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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

So there have been sars , bird flu , coronavirus so can someone tell me what the hell is going on in China ? What are they really up to ?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Really bad practice in their blood markets but rumours are about they created this virus in a lab

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

No, they won't tell you or the rest of the world anything because they're an unaccountable rogue state.

If you want the truth out of China you'll have to rely on their dissidents & whistleblowers, until they get bumped off, like the bloke who exposed COVID-19 for example.

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By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


I think a lot is driven by the market having been opened up by their government to cultivate and trade in wild animals, with little to no controls in place. Their farming conditions for wild animals are low grade and their markets where killing and sales occur - so called wet markets - blood everywhere, are beyond reason as anything other than probably very dangerous, for infections to jump across species barriers.

We can speculate all we like about science labs creating viruses but their farming and management of wild species is probably an almost perfect setup for current animal viruses to cross into humans, without needing a science lab.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Maybe they where testing biological warfare...best way to clean out population without bombs or destruction..

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By *mmabluTV/TS  over a year ago

upton wirral

China s going to be the most powerfull state on this planet very soon.

This virus will weaken the US so much we will all be at China's mercy you wait and see

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By *oggoneMan  over a year ago


"No, they won't tell you or the rest of the world anything because they're an unaccountable rogue state.

If you want the truth out of China you'll have to rely on their dissidents & whistleblowers, until they get bumped off, like the bloke who exposed COVID-19 for example."

He didn't get bumped off, he was forced to retract his claim and apologise for making them. He was then sent back to work as doctor. The virus killed him.

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By *yx_InannaWoman  over a year ago


Considering the corona viruses are mutating in recent years there's a reason that's encouraging these mutations. We're are at 3 now so what's happening now that wasn't 50/40/30/20 years ago?

Is it medication allowing the virus to mutate more? We've been walking around with these viruses that pass harmlessly through us since they haven't had the ability to attack our bodies.

Could levels of radiation cause this virus to mutate? Chemicals in the water? Chemicals in the air? What if it's medications and these medications are making it worse in others, why some seem to recover then get worse is it correlating to them restarting their medication regiment? Are people more sick being kept on their medication which is allowing the virus to respond rapidly?

Something has triggered mutations making them more virulent, zoonotic and resistant. What if the world of superbugs is just the beginning? There's so many now, can the human race prevent them?

I don't think it's a conspiracy but I do think its something we do or have done. Which corona virus is going to mutate next? One of the pig ones there's 4 that could? Chicken? Cow?

Once is chance, twice is coincidence, third time it's a pattern.

Can't blame races for this, sadly as fact large populations will mean more pathogens, epidemics and pandemics caused by dense populations. For months I'm tired of the hate, xenophobia, racist rantings, general abuse and bullying it won't change anything for the better and it can do so much harm.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Considering the corona viruses are mutating in recent years there's a reason that's encouraging these mutations. We're are at 3 now so what's happening now that wasn't 50/40/30/20 years ago?

Is it medication allowing the virus to mutate more? We've been walking around with these viruses that pass harmlessly through us since they haven't had the ability to attack our bodies.

Could levels of radiation cause this virus to mutate? Chemicals in the water? Chemicals in the air? What if it's medications and these medications are making it worse in others, why some seem to recover then get worse is it correlating to them restarting their medication regiment? Are people more sick being kept on their medication which is allowing the virus to respond rapidly?

Something has triggered mutations making them more virulent, zoonotic and resistant. What if the world of superbugs is just the beginning? There's so many now, can the human race prevent them?

I don't think it's a conspiracy but I do think its something we do or have done. Which corona virus is going to mutate next? One of the pig ones there's 4 that could? Chicken? Cow?

Once is chance, twice is coincidence, third time it's a pattern.

Can't blame races for this, sadly as fact large populations will mean more pathogens, epidemics and pandemics caused by dense populations. For months I'm tired of the hate, xenophobia, racist rantings, general abuse and bullying it won't change anything for the better and it can do so much harm."

These thoughts had crossed my mind.

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By *lanemikeMan  over a year ago


Yes, it is certainly strange. Humans and various other species have co-existed on this planet for 10s of thousands of years with only minor levels of cross infection. Very few MAJOR problems. Yet now this brings the world to a halt.

The availability of quick mass air travel has probably not helped...

