
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Swingers Chat > single man lol really????

single man lol really????

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

this is really a spin off of a previous post about single men finding it hard to get meets with single girls......now all you men saying you are single ARE YOU REALLY come on how many are really single or just lieing cheats i have stated on my profile single men only not interested in married men.....so all you single men yes im here and i wanna meet the single guys

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Cant see all the married guys who are playing away admit to having a partner at home...

You say you meet single guys but how many of them are really married? How do you know they are single?

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

ask to phone them lol if married they wont answer at 7pm when they have just had tea and settling down to watch tv with wife or husband

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

If a guy is swinging with his wife/partners consent there is nothing wrong with it.

If a guy is like me and his wife doesn't know but wouldn't care there is nothing wrong with it.

It does make me wonder about the guys who are cheating, stating that on thier profile and boasting "at least I am honest" errrr be honest with your partner not us

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If a guy is swinging with his wife/partners consent there is nothing wrong with it.

If a guy is like me and his wife doesn't know but wouldn't care there is nothing wrong with it.

It does make me wonder about the guys who are cheating, stating that on thier profile and boasting "at least I am honest" errrr be honest with your partner not us "

I agree Jed,we meet single guys but would not willingly meet a guy who is in a relationship.

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By *b430Man  over a year ago


"this is really a spin off of a previous post about single men finding it hard to get meets with single girls......now all you men saying you are single ARE YOU REALLY come on how many are really single or just lieing cheats i have stated on my profile single men only not interested in married men.....so all you single men yes im here and i wanna meet the single guys "

How do us real single men know that you are really a single female?

Just because you say you are single are we supposed to believe that too then?

It works both ways and it isn't just men that say they are single when they are not!

As always, just my opinion!

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By *yber pimpMan  over a year ago

durham area

"this is really a spin off of a previous post about single men finding it hard to get meets with single girls......now all you men saying you are single ARE YOU REALLY come on how many are really single or just lieing cheats i have stated on my profile single men only not interested in married men.....so all you single men yes im here and i wanna meet the single guys "

the reverse is true here also, how many women playing away from home?

how many single ladies sudden have fb that goes everywhere with them?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Agree with poster above,the amount of times we have emailed a single female only to find out it isnt a single female,she has a partner of husband that plays too.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

True about single women but that wasn't the question of this thread, guys are perfectly in thier rights to open a thread questioning the status of "single females" to have a "well women do it to" go at them isn't what it's about really

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By *yber pimpMan  over a year ago

durham area

as usual single guy bashing

then we get told to stop whinging about it

as if we have no right to an opinion that doesnt agree with the 'holier than thou brigade'

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By *b430Man  over a year ago


"True about single women but that wasn't the question of this thread, guys are perfectly in thier rights to open a thread questioning the status of "single females" to have a "well women do it to" go at them isn't what it's about really"

Am not really bothered if it was the question or not of the thread I was stating my opinion, asking my own question back and am entitled to do so!

Sorry, but again, just my opinion Jed!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"as usual single guy bashing

then we get told to stop whinging about it

as if we have no right to an opinion that doesnt agree with the 'holier than thou brigade'"

Noone on the forums is allowed to have an opinion that doesn't agree with that lot :D

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

May be we are in the minority, but we really don't care about peoples personal issues. We aren't interested in anyones marital status, whether they are fuck buddies or even just casual aquaintances. As long as there is a four way attraction, we are up for it.

We are here for NSA adult fun with like minded people. We only play safe, and try to look after our own interests first and foremost.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 03/08/10 14:55:21]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Am not really bothered if it was the question or not of the thread I was stating my opinion, asking my own question back and am entitled to do so!

Sorry, but again, just my opinion Jed! "

Aaaah sorry I just thought it was better to have a thread for one subject and another thread for another subject pardon me for having my opinion

So is anyone going to erotica this year and if so which date, we are hoping to get there for all 3 days

What is your favourite TV programme, are you going to miss Big Brother, do you really think it will be the last one, rumours are they are going to do another one next summer but with no new housemates just ones from previous series.

Trident - do we really need it or should we scrap the project and waste the millions spent but save the millions still to be spent

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By *undebigaryMan  over a year ago


"True about single women but that wasn't the question of this thread, guys are perfectly in thier rights to open a thread questioning the status of "single females" to have a "well women do it to" go at them isn't what it's about really"
Yeh i take your point about a seperate thread.but dont you think that both the issues are so closely related that a single thread would suffice.not being cheeky tho honest.lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Often yes the subjects are related in a positive way but in the past this subject always turns into "he does - she does" and both subjects have thier merits and there is less chance of it turning into a name calling shambles.

We don't meet single females off the internet, our profile explains why, cos a majority are timewasters, many are prima donnas who think they only need to snap thier fingers and everyone else will jump to thier tune and a few are decent reliable honest ladies, we don't want to troll through the bad to find the good but I still support what they have to say it and thier right to say it as I support the guys right to have a thread on the same if somewhat reversed subject

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By *b430Man  over a year ago



Am not really bothered if it was the question or not of the thread I was stating my opinion, asking my own question back and am entitled to do so!

Sorry, but again, just my opinion Jed!

Aaaah sorry I just thought it was better to have a thread for one subject and another thread for another subject pardon me for having my opinion"

Have as many opinions as you want to, but it may surprise you to know that not everyone will automatically agree with your opinions and might just have their own opinion and feel they want to post it without getting told they shouldn't!

Me, myself, I will carry on posting my ramblings on any forum that takes my interest and on the odd occassion ask a question back!

But thanks for your concerns, it warms my heart to know you care so much about me and my thoughts.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

How many more threads are there going to be from people who object to the morality of married men swinging alone, either with or without their partners knowledge/consent. Why not just give it a rest, put a message on your profile saying "no married men" and delete any messages from such people. If later on you find out a bloke is married then just block him. But please spare us your opinions on how we choose to live our lives.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"How many more threads are there going to be from people who object to the morality of married men swinging alone, either with or without their partners knowledge/consent. Why not just give it a rest, put a message on your profile saying "no married men" and delete any messages from such people. If later on you find out a bloke is married then just block him. But please spare us your opinions on how we choose to live our lives."

Because people have opinions about married men playing away...

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By *andy muncherMan  over a year ago


jed your hitting nail on head how come you can say that and i as newbie get ripped to bits not new to swinging by the way

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

How? When they thread hasnt been hijacked, all people have said that its not just single men who cheat women do and f/b couples do it too.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"How many more threads are there going to be from people who object to the morality of married men swinging alone, either with or without their partners knowledge/consent. Why not just give it a rest, put a message on your profile saying "no married men" and delete any messages from such people. If later on you find out a bloke is married then just block him. But please spare us your opinions on how we choose to live our lives.

Because people have opinions about married men playing away...


It's all too obvious that people have opinions, all I said was spare us those opinions, we have heard it all before!

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman  over a year ago

little house on the praire

"How many more threads are there going to be from people who object to the morality of married men swinging alone, either with or without their partners knowledge/consent. Why not just give it a rest, put a message on your profile saying "no married men" and delete any messages from such people. If later on you find out a bloke is married then just block him. But please spare us your opinions on how we choose to live our lives.

Because people have opinions about married men playing away...

It's all too obvious that people have opinions, all I said was spare us those opinions, we have heard it all before!"

If youve heard it all before it should be like water of a ducks back then. Why should it bother you what others think if your happy and content in what your doing. Oh and i believe that married women playing away are equally as bad, not one rule for one and one for another

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"How many more threads are there going to be from people who object to the morality of married men swinging alone, either with or without their partners knowledge/consent. Why not just give it a rest, put a message on your profile saying "no married men" and delete any messages from such people. If later on you find out a bloke is married then just block him. But please spare us your opinions on how we choose to live our lives.

Because people have opinions about married men playing away...

It's all too obvious that people have opinions, all I said was spare us those opinions, we have heard it all before!"

If you dont like the thread pass it by!

I can have an opinion the same as everyone else..

We meet single guys but wont meet married men because we dont agree with married men cheating.

