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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

All it takes is a little no thanks , seems to be too hard for some people on here to even do that

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

So what your saying is if a women reply 500 times with a no reply thats what she should do to reply to 500 odd emails

Aye right you dont think they have a job, life even children to come first than waste every minute of every day replying to single males emails

Boohoo hoo my email was read and they didnt sent anything booo hoo...

Grow up and think before you write on the form

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By *awty_MissDynomiteNo1Woman  over a year ago

No idea, I'm lost. Damn Sat nav!

"All it takes is a little no thanks , seems to be too hard for some people on here to even do that "
no need mine is at the bottom of my profile lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"All it takes is a little no thanks , seems to be too hard for some people on here to even do that "

Alot if not all my deleted mails are cos single men do NOT read profiles 1st. It's not a hard thing to do plus if a woman was to answer all her mails all she will be doing is answering mails and not have time to read the forums go into chat.

Grow up be a man accept your not wanted by all woman

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By *issBehavingxxWoman  over a year ago


"All it takes is a little no thanks , seems to be too hard for some people on here to even do that

Alot if not all my deleted mails are cos single men do NOT read profiles 1st. It's not a hard thing to do plus if a woman was to answer all her mails all she will be doing is answering mails and not have time to read the forums go into chat.

Grow up be a man accept your not wanted by all woman "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"All it takes is a little no thanks , seems to be too hard for some people on here to even do that "

Here we go again...

Yes you are correct it only takes a moment to reply.

But ffs we are getting so p*ssed off with guys (yes once again single guys) who completely ignore our profile or feel that somehow they are the exception to the rule.

If they insist on wasting their time writing why should we be expected to waste our time writing a polite response??

Thats a rhetorical question incidentally - we simply block immediately.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"All it takes is a little no thanks , seems to be too hard for some people on here to even do that

Here we go again...

Yes you are correct it only takes a moment to reply.

But ffs we are getting so p*ssed off with guys (yes once again single guys) who completely ignore our profile or feel that somehow they are the exception to the rule.

If they insist on wasting their time writing why should we be expected to waste our time writing a polite response??

Thats a rhetorical question incidentally - we simply block immediately."

Just to add to the band wagon lol as i did at the start not all guys are like that lol i for one read the profile because i am looking for a quiet specific partner lol but far point to many use this site like a spam email and just have no spefic target but for females as a whole and its rather annoying.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So what your saying is if a women reply 500 times with a no reply thats what she should do to reply to 500 odd emails

Aye right you dont think they have a job, life even children to come first than waste every minute of every day replying to single males emails

Boohoo hoo my email was read and they didnt sent anything booo hoo...

Grow up and think before you write on the form"

Yes they should reply to every initial mail with at least a no thanks. Mail after this from the same person should be then deleted without reply. If women or others advertise their profile for other site users to _iew but cannot reply with a simple no thanks then they too are time wasters no matter how many or what verifications they have. Ok so a lot of single men dont read profiles. In that case send a message back saying "you did not read my profile so now youre blocked". From what i can see from this site and the socials i have been to and parties, a lot of the women here are quite simply prick teases and seek attention to somehow feel wanted in this world where they feel otherwise weak. I admire a female or couple that responds to me with simply "no thanks".

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We reply to all msg however more often than not, its not a simple as no thanks as a lot of.. and yes I will say it single guys can't take no for an answer or at least take no to mean a. Mmmm maybe pressure me some more and it'll be a yes or b. No for the now but try tomorrow or even better later 2day!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So what your saying is if a women reply 500 times with a no reply thats what she should do to reply to 500 odd emails

Aye right you dont think they have a job, life even children to come first than waste every minute of every day replying to single males emails

Boohoo hoo my email was read and they didnt sent anything booo hoo...

Grow up and think before you write on the form

Yes they should reply to every initial mail with at least a no thanks. Mail after this from the same person should be then deleted without reply. If women or others advertise their profile for other site users to _iew but cannot reply with a simple no thanks then they too are time wasters no matter how many or what verifications they have. Ok so a lot of single men dont read profiles. In that case send a message back saying "you did not read my profile so now youre blocked". From what i can see from this site and the socials i have been to and parties, a lot of the women here are quite simply prick teases and seek attention to somehow feel wanted in this world where they feel otherwise weak. I admire a female or couple that responds to me with simply "no thanks". "

I reckon it would try your patience if you were writing "thanks but no thanks" 70 plus times a day!!

