
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Virus > Has the Virus Created not just a North and South Divide but a Age Divide as Well

Has the Virus Created not just a North and South Divide but a Age Divide as Well

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By *eavy-Metal-Couple OP   Couple  over a year ago


From looking at social media and other places opinions between different on how to deal with the virus has differed between ages groups. what I'm asking is as the title of this forum suggests has this virus and the way we have dealt with it and opinions of others have created a age divide with in the country. Looking forward to seeing the replies below.

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By *ackformore100Man  over a year ago

Tin town

"From looking at social media and other places opinions between different on how to deal with the virus has differed between ages groups. what I'm asking is as the title of this forum suggests has this virus and the way we have dealt with it and opinions of others have created a age divide with in the country. Looking forward to seeing the replies below."

It probably has... Along with race too... Don't forget apparently BAME races are more biologically or behaviourally susceptible, and ditto for the overweight and diabetic... Who apparently are more susceptible. But there always has been divisions. They are just more critical right now. Life and death in some cases.

Case in point... Call from teenage offspring this morning, who I love unconditionally and until uni was always sensible. At a uni in the North East. Year 2 and sharing a house with 5 others. All were tested yesterday. (same day appt by the way and results back less than 24 hours later... So no issues with testing). 4 of 6 tested positive. I asked had she being careful and following guidelines.? The answer was, no not all the time, but most of the time, and not been stupid.

Now it's early days... And I keep my fingers crossed they all have mild symptoms and recover quickly. And yes I'm worried. But to your op is there a divide? Absolutely there is.

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By *essiejamesABCCouple  over a year ago


"From looking at social media and other places opinions between different on how to deal with the virus has differed between ages groups. what I'm asking is as the title of this forum suggests has this virus and the way we have dealt with it and opinions of others have created a age divide with in the country. Looking forward to seeing the replies below.

It probably has... Along with race too... Don't forget apparently BAME races are more biologically or behaviourally susceptible, and ditto for the overweight and diabetic... Who apparently are more susceptible. But there always has been divisions. They are just more critical right now. Life and death in some cases.

Case in point... Call from teenage offspring this morning, who I love unconditionally and until uni was always sensible. At a uni in the North East. Year 2 and sharing a house with 5 others. All were tested yesterday. (same day appt by the way and results back less than 24 hours later... So no issues with testing). 4 of 6 tested positive. I asked had she being careful and following guidelines.? The answer was, no not all the time, but most of the time, and not been stupid.

Now it's early days... And I keep my fingers crossed they all have mild symptoms and recover quickly. And yes I'm worried. But to your op is there a divide? Absolutely there is. "

I do hope they all make a full recovery.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"From looking at social media and other places opinions between different on how to deal with the virus has differed between ages groups. what I'm asking is as the title of this forum suggests has this virus and the way we have dealt with it and opinions of others have created a age divide with in the country. Looking forward to seeing the replies below.

It probably has... Along with race too... Don't forget apparently BAME races are more biologically or behaviourally susceptible, and ditto for the overweight and diabetic... Who apparently are more susceptible. But there always has been divisions. They are just more critical right now. Life and death in some cases.

Case in point... Call from teenage offspring this morning, who I love unconditionally and until uni was always sensible. At a uni in the North East. Year 2 and sharing a house with 5 others. All were tested yesterday. (same day appt by the way and results back less than 24 hours later... So no issues with testing). 4 of 6 tested positive. I asked had she being careful and following guidelines.? The answer was, no not all the time, but most of the time, and not been stupid.

Now it's early days... And I keep my fingers crossed they all have mild symptoms and recover quickly. And yes I'm worried. But to your op is there a divide? Absolutely there is. "

We all think we’re invincible when we’re young. I find it hard to get angry at teenagers/early 20s acting their age but I get very annoyed at the 30 and 40 somethings who seem ready to cast the elderly, disabled and other vulnerable folk adrift.

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By *ackformore100Man  over a year ago

Tin town

"From looking at social media and other places opinions between different on how to deal with the virus has differed between ages groups. what I'm asking is as the title of this forum suggests has this virus and the way we have dealt with it and opinions of others have created a age divide with in the country. Looking forward to seeing the replies below.

