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the dark side diaries

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

The Dark side diaries

Chapter 1

The journey

Four months now we have been together I cant believe how much we have done together since I found him and he found a side of me I never even knew I had, but here I am sitting next to him in the car all dressed up with no idea where he is taking me, he told me he has arranged a little some thing for me.

Its cold tonight the heaters going but im almost naked under my coat I was only allowed to wear my favourite black skirt and purple velvet top no knickers wouldn’t even let me put my boots on said I had to wear my heels told me there was a reason for this and all would become clear later, God he is a bastard for keeping me in the dark he knows what it does to me I’m my own worst enemy he will plant a little seed in my head and then leave me to let my imagination run away with me, lost track of how many times I have made my self horny thinking about every single possibility of what the evenings events might hold for me. I can feel I’m getting moist now as we drive through the country lanes oh god I just twigged it!!! Country lanes he is taking me dogging but to do what?? Will we put a show on for all the horny guys’ perving us will he let me wind the window down and feel their cocks slide in to my mouth?? FUCK im doing it again GRRRRR.

“calm your self down” I keep saying to my self, he’s not helping either his hand slides over and on to my leg every now and then I love the feel of him stroking me and he knows it gets me going, still I can see his bulge mmmmm cant keep my hands off it I’m feeling so horny now I might even just give his cock a little kiss now while we drive.

His face lights up, I’ve pulled his zip down and just let a finger slip inside, he is so easy to get going just the lightest of touches on his cock and he twitches and I love that when he does, cant wait much longer GOD why wont he tell me what’s planned for me I cant take it any more.

That’s it I am going to have his meat now!! He lets out a massive gasp as I rip his cock out of his jeans I go down on his cock so fast I deep throat him and nearly choke my self he is far to big to deep throat, but it did feel good knowing I had taken that much of his huge cock in to my mouth, and god it feels good licking and sucking him while he drives.

The last time I did this was when we was leaving the club got him going so much he had to pull over to fuck me, shame it was only a quick one even thou it was still good.

Where the hell are we going we’ve been driving for miles and we still out in the middle of no where, I stop blowing him to ask him how much further he says “we are near” great that’s a lot of bloody help to me!! At last we seam to be where ever it is that he has taken me we have pulled in to a drive way of a very big house its beautiful, the drive way looks like a run way with lights all the way along it, the gravel makes a noise as we drive up the mile long drive, when we pull up out the front of the house he puts his cock away and tells me I have to wait in the car while he goes to sort out. Sod it I so wanted to make him cum the barstard and get my own back on him for making me work my self up so much,

I watch him knock on the door it is opened almost immediately and almost as quick closed again, Martin is smiling as he walks back to the car, he has that grin on his face the one he has when we have a meet planed, bang the door goes as he shuts it, I ask him yet again what is going to happen tonight but he ignores my request for info and just looks at me while he lights up a ciggie, he takes a long deep drag exhales and says “ my darling you have experimented and tried many new things since you have met me, when we first met I never thought you would accept the fact that I am a swinger let alone join in and move over to the dark side” he slides his hand over and gently holds my hand takes another deep drag on his ciggie and continues “now it is time for you to truly let your self go and experience every possible side to swinging and sex inside this house you will complete your sexual discovery, I have helped you to find your sex drive now it is time for you to drive it at full speed, your going on a journey of discovery my darling and yes I now that’s a corny line but its what’s going to happen to you inside. I will be with you at all times but I wont always be joining you in your adventure, some times you will see me some times I will be watching from a hidden place but I will be watching.”

Scared scared and scared that’s what im feeling now, ok maybe just a tincy incy little bit excited too, we get out of the car as usual I have to pull my skirt down its so damn short it just rides up every time I sit down, how ever its worth it I look so fucking sexy in it.

Martin holds my hand as we walk to the door I notice a whole row of cars parked round to the side of the house and motor bikes too must have been about a dozen of them, the door is opened up as soon as we climb on to the first step of the porch I see a beautiful brunet standing in the door way smiling at me, I can see her eyes going up and down my body I forgot to do my coat up she can see exactly what im wearing under it.