That was how many messages we were getting every day from people who were too b*oody lazy to read our profile.

Incidentally we dont care about being called a tease (just because we have standards we would rather not compromise on).

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By *issBehavingxxWoman  over a year ago


"So what your saying is if a women reply 500 times with a no reply thats what she should do to reply to 500 odd emails

Aye right you dont think they have a job, life even children to come first than waste every minute of every day replying to single males emails

Boohoo hoo my email was read and they didnt sent anything booo hoo...

Grow up and think before you write on the form

Yes they should reply to every initial mail with at least a no thanks. Mail after this from the same person should be then deleted without reply. If women or others advertise their profile for other site users to _iew but cannot reply with a simple no thanks then they too are time wasters no matter how many or what verifications they have. Ok so a lot of single men dont read profiles. In that case send a message back saying "you did not read my profile so now youre blocked". From what i can see from this site and the socials i have been to and parties, a lot of the women here are quite simply prick teases and seek attention to somehow feel wanted in this world where they feel otherwise weak. I admire a female or couple that responds to me with simply "no thanks". "

OMG.. Are you actually for real??

So, a 60 yr (outside the age range clearly stated on my profile), married guy (again clearly stated no married / attached people) from aberdeen (profile says local people only) mails me with "wanna fuck" and I should waste my time replying to him with "You havent read my profile"

Honestly... If I was to do this, I'd have no time to go to work, or get on with day to day life in general.

Replying to everyone who mails you might be easy enough when you don't get a high volume of mail.... but absolutely impossible when you get lots of messages every day.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"We reply to all msg however more often than not, its not a simple as no thanks as a lot of.. and yes I will say it single guys can't take no for an answer or at least take no to mean a. Mmmm maybe pressure me some more and it'll be a yes or b. No for the now but try tomorrow or even better later 2day!!"

I agree so this is when the block button needs to be hit. Not because theyve simply sent the initial message and left lingering waiting and hoping. I dont contact many women here and when i do its merely chit chat rather than flirting towards a meet. But i have spoken to a lot of people at socials and parties re this subject and my _iew and others is that most of the women here are simply abusing the power they have over single men and are here just for the chase rather than swinging.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So what your saying is if a women reply 500 times with a no reply thats what she should do to reply to 500 odd emails

Aye right you dont think they have a job, life even children to come first than waste every minute of every day replying to single males emails

Boohoo hoo my email was read and they didnt sent anything booo hoo...

Grow up and think before you write on the form

Yes they should reply to every initial mail with at least a no thanks. Mail after this from the same person should be then deleted without reply. If women or others advertise their profile for other site users to _iew but cannot reply with a simple no thanks then they too are time wasters no matter how many or what verifications they have. Ok so a lot of single men dont read profiles. In that case send a message back saying "you did not read my profile so now youre blocked". From what i can see from this site and the socials i have been to and parties, a lot of the women here are quite simply prick teases and seek attention to somehow feel wanted in this world where they feel otherwise weak. I admire a female or couple that responds to me with simply "no thanks".

OMG.. Are you actually for real??

So, a 60 yr (outside the age range clearly stated on my profile), married guy (again clearly stated no married / attached people) from aberdeen (profile says local people only) mails me with "wanna fuck" and I should waste my time replying to him with "You havent read my profile"

Honestly... If I was to do this, I'd have no time to go to work, or get on with day to day life in general.

Replying to everyone who mails you might be easy enough when you don't get a high volume of mail.... but absolutely impossible when you get lots of messages every day. "

YES i am for real. You forgot the bit "so now your blocked". Again another woman on this site only reading what she wants to read and then slag off single men for not reading her profile! If single men get this message enough from women they will learn quicker than they are to read profiles (apart from newbies off course who treat this site as a sex site rather than a swingers site).

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By *issBehavingxxWoman  over a year ago


"So what your saying is if a women reply 500 times with a no reply thats what she should do to reply to 500 odd emails

Aye right you dont think they have a job, life even children to come first than waste every minute of every day replying to single males emails

Boohoo hoo my email was read and they didnt sent anything booo hoo...

Grow up and think before you write on the form

Yes they should reply to every initial mail with at least a no thanks. Mail after this from the same person should be then deleted without reply. If women or others advertise their profile for other site users to _iew but cannot reply with a simple no thanks then they too are time wasters no matter how many or what verifications they have. Ok so a lot of single men dont read profiles. In that case send a message back saying "you did not read my profile so now youre blocked". From what i can see from this site and the socials i have been to and parties, a lot of the women here are quite simply prick teases and seek attention to somehow feel wanted in this world where they feel otherwise weak. I admire a female or couple that responds to me with simply "no thanks".