It probably has... Along with race too... Don't forget apparently BAME races are more biologically or behaviourally susceptible, and ditto for the overweight and diabetic... Who apparently are more susceptible. But there always has been divisions. They are just more critical right now. Life and death in some cases.

Case in point... Call from teenage offspring this morning, who I love unconditionally and until uni was always sensible. At a uni in the North East. Year 2 and sharing a house with 5 others. All were tested yesterday. (same day appt by the way and results back less than 24 hours later... So no issues with testing). 4 of 6 tested positive. I asked had she being careful and following guidelines.? The answer was, no not all the time, but most of the time, and not been stupid.

Now it's early days... And I keep my fingers crossed they all have mild symptoms and recover quickly. And yes I'm worried. But to your op is there a divide? Absolutely there is.

I do hope they all make a full recovery. "

That's very kind thank you.

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By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


We've increased divisions in the country this year. Accompanying this is the division between government and us, where our trust has been trashed since Cummings and Johnson. They've also tried to deflect blame from themselves on to others, including trying to divide and conquer us. We should be resistant to going against our fellow people, when leaders are achieving such atrocious results.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

its created a divide between every man for himself and people that still want to sacrifice a little for their neighbour

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By *mmabluTV/TS  over a year ago

upton wirral

it has shown the divides that exist anyway

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By *mmabluTV/TS  over a year ago

upton wirral

"We've increased divisions in the country this year. Accompanying this is the division between government and us, where our trust has been trashed since Cummings and Johnson. They've also tried to deflect blame from themselves on to others, including trying to divide and conquer us. We should be resistant to going against our fellow people, when leaders are achieving such atrocious results. "
Easy to find fault could you do better?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This is an interesting question OP

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By *eatrice BadinageWoman  over a year ago

In a Sparkly Dress

"its created a divide between every man for himself and people that still want to sacrifice a little for their neighbour


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By *eavy-Metal-Couple OP   Couple  over a year ago


Some interesting responses my feeling that after today's announcements its just gonna case more anger and division. with my city expected to be in Tier 3 i know most here in all age brackets are just pissed off and want to find a better way then what this Government is doing. In my eyes we should of when this was rising again made every city with huge exhibition and convention centres make them into covid hospitals and with the NHS getting help from the Army Medical Corps to run them. I also would go into focused protection eg protect the elderly, the vulnerable and those more at risk of covid, but hey that's common sense and I don't run the country so what do I know ha.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"its created a divide between every man for himself and people that still want to sacrifice a little for their neighbour


Not every man for himself.

But I will always put my family first each and every single time.

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By *ancs MinxWoman  over a year ago


"its created a divide between every man for himself and people that still want to sacrifice a little for their neighbour

Not every man for himself.

But I will always put my family first each and every single time."

Exactly and rightly so

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By *alandNitaCouple  over a year ago


Personally I think the device is more between the people who are trying to reduce the infection rate by conforming to the rules... and those who think the restrictions are pointless and there is "something else going on", the rules are "all about control" and all the "steeple" need to "wake up".


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By *addyBabygirl2020Couple  over a year ago


"Personally I think the device is more between the people who are trying to reduce the infection rate by conforming to the rules... and those who think the restrictions are pointless and there is "something else going on", the rules are "all about control" and all the "steeple" need to "wake up".

Cal "

Nicely done, labled everyone who disagrees with the restrictions as conspiracy nuts. Most of us are not though

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Personally I think the device is more between the people who are trying to reduce the infection rate by conforming to the rules... and those who think the restrictions are pointless and there is "something else going on", the rules are "all about control" and all the "steeple" need to "wake up".

Cal "

And they’ll always find a really good reason to oppose restrictions that incredibly just happens to let them go to the pub, and fuck strangers off the internet.

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By *wisted999Man  over a year ago

North Bucks

"Personally I think the device is more between the people who are trying to reduce the infection rate by conforming to the rules... and those who think the restrictions are pointless and there is "something else going on", the rules are "all about control" and all the "steeple" need to "wake up".

