
FabSwingers.com > Forums > The Lounge > Genuine users

Genuine users

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I am starting to doubt people on this site, the vast majority of them are time wasters that have no intentions of meeting. I am a genuine guy that sends polite messages accompanied with face pictures, nice they say, but will anyone actually meet no chance why bother get off the site and leave it for real people. And I wanted to swear lots and name them all. Sam

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By *emmefataleWoman  over a year ago


"I am starting to doubt people on this site, the vast majority of them are time wasters that have no intentions of meeting. I am a genuine guy that sends polite messages accompanied with face pictures, nice they say, but will anyone actually meet no chance why bother get off the site and leave it for real people. And I wanted to swear lots and name them all. Sam"
I can understand your frustration but i dont think its very nice to tell people to get off the site....real people?

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By *emima_puddlefuckCouple  over a year ago


Ahhhh...so the fact someone doesnt want to meet you is because they are fake...thanks for clearing that up.

Here was i thinking people had choices

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By *emima_puddlefuckCouple  over a year ago


"I am starting to doubt people on this site, the vast majority of them are time wasters that have no intentions of meeting. I am a genuine guy that sends polite messages accompanied with face pictures, nice they say, but will anyone actually meet no chance why bother get off the site and leave it for real people. And I wanted to swear lots and name them all. SamI can understand your frustration but i dont think its very nice to tell people to get off the site....real people? "

But the people he is telling to leave dont exist(as fakes)so its ok

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It isnt easy, but keep on keeping on. Somert will turn up, even if its only ur toes

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 25/11/11 08:20:21]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Your luckier than a load of guys on here who have been here a lot longer than you, at least you have had a meet, ( shame you lost touch) but coming on the forum and saying to people that they should leave really isnt the way to go about it, just plod on and it will fall into place.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Whinging is soooooooo sexy

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By *emmefataleWoman  over a year ago


"I am starting to doubt people on this site, the vast majority of them are time wasters that have no intentions of meeting. I am a genuine guy that sends polite messages accompanied with face pictures, nice they say, but will anyone actually meet no chance why bother get off the site and leave it for real people. And I wanted to swear lots and name them all. Sam"
You have been here 3 months...had a meet last month....thats not bad goin

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm thinking of leaving as I haven't had a meet for two days now

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By *rummpsMan  over a year ago


Well thank god for that. I was starting to think it was me doing summit wrong.

_rummps x

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By *habsMan  over a year ago

Fortress of Solitude, Middlesex

Personal opinion, anyone that suggests they are genuine (especially on their profile) raises alamr bells in my head:

Not only would i ask them to define what they think genuine should be, but if they think everyone else should have the same opinion.

I tend to think genuine means it was a real human that setup the profile... as opposed to an auto-mated computer bot thingy

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By *habsMan  over a year ago

Fortress of Solitude, Middlesex

"I am starting to doubt people on this site, the vast majority of them are time wasters that have no intentions of meeting. I am a genuine guy that sends polite messages accompanied with face pictures, nice they say, but will anyone actually meet no chance why bother get off the site and leave it for real people. And I wanted to swear lots and name them all. SamYou have been here 3 months...had a meet last month....thats not bad goin "

Took me a year to have my first meet, I'm sure glad I stayed lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I'm thinking of leaving as I haven't had a meet for two days now "

You timewasting fake

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Mate Rome wasn't built in a day ya know

And moaning about it will only serve to put people off

Swinging ain't really about sex ya know

It's about networking

Getting to know people and getting yourself known

Instead of being despondent get to the clubs near you join and get to know people

Then in turn they will introduce you to their friends and so on

There are also many socials advertised same thing applies

It's hard being a single male in this game and the trick is to stand out

Look at your profile would you meet you?

You haven't even made the effort to put up an avatar pic or even write a good profile

How do you think people will think of you in bed?

Good luck


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By *emima_puddlefuckCouple  over a year ago


"I'm thinking of leaving as I haven't had a meet for two days now "

Throws her naked body across the door to prevent PP escaping!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I tend to think genuine means it was a real human that setup the profile... as opposed to an auto-mated computer bot thingy "

I'm an auto-mated computer bot thingy

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I'm thinking of leaving as I haven't had a meet for two days now

Throws her naked body across the door to prevent PP escaping!"

Now ya makin it hard for me to leave

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I understand the posters frustrations, judging by all your standards of meets in '1 year' and 1 every 3 months :O you guys are not keen swingers?