OMG.. Are you actually for real??

So, a 60 yr (outside the age range clearly stated on my profile), married guy (again clearly stated no married / attached people) from aberdeen (profile says local people only) mails me with "wanna fuck" and I should waste my time replying to him with "You havent read my profile"

Honestly... If I was to do this, I'd have no time to go to work, or get on with day to day life in general.

Replying to everyone who mails you might be easy enough when you don't get a high volume of mail.... but absolutely impossible when you get lots of messages every day.

YES i am for real. You forgot the bit "so now your blocked". Again another woman on this site only reading what she wants to read and then slag off single men for not reading her profile! If single men get this message enough from women they will learn quicker than they are to read profiles (apart from newbies off course who treat this site as a sex site rather than a swingers site)."

Where have I slagged of anyone?? I gave an example of the types of messages that I get and that I don't and will never reply to.

If we're going to talk about slagging people off I'm sure calling "a lot of women on here prick teases" "seeking attention to feel wanted" will do your reputation with genuine people on here the world of good

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Yes they should reply to every initial mail with at least a no thanks. Mail after this from the same person should be then deleted without reply. If women or others advertise their profile for other site users to _iew but cannot reply with a simple no thanks then they too are time wasters no matter how many or what verifications they have. Ok so a lot of single men dont read profiles. In that case send a message back saying "you did not read my profile so now youre blocked". From what i can see from this site and the socials i have been to and parties, a lot of the women here are quite simply prick teases and seek attention to somehow feel wanted in this world where they feel otherwise weak. I admire a female or couple that responds to me with simply "no thanks". "

Totally disagree. My profile, when not hidden, is very specific and clear what I am and what I am not looking for. If someone wastes his time still messaging me, when he clearly is not what I am looking for, then that's his look out but I will not waste my time with a 'thanks but no thanks' type response.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Im not in any way concerned about my reputation on here.

Look at it this way.

Ive been on this site just over two years and i have had sex with only two women. The first 200+miles away and the other approx 60miles away.

I was on a simple well known social networking site for six months and had sex with four local lasses, two of which contacted me first and one im still friendly with. Imagine that happening to a single man on fabswingers. It doesnt make sense.

Many of the single men dont make an effort because when they did at one point but did not get a simple no thanks in reply and then clicked again on the females profile they find they are blocked! Or have to keep waiting and wondering.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

What people is this thread aimed at MissBehavingxx?!!

Too many women here 'read profiles before actually looking at messages and if there's nothing of interest in a profile they delete the message without reading'.

Give the guys a chance to be welcomed on the site and encouraged to make an effort with the site instead of jumping to the delete or block button too soon.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Im not in any way concerned about my reputation on here.

Look at it this way.

Ive been on this site just over two years and i have had sex with only two women. The first 200+miles away and the other approx 60miles away.

I was on a simple well known social networking site for six months and had sex with four local lasses, two of which contacted me first and one im still friendly with. Imagine that happening to a single man on fabswingers. It doesnt make sense.

Many of the single men dont make an effort because when they did at one point but did not get a simple no thanks in reply and then clicked again on the females profile they find they are blocked! Or have to keep waiting and wondering.


I ve been on here for a year and had amazing fun with women and couples thats because

A i can read unlike the majority

B i am not desperate to stick my dick in everything like the majority

Dont blame the site because your a key board warrior with bad attitdude.

Yes there are women who like the chase part of life there are also men how are fucking idiots lol that cant take no for an answer this thread is about

NO REPLY not socials or people - simple fact is its a maths problem

500 messages

2 mins to write a responce

2 mins clicking between response

2 mins to send after that

Total 6 mins average

So what your saying is 3000 mins should be wasted on some one your never going to meet... GET REAL LOL

Thats like me saying i want the last 2 hrs of my life back from watching the pish green latern film. It aint going to happen just as your demand aint going to happen

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Your choice was to watch the pish green lantern film. You also had the choice of not to continue watching it but chose that you would.

If a profile is advertised the person advertising it has chosen to receive messages from those interested in it and a man mails that said profile with the knowledge that he matches what that profile is asking for, he should receive a reply of 'no thanks' if that person is not interested. What this thread is about is no replys from women when generally an effort has been made.