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By *ruitWoman  over a year ago

near kings lynn

"How many more threads are there going to be from people who object to the morality of married men swinging alone, either with or without their partners knowledge/consent. Why not just give it a rest, put a message on your profile saying "no married men" and delete any messages from such people. If later on you find out a bloke is married then just block him. But please spare us your opinions on how we choose to live our lives."

You have to realise that this subject is one that some people have very strong opinions so it will get mentioned time and time again.

You choose to do what you like and good luck to you.

I choose to like people to be honest with me if they are 40 then dont petend and say your 32, if your a size 18 then say it and dont pretend tpo be a size 12, if your married then say so but dont be surprised when you walk into a room and say in open chat I am married and my wife doesnt know I swing. Please dont be surprised that a large amount of people may challenge your morals and honesty.

Not many people will pat you on your back and say good on ya.

I perfer if a man is married to state it on his profile then I have the choice to delete and block.

I dont like meeting a man to then find out he is married and partner has no idea as it does then make my blood boil that he has been totally dishonest to me and to his wife too.

Its not just a case of delete and block once you accidently find out after you have had sex that he is married, sorry but that makes me feel used and not generally good.May make him feel great but if I am gonna suck his dick then at least I would like some honesty before so I can make a choice.

I do also agree that there are ladies doing this too and that is the same to me.

There are lots of ket signs that a person isnt married or attatched but then as a previous of thread states that there are also so many signs that are actual real life reasons why the person doesnt answer the phone at 7pm in the evening when a single man is cuddled up to his wife. The person could be a shift worker.... so many reasons.

Personally I prefer to know that the person I am meeting is honest with me and me with them before meeting them.

In my opinion its like everyone agreeing that bareback if fine and then the other person suddenly mails you and your wife that he or she hasnt told you before the meet that they are actually HIV positive. O dear isnt that a delete and block situation like you mentioned. No its a flipping big situation. But I can imagine that you would be up in arms then as not been told before.

Apologies for me being so blunt but in every case(IMO) it is better to be honest before about your size, age, availability,if in a relationship or not and if having something that can damage/harm another person..... sorry the list goes on but dont want to take pot with life.

If people wish to play russion roulette with their lives that is their choice but in open chat people will give their opinions as that is what the forum is for.

Sorry, hope I have offended at all but rather a tell it like it is person.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

To me tho single guy when it comes to swinging means a man that plays and meets alone, what we do in our private lifes is our buisness and noones elses, i dont tell everyone everything about me on here and i dont expect other to open their life stories to me, single swinging guy does not mean single in real life and i dont know why people still seem to assum it should, how may women on here are playing away? how many couples on here are not 'real couples'? but noone has a go at them, seems if theres a woman involved when meeting everyones moral standards get thrown out the window

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By *ummy mummyWoman  over a year ago


"How many more threads are there going to be from people who object to the morality of married men swinging alone, either with or without their partners knowledge/consent. Why not just give it a rest, put a message on your profile saying "no married men" and delete any messages from such people. If later on you find out a bloke is married then just block him. But please spare us your opinions on how we choose to live our lives.

Because people have opinions about married men playing away...

It's all too obvious that people have opinions, all I said was spare us those opinions, we have heard it all before!"

yes, when a married or attatched guy has it on his profile that it is the case,yes can just pass him by, and can delete messages received from such men...but it is the men who claim to be single and are playing away that piss me off. Having angry phone calls from someone's wife when you didn't know they were married in the first place, not a fun thing...and having been cheated on and unknowingly been the "other woman" i can say it feels like shit to be on either side of the coin...THAT is why I have a problem with married/attatched guys playing on here as single men...and yes I also refuse to play with married women playing away too, just as bad

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

What always makes me laugh tho is most of the people who moan about 'single' guys are couples who dont even meet them

So what the bloody hell difference does it make to them if they playing away or not?

its just any excuse to have a go at the men cause we dont like them!!!!

Just my opinion for what its worth lol

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman  over a year ago

little house on the praire

If someone is married and playing away that is entirely up to them but when they are going to tell everyone in the forums then they should appreciate people are going to say something. Even worse are the ones that boast about playing away, refering to someone as there special friend and generally disrespeting there partner that is not only cheating but taking the complete piss

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By *ruitWoman  over a year ago

near kings lynn

"To me tho single guy when it comes to swinging means a man that plays and meets alone, what we do in our private lifes is our buisness and noones elses, i dont tell everyone everything about me on here and i dont expect other to open their life stories to me, single swinging guy does not mean single in real life and i dont know why people still seem to assum it should, how may women on here are playing away? how many couples on here are not 'real couples'? but noone has a go at them, seems if theres a woman involved when meeting everyones moral standards get thrown out the window "

It is no different if it is a single man or a single woman. It is the same thing. I dislike men doing it as much as women doing it and will always say so.

For me if a person is on here as a single then at least have the honesty and decency to say your single(and be).If your married say it. Sorry hun but I dont meet people that are just fuck buddies and playing away without the partners consent. That to me shows no morals or respect for their partner or me.

Lets have some honesty please!!!

When your private life is involving someone else(sexually) then at least have the decency to be honest with them even if you they cant be honest with themselves.

Apologies dont mean to comment direct about you but instantly makes me wonder if you are a single too?

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By *ruitWoman  over a year ago

near kings lynn

"How many more threads are there going to be from people who object to the morality of married men swinging alone, either with or without their partners knowledge/consent. Why not just give it a rest, put a message on your profile saying "no married men" and delete any messages from such people. If later on you find out a bloke is married then just block him. But please spare us your opinions on how we choose to live our lives.

Because people have opinions about married men playing away...

It's all too obvious that people have opinions, all I said was spare us those opinions, we have heard it all before!

yes, when a married or attatched guy has it on his profile that it is the case,yes can just pass him by, and can delete messages received from such men...but it is the men who claim to be single and are playing away that piss me off. Having angry phone calls from someone's wife when you didn't know they were married in the first place, not a fun thing...and having been cheated on and unknowingly been the "other woman" i can say it feels like shit to be on either side of the coin...THAT is why I have a problem with married/attatched guys playing on here as single men...and yes I also refuse to play with married women playing away too, just as bad"

I have had this too. When I first began swingign the first man I met I knew he was married and knew his background. I met him knowing this and after about a year his wife found out and wrecked their lives and thateir kids too. About 4 years on now and their life as a family is still pretty shit.

To be contacted by the wife who didnt know is a pretty horrible experience for me so cant even imagine how it must have been for her.

Have some morals and be honest

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By *ruitWoman  over a year ago

near kings lynn

And breathe......and breathe again.

Apologies to anyone tho I may have offended with my words. It is a subject that I have very strong opinions on as you can see.

Still breathing.....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

how many couples who wont meet single married men unwittingly play with them at clubs ?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Apologies dont mean to comment direct about you but instantly makes me wonder if you are a single too?"

lol i think that was commented directly at me wasnt it

And yes i am single, the reason i do not accommodate is not because i have a husband at home but its because i am single and i have kids, and my kids safty comes first before i hand out my address to guys off here

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"how many couples who wont meet single married men unwittingly play with them at clubs ?


Single married men?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"how many couples who wont meet single married men unwittingly play with them at clubs ?

Single married men? "

married guys playing away who go to clubs as single

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

OK , Ladies .

How does a man prove he is single ?

I am single , but how will you believe it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 03/08/10 16:17:16]

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By *b430Man  over a year ago


"[Removed by poster at 03/08/10 16:17:16]"

I am waiting patiently now!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Have as many opinions as you want to, but it may surprise you to know that not everyone will automatically agree with your opinions and might just have their own opinion and feel they want to post it without getting told they shouldn't!

Me, myself, I will carry on posting my ramblings on any forum that takes my interest and on the odd occassion ask a question back!

But thanks for your concerns, it warms my heart to know you care so much about me and my thoughts. "

Let me get this straight, your going to post what you want where you want and nobody has the right to question it but for me to comment on that is wrong, isn't that kinda hypocritical, you posted I posted thats how it works, seems it isnt me that thinks they are the only one who has the right to post but you

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"OK , Ladies .

