
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Scotland > Kevin Bridges comment "she won't be the only old woman to die this winter'

Kevin Bridges comment "she won't be the only old woman to die this winter'

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

The comedian is being lambasted for what has been called a poor taste joke made at his show last night. Thoughts?

I think it's a factually correct (if poorly timed) comment. Seen many people say the same thing.

Do you think it was in poor taste or a fair and perfectly fair comment on the day that the Queen died?

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By *astlincscoupleCouple  over a year ago

Tinsel Town

She is living rent free in the heads of many.

Social media is awash with comments and jokes made about her since her passing.

Good or bad comments, they are keeping her memory alive by talking about her.

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By *amierebelMan  over a year ago

nae danger.

It's true most good comedians jokes are subjective maybe slightly a tad soon but I'm a person that don't get the hype or reason for monarchs so my opinions probably biased

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By *avie65Man  over a year ago

In the west.

I heard about this today.

I think the Queen was a fantastic woman and role model for most, if not all of us.

His comments may have been poorly timed, using someone's death to gain a reaction or laugh, but on the other hand they were quite apt.

If you think about it he is right, and he has used his fame and position to get stuck into the government. If this embarrasses the government then he has done some good.

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By *un44Man  over a year ago


Thats a tricky one. Comedy it tragedy plus time, comedians get paid on the shock value of their performance. Jimmy Carr, Frankie Boyle and such likes will all have material lined up. Its going to offend some but amuse others. Yeah it's funny and probably right, as a comedy comment it's perfectly timed, as a comment maybe not.

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By *leasure domMan  over a year ago

Glasgow, visiting

First, it was suggested he should have cancelled his show, but, logically, why should he? It's like the Diana bollocks all over again, with right wing media types telling us what we should do and feel when a woman who means nothing to many of us, passes after a long and very privileged life.

Then comes the criticism over a pointed but accurate remark. Comment is free, folks. Don't try pushing your views on others in some mass imposed herd-think.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Reconsidered my original opinion after reading a bit more about it.

Not poorly timed at all. He said nothing offensive about the Queen at all and the timing is perfect given the government's attempts to try and deal with the fuel crisis.

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By *ocknrollerMan  over a year ago

the sticks

Definitely factually correct lol but yeah maybe a tad bad taste. The way I see it is most comedians try to make jokes about whatever is relevant at the time, so it's new and fresh, and they'll say anything they think will get a laugh, whether it's in bad taste or not.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Absolutely feck all wrong with what he said

1. it's the truth

Just because it was said soon after her death its been made out to be a big thing.

If you can't make jokes about old people and winter , comedians should chuck it now , mikey flangen called our now king a big eared dosie auld cunt on his live tour hahaha .

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By *enie90Woman  over a year ago

a bottle

It is true but not funny or something to laugh at. I was in a pub when it was announced on the tv and they started playing - another one bites the dust with people dancing. Fair enough you don’t like the royals and all but that went too far for me. Kevin bridges joke was way more tasteful than that!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

If you can't laugh at what's definitely a joke.you need to get a grip of yourself.

Not everyone is a royalist..not everyone has a stick up their arse.

Tell me 1 person that's heard a bad taste joke and not sniggered at least.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Hilarious. I like edgy and contemporary comedy.

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By *ellinever70Woman  over a year ago


His timing is a bit off

I don't have a stick up my arse

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Not funny to who though ?

I personally don't think it was funny , but that's because of my taste in comedy, not because it was about the queen's death. Loads of other people would of and did find it funny.

End of the day , if you did or didn't find it funny , it's not a reason for a comedian to be ridiculed for it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"His timing is a bit off

I don't have a stick up my arse "

yeah..you defo sound as if you dont

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Stick -pole

Shite - jobby

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

His comment is all very well and true but it was still a shit thing to say. I'm just waiting to hear what Frankie Boyle has to say, no doubt he'll go one further, he always does

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"His comment is all very well and true but it was still a shit thing to say. I'm just waiting to hear what Frankie Boyle has to say, no doubt he'll go one further, he always does "

Frankie Boyle won't say a word. He's went all political and less offensive recently. Would love to hear what frankie of past would say tho.

As for Kevin. Its a bloody joke. Take it as its ment please folks. Let's not try cancel someone because you don't agree with what they say. Simply just don't watch their comedy. Problem solved

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"His comment is all very well and true but it was still a shit thing to say. I'm just waiting to hear what Frankie Boyle has to say, no doubt he'll go one further, he always does

Frankie Boyle won't say a word. He's went all political and less offensive recently. Would love to hear what frankie of past would say tho.

As for Kevin. Its a bloody joke. Take it as its ment please folks. Let's not try cancel someone because you don't agree with what they say. Simply just don't watch their comedy. Problem solved "

I'm probably one of the few people who don't like Kevin Bridge's brand of humour either. I'd never go see him live and if I see him on the TV, I switch over

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Comedy by its nature is often controversial or close to the bone. It’s also like lots of things such as music or art… a matter of opinion. Current news topics bring up satirical and harsh humour which some will find funny, some won’t. Right now my wee Mum is in hospital seriously ill. However I don’t take the comment by Kevin Bridges offensively, I didn’t see or hear it but I’d take it more as a comment on our shambles of a government allowing energy prices to rise as they have meaning our pensioners will struggle to heat their homes than any slight to the Queen

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By *avdunsMan  over a year ago


"His timing is a bit off

I don't have a stick up my arse "

Or a sense of humour

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"His comment is all very well and true but it was still a shit thing to say. I'm just waiting to hear what Frankie Boyle has to say, no doubt he'll go one further, he always does

Frankie Boyle won't say a word. He's went all political and less offensive recently. Would love to hear what frankie of past would say tho.