Furthermore, being someone who actually takes the time to attend clubs and parties, anyone in their right mind would be frustrated at the lack of real swingers on this site and lack of opportunities for actual play...in my oppinion you have a lot of picture collectors, serial wankers and married men getting off on fantasies about their wives and vice versa....

P.S it is not only single guys complaining nearly every couple and single girl profiles have a rant about 'timewasters' and 'genuine folks' etc so it is a lot widespread than you think...

RANT OVER...don't take anything I said personally to any of you, its not an insult just my oppinion..

Thank you, goodbye

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By *emima_puddlefuckCouple  over a year ago


"I'm thinking of leaving as I haven't had a meet for two days now

Throws her naked body across the door to prevent PP escaping!

Now ya makin it hard for me to leave "

Making what hard exactly?

btw have u seen my new piercing..*whistles*

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Whinging is soooooooo sexy "

Is it?!? Shit!!!!!

Hang on ill put a whinging thread up, you guys really shoulda told me sooner!!


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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"I am starting to doubt people on this site, the vast majority of them are time wasters that have no intentions of meeting. I am a genuine guy that sends polite messages accompanied with face pictures, nice they say, but will anyone actually meet no chance why bother get off the site and leave it for real people. And I wanted to swear lots and name them all. Sam"

with the greatest of respect I doubt you... after all... this is your first ever post... it looks as it you have never been to a social.... why should people think you are any more "genuine" than anyone else???

I don't believe the above... but you can see how it would work both ways......

and as others have said.... moaning in posts isn't the sexiest thing in the world (especially in a 1st post.... what kind of first impression are you making)

you'll hear to people waiting months to get their 1st meets... me...it took me 6 months to get my first meet... I worked at it....

time and patience.....time and patience

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I am starting to doubt people on this site, the vast majority of them are time wasters that have no intentions of meeting. I am a genuine guy that sends polite messages accompanied with face pictures, nice they say, but will anyone actually meet no chance why bother get off the site and leave it for real people. And I wanted to swear lots and name them all. Sam"

so if you mail someone, send them a pic and they have no interest in you that makes them a time waster?

you ever thought its just you they dont like and are meeting other people?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I'm thinking of leaving as I haven't had a meet for two days now "

hahahaha i havnt had a meet for over a week i should have left days ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I'm thinking of leaving as I haven't had a meet for two days now

hahahaha i havnt had a meet for over a week i should have left days ago "


I think all you single fems should be meeting 24/7 and clear the backlog of all these genuine single males that cant get shagged xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

maybe you should go to swing clubs like chams .. loads go and you may get lucky... Fab is a good site its just people cant swing 24/7 thay have a normal life to and hard fitting sex in at times .

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By *esmond70Man  over a year ago


i havent had a meet at all shall i leave lol it just takes time be patient its a ladys or couples choice and preferences

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By *obletonMan  over a year ago


I know absolutely shed loads of real swingers who meet all the time - so perhaps the problem is that they just don't want to meet YOU.

Perhaps the problem lies with you not them

Perhaps you just don't have what it takes

Perhaps its you who should leave the site

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By *andKCouple  over a year ago


hmmmmmm just love these 'look at me' threads - but we did and we wouldn't meet the OP cos he isn't what K is looking for.

Damn it we are in the timewaster bin AGAIN

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I'm thinking of leaving as I haven't had a meet for two days now

hahahaha i havnt had a meet for over a week i should have left days ago


I think all you single fems should be meeting 24/7 and clear the backlog of all these genuine single males that cant get shagged xx "

ok form a queue

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By *amescoupleCouple  over a year ago

North walsham

Shhh. If we are all fakes then we must just be voices in his head!!!

So we are like imaginary friends. Or a sign of being slightly demented..

Or maybe we are demons from hell possessing the site in the name of all thats unholy.

Either way if we keep saying we are real he might get medication/real friends or a priest and then we will all be doomed...dooomed i say ahahahahaha.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I'm thinking of leaving as I haven't had a meet for two days now

hahahaha i havnt had a meet for over a week i should have left days ago


I think all you single fems should be meeting 24/7 and clear the backlog of all these genuine single males that cant get shagged xx

ok form a queue "

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

"I am starting to doubt people on this site, the vast majority of them are time wasters that have no intentions of meeting. I am a genuine guy that sends polite messages accompanied with face pictures, nice they say, but will anyone actually meet no chance why bother get off the site and leave it for real people. And I wanted to swear lots and name them all. Sam"

You will always get time wasters on sites like these, and this I am sure has it's fair share.

Not wanting to meet someone for whatever reason is not a timewaster though. they just don't want to meet that person.