How does a man prove he is single ?

I am single , but how will you believe it."

you do not have to prove anything to anyone, if people dont believe you then move on they not worth you time

People will always tar everyone with the same brush

I got a message a while back from a couple accusing me of cheating because i had a pic on my profile of me wearing a wedding ring, i split with my hubby less than a year ago and some of the pics was from b4 we split so of course i had my ring on, but, you know, i didnt even mail them back to explain that, why should i justify myself to anyone?

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By *b430Man  over a year ago



Have as many opinions as you want to, but it may surprise you to know that not everyone will automatically agree with your opinions and might just have their own opinion and feel they want to post it without getting told they shouldn't!

Me, myself, I will carry on posting my ramblings on any forum that takes my interest and on the odd occassion ask a question back!

But thanks for your concerns, it warms my heart to know you care so much about me and my thoughts.

Let me get this straight, your going to post what you want where you want and nobody has the right to question it but for me to comment on that is wrong, isn't that kinda hypocritical, you posted I posted thats how it works, seems it isnt me that thinks they are the only one who has the right to post but you"

No Jed, and I won't be drawn into an argument with you as that seems to be what you are after.

I posted my opinion on this thread and you said "but that wasn't the question of this thread, guys are perfectly in thier (it is thEIr) rights to open a thread questioning the status of "single females" to have a "well women do it to" go at them isn't what it's about really"

I just pointed out that it was my opinion and that I was entitled to post it if I so wished and in that same post I said you could "have as many opinions as you want" and that I wouldn't just automatically agree with them.

There is a slight difference between that and you saying I think "nobody has the right to question it"

As I said I won't be drawn into an argument about what I have posted here or on any other thread. I also know how forum posting works, but again, thanks for your concerns they have helped make my 40th birthday an even better day than it has been already!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It's amazing on here how people come over all moral and indignant at the strangest of times.

While bashing the single blokes remains a constant.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

you mean you posted your opinion of it, I made a comment and you felt the need to point out that you had a right to an opinion, but obviously I didn't have that right.

You are right in one respect, it isn't worth discussing anymore you have your opinions and your sticking to them

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's amazing on here how people come over all moral and indignant at the strangest of times.

While bashing the single blokes remains a constant."

I agree though couple bashing and single fem bashing as you are doing now because I assume not many single men are guilty of serial single male bashing seem equally constant

People only "bash" single males who don't seem to get the swinging concept right, a case of "if the cap fits"

For the decent guys on here the comments are ignored as irrelevant, something Fabio demonstrates all the time, he understands that such comments are not directed his way the same as I know comments about timewasting couples are not directed my way

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By *ruitWoman  over a year ago

near kings lynn

Happy 40th xxxxx

Just remembered how to copy and paste..

To me tho single guy when it comes to swinging means a man that plays and meets alone, what we do in our private lifes is our buisness and noones elses, i dont tell everyone everything about me on here and i dont expect other to open their life stories to me, single swinging guy does not mean single in real life and i dont know why people still seem to assum it should, how may women on here are playing away

It was that you put above that made me suddenly question about if you are single, clearly I dont know you and havent read your profile but when a person comments about not telling everyone everything and it is about if a person is really single or not, it is a natural thing for a person to suddenly wonder if the person saying it is really single.

I hope you can understand that is what it suddenlt made me question.

I have always been very pationate about this subject as stated in my previous comments and anyone may wish to question if I am very much single. I am so honest in the fact that my parents and a large amount of my family know I swing. If I am able to be so honest with my family then it is easy to be honest with people on here.

Yes I shouldnt have to explain myself but I know people will lie to get what they want. If a person wants to know if I am single then they can ask and I will explain. If they choose to not believe me then that is their choice but they will get an honest answer as always.

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By *ruitWoman  over a year ago

near kings lynn

Jedsasha your very right, it is our opinions we are giving and naturally we will question when we dissagree or comment when we do.

As long as we are not saying I think your a horrible person for saying that.... then it is a conversations and everyone has their say.

We are entitled to all have our say, but not all will agree naturally x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

the one thing that you accept is that when you get into bed with someone, you're not really just getting into bed with that person, you are getting into bed with everyone they've been with too.

it is not unreasonable to ask or know someones situation, male or female. it might be your decision to be unfaithful, but it is not your right to assume that i am comfortable with that and because i'm on the site i have no moral conscience.

i chose not to sleep with married men, it is clear on my profile, still, i have been approached by married men...not all have this written on their profile, some i've found out by digging at them.

anyone who approaches me and has read my profile does not have a right to compromise my values by witholding information from me just because they know it will impact on my decision making.

i dont judge anyone who is being unfaithful to a partner, i just request to not being involved...which is my right.

that said, a married person who is being unfaithful has no option but to have a single status, they cant open a couple account and there is no option for philanderer. but they should state it clearly on their profile....that's male and female btw.

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By *onnie35Couple  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 03/08/10 17:01:23]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Have as many opinions as you want to, but it may surprise you to know that not everyone will automatically agree with your opinions and might just have their own opinion and feel they want to post it without getting told they shouldn't!

Me, myself, I will carry on posting my ramblings on any forum that takes my interest and on the odd occassion ask a question back!

But thanks for your concerns, it warms my heart to know you care so much about me and my thoughts.

Let me get this straight, your going to post what you want where you want and nobody has the right to question it but for me to comment on that is wrong, isn't that kinda hypocritical, you posted I posted thats how it works, seems it isnt me that thinks they are the only one who has the right to post but you

No Jed, and I won't be drawn into an argument with you as that seems to be what you are after.

I posted my opinion on this thread and you said "but that wasn't the question of this thread, guys are perfectly in thier (it is thEIr) rights to open a thread questioning the status of "single females" to have a "well women do it to" go at them isn't what it's about really"

I just pointed out that it was my opinion and that I was entitled to post it if I so wished and in that same post I said you could "have as many opinions as you want" and that I wouldn't just automatically agree with them.

There is a slight difference between that and you saying I think "nobody has the right to question it"

As I said I won't be drawn into an argument about what I have posted here or on any other thread. I also know how forum posting works, but again, thanks for your concerns they have helped make my 40th birthday an even better day than it has been already! "

I've lost count of the number of threads that go off at tantent, part and parcel of forum life. Personally it wouldn't cross my mind to tell someone to keep to the thread (no matter how much I wanted to), but hey...that's just little ole me!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I wouldnt tell anyone to keep the thread pure either but I will give my opinion that the threads tend to be better when they are kept that way and saying that it might be better to have 2 threads going on similar subjects is just an opinion

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By *b430Man  over a year ago


"Happy 40th xxxxx"

Thanks! xxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

all this fighting about what the thread should be used for is blocking up the thread...that backfired a little

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By *b430Man  over a year ago


"all this fighting about what the thread should be used for is blocking up the thread...that backfired a little "

Maybe there needs to be a new one started about keeping threads from going off the OP?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"this is really a spin off of a previous post about single men finding it hard to get meets with single girls......now all you men saying you are single ARE YOU REALLY come on how many are really single or just lieing cheats i have stated on my profile single men only not interested in married men.....so all you single men yes im here and i wanna meet the single guys

How do us real single men know that you are really a single female?

Just because you say you are single are we supposed to believe that too then?

It works both ways and it isn't just men that say they are single when they are not!

As always, just my opinion! "

There are a lot of married women on here who only play when he is away with work too.

Why worry about what other people do though? I sometimes find it so strange swingers are so judgemental when we aren't approved by vanillas.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Why worry about what other people do though? I sometimes find it so strange swingers are so judgemental when we aren't approved by vanillas."

i'm not worried, i just dont think someone has a right to compromise my morals by witholding information.

and it's not being judgemental, i would tell anyone i met everything i felt they needed to know to help them decide if they wanted to meet me or not....and i do beleive that is an issue. if it wasnt, there wouldnt be so many folk insenced by it.

and if a person doesnt think its wrong, why hide the fact?

we are talking about those that lie about it after all

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By *edangel_2013Woman  over a year ago


"ask to phone them lol if married they wont answer at 7pm when they have just had tea and settling down to watch tv with wife or husband"

Not read all of the thread, because like many others on here, it has descended into madness.

