
FabSwingers.com > Forums > The Lounge > Boiler overflow advice needed

Boiler overflow advice needed

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Well I would have sent Master up to have a look but he is tied up with work..( not actually tied up no no no)

However, my overflow on my boiler seems to have been installed INSIDE the roof and is actually dripping into the upstairs back bedroom.

I have tried to empty it a bit but obviously that is just leading to more water.. now I cant get to where it is..

Is there anyone on here that if I give them the make and model could talk me through how to get it to a level that it wont leak..

As I have been told monday or tuesday before anyone will even come out to look at it.. for some reason its constantly filling up..and I have had to turn it off as the pressure is to high...

Its my 5 year old daughters bedroom its leaking into.. and to be honest I noticed a damp patch months ago.. but thought it was just damp because it was the corner of the room... but now the water has actually been dripping down it.



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By *ucsparkMan  over a year ago


Know it sounds silly but you sure it is the boiler

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

dependant on the make model etc there should be a drain off point, when you say it is leaking what into the bedroom ceiling. does the drain off pipe not go to the outside of the building purely for this purpose.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

sounds like you need bleed radiators to get the pressure down...

at the top of one side of each radiator is a valve that realeases water, get a cup and drain a little from each radiator until your boiler is at recommended pressure bar

hope that solves problem...

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

It is the boiler and I've bled the radiators. Lol I can see that the overflow isn't going out. I just can't get to it as its right in the corner of the roof.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

you've got the filling hose disconnected and the valve off haven't you?

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By *appyTrancerMan  over a year ago


Another "I know its a silly question but..."

Are you sure its the overflow and not the condensate pipe? Our old combi boiler kept on freezing up in winter because they'd not installed the condensate pipe properly. It could be that it has to bleed off periodically and instead of letting it drip outside, they've been crap and left it to drip inside?

Just a thought. Hope you can get it sorted soon!


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