Keep sending your mails but try and have no expectations....if they answer and something comes of it all well and good....if nothing comes of it, accept it and move on to the next person to mail.

You will get rejected, you can't blame people for not wanting to meet you.

I can understand the frustration of not having a meet yet, we see couples and females say the same thing on here, so you are not the only one...but join in the forums/ chat/ go to socials and get yourself known, it may well give you the meet you are after.

Good luck, and welcome to the forums

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By *esmond70Man  over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Dude, stop for a moment and do the math.

Consider first of all the ratio of ladies to guys; then the ratio of couples to guys. Suddenly, you realise that, for guys, it’s not a sellers’ market.

Then, in the Venn Diagram of Single Guy Swinging, lets apply the rules of attraction and the law of common interests (assuming there are preferences and not just to jump on anything that’s still breathing).

Attraction and interests (from all sides involved) reduces the overall playing field dramatically in terms of couples and females who may be interested in you. Don’t forget however that there are a high number of single guys, so it’s a bitch of a ratio.

So, how to stack the odds? Well there isn’t really a way to do it, just be you, persevere and have a good time with it all. don’t take rejection to heart - it’s just like asking a lady if she fancies a drink sometime and being told no.

You could post long winded overly complex hypothesis on the forums to drown out the sexual frustration! It works for me

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"hmmmmmm just love these 'look at me' threads - but we did and we wouldn't meet the OP cos he isn't what K is looking for.

Damn it we are in the timewaster bin AGAIN "

us to

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

shadowy profiles so attrative, psml

what do you do to stand out to people,

you want to name people, who to say's they are not meeting other people!!!!!!

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By *andKCouple  over a year ago


"hmmmmmm just love these 'look at me' threads - but we did and we wouldn't meet the OP cos he isn't what K is looking for.

Damn it we are in the timewaster bin AGAIN

us to "

What a shame we don't have our pad in Portsmouth anymore or we could be timewasters together

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By *woBiTwoCouple  over a year ago

north manchester

"The Vast majority are timewasters" says the OP... I've just doen a search for women and couples between 20 - 50 who would meet a single guy in one postcode area near to us. Result: 245. Did it again with the filter applied for 'verified by meeting' and the result was 159. So, even if you ludicrously assume that the other 86 ARE all timewasters, that's still hardly the 'vast majority' is it?

The site works, and we've had lots of successful meets, and been bothered by very few time wasters.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"hmmmmmm just love these 'look at me' threads - but we did and we wouldn't meet the OP cos he isn't what K is looking for.

Damn it we are in the timewaster bin AGAIN "

I just had a look at your profile too, amd I wouldn't meet as you are not what I'm looking for

How does it feel to have someone randomly say that about you? Have some dignity or were you attention seeking like the OP

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"You will always get time wasters on sites like these, and this I am sure has it's fair share.


personally i think we are all time wasters,including myself,for wasting time on this thread.

its not like its not been debated over and over again,and no doubt there will be another moan,along similar lines along tomorrow

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By *emima_puddlefuckCouple  over a year ago


"hmmmmmm just love these 'look at me' threads - but we did and we wouldn't meet the OP cos he isn't what K is looking for.

Damn it we are in the timewaster bin AGAIN

I just had a look at your profile too, amd I wouldn't meet as you are not what I'm looking for

How does it feel to have someone randomly say that about you? Have some dignity or were you attention seeking like the OP"

A strange reply,there was nothing undignified in making the point that not wanting to meet someone doesnt make you a timewaster

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

".....and no doubt there will be another moan,along similar lines along tomorrow "

Ok, I'll do tomorrows! It will go:-



Waaah Wahh

I cant get a meet

Waaah Waaah

Im going to throw my toys out of my toybox

Waaah Waaah

I wish I could take my ego out of the equation but I cant.

Ego + Swinging = Oil + Water!

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By *odareyouMan  over a year ago

not far from iceland,,,,,, tescos is nearer though :-) (near leeds)

"I am starting to doubt people on this site, the vast majority of them are time wasters that have no intentions of meeting. I am a genuine guy that sends polite messages accompanied with face pictures, nice they say, but will anyone actually meet no chance why bother get off the site and leave it for real people. And I wanted to swear lots and name them all. Sam"

Dear Sam,,

I've read your profile and I'd like to know more about you... I don't , I'm straight but nobody else will message you asking either... change it.. the verification you have says you've got great eyes ... picture of them..

You say you message people politely thats a good start, if it draws people to your profile chances are it will create no more interest because there's nothing there. Your choice fella only you can change things, people have offered suggestions its upto you now,..