As for Kevin. Its a bloody joke. Take it as its ment please folks. Let's not try cancel someone because you don't agree with what they say. Simply just don't watch their comedy. Problem solved

I'm probably one of the few people who don't like Kevin Bridge's brand of humour either. I'd never go see him live and if I see him on the TV, I switch over "

Personally I don't switch over but thats the best outlook to have. If you don't like or agree with something don't complain about it. Just turn it off. The world would be a much better place. Don't you think?? X

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By *hrills_n_spillsCouple  over a year ago


Just a wider point to that of the joke. Apologies to the OP if you feel this is off thread topic...

Excluding those who are intentionally being disrespectful with a view to offend, there's a real sense on social media and in the usual parts of the press of a potential witch hunt occuring to any person or company or service that dares to not mourn hard enough.

A couple of examples off the top of my head; the MET office reducing the frequency of weather updates as a mark of respect and kids football being cancelled (in our case cancelled, uncancelled, then cancelled again).

Ironically some who would decry cancel culture, and nationalism/patriotism, would now gladly call for it in order to project their ideological beliefs on to others.

It's curious to watch, particularly anything with a sense of a "brand" or public persona, basically shitting themselves into conformity rather than face the terror of a public shaming.

Its disrespectful that we know the weather? Or our kids play football at the weekend? Deary me.

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By *rian79Man  over a year ago


Totally wrong what he said

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

He won't be the only comedian to raise his head above the parapet. Was it funny, not really, I think he could have been funnier, shoot me now.

Was it true, definitely. He was maybe the first to be the bravest but he could have made it something to laugh about (imo).

I don't think Frankie Boyle will try follow up.

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By *oppolocosTV/TS  over a year ago


"The comedian is being lambasted for what has been called a poor taste joke made at his show last night. Thoughts?

I think it's a factually correct (if poorly timed) comment. Seen many people say the same thing.

Do you think it was in poor taste or a fair and perfectly fair comment on the day that the Queen died?"

As a response to the totally OTT coverage it's both fair and valid. It's getting like the Diana coverage where the media stoked up a battle over who could be the most upset, cry the most, be critical of anyone not going into mourning. That's the really sick stuff.

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By *oppolocosTV/TS  over a year ago


"Not funny to who though ?

I personally don't think it was funny , but that's because of my taste in comedy, not because it was about the queen's death. Loads of other people would of and did find it funny.

End of the day , if you did or didn't find it funny , it's not a reason for a comedian to be ridiculed for it. "

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Just a wider point to that of the joke. Apologies to the OP if you feel this is off thread topic...

Excluding those who are intentionally being disrespectful with a view to offend, there's a real sense on social media and in the usual parts of the press of a potential witch hunt occuring to any person or company or service that dares to not mourn hard enough.

A couple of examples off the top of my head; the MET office reducing the frequency of weather updates as a mark of respect and kids football being cancelled (in our case cancelled, uncancelled, then cancelled again).

Ironically some who would decry cancel culture, and nationalism/patriotism, would now gladly call for it in order to project their ideological beliefs on to others.

It's curious to watch, particularly anything with a sense of a "brand" or public persona, basically shitting themselves into conformity rather than face the terror of a public shaming.

Its disrespectful that we know the weather? Or our kids play football at the weekend? Deary me."

You're bang on the money here.

If we're to believe all the doom & gloom at the moment then there is very little to be cheery or optimistic about....all the more reasonable to let the kids have their football, let people go to gigs, let the adults see their football matches. Plus you've got the income generated from these things for businesses who will be losing out when their backs are already against the wall.

I find the grief porn more offensive than any comedians joke.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Totally wrong what he said "

Why? Genuinely interested as to why you think so.

Was what he said incorrect or an exaggeration?

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By *hrills_n_spillsCouple  over a year ago


Seems things some sections of society are assumed to appreciate more like rugby, opera etc not cancelled, but football is.

Adds to the sense there is fear the majority of people are apathetic so need to have mourning imposed on them.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Seems things some sections of society are assumed to appreciate more like rugby, opera etc not cancelled, but football is.

Adds to the sense there is fear the majority of people are apathetic so need to have mourning imposed on them."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Totally agree with the way over the top media coverage.im sad someone's mother grandmother and whatever died..I'm not sorry because she's the queen.

Not the everyone agrees with the monachary.why would it be disrespectful to have upbeat songs on the radio ir normal TV programmes?..all the outpouring for someone most have never met is pretty laughable now?

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Totally agree with the way over the top media coverage.im sad someone's mother grandmother and whatever died..I'm not sorry because she's the queen.

Not the everyone agrees with the monachary.why would it be disrespectful to have upbeat songs on the radio ir normal TV programmes?..all the outpouring for someone most have never met is pretty laughable now? "

Thought that yesterday. If I hear another Back Street Boys song am gonnae put ma heid in the fucking oven.

And it's electric but will help drown out the sound.

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By *idden Gem69Woman  over a year ago

north lanarkshire

"His comment is all very well and true but it was still a shit thing to say. I'm just waiting to hear what Frankie Boyle has to say, no doubt he'll go one further, he always does "


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I seen the video on line and I thought it was brilliant, he said nothing controversial just stated the truth.