Something that happens in Peking can be in London in a matter hours...

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By *lanemikeMan  over a year ago


Just another thought. I think I would prefer to buy my telephone equipment from a trust worthy man in Finland rather than a company in China that could well be under the control of the Chinese government....

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By *wisted999Man  over a year ago

North Bucks

Some people in China think powdered rhino horn gets your dick hard.

It’s no wonder munching on bush meat is seen as ok.

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By *lanemikeMan  over a year ago


"Some people in China think powdered rhino horn gets your dick hard.

It’s no wonder munching on bush meat is seen as ok. "

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By *heBirminghamWeekendMan  over a year ago


"Just another thought. I think I would prefer to buy my telephone equipment from a trust worthy man in Finland rather than a company in China that could well be under the control of the Chinese government...."

Not sure Finland are manufacturing telephones anymore... guess where they are made?

Oh and mr trusty worthy man in Finland may be sending consumer data to... guess where.

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By *exierHeroesCouple  over a year ago


Perhaps the inhabitants of this "small blue dot" can remember at a time like this that we are in it together and that Us v. Them tends to have unintended consequences far more damaging than any paranoid, unimaginative conspiracies. Our track record is far from clean here, whether it be in destabilising the world climate or past ruling regimes of China. What's done is done. It's now that counts. Play nicely people x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Yes, it is certainly strange. Humans and various other species have co-existed on this planet for 10s of thousands of years with only minor levels of cross infection. Very few MAJOR problems. Yet now this brings the world to a halt.

The availability of quick mass air travel has probably not helped...

Something that happens in Peking can be in London in a matter hours..."

The black plague killed 60% of Europes population

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By *penbicoupleCouple  over a year ago


"Perhaps the inhabitants of this "small blue dot" can remember at a time like this that we are in it together and that Us v. Them tends to have unintended consequences far more damaging than any paranoid, unimaginative conspiracies. Our track record is far from clean here, whether it be in destabilising the world climate or past ruling regimes of China. What's done is done. It's now that counts. Play nicely people x"

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By *lanemikeMan  over a year ago


"Just another thought. I think I would prefer to buy my telephone equipment from a trust worthy man in Finland rather than a company in China that could well be under the control of the Chinese government....

Not sure Finland are manufacturing telephones anymore... guess where they are made?

Oh and mr trusty worthy man in Finland may be sending consumer data to... guess where.


Yep point taken, but can at least trust the ethics of the business and I bet as we speak somebody will be working out how they can move else where.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Are we going to send them the bill for the financial losses the virus will cause?

I think we should,,

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By *heBirminghamWeekendMan  over a year ago


"Are we going to send them the bill for the financial losses the virus will cause?

I think we should,, "

Do you think they will pay it ?

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By *yx_InannaWoman  over a year ago


"Are we going to send them the bill for the financial losses the virus will cause?

I think we should,, "

Why blame China?

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By *ionelhutzMan  over a year ago


"Yes, it is certainly strange. Humans and various other species have co-existed on this planet for 10s of thousands of years with only minor levels of cross infection. Very few MAJOR problems. Yet now this brings the world to a halt.

The availability of quick mass air travel has probably not helped...

Something that happens in Peking can be in London in a matter hours...

The black plague killed 60% of Europes population"

Spanish flu killed millions aswell

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By *ionelhutzMan  over a year ago


"Are we going to send them the bill for the financial losses the virus will cause?

I think we should,, "

Depends if you rate financial loss above loss of life.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Are we going to send them the bill for the financial losses the virus will cause?

I think we should,,

Why blame China?"

It's easier than looking in the mirror

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By *yx_InannaWoman  over a year ago


"Are we going to send them the bill for the financial losses the virus will cause?

I think we should,,

Why blame China?

It's easier than looking in the mirror"

Sad but true for most people to do just that.

Many governments are to blame including ours. Each country played a role in lacking prevention measures. If people were forced to quarantine from infected places soon after it was discovered to spread this would never have come to this. If our government supported people who were sick in the first place it would never have got to this. If countries banned flights it would never have got to this.

So who is to blame? Quite a lot can't just blame one when every other played their part.