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"hmmmmmm just love these 'look at me' threads - but we did and we wouldn't meet the OP cos he isn't what K is looking for.

Damn it we are in the timewaster bin AGAIN

I just had a look at your profile too, amd I wouldn't meet as you are not what I'm looking for

How does it feel to have someone randomly say that about you? Have some dignity or were you attention seeking like the OP

A strange reply,there was nothing undignified in making the point that not wanting to meet someone doesnt make you a timewaster


Why did they feel the need to mention him? In my opinion that is wholely disrespectful , I wouldn't randomly say that in a post how do you think the poor fella feels?

Single guys have feelings too lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 25/11/11 10:00:13]

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By *emima_puddlefuckCouple  over a year ago


"hmmmmmm just love these 'look at me' threads - but we did and we wouldn't meet the OP cos he isn't what K is looking for.

Damn it we are in the timewaster bin AGAIN

I just had a look at your profile too, amd I wouldn't meet as you are not what I'm looking for

How does it feel to have someone randomly say that about you? Have some dignity or were you attention seeking like the OP

A strange reply,there was nothing undignified in making the point that not wanting to meet someone doesnt make you a timewaster

Why did they feel the need to mention him? In my opinion that is wholely disrespectful , I wouldn't randomly say that in a post how do you think the poor fella feels?

Single guys have feelings too lol "

Because he was blaming others for not getting meets...he needs to realise that doesnt mean they are timewasters...and if being turned down hurts your feelings then maybe swinging isnt for you..

Its a short step from hurt feelings to entitlement.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"hmmmmmm just love these 'look at me' threads - but we did and we wouldn't meet the OP cos he isn't what K is looking for.

Damn it we are in the timewaster bin AGAIN

I just had a look at your profile too, amd I wouldn't meet as you are not what I'm looking for

How does it feel to have someone randomly say that about you? Have some dignity or were you attention seeking like the OP"

Let's keep this going...

I've just looked at your profile and you are not we are looking for... no offence meant in the slightest... you just don't tick our boxes, that's all!

It's about preferences... not one person on here would suit everyone's preferences EVER!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Ahhhh...so the fact someone doesnt want to meet you is because they are fake...thanks for clearing that up.

Here was i thinking people had choices


Its got nothing to do with personal choices. It is a fact that the vast majority of members of this site have no intention of meeting ANYONE, but are (generally male) fantasists who have finished over their keyboard long before any 'meeting'. Most 'couples' are single males, most people have multiple profiles, and many more leave & rejoin when they have exhausted the people that will message them back. Yes, the site is probably the best of its type, and they are many genuine people on it, but you are turning a blind eye to the fact that true swingers are a minority on it now. The social aspect, such as clubs & the Forums are frequented by a small number of people, (probably more the people the site was intended for), but the rest of the site is occupied by a different type of people who use the site for their own reasons.

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By *emima_puddlefuckCouple  over a year ago


"Ahhhh...so the fact someone doesnt want to meet you is because they are fake...thanks for clearing that up.

Here was i thinking people had choices

Its got nothing to do with personal choices. It is a fact that the vast majority of members of this site have no intention of meeting ANYONE, but are (generally male) fantasists who have finished over their keyboard long before any 'meeting'. Most 'couples' are single males, most people have multiple profiles, and many more leave & rejoin when they have exhausted the people that will message them back. Yes, the site is probably the best of its type, and they are many genuine people on it, but you are turning a blind eye to the fact that true swingers are a minority on it now. The social aspect, such as clubs & the Forums are frequented by a small number of people, (probably more the people the site was intended for), but the rest of the site is occupied by a different type of people who use the site for their own reasons."

So...they dont bother me,i dont bother them...as for saying the vast majority dont intend to meet...not quite sure what you base that on,everyone i chat with meets,except for a couple of friends here socially.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

No I don't mind the knock backs not everyone is everyones cup of tea...I think you missed my point....

I was detesting the way they purposely posted to give their opinion on him when he didn't even speak to them? Why would one do that?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" the vast majority of members of this site have no intention of meeting ANYONE, but are (generally male) fantasists who have finished over their keyboard "

Im just curious as to how you have come to this conclusion?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

You cheeky bugger lol

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By *emima_puddlefuckCouple  over a year ago


"No I don't mind the knock backs not everyone is everyones cup of tea...I think you missed my point....

I was detesting the way they purposely posted to give their opinion on him when he didn't even speak to them? Why would one do that? "

Because its their point...should they have pmed him instead?

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By *emima_puddlefuckCouple  over a year ago


and he did speak to them as this is a forum,ergo u are speaking to any individual who reads it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"hmmmmmm just love these 'look at me' threads - but we did and we wouldn't meet the OP cos he isn't what K is looking for.