Comedy/Humour is personal either you like someone/something or you don’t, as mentioned some support the royals others don’t you can’t expect to post your views and not have someone give theirs.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I seen the video on line and I thought it was brilliant, he said nothing controversial just stated the truth.

Comedy/Humour is personal either you like someone/something or you don’t, as mentioned some support the royals others don’t you can’t expect to post your views and not have someone give theirs. "

this . Some like to run with their tribalism rubbish . Many aren’t bothered in truth .

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By *ellinever70Woman  over a year ago


"His timing is a bit off

I don't have a stick up my arse

Or a sense of humour "


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By *ocktailsdreamsMan  over a year ago


"Reconsidered my original opinion after reading a bit more about it.

Not poorly timed at all. He said nothing offensive about the Queen at all and the timing is perfect given the government's attempts to try and deal with the fuel crisis."

This, this and this again!

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By *avie65Man  over a year ago

In the west.

I have long thought what many of you are saying about the media, they whip up a storm about someone they call a national treasure, Barbra Windsor, then decry those that say anything that they think is negative. In this case the Queen was a national treasure, have you seen all the hooses and paintings she had!

Three or 4 years ago they would have wanted to hang you if you said anything against Megan, but now it's open season on her.

Gawd forbid anybody that dares say the slightest thing negative about Mary Fuckin Berry when she dies.

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By *uffolkJohnMan  over a year ago


"If you can't laugh at what's definitely a joke.you need to get a grip of yourself.

Not everyone is a royalist..not everyone has a stick up their arse.

Tell me 1 person that's heard a bad taste joke and not sniggered at least."

Wow!!! We can make a joke about a very well respected Queen dying but have a pop at a random poster on a sex site is not ok? You seem to have selective morality or maybe only a stick up your arse on this forum.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If you can't laugh at what's definitely a joke.you need to get a grip of yourself.

Not everyone is a royalist..not everyone has a stick up their arse.

Tell me 1 person that's heard a bad taste joke and not sniggered at least.

Wow!!! We can make a joke about a very well respected Queen dying but have a pop at a random poster on a sex site is not ok? You seem to have selective morality or maybe only a stick up your arse on this forum."

so now your having a pop?

Ps..not into anal but that's another post I might go have a pop in

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By *uietbloke67Man  over a year ago

outside your bedroom window ;-)

Ach fair play to him.

Some of the best, funniest moments are at funerals, great wee days oot.

Is he telling a lie?

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By *uffolkJohnMan  over a year ago


"If you can't laugh at what's definitely a joke.you need to get a grip of yourself.

Not everyone is a royalist..not everyone has a stick up their arse.

Tell me 1 person that's heard a bad taste joke and not sniggered at least.

Wow!!! We can make a joke about a very well respected Queen dying but have a pop at a random poster on a sex site is not ok? You seem to have selective morality or maybe only a stick up your arse on this forum.so now your having a pop?

Ps..not into anal but that's another post I might go have a pop in


Not a pop, just an observation.

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By *avie65Man  over a year ago

In the west.

"If you can't laugh at what's definitely a joke.you need to get a grip of yourself.

Not everyone is a royalist..not everyone has a stick up their arse.

Tell me 1 person that's heard a bad taste joke and not sniggered at least.

Wow!!! We can make a joke about a very well respected Queen dying but have a pop at a random poster on a sex site is not ok? You seem to have selective morality or maybe only a stick up your arse on this forum.so now your having a pop?

Ps..not into anal but that's another post I might go have a pop in


Don't you mean poop!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Ach fair play to him.

Some of the best, funniest moments are at funerals, great wee days oot.

Is he telling a lie?"

"...great wee day oot.."

Granny's pan breed. Ya fucking dancer....I've no been oot in a fortnight!

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By *uietbloke67Man  over a year ago

outside your bedroom window ;-)

"Ach fair play to him.

Some of the best, funniest moments are at funerals, great wee days oot.

Is he telling a lie?

"...great wee day oot.."

Granny's pan breed. Ya fucking dancer....I've no been oot in a fortnight!"

Ooo what a day that was...you celebrate the life not mourn the death.

When I go it's a free bar.

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By *ayjay211201Man  over a year ago


It was a joke..... people are way too quick to find a reason to have a go at someone.

Forget it & move on.

I'll be more annoyed if he apologises

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By *hrobbermanMan  over a year ago


Oh dear how sad never mind.

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By *hickinthewarmMan  over a year ago


The thing that amuses me is the unwavering support people give the Royal family .

Every year people like us are literally starving and freezing to death in their own homes whilst the Royal Family swan about with more money than we could ever dream of earning in a lifetime, and for what? Because they were born into the right household?

I feel for her loved ones, but I won’t be getting all torn up about her death. She meant nothing to me, same as I did to her.

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By *hrills_n_spillsCouple  over a year ago


Absolutely DO NOT want to start an online argument pro /anti monarchy, however...

Ideally there should be the ability to have a calm and considered conversation whether having a royal family and monarch as head of state is an efficient use of public funds. Or if there should be a modernisation of how the monarchy is managed.

They are the biggest land owners in the UK which brings them considerable annual income, thats on top of their accumulated annual salaries of +£100m, and the perceived abuses of public monies. Renovating palaces, travel etc (Buckingham palace will cost around £400million over the next 10 years - this in a time where every penny spent in public services is politicized).