All single men here are labelled the same. Whether we read profiles or not. And lets face - dont all womens profiles generally say the same "single men please read profile!" Maybe they should give single men something worth reading.

BTW: Like you i read profiles and make an effort with my messages,plus im very fussy(probably too fussy). Thats where i get my generalisations from.

Ive spent around £400 total through this site in past two years with sex only twice. On the social networking site i had sex numerous times with four lasses and it didnt even cost me a penny because they all came to my house. (Oh hang on, one i had to drive to the end of my road to collect once as she had to get the bus as her car was getting fixed - a 1/4 of a mile in fuel).

This site would work better for everyone if everyone made more of an effort, ie; single women, couples and single men.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Think ur trying to wind ppl up here,its up to the lady or cpl who they want to reply too .

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By *ola cubesMan  over a year ago


"Your choice was to watch the pish green lantern film. You also had the choice of not to continue watching it but chose that you would.

If a profile is advertised the person advertising it has chosen to receive messages from those interested in it and a man mails that said profile with the knowledge that he matches what that profile is asking for, he should receive a reply of 'no thanks' if that person is not interested. What this thread is about is no replys from women when generally an effort has been made.

All single men here are labelled the same. Whether we read profiles or not. And lets face - dont all womens profiles generally say the same "single men please read profile!" Maybe they should give single men something worth reading.

BTW: Like you i read profiles and make an effort with my messages,plus im very fussy(probably too fussy). Thats where i get my generalisations from.

Ive spent around £400 total through this site in past two years with sex only twice. On the social networking site i had sex numerous times with four lasses and it didnt even cost me a penny because they all came to my house. (Oh hang on, one i had to drive to the end of my road to collect once as she had to get the bus as her car was getting fixed - a 1/4 of a mile in fuel).

This site would work better for everyone if everyone made more of an effort, ie; single women, couples and single men. "

you seem very angry been on the site aound the same time and spent ..............nothing but what i choose and if this other "social networking site" is so much better why are you here complaining. as for all single men are labeled the same what utter nonsense i have many fem freinds that nothing has happened with why because i have some respect for myself and for them.perhaps most fems profiles say "single men please read profile" as its patently obvious that over 90% dont.as for more effort you aint getting the point no reply means "aint intrested" like it or lump it thats how it is

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Remember people we are on a swingers forum chill out dont take things to heart take!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Being honest it is too much sometimes. To click reply type a thanks but no thanks then click send. Hark only to have you mail me again saying but why ...... Then I have to go through the whole rigmarole again. So I prefer just to be an ignorant biatch and no reply

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Sort of agree with a lot here.

Yes single fems do get alot of mail so impossible to reply to everyone

Yes some and I do say some guys don't read profiles but so do some cpls...

And yes...some chicks/cpls are cockteases with no intention of ever meeting anyone...

I struggle with the amount of moaning cpls/fems do about single guys...

Use your filters and only contact who you want?

Easy peasy..

Auds x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So what your saying is if a women reply 500 times with a no reply thats what she should do to reply to 500 odd emails

Aye right you dont think they have a job, life even children to come first than waste every minute of every day replying to single males emails

Boohoo hoo my email was read and they didnt sent anything booo hoo...

Grow up and think before you write on the form

Yes they should reply to every initial mail with at least a no thanks. Mail after this from the same person should be then deleted without reply. If women or others advertise their profile for other site users to _iew but cannot reply with a simple no thanks then they too are time wasters no matter how many or what verifications they have. Ok so a lot of single men dont read profiles. In that case send a message back saying "you did not read my profile so now youre blocked". From what i can see from this site and the socials i have been to and parties, a lot of the women here are quite simply prick teases and seek attention to somehow feel wanted in this world where they feel otherwise weak. I admire a female or couple that responds to me with simply "no thanks".

OMG.. Are you actually for real??

So, a 60 yr (outside the age range clearly stated on my profile), married guy (again clearly stated no married / attached people) from aberdeen (profile says local people only) mails me with "wanna fuck" and I should waste my time replying to him with "You havent read my profile"

Honestly... If I was to do this, I'd have no time to go to work, or get on with day to day life in general.