Damn it we are in the timewaster bin AGAIN

I just had a look at your profile too, amd I wouldn't meet as you are not what I'm looking for

How does it feel to have someone randomly say that about you? Have some dignity or were you attention seeking like the OP

Let's keep this going...

I've just looked at your profile and you are not we are looking for... no offence meant in the slightest... you just don't tick our boxes, that's all!

It's about preferences... not one person on here would suit everyone's preferences EVER!"

Cheeky bugger lol I'm guessing it was the male that wrote that lol

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"I understand the posters frustrations, judging by all your standards of meets in '1 year' and 1 every 3 months :O you guys are not keen swingers?

Furthermore, being someone who actually takes the time to attend clubs and parties, anyone in their right mind would be frustrated at the lack of real swingers on this site and lack of opportunities for actual play...in my oppinion you have a lot of picture collectors, serial wankers and married men getting off on fantasies about their wives and vice versa....

P.S it is not only single guys complaining nearly every couple and single girl profiles have a rant about 'timewasters' and 'genuine folks' etc so it is a lot widespread than you think...

RANT OVER...don't take anything I said personally to any of you, its not an insult just my oppinion..

Thank you, goodbye


oh boy... where do i start... just where do i start....hmmmm

1)keen swingers... whole can of worms there!! it could well be the fact that some are just more "selective" about with whom they play.... so if I were you I wouldn't be making assumptions it may well be hard to back up.....

2) funny enough the site caters for everyone... be that those who play in clubs, those who go to socials... or those who use the forums and chatrooms to meet people.. for one group to attack another just because they use it differently it really Narrow Minded, short sighted and actually rather rude.....

take that as you want to......

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Its based on my own experience, and everyone I have spoken to too (females included, though less so). I have met 12 'couples', (only seen 2 females though), I have had 50-60 meets, (from probably 200+ arranged). Its more a case now, of having a circle of reliable contacts to meet, who recommend others, rather than messaging & receiving messages to 'new' people.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" the vast majority of members of this site have no intention of meeting ANYONE, but are (generally male) fantasists who have finished over their keyboard

Im just curious as to how you have come to this conclusion? "

Discovered the keyboard had "Sticky Keys" but hadn't turned the option on in Windows?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"hmmmmmm just love these 'look at me' threads - but we did and we wouldn't meet the OP cos he isn't what K is looking for.

Damn it we are in the timewaster bin AGAIN

I just had a look at your profile too, amd I wouldn't meet as you are not what I'm looking for

How does it feel to have someone randomly say that about you? Have some dignity or were you attention seeking like the OP

Let's keep this going...

I've just looked at your profile and you are not we are looking for... no offence meant in the slightest... you just don't tick our boxes, that's all!

It's about preferences... not one person on here would suit everyone's preferences EVER!

Cheeky bugger lol I'm guessing it was the male that wrote that lol "

Nope lol... he has his own a/c to be a cheeky bugger with

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I understand the posters frustrations, judging by all your standards of meets in '1 year' and 1 every 3 months :O you guys are not keen swingers?

Furthermore, being someone who actually takes the time to attend clubs and parties, anyone in their right mind would be frustrated at the lack of real swingers on this site and lack of opportunities for actual play...in my oppinion you have a lot of picture collectors, serial wankers and married men getting off on fantasies about their wives and vice versa....

P.S it is not only single guys complaining nearly every couple and single girl profiles have a rant about 'timewasters' and 'genuine folks' etc so it is a lot widespread than you think...

RANT OVER...don't take anything I said personally to any of you, its not an insult just my oppinion..

Thank you, goodbye

oh boy... where do i start... just where do i start....hmmmm

1)keen swingers... whole can of worms there!! it could well be the fact that some are just more "selective" about with whom they play.... so if I were you I wouldn't be making assumptions it may well be hard to back up.....

2) funny enough the site caters for everyone... be that those who play in clubs, those who go to socials... or those who use the forums and chatrooms to meet people.. for one group to attack another just because they use it differently it really Narrow Minded, short sighted and actually rather rude.....

take that as you want to......


Ooo extra brownie points for you eh I was simply stating my opinion or am I not allowed one? Newcastle are a shit team - take that how u want

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

you are allowed opinions as much as you want.... however if you want to make silly assumptions based on not much then expect to be called out on them....

like the one you made about the football team i support

exiled cockney/yank here....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Its based on my own experience, and everyone I have spoken to too (females included, though less so). I have met 12 'couples', (only seen 2 females though), I have had 50-60 meets, (from probably 200+ arranged). Its more a case now, of having a circle of reliable contacts to meet, who recommend others, rather than messaging & receiving messages to 'new' people."