There is no oversight in "Queens consent" i.e. the right of the royals to rewrite laws to suit their personal interest (recently uncovered by investigative journalists over 1000 Scottish laws affected since her coronation).

We are unable to audit their "embarrassing" personal wealth ("embarrassing" by HRH lawyers own admission). Another lack of oversight.

Should we be insisting they pay more than a token amount of tax? The Queen only started paying a token amount of tax in the last few years to avoid public outrage.

We have economists forensically analyzing the economy on a quarterly basis but none will put a figure on the "benefit" the royal family has on the UK. There is no information tourists visiting the royals wouldn't be coming to the UK anyway. All this leads to the conclusion they are infact an extravagance. Perhaps its an extravagance the majority of the public enjoy which should be forgiven.

I think the case for modernizing the monarchy at the very least is overwhelming. With a fresh reign beginning and perhaps after a reasonable amount of time after the Queen's passing its a conversation that should begin?

I'm not hopeful its one the "establishment" nor media would entertain.

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By *oppolocosTV/TS  over a year ago


"Absolutely DO NOT want to start an online argument pro /anti monarchy, however...

Ideally there should be the ability to have a calm and considered conversation whether having a royal family and monarch as head of state is an efficient use of public funds. Or if there should be a modernisation of how the monarchy is managed.

They are the biggest land owners in the UK which brings them considerable annual income, thats on top of their accumulated annual salaries of +£100m, and the perceived abuses of public monies. Renovating palaces, travel etc (Buckingham palace will cost around £400million over the next 10 years - this in a time where every penny spent in public services is politicized).

There is no oversight in "Queens consent" i.e. the right of the royals to rewrite laws to suit their personal interest (recently uncovered by investigative journalists over 1000 Scottish laws affected since her coronation).

We are unable to audit their "embarrassing" personal wealth ("embarrassing" by HRH lawyers own admission). Another lack of oversight.

Should we be insisting they pay more than a token amount of tax? The Queen only started paying a token amount of tax in the last few years to avoid public outrage.

We have economists forensically analyzing the economy on a quarterly basis but none will put a figure on the "benefit" the royal family has on the UK. There is no information tourists visiting the royals wouldn't be coming to the UK anyway. All this leads to the conclusion they are infact an extravagance. Perhaps its an extravagance the majority of the public enjoy which should be forgiven.

I think the case for modernizing the monarchy at the very least is overwhelming. With a fresh reign beginning and perhaps after a reasonable amount of time after the Queen's passing its a conversation that should begin?

I'm not hopeful its one the "establishment" nor media would entertain."

Said before, a monarchy in the 21st century is a ridiculous anachronism and we should love to a system that is fully democratic and doesn't maintain the class system.

I find it incredible that anyone would actually support the concept of monarchy.

As usual some will reference the cost / issues of the American Presidency, but that's a totally different system, and one we shouldn't follow. There will also be the "tourism" argument, yet other countries get millions of tourists visiting palaces, castles etc even though there's been no monarch for centuries. If you believe that the monarch has somehow been anointed by God then fine, that's your belief. If not I can't see any argument against the removal of the monarchy.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Im not really sad the queens dead, and im not pro monarchy. But im not happy she is either. I didn't know the woman and he's right what he said, i said the same thing myself. And I'll have no part in what seems like the compulsory mourning being pressured on us from the media. She gets a bit of respect though for doing that job so long in a mans world for so long. But mourn? No

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By *anny77Man  over a year ago


Lots here so haven’t read it all.

But it’s not poorly timed at all. He could hardly wait two years and say “remember when the Queen died?”

Comedy is supposed to be Tragedy + time sometimes… but also timing is important.

If you’re going to make a joke that’s about current events an important part of that is it being current.

And that’s without me getting into any controversy about whether it’s in poor taste or not.

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By *ocker and RocketteCouple  over a year ago


"First, it was suggested he should have cancelled his show, but, logically, why should he? It's like the Diana bollocks all over again, with right wing media types telling us what we should do and feel when a woman who means nothing to many of us, passes after a long and very privileged life.

Then comes the criticism over a pointed but accurate remark. Comment is free, folks. Don't try pushing your views on others in some mass imposed herd-think."

Well said lots of old women Will die this winter just because they can't afford to put their heating on and she wasn't exactly struggling with her gas bill or putting food on the table I've now feeling either way about the royal family or their Hanger's on

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By *araDeLuxeTV/TS  over a year ago


Jeezo it was a joke about the horrifying state of income inequality in the UK (the worse in Europe by a fair margin, and set to get worse under Truss). Like most decent comedy it used a shared experience to bounce a potentially upsetting idea into your mind-grapes.

An old lady died. She was 96.

She wisnae your gran. Get over it ffs.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Jeezo it was a joke about the horrifying state of income inequality in the UK (the worse in Europe by a fair margin, and set to get worse under Truss). Like most decent comedy it used a shared experience to bounce a potentially upsetting idea into your mind-grapes.

An old lady died. She was 96.

She wisnae your gran. Get over it ffs."

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By *uboCouple  over a year ago

East kilbride


I'm probably one of the few people who don't like Kevin Bridge's brand of humour either. I'd never go see him live and if I see him on the TV, I switch over "

Well there is at least 2 of us.

Absolutely no time for him.

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By *omble 69Man  over a year ago


What ever your views on the monarchy for or against whether you liked the queen or not that doesn't matter.