However, the above bit made me giggle. If that is your only way of telling if a man is married or not, then you are shagging far more married men then you believe you are!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Naughtynymphos we need more posts by you , you make it real .

Afterall this is a swingers site 'No strings Attached' so what difference does it make .

And I dont entertain anyone that does nt believe , I am single.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Some couples actively search for people who are cheating on partners, many believe that there is much more chance of absolute discretion by meeting such people.

Others believe that it goes against the essence of swinging ie two people doing what they want with each others consent.

Some think that cheating is fine but that people who do it should not confuse it with swinging and that such people should use some of the many "married and cheating" sites on the internet

Many disaprove of running the risk of playing with people who are cheating because many are not honest about what they do.

Some think that it is the persons own business but when they bring what they are doing into thier beds then they are involving them in possible court cases, arguments and accusations if not just breaching thier personal moral beliefs.

In a nutshell, different people have different opinions of it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Hi, I thought this was a Swinging Site, not a Dating Site. The question is not about whether someone is single or not. The question is, does it really matter? Who really has the right to the moral high ground here?

Newbie, so be gentle with me!

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By *ruitWoman  over a year ago

near kings lynn

"ask to phone them lol if married they wont answer at 7pm when they have just had tea and settling down to watch tv with wife or husband

Not read all of the thread, because like many others on here, it has descended into madness.

However, the above bit made me giggle. If that is your only way of telling if a man is married or not, then you are shagging far more married men then you believe you are!!!


Funky fox, that was being used as 1 example, may suggestions have been said on another thread and it was one of 20 or so.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Hi, I thought this was a Swinging Site, not a Dating Site. The question is not about whether someone is single or not. The question is, does it really matter? Who really has the right to the moral high ground here?

Newbie, so be gentle with me! "

Well everyone really, dating is like swinging, everyone has a right to date who they want and everyone has a right to have sex with who they want, they have the right to choose in size, age, shape, height, colour, creed and yes they can have sex with like minded people ie people with morals they are happy with. Being a swinger does not mean you have no right to ask for the same preferences that you would when dating.

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By *ruitWoman  over a year ago

near kings lynn

Purple welcome to the site hunny, these threads are occasionally boring and then often they will envoke lots of peoples opinions.

I personally are saying swinging is for likeminded people who like to have sex with their partner present and some do it with their partners consent and will verify that is the case, and us singles(genuinely single)are able to join in.

In my opinion that is singles and couples with everyones consent.

People who are lying about being single are not in that catogary as they do not have consent of their partner they are trying hard (or not) to hide. So in my opinion they are likeminded as we are doing this with no partner(as dont have one hence why single) or with their partner there(couple).

So I would prefer if those people were on a cheating website where they are have 1 common ground, they all want to have sex and are discrete so dont want their partners to know and are(sorry but my honesty is coming out) lying through their teeth.

Just feel it better if people went to the sites suitable. Honesty in one bit and people lying to themselves and everyone else(I guess they lie to themselves that they are hurting no one, what the other half doesnt know cant hurt....?)

Again we all have different opinions and some dont think us real singles should be counted as a swinger as have no partner but very grateful we can join and be a swingler xx

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By *ummy mummyWoman  over a year ago


"Hi, I thought this was a Swinging Site, not a Dating Site. The question is not about whether someone is single or not. The question is, does it really matter? Who really has the right to the moral high ground here?

Newbie, so be gentle with me! "

I have the right to choose NOT to help someone cheat on their partner...so yes it is important to me if someone is single 0r not

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By *ruitWoman  over a year ago

near kings lynn

here here yummy x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Purple welcome to the site hunny, these threads are occasionally boring and then often they will envoke lots of peoples opinions.

I personally are saying swinging is for likeminded people who like to have sex with their partner present and some do it with their partners consent and will verify that is the case, and us singles(genuinely single)are able to join in.

In my opinion that is singles and couples with everyones consent.

People who are lying about being single are not in that catogary as they do not have consent of their partner they are trying hard (or not) to hide. So in my opinion they are likeminded as we are doing this with no partner(as dont have one hence why single) or with their partner there(couple).

So I would prefer if those people were on a cheating website where they are have 1 common ground, they all want to have sex and are discrete so dont want their partners to know and are(sorry but my honesty is coming out) lying through their teeth.

Just feel it better if people went to the sites suitable. Honesty in one bit and people lying to themselves and everyone else(I guess they lie to themselves that they are hurting no one, what the other half doesnt know cant hurt....?)

Again we all have different opinions and some dont think us real singles should be counted as a swinger as have no partner but very grateful we can join and be a swingler xx"

I for one more than agree with this, more than in the sense that a genuine single in the swinging scene for me is a swinger, the word has come to incorporate many forms since it became a label, dogging, BDSM, 3somes, voyeurism and more.

So for me genuine singles joining couples or playing with other singles in the scene are swingers.

And as all know I agree with the moral side of what was said by him or her (sorry I never read who writes a post just what they write) my bad

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

i find it a tad weird how you getn single guys over 27 and cant accom??

surley their "flatmates" must know they have a sex life and can bring girls/woman back to their room? lol

auds xx

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By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago


"Hi, I thought this was a Swinging Site, not a Dating Site. The question is not about whether someone is single or not. The question is, does it really matter? Who really has the right to the moral high ground here?

Newbie, so be gentle with me! "

its not really about high moral ground though is it?? its about personal choice!! Some people have strong principles regarding the sanctity of marriage vows/commitment etc and so will not play with people who are cheating on their partners, i can understand that.

You're right, this isnt a dating site but why does that mean people have to deviate from the priciples that make them who they are??

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"i find it a tad weird how you getn single guys over 27 and cant accom??

surley their "flatmates" must know they have a sex life and can bring girls/woman back to their room? lol

auds xx "

Maybe they are single dads ir live with parents or they just dont want strangers in their home,there are loads of genuine reasons why some guys cant accom,does not automatically mean they aree living with someone or cheating.

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By *onny BonesMan  over a year ago

a block away from heaven

To be honest if I found a ladies profile on here that was detailling marital reasons for swinging would bore me. If somebody is introduced to you as single it would be no fault of yours should their 'partner' find out. Many singles prefer discretion for various reasons such as employment, religion, or due to nosey neighbours. I've been questioned regarding my status for prefering discretion in regards to some aspects of my private life. Basically if my intention was not to cause her unwitting partner whom I had no knowledge of then I owe no apology.

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By *edangel_2013Woman  over a year ago


Between the ages of 27 and 30, I had to move back in with my parents.

I couldn't accommodate at all.

Did that make me married? No, just a victim of the credit crunch, and no other choice.

Now I live with mates that are swingers themselves. I still won't accommodate. Neither do they. We enjoy our privacy, and don't want people invading that.

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By *ruitWoman  over a year ago

near kings lynn

"i find it a tad weird how you getn single guys over 27 and cant accom??

surley their "flatmates" must know they have a sex life and can bring girls/woman back to their room? lol

auds xx "

Maybe a guy shares a flat with a mate but doesnt want to bring back other men to his room if his mate doesnt know he is gay or bi....

Single mum or dad doesnt want to bring back 1 person today then another every friday and saturday night for the neighbours to see or the flatmate.

Normally in life your sex life is with one partner as in a relationship but us swingers choose to have sex with maybe more than one person, maybe 5 maybe 50 different partners and dont want our non swinger house mate to know.

Maybe he is a single dad and cant accomodate as have a child at home. Maube the child is a teenager and doesnt need to know thateir their parent may have many different sexual partners.

There are sooo many reasons as to why a person cant acco odate, maybe they live with parents and to bring even 1 person home will start the mum doing a cilla and buying a hat.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"i find it a tad weird how you getn single guys over 27 and cant accom??

surley their "flatmates" must know they have a sex life and can bring girls/woman back to their room? lol

auds xx

Maybe a guy shares a flat with a mate but doesnt want to bring back other men to his room if his mate doesnt know he is gay or bi....

