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Oldest line in the book?!...

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Ok, since joining the site, I've had 4 guys offer their 'services' as a professional photographer. So by declining, apparently I'm giving up the opportunity of a lifetime to have professional 'modelling' pics done...

Do people fall for this?! I haven't said anywhere on my profile I'm looking for someone to take my pictures, and they seem pretty pissed off when it's suggested that this isn't a clever way to try and get in my pants...

What other round-about ways to get a meet arranged have you discovered???

P x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Ok, since joining the site, I've had 4 guys offer their 'services' as a professional photographer. So by declining, apparently I'm giving up the opportunity of a lifetime to have professional 'modelling' pics done...

Do people fall for this?! I haven't said anywhere on my profile I'm looking for someone to take my pictures, and they seem pretty pissed off when it's suggested that this isn't a clever way to try and get in my pants...

What other round-about ways to get a meet arranged have you discovered???

P x"

Ive been offered the whole professional picture thing before quite a few times, i always turn it down but what ive noticed is that it always seems to be men over my age limit as if they think ohh because im over her age limit maybe if i offer to take pictures for her it might tempt her to get into bed with me. It is rather annoying.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I've had messages that read

" still on for that meet "

but when I point out that I'm a site supporter and it shows me I have never messaged them they still try to convince me we've had extensive chats and made arrangements, usually to meet for a drink which is something I have never done, and then call me a timewaster when I refuse to meet them!!!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I've had messages that read

" still on for that meet "

but when I point out that I'm a site supporter and it shows me I have never messaged them they still try to convince me we've had extensive chats and made arrangements, usually to meet for a drink which is something I have never done, and then call me a timewaster when I refuse to meet them!!!!!


I get that alot too lol, as if they expect you to fall for that, its quite funny lol

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By *carletRomanceCouple  over a year ago


We actually do photo shoots for other couples and singles (photography and makeup) and don’t play through it - but we’ve also had the very same kinda stuff “nice pics I’m quite handy with the camera myself” etc…

Not had too many other sneaky attempts at meets other than a few fuck buddies who, after talking to for a while, the girl has decided she’s not playing anymore but we can still meet the guy…

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By *uckscouple2007Couple  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 08/09/11 20:44:21]

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By *uckscouple2007Couple  over a year ago


"I've had messages that read

" still on for that meet "

but when I point out that I'm a site supporter and it shows me I have never messaged them they still try to convince me we've had extensive chats and made arrangements, usually to meet for a drink which is something I have never done, and then call me a timewaster when I refuse to meet them!!!!!


was intrigued by the ingenuity of a single male who had started the subject of his message " Re: " as if it was a reply ... but that soon changed to rejection when he insisted we had Mailed him 1st

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

These are brilliant! I've not had the 'when are we meeting one', but had plenty of the 'my wife doesn't want to meet' or been messaged from the couple and when I say I'm not meeting couples, it's ok, it's just my man that wants to meet you...

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By *laphe1Man  over a year ago


I always compliment the lady first,and ask for a drink as a get to know me basis .Still get nowhere mind.It must be difficult though cos you really dont know anything about people on here never mind intentions.Oh well there is always the pub....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

not from the same guy - but - the same messages loads of times = asking "would u like a gangbang with 5 (or so) good looking guys/Hunks!!"

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"not from the same guy - but - the same messages loads of times = asking "would u like a gangbang with 5 (or so) good looking guys/Hunks!!" "

oh thats not fair.. I only ever get the offer of two...


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"not from the same guy - but - the same messages loads of times = asking "would u like a gangbang with 5 (or so) good looking guys/Hunks!!" "


Goes and sits in the corner to sulk!

Not jelous at all

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By *layfullsamMan  over a year ago


"Ok, since joining the site, I've had 4 guys offer their 'services' as a professional photographer. So by declining, apparently I'm giving up the opportunity of a lifetime to have professional 'modelling' pics done...

Do people fall for this?! I haven't said anywhere on my profile I'm looking for someone to take my pictures, and they seem pretty pissed off when it's suggested that this isn't a clever way to try and get in my pants...

What other round-about ways to get a meet arranged have you discovered???