Martin introduces me “Mandy I would like you to meet Liz she will be your host, guide and teacher for the night this is her place she will see to it that your every need is taken care off and that nothing is left to chance.”

Liz looks me in the eye grins at me and says “Mandy your mind is going to be blown tonight I promise you a night you will never forget” I don’t really take much notice of what she said I’m too busy looking at her she is wearing a very beautiful long dress she has a figure to die for and the most pert boobs I have ever seen the dress only just covers them, I’m already thinking about kissing her nipples just hope I get the chance too!!

Liz turns around and tells us to follow her I can see now that her dress is completely backless and very low so low I can see she is not wearing a bra or knickers.

We walk in to a hall way that is more of a cavern then a hall it’s a real old fashioned house with two sets of stairs running up each side of the hall meeting at the top as I look I can already picture Martin sliding down the banister he can be such a kid at times.

Liz has stopped now and turns to us her hand is out held to me I take it she gives me a lovely smile and squeezes my hand slightly as she says “to start with darling we’re going to get you nicely relaxed and that means hot tub time” YES YES YES a bloody hot tub I love this place nothing relaxes me like a hot tub, we go through the door way that is under neath the landing where the stairs meet in to a billiards room I have no idea where to go but Liz is still holding my hand and showing me the way, down another hall way in to another room how many bloody rooms has this place got??? Finally we reach the conservatory its massive must be at least 50 foot long and 30 foot deep smack bang in the middle of it is the hot tub, the lights are off in here the only light in the room is coming from the hot tub. The warm glow from it sets the atmosphere even more plus the steam rising up from it looks amazing we move towards it, As I get closer I can see the hot tub is very special it has several seats around 3 sides of it on the fourth side is a plat form just submerged under the water, its shaped to fit and has jets all along it.

Liz points to it “do you like what you see??” she asks I just grin and nod Martins has obviously told her how much I love a good hot tub, I start to strip of I really cant wait to get in Liz gives me a remote control for the hot tub this is like no hot tub I have ever seen there is even a built in stereo in it.

My clothes have just ended up on the floor and im climbing up the steps to the tub ive forgotten all about being scared already.

Bubbles on my back bubbles on my legs bubbles all over it feels so good I couldn’t resist trying that platform laying on it is giving me a feeling I have never experienced before.

Liz asks if im enjoying it “what do you think” I replied she laughs “well then in that case do you mind if I join you?” “please do” I said suddenly I feel the need to sit up so I can watch her undress her back is turned to me, she slides the straps of her dress off her shoulders and lets it just float to the ground her body is amazing she slips her shoes off and turns to me.

At last I can see her perfect breasts her nipples are hard and pointing at me its as if they are aimed at my lips she can see me staring at them, she appears to glide up the steps I cant take my eyes off her as she slowly steps in to the hot tub “lay down again” I very willingly oblige Liz picks up the remote and starts the music playing and then looks me in the eye “are you ready??” she says “no!! but what the hell go for it what ever it is you have planned for me” Liz pushes a button on the remote and a row of jets start going they are positioned just right for a lady I can feel one of them hitting my clit its sending shivers through my body already and she only has it on the low setting.

I beckon Liz to come over to me I want to kiss her I want to feel her body I want her to feel mine and kiss me, I try to sit upright but Liz places her hands on my shoulders “lay back down for me let me relax you” her hands slide down from my shoulders on to the side of my breasts she lets her thumbs just catch my nipples they go hard instantly.

Her hands are moving all over my body now up and down my legs over my stomach up to my neck back to my breasts I love it so much.