Single mum or dad doesnt want to bring back 1 person today then another every friday and saturday night for the neighbours to see or the flatmate.

Normally in life your sex life is with one partner as in a relationship but us swingers choose to have sex with maybe more than one person, maybe 5 maybe 50 different partners and dont want our non swinger house mate to know.

Maybe he is a single dad and cant accomodate as have a child at home. Maube the child is a teenager and doesnt need to know thateir their parent may have many different sexual partners.

There are sooo many reasons as to why a person cant acco odate, maybe they live with parents and to bring even 1 person home will start the mum doing a cilla and buying a hat."

Your right with the flat mate thing. I used to share due to the cost and didn't want to bring people back if i thought the boys would ask lots of questions.

If people pot no marrieds on their profile then others should respect it and if they are not contact them.

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By *ummy mummyWoman  over a year ago


"i find it a tad weird how you getn single guys over 27 and cant accom??

surley their "flatmates" must know they have a sex life and can bring girls/woman back to their room? lol

auds xx

Maybe a guy shares a flat with a mate but doesnt want to bring back other men to his room if his mate doesnt know he is gay or bi....

Single mum or dad doesnt want to bring back 1 person today then another every friday and saturday night for the neighbours to see or the flatmate.

Normally in life your sex life is with one partner as in a relationship but us swingers choose to have sex with maybe more than one person, maybe 5 maybe 50 different partners and dont want our non swinger house mate to know.

Maybe he is a single dad and cant accomodate as have a child at home. Maube the child is a teenager and doesnt need to know thateir their parent may have many different sexual partners.

There are sooo many reasons as to why a person cant acco odate, maybe they live with parents and to bring even 1 person home will start the mum doing a cilla and buying a hat.

Your right with the flat mate thing. I used to share due to the cost and didn't want to bring people back if i thought the boys would ask lots of questions.

If people pot no marrieds on their profile then others should respect it and if they are not contact them."

you would think it wouls be as simple as that...i have not interested in meeting married or attatched men on mine and i get at least 3 or 4 messages a day from married or attatched men...lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

My Husband and I swing together and singly too. He could lie to you, say he's single and happily take a call at 7pm just as we're settling down to watch TV.

There really is no foolproof way of ling out all the liars.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Thanks to Fruit and others for your opinions. I can understand the desire to find likeminded folk in all it's flavours. But there must be a lot of cheating guys on here to have all single guys treated with so much suspicion! lol

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By *undebigaryMan  over a year ago


"Hi, I thought this was a Swinging Site, not a Dating Site. The question is not about whether someone is single or not. The question is, does it really matter? Who really has the right to the moral high ground here?

Newbie, so be gentle with me! "

well i think the people who are gen single an not telling lies on there profile can take the moral high ground on this one

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"i find it a tad weird how you getn single guys over 27 and cant accom??

surley their "flatmates" must know they have a sex life and can bring girls/woman back to their room? lol

auds xx "

Single Dads? They do exist you know, not all single parents are female!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"i find it a tad weird how you getn single guys over 27 and cant accom??

surley their "flatmates" must know they have a sex life and can bring girls/woman back to their room? lol

auds xx

Single Dads? They do exist you know, not all single parents are female!! "

Soldiers - the barracks get a tad conjested

Policemen living in Police accommodation

Older students

Sharing a house with others

Those aware of noise and nosey neighbours

Those who don't want a stalker knowing thier home address

Chelsea Pensioners - Chelsea Barracks does not welcome swing parties

Prince William - Mother might not be amused and they often share a house though they do have seperate areas

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think those who prefer not to play with guys or women cheating in a relationship have our safeguards, they are not infalable but they are the best we can do, put simply we don't knowingly play with anyone cheating in a relationship, damn but didn't I turn down a gorgeous woman who contacted us recently for that very reason

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm seeking playmates over 45 who must be able to accommodate.

Whilst I accept there are many valid reasons why some can't I make it clear what I expect.

I live with my two adult daughters and meet when they are away. Sometimes they thwart my plans, so a local playmate who can accommodate is a must as I don't do hotels or clubs.

As I, a single woman can invite a single man to my family home, then I expect the same.

I'm all for straight talking and this is set out in my profile so everyone knows where the stand.

So explain to me: why do men that CAN'T accommodate STILL contact me, THEN get arsey when I ask "what part of must be able to accommodate don't you get?!!"

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

genuine sinlge guy here

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" If somebody is introduced to you as single it would be no fault of yours should their 'partner' find out.

Basically if my intention was not to cause her unwitting partner whom I had no knowledge of then I owe no apology."

quite right...and i'm absolutely sure the wife would see it that way too...after all, most women reactt rationally to the fact their partner is being unfaithful and the 'other woman' never cops any flack for it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"genuine sinlge guy here"

i believe you...

...but that's probably cause i want to


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Apart from the usual dead giveaways that may mean a guy is attached,what are you gonna do? follow him for a week in disguise just to make sure he has'nt got a partner tucked away before you agree to meet and play with him?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think those who prefer not to play with guys or women cheating in a relationship have our safeguards, they are not infalable but they are the best we can do, put simply we don't knowingly play with anyone cheating in a relationship, damn but didn't I turn down a gorgeous woman who contacted us recently for that very reason"

Don't you find though you can encounter problems if you ask someone lots of personal questions it looks like prying? Not everyone is going to tell you everything but its difficult on knowing how blunt to be.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think those who prefer not to play with guys or women cheating in a relationship have our safeguards, they are not infalable but they are the best we can do, put simply we don't knowingly play with anyone cheating in a relationship, damn but didn't I turn down a gorgeous woman who contacted us recently for that very reason

Don't you find though you can encounter problems if you ask someone lots of personal questions it looks like prying? Not everyone is going to tell you everything but its difficult on knowing how blunt to be."

you can be as blunt as you want! if they dont like it or are uncomfortable with it, they can kindly decline and move on.

if im going to bed with someone i expect them to feel comfortable with me...if they cant handle a few probing questions that will reasure me, there will be no further ...probing

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Often yes the subjects are related in a positive way but in the past this subject always turns into "he does - she does" and both subjects have thier merits and there is less chance of it turning into a name calling shambles.

We don't meet single females off the internet, our profile explains why, cos a majority are timewasters, many are prima donnas who think they only need to snap thier fingers and everyone else will jump to thier tune and a few are decent reliable honest ladies, we don't want to troll through the bad to find the good but I still support what they have to say it and thier right to say it as I support the guys right to have a thread on the same if somewhat reversed subject"

Woah girl !! Now don't tar us all with the same brush. Glad I'm down here going to the clubs and not oop north!!

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By *b430Man  over a year ago


"Apart from the usual dead giveaways that may mean a guy is attached,what are you gonna do? follow him for a week in disguise just to make sure he has'nt got a partner tucked away before you agree to meet and play with him?"

I thought I recognised you in my local Tescos today!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago
Forum Mod

"Apart from the usual dead giveaways that may mean a guy is attached,what are you gonna do? follow him for a week in disguise just to make sure he has'nt got a partner tucked away before you agree to meet and play with him?

I thought I recognised you in my local Tescos today! "

That chicken up my jumper was freezing

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

wow..... how was I dragged into this half way thru.. I am innocent, I've been at work all day thats my bloody excuse....

right... everyone breathe....calm down... count to 10.....

I think personally, it really a case of people telling others the truth..... it's not always about morality!

It is giving your potential playmates the respect they deserve and enough information for them to make there own decisions based on that information....

if they then decide to play with you... fine, at least no one if being led up a garden path so to speak....

however if they decide not to play with then respect there decision...

no one like being deceived or misled, and in the that that is what the decisions you come down to....

I don't see the point in lying... you tend to get found out in the end anyway, but have enough respect for those you play with not to lie to them...

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By *b430Man  over a year ago


"Apart from the usual dead giveaways that may mean a guy is attached,what are you gonna do? follow him for a week in disguise just to make sure he has'nt got a partner tucked away before you agree to meet and play with him?

I thought I recognised you in my local Tescos today!