Fair comment but the way ya doing it is probably the best way anyway

Ive actually only met two ladies off this site from emails and one of them im marrying next year

I meet through house parties,socials and through my friends network

I use fab primarily as a kinda facebook if ya like lol

Different people have different ways of meeting and people have to find the best way for them

It obviously works for you the way you do it and it works for me the way i do it

However i do know lots of people who only meet from this site and they dont seem to have a problem

I certainly dont feel that the majority of people on this site are timewasters

But there is certainly a minority and always will be

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Once again a Newbie poster starts a thread containing a few naïve comments based on personal frustration, attracting a combination of responses ranging from proactive advice, supportive encouragement, good humoured mockery,,,,,,,,,,, and of course,,,,,,, a usual assortment of unhelpful critical condemnation and forum infighting.!!!!

Hey ya gotta love this place ain’t ya?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Ahhhh...so the fact someone doesnt want to meet you is because they are fake...thanks for clearing that up.

Here was i thinking people had choices


Thought the same

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"you are allowed opinions as much as you want.... however if you want to make silly assumptions based on not much then expect to be called out on them....

like the one you made about the football team i support

exiled cockney/yank here...."

They were not silly assumptions bro but hard hitting facts about this site

P.s. One word Arsenal!! Makes you shiver in your shoes don't it lol

Ladies leave the room this is about to get political

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Once again a Newbie poster starts a thread containing a few naïve comments based on personal frustration, attracting a combination of responses ranging from proactive advice, supportive encouragement, good humoured mockery,,,,,,,,,,, and of course,,,,,,, a usual assortment of unhelpful critical condemnation and forum infighting.!!!!

Hey ya gotta love this place ain’t ya?


Damn, I was going for alternative comedic relief with a side order of generally arsey!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Once again a Newbie poster starts a thread containing a few naïve comments based on personal frustration, attracting a combination of responses ranging from proactive advice, supportive encouragement, good humoured mockery,,,,,,,,,,, and of course,,,,,,, a usual assortment of unhelpful critical condemnation and forum infighting.!!!!

Hey ya gotta love this place ain’t ya?

Damn, I was going for alternative comedic relief with a side order of generally arsey!


Haha..... perhaps we could start a new thread....... asking posters if they regard their own response to this sort of thread, as the good, the bad, or the ugly side of forum-fun !!!!….

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I understand the posters frustrations, judging by all your standards of meets in '1 year' and 1 every 3 months :O you guys are not keen swingers?

Furthermore, being someone who actually takes the time to attend clubs and parties, anyone in their right mind would be frustrated at the lack of real swingers on this site and lack of opportunities for actual play...in my oppinion you have a lot of picture collectors, serial wankers and married men getting off on fantasies about their wives and vice versa....

P.S it is not only single guys complaining nearly every couple and single girl profiles have a rant about 'timewasters' and 'genuine folks' etc so it is a lot widespread than you think...

RANT OVER...don't take anything I said personally to any of you, its not an insult just my oppinion..

Thank you, goodbye



I think what the person who started this thread was saying is not that EVERYONE is a time waster or fake but that all the time wasters and fakes should just leave the site to the genuine people...

I'm fed up of it too, the people that just want to cyber and send and swap loads of pictures which likely aren't even of them! Mark doesn't care because I'm the one who uses the site the most but it gets frustrating when all you get is people who don't actually want to meet, not even for a great home cooked meal and a drink, or a chat in a coffee bar!

As someone else said, the site isn't just about sex its about socialising and networking but if there are so many fake people out there who organise meets and don't show or just want to cyber you all the time then how can anyone have faith that they are gonna meet anyone at all not just for sex!

and BTW, before you all start saying I should go to socials and clubs I attend clubs and I would attend socials if there were any near me, but I attend private parties and I'm not complaining about the amount of fun I have just the amount of time wasters on the site.

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By *andKCouple  over a year ago


"hmmmmmm just love these 'look at me' threads - but we did and we wouldn't meet the OP cos he isn't what K is looking for.

Damn it we are in the timewaster bin AGAIN

I just had a look at your profile too, amd I wouldn't meet as you are not what I'm looking for

How does it feel to have someone randomly say that about you? Have some dignity or were you attention seeking like the OP

A strange reply,there was nothing undignified in making the point that not wanting to meet someone doesnt make you a timewaster


Thank you JP - he wouldn't get past first base either lol but hey we are big time timewasters cos we have preferances and make choices

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple  over a year ago

in Lancashire

"No I don't mind the knock backs not everyone is everyones cup of tea...I think you missed my point....