“would you like me to kiss you??” she asks I think to my self “you need to ask” I smile and nod to her she lowers her lips to mine it seams to take an age for our lips to join but when they do its magical, women kiss in a way that no man could ever do her lips are so soft and sensuous I can feel her tongue sliding over my lips, her hands still on my breasts gently massaging them just how I like. I have to sit up I want her body so much I wrap my legs round her and pull her in to me the jet is right on my clit now I can feel myself starting to cum already, were still kissing but our hands are wandering all over each others body’s. She pulls me over to her as she sits down she turns me around and makes me sit on her lap; the kissing on my back is driving me crazy I want to taste her now!!!! I tell her but she just tells me to be patience but I cant the urge to taste her is doing me in, she keeps on kissing my back and letting her hands wander they have made there way down to my pussy her fingers are good she knows just where to touch a lady and how much to do it, I’m starting to orgasm again I feel her arm pull me in tight to her as her fingers go faster on my clit “OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD!!!!!!!!!” I shout at the top of my voice I haven’t had a orgasm like that for ages and its only the beginning of the night Liz lifts her self up on to the side of the hot tub “eat me Mandy eat me” I don’t need telling twice I dive in to her gorgeous shaved pussy its so silky smooth, my tongue flicks over her clit and then I delve in to her pussy god she tastes good I can feel her hands pulling my head in to her she is grinding her self on my face I speed up licking her going more and more intensely on her clit my hands are grabbing her sexy arse and pulling her cheeks apart, she’s starting to cum her juices are flowing like Negara falls I’m trying to drink her juices all up but there’s just too much for me to swallow.

“it must be your turn Mandy I thought I was going to have to show you how it is done but your very very good” Liz tells me “thank you hunny but I can only lick as good as the person taste and you taste lovely” she lifts me off my knees and guides me in to position. Im sitting on the edge of the hot tub with this beautiful sexy naked woman between my legs kissing my body and stroking me does it get any better then this???

OH FUCK yes it does my god she can lick her tongue feels like a rattle snake on my clit I come in a instant I never knew any one could move their tongue like that, I feel a eruption move through my body as I orgasm time and time again I beg her to stop I cant take any more “please please no more I cant feel my legs” im shouting at her but she carries on my head is saying stop my body is shouting BRING IT ON.

Out of no where I hear a voice “you don’t give the orders tonight you take them” its Martin he’s been hiding in the corner in the shadows watching me I was so caught up in the moment I forgot all about him “Liz don’t you stop till you decide she has had enough” he tells her, I hear his foot steps behind me as he makes his way over to me I turn my head to see him I feel his powerful arms wrap around my body as we kiss.

Martins kisses are never ending he is playing with my boobs now Liz is still eating me and im powerless to control the situation all I can do is sit here and take it, but do you know what ?? I absouluty love it.

My entire body feels eltricfied now every single square inch of my skin is so sensitive its unbelievable, “baby how much more must I take you say you have plans for me for the whole night I wont last the whole night at this rate” I say to Martin he looks at me and whispers in my ear “darling you are going to be pushed so far past your limit tonight you will think your on the other side of the world” ARGHHHHHHHHH I scream even louder then before I’ve had the most god almighty orgasm again.

Liz slows the speed of her tongue down to almost stopped completely her hands move up to my shoulders as she pulls her self up of her knees she kisses my entire stomach chest and neck, “I think that’s you warmed up why don’t we have a sit down now and a nice cold glass of wine” Liz says music to my bloody ears as sitting down is all I am capable of.

end of chapter 1

hope you have enjoyed reading this its some thing i started about a year ago so far i have 18 chapters done if you want to read more you can at


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

wow awesome story cnt wait to read the other 17 chapters lol

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"wow awesome story cnt wait to read the other 17 chapters lol"

thanks glad you enjoyed it

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By *ultry4GalsWoman  over a year ago

greenwich, shagtastic

have to say OMG WOW would love that im now horny thanks haha !!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


please id love an invite to join in with u and yr partner x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

that is so hot hurry with chapter 2 pls

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

agree with swift2003 x gr8 read can i cum nx time lol

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

thank you all for your lovely comments x x x x

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By *imnher2Woman  over a year ago


wow wow wow dont keep us waiting 2 long for chapter 2 mmmmm

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