That chicken up my jumper was freezing "


Try a wig next time, I heard that using frozens chickens as a disguise only works in Iceland

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think those who prefer not to play with guys or women cheating in a relationship have our safeguards, they are not infalable but they are the best we can do, put simply we don't knowingly play with anyone cheating in a relationship, damn but didn't I turn down a gorgeous woman who contacted us recently for that very reason

Don't you find though you can encounter problems if you ask someone lots of personal questions it looks like prying? Not everyone is going to tell you everything but its difficult on knowing how blunt to be."

I disagree with you.

I'm here for fun and I know the type of man I want to play with.

It's a major turn on for me seeing the colour drain from a man's face when I reveal the contents of my toy box!

A bi man doesn't pale, no enjoyment for me, ergo defeating the exercise: my pleasure.

If a man contacts me and he has a friends list with lots of men on it and these men are bi/gay/tvs, they have hidden verifications and looking for same sex encounters, too right I'll ask them probing questions and the only one encountering problems is them!

I would never dream of searching profiles and contacting someone and ask probing questions, but I certainly make no apologies questioning someone who has contacted me after reading my profile!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If a guy is swinging with his wife/partners consent there is nothing wrong with it.

If a guy is like me and his wife doesn't know but wouldn't care there is nothing wrong with it.

It does make me wonder about the guys who are cheating, stating that on thier profile and boasting "at least I am honest" errrr be honest with your partner not us "

but you're playing on here as a couple?

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman  over a year ago

little house on the praire

"If a guy is swinging with his wife/partners consent there is nothing wrong with it.

If a guy is like me and his wife doesn't know but wouldn't care there is nothing wrong with it.

It does make me wonder about the guys who are cheating, stating that on thier profile and boasting "at least I am honest" errrr be honest with your partner not us

but you're playing on here as a couple?


He omitted to say hes not with his wife but g/f

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

sorry yes, I am married and live with my girlfriend, I haven't seen my wife for about 12-13 years now, something for which she is very greatfull.

Via my daughters I have made sure she knows that despite her running off with my older best friend I am not bitter and enjoy my life now with someone half her age

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Hi, I thought this was a Swinging Site, not a Dating Site. The question is not about whether someone is single or not. The question is, does it really matter? Who really has the right to the moral high ground here?

Newbie, so be gentle with me!

its not really about high moral ground though is it?? its about personal choice!! Some people have strong principles regarding the sanctity of marriage vows/commitment etc and so will not play with people who are cheating on their partners, i can understand that.

You're right, this isnt a dating site but why does that mean people have to deviate from the priciples that make them who they are??"

Here here, ive never been married but believe wholeheartedly in the sanctity of marriage vows and commitments, i dont see the point in declaring ones undying love for someone but carrying on like one is single, there is no excuse for cheating at all

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"sorry yes, I am married and live with my girlfriend, I haven't seen my wife for about 12-13 years now, something for which she is very greatfull.

Via my daughters I have made sure she knows that despite her running off with my older best friend I am not bitter and enjoy my life now with someone half her age "


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"i find it a tad weird how you getn single guys over 27 and cant accom??

surley their "flatmates" must know they have a sex life and can bring girls/woman back to their room? lol

auds xx "

being single myself and not accommodating i do not find it wierd at all, not everyone wants to hand their address out to people off sex sites, not everyone wants their neighbours seeing different people coming and going from their home, not everyone wants their home used as a free brothal lol some singles have kids, including men not all single parents are women, i dont accommodate from most of the above reasons and not because i am playing away really

yes im sure their flat mates do know they have a sex life and im sure they are allowed to take people back, but would you want to be seen with a different person or persons every time you played, have nosey mates asking you question about who they all are? some people like their privacy

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

i dont fuck around with married/attached guys in the ordinary world and i aint doin it here! i dont care what the circumstances are at home, im not interested and i think they are cheats and liars just looking for cheap thrills .same applies to women who cheat in my eyes its the most selfish shallow self egotistical thing to do and call me pious , judgemental whatever i dont care x

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By *ids bull 1Man  over a year ago


heres one for you guys and i no this well cpl she is single he is married she belives he is single but i no he is not and he has a cpls profile on here and he has a cpls profi;le with here and she does not no and telling here to meet single guys for his kicks i ask what would you do

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By *b430Man  over a year ago


"heres one for you guys and i no this well cpl she is single he is married she belives he is single but i no he is not and he has a cpls profile on here and he has a cpls profi;le with here and she does not no and telling here to meet single guys for his kicks i ask what would you do "

Let them get on with it seeing as it is no one elses business but theirs what they do!

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By *ids bull 1Man  over a year ago


she does not no hes got the other profile i no she has not got a clue

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman  over a year ago

little house on the praire

"she does not no hes got the other profile i no she has not got a clue"

Well if shes stupid enough to be oblivious about the fact let her get on with it. If you know and she doesnt it obviously isnt a top secret

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By *ids bull 1Man  over a year ago


she thinks hes the bees knees he has the pie with his wife and she thinks he works away but he tells her to sleep with guys should i tell here cum on guys

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By *ruitWoman  over a year ago

near kings lynn

If the person was a friend who is being lied to/cheated on then yes as a friend I would say as would hope a friend would tell me if they had major concerns about the honest of a person I was involved in.

If it was my mate that was doing the lying again I would speak up to them.

If they are a friend I would try to be there for if it all falls apart but yes to me honesty is the best option.

Dont think they will be angry with you as your not doing it, but some people shoot the messenger.

Good luck in what ever you decide

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By *ruitWoman  over a year ago

near kings lynn

I was just realising then that we havent had (may have missed tho) any people coming on defending why they swing and are lying to their partner as they have a single profile.

There have been some that have come on threads and when this subject has come up occasionally have been brave enough to admit they swing without partners knowledge and have admitted it on their profile saying at least I am honest.

When they have come on and been ripped to shreds they havent come back on and defend themselves which of course they dont need to if they dont wish.

But it is amazing how many people there are saying they think its terrible and next to none saying I cheat and actually speak about it in open forum.

Wonder if anyone has ever come on in the past and actually spoken and said why and listened to people going at them and then continue to defend their choices.

Anyone know of that actually happening?

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By *ids bull 1Man  over a year ago


it cant cum from me he nos to much about me my job and everything just hate when i see a good girl like her being used hes not a swinger hes just getting his kicks off her

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By *ruitWoman  over a year ago

near kings lynn

"it cant cum from me he nos to much about me my job and everything just hate when i see a good girl like her being used hes not a swinger hes just getting his kicks off her"

Does he know as much about you as he knows about you? What is he going to tell your boss or your mum or make it hard for you.

No idea really, but if it was me I would want to know. Can you have a quiet word with her and between you find a plan? No idea really, he may have seen this and is already on your case, he is doing the dirty tho, not you.

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By *ids bull 1Man  over a year ago


when you have job like i have you world is over he nos to much far to much and this as bad this swinging can get

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

where's carrie-ann?

i suspect a hit and run thread!

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By *ids bull 1Man  over a year ago


no hun this is 100% i hate the guy but he nos to much about me

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman  over a year ago

little house on the praire

"when you have job like i have you world is over he nos to much far to much and this as bad this swinging can get"

If your in a position where it would affect you that badly by the fact your a swinger is it really worth it?

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By *ids bull 1Man  over a year ago


my job is my life i say any thing its all gone as we no there are other ways

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"my job is my life i say any thing its all gone as we no there are other ways"

Then you've answered your own question!

You seem itching to spill the beans but you know the price to blab could be too high!

Personally, any woman dumb enough to let a man use her like that won't stop even if she knows he's married.

Mind your own business and leave them to it.

Just my opinion you understand.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"i find it a tad weird how you getn single guys over 27 and cant accom??

surley their "flatmates" must know they have a sex life and can bring girls/woman back to their room? lol

auds xx

being single myself and not accommodating i do not find it wierd at all, not everyone wants to hand their address out to people off sex sites, not everyone wants their neighbours seeing different people coming and going from their home, not everyone wants their home used as a free brothal lol some singles have kids, including men not all single parents are women, i dont accommodate from most of the above reasons and not because i am playing away really

yes im sure their flat mates do know they have a sex life and im sure they are allowed to take people back, but would you want to be seen with a different person or persons every time you played, have nosey mates asking you question about who they all are? some people like their privacy"

I don't have a problem with what you're saying, what gets my goat is men with views like yours, want to protect their homes but expect me to use my house as a knocking shop for their pleasure!