To me it's simply bad taste the fact he used the death of a mother and grandmother for the purpose of a cheap laugh whose family are mourning, it wasn't that funny as he is a funny guy without cheap shot like that.

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By *ontrosebicoupMan  over a year ago


To be honest people who get upset at these things shouldn't be at these shows end of the day he's funny as fk

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By *cotsguy4funMan  over a year ago

Glasgow/N Lanarkshire

I was at the gig on Thursday and thought he was hilarious and totally on topic with what he said. His jokes were aimed at Government and not the queen, there was nothing sinister said about her at all. I would been surprised if he choose not to deal with it this way as it's his job to be topical.

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By *orders CoupleCouple  over a year ago


I think it's a terrible thing to say. Doesn't he know it's only Autumn?

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By *kbull2000Man  over a year ago


Far too many people go out of their way to be offended.

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By *aidbacklover2021Man  over a year ago


I don't care to me he is mediocre unfunny can't stand his accent or his face how he sells big shows is a mystery and who goes to see him then ends up fighting kinda sums it up.

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By *melia DominaTV/TS  over a year ago

Edinburgh (She/Her)

It's completely factually correct.

If you can't laugh in the face of death you have no humor.

Comments like this in the public eye, balance the views of the nation.

It may have said in a jovial manner, but Bridges has been known to pack no punches regardless of how raw his material may be and being a scottish lad from humble beginnings, if reading between the lines, it is probably his true view on the monarchy.

Alot of people have a similar views.

She was simply another human, another mother, another grandmother. Another old human who died.

Death comes to us all......

She is not a deity or God!

She was a CEO business woman for the UK multinational.

As a CEO she got paid handsomely for her work and the benefits package included various houses, estates, yachts and cars, paid for by the UK multinational.

As CEO of the UK multinational empire she did her job well for the best part with a few upper management glitches through years.

Most CEOs retire with a nice pension pot and She could have done that at anytime but chose to hang on in their til the death.

She was and we all are humans in the end. A tiny carbon based life form in the vast space of the universe.

Probably in a locker in a train station somewhere (men in black reference).

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By *heesenburgerCouple  over a year ago


"What ever your views on the monarchy for or against whether you liked the queen or not that doesn't matter.

To me it's simply bad taste the fact he used the death of a mother and grandmother for the purpose of a cheap laugh whose family are mourning, it wasn't that funny as he is a funny guy without cheap shot like that.


Great post

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By *ellinever70Woman  over a year ago


"It's completely factually correct.

If you can't laugh in the face of death you have no humor.

Comments like this in the public eye, balance the views of the nation.

It may have said in a jovial manner, but Bridges has been known to pack no punches regardless of how raw his material may be and being a scottish lad from humble beginnings, if reading between the lines, it is probably his true view on the monarchy.

Alot of people have a similar views.

She was simply another human, another mother, another grandmother. Another old human who died.

Death comes to us all......

She is not a deity or God!

She was a CEO business woman for the UK multinational.

As a CEO she got paid handsomely for her work and the benefits package included various houses, estates, yachts and cars, paid for by the UK multinational.

As CEO of the UK multinational empire she did her job well for the best part with a few upper management glitches through years.

Most CEOs retire with a nice pension pot and She could have done that at anytime but chose to hang on in their til the death.

She was and we all are humans in the end. A tiny carbon based life form in the vast space of the universe.

Probably in a locker in a train station somewhere (men in black reference).


I think you'll find that in actual fact, she was the Queen...so in no way similar to a CEO

Too bad if you don't like them apples

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By *enni WhiteTV/TS  over a year ago


Factually correct, and in no where near funny, like everything the guy says.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Me personally, I dont think it was too soon or in bad taste.

I listened to the Smiths song on Thursday night called ( the queen is dead )

It's a shame for the family yeah but not me.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's completely factually correct.

If you can't laugh in the face of death you have no humor.

Comments like this in the public eye, balance the views of the nation.

It may have said in a jovial manner, but Bridges has been known to pack no punches regardless of how raw his material may be and being a scottish lad from humble beginnings, if reading between the lines, it is probably his true view on the monarchy.

Alot of people have a similar views.

She was simply another human, another mother, another grandmother. Another old human who died.

Death comes to us all......

She is not a deity or God!

She was a CEO business woman for the UK multinational.

As a CEO she got paid handsomely for her work and the benefits package included various houses, estates, yachts and cars, paid for by the UK multinational.

As CEO of the UK multinational empire she did her job well for the best part with a few upper management glitches through years.

Most CEOs retire with a nice pension pot and She could have done that at anytime but chose to hang on in their til the death.

She was and we all are humans in the end. A tiny carbon based life form in the vast space of the universe.

Probably in a locker in a train station somewhere (men in black reference).

I think you'll find that in actual fact, she was the Queen...so in no way similar to a CEO

Too bad if you don't like them apples "

someone take the stick out of this one

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By *oight68Man  over a year ago


All the people who take this as offensive....get a grip. When national anthem of England is on at a sctland match its booed...everone states how they want rid if the royal family. Is it because a catholic has made the joke then suddenly hes the devil. Majority of complaints will be from non catholics....and one more thing what are Ipox fans going to play as they cant sing god save the quen. Im english and dont find his jokes disrespectful as i dont think sex pistols should have been banned in 77.