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By *hatYorkLadMan  over a year ago


The black death in the 1300's originated in china as well, truly the gift that keeps on giving

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By *havenbabe01Couple  over a year ago


in the past 20 year 3 coronavirases have broken out world wide all originating from asia

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By *yx_InannaWoman  over a year ago


"in the past 20 year 3 coronavirases have broken out world wide all originating from asia"

MERS originated in Saudi Arabia, camel mutation.

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By *havenbabe01Couple  over a year ago


yes as i said asia lol

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By *yx_InannaWoman  over a year ago


"yes as i said asia lol


Western asia can't blame china for all of them. Asia is a huge continent. SARS was China.

But it's more than likely to happen in large populations.

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By *ionelhutzMan  over a year ago


Not sure how helpful it Is throwing around 'who started it'accusations' right now

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By *jonesMan  over a year ago


"Considering the corona viruses are mutating in recent years there's a reason that's encouraging these mutations. We're are at 3 now so what's happening now that wasn't 50/40/30/20 years ago?

Is it medication allowing the virus to mutate more? We've been walking around with these viruses that pass harmlessly through us since they haven't had the ability to attack our bodies.

Could levels of radiation cause this virus to mutate? Chemicals in the water? Chemicals in the air? What if it's medications and these medications are making it worse in others, why some seem to recover then get worse is it correlating to them restarting their medication regiment? Are people more sick being kept on their medication which is allowing the virus to respond rapidly?

Something has triggered mutations making them more virulent, zoonotic and resistant. What if the world of superbugs is just the beginning? There's so many now, can the human race prevent them?

I don't think it's a conspiracy but I do think its something we do or have done. Which corona virus is going to mutate next? One of the pig ones there's 4 that could? Chicken? Cow?

Once is chance, twice is coincidence, third time it's a pattern.

Can't blame races for this, sadly as fact large populations will mean more pathogens, epidemics and pandemics caused by dense populations. For months I'm tired of the hate, xenophobia, racist rantings, general abuse and bullying it won't change anything for the better and it can do so much harm."

We are getting sicker ...some doctors have the concept of genetic fragility, something is causing us to have non inherited faults in our Gene's, that are causing us to be susceptible to things ...the genes get damaged, the bodies gene repair system doesn't work properly and we start getting Ill in ways and at levels we never used to. The emergence of chronic fatigue syndrome in the 1970s ...gulf war syndrome (25 percent of troops that went, suffer) the increase in allergies, inflammatory disorders, autism ...adhd the list goes on ...and no one joins the dots ...its not increased awareness, that's nonsense (for the mast majority of cases). The govt and medical profession is focused on the big ones like cancer, diabetes etc..but I think they are missing the bigger picture ..

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By *yx_InannaWoman  over a year ago


"Not sure how helpful it Is throwing around 'who started it'accusations' right now"

I'm not making accusations and I'm not blaming anyone for the origins of viruses. It's a matter of fact. No blame. Facts are truth and how people perceive the truth differ.

Just as swine flu h1n1 originated in Mexico doesn't mean Mexico are to blame. Everything has an origin it is the beginning of a path. Blame is on actions along the path.

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By *ncutgemMan  over a year ago

Bath ish

Do not fear china fear Russia

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By *yx_InannaWoman  over a year ago


"Considering the corona viruses are mutating in recent years there's a reason that's encouraging these mutations. We're are at 3 now so what's happening now that wasn't 50/40/30/20 years ago?

Is it medication allowing the virus to mutate more? We've been walking around with these viruses that pass harmlessly through us since they haven't had the ability to attack our bodies.

Could levels of radiation cause this virus to mutate? Chemicals in the water? Chemicals in the air? What if it's medications and these medications are making it worse in others, why some seem to recover then get worse is it correlating to them restarting their medication regiment? Are people more sick being kept on their medication which is allowing the virus to respond rapidly?

Something has triggered mutations making them more virulent, zoonotic and resistant. What if the world of superbugs is just the beginning? There's so many now, can the human race prevent them?

I don't think it's a conspiracy but I do think its something we do or have done. Which corona virus is going to mutate next? One of the pig ones there's 4 that could? Chicken? Cow?

Once is chance, twice is coincidence, third time it's a pattern.

Can't blame races for this, sadly as fact large populations will mean more pathogens, epidemics and pandemics caused by dense populations. For months I'm tired of the hate, xenophobia, racist rantings, general abuse and bullying it won't change anything for the better and it can do so much harm.