That's why I only play with men who are able to accommodate in their home too.

If they cant/wont, not a problem, just don't contact me as a "not on your life matey" often offends!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


I don't have a problem with what you're saying, what gets my goat is men with views like yours, want to protect their homes but expect me to use my house as a knocking shop for their pleasure!

That's why I only play with men who are able to accommodate in their home too.

If they cant/wont, not a problem, just don't contact me as a "not on your life matey" often offends!"

bloody well said!!!

(cant fathom out why he didnt see the flaw in his argument as he was typing it out though)

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"heres one for you guys and i no this well cpl she is single he is married she belives he is single but i no he is not and he has a cpls profile on here and he has a cpls profi;le with here and she does not no and telling here to meet single guys for his kicks i ask what would you do "

Personally id keep out of it, because if people are being lied to they dont want to admit to themself they've been lied to so will blame anyone but whos really to blame

I was once put in a possition where a couple i knew, and they was a married couple, they swung and met as a couple but he was meeting behind her back too, and i know this for a fact cause he asked me to, i thought i was doing the right thing by telling her, but guess what, i was in the wrong, and it ended up being all mya fault and it was me who was after him!!! turned very nasty and she fell out with me, so from now on i say sod it sort it out yourself

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"i find it a tad weird how you getn single guys over 27 and cant accom??

surley their "flatmates" must know they have a sex life and can bring girls/woman back to their room? lol

auds xx

being single myself and not accommodating i do not find it wierd at all, not everyone wants to hand their address out to people off sex sites, not everyone wants their neighbours seeing different people coming and going from their home, not everyone wants their home used as a free brothal lol some singles have kids, including men not all single parents are women, i dont accommodate from most of the above reasons and not because i am playing away really

yes im sure their flat mates do know they have a sex life and im sure they are allowed to take people back, but would you want to be seen with a different person or persons every time you played, have nosey mates asking you question about who they all are? some people like their privacy

I don't have a problem with what you're saying, what gets my goat is men with views like yours, want to protect their homes but expect me to use my house as a knocking shop for their pleasure!

That's why I only play with men who are able to accommodate in their home too.

If they cant/wont, not a problem, just don't contact me as a "not on your life matey" often offends!"

i agree with you, i dont accommodate and i dont expect people to accommodate me because of this, it really annoys me in fact that it just seems a un written rule on here that women do the accommodating and they get arsey with you because you not, even tho they dont

All i ment by the above is all because people dont accommodate that does not mean they are cheating, i dont accommodate and im 100% single

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

im a guy i have a prtner and have stated this on profile ,honesty is best if women dont want a married man i would never complain or get abuseive.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We have been on this topic all day and I agree with most of what naughty has to say , if not all .

As I was told when I first joined this site its not a 'dating site' but a 'swingers site' . Thanks to that member I have changed the way I view things on here .

Why get into someone's personal business when its a common factor of mainly meeting for sex that brings us here .

If you want strictly singles , I am sure there are sites that cater for those needs.

Lets just be blunt about this we are here to satisfy needs which are not being fulfilled in either a relationship or if your like me and single , we have needs that want to be satisfied .

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By *ruitWoman  over a year ago

near kings lynn

Gold I am not here to just satisfy my needs with any tom dick harry or sally.

I want to fulfill my needs with people that are single and not helping others cheat on their partners. I like to get to know a person before sticking their cock in my mouth and that includes wanting to know their status and if they are scratching an itch their partner wont itch.

Sorry but I want some honesty aswell as sex. Not just the sex. I have some principles.

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By *ummy mummyWoman  over a year ago


"Gold I am not here to just satisfy my needs with any tom dick harry or sally.

I want to fulfill my needs with people that are single and not helping others cheat on their partners. I like to get to know a person before sticking their cock in my mouth and that includes wanting to know their status and if they are scratching an itch their partner wont itch.

Sorry but I want some honesty aswell as sex. Not just the sex. I have some principles."

exactly...I do not see this as a dating siteeither...but that doesn't mean i have to throw my beliefs and principles out the window. Yes we are all looking for sex but that doesn;t mean That I have to meet just anyone.I have been cheated on in the past and know how it feels so I would never knowingly do that to another woman.I also like to have a connection with the person I meet.If i just wanted sex i could have a meet every night but I have standards and yes that means that sometimes i may end up home alone on a weekend...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"We have been on this topic all day and I agree with most of what naughty has to say , if not all .

As I was told when I first joined this site its not a 'dating site' but a 'swingers site' . Thanks to that member I have changed the way I view things on here .

Why get into someone's personal business when its a common factor of mainly meeting for sex that brings us here .

If you want strictly singles , I am sure there are sites that cater for those needs.

Lets just be blunt about this we are here to satisfy needs which are not being fulfilled in either a relationship or if your like me and single , we have needs that want to be satisfied .


By your reckoning then because I have "an itch" it shouldn't matter where I scratch it...any knob will do?!!

May I NEVER get that desperate/jaded/lacking in self respect.

I may enjoy sex with a variety of partners, but I like to know the person who I'll invite into my bed, and as I don't do "one offs", someone free to play with me and not put me in the firing line should they be discovered playing away from home!

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By *yber pimpMan  over a year ago

durham area

"I wouldnt tell anyone to keep the thread pure either but I will give my opinion that the threads tend to be better when they are kept that way and saying that it might be better to have 2 threads going on similar subjects is just an opinion"

i think i must be reading a different thread to you, because i certainly remember you doing exactly that.

in every case agreeing with the post then stating a contrary opinion

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By *ruitWoman  over a year ago

near kings lynn

Really not sure what this keeping the thread rubbish is all about.

In a conversation it starts at one thing and ends up in another country completely...... Thats the way conversation goes.

Stop flipping complaining whoever it is.

Anyone is free to join in and if we digress then we do.

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By *ustyWoman  over a year ago


i am def a single female, divorced and my profile states single guys only but i still get messages from married or attahced guys chancing there luck, i am only interested in single guys as most married guys the wife dont know

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By *ruitWoman  over a year ago

near kings lynn

People will always chance their luck as because they dont care they are lying to their partners they think why should you care.

Lets get down to it they want a fook after all and will say anything and do anything to pretend to get it in many cases.

Men will always lie and ladies will too if its a means to an end.

Thats why I would prefer them to sod off to another site where they can all cheat together and no one will complain as they will be one of the lads or lasses as all a bunch of liers.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Interesting idea Fruit has. But if there is a site for singles, how would you really know the person is actually single?

I guess some people come into this site, or any other sites for that matter with some baggage and secrets. Private lives are not easy to define by a simple profile and in some cases the person may not want to reveal all there is in their life in a profile. There is just no way to know for sure if someone is 'playing away'. Read the signs, stay smart and be true to yourself is the best we can do.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"We have been on this topic all day and I agree with most of what naughty has to say , if not all .

As I was told when I first joined this site its not a 'dating site' but a 'swingers site' . Thanks to that member I have changed the way I view things on here .

Why get into someone's personal business when its a common factor of mainly meeting for sex that brings us here .

If you want strictly singles , I am sure there are sites that cater for those needs.

Lets just be blunt about this we are here to satisfy needs which are not being fulfilled in either a relationship or if your like me and single , we have needs that want to be satisfied .


the other reason i joined this site is that i don t want a string of meaningless one night stands...which is what your comment really equates to, that we should have no interest in whom we are sleeping with.

i dont want a relationship either, so i dont consider this a dating site just because i would rather have a few permanent playmates rather than a hundred nothings.

i hate that because i want to know someone the automatic response is "well go join match.com then"

it is up to me what i chose to do and i would suggest that if folk are hoping that this site will gain them a lot of notches with people who respect neither themselves nor the person they sleep with, then it is them that's on the wrong site, not me

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"We have been on this topic all day and I agree with most of what naughty has to say , if not all .