P x"

Dam guess its time to sell the kodak camera and try a new tactic

What about offering to clean your windows or do odd jobs around the house ?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I usually get the photography thing too, usually the 'love your pics but I could take some action pics if you like, as you don't have any of those' - hmm let me guess who the male in the pics is likely to be in these pics, and why do you think I don't want play pics, could it be that I'm not interested in that and want to take pics of what I want to see!

Because my OH works abroad a lot I always get the 'do you want me to look after you tonight' , err no of course I don't, I'm a big girl now and I'm not scared of the dark either

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I've had messages that read

" still on for that meet "

but when I point out that I'm a site supporter and it shows me I have never messaged them they still try to convince me we've had extensive chats and made arrangements, usually to meet for a drink which is something I have never done, and then call me a timewaster when I refuse to meet them!!!!!


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Ok, since joining the site, I've had 4 guys offer their 'services' as a professional photographer..... What other round-about ways to get a meet arranged have you discovered???"

I get a lot of men offering to come and do my housework naked... with "no expectations" of course. Somehow, I don't believe them!

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By *omnlynneCouple  over a year ago

milton keynes

we will come clean your house naked sunny and take photos whilst we do it......but in return our expectation would be to cop a view of the magnificent orbs

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I've had a few,"Meet me in an hour but I bet you're too chicken too" messages.Then get all shitty when you suggest it's not at the top of your "to do list"

Ist I work full time so meet me in an hour ain't cutting it. 2nd I'm not that desperate to hook up with a faceless wonder. 3rd there's feedback on my account so I have done meets.

Goading women to get a meet is pretty lame and is never going to work. I just ignore them now. Don't feed the trolls

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 10/09/11 11:41:46]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"we will come clean your house naked sunny and take photos whilst we do it......but in return our expectation would be to cop a view of the magnificent orbs "

LOL TomnLynne, travelling 170 miles to do me cleaning and get a glimpse of me boobs would be a very bad move. Me boobs look far better in the pic than they are in real life LOL

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By *arnayguyMan  over a year ago

Durham Tees

"Ok, since joining the site, I've had 4 guys offer their 'services' as a professional photographer. So by declining, apparently I'm giving up the opportunity of a lifetime to have professional 'modelling' pics done...

P x"

Amateur snaps? No way. I would far rather offer to do an oil painting of you, taking several sittings over several days and I get to look at you all that time x.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Funnily enough I was talking about this same subject with a meet last night, before fucking in the most delightful manner we were discussing the amount of messages we get daily with the obvious ratio of about a dozen compared to bloody hundreds (her being a single lass and a sweet one at that)

This naturally led on to how she managed to wade through them and select the majority for the delete button and she too has said there's the chancers out there who try to claim they have had contact in the past. Even though she too is a site supporter. Surprise surprise they were pretty high up the delete list too, along with the "fancy a fuck?" and the "hi, how are you?" brigade. Although she did confess to playing along once with them, saying things like "Where was it we were going to meet again?" and watching the squirming tools coming up with a quick vague and sketchy half-arsed reply

On a personal note though I've offered to take photos before, but only of play that we are already going to be having anyway so I wouldn't have thought of it as a tool to clamber into a lady's knicks, more as a souvenir of a lovely smutty night that we can both keep...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I've had a few,"Meet me in an hour but I bet you're too chicken too" messages.Then get all shitty when you suggest it's not at the top of your "to do list"

Ist I work full time so meet me in an hour ain't cutting it. 2nd I'm not that desperate to hook up with a faceless wonder. 3rd there's feedback on my account so I have done meets

Goading women to get a meet is pretty lame and is never going to work. I just ignore them now. Don't feed the trolls"



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

On a few occasions I've had a very insulting mail from guys, when asked why they felt the need to be so insulting, the reply is always the same....I didn't mean it I just wanted to get your attention.

Just like naughty children really, any attention is better than no attention.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"On a few occasions I've had a very insulting mail from guys, when asked why they felt the need to be so insulting, the reply is always the same....I didn't mean it I just wanted to get your attention.

Just like naughty children really, any attention is better than no attention. "

That's dumb as dogshit. Have they not heard of first impressions?...

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