We are getting sicker ...some doctors have the concept of genetic fragility, something is causing us to have non inherited faults in our Gene's, that are causing us to be susceptible to things ...the genes get damaged, the bodies gene repair system doesn't work properly and we start getting Ill in ways and at levels we never used to. The emergence of chronic fatigue syndrome in the 1970s ...gulf war syndrome (25 percent of troops that went, suffer) the increase in allergies, inflammatory disorders, autism ...adhd the list goes on ...and no one joins the dots ...its not increased awareness, that's nonsense (for the mast majority of cases). The govt and medical profession is focused on the big ones like cancer, diabetes etc..but I think they are missing the bigger picture .."

I've mentioned genetics on a previous thread few weeks ago that this virus may affect some more than others on that basis and in which why people are being reinfected due to the antibodies made are weak and not continuing to be made after exposure/infection has gone. Which it's self is strange. Normal for the body is to continue to produce the antibodies long after even 30 years later post exposure. Where as with this virus the antibodies only last week's.

Any vaccine produced must trigger stronger antibodies capable of maintaining prolonged protection. Or to find medications which inhibit the viruses attachment to cells receptors or replication.

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By *ionelhutzMan  over a year ago


"Do not fear china fear Russia"


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

History is written by the victors. Meaning the story that we know is the one someone wants us to know.

Financially it doesn't make sense for China to cause this deliberately via a lab. With so much of the West and Africa in huge debt to China it's hard to see why China might cause such an increase of our national debts as this has already seen. Trillions.

As always ask who benefits? There's a computer boffin billionaire who declared he was giving away all his money to charity a few years ago then didn't - he seems pretty keen on vaccinating the world, profit? There's the WHO and the UN who want to unify countries globally to one system of governance - control? There's the bureaucrats of Event 201 who met in October 2019 to discuss controlling the narrative surrounding a pandemic - six weeks before the 'bat flew into the Wuhtan meat market'. Event 201 used the term Flood The Zone to mean getting every communication channel to pump a message of fear at us so there is no escape.

Stay safe all. Consider protecting the NHS from our government as they try to privatise it after all of this is done with. The NHS is a collection of truly wonderful people and an asset to us all.

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By *iquidRavenMan  over a year ago


Nameless wonder I love a conspiracy theory concept or narrative as much as anyone but what's more likely

Bill Gates and a shadowy cable of secret elites release this virus as some type of grand end game or

Humanity is just so collectively dumb and asleep that we walked into this scenario?

The world is globalised now.. though there has been countless plagues throughout history the chances of spreading in 2020 is far greater than 100 years ago

We treat and misuse animals because we are collectively greedy and just think we can eat and treat nature in anyway without consequences (I eat meat too so I'm not grandstanding)

We have clowns like trump and Boris running two of the world's largest economies (I'm irish and have no love for our gov but in comparison they have played a blinder in early action)

Virologists and people qualified to have educated opinions have warned for years about the treath of animal to human pandemic

We live in a society ran by the rich to make more money and fuck everyone and all else no wonder this has happened

I'd hope the public realisation of your NHSs importance will reinforce the need for its survival and get it thriving again after this

Boris and co and the fucks who want to privatise vital national infrastructure will be shown up big time after this

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By *eoeclipseWoman  over a year ago


Simple really, too many people, pillaging too much of the earth.

Animals have no say and little defenses against us & our machines.

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By *egularLegsMan  over a year ago


"So there have been sars , bird flu , coronavirus so can someone tell me what the hell is going on in China ? What are they really up to ?"

I'd say they are hard at work making things for the rest of the world under duress.

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By *ncutgemMan  over a year ago

Bath ish

YOU are all forgetting RUSSIA beware the bear

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Liquid Raven

My apologies if my post seems at though I know what's happened. I clearly and obviously don't. My post gives some thoughts based on things we know and can prove if we look.

Boris Trump et al do not come close to running the financial system. They are well down the pecking order. The Bank for International Settlements seems closer to the centre of things.

Quantitive easing is money pulled out of thin air that nations borrow. We then have austerity or need to produce more to pay the debt/interest on - to who?

The Bradbury Pound is money not borrowed by our country from anywhere meaning no interest/debt to pay. If prime ministers etc were in control why would they not be issuing Bradburys and cutting national debt in a snap? Our country would prosper as a result. The Bradbury Pound is actually go-to-a-museum-and-touch-one real.

