

Thats true many are not looking for guys their children’s age that many have said. They have also said they are not looking for guys their fathers age too . The goldilocks zone for swingers is 30 to 39 for a big chunk of women then comes the 20 to 29 age group followed by 40 to 49 Under 20 or over 50 some still meet but a lot do not.

The OP well over a year here and no verifications I can understand why he is frustrated. I find it strange he is treat the way he has been. Well maybe i am not.


just like I find it surprising that rather than people try to help in the thread, they used it instead to argue symantics....

we all know that not everyone wants to play with people old enough to be their mums and dads.... just like we know not everyone wants to play with people young enough to be their sons and daughters..

it is life...

some people want to use age as an excuse because that is an easy option,

people want to use colour as an excuse because it is an easy option,

people want to use build as an excuse because it is an easy excuse...

lets use the easy excuse, I am blameless obviously.....

in the end why concentrate of people who don't want to meet you, concentrate on those that do.....

if i am not in someones age range.. I walk on by

if someone says no colours... i walk on by

if people say no large people... i walk on by...

wouldn't it be easier to say to people to concentrate on the things you can control....

make a bloody good impression on those that you can impress.....

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"its more than degenerated lol .... even the OP POSTED IT 2 HOURS AGO and LOGGED OUT 2 HOURS AGO LOL "

He was far too negative and its not allowed apparently.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Actually I think its more to do with being over 50, I'm seen as over the hill and have no chance when competing against the young bucks to get noticed... Think I'll stick with Chameleons its far more 'honest' than these sites...

well..... let me now try and put this in terms that you'll understand

let me let you into a little secret....

negativity breeds negativity....

if that is the attitude that you go into a club with then you are not showing your best side......

and it then becomes a self fulfilling profacy...

people are trying to help you.... it seems to be going in one ear and straight out the other...

moaning like you are now.... how does that help you attract anybody???

Thats true many are not looking for guys their children’s age that many have said. They have also said they are not looking for guys their fathers age too . The goldilocks zone for swingers is 30 to 39 for a big chunk of women then comes the 20 to 29 age group followed by 40 to 49 Under 20 or over 50 some still meet but a lot do not.

The OP well over a year here and no verifications I can understand why he is frustrated. I find it strange he is treat the way he has been. Well maybe i am not.

just like I find it surprising that rather than people try to help in the thread, they used it instead to argue symantics....

we all know that not everyone wants to play with people old enough to be their mums and dads.... just like we know not everyone wants to play with people young enough to be their sons and daughters..

it is life...

some people want to use age as an excuse because that is an easy option,

people want to use colour as an excuse because it is an easy option,

people want to use build as an excuse because it is an easy excuse...

lets use the easy excuse, I am blameless obviously.....

in the end why concentrate of people who don't want to meet you, concentrate on those that do.....

if i am not in someones age range.. I walk on by

if someone says no colours... i walk on by

if people say no large people... i walk on by...

wouldn't it be easier to say to people to concentrate on the things you can control....

make a bloody good impression on those that you can impress....."

No you don't find it surprising like i dont as we know he way it will go it always does.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"its more than degenerated lol .... even the OP POSTED IT 2 HOURS AGO and LOGGED OUT 2 HOURS AGO LOL

He was far too negative and its not allowed apparently. "

All made a good read though

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Actually I think its more to do with being over 50, I'm seen as over the hill and have no chance when competing against the young bucks to get noticed... Think I'll stick with Chameleons its far more 'honest' than these sites...

well..... let me now try and put this in terms that you'll understand

let me let you into a little secret....

negativity breeds negativity....

if that is the attitude that you go into a club with then you are not showing your best side......

and it then becomes a self fulfilling profacy...

people are trying to help you.... it seems to be going in one ear and straight out the other...

moaning like you are now.... how does that help you attract anybody???

Thats true many are not looking for guys their children’s age that many have said. They have also said they are not looking for guys their fathers age too . The goldilocks zone for swingers is 30 to 39 for a big chunk of women then comes the 20 to 29 age group followed by 40 to 49 Under 20 or over 50 some still meet but a lot do not.

The OP well over a year here and no verifications I can understand why he is frustrated. I find it strange he is treat the way he has been. Well maybe i am not.

just like I find it surprising that rather than people try to help in the thread, they used it instead to argue symantics....

we all know that not everyone wants to play with people old enough to be their mums and dads.... just like we know not everyone wants to play with people young enough to be their sons and daughters..

it is life...

some people want to use age as an excuse because that is an easy option,

people want to use colour as an excuse because it is an easy option,

people want to use build as an excuse because it is an easy excuse...

lets use the easy excuse, I am blameless obviously.....

in the end why concentrate of people who don't want to meet you, concentrate on those that do.....

if i am not in someones age range.. I walk on by

if someone says no colours... i walk on by

if people say no large people... i walk on by...

wouldn't it be easier to say to people to concentrate on the things you can control....

make a bloody good impression on those that you can impress....."

not that I am assuming anything but messages can be taken out of context and some people struggle with messages than face to face

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

well the arch... lets do something you don't tend to do very often...

offer the man some advice...

help him rather than argue a point...