Replying to everyone who mails you might be easy enough when you don't get a high volume of mail.... but absolutely impossible when you get lots of messages every day. "

Why dont you setup filters on your account? That would solve a chunk of your problems by the sounds of it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Don't wanna set up filters. Want mail just not everyone floats ones boats. Whether it be the look of them or more than usual the crap mail. No keep em coming. But just like someone has the choice of who they mail we have a choice of who to reply too

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By *issBehavingxxWoman  over a year ago


"So what your saying is if a women reply 500 times with a no reply thats what she should do to reply to 500 odd emails

Aye right you dont think they have a job, life even children to come first than waste every minute of every day replying to single males emails

Boohoo hoo my email was read and they didnt sent anything booo hoo...

Grow up and think before you write on the form

Yes they should reply to every initial mail with at least a no thanks. Mail after this from the same person should be then deleted without reply. If women or others advertise their profile for other site users to _iew but cannot reply with a simple no thanks then they too are time wasters no matter how many or what verifications they have. Ok so a lot of single men dont read profiles. In that case send a message back saying "you did not read my profile so now youre blocked". From what i can see from this site and the socials i have been to and parties, a lot of the women here are quite simply prick teases and seek attention to somehow feel wanted in this world where they feel otherwise weak. I admire a female or couple that responds to me with simply "no thanks".

OMG.. Are you actually for real??

So, a 60 yr (outside the age range clearly stated on my profile), married guy (again clearly stated no married / attached people) from aberdeen (profile says local people only) mails me with "wanna fuck" and I should waste my time replying to him with "You havent read my profile"

Honestly... If I was to do this, I'd have no time to go to work, or get on with day to day life in general.

Replying to everyone who mails you might be easy enough when you don't get a high volume of mail.... but absolutely impossible when you get lots of messages every day.

Why dont you setup filters on your account? That would solve a chunk of your problems by the sounds of it."

When the site starts allowing you to filter messages by marital status / distance / one liner messages / and having a crap profile with no info then I'll most definitely use them

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

So when a woman gets this message as a 1st message sent. " what does it take to get your panties off"

Do you expect us to answer that. Now that was a mild one that was deleted without an answer only 5mins ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Think ur trying to wind ppl up here,its up to the lady or cpl who they want to reply too ."


£400 what are you saying because you paid you deserve sex and that ause your a god in the bedroom you get it for real

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By *ikkiBWoman  over a year ago


Another thread like this :| Everytime I look there is always a "I get no replys thread" or a "whats wrong with my profile" thread or in this case "I spam 500 woman with the same message, I should get 500 nos sent to me" thread lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Sort of agree with a lot here.

Yes single fems do get alot of mail so impossible to reply to everyone

Yes some and I do say some guys don't read profiles but so do some cpls...

And yes...some chicks/cpls are cockteases with no intention of ever meeting anyone...

I struggle with the amount of moaning cpls/fems do about single guys...

Use your filters and only contact who you want?

Easy peasy..

Auds x "

Dunno where Im going wrong here I have NEVER had 100's of emails a day lol....I'd generally answer those I do get apart from outright rude ones. If I send a 'thanks but no thanks' type I usually block to prevent them wasting time mailing again....*goes and sits on the too ugly to get 100's of mail couch * lolol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Sort of agree with a lot here.

Yes single fems do get alot of mail so impossible to reply to everyone

Yes some and I do say some guys don't read profiles but so do some cpls...

And yes...some chicks/cpls are cockteases with no intention of ever meeting anyone...

I struggle with the amount of moaning cpls/fems do about single guys...

Use your filters and only contact who you want?

Easy peasy..

Auds x

Dunno where Im going wrong here I have NEVER had 100's of emails a day lol....I'd generally answer those I do get apart from outright rude ones. If I send a 'thanks but no thanks' type I usually block to prevent them wasting time mailing again....*goes and sits on the too ugly to get 100's of mail couch * lolol"

Probably because youre so hot and that either frightens the many desperate men here or because they dont believe your profile is real because youre so hot.

Im not flirting, just my opinion.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Sort of agree with a lot here.

Yes single fems do get alot of mail so impossible to reply to everyone

Yes some and I do say some guys don't read profiles but so do some cpls...

And yes...some chicks/cpls are cockteases with no intention of ever meeting anyone...

I struggle with the amount of moaning cpls/fems do about single guys...

Use your filters and only contact who you want?

Easy peasy..

Auds x

Dunno where Im going wrong here I have NEVER had 100's of emails a day lol....I'd generally answer those I do get apart from outright rude ones. If I send a 'thanks but no thanks' type I usually block to prevent them wasting time mailing again....*goes and sits on the too ugly to get 100's of mail couch * lolol

Probably because youre so hot and that either frightens the many desperate men here or because they dont believe your profile is real because youre so hot.