There's room for all kinds of information and discussion, to dismiss facts as conspiracy is anyone's right. The Jekyll island meeting in 1910 is the definition of conspiracy in my opinion. A dark secret meeting to change millions of lives. Attended by stealth by a handful immensely rich people - where was Tin Tin when we needed him? Conspiratorial but also fact.

It's good we see eye to eye on the NHS. It's a wonderful thing we are all able to actively help our National Health Service right now. Imagine all of this without them.

Take care each and all.

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By *etLikeMan  over a year ago

most fundamental aspects

Don’t forget that so called Spanish flu did not originate in Spain. It was first reported in Spain, as they did not have war time propaganda in place.

It began in Kansas but that’s been conveniently airbrushed from history.

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By *rumpyMcFuckNuggetMan  over a year ago

Den of Iniquity

This thread should have been called Conspiracy Theories R Us !!

Just stay at home if you can please , regardless of how the virus came to be , now isnt the time for blame ( we can sort that shit out when it's over) .

Please try and follow the guidelines , and as Ricky Gervais lovingly put it yesterday, dont be a knobhead!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 25/03/20 09:45:01]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

China knew what it was doing trying to damage the west’s economy.

Time to start manufacturing our own goods again fuck China.

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By *heBirminghamWeekendMan  over a year ago


"China knew what it was doing trying to damage the west’s economy.

Time to start manufacturing our own goods again fuck China. "

Why would China damage the west’s economy and in doing so also decimate their own ?

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By *wisted999Man  over a year ago

North Bucks

Irrespective of where it came from. In times like these open communication and transparency needs to be the order of the day.

More joined up thinking rather than trying to suppress.

Be able to trace and isolate a lot quicker.

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By *nicecoupleXCouple  over a year ago


"So there have been sars , bird flu , coronavirus so can someone tell me what the hell is going on in China ? What are they really up to ?"

And don't forget spanish flu. That started there also.

It's what they eat and what they make in labs

Take your pick

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By *xMFM3sumsxxWoman  over a year ago

SouthWest Lancashire

too many people crowded together also.

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By *etLikeMan  over a year ago

most fundamental aspects

"So there have been sars , bird flu , coronavirus so can someone tell me what the hell is going on in China ? What are they really up to ?

And don't forget spanish flu. That started there also.

It's what they eat and what they make in labs

Take your pick "

Wrong. So called Spanish flu is most widely believed by experts to have begun in Kansas USA.

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By *lack_BBCMan  over a year ago


This virus is created in Lab as a biological weapon by China to dominant the world there motto is to become super power , down the economy of every County and rule them.china is supporting financially to non Chinese company in chian and buying the stacks and shares in 40% low price of actual cost of the share to rule them . few facts keep in mind how china overcome in this situation , only old age people had died in this condition as they were non productive for them,china already had anti-vax to fight the virus Chinese president was roaming freely within country, hospital, meeting without any protection like mask,virus protection suite as he took the anti vaccines shot before he go out so he can't get infection, now in coming days china will cliam that they have found the medicine on virus to capture medicine market in the world also there are many other factors which I will share in pm if anyone is interested to know.so Beware of china , take care of yourself be safe at Home.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"China knew what it was doing trying to damage the west’s economy.

Time to start manufacturing our own goods again fuck China. "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"This virus is created in Lab as a biological weapon by China to dominant the world there motto is to become super power , down the economy of every County and rule them.china is supporting financially to non Chinese company in chian and buying the stacks and shares in 40% low price of actual cost of the share to rule them . few facts keep in mind how china overcome in this situation , only old age people had died in this condition as they were non productive for them,china already had anti-vax to fight the virus Chinese president was roaming freely within country, hospital, meeting without any protection like mask,virus protection suite as he took the anti vaccines shot before he go out so he can't get infection, now in coming days china will cliam that they have found the medicine on virus to capture medicine market in the world also there are many other factors which I will share in pm if anyone is interested to know.so Beware of china , take care of yourself be safe at Home.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


The black plague killed 60% of Europes population"

Over a rather long period. Though I read it was more like 35%.

An interesting fact....7 people on average still die of the same plague every year.

Last week around 40,000 people died of an easily transmitted, airbourne, respiratory disease......not Covid19.....TB!

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