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"its more than degenerated lol .... even the OP POSTED IT 2 HOURS AGO and LOGGED OUT 2 HOURS AGO LOL

He was far too negative and its not allowed apparently.

All made a good read though "

I have read and smiled. I think the OP has a valid point and is frustrated. I find it funny some responses and the frustration some get at their advice not being taken up.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"View you are over fifty, and if you were meeting, I know a list of ladies who would love to meet with you.


You have a positive mental attitude, a well developed sense of humour.

You also make it all about the lady and not about you.

THOSE are the qualities that come through just in your presence on the forum pages.


Laine....beautifully put


Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"well the arch... lets do something you don't tend to do very often...

offer the man some advice...

help him rather than argue a point... "

Have you read my pm's to him?

The advice is up there and its up to him if he takes it up or not. I'm not variegating him though not my thing. Im not going to put my boot in with the others though.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *he_original_poloWoman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

"... I'm not variegating him though not my thing. Im not going to put my boot in with the others though."

On this occasion

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

only he can choose to take the advice on board or not

The best advice i was given on here was go to a few socials and clubs and yes still now good advice x

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"... I'm not variegating him though not my thing. Im not going to put my boot in with the others though.

On this occasion "

have to say i did spit out some perfectly good alcohol then........

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"... I'm not variegating him though not my thing. Im not going to put my boot in with the others though.

On this occasion

have to say i did spit out some perfectly good alcohol then........ "

step away from the computer!!!!!

dont waste booze

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"... I'm not variegating him though not my thing. Im not going to put my boot in with the others though.

On this occasion

have to say i did spit out some perfectly good alcohol then........ "

I have never joined in with a group attack on another user on the forums. If i don't like something i will say so but if the pack are attacking i avoid totally as its degrading to joining in. But i set you a challenge before you spit your spunk out. Go look search and come up with a thread i have joined in with a number of others being negative against one use and come back when you have found it.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *r. WhoreMan  over a year ago


My best fuck bud hasnt been verified and doesnt want it either.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Actually I think its more to do with being over 50, I'm seen as over the hill and have no chance when competing against the young bucks to get noticed... Think I'll stick with Chameleons its far more 'honest' than these sites...

Hey, I have an idea... once last chance type thing... why not start a thread moaning how the world is unfair, point out why some people won't be interested in you in a manner which implies you are kicking a dead donkey and then end it with a snide dig at the site as a whole. If that don't win a few over and get you some meets, then I don't know what else to suggest."

Here, here!!!

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

im not that bothered about verifications.

they are a good ego boost when feeling shitty but what worthwhile thing do you actually get from it?

now that's the question

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"... I'm not variegating him though not my thing. Im not going to put my boot in with the others though.

On this occasion

have to say i did spit out some perfectly good alcohol then........

I have never joined in with a group attack on another user on the forums. If i don't like something i will say so but if the pack are attacking i avoid totally as its degrading to joining in. But i set you a challenge before you spit your spunk out. Go look search and come up with a thread i have joined in with a number of others being negative against one use and come back when you have found it.


Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

apologies to the OP if my suggestion of getting someone from your visits to Chams may offend

good luck

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

....still puzzled as to what variegating him means .... castigating perhaps?

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"... I'm not variegating him though not my thing. Im not going to put my boot in with the others though.

On this occasion

have to say i did spit out some perfectly good alcohol then........

I have never joined in with a group attack on another user on the forums. If i don't like something i will say so but if the pack are attacking i avoid totally as its degrading to joining in. But i set you a challenge before you spit your spunk out. Go look search and come up with a thread i have joined in with a number of others being negative against one use and come back when you have found it.


can I just thank the people who just sent me PM's then.....

oh by the way "calling someone a one hit wonder" isn't putting your boot in with the others.... but i digress...

you like an arguement.... in fact, you like an arguement a lot... and I'm not going to give you the plesure... sorry... find someone else to bait

in your defence you are not the only one... but the some people appear in certain thread and like a row

it is almost like "hit and run".....

just one positive post every so often would do ya wonders you know.....

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *emmefataleWoman  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 31/10/11 16:55:06]

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *emmefataleWoman  over a year ago


"... I'm not variegating him though not my thing. Im not going to put my boot in with the others though.

On this occasion

have to say i did spit out some perfectly good alcohol then........