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By *idden Gem69Woman  over a year ago

north lanarkshire

"All the people who take this as offensive....get a grip. When national anthem of England is on at a sctland match its booed...everone states how they want rid if the royal family. Is it because a catholic has made the joke then suddenly hes the devil. Majority of complaints will be from non catholics....and one more thing what are Ipox fans going to play as they cant sing god save the quen. Im english and dont find his jokes disrespectful as i dont think sex pistols should have been banned in 77."

Its nothing to do with religion and btw its the british national anthem, its the disrespect in using a death to get laughs.. no need

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By *amierebelMan  over a year ago

nae danger.

Can't see it being sang when the tartan army play

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 11/09/22 23:49:22]

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By *enni WhiteTV/TS  over a year ago


"All the people who take this as offensive....get a grip. When national anthem of England is on at a sctland match its booed...everone states how they want rid if the royal family. Is it because a catholic has made the joke then suddenly hes the devil. Majority of complaints will be from non catholics....and one more thing what are Ipox fans going to play as they cant sing god save the quen. Im english and dont find his jokes disrespectful as i dont think sex pistols should have been banned in 77."

Why doesn't he try get laughs about all those who died of covid. Im sure he would if he could.

I didnt know a single person who died of covid, but I stood silent for 2 minutes when we were asked to. Not just about the lose of life, but also those families who did lose a loved one. The Queen was a person, the role she had in the UK should not cover the fact she has died, and she has a family in moarning.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

So did Boris Johnston.

Lot of good that did the nurses and doctors or the care home workers looking after them tho.

Not everyone gives a toss about royalty..yes she's a mother grandmother ect...but as he stated..she's not gonna be the last 90 odd woman to die this Yr.. she didn't die with not being able to turn her heating on.or missing a meal.

The staggering over the top media covarage is getting tedious now.

Yes let those who want to mourn a woman they have never met but..don't ram it down everyone else's throat that arnt that bothered.

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By *hrills_n_spillsCouple  over a year ago


The current whitewashing in the media may be driving part of a section of the population's resentment.

There's an interesting article in the Washington Post titled "The ugly side of Queen Elizabeth’s legacy matters. Here’s why." It focuses on one example of why we shouldn't ignore the crimes committed during her reign.

Its worth a read as there is a whole perspective the collective British media are currently shying away from but the rest of the world are not.

If we don't want to be seen to be taking a North Korean approach to the facts we really need to balance coverage and not allow the "respect, mother, grandmother" excuses to shut down any responsible conversations.

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By *edGlasgowMan  over a year ago


"Reconsidered my original opinion after reading a bit more about it.

Not poorly timed at all. He said nothing offensive about the Queen at all and the timing is perfect given the government's attempts to try and deal with the fuel crisis."

This. Exactly this. People want to get a grip, and also stop with the fascism around what we should all think and how we should act.

The cynic might add that her death has bought Liz Truss some time away from dealing with the energy crisis, so we'll done Kev for keeping it topical.

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By *ardnreddyMan  over a year ago


Thought it was funny and is on keeping with his humour

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By *4Fun11Woman  over a year ago


Its not the first joke to be made about the royal family and it won’t be the last.

Yes, it’s sad she’s dead but my god she was 96 and had a damn good innings.

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By *avie65Man  over a year ago

In the west.

"Its not the first joke to be made about the royal family and it won’t be the last.

Yes, it’s sad she’s dead but my god she was 96 and had a damn good innings. "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The mans an idiot and totally not funny at all, went to see him once in the festival, waste of money!

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By *izzmasterzeroMan  over a year ago


It's a comedians job to say the shit that we don't, doesn't matter what the subject is if it's said by a comedian during their set then all is fair.

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By *hrobbermanMan  over a year ago


"Far too many people go out of their way to be offended. "

I think so.

Many are waiting at the side of the road for anything to pass which they could be offended by. They aren't even interested in it. Just looking for something to register their unhappiness with on whatever social media they can throw themselves onto.

I know of a WW2 veteran who died of malnutrition in his care home because the NHS wouldn't admit him to hospital to be put on an IV feed drip during Covid. Family not allowed to visit. He must have thought they'd forgotten about him or didn't care any more. He was 98 years old and could easily have don 100. Took him a fortnight to die while they gave him liquid sedative.

Offended. Some folks feelings are so easily hurt.

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By *oppolocosTV/TS  over a year ago


"What ever your views on the monarchy for or against whether you liked the queen or not that doesn't matter.

To me it's simply bad taste the fact he used the death of a mother and grandmother for the purpose of a cheap laugh whose family are mourning, it wasn't that funny as he is a funny guy without cheap shot like that.


It's not about a cheap laugh. It's about making a very relevant and important point. She died, and that's tragic for her family and close friends. For the rest of us she's a 96 year old that died in her multi million pound holiday home whilst other pensioners are going to die due to poverty. That politicians are rushing to say how tragic it is, that Government has come to a grinding halt for this. Not to deal with the cost of living crisis, the ongoing Covid crisis, the slow car crash that is Brexit

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"All the people who take this as offensive....get a grip. When national anthem of England is on at a sctland match its booed...everone states how they want rid if the royal family. Is it because a catholic has made the joke then suddenly hes the devil. Majority of complaints will be from non catholics....and one more thing what are Ipox fans going to play as they cant sing god save the quen. Im english and dont find his jokes disrespectful as i dont think sex pistols should have been banned in 77.