Im not flirting, just my opinion. "

lolol i wish but hey a girl can live in hope....use of the word 'girl' with tongue in cheek! lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Many of the single men dont make an effort because when they did at one point but did not get a simple no thanks in reply and then clicked again on the females profile they find they are blocked! Or have to keep waiting and wondering.


Can't argue with that point. I've basically stopped messaging folk nowadays. Whilst I do appreciate that a lot of woman get bombarded by the "fancy a fuck doll?" Brigade, quite a few don't exactly do much to stop it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

That's cause they like posting

Oh I get 1000000000s mail everyday

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By *dglasgow30TV/TS  over a year ago


Maybe fab should have a button u click that sends a mail saying no thanks and then it takes the same time as deleting. mybe even blocks sender at same time. Just an idea for the fab wize kids

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By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

if I got a 100 messages a day and found it a chore to answer, I would draft a 'thanks but no thanks' answer and save it, then copy and paste it.... then block

not that difficult, but we are all different.

I do often wonder how much more people want from a FREE site.

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By *andsCouple  over a year ago


I just did a little experiment, made a single fem profile to see what happened .... wow!!! 36 messages in the first 15 mins, I had no pics and no content to my profile yet had messages flooding in. 19 of these were on the lines of fancy meeting/wanna skype/hey gorgeous u looking for a big cock!!, 10 were pretty much copy and paste messages a few even going as far as to say your profile is exactly what I am looking for (there was no profile words)and the other 6 were basically hi/hello/hey/hows you....

OBVIOUSLY this is not how all guys use the site but it would be enough to put me off and simply delete them. As a couple we do not get many messages like that and are generally polite and I do try and reply to them all but SOME PEOPLE CHOOSE NOT TO WHICH IS ENTIRELY UP TO THEM.

IMO if more people worried less about what other people did/who they met/etc etc etc the site would be a better place. Crack on do your own thing and enjoy x

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By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

"I just did a little experiment, made a single fem profile to see what happened .... wow!!! 36 messages in the first 15 mins, I had no pics and no content to my profile yet had messages flooding in. 19 of these were on the lines of fancy meeting/wanna skype/hey gorgeous u looking for a big cock!!, 10 were pretty much copy and paste messages a few even going as far as to say your profile is exactly what I am looking for (there was no profile words)and the other 6 were basically hi/hello/hey/hows you....

OBVIOUSLY this is not how all guys use the site but it would be enough to put me off and simply delete them. As a couple we do not get many messages like that and are generally polite and I do try and reply to them all but SOME PEOPLE CHOOSE NOT TO WHICH IS ENTIRELY UP TO THEM.

IMO if more people worried less about what other people did/who they met/etc etc etc the site would be a better place. Crack on do your own thing and enjoy x"

what filters did you use?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

More than once i have heard this exchange at a party or fun meet,"well how come we dont recognise the name?" "Maybe because you blocked me", and the people went on to have a lengthy chat, and parties being parties, went on to have a wild time, so i guess theres a lot to be said for luck? Making that first message a good appealing message.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I do beloeve it is my right as an individual to either respond or not to sonetimes quite rude messages. If the OP and the countless other lazy single guys took the time to read profiles there would be less time wasted waiting on responses they might not get

I clearly state on my profile that if the person has no face pic or not my type not to be offended if there is no reply so if they are stupid enuff to hang around waiting on such then tough i have better things to do with my time than respond to sumone who is just going to hassle me if i say no thanks

And as for cock tease i can assure u i am not and have a fair few ppl who would vouch for me in that respect

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By *andsCouple  over a year ago


"I just did a little experiment, made a single fem profile to see what happened .... wow!!! 36 messages in the first 15 mins, I had no pics and no content to my profile yet had messages flooding in. 19 of these were on the lines of fancy meeting/wanna skype/hey gorgeous u looking for a big cock!!, 10 were pretty much copy and paste messages a few even going as far as to say your profile is exactly what I am looking for (there was no profile words)and the other 6 were basically hi/hello/hey/hows you....

OBVIOUSLY this is not how all guys use the site but it would be enough to put me off and simply delete them. As a couple we do not get many messages like that and are generally polite and I do try and reply to them all but SOME PEOPLE CHOOSE NOT TO WHICH IS ENTIRELY UP TO THEM.