I have never joined in with a group attack on another user on the forums. If i don't like something i will say so but if the pack are attacking i avoid totally as its degrading to joining in. But i set you a challenge before you spit your spunk out. Go look search and come up with a thread i have joined in with a number of others being negative against one use and come back when you have found it.

can I just thank the people who just sent me PM's then.....

oh by the way "calling someone a one hit wonder" isn't putting your boot in with the others.... but i digress...

you like an arguement.... in fact, you like an arguement a lot... and I'm not going to give you the plesure... sorry... find someone else to bait

in your defence you are not the only one... but the some people appear in certain thread and like a row

it is almost like "hit and run".....

just one positive post every so often would do ya wonders you know....."

Hang on a minute Fabio, by stating that you have had pms on the subject isnt that you baiting? Naughty naughty....make people believe that you are ganging up and you are the spokesperson...thats how i read it anyway

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"... I'm not variegating him though not my thing. Im not going to put my boot in with the others though.

On this occasion

have to say i did spit out some perfectly good alcohol then........

I have never joined in with a group attack on another user on the forums. If i don't like something i will say so but if the pack are attacking i avoid totally as its degrading to joining in. But i set you a challenge before you spit your spunk out. Go look search and come up with a thread i have joined in with a number of others being negative against one use and come back when you have found it.

can I just thank the people who just sent me PM's then.....

oh by the way "calling someone a one hit wonder" isn't putting your boot in with the others.... but i digress...

you like an arguement.... in fact, you like an arguement a lot... and I'm not going to give you the plesure... sorry... find someone else to bait

in your defence you are not the only one... but the some people appear in certain thread and like a row

it is almost like "hit and run".....

just one positive post every so often would do ya wonders you know....."

Im quite concerned that you take so much interest in what i post.

I just don't like the gang mentality. You do seem to have a thing about negativity though i am more of a half full glass person.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

".Hang on a minute Fabio, by stating that you have had pms on the subject isnt that you baiting? Naughty naughty....make people believe that you are ganging up and you are the spokesperson...thats how i read it anyway


naw... I was just trying to make people believe I actually had friends... i know shocking...

and let me head of "the usual suspects" with the following...

clique clique clique clique....... blah blah blah.... yadda yadda yadda.....

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *emmefataleWoman  over a year ago


".Hang on a minute Fabio, by stating that you have had pms on the subject isnt that you baiting? Naughty naughty....make people believe that you are ganging up and you are the spokesperson...thats how i read it anyway

naw... I was just trying to make people believe I actually had friends... i know shocking...

and let me head of "the usual suspects" with the following...

clique clique clique clique....... blah blah blah.... yadda yadda yadda.....


Flippancy as well...well done you...i shall make you a new badge

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

And the degeneration continues, OP is lost in the nether........

I find people that slam anyone, couples, singles or whatever and then claim they were positively critiquing someone, a little strange. And yes sometimes the pack decends upon an OP (usually a single male) and tear lumps. Has this happened in this case? Not sure, don't care.

Sticking up for someone doesn't make you a person that likes to argue, it just means you disagree with the consensus, or the pack depending on the situation......

Individuality, reminds me of the life of Brian.........

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Far too many on here who wont meet unless one has been 'verified'... So how does one stand a chance of being 'verified' if no one will meet them! Its absolutely bonkers... "

Can't be arsed to post on the rest of this thread, although I have read it.... so ...

It might be bonkers to you but its just personal choice.

Get someone from Chams to verify you if it is of sooo much concern to you, job done!

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By *ENDAROOSCouple  over a year ago

South West London / Surrey

"Far too many on here who wont meet unless one has been 'verified'... So how does one stand a chance of being 'verified' if no one will meet them! Its absolutely bonkers... "

There are some that are happy to meet those without verifications, just a matter of finding them.

Reply privately (thread closed by moderator)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"... I'm not variegating him though not my thing. Im not going to put my boot in with the others though.

On this occasion

have to say i did spit out some perfectly good alcohol then........

I have never joined in with a group attack on another user on the forums. If i don't like something i will say so but if the pack are attacking i avoid totally as its degrading to joining in. But i set you a challenge before you spit your spunk out. Go look search and come up with a thread i have joined in with a number of others being negative against one use and come back when you have found it.

can I just thank the people who just sent me PM's then.....

oh by the way "calling someone a one hit wonder" isn't putting your boot in with the others.... but i digress...

you like an arguement.... in fact, you like an arguement a lot... and I'm not going to give you the plesure... sorry... find someone else to bait

in your defence you are not the only one... but the some people appear in certain thread and like a row

it is almost like "hit and run".....

just one positive post every so often would do ya wonders you know.....Hang on a minute Fabio, by stating that you have had pms on the subject isnt that you baiting? Naughty naughty....make people believe that you are ganging up and you are the spokesperson...thats how i read it anyway

fully agree with you there !!


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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

ok...lately advice threads seem to end up regulars rowing on it...god knows why.

If someone asks for advice on the forums and you happily give it.. they don't have to take your advice as gospel, that isn't a bad thing, they just don't think your advice is right for them so let's not berate people for not doing what you think they should or questioning what you say.

Thread closed as it is going nowhere.

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