Why doesn't he try get laughs about all those who died of covid. Im sure he would if he could.

I didnt know a single person who died of covid, but I stood silent for 2 minutes when we were asked to. Not just about the lose of life, but also those families who did lose a loved one. The Queen was a person, the role she had in the UK should not cover the fact she has died, and she has a family in moarning. "

The "joke" wasn't about her dying. He was drawing a comparison between the reaction to the the death of a 96yr old woman who wanted for nothing and pensioners the length and breadth of the country who will struggle to heat their homes and eat this winter.

You'd think he got on stage, cracked open the champagne and said "F*ck The Queen".

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By *incsladyandscotsmanCouple  over a year ago

North fife

Factually he is true. The comparison is laid before us with his quip.

The 96year old head of state versus her normal elderly subjects.

The head of state will never suffer from food and heat deprivation, where as the subjects will be going through the harshest of experiences with the oldest of them dying from it.

It's the truth. Funny of not. Well said Mr bridges.

We locked down the country to protect this vulnerable age group, now it seems we are happy to see them freeze or starve....indeed all of us freeze or starve.

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By *oppolocosTV/TS  over a year ago


"Factually he is true. The comparison is laid before us with his quip.

The 96year old head of state versus her normal elderly subjects.

The head of state will never suffer from food and heat deprivation, where as the subjects will be going through the harshest of experiences with the oldest of them dying from it.

It's the truth. Funny of not. Well said Mr bridges.

We locked down the country to protect this vulnerable age group, now it seems we are happy to see them freeze or starve....indeed all of us freeze or starve."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Miss Muff you do know how to start a good thread.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Factually he is true. The comparison is laid before us with his quip.

The 96year old head of state versus her normal elderly subjects.

The head of state will never suffer from food and heat deprivation, where as the subjects will be going through the harshest of experiences with the oldest of them dying from it.

It's the truth. Funny of not. Well said Mr bridges.

We locked down the country to protect this vulnerable age group, now it seems we are happy to see them freeze or starve....indeed all of us freeze or starve."

Spot on

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By *oudBeSurprisedMan  over a year ago


Anything goes at a comedy show.

You can't go to a see a comedian and have it in your head there are things that they must not joke about. Everything is fair game at a comedy show.

To take a joke away from a comedy show and quote it out of context is ridiculous behaviour. Imagine of we started to chastise actors for lines their characters said in movies.

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By *oudBeSurprisedMan  over a year ago


"If you can't laugh at what's definitely a joke.you need to get a grip of yourself.

Not everyone is a royalist..not everyone has a stick up their arse.

Tell me 1 person that's heard a bad taste joke and not sniggered at least."

Excuse me, that's racist

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If you can't laugh at what's definitely a joke.you need to get a grip of yourself.

Not everyone is a royalist..not everyone has a stick up their arse.

Tell me 1 person that's heard a bad taste joke and not sniggered at least.

Excuse me, that's racist"


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By *heHornyWandererMan  over a year ago


"If you can't laugh at what's definitely a joke.you need to get a grip of yourself.

Not everyone is a royalist..not everyone has a stick up their arse.

Tell me 1 person that's heard a bad taste joke and not sniggered at least.

Excuse me, that's racistehe? "

Think it’s a jest considering what word you’d be left with if you removed the letter S from sniggered, but I could be entirely wrong

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If you can't laugh at what's definitely a joke.you need to get a grip of yourself.

Not everyone is a royalist..not everyone has a stick up their arse.

Tell me 1 person that's heard a bad taste joke and not sniggered at least.

Excuse me, that's racistehe?

Think it’s a jest considering what word you’d be left with if you removed the letter S from sniggered, but I could be entirely wrong "

bloody hope not as that's laughable..even for here

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By *heHornyWandererMan  over a year ago


"If you can't laugh at what's definitely a joke.you need to get a grip of yourself.

Not everyone is a royalist..not everyone has a stick up their arse.

Tell me 1 person that's heard a bad taste joke and not sniggered at least.

Excuse me, that's racistehe?

Think it’s a jest considering what word you’d be left with if you removed the letter S from sniggered, but I could be entirely wrong bloody hope not as that's laughable..even for here "

State of the world these days, can’t rule anything out anymore

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Scratching the barrel if it is

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"If you can't laugh at what's definitely a joke.you need to get a grip of yourself.

Not everyone is a royalist..not everyone has a stick up their arse.

Tell me 1 person that's heard a bad taste joke and not sniggered at least.

Excuse me, that's racist"

"Down with this sort of thing!" (waves pitchfork)

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Absolutely DO NOT want to start an online argument pro /anti monarchy, however...

Ideally there should be the ability to have a calm and considered conversation whether having a royal family and monarch as head of state is an efficient use of public funds. Or if there should be a modernisation of how the monarchy is managed.

They are the biggest land owners in the UK which brings them considerable annual income, thats on top of their accumulated annual salaries of +£100m, and the perceived abuses of public monies. Renovating palaces, travel etc (Buckingham palace will cost around £400million over the next 10 years - this in a time where every penny spent in public services is politicized).

There is no oversight in "Queens consent" i.e. the right of the royals to rewrite laws to suit their personal interest (recently uncovered by investigative journalists over 1000 Scottish laws affected since her coronation).

We are unable to audit their "embarrassing" personal wealth ("embarrassing" by HRH lawyers own admission). Another lack of oversight.