As I was told when I first joined this site its not a 'dating site' but a 'swingers site' . Thanks to that member I have changed the way I view things on here .

Why get into someone's personal business when its a common factor of mainly meeting for sex that brings us here .

If you want strictly singles , I am sure there are sites that cater for those needs.

Lets just be blunt about this we are here to satisfy needs which are not being fulfilled in either a relationship or if your like me and single , we have needs that want to be satisfied .

the other reason i joined this site is that i don t want a string of meaningless one night stands...which is what your comment really equates to, that we should have no interest in whom we are sleeping with.

i dont want a relationship either, so i dont consider this a dating site just because i would rather have a few permanent playmates rather than a hundred nothings.

i hate that because i want to know someone the automatic response is "well go join match.com then"

it is up to me what i chose to do and i would suggest that if folk are hoping that this site will gain them a lot of notches with people who respect neither themselves nor the person they sleep with, then it is them that's on the wrong site, not me"

Well said that woman!

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By *ruitWoman  over a year ago

near kings lynn

Purple your right how do you know that a person on a single site is really single. Well you dont is the answer.

I try to look for signs and see what comes up, ask questions and get to know a person. That normally gives me a good idea of a person. Sometimes get it wrong only to meet them after getting to know them to find out they are actually dating. That makes me feel used and awful.

Give me the truth before we plan to meet then can decide to meet or not after all.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This topic has generated some very strong feelings, it leads me to ask the question 'is infidelity the main thing people have a problem with, or is it infidelity on a swingers site'?

Lets face it, infidelity is as old as marriage and is a feature of adult interaction in every social circle or culture probably in the world. Prior to swingers sites, men AND women would meet in bars, pubs, nightclubs or supermarket aisles! The ones intending to cheat just removed their wedding rings. I have never heard of potential cheaters being excluded from pubs and clubs or daycare centres and being told to just use cheaters pubs.

Swingers sites are just another medium by which people can meet or interact with each other, why should they be immune to the 'infidelity trait' that effects any other sections of society?

This forum is a nice example of some of the reasons i like this scene, it is (in the main) more open minded, tolerant mentally mature than many other sections of society. So to suggest that people should be banned, or pushed out to use a 'cheaters site' seems a little.....well you decide.

Surely the answer is a simple one, just do your 'due diligence' and if you have any doubt that the person your meeting doesnt fit in with your 'moral standing', choose someone else. As distasteful as it may be for many, im sure some would prefer to meet cheaters because it almost guarantees discretion! lol

For the record i am single and therefore cannot cheat, when in a relationship i do not cheat, and i do not in any way condone cheating.

I do not like being lied to or decieved, but some people on here lie about their pictures, their age, their weight even their sexuality! As has been commented there are lots of single women on here who......well

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This topic goes on .

To gain respect , show some respect. That is how I treat all on this site , unlike some . Yet they seem to be doing rather better than guys that want to be truthful about what they are looking for on this site .

And unlike some of the comments above , That does nt mean sleeping with anyone . A regular fuck buddy would be very useful at this point in life .

Still single .

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman  over a year ago

little house on the praire

"This topic has generated some very strong feelings, it leads me to ask the question 'is infidelity the main thing people have a problem with, or is it infidelity on a swingers site'?

Lets face it, infidelity is as old as marriage and is a feature of adult interaction in every social circle or culture probably in the world. Prior to swingers sites, men AND women would meet in bars, pubs, nightclubs or supermarket aisles! The ones intending to cheat just removed their wedding rings. I have never heard of potential cheaters being excluded from pubs and clubs or daycare centres and being told to just use cheaters pubs.

Swingers sites are just another medium by which people can meet or interact with each other, why should they be immune to the 'infidelity trait' that effects any other sections of society?

This forum is a nice example of some of the reasons i like this scene, it is (in the main) more open minded, tolerant mentally mature than many other sections of society. So to suggest that people should be banned, or pushed out to use a 'cheaters site' seems a little.....well you decide.

Surely the answer is a simple one, just do your 'due diligence' and if you have any doubt that the person your meeting doesnt fit in with your 'moral standing', choose someone else. As distasteful as it may be for many, im sure some would prefer to meet cheaters because it almost guarantees discretion! lol

For the record i am single and therefore cannot cheat, when in a relationship i do not cheat, and i do not in any way condone cheating.

I do not like being lied to or decieved, but some people on here lie about their pictures, their age, their weight even their sexuality! As has been commented there are lots of single women on here who......well "

Infidelity. None of us have been purer than driven snow especially me, my bug bare is people who are married coming on here and try and cover up their cheating by using the word swinger. They are NOT swingers. Also if someone has it open on their profile that they are married(but please not the im being honest bit) again no problems i just pass them by. Its the ones that come into the forums, telling everyone there married like its some trophy. That to me is the upmost disrespect for a partner. If your going to do it do it but dont put yourself in the limelight about it or tell everyone you have a couples profile on here when really its two married people with someone else.

If i had a partner and they cheated that would be bad enough but if i had a partner who cheated and i found out they where on somewhere like this publicly announcing they where cheating on me i would be devastated. So if they are going to do it they should be on one of those secret affairs sites and not wrap it up as swinging

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By *ensualfire88Man  over a year ago


A few 'Average White Band' fans on this thread i see.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Purple your right how do you know that a person on a single site is really single. Well you dont is the answer.

I try to look for signs and see what comes up, ask questions and get to know a person. That normally gives me a good idea of a person. Sometimes get it wrong only to meet them after getting to know them to find out they are actually dating. That makes me feel used and awful.

Give me the truth before we plan to meet then can decide to meet or not after all."

it's on my profile I have a girl friend i volunteer the information to those that ask as she works in the sex industry & will never ever be on here. Her work is far to valuable to her. She is therefore happy for me to get my extra plesures. I'm not sure what signs are they're but it's down to trust. At least you know it's not going to get serious & end up with a stalker! Male or female lol

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman  over a year ago

little house on the praire

"Purple your right how do you know that a person on a single site is really single. Well you dont is the answer.

I try to look for signs and see what comes up, ask questions and get to know a person. That normally gives me a good idea of a person. Sometimes get it wrong only to meet them after getting to know them to find out they are actually dating. That makes me feel used and awful.

Give me the truth before we plan to meet then can decide to meet or not after all.

it's on my profile I have a girl friend i volunteer the information to those that ask as she works in the sex industry & will never ever be on here. Her work is far to valuable to her. She is therefore happy for me to get my extra plesures. I'm not sure what signs are they're but it's down to trust. At least you know it's not going to get serious & end up with a stalker! Male

or female lol"

But if your girlfriend knows thats completelty different. My boyfriend knows everything i am quite happy for him to read my messages but he never bothers

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Infidelity. None of us have been purer than driven snow especially me, my bug bare is people who are married coming on here and try and cover up their cheating by using the word swinger. They are NOT swingers. Also if someone has it open on their profile that they are married(but please not the im being honest bit) again no problems i just pass them by. Its the ones that come into the forums, telling everyone there married like its some trophy. That to me is the upmost disrespect for a partner. If your going to do it do it but dont put yourself in the limelight about it or tell everyone you have a couples profile on here when really its two married people with someone else.

If i had a partner and they cheated that would be bad enough but if i had a partner who cheated and i found out they where on somewhere like this publicly announcing they where cheating on me i would be devastated. So if they are going to do it they should be on one of those secret affairs sites and not wrap it up as swinging"

Your points are very well made, i fimd myself agreeing with some of them, but not all.

The thrust of your point here appears to be not that these individuals are decieving the site or any of us on the site, but their husband or wife at home. Does that mean there are degrees of infidelity? Cheating on a swingers site is worst than cheating with the milkman or with your brother?

I agree its distasteful that some people feel able to disrespect their partner to the level you describe, but i dont believe that we should in anyway police it. If their perception of what swinging is doesnt match yours or mine, who is to say who has got it right? I for one havent read a swinging rule book.....

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