IMO if more people worried less about what other people did/who they met/etc etc etc the site would be a better place. Crack on do your own thing and enjoy x

what filters did you use?"

None, I just wanted to see if the women that claim they get so many messages actually do.

On our own profile I dont use any filters either, never have had the need to plus I like to keep my options open lol x

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By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

"I just did a little experiment, made a single fem profile to see what happened .... wow!!! 36 messages in the first 15 mins, I had no pics and no content to my profile yet had messages flooding in. 19 of these were on the lines of fancy meeting/wanna skype/hey gorgeous u looking for a big cock!!, 10 were pretty much copy and paste messages a few even going as far as to say your profile is exactly what I am looking for (there was no profile words)and the other 6 were basically hi/hello/hey/hows you....

OBVIOUSLY this is not how all guys use the site but it would be enough to put me off and simply delete them. As a couple we do not get many messages like that and are generally polite and I do try and reply to them all but SOME PEOPLE CHOOSE NOT TO WHICH IS ENTIRELY UP TO THEM.

IMO if more people worried less about what other people did/who they met/etc etc etc the site would be a better place. Crack on do your own thing and enjoy x

what filters did you use?

None, I just wanted to see if the women that claim they get so many messages actually do.

On our own profile I dont use any filters either, never have had the need to plus I like to keep my options open lol x"

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


I was on a simple well known social networking site for six months and had sex with four local lasses, two of which contacted me first and one im still friendly with. Imagine that happening to a single man on fabswingers. It doesnt make sense.


Ahhh, but it does happen...we know single guys that can and do get a meet every week. We know guys that turn meets down as they are too busy. Why? Cos they have the right attitude about this site and what swinging means.

Then there are others that come on here thinking that the world owes them a free shag every week.

Been on here four years, and since the day of starting to read the forums we have seen people moaning about no replies to their messages. Well, I have some news for ya, its not gonna change.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 11/10/12 09:08:52]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


I was on a simple well known social networking site for six months and had sex with four local lasses, two of which contacted me first and one im still friendly with. Imagine that happening to a single man on fabswingers. It doesnt make sense.

Ahhh, but it does happen...we know single guys that can and do get a meet every week. We know guys that turn meets down as they are too busy. Why? Cos they have the right attitude about this site and what swinging means.

Then there are others that come on here thinking that the world owes them a free shag every week.

Been on here four years, and since the day of starting to read the forums we have seen people moaning about no replies to their messages. Well, I have some news for ya, its not gonna change.

S. "

stop naming and shaming me steve...but thanks...hows the wife?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Whats mail

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So what your saying is if a women reply 500 times with a no reply thats what she should do to reply to 500 odd emails

Aye right you dont think they have a job, life even children to come first than waste every minute of every day replying to single males emails

Whoa, am I missing a big point here?? What's the difference between a sex site and a swinging site? And if I seem niave, I apologise in advance.

Boohoo hoo my email was read and they didnt sent anything booo hoo...

Grow up and think before you write on the form

Yes they should reply to every initial mail with at least a no thanks. Mail after this from the same person should be then deleted without reply. If women or others advertise their profile for other site users to _iew but cannot reply with a simple no thanks then they too are time wasters no matter how many or what verifications they have. Ok so a lot of single men dont read profiles. In that case send a message back saying "you did not read my profile so now youre blocked". From what i can see from this site and the socials i have been to and parties, a lot of the women here are quite simply prick teases and seek attention to somehow feel wanted in this world where they feel otherwise weak. I admire a female or couple that responds to me with simply "no thanks".

OMG.. Are you actually for real??

So, a 60 yr (outside the age range clearly stated on my profile), married guy (again clearly stated no married / attached people) from aberdeen (profile says local people only) mails me with "wanna fuck" and I should waste my time replying to him with "You havent read my profile"

Honestly... If I was to do this, I'd have no time to go to work, or get on with day to day life in general.

Replying to everyone who mails you might be easy enough when you don't get a high volume of mail.... but absolutely impossible when you get lots of messages every day.

YES i am for real. You forgot the bit "so now your blocked". Again another woman on this site only reading what she wants to read and then slag off single men for not reading her profile! If single men get this message enough from women they will learn quicker than they are to read profiles (apart from newbies off course who treat this site as a sex site rather than a swingers site)."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Whats mail "

Aint it something that medieval knights wore?

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