Cal "

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By *alandNitaCouple  over a year ago


"Personally I think the device is more between the people who are trying to reduce the infection rate by conforming to the rules... and those who think the restrictions are pointless and there is "something else going on", the rules are "all about control" and all the "steeple" need to "wake up".



Nicely done, labled everyone who disagrees with the restrictions as conspiracy nuts. Most of us are not though"

Most people don't like the restrictions, but grudgingly abide by them. It's not those who "don't agree" that are at odds with the "conformists", but those who actively campaign against the restrictions, posting conspiracy theories and fake news.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

i just feel that the main lockdown we had before clearly did not stop this virus.

the more people see mps and others who make the law breaking them it just hardens the publics opinion to not follow guidelines.

we are seeing infection rates go up but are deaths like they were in the first outbreak?

thats the part people have trouble coming to terms with when they are losing work, business are failing and people cannot do the things they use too.

its a virus. and like other viruses we just have to get on with it. people die from many illnesses and life shouldnt stop because lockdown also kills.

life has to go on. we cant stay like this forever. humanity will continue

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Personally I think the device is more between the people who are trying to reduce the infection rate by conforming to the rules... and those who think the restrictions are pointless and there is "something else going on", the rules are "all about control" and all the "steeple" need to "wake up".


And they’ll always find a really good reason to oppose restrictions that incredibly just happens to let them go to the pub, and fuck strangers off the internet."

I'm probably one of the loudest anti-restriction voices here so let me respond.

First, I'm not young. I'm 50. I know the risks, I've made a point of finding out and keeping abreast of changes as the evidence collects and the science evolves.

I'm not a conspiracy nut. You won't find me claiming it's 'all about control' , 'spread by 5g', 'covid doesn't exist' or any of the other piles of patent nonsense around.

I actually spend remarkably little time in the pub (at least when not working in one) and rarely 'fuck strangers off the internet' (despite my best efforts ta times!).

So, why do I oppose lockdowns & restrictions :

- Lockdowns don't solve the problem. They delay it, yes, but they don't solve it. As an emergency measure for a very limited time, they're acceptable but they are not and never will be a viable long term control measure.

- The harms from the restrictions, economically, medically and socially are enormous and growing by the day yet they receive very little attention or consideration.

- There is remarkably little hard science to back up most of the restrictions. Yes, they 'sound' sensible but so do a lot of other things that aren't correct (a feather won't fall slower than a stone in a vacuum even though common sense says it should).

- There is no clear, concise and articulated strategy for ending this whole mess. 7 months on and there's still no published, stated aim other than 'suppress the virus'

- Like it or not, the current level or restrictions cannot be sustained indefinitely without the risk of serious civil unrest, especially as job losses mount, incomes fall and patience runs out.

So.. since I'm clearly not a nut, or a conspiracy theorist, what box do I belong in? I'm sure I won't be alone....

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By *alandNitaCouple  over a year ago


"Personally I think the device is more between the people who are trying to reduce the infection rate by conforming to the rules... and those who think the restrictions are pointless and there is "something else going on", the rules are "all about control" and all the "steeple" need to "wake up".



And they’ll always find a really good reason to oppose restrictions that incredibly just happens to let them go to the pub, and fuck strangers off the internet.


I'm probably one of the loudest anti-restriction voices here so let me respond.

First, I'm not young. I'm 50. I know the risks, I've made a point of finding out and keeping abreast of changes as the evidence collects and the science evolves.

I'm not a conspiracy nut. You won't find me claiming it's 'all about control' , 'spread by 5g', 'covid doesn't exist' or any of the other piles of patent nonsense around.

I actually spend remarkably little time in the pub (at least when not working in one) and rarely 'fuck strangers off the internet' (despite my best efforts ta times!).

So, why do I oppose lockdowns & restrictions :

- Lockdowns don't solve the problem. They delay it, yes, but they don't solve it. As an emergency measure for a very limited time, they're acceptable but they are not and never will be a viable long term control measure.