I was detesting the way they purposely posted to give their opinion on him when he didn't even speak to them? Why would one do that? "

maybe because he started a thread which in a public forum people are entitled to respond to???

or would you have it that only those that agree are able to respond?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I understand the posters frustrations, judging by all your standards of meets in '1 year' and 1 every 3 months :O you guys are not keen swingers?

Furthermore, being someone who actually takes the time to attend clubs and parties, anyone in their right mind would be frustrated at the lack of real swingers on this site and lack of opportunities for actual play...in my oppinion you have a lot of picture collectors, serial wankers and married men getting off on fantasies about their wives and vice versa....

P.S it is not only single guys complaining nearly every couple and single girl profiles have a rant about 'timewasters' and 'genuine folks' etc so it is a lot widespread than you think...

RANT OVER...don't take anything I said personally to any of you, its not an insult just my oppinion..

Thank you, goodbye


I think what the person who started this thread was saying is not that EVERYONE is a time waster or fake but that all the time wasters and fakes should just leave the site to the genuine people...

I'm fed up of it too, the people that just want to cyber and send and swap loads of pictures which likely aren't even of them! Mark doesn't care because I'm the one who uses the site the most but it gets frustrating when all you get is people who don't actually want to meet, not even for a great home cooked meal and a drink, or a chat in a coffee bar!

As someone else said, the site isn't just about sex its about socialising and networking but if there are so many fake people out there who organise meets and don't show or just want to cyber you all the time then how can anyone have faith that they are gonna meet anyone at all not just for sex!

and BTW, before you all start saying I should go to socials and clubs I attend clubs and I would attend socials if there were any near me, but I attend private parties and I'm not complaining about the amount of fun I have just the amount of time wasters on the site."

AGREED, p.s. Home cooked meal and a drink! I think you are the perfect meet! Hehe

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"No I don't mind the knock backs not everyone is everyones cup of tea...I think you missed my point....

I was detesting the way they purposely posted to give their opinion on him when he didn't even speak to them? Why would one do that?

maybe because he started a thread which in a public forum people are entitled to respond to???

or would you have it that only those that agree are able to respond?


Either you cannot read or you purposely missed out the second paragraph....take it how you want ....

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By *obletonMan  over a year ago


One observation I had from the OP, and several similar threads like this I've seen, is there's often some variation of the phrase " I always send a polite message" emphasis here on the word polite.

Now there's nothing wrong with being polite but the posters choice of that word in particular to describe his messages speaks volumes to me ...... actually it doesn't - it says just one thing - they're probably boring messages too.

While I'm never going to open a message with "oi shit for brains! You could do with laying off the pies!" (unless they were a friend lol!) , the last thing that goes through my head when I'm crafting a message to someone new is that I really need to be polite - because that isn't going to get my leg over - never has, never will - but being fun, interesting, funny, challenging, edgy, cheeky and sometimes even just a tad arrogant will.

There's a tip there if you can spot it.

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple  over a year ago

in Lancashire

"No I don't mind the knock backs not everyone is everyones cup of tea...I think you missed my point....

I was detesting the way they purposely posted to give their opinion on him when he didn't even speak to them? Why would one do that?

maybe because he started a thread which in a public forum people are entitled to respond to???

or would you have it that only those that agree are able to respond?

Either you cannot read or you purposely missed out the second paragraph....take it how you want ...."

which bit did i miss in your second paragraph ?

the bit where you said purposely posting as opposed to posting without intending to?

ffs grow up

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Did anyone ever stop to think that if there was any timewasters on the site they wouldn't be reading this thread as would be a waste of time for them when they could be wasting someone elses???

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"No I don't mind the knock backs not everyone is everyones cup of tea...I think you missed my point....

I was detesting the way they purposely posted to give their opinion on him when he didn't even speak to them? Why would one do that?

maybe because he started a thread which in a public forum people are entitled to respond to???

or would you have it that only those that agree are able to respond?

Either you cannot read or you purposely missed out the second paragraph....take it how you want ....

which bit did i miss in your second paragraph ?

the bit where you said purposely posting as opposed to posting without intending to?

ffs grow up "

You seriously are a confused one aren't you :s

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I am starting to doubt people on this site, the vast majority of them are time wasters that have no intentions of meeting. I am a genuine guy that sends polite messages accompanied with face pictures, nice they say, but will anyone actually meet no chance why bother get off the site and leave it for real people. And I wanted to swear lots and name them all. Sam"

I think I can pinpoint your problem - your profile says you're from Luton. That's gonna seriously dent your chances of getting a meet. Trust me, I know, I'm from Luton too and had to move to Newcastle to get away from the stigma of Luton. Change your location to something a bit more glamourous - say, Grimsby, and you should do better.