Should we be insisting they pay more than a token amount of tax? The Queen only started paying a token amount of tax in the last few years to avoid public outrage.

We have economists forensically analyzing the economy on a quarterly basis but none will put a figure on the "benefit" the royal family has on the UK. There is no information tourists visiting the royals wouldn't be coming to the UK anyway. All this leads to the conclusion they are infact an extravagance. Perhaps its an extravagance the majority of the public enjoy which should be forgiven.

I think the case for modernizing the monarchy at the very least is overwhelming. With a fresh reign beginning and perhaps after a reasonable amount of time after the Queen's passing its a conversation that should begin?

I'm not hopeful its one the "establishment" nor media would entertain.

Said before, a monarchy in the 21st century is a ridiculous anachronism and we should love to a system that is fully democratic and doesn't maintain the class system.

I find it incredible that anyone would actually support the concept of monarchy.

As usual some will reference the cost / issues of the American Presidency, but that's a totally different system, and one we shouldn't follow. There will also be the "tourism" argument, yet other countries get millions of tourists visiting palaces, castles etc even though there's been no monarch for centuries. If you believe that the monarch has somehow been anointed by God then fine, that's your belief. If not I can't see any argument against the removal of the monarchy. "

I find it incredible that no-one else has quoted this amazing post in last 3 days. Monarchy in this day and age is completely ridiculous especially when we generally as a whole claim the class system should be abolished.

If we can find the "millions" in public funds currently being used for this spectacle surely we could find cash to help others. That cash could be used to help with fuel cap costs in these times alone.

What about thinking about what that cash would do for the army veteran's that we so quickly forget about as soon as they stop protecting the family we are currently paying for.

The tax scenario is on another level alone. Switzerland for example is used as a tax haven for their wealth. Acquired mostly from our own pockets may I add.

Shall we even go down the lord mountbattenburg and Prince Andrew accusations of sexual abuse that was paid off and covered up. Sure both never convinced. But neither was Mr Saville a good friend of both.

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By *hrobbermanMan  over a year ago



Tell me 1 person that's heard a bad taste joke and not sniggered at least.


Kevin Bridges didn't even make a joke.

He stated a fact.

That is why it is so funny.

We feel a slight pang of guilt at laughing... not because it is disrespectful to the deceased monarch. That pang of guilt comes because we know that many of the "other old women to die this winter" will die alone, cold and lonely in far less privilege, comfort, and warmth - and in far less salubrious surroundings than the Castle and Estate which the dead monarch expired in. And she had an embarrassment of Castles, Stately Homes, Palaces and Country Houses to choose to make her exit in/from.

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By *ouple4832Couple  over a year ago


Will the BBC Mourn Hub ever cover the questionable morality of Queen Elizabeth II as a private individual? Changing environment law, tax law and criminal law to benefit her private entity beyond the crown?

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By *ellinever70Woman  over a year ago


"Will the BBC Mourn Hub ever cover the questionable morality of Queen Elizabeth II as a private individual? Changing environment law, tax law and criminal law to benefit her private entity beyond the crown? "

I didn't realise she'd become a politician

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By *hrills_n_spillsCouple  over a year ago


"Will the BBC Mourn Hub ever cover the questionable morality of Queen Elizabeth II as a private individual? Changing environment law, tax law and criminal law to benefit her private entity beyond the crown?

I didn't realise she'd become a politician "

"Queens consent". She actually made it legal for her to detonate a nuclear warhead. Has interfered in the drafting of an obscene amount of laws prior to being passed in parliment. Over 1000 in Scotland.

England, Wales and NI as yet haven't been quantified.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Tbh if comedians can’t crack risky jokes then their not in the right job, isn’t that the whole point of them, some people get offended, others find it hilarious.

I’m really interested in all things royal family but I still thought he was just making the most of his moment to crack a few extra jokes and I found them funny x

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By *ellinever70Woman  over a year ago


"Will the BBC Mourn Hub ever cover the questionable morality of Queen Elizabeth II as a private individual? Changing environment law, tax law and criminal law to benefit her private entity beyond the crown?

I didn't realise she'd become a politician

"Queens consent". She actually made it legal for her to detonate a nuclear warhead. Has interfered in the drafting of an obscene amount of laws prior to being passed in parliment. Over 1000 in Scotland.

England, Wales and NI as yet haven't been quantified."

Where do you read this kind of stuff?

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By *hrills_n_spillsCouple  over a year ago



Where do you read this kind of stuff?"

This was in the press a few weeks ago.

Google Queens consent. Think it was in the guardian. There were several articles detailing it

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By *ellinever70Woman  over a year ago



Where do you read this kind of stuff?

This was in the press a few weeks ago.

Google Queens consent. Think it was in the guardian. There were several articles detailing it


I think we're interpreting it differently

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By *hrills_n_spillsCouple  over a year ago



Where do you read this kind of stuff?

This was in the press a few weeks ago.

Google Queens consent. Think it was in the guardian. There were several articles detailing it

I think we're interpreting it differently "

Fair enough, but there's a difference between the definition and its application as detailed in the articles.

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By *oppolocosTV/TS  over a year ago



Where do you read this kind of stuff?

This was in the press a few weeks ago.

Google Queens consent. Think it was in the guardian. There were several articles detailing it

I think we're interpreting it differently "

So what's your interpretation. That the Queen had various bills amended to avoid the royals and or their wealth and or their lands, employments practices amended so that they were exempt or not fully affected is factual.

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