- The harms from the restrictions, economically, medically and socially are enormous and growing by the day yet they receive very little attention or consideration.

- There is remarkably little hard science to back up most of the restrictions. Yes, they 'sound' sensible but so do a lot of other things that aren't correct (a feather won't fall slower than a stone in a vacuum even though common sense says it should).

- There is no clear, concise and articulated strategy for ending this whole mess. 7 months on and there's still no published, stated aim other than 'suppress the virus'

- Like it or not, the current level or restrictions cannot be sustained indefinitely without the risk of serious civil unrest, especially as job losses mount, incomes fall and patience runs out.

So.. since I'm clearly not a nut, or a conspiracy theorist, what box do I belong in? I'm sure I won't be alone...."

A proper lockdown would most certainly stop the virus, but it pretty much impossible to do. The virus can-not persist without infecting more people, and can-not infect new people without contact. A total lockdown where nobody at all leaves their house for a month would completely kill off the virus... but it would also be impossible to achieve because of the "key workers" that we can't do without.

The restrictions that we have, as you rightly say are designed to slow the virus... until there is a vaccine available.

Mr original post in response to division amongst the people, is still true. this is the main "divide".


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By *arahspiceCouple  over a year ago


"Personally I think the device is more between the people who are trying to reduce the infection rate by conforming to the rules... and those who think the restrictions are pointless and there is "something else going on", the rules are "all about control" and all the "steeple" need to "wake up".


Nicely done, labled everyone who disagrees with the restrictions as conspiracy nuts. Most of us are not though"

Either nuts or ignorant and causing the virus to keep spreading which will lead to further lockdowns .

Both are really stupid

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


A proper lockdown would most certainly stop the virus, but it pretty much impossible to do. The virus can-not persist without infecting more people, and can-not infect new people without contact. A total lockdown where nobody at all leaves their house for a month would completely kill off the virus... but it would also be impossible to achieve because of the "key workers" that we can't do without.

The restrictions that we have, as you rightly say are designed to slow the virus... until there is a vaccine available.

Mr original post in response to division amongst the people, is still true. this is the main "divide".


A 'proper lockdown' as you say would stop the virus - until it was re-imported from overseas. Completely closing the UK border to all (as NZ & Australia have done) is imoossible - we aren't self sufficient in anything so my statement remains rrue - lockdowns don't solve the problem.

Restrictions may slow the virus but 'until there is a vaccine' is in my opinion wishful thinking. The stated intent is to vaccinate only the most at risk, so the majority will remain succeptable and therefor thr risk of 'overwhelmkng the NHS' remains so the restrictions need to remain too, potentially for years.

It's also very unclear what level,of resfriction is neede to even slow the virus - as we've seen recently even with restrictions it can still spread effectively.

I don't dispute there is a divide, but please don't lump everyone who's against the level of restrictions being imposed in with the nuts - there are actually quite a lot like me....

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By *rufinWoman  over a year ago


I haven't noticed an age divide, it's a 'type of person' divide. Most of my family all feel the same, regardless of age. Most of my friends feel the same, regardless of age. So I know a large number of people in their 70s and 80s who all feel the same as me - it's time to stop all this pretending we can eliminate a virus and just get on with life. Stay in if you want to, don't if you don't want to. Pragmatism and realism aren't age-specific. Most of the older people I know are quite happy to take their chances. Something is going to get them sooner or later, and it's unlikely to be this but they'll take their chances.

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By *ap d agde coupleCouple  over a year ago

Herne Bay

"I haven't noticed an age divide, it's a 'type of person' divide. Most of my family all feel the same, regardless of age. Most of my friends feel the same, regardless of age. So I know a large number of people in their 70s and 80s who all feel the same as me - it's time to stop all this pretending we can eliminate a virus and just get on with life. Stay in if you want to, don't if you don't want to. Pragmatism and realism aren't age-specific. Most of the older people I know are quite happy to take their chances. Something is going to get them sooner or later, and it's unlikely to be this but they'll take their chances."
Agree with what you say , Let people make there own judgement

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