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By *umourCouple  over a year ago


"I am starting to doubt people on this site, the vast majority of them are time wasters that have no intentions of meeting. I am a genuine guy that sends polite messages accompanied with face pictures, nice they say, but will anyone actually meet no chance why bother get off the site and leave it for real people. And I wanted to swear lots and name them all. Sam"

You're a single guy! Live with it... Alternatively, take a leaf out of the books of the single guys who regularly post on here... Whinging and Whining is not attractive!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Did anyone ever stop to think that if there was any timewasters on the site they wouldn't be reading this thread as would be a waste of time for them when they could be wasting someone elses???


That is true, I've said it before. Timewasters/fantasists don't use Forums, that is not what they are on here for.

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By *inktherapyCouple  over a year ago


I have never once said I'm / we're 'genuine' - and get annoyed by people complimenting me on our profile saying things like 'nice to see a genuine couple here' - usually rings alarm bells that they're desperate. (not always, before I get jumped on!) Sure, there are timewasters on here - there are on all sites. However, there is also plenty of fun to be had on here as many of us could testify.

I couldn't be bothered to waste my time reading the whole thread, btw, so may have repeated what many others have already said...

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By *emima_puddlefuckCouple  over a year ago


"you are allowed opinions as much as you want.... however if you want to make silly assumptions based on not much then expect to be called out on them....

like the one you made about the football team i support

exiled cockney/yank here...."

Yeah but nobodies perfect...where are the gooners exactly?

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By *esmond70Man  over a year ago


stamps my feet not had a meet yet jumps up and down im leaving ha ha ha

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By *umourCouple  over a year ago



Yeah but nobodies perfect...where are the gooners exactly? "

Mrs R keeps telling me I should go to the opticians and until now, have not bothered...

Jem... I seriously read "noodles" instead of nobodies and thought you had gone quite mad! Anyhoo... Off to call Specsavers!

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By *harpDressed ManMan  over a year ago

Here occasionally, but mostly somewhere else

" I am a genuine guy that sends polite messages accompanied with face pictures,"

Well said. You've clearly maximised your chances - what more could you possibly do???

Still, with your animal magnetism, why not just have a night out in town? Clearly no sane woman could possibly say no to you...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I am starting to doubt people on this site, the vast majority of them are time wasters that have no intentions of meeting. I am a genuine guy that sends polite messages accompanied with face pictures, nice they say, but will anyone actually meet no chance why bother get off the site and leave it for real people. And I wanted to swear lots and name them all. Sam"

Well it looks like you have received 50% constructive advice and 50% sarcasm but you will on here some just like to yap and nibble like most forums.

So you really need some constructive pointers and as I am not threatened by you reducing my chances here I shall give you a few pointers.

Many get frustrated, many give up and others persevere. So you are not being successful or as successful as you would like so you need to shake things up. Recrafting your profile may help along with the addition of photos may be beneficial. Attitude is also a big thing so don’t let frustration show through as it won’t help. What you will have to accept you are unlikely to get more that 10% who will want to meet you and the other 90% aren’t time wasters they are just selective in their own way.

Its a competitive site, more men than women so you need to use the right lure to maximise your chances. The site does work and work well if you work with it rather than against it that’s why some guys are more successful than others. I can’t tell you what to type, or what to put on your profile as it wouldn’t be you but there is good mileage in the Quality opposed to quantity saying here.

Good luck, take advice and who knows..

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By *harpDressed ManMan  over a year ago

Here occasionally, but mostly somewhere else

" as I am not threatened by you reducing my chances here I shall give you a few pointers."

Hilarious. To your usual standard.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" as I am not threatened by you reducing my chances here I shall give you a few pointers.

Hilarious. To your usual standard."

Sarcastic as ever but not at all unexpected from a bitter pinhead who struggles meet.

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By *harpDressed ManMan  over a year ago

Here occasionally, but mostly somewhere else

" not at all unexpected from a bitter pinhead who struggles meet. "

So other people being rude is them being threatened...is this you still rising above it?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" not at all unexpected from a bitter pinhead who struggles meet.

So other people being rude is them being threatened...is this you still rising above it? "

Be fair you are a bit of a troll and the pinhead bit is true.

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